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Item R13
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Apri! 20. 2005 Division: County J\ttorney Bulk Item: Yes -...O~ No Depanment: CQJlpty"AttQm~y/Risk Management AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to lease/agreement for 5 years with Canon Financial Services, Inc., fi)r a 4530 Image Runner through Sands of the Keys, ITEM BACKGROlJND: Provide a 60 month lease/agreement for a Cemon Image Runner 4530 Copier/Scanner. This replaces the Canon 6030 which is over five years old. The monthly paymenLs will be $596.00 to be divided between the Risk Management Department and the County Attorney's Department. -~..,^~-~~~... ~_.,~-~~-------~-~.~&~---~.~~~ '_._~~--~~-~~..,~ ~.~~-- PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: NONE CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHA~GES: Lease/Agreement term will be hOIn 5,/12/05 to 5/12/10. STAFF RECOMMENDA TIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: $35.7691~y",-ars BITDGETE0: Yes .----.Xu No COST TO COUNTY: $35.760__ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 8D VALQgJ~l'rl REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No.K AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Att~__ OMB/Purchasing __ Risk Management__ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~tJ>~J.~t)~IO'lL<'L JOHN R. COLUNS DOCUMENT A l'ION: Included _L To Follow___ .. Not Required __n' DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #__.. Revised 2,/27/0 I MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Contract with: Cannon Financial SeTV ic~~Jnc. CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Effective Dale: 5/15/20P5. Expiration Date:.Fi"e Y,c:l:l!S Contract Purpose/Description:J,c!1s~Agreement for .5 Y e<;lr.~j9.r (aI1()!J,:4530 I mag:e Runner. Contract Manager:,M.!:lTia Slavik (Name) J178 (ExL) COl.!J)Jy.A.tt~)Jney #7 (Department) for BOCC meeting on MrU)J,).,)005 Agenda Deadline: April 5".,.2.QQ) CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $596.00/Il1Q Budgeted? Yesr3J No 0 Account Codes: Grant: $ County Match: $_ Current Year Portion: $35.7.69 5Q)~Q_li;;O 1-530-44Q-, )03-fy]501-530-1.40- - - - .,-..--- - --- ,...._~-- ADDITiONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $___./1'r For: (Not includcd In dQllar value above) (eg, maintenance. utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Division Director Changes Date In Need,;d-/,~ ".., t tZviewcr.------- C~~r'l()( Yes[31\JoO ~ct~L ~W ~_____ tiijtb( YesD NoD . " ". .... . YesDNoli<! ;4~~~ WP}- &tftro.(, Yes[3NoD~ &~-- __ 6~/4( /Zu :31, oh /t'fk~ ?-4r'JA.Fc< k<A/ .ffv-l r~i.i J.<-1F) ?k~t/ <~-t.'v~~' Aj~-I In ~-~ /,/-r.<4': p. Date Out Risk Management O.M. B.lPurchasing County Attorney Comments: OMS Form Revised 9/1 1,95 .Mer #2 Canon Canon Financial Services, Inc_ ("CFS") REMITTANCE ADDRESS P 0, &Ix 4004 Carol Stream, Illinois 60197 -4(){)4 (B (0) 220- 0200 MUNICIPAL LEASE AGREEMENT Cf S-1045 (04,';)3) AGR FWOO NUt'l\ER ClISTD!.fi\ (fl.\.l l c(iN. I,AMEi \.101Iml- COLllll)" !3uard uj <. lHUlt)" .omml"loller~ DB^ County Attorney 1.1,~IJ5t("'fn[,l~f .105.295-.1 j 7X 6ILUt~GS[)~\\-hil"hcad Street ., rd lloor CITY Kev \Vcst .:.;:.::.: I ;~-.~. .~- MonnJe :lTATF f-L ;.Jt; (;~)lJ~.fI~{ ST!.lF 2lP i ------.--...j EQL~PMn.rr ADf}Rf:3-:~ '~-Jn Se!ii:t! ~-.jurnbl(Jr EQUIPMENT INFORMA noN ._.J iKcl530 \11'1' with QU8n.ttty M~ke...Mo;)d/LJer.cr i(~!r9.r~.. f ! 5i)(,,()() No. of Pm!s. NUMBf:'R AND AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS ..--'J.-. 6~r- ._---~- i .1 ;;.r,,1 Pa"f11e,,~ - .._...__..___.1 prinl. sew. jlap.oJ' deck. ():- tin ishel.. I'D1 enhaI1C~lIk'lll KC:-SOO color de\ ,Ce' ; i I I l__. T eral in rnunbs. Pa vrn Dnt ~ reQu e ncr IXI Mmlhly 0 hO . Pius Applicabl" : "xes !J1.,.;J'rlf::rly o Other THIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE ONLY UPON SIGNING 8Y 80TH PARTIES, THIS AGREEMENT IS NON-CANCELABLE BY CUSTOMER EXCEPT...S DESCRI8ED IN THE FISCAL FUNDING PROVISION HEREIN. CUSTOMER REPRESENTS THA TALL AC110N REQUIRED TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CUSTOMER BY THE FOLLOWING SIGNATORIES HAS BEEN TAKEN. I~.- -~-.~ ACCEPTED d__~ ---. AUTHORIZED CUSTOMER SIGNA TURE i CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES. INC. i I 18'( By:;:. __.. ." . ~ __. ___ Ti~ {~ ; .._~I Pl inled HrlJn~' Tille I S, i ..1 ""nled ~1allle. Te, (>>oon Financial SeIl1cc,.lnc ,:..c;fS..i ACCEPTANCE CERTlFICA TE "!'he CL..r.~lclfnt:!r '::'8'rlifle:=;. ./h~t iaf ~1.:- EquiprJ~:tlt [f!ff.'ned t(llPl the ate'oJ€- ,~.gll:ietrHmt h~l:, ~-::~, rf.cel'oJi?J, ib) instalt:j~on ~lrl:. bE'Wl r::omDle-t.ed. Ie ltH:~ E!.Wi~mf:n1 has kdl ~-<.j)'Tlin-ed by CU3torner 2JrlJ i'i i.. gc-oi n~ra.~ng order dnd (;\l!fdr~'.Jr!. i'lnd i:::>. If') ~I; r~spen.s, sabsf~Gt[}[)' tn ~oF! (;ustl)ini3l. and (d} th€ E'lJipm8nt l:. :rrw.m::-ably ~(;G~ptE:-d by It,f.' ()r.::lar'lHH tef 311 ptfl--\USt'S urrUer the t~gn:-ernent. lic-cru lin~y, CU~,:DFT'b9r hereby aultiOI izes billlng LJfh~r Iht$ ,~€-ern-ertt. Tilf€'. Da-~€-. ,'~gi'lijture: X__. Pri..tof!-d ~J.am& f l~.~ (if :m(.. c. DJtF:. _._.. TERMS AND CONDITIONS . _ __.____ (stat~ f1\lme r.r pOlitic8'l slibj:~;jsian OJ c.genc~.i af __._____ _, __ . ....JStCi~ nam~j with its Wier ~A.ecutive Mfic~ at . ~j"Ja CustQrner ~e~S~$ fr-am CFS, with it. oi~cl;1 of b~l~iiJ+.)5!;' at 1~8 Gaftllf.:t [J(i~'e, S)~e t:W. MOlJn~ ~au~~a\I.JJe;:-sey.68654;-jrt-t'~Gq~t~p~r~r1t-d.e~cr.!~e.d-ab~e, t[)~e{h~;~-~i~h- ai! rep\~cfrme~tp/:Y-~~lr.;Tsu.bsttubc.,~s 'or .Jlld \~~ji1;(H'JS1o a:! SlJ-:i. ~Qli.:r;rr.(:!r.l (the 'fqJipl.':en~''). UpBr. !~l~ 1f,m-l~ Jnd caro.oons se~ t:1itll in tn,s Lease Agre,"'e,1 rAgl~e,"e1t"!. T 'l~ amount of p.ilcn PJl'mEn. i, bastG on Ire s~ppliers beJI ~stimale 0' Ihe cost ~llhe i:q,ipme'J Such r J.~menls \\lli be a~icsl6a Jp.',,'d or ,JG-~ ~wa!a ,line :;tk;1 :01.1; cost of me t:.Quipme~r ;ncllJdifllJ al"JV sal€$ 01 use ta);. is more 1)( less lhan t~e ~stim3te a.l1~. in thaI e',r&nt, Cuslamer .au!hQ~:.!'es CFS :.0 adjust :SLn:h P;1yme1lt::. by Ul) to fifteen :pe~c(!f'1: {15%i. 2, AGREEMENT PAYMENTS: Cus~o,"er .'J'C" to ~ay in advo"'", 10 CFS during Ice ler,,, ~f ~I'l ~g,"sment 1"1 the Pa)'T11e"tr >~ecifi"d un,'e.'.'Numbor dn" Amou", 01 PaY"'61l1" _bol'e. anu Ibj sool, 01",,' t;-1Tif)ljnts p.ermttteJ h.e-reuf,;jsr as im.i:)~c:eG oy G.eS (.P~yme"t5.) and (C) i1f1 S.che(h~~8: 1 attached Ilere~o, Such Pa.yments .we comwis.e-d of tr.e pr:r.cipal.alt.c! if1.le~est ~he-reor.. 3. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS: AU Paymem\ 'e~"led r,y CFS from CcSIOFTIer undenhlS Agi6€IT>MI will Oe apv;i.t to <lmOunfS ,Jue ar.~ r3)'tlte he,ec'nder chrDnoloqi',1I~. ~a,;ld 0" Ihe dalo 0; CFS', "lUCy" S~(Jwf) On th;! 1n'~l)jG~ i.;)( each such ttmul1ni. and amor.g .Lltl':"tUllts ha'~rJg tie ~am~ G a1fr i~ s~,Kf, 'Jf.ch!r a~ CF~. [11 ~t:;: .Jjjs':.'BtO!l. m~y dat.er'11!["'€. 4. TERM OF AGREEMEN.T: Tho Ie"" or Ih" Ay'eemenl ,hall wm",ence C'l iI'e (101. ,ne [qub'Mnlls a~lil'erec to C"stcme'. "a,Hied Cu,:cmer e'eCcle" C cg S Acc"pl,or.e Ce<l.'fi,c-o\. or O~1eN""e """eo I, 'he f~.:.Ji.pr'It9nt a~ sj)EtCifttl1 in tiis. Agreemerr1 Th(;- ~iM [d !f1i~ A~,.eemetl1 sh.E11 BM, ur.les;; .$("::Cfli!r terminated b)' SF$ Jrt-er iU: e~'el1t of -defauit ..}~ ....ntier V--e r:SC8': F undirlg -D~v'lis:or. wlle-r'J all ar:10Un~s r-ecl.-;~ct 10 bE! piC, ~y G"SIO'Mr under Ih,! AQ-'el;lT'enl rave ",~,1 P,1id as rroMed. f"cepl "s set fu~, 'srein .~ CliO-lie' ~"; no rigol to rei"''' ,n" ~quipmenl Ie, ~FS. 5. NO C~S WAR~ArtTl!::S: CU.Sn:;'MEP !~.~n,'~j"'.LED,~-::'ES 7H.~T ct~S IS :-";OT A M/~~~:.Y.j,C IURER, DE~\LF.:r~ 0R SUPPLiER OF THf. t:::UUiPMENT. CJ3TOMEk ,4.GF.EES "':"H/n l}lf.: E,:";,I..;!P\1UH IS ~Ej\.s.F[; "".;!."S i.s~ ..'!,t~[) is <:.~~ ,; SIZE. DES!(;.U At.Hi CAPACiTY' SEl.f::{; n_r Fi CL;3TCMfF--~ "-;~~~J H,A,S M.'illE NC PEPHLSEr~T.~.TIC'~~ <)R u.~'AHRANiY \\'ITH PFS~'[C T TO ;HE SUITl'.8IUTY :~'R U~_.!R.t.,EIL!TY e,F THe: cC,')IPM ErH, THE .^,BSE:NGE eiF A.~',' CLAiM elF I~.IFR lI.jGFMEtd ~l~ fH E tI f:.~ ,")~ Ai.li O1I~ER REf>PFSE'J"1 A lIr)i, ')~ WI\pr'N-iTY. E\P~~SS e,R ilJPlIEl:- 'it 1"4 F'FSr'fCT TO 1 HE. ~C"c;PM~i.JT 1t..ICL!..!)I~J:.:;, lu'1 r H0U: Uf1/IT.~".T~'.)N. r rlE 1M f-tl FD .'N~'\R ,{M.J n[s e'F r..~Ff;'>-])\N t ~,bIU1Y .t..~![j F!'T~ESS h..!R ,~. .P..;r.::iC)L.~H ~1.lRPC:.Sf ^fl,' w~rr.~nt}' rh;!h,' E's~,t'd 10 ~hoR cq~l1pmf-n~ !1~~d(L ~~' Ihr. :~.lppl:e:~ dp.aler. or mJr'tUbc.tlUer is St'~.8I.8tr: frCo[fl. t'nd lS nul a P;j!~ i.lf rht~ .4.gre~rf)enl :::H'ld Shrlr1 be tor the t:er,.e~t or C FS. CustCIfIF.:-i. aflW CFS.'S pur;;-j-:..:r.:.ellJf a~::,jg:!IB-i;o It any. 51.) long ;J-:> Ci..l:5tomer fS tlC,t i1., br@;Kn (Ir .:J8'tal.llt Dt l:h:s .~9~~,:m","nt cr'~- 21%igflS kl ClJStOlflt:f. 80:ely hi thF-- purpl}S&s d r;lijk:ng .;i:i"\d p-rC's€ctiti'lfI .Jr(y' :.l)ch c:ldlm. tltf rig111~j If.::lnf wh:ctl C F~! m~~. ha.....e aq,aIfl:5tttl!; sLlppiia. :j~8f~r 0r Illjnl.Jbr.klr~T tOf lJr.each 1)1 "Na"arl'! '" otn", repte,ontl"<lfi r"'PBcunq "ny ito,", at Lqupmenl .::I.lST!)I~lR AC~NO",1 EDGES .~llD O,GRFFS HtM NElTHFR THE' ,;I.IPPUEP NOR I,NY CULER IS AUTHOR IZlD TO WAIVE C,R AI..'ER Afh TERM OF rHIS AGREEMEI.tT DR M.;K.E ~/j'{ F'Ef'Hf:S[NT,; TIOI.; on WAF'RA~HY W!Tl1 RES Ph: I TO THI.S A.G[iH:MI'N r OR THE Fr"iII1PMUtT Or! BEHle!. F m CFS. 1. AGREEMENT: crs leases (0 C",lo',"' J 6. RSGA L fUNDING: Th~~ .::::IJ~tfXn8f 'N:all Jf1t~; ~~~ It has RIl1i.1S ih'ailabl~ to ;Ja~' Pdym€'l!t~ il~ty.aNe pi:..f5Uant to lh~~! Agri:?'9ment (jI.,~~ 'h~ !?n1 Df Its C!Jrlen! <!ppl (jpflaoon pel ic.d .:.Ji:.t1 "'-'i="lnant thelt i1 ~~~)~li~ly inti'";'nds ~,) malo.:- P~ym~nt~ tn P!3th Jr.pr':lpfi~~,-m Pf!f~oJ fr':Jj:ll n~1''''' 'Ufybl jj).e. e-nd of 1hi.~, Agf€-8-rHo:-nt. Th€- ~)f1i<:[f of fh8. Custom;.:!1 r.c!':p:.)f';Sl[,Ie-lo! ~r~j)i::If~tior. ot C'IlStO'ln€-r's i~nrllj~1 N,dget s!~dlf fl.:"ifj[.!-~t frl;.fl~ Its !egls~;jti'.'-= bod,! O~ fundlrJ.] aLJtt"!o:)f[t'y full.Js 10 he pillrl t.:} CFS un.:j:,r.!f thI::J. .~.'1"B"I:Hrl€'~tt ~r mtwltt.star::ding ~j-L~ mJ..in[t In good fanh (l.f 5~Jr.h Hlq.%st i" ;3l.;clJrdanl.;f!.l\'I~ 8P~UJ.J1'L:ll~ ~{c-(;edl.H"188 an11bi~1 thc~ (;!:<:€!fCl88 (.If 1€21::;i:.Hljjbk ,~~r-!'!- rln1 alll.ge.rtCf'- ::;ur.h I~Qil:s.'a~""e b{Jd~' 'Jr functJf'lQ au::h.::J~ity ~op.-:;: not 8~propli~le ~~mjs!o bF.:: paj.j H.' CFS 1m I~ EqUiprnt!fIIt. Customer rnd'~'. Up:)l~ th-:! ~:d"tat~tLl)~ of Ih~ k.fldin.g f1utttC'ri:ed k,t the then currffit ~~I-:Jpl i:llii.lf, r-~I kJ-if I (-luff', the I.::q,;ip'mcnt 1(:, .:;f s. at CU5lom~r'~ 1i;':>:~II:'nse anu ill iK[Oi(t.;)I1Ce ""'itb ttli~ /\gre(o'ffi(!nt. and tl-€-i r:-up(')~. Customer stl.i.ill tJ(, n:;'ieass-d (If its ()1::-:iga~-:Jn to m~~,e Pay.henl~j t-:J CFS 1\.1& t~leaf!f.1 pmVldl7ii. \ ~:' 1tll:- E'iuiprn.ant ~8 retul ne-d t[, CP:; as ~ro'J~Jed fe'l in Itle A~r~~m~t'Jt. ': 2) ~1Fo abc:,..s aesJ':iilH.:.=-d rl'.Jtic8' :::-tata-s trr::l rLiFIUfe ot the j~?slat'.'[. bDdy 'Jr p..F.:d1ng 3I'J[hmir-/ j.r;. eipp;upn<:iw tt$ Fl~r...:!s~af).' i'umis d-:.. tt~ ~~~;~~-:Y.t 0~ ';':'i3rv.:':'".!IJ.;J~L)n: and ~ 3:, -::'Li.~h n(J~c€- IS ~cornp,;u'Jlf!rj by' p~1~'m~ll of ;a11 aroounr.; thl2-n due !(:. CF-S unoor lt1~s AYlcr.rnf:!(!-~. In tnl2- e-...cn1 CU5t0mer r~jiJl ~"1'--, ~.~ Equipment;p.Ul "::iJ,.mr I~) th-8 tR.fms I)f trlis Aqfc.f::mLJont. Ct-" ~_::, SI-13[1 rF.:t.:JlrJ ali S'...i!:llS pilid by Clj:=:torne~. Ir rh~""-! rr(:,~qSlOnS of ttli5 pi~ragrapfJ arE:! utili.:::erllly (~L.L.$tom~r. Custaw.:' ,lgAAS not 1-:..1 !)lJrch3::'ioP.. leaSE:!. 01 r~f1~ i~l~' ~1trlr,i!r furtCtlon::ilv simif;:jr f.'qulprnen~ f04 the- t1a.tY1r.:~ I)f the sctle.jlJI~.j t.:-ml "Phil:=; Agr~ernef11 folk!wlr!.g ClJst.::Jtl'Jt:r':> r.):e-.rr.:IS~ .of Its teHrlir1iJ~on rights h.elol:.'irl Thi~ p~agraph will n'Jl ~ (:onslrut!d~iH~ 1r,.F~~fml~1ne Cu~t(orrl-:~r t.r.- t~mmate ~)t! Agr[.~~ml;ntm I1Jder to d'~(lL~H'L ;i:ny oltLer .;]'~pm.t':nt ()I Lk.li~ft ~md3 dtre,~rt'r' 'J) iildirp.-c11~" h~ p.erfoJrm f:-::;.serltlaily the sarFI~ appli.:;~bl)n~1Y. .yhich tlof F'1I.l1pm8l1t is ~ltencl~~i 1_ ACCEPTANCE; ()EUV'EAY: ~~ustom-r.~'"S '!=.!)!8'Cu1J.0n of thfi" I\r.~~f.lt:mo:;& ':'-:!rtificalf.. or Lu::::tomer's plo'~isi[}n tD U S.-:.f c:.tt1f:'1 w!itt€".n con-fUIr,8tlmllff it-s. -<V"c.;;.ptaflce uf:!lw F~!ipmE'nt. shall (;!""l;dL.r.->iv17lv ~stabll3h lt~;:.( tt'i.s Ei..p.J'prn-8i1t has b€~r! doP.ii.....-ere-i ~o and .:lo::(:-t:;p1ed b'~. Cust?fFH!r f,1r 'l!t f;lI1p8SG'5 of tt~-::;. .t.,[Jf!8"ment i.:IM CLJ'SK'rn-er ma:~. nr.::,: f.:.J1 any f8'a~on re'l!)~.e th';ll j)[;r..aptanc:-e- 110'1\'h'OJr: if Cw:;tD;ref 118:S r"!{Jt 'n'iHlIr. t~n j lnj .ja'~s ijll~~ rleilvery' I.)f the Ft1JIPfllE=:rtt dl:-Ir....~rr.-d tl} C rs w~iUe!1 rH:,tlr:F! I)f an~ ni}:~.-:5CCiOioptFin.:;e (It Ine t:.quiJmHln~. spe-t:lff!ng ::h~~ iC~J~')ns ItterMNe 'l.nd -:.:.p~(:.ific:a1I~' leferenclrJij this .t,.~e&me!'!i CuskJ1:w:r shall b~ d~eml::'d r.:) hJ'Jo? irrl;o'....l)caCl~, .2ICGl!p!8'd ~1€ Equi?rHl~.n~ '.~~:S 13 ~1€ IdS(:~ ~rrd C,~:3t(lme:~ i:::; 1hL! tWSS~1i;! -:::t ~l.e Ecp...ripmrn11.lrJOOf tl1I;s Agt:i7E:fnr.-n! A~ MtweF:'n ':.:p~ ?:f1d Customer VfII.~'. ~s ~\are.em~nt sh.aJI ::;u.j.?{:r~;~€" i:jIlV i"jlst(lrr,er pi..lrchast- IJ:&!I CIJ::;t0nloer ~lei..'::>lo waive .an,. ri!;Jhl ,)f ~re(:RC ~f!-lf.;)lmi~rl(:p. ,~!t inlS ,t.,gft!tlllt'!nt am..llo Mid crs 1~::tIfJllt~~,:> tr;}m 3amaQe::; if fm .~'ly =B.flS(lil ~~~ Equiprll~ml~:'i rlot deh'~f!r.;Jd 3'S :H1~~r~d. tt 1tle--Equpwen1 is !~~-:;r}tls1actl)r'p' c~ if CF~) dl)BS rv.Jt (7..q~,~I.rt~ trllS ,j,.~I:!.er~f:'fl~ C~J:stomE!l 8.Q1 ee~ ~h;]t ,:"jn:~' .jeI8~i ir-, Jeli'..er.~.,']1 Ihr! Fqlll~m-8-n! ~h~tl nr.-f ,:rlf6-\.t 1:J:t: v~id:~r' d lhl:> AgiE:-erne-nt 8, LOCATION; UENS; NAMES; OFFjCES~ Ct.:::1Ir.m!~r ~;haI1 n~! F.!OIf€ H.,e F((u,j:tment !rorr. {he ,:O~~Hi()[l 5~cHi-ea h'flreiil ~~c~pt wi!h tr:e 0(cr I';Iri~n cilnsa~t of CFS ,':lI~t:JTler agu~es thi.i~ It wlH ~e€p t~e I:.qujpm~r,; fr~.c an-d cie.i)( of olll t1'::IIii1S a~\-d [is'!'"<s Gt-her thai"l th'O-$.e Cf€.ate.d as a res'JI~ uf ~~I'5 ,~,-gr~e"'llf>n'_ CustOIl1~(s leg:af r;.!II"l.E; (<I'!; ~et to~ :r. i~~ ':C"i"Jstituel'1'tdocume"lts filetl wltl",the ap~mpi"ia1e 9t'J...Nr'1rr.'enlal Gth::e;::; .(I~llcy) js sel. fCrth ,1f!r~r.. U~l,)n r~q:lre:st. Customer Will e:eii'lIer tD CFS r;err.~~ cO~S~u.e'!'I~ Ci!JCLlI'T'iEHlts :he chief e~.ectJtp,,'e .Jiiice ('I~ Cn~t(irr.e~ is !D~?ted :;it ~he add:-e~fJ sat f:;i1;~ h-erei<:. Ci..'stomer iYid :l.')t cllt~f:Qe its r..3r:J6 or the :~.:;~M.fl (If it~ c~ier ~xe<J:j'if. r:(li:=;.e [.i...ICE ~FS has tJetln Qi'ien at ;e.JS[ JO d'.aY5 ~r;C'r ~rit1.en- 'lOlice- :J:iereof ial"lj CLJst:)r<HH has t?:<,ar..uteo ;lnd ~ginl'e.red i(1 Cti) S{.i':::"'1 fi::ancir,!! ,~t.at~rr:e~lts ..1rl.rJ othf!r in.sh1m6'r1h= ~;;; u're:G" :,')~ .fJ Ml n;'wl ate. c:~.s-'-~t: iO~Ir}3:, SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADClITiOHAL TERMS AND COHDrT/OIIS. ,NI~!AL. 9. USE; FJNANCiNG ST ATEMENTS: C~stor'r'ef ~kaH Lomw~ Wlti-J ali jaw~ o~ r~iJ'.,i:J~infli) (6labnq to the LIse or ~!int~[)anr.e cf ~he ~Qu.i?m,~r.t ~ lJslOfr.er s~la;1 ;)lJt.P1B l,,~ulpme.n~ only 10 t~e use C01Hf.H~lpla~ed b~ ~~,e manJfa{::!IJJ~ of suetl E qtli~r.-,ef,t. Sll~torr:-e.r 3utnGn7.s:s CfS 1:31"10 rlny thia~ .;J.3r..~ :1-1~ng ~er~'I;~ d'e:5;~nm~,d !If G~ ~1 ill e:wieC1.Jt-e Md frli;. (~~ j:r.i.)(1cmg. s~remer:ts e"il'den-G'~'\J;) thE: ii':lereSl af I....f S !r_ rflF; FqulpmE'lI':-L.: bi .:.:r;."l~i~l~Jabr!1l s1.at~rr-er..ts IT] re5p-et~ thereof. Jr:d (.-::) am~lldm9nts (inC~I,.J<lir,g f-o~m~ :LJ.rt:,ainln-g a bro.aae:-i {1esc.rlp~ior. of t~.e f:qlJlpne.n! tlla-r.lh~ C!'C$.(JlplIOn s.et fO::1tJ r,-erelr'lj and Custvllll;;', ~r.e'V(;:cabl, w~\ie.:-.J a~'.y ngnt tc; riclice th.erfJC't. 10. lNO:EMNlTY: ::::'I,;"S101Yi~r ag.i'8"€s t~ relrrlbtiTse CF S fCi 0:'>:"'11 t-:1 de1I:!r.d= 2f;S :Jg~i,l-S: 3ny .:i~i'rl fr;:r IOS-Sf!".; :.r in1u,;, (;:JiJsC'd by tle F.:-~ lJ;p'""!1<irt 1":1150 Sec!l{]n sbH :;1j~...i'Je terr:'!Hlat;,)r' at -::r:s Ag-nX~f"I~.I,. . 11. MAINTENANCE; At rrRATtONS~ '::[js~~mE'r will k~{1~ ;t1ld r'!"i:liNJir. th~ t:.q;:i-prrenll: Q<:,oJ ~or~'~~, urjer f.n~ ~)':a:! ar :;j~'LO!71-cr\ e~'pf.,'.~e. _~l~~N~' cr!~ I").stat 3:1 ~c:d~lce""H~.r:~ ~Mt, an': ~l~Ce-SW~l{!S ""t:-e':. rrqweJ i:": mal!l~~,r. thf. E+J:pln.::i.l or'. ]OO~ ..",'cr.-:l1g co::.:.nd!tl;'Jn C U~1;;Jmei :::;.'1 a:; nOlo iNithclI_/ the- ~ri(;r '11,..;i~~.,;:l .^,~Hls~nt.c.1 Cf- S i:lilf:e al~~' ~!"Ja.n'Jc~ I.~I ~l~bf;tifUi.;)rs lS ~""e 'LqUipi1lc-~.t /\Il~ jllLl ii-i; (I:':!p!acene~t ~ 3ft::. ::'I(C::::~~I}il~-:: a!...;Y'o!:z(:c '..:h~,lQ~5. ,mc,'fol ~;,:~~.t:tL.t;~,I'l;. re, :l:1e t.Qu.prne-n:::;1'1 a;1 t.ec.~!I!~ ~.art c~ Ih" F..~l.;lp!"!'H."~t ar.d ~ubte;:::t w Ihe ~e!m! of m,~ ,~.greer~~~_ _ ~ ~ ."., ^ ~ _ ~.... r-'~' ..., .'. ~.. _ (' 12. TAXES: OTHER FEES AND CHARGES: CUS~()W,H S~Ae e P.~ Y ANQ O;.S,:rl ~:;..c, 'lheN ,r.:!: Me L1CoNSo ~ ND "EGIS! o:A, IDN f EtS. ,~S:,bSME'iT, SAd,?, u:cE. o"~,F:!, ,A~._. v'-"k '"..(~~. A.~rJ GTHE:;;: E:XP~NSES ,4,NJ CH.<,.RGES, tGgcrh~r witt! ally ~-opl;;::at.-t8' pt!:Ja~Ie:G. in!er~st. r;Cl'~I" (:r i:it ~11iY t.rr.e ,n~pD5ed :..:p-::-n any itelT~ ~l[ tilt E:QLJ.'p_T1er:t. ~ne :)a~'mr:l~! ~'21j'(Jt.l'e i)1'"i~!e; ~11S A.~:ef::.llt-:l!. or CI.~t~I":~l::=' pertormanc.e or Mn-perfJ,ma;:-!,:-;e.,'Jf its otr.igi5ttr.:.r".s hf.:reOJr.~er. 'h nettter p.[l~abIC b-~' ~JI a'S,'\e.:::..se~ to CFS (.Jr Clistoi1ler. If CIJ5!Oi1l-er f~~~ tt.. par' an', fees.. as/~~s~~eMS, ta.xe$: t.xpNl$eS, ;;~ ctlarges as r~QL:"!red l:Jy tr.e , Aglp.fr."Yle!':!t, C~ S stJ..a11 tJa~'e ~~e fight blrt oot U,e :;c~Qatton to (lay tllc:se fees. ..:tssc~.srr.cr.:ts. W~J}:s., e".i,H~;"!!;e~: u"- th~rgl:!s.. ~f .gucl': ;J.aY~Tlen;t ~rC made t1y ':....).,~, '......Jstorl1er ~hifll prornpijy relrnr..:.J(:ii~ C~::-;. upon d'9r::al'l~. fu~ , ~II 'luch p-ayrr.eIlIs 1ll3dc ph..!5 [l-dr.lini~l:r.;rt..[')r. fe~$ ~Ild (;OS~, if ary. CI..::;.tomer ~k!lO~le-d-ae$ HI.)~ 'Nhr.-re i"fQ>,;:lred' by law C';:S 'Will fie f,lr~' notices and .[)a~ /)e-rsonal propt':rt~ t~.x:e!;:i !!....'~iJ M the I::q~ipl1"':srt. ~ysrum{tr ~h3ll reir"':CLlr!:'e C~S 1o~ th~ expe'ise ;::: pElfSC'r.iH :DfOOerty l;:;'U$ (i$ f,M~mated: and InYOII::.e::l b~' c;=s ~n11 ~ay CFS a .D'o(e~slilg fee ;:'"J{lt to e:t,;eed 550 per Yf!(Ir ~w l1em of Eqwp'Tif:nt ~~lIch :$ s~.b.lect ml ~:....:~~~.:.... .......I.iS!~~e-i" ~~~1e~s ~~~~~(It~ :poLY~i'~~~:' ~;i ~~\'$~rE ~~c~~'~i~~~'J s(~u~t~~le:I~~.~~,:~~~ ~~~~ IS;Ullt~~~~! ~'kc~,~~~e~l\ ~~.~1>I"l:~~l.'~~ ~~.:i~NRr.~,~,~~~ ~.~~ ~~~ ~.i!~'~~~~'~7: CS'5;=.F.:.j~ ;~1\~)'R'~~ ~~:~ S ~~ :;~.. ~ ;JF HE ,\C"AiNIS !RA."'!" ,',ND ~ce8k,':fIG WS'S 13-, HiSURANCE: CIJ~!(:-m>::,r .at ;t~ szl!e co,:::.! .and &;(~ense. sh.al: obtal!l. iTl.at-nl...t:pr: and pJ~' for :J!\ ;r.S-Lit~IKe .a9a:r.Sl '':':<l' loss, ~rft. or aam'igi:' H: :r.f.! E.:'l1ji~.'~If!-rt~ ICf the tLJ~1 replacemE I]~ va~lJe there-oL ar.-i.l !:o; wr.':~.'l;her.:sl"~'8' rJu~iK: iiabiiity ~!"iM proper!)" ("jill-age In:::; ui:;1[1ce. ALj .~Jcti Insumr,Ci(! 5:'lal~ pr'J....idt ~or ~ det1~lcLr.-le net e:H:ee~~r.,1 S~. OO!} a-r:d ~e ~f? ro."!'I"I and amount. an{j IA"I~ :::(Impan:e~ s~ti~fac-to!")'" to C FS. ~ ocrl .,".t';L'ce; P:'{i',fi.jJr'j sl.Jd: ~n:su.j3nCiE :Jh~~ l'lar'lC crs as ad"a'tiiJ[!a~ 1'l:s.iJred fi;lld ;0$:;; ;JJyei:' and' p["cvlGe C~ S t1i:rt~ (3(;) 11i:!yS written notice t;.e~OH~ ttH:i! ~o~iq If! qJes!:icr. sh~;1 tit lfii.l1er:ally alterec 01 cance:ied Customef ~:all D~Y thf rjH~nN.:m:l for S-Li(h insu~.anCf), ::;tJa" be .res~ons'.ble r:).~ a~1 dBd uC':tbl~ .por1i.;J:1S the-..eo', af';Q :::;11It111 (}f~lil,!er ef!rtl~s,j3tm. {lr (Ithc' ell~de-:;(l3 of In,;;iJr.arce 1CJ C~ S ftt:p. proGeeds o~ S.:.Jc!1 insuranc'l: .:1t 1tte- \1p:.tior. I'Jj Cr S. shal~ tic i.lpp1wd t[) (a:, reploc€ 0' rep..rthe O"Ulprr,"nt. 0' ibi ~'1 CFS Me 'Rwn.;r,,"" Le,,," iJalanoe: For p"rJlose"of!llis Agc<JI)tM'l1, l~Q 'Rema,olng Le",. BalJOce' 5",11 be "'e ,Jm ot: 1,1 ai' arJlounts L~"n owod b,' CC\,IQn'"'t~ US . urll:::er 1td~ AJreemef'li: ,:'ii the p~es8"::l~ !Jal:.m of a!! '"Om1l"inif'l'~ P~YI)wnl~ f-or ;tJ.e hil~ te~i:I ;:;f ~Ii~ Agr€:8"01Cnl ph'!:; {i:l) .any J.j.lplicat.-Ie ta;:~s, e~~en.s.ei:. char'J~s and .fee~ For P:lr-pos.e.S .~t ~-eterrn.lnl.-I"J'J pr.f.::s~n~ value U'fl,jer lt1:~ ~il~ee~eni P ,:r~me-nt5 sraJ-l [:.e -dISC0vntt".j ffi 6(/-.-'4- .;.er te~r C~i$tt:me-l oora'O, ap:pS\t.'"Its ':~:S as Cv5tplT!{!r's ,Jt'tt1rnet-:n:.f;p,ct to m3k.e ::~a.n' Tar rE"'cel~'e: payment [A. .<l-r'!C (.o1er::uM ana €-nC'-0~s.e: d~ ""0CJ;::~:'ts cf;e<.:ks, or drafts ~.r .ir'y )1j;S ';;;r d8<"f1a!1'= [1["Ilet J:'lf ;)ul',", Insurar.:es pa;I':'f. !~ 'jIp'!:"1ir. ([!lIJ O:IIJ.Jt5 (if1el C:::::; ~ le~lJ~St. :'::J3~0f!'1f!f fai:s tc. jeii~'N ~~.sf~Cl';.'q' e..ndel'!C8 {)~ suct' InSJr.:3r:=ce- to '~F.s. .~Cfi U:~ '51~~!! ~.}.~~ ~;:-,f! r'9:-".t. b~t '1!...'t :?"I(! j!.:t)'. tiJ oetaln InS~lan.:.€ WI'!i1 reS~6'::~ t-c ;~'B EClll'.:'ller.~.B~~~t:.;ry ~O Cr-S ~t [h~ e~o.en~3:Yo t!1a: 2Ll:31ul-"!sr. C'L:stQr:-.-.:r ~13f{lti"t ~';.e~s.lhiit c;.-~ 3''13:1 ce tll1::Jt.ed ~C' ret~.r .[n, !'.ceS ~,lrr.~j f:1! Ii r. C;:;-:-I.-,8(:t.Q: ......1h ::I:;; .f.H.1;JJrC;;i L)~lt3in2iJ l:n.jf::f t.~,~ AgreE-:-nf:!;",,~_ ~.:r,. 850 ~C.i"~ <::s. j1alth~r C'u.srC'''Tll3"r rQ~ C~3 h.tls O,....1:~':'ed :;J;::f"J I~S;jr~r,ce: :iJS~rre~' :shaP ~ :~y iC CF::, I~PO!1 d~rrara~ 8n ~j"'r})lJr:~ 3q.L:3! (0 5% I)f tile P[:l'Wler:~ ~0f t:aC!l ~i;l,r.; pericd. ~ ,,_ LOSS OAMAGE: CVS:L)mel a~urnes. an'll sna:i Dear me 8"iltif; IlSk. of "'O':;~. th~ft tl. or :ji:lr~~a'ge tv 1he Equipmen1 iTam Bf.lY :::ause whatsoel,ier, ~ifec~lve 1J~'O:l llelivery f...i- C:~::;;lornftr. N~ :SLI.::h :;)::;s tf,~tt o~ ~,arr;;:tgc :;~tr~ !e[i~...e Cu:;lom~: ot .ary ol::-~i'Jation JF"Idertt'!i~ Awee-ment IjI ~e C"t'"f1t of (]i.l~n~~ \0 (i~ly iifK!l1)1 EqlJipmp.-nL Custo..il8"r shari immE: dllltely rc-p8lr _Su:::~l Li.a-rfla.gL~ ;::11 Cli:;;~\)mer's e);pens~. If any ;tem nf EqUI'P!"flC'llt i-'i lo~l . stOi"" (:f O~II1S~OO ~8l'Jnd repai' C<J';lOll1er, at the o~tion o! e!.s, 'k;;i !.:, 'e~l"e the",,,,,, .'1~ ii<e cquioment "' J w"dnioo :)C(Oejllab!B to Cf S ~"d convo, O'oS, IVo Ie' IUch eOUIp",""t to Cf S :-,"oh eouop'llon! 'HI!I boco!lle ~t-qL~i'Dme!lr ~ljt;.jecl tD t:~-e term::: Ci~ this P.,9mBment). -:Jr ~bl'pa~ CF~ Ull:: ~e[illllin;r.:Q l.ellse B~I;:mr.e. Upor C:!--s.'s receipt of thE. RCr-H.t![Ii;1g Lea~;~~ 1L;!~~nce, CJllil0:TIflr shal; bf! er.tit\ed to whare\'G'r !ntl3fE'5t CFS lTl;.ly :--:<'l'ie:r. ~L.rc:h ilfHn of Equip1e-:",L :'11:; thel'J {:(JodrhCin ard '.o.:at~n withou1. W8'Ti3r~t~s ~~ ;.l;ly ~ill;j 1 ~_ DEfAUL r: AI'!" Oi ttle f()i:'::,1w.r'~ r....ert;; 0' ct.nJitiil["l$ si".:fl conS~lh.!~a a!! E\jJjn~ ot Cet.a1J11 under ~J-l.S .i~fee~llefl~ (a.1 :f C;,..$tc"'l~r dt;-f,al.tl~~ in T."3 ~a'in'!-.enj whel-~ dUIi.:)1 .a"f 1Tld.c-.tJ~(:d_'1~~5~ o~ ClISft':."IIf.-' ro C FS, 'II~ethe.~::~ n(l~ [11:s:r-~ frO:'il t:'l~S Agrcem-Gill. ""'lthlJl,;[ fJlJt.!(:e (lr '~f.~n~1l1 b~'I~~FS. ib) ~1 C,jS;D~n:3r::.r ~f'lr Jl...9r3.1t~~ ::::E";j.5e~ .101"'j'J b;ls:"e:;~ as;j 'JOi~l'~ t:irIC.r.!1I ;.:::.) ~ Cl.',~'1Ci'"!f;~ J{ 8.:':r (jiJararr(l.j'"tJe:::-:}ITie~ !r!~c"..~r~=Jf::.j~e5 [oiP : ~~!5.~<~~nUf{l.:~~ ~;,~;r-~~'; ~~~~;~ or~ '[/~,~:b~;~~~~~; ~~~~ ;.~~~ ~~ ti:~ ~t i~ ~ ;3~ ~::~S:r ~ ~.~~ ;~~~ ~3~~ ~ ~~~',:.~~; ~~~it)~i ~C:~eS ~.;. !': ;t~~~~~(6'- ~~ ~ ~ ~3 ~.';.~~\;~~o ,~?J ~t i~ ~~~,~~~::~t 1.;LI~~7 ~~~~~1~~~~~~;'&~ r :~; \]:~;~o~ ~~t0 ;;. t~ .,' any CU--3r".ar:t.:)! -de:-fau!t; LJ nd~r an:, 1".:'-;:..1':1 or cre~i1 a~reem9I'Jt: Dr (hi ~ Ci..i-ito~E!i" or ~:lt GL:df~fltl)r \IIIho;'i; :~ ~JtUiJl Der!;.uJ\ dies: 16. REIIIEC1ES: Uoo" I"e, I"prellic~ ot onj one ~'more ~,"OIS o! Det""II, cr.s 5~.!1 h.'i. t~o ri~n, to o,er:'sc "oy ooe or ail ot tit!: tolicr~inR 'e"'"dies i"",,n ,oall be """,,,I.;i'.o), 'imtlltan.o",11- "' ",nall~' ""e in &M I}rd.ei. ~~) to dedate .111 unpa!\J P.1~ments and oti"!er amourt"s oue ail.,1 PiJvahI-E: ':jfldlJr ~r.is A~rf.'e[l1r.~t wit~ C FS ret;;.illiilg t1Ue to t~le E~;Jipment {hJ t~ ffiimi.1~ie i:lny 2410 a~l.8gffi_Bm.afl~ with C;.;storntr: i,~) wiH.1 {:r ~itnollt rlO~lce. demJrld- (]~ !e~.;,ll ~,H~j('e!o'.:~, ~) !P.-t-dil:.'!;! PI}$SP;;"'S;~lon.;:.1 ~n~'.:)' a~ ()f th~ l::qu~p!tlem taM ',...iJ-E-m!7H!.r 3"uthorzes anlj empowers C FS tlJo €:~ter L1pllrl ~r.R prt'I'J1'!~,",,& 'iI'!lP,fe~.""t thE:! E~LJI~:IIr':eflt ma~ be roUI1.n.. 2nd ~I) ret3-'r, ~~.;::r.: E=~UIp'ITl~r~t .[]n61il1 'Of3Yfi'ien~ allL'1 ~lt~er SLI!TI$ p,aid iJnde, :r~i::; .A!;j:~Mment (ii: r{l.lf.'i:I~~ tr.--e Eq Jipmf.:nt ar~d recol,ler "rom Cijston~ef the .ar"1DJi'1 b~ which trIe Rer~~;:jirJii1g Lease BJlan<.:e ex:~ee~s ~he ,.'a~L'e attrin-Jled \..:: the E".JLii9fT1oE-fl~ t.~. Cf S FaT }J!.HPr.SES iJ't ~';;dCi..:iI;;ltjn~ ti",e: pfr~1TLelt~ unaC'f ~Ile i-€:W sg.~e~:18-n~ 'i:l! (11Ii sell i.J'Ic Eq.u:pm~nt ctrd ~e(;c,,-er (t{lr::~ CllSfull>l~r j~l( :iir"'~{:IJi'( bt ...-h~C~ toh~ Remairllng Lt:~e 5 a:lilj'!'.ce e).:::e~s ttJe- net a::l~l.Jr'~ ~l;:eivFj;~ he FS frar.: ~i(:h $(t!~. 0; idj ~(.' ~lJrsl:e ar:'f ;)lh.er renli:;i'Cf ~e-:-'il~t:r.j l~~ i~"". 0. Ir'. hlij~~'f ::::.~ s ::i: m3r ~'.s.pos€l C:~ ~,t ~qul.p~ert ;r,.t:;; t~6~'i presen~ cor ::J1i.ln or ~oli{!Wlng SIJG~ ~rC'p~ ~~j"~l ~r:(~ p--:.JC.e_~SiPg J& ;:..:~ S ~f:€lrs cum:ne..c::rl, iP.~~I~'lai)je. (,i) ~0a;! ha'tf! "'0 ;jl;t~ t::: r;;e~f.ir~ '.:..i r~~r..ct',~s ~!I~ ~-~i..iip!-,tH,t pIO.';':' sa!iE! ti;<, 'TiJ~ d-i~G"L:1f1T1 *arrantie-::. :l t1~e P:::'~S~S5;::Jj"'.. ~i.;.I~t p.f1j';::'Y!Tlc.~t [!.':.j F:(; .i.l:.f i:I!:1 ii~: :'T1-3~' f':::,,:r~;::.. *:;:to. \i"!'~ ~);Jjjii::::~b!e ::i~ale 0, feder:'ll iii'll ~~~L.!:rt(T!tn~5 i~ C(l.f1nO'CUQn 'ir'rth ~ tJ's~OSik[1 O~ tllC' E:~",,"pr:-=.en~ ;)I'Jd rone of the r':Y.:::-;)iJing act:':;lm: ~~ a,1 b~ .~eenled ~C' .3j'~e.'se,.,. aftect t:'"lE: cc.mf'!'le.cl.f!' rfoa~:: f1ac-le:i1935 c.f thtl r1iSp:::~:~J.J'- {]f trf.! Eq;,,::plf;,enH III The E!-~'ellt i1':~ EC:Li;f}.:nf!'!".t i$ n01 ih'.f.Ii~at.~ for ~....I:IIIi!. ti~e I'::: u-~).;::'nt:!r $.il1~l: b~ hi:~U6 ~(jt ~h€ RF:'fJI.ai:Hg Lfa~ 8i3:lilI"JCi! i3i1d an ~ (J~!08r a'!TI01.l:'1ts o;'1Le 'J!lder ~~I:::: .A.~~8"ei'I'lf,!'l: If he 'pr~ceed"S ct t~a-:i.31C Jr re+.asrng Of Hie EqlJi~i1l(i':Ji ~re. !':-J! ~ufficill;lm)J ~(!~ ~t.~ ttaiai!ce 1)1.a["l~ P~~r{'Jel1ts. C1WE.:d b)' C u~~:)rner dIHjr~.ts tW_'1,t.Im-erlt appmrria;ior, p.er:("Hi. CFS "!I~y lakp. arJy tJTh~r ~rr,e.jy 1'.'ailaL.-ie ai 1",\1,. o~.r e:-q:jij-~ m re.qiJi_'"e Customer to p~t :ii~~ P~yn-~ents artd peliorm atry..::f its :Jther C'b~i9ati()rr~ lmde~ thl~ f.'.greellle.1t. 17. LArt CIlARGES; nPENSES OF ENFORCEMENT. IfC",iO'"", 'aM tv v<,y any"," 10 bo. p.id ily C",~o'"er 10 US u,""jel ttli, Agree'"etll 00 ..J' u~fo'e tr~ 3~plicolil" eve dJle. L.,il.'",er ,oa;I"J)' Cf S ;Jpo., d;Jmanli: an amolll~t eaual 10 tee: ~-9{::.e.nt (' 0%) ) of ear:'1 $:;..I\:~. ~l:el-:1fe-j r atn~ef!J o~ 'en 10~lfLl,~ 1;$10 [J:Cr) wt'-icrevr:!r ~s greatE'f for o;'i3ctJ ::.iIJir.g f}.i!'fil)C (:r pt,!'ti'jo Ol ~ r.iTIii'Jg DerifJ~ SIJCh r arment ~ c;e~ayE'.J 1-s. 1M extf!'-,~ vE=r(hit~e.J by :i~''''' T~~e ar~1:;:1..Jf~1.",. ~{IN:ireG" ;:Ib-c-II"C :::!11.{Lfi "Je pa';Q ~.:. 1:.-;. :.J~da~(!-r.1 d~;rna,&e:.; ~:!d ;1-:;' O:::::"T:~-en::h1~(In f:y C-:: S ':; :!!\Et:<ij' .jveri:5ti:\~ e:a:pc'-,~~ inSI,iTcd ;:l ::"O'mi~r.bO!1 with SiJ:::11 I~~-r;- p.'3rr"':<:::n~ !~ ::-Jd(l1i('Jp. C-iJ:S:D;;':-:::r ~ i':;;;~ !'(o;f'lbLJffi€ ~:~.~; !o~ JII :}f ih 2U~{lf-r:-e.,~k':!t :;I~5i::ii ar.~ .::'!::.:~en~h f'L~U;'i'a.t i"i :-'~ r,.::i~ill; ?Ii1)' (11 (~ "I;h~$ ..~, ~Wllt1LE:-,~ [j :de~ thi':) ;"~tel::-rr::=:r:t iS~;'! ~.:k:;.r::-in~ nny of me t2rm::: ~r ~ro'.'<SiC1S (Jf thi~ .~9r~el...e!'~ .i:C~:J.jI,~,q, w;t~a,-t ii'!rlita~jcn reJ':.i-c.:'IJt:ie r5.Uc~r:~n. ffe.i- .if1d e1pel'i5C~ and :Uc::. []f"J~ E';xpen.se~ of ,;-.::dects'll] dg.~':lj-8S. iA ht::'~!ler Or rl::r~ :s~A I!;. tt: :.J~t:l .~ CFS ~hc':",'~(.! L~r:r:~ Cc.J~: .a~~;-:::,:,", CiJ$larr.~- a""~ C;::S ;J.g,ee :~i;lt ;l~U1~(S '.ee~ flC'. a:. ~o P.l.'I9f1rf-~~''''' D'!;!I'CE!'!'"It \2~~! f.; th-f! -Jf'!'"ICL-r:1 ~OiJ~tq D)' t.F'S :.!l;~l b.c: jf.'f!-rrlf!-d 1'F!-.f:i:;;:IJi .;.}t~ r:::-r p !J'.;A!!-'.i€'S r,f Ihl!>. A"dref.-I"f'\errt. 1 g ASS~NIIIENT eelS ~nf,(fR Srl~L, Nl}T ASSIGN OR ~l[[lGr T,~'S 1,,,;1 fEMfN: ," ',HOLt ~:R 'N FART IiOR SHAe; CUSTOM, P. SUBLE~ O,q ,f!-lD ANY "EM ::1f EQu IPM ENT ',F <!,~T :i-'f PR iJR WK' ~ ;~N CUN$f~JT OF \~F S. CFS .~l~t pleUgt {ir tri.i~l~fer th:~ Agfeer~~e;lt C:Wl:ir(]rl:~~ ~J;rE;:e-s that. if CFS tr~nsfer~ 'f,~15 Awe~~~f.-n~. the I"!CW ~wll~r 'i'litl 113'Je lh:: ~.~.1'1.: ril~~~ (If':d tJ~rle:t:;. thritO: S r.<l~ IlO"lll' .,1r'~ '",i~1 i10t h.a'Je !(1 ;LH:"rI0rm ,~'my of n=s ~ ob~igat1!)n-5 CmtorneJ agrees th3~ tl'!:e r:g.'-Jts of t,''1[' r.C:J,. [~W.fler l\Il!l net be: ~I;bi~ct:.o .:LflV claims, .jt"f~~'r.ses. O~ set-offs TfJJt Cmttlrner m::ri h<l.....e ayarr.st Cr:S, 'f'1G'd~n~. witl1o:i.t! lJr'Pll!.atO'1 cla-i.rns. jjefen:::ez Of SE't-{)lf~ J(~ing out 0= :)enl~c:e [}tJ;i~:::t~or t, if (:ny, ~mdul t~i~ A!}rFeI'"1H~rl; : f t.us.tUrl1er i~ ~iv.etl ni..'l!iC? (J~ 3!Ty Sll.;.~ tr[l~l5fer. CI!~t-iWiN ttill~e:-;, If sa dh~c-:.e~ therein ~::..: '(jay d~te(:'iJy It: ~lie new vwlle~ atl (Ii" any ~.art;]f:i:e amo!..lllts p;''-r~t1i€ :":erel]ndE'~. 19. RETURN: U:I!b!=i f.lif'~~lHler ~,!..!~-::+.<l~.f:S the Eq';I~f')fnt a-$ ~.'~J..dr-d;" ~!",':=; A'!;f'?:o::!:rl""flt CI.;.:;.t{i.!o!Jf s:-<i:l:1 .3l1;:C te;""rrllr.at~1' of thLS ,';gr-6~r."":.efl~. 'e-tLJr:,! t~e ~q i.i'pl.;f:-n! M ,~s ::;;;)I~ cos, .an-a e);~~n5e- ':'" g..::::d op::!,i:l:.Jl'Jg :;ond~tM. r,r(~i!'lMY '......c~ (l.,'G t-e~r fC8:JIt>rg ~mm pmpcr LJse e:x~~~ffid. t~ a: Ic:';?'!i(Jn s(:!e-:::~8d ~..- (:;;:'S. !f tor ar..,. f6a.s'.;)[1 Ci...str.:mr;r !;!'i3il f.8i: \':: ~~h;~i: th~ Eqd!pi'llf!'~:1 tJ I~;;S ;1$ ott)y~d~(ll~,1hi~ A~-~~rr'(:"\I h t~-e ,S/:;[ <~_~~ J" tHe 3:j::pl:C8Ue t~..!'!'" CLJ;;t;'1!'rIE::'~ ff.a:1 ~J;' t::.:.'~;: S Up(l." del. ~""Ij "Jl'lf l:t1II'Y ~'t'f:'::;';j';; P~f"n~rr \1r each ':'J:~i,r.] ::rmo'j ::r P~l~I'Jr. t.l'!ere,"}t ~,at 'Su.: h je-I'\'rrf'(:::; cEra-red 20. WARRANTY OF BlJSlN ESS PURPOSE: ~~~,~10rr:.r;f ~e;";i;!~e'"lt5 {Jnd wa"r dr:h 1:-';~ ~..,~ l:,,:,ui~'Tj;"::~'.l'~' I: !"!I)tt\:' ';58:::'1 Tor ~e.""SGf!.3! ~am~:f 0r '!"!vl;S~~,(li.j ~lirp[,s..f!S Z1. PERSOriAL PROPERlY: no{]" :: q iJipF!/Jnt shal~ rerr.a:n Ds-rs,Jn~1 pmpe'1: re9Jru~')~::'; of wi':e~er i1 bp.-:::(Jmes ,affixea to te,tll pmpert~' (:' ~f;rrrl.~l"1~Il~y resl:=; u~vl] ~r,.y r~al pmpe,"tf or d!l~ ~mWv,l::"r~II::'n~!o f€.:ll pror.erty 22. lIAXIMUlIINTEREST: RECHARACTERllED AGREEMENT: No o",meM is ;"too,I""~" """",I the "'iU'o; urn ilflm"ot 01 omo pno" Mf,cenb,i 0' ,,",rest as appl,o"Ole, pO O11if1e d to lie charg"" Dr wll,,'~d OJ a~rli(..mlt. I~~. ~r.d a...,~ S'l.ict: e.:C;ccss P a~meflt rHHI Dfr ~p:p!~d ttl p;j~lrems ,1utJo :JtH1e~ tt}!S .'\g~Ber.ltn! lil ~ti\"~rs~ tJrder -:.:-1 H~~lltity. a"d rDcr~~ft~r ~h~i: be refu:'")d:l]~. rf tris A-qreement ~s reci:fJracrnlizp.d JE. <1 c(:n~ition3i :sai~ or Icar 2usrornc-r :i;ereb-y T3J1tS fc- '2fo.S_ 11::; ~IJCCe~Sn:'$ J:1r.: 8ssig-:'JS ~(':urit"~ ii'ltereP i'l the EqlJi~l(7'lef~t Ie: secure p~yme['!'t .:Jfld pe!'/o:n'"'3r'ce 01 C.:..:s~omer'~ oOli'J.a~C1"1S under ml~ Ag_u.!i!lT'ofon~. n UCC . ARTICLE 2A CUS ~.JM ok AO.NU','"llDG~S A."<D A.GREES ; ~.A t 'HI S OGR F FME''': IS 'NTENOE C' A.S A <FIN.A~C E LEAS,," ,',S t ';.A I i lH;~ IS.~' fiNeD iN ..I.R -i.::, , 1.'. DC ~~F UN'F:) R'i, CJ~ME.R CI.1\.. CC:DF A~~') THA.T ,>-~ is EN TIll I::: G fa .~,i.'~ 6E.NEJ i1 S PRiVIL~'l;~.s ..IJ.NrJ PROTE,::--! !CoNS ~)F A L E.S.SOR UNDE~ A '" ::\.l..NCf: LU"SE.. :N, WA.t~ER OF 0 FFSET. ,. hi~ "',~rf.eri;~l:t i.;,; .i:l r:-r.~ iC2lS.l~ !f tie [C1li,prrent;f. ":Jl C-rc;.p.;:!~;l :i"in~!i~c. ~[)-e~ :1(11 t.-:;;:(lrjl:e '* ~pres~jlltd ~:r ",'~rnl::~a:j c.~ IS J:";sEr::..s1acto!')' ~Ol gr'f i'Bd~'::r. .;:: IJst';::''!It:''r ~n;::.l~ !I3~.e ~;..:;:: ~ir1i"" ~:;!e:'i ~a_Tst the SJ~p:lI~r Of!f1IM Cri rr,8i'1i.:t..KtLl~~1 :_~ ..:~:'t.':riE~r *a,...es a:lJ =Jnd a:l.::!~:str:-;; c.rj ; L:lu r08 c,,..r.'-:; 2.:-:0 :"!5se~s ,;~<I'f':",-t ?I'J~ P<,'I:1e"',t,;; G: ~~i~l('r ch:;';Q(!s d..;c LJf'C.-S - It:IS .io,'Jr€l::lTIl;!rtt .!:!rld 0('('':. '1dl~L'-I~.a:lr -:3re2S ~'J PClf s.:.Jeh !''':.a}'j'TJ~n~~ ,,8:111 L):t',~~ cr.~t.~es re~i:I~dlcsG of arv o~set (I.' ci.3:~ ''-''Id':;:, f'ny r..e .f.I~$f)r~c CJi (;Js-t':)f,~:;;r ojr i)i~ its ~h1ttf ;:3_ NOTICES: ,~n noTIces r€"Ql..:l~ed or per~lI.~t:d uilder.1his A~l'{Ierrrenl shail ~)C :;]-lJffitieM ~ I'}e~f\lf~ffid pflrtOflalE:r, sent \.1"1.:1 f;:~t.$lmi;e-, or i'lI1{iI~J ~-:J soct1 iJaIty itt t!'1e aac:U~ss set forth In :1': IS- A~~eamf.'nl, {}I' 2:~ ~lJctl l)J:fler ,ddress"s ,"-C~ varl:! mar ~e"g"a:e ," w"~ng ~"'" t,mo to M,", A..1Y not". ""en Cf S!<J Cdome' S~,Jli "" e;tecti'i" 10"'0 d.,s "fter it I;as b€o', de~Gnited '0 tho ma~, 'Iulj :>dores,,". A! ,o;ice" ~o CF3 "Dn, Cust"",.r ;1hr1l~ be ~r~!lc::rrve a.fter It tras t;.E:~rl n::!cei'~~d "Via U.S M;d. e-:4.p.rt~~~ deil"'~ry or r~(:simile I"nocr.ine: 2-6. AUTHORrTY A.ND Aurl-fORJZA TlON: C LJS~Ol"'J'ler re-pr!;-'Se(t,$ .:=.rd Ctg~~e:;. 1;'<1: ,:<.1; Cu~ior':e;s a sta-te (,r a ~cHtc.a~ slJ.t)dilll<!'t1)(' ~)r ago:'.:r;~'~ L:~ a :-:.:.et-..:. (bi t.~.;.!t -e.'"F.erir'1~ ;~:o .o3:"c ~':!:rivrm 3f)\.:e ;J.t ~l'":e .A.~feeme!'"!: IS JiJinJrllfC :In-dcr C!J:stc.mer's f'Wte 18'''~ anc '~Oi'i~ti~j~i()!'l i:lno d(ie5 ~'ot ~'~Iate or c:""~aalct an'r J.:.J.;jgr..;!!'I!, !.fiw. arje~. ~r (eg:Jla~C~l. 1)'- CJIJSf a~~' G~fali1 i..: !'"1~er -3:1~ agree:!fle. '11 tc w'hi-::h C,j:stOf,':f!1 ~ ~:~1~, ?-~d 1:-::::: ':':I,stOrfler h~, ::ul;-'!ph::C'. w:1h 9r.~ ti~j,('.~ r.aIJ:!...;r.::rn.eilS J,'ld ...her1 r.e~e-s~',~rt. !'"J~l~ ;,p>~.;;r')" P(fl"'S-\:r.~1!'d t:"";IS .A.grIMCI"!er~ ior a;q:r;:"Jal a.r.d. ~,:t:p{i.::;"I ilf.:) ~iij L.i1:::!iiJ~tlQlI Ol~ C>.l:!:itari...er'$ par:. UO,ifl 'equ8'Bi CI...'3t';}i.:8!' ::J~~ree.s tc D:C'.'id.e '::;:5 '1/'11th ~[1 O~I:II:::;~ ::-t I~":::":~ sei CiS k ..::!a'.~~e~ .:a:i irivU~~' ::-:". 1l~ Ii!-. .:n :;""'::-i.:rr t-e~..:'~' c~mt:fr;:.. :3"IC ..Jttle~ dc;::_::na!",~s. t~.~: CFS 1"!"'ii:I.'f r~-::]l,;f::'~t '~,;:tt~ ~il ~'y;C~ ~:J-::U=-:1e.r:is tJ~I:IV i.' :3: ion: sat~;Q:j~rl ~D C;..::; 27, rACSIMtl~ AC Ct:PTA~CE- ;.:dstor'"":.ij"" ::l~i"ffl!, lh~~ CFS r'.c1v a-c.:-e;J[ ?1a>::Sin:!02 ;::i)p~ :;r lr._s .Agr-c-ei;\f,;:".~.y- ;JIll j,r.:;:ejHf.'Ic:r Ce:t-~c~~e a~ ~,~ original. :lrd 1hat i3;::SIr,",:ie ::::)pie~ o! C:':-St2';:'::',~:'~ :-;iJ'I..~tJ~e ",';1: :~ l~~~\td a.s a'l uriglnal 3r~ 'N.!I ~Ie :~dr.:li~:;i[;;i-:j (is -::~'!J'(}tIlS~ :}f l.I'"Ji'5 ~.9re(mer. t or ar~ o~ler docLl[j~e.r'l1 dp."~i'....~re;i .:.:.,. ~:)';~I;I1i~ 28. NON .WAIVER, No ",ai"er of acr (It Customer, 'Jbliiio,ioo,- co"d~J""3"' ".'ena"~, ,halt be ~ft<ni,'~ udesl cGnWintd in "writ"~ si~""d ii, CI' S. Fa""," to exen;ise .OJ rell1"-d, ~.hich as "1.1 boY' shdtl not Gonst-Jt...te a w.a!'J(!r of aflV "bligatJOC witt::- ~r,$p$:':~ 10 wl,ir::h Cll:;t:jrt1.C~ is in dci::r'i.J~. 2'9. IfjSCELlANEOUS: If therli! ~r_auld va i'!:ll~t tr,a~ OM j..\arty ej(~~'l:--:.:tJr.:(i th:s fo.g~cem2nt dS C,-:sto'1"lf,:r ~; (Jbligat~lls 1lj ~t' pJ~rf[)fn-'ej c: c.!Jst::::mer sflaii be- the :Ofr.~ ~r:n ~'.rf,!r~1 ~iaDiliw (J~ ;<<!- ~u...,i'. -partes ThFj C~!3tC:(T:.~~'.s r:E!pf.f!Ser.taMI1';. ~'al!;3I'!Me~ ~r:rl i;'{J'~ef'd['lt:) urCer tliS :A.gre~fI1E'n1 st:aii ~,'!'vi~e tne ce:i;le:~I/ tt:ld I"BtlJm Df t~s- EQUj~HT!E:~t Ar:'r ;Vi')'~ls~n r:f this. .t.greer..:.errt w~:ich !i1~y Cf. c:e1'€IT'li'!"lcd Q.,. c::rm~091f:j:-~ .aL1I1i'jri~ 1"J bp. prc-!']fbtec: O! uner::fo,ceatlfe ;:'1 an~' ",~'m;G..:::r..O.'I_'::':l~r., J:S" [C ~iJ(:h ILJr.::.;jICDJr: ~E! :""i8~eClJ~ ~o [r.e f:!:c.le-r1: of wet; ,JrIJ'1l:Jrtl'Llfl C' ;...fl~ilfo~~G:JIH~ '~.;h'J~:t ~1'?~'al!d2~ir:g the rer;'311;,:ig. ;...rrJ',:;siJ1S Gft~is ;',}.If"€6:r;e~~. ~('1 s:..:.:-i. ~..':t:'~llhltlo~~ iJr lIftenfe:rceatll!It'r' in Bn~ :.lJI i;J1iCl:!_'=<! ::)h~lli ;fi....i:'!i)!JaW fY r~rder lin~0br.::eable Sut. i"J ~101jISf..."w ~i' ,;.r:y other IL!:J:;j(ction. . J.G: GCVE.R..~_MENT US~: C,..;stDrrer 88rt.f.$ tll.~ (a;1 C.Us.torr8f ""'111 {:orl,~.i~ ll.';r~ :-ltl ;nf~'Hr.if"l~~j.li nWJ:1ir. g .tqun::ITli::,"'ts ;)f:h6 ;1"1~a.rIl:J1 Re"'fH"!l:e- ~:ooe of 19Sti. J~ ~rr.er'td(o'~, :~Klu.;!ln~ Jill rot hm:~ed ~J If!'=" exeC <I l:'CtI all;1 1f!1~~'er) tlJ lJ S of lr..f(l~m3tlon reoJol'1!:!';G ~~a1tlrl€lnts ~e~l~lE-st~d by CFS I.b) CI.;..=;tC'I8r :.I,:i:: '~J.I L~['I. (,,:;ju:;t1l;.: J:.e Jor:oc or fa:':::o d:J an1 :3cj .r .:lich ~ct \IIi.l! caus!!:' lhE:!- ;1~:ere'S-~ p'iJrt-t.;:r' cf thjj P .;:l"t>'"1>::nts to ~'e or t.c ;;tE.::-o::.':TIf! 3I.JOjoClC1 to F~?e:~ Irx:ome ~a.xatc,'l. 3j'lJ (c) Itle ~:~e vi tr:.iE' EqiJtpm8"~~ ~3 essi?nha~ for C.:.J5~ome(:; prt1frf:''". efnci~f1t d!"1d [!COromi[: 0fIerat0.r., ::','"f,tiJr;:'ai" wi!1 ~Ie the;' Dnl~ :In'i1t~ tr ;Jsc the l qL:i~fl1:ef"Jt d.;.mng ~r~e jerrn u~ tr.is A~r.eerpent and. t..~JS(Off~r WIU use th-e" '::.Q.jlpr-:B1H [)n1y fr.r Cu~t~ti~len. ~(I\'fJf'lnlCnt3J plJfP.f.Sf!S. Upon ~~*~est, C:.J:;;((~!TWr ag.~iJ~s ~ prvlJlue CJ S wilh 2'1 f!~~e:.,t:'a: L.se-Iett-er!il .:J fCfrn 5['rti~ftK1C.ry to- CrS.as to G~iJ5e ;c) ab-m;e. J1. GOVERNING LAW; VENUE; WAr"ER OF JURY TRIAL: lHIS AC.R~"MENT HAS SEFN EHCUTED 8Y Cf~ ,,,. MiD SRAll fO~ ~Ll PURPOSE~ BE fJfEMErl ~ CONTRACT HH!,llf() INTO IN THe SJ ",r l: ::1, '<CN JEHSEY. ~Hf !~IGIiTS or niE ~A.I;l!"S UNDER .'HiS ^GRi'EMENT SHALL~, GOVER'IfO BY THf LAWS OF THE STATE Dr Nfl'> JER:.;f\' W:T4C'UI RUEREo!<CE T() ~;Oli,; iC, C.F lA";' p~I~G~PLtS M~Y AC-:-IC N BE. ~\'[t: ~~ (;..::$ T8MER A~S CFS S'""'!~L ~ [;[ 8f~OUGH I IN ANY ,;T..\ Tt ~)R ;'EOE!<:AL ,~OUrd ~CCA ':"c:J iN 7H: C0UN i Y OF- c,~.~,mEJ..l ~~)i."I. BURL ING"~ON \:E~'~ J:.RS("Y ::" A: ':::;,~' 58L[: OPT!ON,..N ....HE: s~ .,I).n. 'WHE.<::E THe: C:!JSTO~..iE:f-.i UU. '; HE t.LU!PMt:NT is l.OG.ATEI; CUSTO~1.ER. 3'.... i:S 1.::(I::(;J1 iON l,~O OE:~I'~'cR'~' Ht=RE"O';: .'nRF......OCtl.6LY \N~..'\'f.S (iB,IECT:ONS ~D :.I""!'c J:"'IRi2!~ ~(:T!(j\ 2~ SUCH c'~iJr-;;; S t..~[} Q8-;EC-ION~: YG V~~NUc AN[; ::'>JNVt:N..f:N~~~ ~ f F0Rl!M CUST(!~.~:::;;!, &V :TS EXECIJ TICiN IL~'D [YE.LIV~K:": ~~~Rt:O:, ,~,ND CF':; BY !TS fl,SCc? :/.NCS: HEq~ (F ~'tR~B'r (.'A~VE5 ANy- ,~I~':-~ in A j;...!~"" TRiAL I~ ANY SijCH f.lRC::~;;DINGS . ::F:J-: ;j~5 '::~i'J:j: P'.j':!~.~