Item R17 BOARD OF COl1NTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM Sl1MMARY Meeting Date: 4/20/05 - KW Division: County AttorTl.~Y Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Staff Contact Person: Suzanne Hulton AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a new Grant of Conservation Easement for Old Mariner's Hospital and resci ssion of the Grant of Conservation Easement approved by the BOel' on February 23,2005. ITEM BACKGROUND: Due to issues of uniformity and to provide Islamorada with the assurances all of its conservation easements normally provide, Islamorada subsequently requested modifications to the Grant of Conservation Easement approved 2/23/05 PREVIOUS RELEVANT DOCC ACTION: In an effort to provide Islamorada with the required Conservation Easement on a parcel containing several hardwood hammocks in order to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy, the BOCC approved a Grant of Conservation Easement on February 23, 2005. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODlJCING: Yes No K AMOt"NT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Attya/ Ol'vfBlPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROV AL: ~IJ & l(:{J~Y~'- 6 \ John R CoHins, County Attorney DOel! ME NT A TION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Rcyiscd 2/05 TIlis i nstru [nent prcp<-m:d b~ . Lilban Arango de la HOI. bq. \l./eiss Scrola Helfman PasloriIa Gucdcs Cole & Roni,kc P A 2665 Soutb Bayshorc Dmc SuilC -1-21) Miami. FL Tj ITj After nx;ording fOUn! 10: IsJ;Jmori-lda. Village of Islands ~nO()(l ~crscas Highwa\ Islamomda. FL j )0,(, Real Eslalc No. 00419430-000000 GRANT OF CONSERVATIO:\' EASEi\IENT THIS GRA.NT OF CONSERVATION EAS~MENT (thi:-. "Easemcnf) is given this 20th day' of ApriL 2005, by Board ofCollnty Commissioners of Monroe County, rlorida, \\,hosc address is 1100 Simonton Street. Key West, Florida 33040 (the '"Grantor') to the ISLA l\lO RAIl A , VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, Florida municipal corporation, \vhosc address is 87000 Overseas Highway, lslamorada, 171. 33036 (the '"Grantee") As used herein, the term Grantor shall include any and an heirs, successors or assigns of the Grantor, and al! subsequent ovmers of the Property (as hereinafter defined) and the term Grantee shall include any successor or assignee of Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H: \VHEREAS, the Grantor!'; the owner of certain real property situated in \1onroe County, rlorida and commonly known as lll" refCrTcd to as the Old Mariner's Hospilal or Roth Building, located at SO High Point Road, Plantation Key, Florida (RE# 00419430-000000), and more specifically described in Exhibit "A" aHached hereto and made a part hereof(lhe "Property";; and \VIlEREAS, the Grantor desires to redevelop the Property fiJf lIse as Monroe Coumy SherifTs of'lices and/or Sheriffs Station, and obtain a permit from the Grantee for this purpose (the "Permit') and WHEREAS, the Propcny contains High Quality Tropical Hardwood Hammock \vhich requires long term protection and management and retention in il5 natural condition, WHEREAS, the Grantee is authorized and required to re.gulatc and control the use of the Propeny through its Land Development Regulations in order to protect the public heaith, safety and welfare. Sectinn 7 3 6 of the Grantee's Land Development Regulations requires that certain areas of the Property be retained as open space and preserved in their natural condition to ensure long term protc"Ction and management if the Properly is to be redeveloped for the use contemplated pursuant to the Permit, ";HEREAS. the Grantoc in consideration of the consent granted by the Permit, is agreeable to granting and ~('curing 10 the Grantee a perpetual conservation easement as defmed in Section 704.06, Florida Statutes, o\cr ponions of the Property NOW, THERt:FORE, in consideration of the issuance of the Permit to construct and operate the permitted acti'Jity, and as an inducement to (Jrantee in issuing the Permit, together with other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby ackno\l,'-\edged, Grantor hereby' grants, creates, and establishes a perpetual conservation easement for and in favor of the Grantee upon the Property which shall run with the land and be binding upon the Gramm', and shall remain in filiI force and effect thrcvcr. Grant of Easement Grantor hereby granh, creates, and establishes a perpetual conservation easement t{Jf and in favor ofthc Grantee upon the Property which shall run \Vilh the land and be binding lIpon the Grantor and all subsequent owners of the Property, and shall remain in full force and effect forever This Easement shall create and require the prcsclv.ation of the open space created hereunder in its nature condition, and shall protl:ct and prcser..'c the natural, scenic, and open space values of the Property It is the purpose of' this conservation easement to retain land or water areas in their naturaL vegetative, hydrologic scenic, opcn, agricultural or wooded condition and to retain such areas as suitable habitat tor lish., plants or w'iJdlife. Any wetland and/or upland areas included in this Easement \\,hich are lo be enhanced or created pursuant to the Permit shall be rctamed and maintained in the enhanced or created conditions required by the Permit 2 Location of the Easement The location and description of this Easement is described in the survey attached hereto and made a part hereoi' as Exhibit "B" (the '"Easement Property') .3. Ri2:hts Conveyed to the Grantee To carry out the purpose of this Easement, the following rights are conveyed to Grantee a. To enter upon the Property at all reasonable times with any neressary equipment or \'ehicles to enforce the rights herein granted and to assure compliance in a manner that will not unreasonably interfere with the use and quiet enjoyment 01' the Property by" Grantor at the time of ,,;uch t:lllry; and :2 b To enllXce by injunction or proceeding in equity or at law any activity on or use of the Property that is inconsistent ...,ith this Easement and to enrorce the restoration of such areas or teatures of the Property that may be damaged by any inconsistent acti\ity or use. 4. Restraints and Prohibitions Imoosro by this Easement Except for restoration, creation, enhancement, maintenance and monitoring activities which are permitted or required by the Permit, if any, the following activities are prohibited in or on the Easement Propcliy. a The tuture development or any other activity' that alters the natural character of the required open space by this Easement b, The construction or placing or buildings, roads, signs, billboards or other advertising, utilitics, or other structures on or above the ground, c Dumping or placing of soil or other substance or material as landfill, or dumping or placing of trash, waste, or unsightly or otfensive materials d. Removal, trimming, pruning, or destruction of trees, shrubs, or other vegetation (except non-native or nuisance vegetation v..'hose removal is specifically authorized in writing by the Grantee) N01\vithstanding the foregoing, at the request of the Grantor, minor alterations or removal of native and other vegetation may' be permitted or authorized by' the Grantee in writing. in the event that the Grantee detennincs that the vegetation poses a health or salety concern, including concerns posed by natural disasters or unusual circumstances, such as hurricanes or floods. c, Excavation, dredging, or removal of loam, peat, gravei, soil, rock, or other material substance in such manner as to affect the surface f Surface use except for purposes that permit the land or water area to remain predominately in its natural condition, g Activities detrimental to drainage, tlood control, water conservation, erosion control. soil conservation, or 11sb and wildlife habitat preservation including, but not limited to, dilching, diking and fencing h Acts or uses detrimental to such retention ofJand or water areas i Acts or uses which arc detrimental to the preservation of the slruclural integrity or phYSICal appearance of sites or properties of historical architectural, archaeological, cuituraL or natura! sigmticance :1 5. Ri2hts of the Grantor. Grantor reserves all rights as owner of the Property, including the right to engage in uses of thc Property that are not prohibited herein and which arc not inconsistent with any of 1 he Grantee's rules, regulations, criteria, Permit and the intent and purposes of this Easement. No right of access by the general public to any portion of the Propcrty is conveyed by this Easement 6, Costs Pertainine to this Easement. Grantee shall not be responsible tor any costs or liabilities related to the operation, upkeep or maintenance of the Easement Property. Thc o\'illcrship or enforcement of its rights under this Fasement shall not subject the Grantee to any liability for any damage or injury that may be sulYered by any person OIl the Easement Property or as a result of the condition of the Easement Property Grantor shall pay any and all real property taxes and assessments levied by competent authorities on the Easement Property. 7. Enforcement Enforcement of the terms, provisions and restrictions of this Easement shall be at the reasonable discretion of Grantee, and any forbearance on behalf of Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder in the event or an}' breach hereof by Grantor, shall not be deemed or construed to be a v...aiver or Grantee's rights hereunder Any costs incurred in enforcing, judicial1:y or othervvise, the terms, provisions and restridions of this Easement shall be recoverable by the prevailing party in such proceedings S, Assilomment This Easement shall be assignable by Grantee to other governmental bodies or agencies, chartable organizations, or trusts, authorized or qualified to hold this Easement under applicable state laws whose purposes include protecting natural, scenic, or open space values of real proper1y 9. Entire Al!reement rhis Easement constitutes the entire agreement hetween the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any time preceding the date of this Easement is not binding upon either party, except to the extent incorporated in this Easement. 1 () \Iodification, This Easement may be amended, altered, released or revoked only by written agreement bctween the panies hereto or their heirs. assigns or successors"in~interest, which shall be Jiled in the Public Records or:-.lonroe County, Florida. 4 11 Recordation This Easement. and any amendment, alteration or release thereof shall be recorded in the Public Records of l\tonroe County, florida. The Grantor, at its sole cost and (~Xfx.~nseo sbal] record this Easement in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida., as a precondition to the issuance of the Permit by the Grantee. 12 Go\-'ernin2 Law, This Easement and the enforcement of the rights and obligations established hereby shall be subject to and governed by the laws ofthc State of Florida, 13 Invalidity If any provisIon of this Easement or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Easement shall not be affected thereby, as long as the pUlf)OSe of this Easement is preserved 14. Notices, All notices, consents, approvals or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly g1\'en if sent by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the aprropriate pm1)' or successor~in.intcrest to the respective address of each party as set f0l1h in the beginning oftbis Easement. 15. Effective Date. This Easement shall become etTective upon its recordation in the Public Records of !\.1omoc County, Florida, ] 6 Pantl!raDh Headilll!S Paragraph headings, where used herein, arc inserted for com'cnience on!'y and are not intended 10 be a part of this Easement or in anyv.ay defined, limited or described the scope and intem of the pani,::ular paragraph to \vhieh they refer 1'""' I. ~otice Upon Sale or Di\'estul"t~, Grantor shall insert the terms and restrictions of this Easement in any suhsequeIlt deed or other legal instrument by .which Grantor sel1s, convey's, leases or divests itself of any' interest in the Property, :") TO HA Vi<: AND TO HOJ...O unto Grantee forever Tho;; covenants, terms. conditions, restrictions and purpose imposc>D \vith this Easement shall be binding upon Grantor, and shall continue as a servitude running in perpetuity' vvith the Property. Grantor hereby covenants \\Hh said (Jrantee that Grantor is lawf1Jlly seized of said Property in fee simple; that the Property is free and clear of all encumbrances that arc inconsistent ...vith the tenDS of this Easement and that any and all mortgages have been joined or subordinated to this EU5cment; that Grantor has good right and lawful authOlity to convey this Easement; and that it hereby fLllly \vanants and defends the title to this Easement hereby conveyed against the 13\\.i'ul clal ms D1' all pcrso!l5 wholtls.oevcr. E\ \\"IT~ESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Easement on the respecti ve dates under each signature lslamorada, V illage of Islands by and through its \1ayor. authorized to execute same by its Council action OIl the __ of ,2005 (SEAL) A TrEST: Danny L. Kolhage, CLERK GRANTOR: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORID/\ By:__. Deputy Clerk By: Mayor Dixie M Sp{:har 6 GRANTEE: ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, a Florida municipal corporation By: RobertJohnson,~ayor ATTEST: Beverly Raddatz, Village Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficie-ncy: Village Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY OF MONROE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2005, by ROBERT JOHNSOl'i, as Mayor of ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, a Florida municipal corporation, on behalf of the Corporation, who (check one) r 1 is personally known to me or r 1 has produced__.___ ._ as identification My Commission Expires: Notary Public Print Name: ~36()71/Eascmcnt/Conservaljon EascIllcnl- fonn 7 EXHIBIT "\A" LEGAL DILSCR1PTION Of<' PROPERTY ~,'.S.UJ~ UW, -,F", i j,--"'.J :.il "I I"\I(':! I I ,::1" I '...,,~ ."". I :-', ':l 'Ie ~. "I'i\N c:I <\: I'. ,',' ... ,'jF. ril",J -..""r ~ ,I n",: II i. I?pc-c',:,: k:./.":. i J ~;II -'or" .. rl r~. , tit:" r i-:""'~ ~ I ,.: . ". 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',.':),~ i 1",'\ <:: .,:: r.r I- ,:..;te'i\' '\::'.',-,:" ieco t... (; I.:,-,n\ '-!' I);<;n., r ;.1 .-., 'I - ... .f~r ,,,. eJ<"f '" d :"It ,~, n i ~l- r, l-v, d:-, ~;<:;;J ro:-,:,,:", ~.1''' L y." \ .~, r ".':;'. C 2 ";"",1' -, C' :"r.. '" '~,~ '.J ~ ", 67 j.~~r~rc'~'~, 25'4~." E._r~t fc.~ 1;:-:;. fc~; ( U-'~_)f-~.C r~:,~,ij~.r': ;::- j.:::.'cr... ~_ .~,~+.1~" ->!'j,_~~._ '.J ~~:.n.~ ~! , I I' If' I , (. r ,~ , r -. " i-i ,. :.-~ 1 t""~ ,. -,(,-T . ;./' ;'o''-'t. . '4;-'~lC~ r'k',i, 1'-,' ,.k,]'~f".~ _) ;) J1~ ~_'~' I~ ~ r' - (r ~'t:':1 r r '!"ll.: EXHIBIT "'8" LEGAL DESCRIPTIO:-i AND SURVEY OF EASEMENT PROPERTY 'Exhibit B' Part 1 Conservation casement consisting of two areas labeled 'Location A' and 'LocatIon E' respectively located upon the site. < LocatjoJL6~: A portion of lots 9,10,11 and 12 of "High Point" according to the plat thereof, as fccordedin Plat Book 4, Page 96 of the Public Records of Monroe County on February 10, 1959. Beginning at the most Northerly and Westerly corner oflot #12 running E. 00"00'00" J 18.37' to a point; thence run S. 00000'00;'275.86' to a point on the Northerly flght-ol:' way line of High Point Road; thence run W. OO'JOO'OO" 73.37' along said line of right-of-way to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 25.00',; thence Northwesterly 39.27'a1ong the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90000'00"; thence run N. 00'-'00'00" 125.86' along the Easterly right-of-vvay line of RoBing Hill Road to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 25.00'; thence Northwesterly 34.24' along the arc of said curve through a central angle or 78027'47" to a radial line of said curve whlch bears N.00000;OO"; thence on the prolongation of said radiai 100.51' to the Point of Bcglnning. Parcel contains 29) 35 s.f. or 0.67 aeres more or less, < Location B': A portion of Lot 9 of <~Randal Adam's Subdivision'" as recorded in Plat B<:)ok 1 Page llO of the Public Records oftvlonroe County, Florida being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 170.32' N. 01"100'00" E. of the most Northerly and Easterly corner of Block 1 of High Point SubdivisIon as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 96 of the Public Records of Monroe County on February 10, 1959. Said point being coincident with the most Southerly and most Easterly CODlcr of "Lysiloma'" as recorded in Plat Book 5 at page 115 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and proceeding N. 01"00'00" E. 60.00' to a point; thence run S. 89000100" E. 60.00' to a point; thence run S. 01 (lOO'OO" W. 60,00' to a pOint~ thence run N. 89000'0(V' 'N. 60.00' to the Point of Beginning. Parcel contains 3,684 s.f or 0.09 acres more or less. POINT OF BEGINING 'LOCATION A' MOST NORTHERLY & WESTERLY CORNER OF LOT #12 OF HIGHPOIT SUBDIVISION, P.B. 4, PG. 96 Curve number 2 1 3 Radius= 25.00' Delto"" 78'27'47" Arc= 34.24' T angent= 20.4 1 ' Chord= 31.62' Chord Brg.= S.39'1.3'53"E. f:' 't.. I~ 'c \C NOR T " :::0 o ! ! N I 0 o -' '0 I I g -1"0 ,;vz,," :Z GJIV -OOf" I II ~.t II~. . 11 ~r \ '\ CUrJe number 1 Raaius= 25.00' Delta= 90'0'0" Arc= 39.27' Tangent= 25.00' Chord= 35.36' Chord Brg. = N .45'00'00''W. DATE: 11/15/04 SCALE: 1 "=30' -0" PROJECT: 'EXHIBIT B' (PART 1) CONSERVATION EASEMENT VILLAGE OF ISLAMORADA 'EXHIBIT B' (PART t~ COMBINED AREA OF 'lOCATION A' (29,135 Sf) AND 'lOCATION S' (3.684 SF) TOTALS 32.819 SF FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT. -' W. 00'00'00" 73.37' o SHEET NO. 1 ~UNTY~ONROE OF 02 .I Nil I 21! ~II OJ U) f- ~I Z ...JI i:=! Ct:: W 0... 0, Ct::1 ~I WI ~II \ j \11 'H I I I I I IRON PIPE IRON PIPE 60.00' 15' a 0 q 0 0 3,684 sf 0 'D <D w TOTAL AREA ~ . 0 'LOCATION 0 0 .0 0 0 0 B' ? q q z (fl N.89'OQ'OQ"W I :.: i I~ U 1- 0 :.: N --.J I") 0 r--.. W ~ .w 0 U 01 a ? c:; z ; . 'EXHIBIT B' (PART2~ COMBINED AREA OF 'LOCATION A' (29,135 SF) AND 'LOCATION s' (3,684 sF) TOTALS 32.81 9 SF FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT. POINT OF BEGINING 'LOCATION B' OJ '" "0 OJ N MOST NORTHERLY & EASTERLY CORNER OF BLOCK 1 OF HIGH POINT SUBDIVISION, P.B. 4. PG. 96 r "7 --_.--V//7T,. 3 60 ..}t -.0:1:; ., "'; , '1.T/-. 7/7TT/754.15?//77777T~ 425.23' p.) --.-- ig.~;'-----~ 9~;o,1 ~ /7777T///T///7/T/Td :;; V 1 . !-,1etcI T.---~ ~ 8 ~r~;77~\1et:](a II .]<6-ci b <<>,,,, UllOIPg ~ ~;'; r~.Fl. 9.26 ~ :U./.L/..L_3BOO'(L/LL , 1.21' _E /~ i~)I~ I ~ II ~ , \ I I ,I r": I i 4 "\ \,. " L OF~ DATE: 11/15/04 , SCALE: i 1"=30'-0" PROJECT: 'EXHIBIT B' (PART 2) CONSERVATION EASEMENT VILLAGE OF ISLAMORADA SHEET NO. ~OU~TY~IO~ROE BOARD OF COl1NTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM Sl1MMARY Meeting Date: 4/20/05 - KW Division: County AttorTl.~Y Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Staff Contact Person: Suzanne Hulton AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a new Grant of Conservation Easement for Old Mariner's Hospital and resci ssion of the Grant of Conservation Easement approved by the BOel' on February 23,2005. ITEM BACKGROUND: Due to issues of uniformity and to provide Islamorada with the assurances all of its conservation easements normally provide, Islamorada subsequently requested modifications to the Grant of Conservation Easement approved 2/23/05 PREVIOUS RELEVANT DOCC ACTION: In an effort to provide Islamorada with the required Conservation Easement on a parcel containing several hardwood hammocks in order to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy, the BOCC approved a Grant of Conservation Easement on February 23, 2005. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODlJCING: Yes No K AMOt"NT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Attya/ Ol'vfBlPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROV AL: ~IJ & l(:{J~Y~'- 6 \ John R CoHins, County Attorney DOel! ME NT A TION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Rcyiscd 2/05 TIlis i nstru [nent prcp<-m:d b~ . Lilban Arango de la HOI. bq. \l./eiss Scrola Helfman PasloriIa Gucdcs Cole & Roni,kc P A 2665 Soutb Bayshorc Dmc SuilC -1-21) Miami. FL Tj ITj After nx;ording fOUn! 10: IsJ;Jmori-lda. Village of Islands ~nO()(l ~crscas Highwa\ Islamomda. FL j )0,(, Real Eslalc No. 00419430-000000 GRANT OF CONSERVATIO:\' EASEi\IENT THIS GRA.NT OF CONSERVATION EAS~MENT (thi:-. "Easemcnf) is given this 20th day' of ApriL 2005, by Board ofCollnty Commissioners of Monroe County, rlorida, \\,hosc address is 1100 Simonton Street. Key West, Florida 33040 (the '"Grantor') to the ISLA l\lO RAIl A , VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, Florida municipal corporation, \vhosc address is 87000 Overseas Highway, lslamorada, 171. 33036 (the '"Grantee") As used herein, the term Grantor shall include any and an heirs, successors or assigns of the Grantor, and al! subsequent ovmers of the Property (as hereinafter defined) and the term Grantee shall include any successor or assignee of Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H: \VHEREAS, the Grantor!'; the owner of certain real property situated in \1onroe County, rlorida and commonly known as lll" refCrTcd to as the Old Mariner's Hospilal or Roth Building, located at SO High Point Road, Plantation Key, Florida (RE# 00419430-000000), and more specifically described in Exhibit "A" aHached hereto and made a part hereof(lhe "Property";; and \VIlEREAS, the Grantor desires to redevelop the Property fiJf lIse as Monroe Coumy SherifTs of'lices and/or Sheriffs Station, and obtain a permit from the Grantee for this purpose (the "Permit') and WHEREAS, the Propcny contains High Quality Tropical Hardwood Hammock \vhich requires long term protection and management and retention in il5 natural condition, WHEREAS, the Grantee is authorized and required to re.gulatc and control the use of the Propeny through its Land Development Regulations in order to protect the public heaith, safety and welfare. Sectinn 7 3 6 of the Grantee's Land Development Regulations requires that certain areas of the Property be retained as open space and preserved in their natural condition to ensure long term protc"Ction and management if the Properly is to be redeveloped for the use contemplated pursuant to the Permit, ";HEREAS. the Grantoc in consideration of the consent granted by the Permit, is agreeable to granting and ~('curing 10 the Grantee a perpetual conservation easement as defmed in Section 704.06, Florida Statutes, o\cr ponions of the Property NOW, THERt:FORE, in consideration of the issuance of the Permit to construct and operate the permitted acti'Jity, and as an inducement to (Jrantee in issuing the Permit, together with other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby ackno\l,'-\edged, Grantor hereby' grants, creates, and establishes a perpetual conservation easement for and in favor of the Grantee upon the Property which shall run with the land and be binding upon the Gramm', and shall remain in filiI force and effect thrcvcr. Grant of Easement Grantor hereby granh, creates, and establishes a perpetual conservation easement t{Jf and in favor ofthc Grantee upon the Property which shall run \Vilh the land and be binding lIpon the Grantor and all subsequent owners of the Property, and shall remain in full force and effect forever This Easement shall create and require the prcsclv.ation of the open space created hereunder in its nature condition, and shall protl:ct and prcser..'c the natural, scenic, and open space values of the Property It is the purpose of' this conservation easement to retain land or water areas in their naturaL vegetative, hydrologic scenic, opcn, agricultural or wooded condition and to retain such areas as suitable habitat tor lish., plants or w'iJdlife. Any wetland and/or upland areas included in this Easement \\,hich are lo be enhanced or created pursuant to the Permit shall be rctamed and maintained in the enhanced or created conditions required by the Permit 2 Location of the Easement The location and description of this Easement is described in the survey attached hereto and made a part hereoi' as Exhibit "B" (the '"Easement Property') .3. Ri2:hts Conveyed to the Grantee To carry out the purpose of this Easement, the following rights are conveyed to Grantee a. To enter upon the Property at all reasonable times with any neressary equipment or \'ehicles to enforce the rights herein granted and to assure compliance in a manner that will not unreasonably interfere with the use and quiet enjoyment 01' the Property by" Grantor at the time of ,,;uch t:lllry; and :2 b To enllXce by injunction or proceeding in equity or at law any activity on or use of the Property that is inconsistent ...,ith this Easement and to enrorce the restoration of such areas or teatures of the Property that may be damaged by any inconsistent acti\ity or use. 4. Restraints and Prohibitions Imoosro by this Easement Except for restoration, creation, enhancement, maintenance and monitoring activities which are permitted or required by the Permit, if any, the following activities are prohibited in or on the Easement Propcliy. a The tuture development or any other activity' that alters the natural character of the required open space by this Easement b, The construction or placing or buildings, roads, signs, billboards or other advertising, utilitics, or other structures on or above the ground, c Dumping or placing of soil or other substance or material as landfill, or dumping or placing of trash, waste, or unsightly or otfensive materials d. Removal, trimming, pruning, or destruction of trees, shrubs, or other vegetation (except non-native or nuisance vegetation v..'hose removal is specifically authorized in writing by the Grantee) N01\vithstanding the foregoing, at the request of the Grantor, minor alterations or removal of native and other vegetation may' be permitted or authorized by' the Grantee in writing. in the event that the Grantee detennincs that the vegetation poses a health or salety concern, including concerns posed by natural disasters or unusual circumstances, such as hurricanes or floods. c, Excavation, dredging, or removal of loam, peat, gravei, soil, rock, or other material substance in such manner as to affect the surface f Surface use except for purposes that permit the land or water area to remain predominately in its natural condition, g Activities detrimental to drainage, tlood control, water conservation, erosion control. soil conservation, or 11sb and wildlife habitat preservation including, but not limited to, dilching, diking and fencing h Acts or uses detrimental to such retention ofJand or water areas i Acts or uses which arc detrimental to the preservation of the slruclural integrity or phYSICal appearance of sites or properties of historical architectural, archaeological, cuituraL or natura! sigmticance :1 5. Ri2hts of the Grantor. Grantor reserves all rights as owner of the Property, including the right to engage in uses of thc Property that are not prohibited herein and which arc not inconsistent with any of 1 he Grantee's rules, regulations, criteria, Permit and the intent and purposes of this Easement. No right of access by the general public to any portion of the Propcrty is conveyed by this Easement 6, Costs Pertainine to this Easement. Grantee shall not be responsible tor any costs or liabilities related to the operation, upkeep or maintenance of the Easement Property. Thc o\'illcrship or enforcement of its rights under this Fasement shall not subject the Grantee to any liability for any damage or injury that may be sulYered by any person OIl the Easement Property or as a result of the condition of the Easement Property Grantor shall pay any and all real property taxes and assessments levied by competent authorities on the Easement Property. 7. Enforcement Enforcement of the terms, provisions and restrictions of this Easement shall be at the reasonable discretion of Grantee, and any forbearance on behalf of Grantee to exercise its rights hereunder in the event or an}' breach hereof by Grantor, shall not be deemed or construed to be a v...aiver or Grantee's rights hereunder Any costs incurred in enforcing, judicial1:y or othervvise, the terms, provisions and restridions of this Easement shall be recoverable by the prevailing party in such proceedings S, Assilomment This Easement shall be assignable by Grantee to other governmental bodies or agencies, chartable organizations, or trusts, authorized or qualified to hold this Easement under applicable state laws whose purposes include protecting natural, scenic, or open space values of real proper1y 9. Entire Al!reement rhis Easement constitutes the entire agreement hetween the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any time preceding the date of this Easement is not binding upon either party, except to the extent incorporated in this Easement. 1 () \Iodification, This Easement may be amended, altered, released or revoked only by written agreement bctween the panies hereto or their heirs. assigns or successors"in~interest, which shall be Jiled in the Public Records or:-.lonroe County, Florida. 4 11 Recordation This Easement. and any amendment, alteration or release thereof shall be recorded in the Public Records of l\tonroe County, florida. The Grantor, at its sole cost and (~Xfx.~nseo sbal] record this Easement in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida., as a precondition to the issuance of the Permit by the Grantee. 12 Go\-'ernin2 Law, This Easement and the enforcement of the rights and obligations established hereby shall be subject to and governed by the laws ofthc State of Florida, 13 Invalidity If any provisIon of this Easement or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Easement shall not be affected thereby, as long as the pUlf)OSe of this Easement is preserved 14. Notices, All notices, consents, approvals or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly g1\'en if sent by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the aprropriate pm1)' or successor~in.intcrest to the respective address of each party as set f0l1h in the beginning oftbis Easement. 15. Effective Date. This Easement shall become etTective upon its recordation in the Public Records of !\.1omoc County, Florida, ] 6 Pantl!raDh Headilll!S Paragraph headings, where used herein, arc inserted for com'cnience on!'y and are not intended 10 be a part of this Easement or in anyv.ay defined, limited or described the scope and intem of the pani,::ular paragraph to \vhieh they refer 1'""' I. ~otice Upon Sale or Di\'estul"t~, Grantor shall insert the terms and restrictions of this Easement in any suhsequeIlt deed or other legal instrument by .which Grantor sel1s, convey's, leases or divests itself of any' interest in the Property, :") TO HA Vi<: AND TO HOJ...O unto Grantee forever Tho;; covenants, terms. conditions, restrictions and purpose imposc>D \vith this Easement shall be binding upon Grantor, and shall continue as a servitude running in perpetuity' vvith the Property. Grantor hereby covenants \\Hh said (Jrantee that Grantor is lawf1Jlly seized of said Property in fee simple; that the Property is free and clear of all encumbrances that arc inconsistent ...vith the tenDS of this Easement and that any and all mortgages have been joined or subordinated to this EU5cment; that Grantor has good right and lawful authOlity to convey this Easement; and that it hereby fLllly \vanants and defends the title to this Easement hereby conveyed against the 13\\.i'ul clal ms D1' all pcrso!l5 wholtls.oevcr. E\ \\"IT~ESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Easement on the respecti ve dates under each signature lslamorada, V illage of Islands by and through its \1ayor. authorized to execute same by its Council action OIl the __ of ,2005 (SEAL) A TrEST: Danny L. Kolhage, CLERK GRANTOR: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORID/\ By:__. Deputy Clerk By: Mayor Dixie M Sp{:har 6 GRANTEE: ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, a Florida municipal corporation By: RobertJohnson,~ayor ATTEST: Beverly Raddatz, Village Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficie-ncy: Village Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY OF MONROE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2005, by ROBERT JOHNSOl'i, as Mayor of ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, a Florida municipal corporation, on behalf of the Corporation, who (check one) r 1 is personally known to me or r 1 has produced__.___ ._ as identification My Commission Expires: Notary Public Print Name: ~36()71/Eascmcnt/Conservaljon EascIllcnl- fonn 7 EXHIBIT "\A" LEGAL DILSCR1PTION Of<' PROPERTY ~,'.S.UJ~ UW, -,F", i j,--"'.J :.il "I I"\I(':! I I ,::1" I '...,,~ ."". I :-', ':l 'Ie ~. "I'i\N c:I <\: I'. ,',' ... ,'jF. ril",J -..""r ~ ,I n",: II i. I?pc-c',:,: k:./.":. i J ~;II -'or" .. rl r~. , tit:" r i-:""'~ ~ I ,.: . ". 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',.':),~ i 1",'\ <:: .,:: r.r I- ,:..;te'i\' '\::'.',-,:" ieco t... (; I.:,-,n\ '-!' I);<;n., r ;.1 .-., 'I - ... .f~r ,,,. eJ<"f '" d :"It ,~, n i ~l- r, l-v, d:-, ~;<:;;J ro:-,:,,:", ~.1''' L y." \ .~, r ".':;'. C 2 ";"",1' -, C' :"r.. '" '~,~ '.J ~ ", 67 j.~~r~rc'~'~, 25'4~." E._r~t fc.~ 1;:-:;. fc~; ( U-'~_)f-~.C r~:,~,ij~.r': ;::- j.:::.'cr... ~_ .~,~+.1~" ->!'j,_~~._ '.J ~~:.n.~ ~! , I I' If' I , (. r ,~ , r -. " i-i ,. :.-~ 1 t""~ ,. -,(,-T . ;./' ;'o''-'t. . '4;-'~lC~ r'k',i, 1'-,' ,.k,]'~f".~ _) ;) J1~ ~_'~' I~ ~ r' - (r ~'t:':1 r r '!"ll.: EXHIBIT "'8" LEGAL DESCRIPTIO:-i AND SURVEY OF EASEMENT PROPERTY 'Exhibit B' Part 1 Conservation casement consisting of two areas labeled 'Location A' and 'LocatIon E' respectively located upon the site. < LocatjoJL6~: A portion of lots 9,10,11 and 12 of "High Point" according to the plat thereof, as fccordedin Plat Book 4, Page 96 of the Public Records of Monroe County on February 10, 1959. Beginning at the most Northerly and Westerly corner oflot #-12 running E. 00"00'00" J 18.37' to a point; thence run S. 00000'00;'275.86' to a point on the Northerly flght-ol:' way line of High Point Road; thence run W. OO'JOO'OO" 73.37' along said line of right-of-way to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 25.00',; thence Northwesterly 39.27'a1ong the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90000'00"; thence run N. 00'-'00'00" 125.86' along the Easterly right-of-vvay line of RoBing Hill Road to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 25.00'; thence Northwesterly 34.24' along the arc of said curve through a central angle or 78027'47" to a radial line of said curve whlch bears N.00000;OO"; thence on the prolongation of said radiai 100.51' to the Point of Bcglnning. Parcel contains 29) 35 s.f or 0.67 aeres more or less, < Locahon B': A portion of Lot 9 of <~Randal Adam's Subdivision'" as recorded in Plat B<:)ok 1 Page llO of the Public Records oftvlonroe County, Florida being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 170.32' N. 01"100'00" E. of the most Northerly and Easterly corner of Block 1 of High Point SubdivisIon as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 96 of the Public Records of Monroe County on February 10, 1959. Said point being coincident with the most Southerly and most Easterly CODlcr of "Lysiloma" as recorded in Plat Book 5 at page 115 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and proceeding N. 01"00'00" E. 60.00' to a point; thence run S. 89000100" E. 60.00' to a point; thence run S. 01 (lOO'OO" W. 60,00' to a pOint~ thence run N. 89000'0(V' 'N. 60.00' to the Point of Beginning. Parcel contains 3,684 s.f or 0.09 acres more or less. POINT OF BEGINING 'LOCATION A' MOST NORTHERLY & WESTERLY CORNER OF LOT #12 OF HIGHPOIT SUBDIVISION, P.B. 4, PG. 96 Curve number 2 1 3 Radius= 25.00' Delto"" 78'27'47" Arc= 34.24' T angent= 20.4 1 ' Chord= 31.62' Chord Brg.= S.39'1.3'53"E, f:' 't.. I~ 'c \C NOR T " :;::0 o ! ! N I 0 o -' '0 I I g -1"0 ';VZ>f :Z GJIV -OOf" I II ~.t II~. , 11 ~r \ '\ CUrJe number 1 Raaius= 25.00' Delta= 90'0'0" Arc= 39.27' Tangent= 25.00' Chord= 35.36' Chord Brg. = N .45'OO'00''W. DATE: 11/15/04 SCALE: 1 "=30' -0" PROJECT: 'EXHIBIT B' (PART 1) CONSERVATION EASEMENT VILLAGE OF ISLAMORADA 'EXHIBIT B' (PART t~ COMBINED AREA OF 'LOCATION A' (29,135 Sf) AND 'LOCATION S' (3,684 SF) TOTALS 32.819 SF FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT. -' W. 00'00'00" 73.37' o SHEET NO. 1 ~UNTY~ONROE OF 02 .I Nil I 21! ~II OJ U) f- ~I Z ....JI i:=! Ct:: W 0... 0, Ct::1 ~I WI ~II \ j \11 'H I I I I I IRON PIPE IRON PIPE 60.00' 15' '0 0 q 0 0 3,684 sf 0 'D <D w TOTAL AREA ~ . 0 'LOCATION 0 0 '0 0 0 0 B' ? q q z (fl N.89'OQ'OQ"W I :.: i I~ U 1- 0 :.: N --.J to 0 r-- W ~ .w 0 U 01 '0 ? c:; z ; . 'EXHIBIT B' (PART2~ COMBINED AREA OF 'LOCATION A' (29,135 SF) AND 'LOCATION B' (3,684 sF) TOTALS 32,81 9 SF FOR CONSERVATION EASEMENT. POINT OF BEGINING 'LOCATION B' OJ '" "0 OJ N MOST NORTHERLY & EASTERLY CORNER OF BLOCK 1 OF HIGH POINT SUBDIVISION, P.B. 4, PG. 96 r '-/ ---'--V//7T.. 3 60 ..}t -.0:1:; ., "'; , '1.T/-. 7/7T//754.15?//77777T~ 425.23' p.) ----- ig.~;'-----~ 9~;o,1 ~ /7777T///////7/T/Td :;; V 1 . !-,1etc; T.,--~ ~ 8 ~r~;77~\1et:](a II ']<6-ci b <<>,,,, UllOIPg ~ ~;'; r~.Fl. 9.26 ~ ;U./.L/..L.3BOO':L/LL , 1,21' _E /~ i~)I~ I ~ II ~ , \ I I ,I r": I i 4 '\ \,. " L OF~ DATE: 11/15/04 , SCALE: i 1"=30'-0" PROJECT: 'EXHIBIT B' (PART 2) CONSERVATION EASEMENT VILLAGE OF ISLAMORADA SHEET NO. ~OU~TY~IO~ROE