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L term t!) 3. ~1 i set BOAFtD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE , FLOPJDA CO}.fCI~I INC. IDe:: ,.. J.tlC ""- ~fHrs LEA.SE ~nte,~i::d info of (l en ,s'nid Lease has \.liTlei1cl~d twice: and 5(jid a w~ek year in to open restrcoms rrcm AA~ to sut1set seven services for the paper' said i:lr~ to DiE: on 11 basis Gto ensure: restroom.s are and a..~d of the Leese for no ~is~ action u*'h~..r' te;""{~"lincrtk}n conditions utUJn . County to maintain but does ~ot Cl1,Y r;tlmero~ ~:&'1d bod open the n!lve been Lessee'" failure to restroc-i1'1 c;ecn and and , ntH-noer hours and fedi;jt~e Hie to th.e S~nitatiora of the to tJeGn the r~trooms; and r'err7oj increuse the IN of the contained the le.ose dated 1998, as 3S L Grttencedrc r~eccl: wnn made bf~i:.vet%a the to ~'l:h{: ttS in A. cor\c:f~~~ior~/f"~S'rQUr"'c1:Tt Sl?;Ct'\ C~ \.ij esi' I FloridtJ, use of ~~f2.s~.:::::tr'at;t to and mc;r:1{]!*1 fuB .':~~r\,ik:t B".ach mu:\ {~U b- 2, F; " ~-) 'l r~n :: 0 t Ll f~-' ,0" r~~t~=~-=~'[~~--' ~:!_-....- ~"_.~---~-~-".~---~~-' .... 2, shaH be 3 bt~ arnel1d{:.d 'to the Se.C(H1'd such flXl! the To Su" Ira 4. shall be I !ii ~ f hC1ve. (XltiS~d pre~&~ce to be Bxecured Q~ the --=--~~.~~~"""=.~~-,- CONCH INC, J d~AUeco:r.iCh3 '} C;{" -. S'7! '.-.J q d !? 1 ;-~ 1.1 ~ T]{I S into on the OF ;,Vhose ad0.J'ess '~rhe to this lease to the This lease the between the wIth to ti'1e ana as "An, Clarence S. Higgs Memorial exclusive use of all existing areas, to have the Key West, bath house, and storage and maintain a full serVlce food and ana necessary for 'Tlle t~essor to the Lessee the and of and C \.;.;. l,iVe.st, r<flonIoe (:ountj, for a terrn 0 f said to be at the noW upon in as is footage to the area as Ul "l~" L.essOr with ~Nritterl con.seY.'tt of th,e of Count~l The Lessee an to rene\lf this lease thelr to to the the flve term, 4, Tr,e Lessee, in the and does w'lth the Lessor to fees as \Af}tt. rent rent The rnay De ir~ the E2.rners and J ?JJ~ 'u,aty 1 1 of rl'le year. L.i:.ssee the to -~. for th.e first an letter re~T!.f.. 1"esscr in the s~rn()unt re11{ B The rnonth's rent;. in advance, shall be for the month in advance the or each and {)'lomh thereafter, rent of this lease, Lessee may assume 1223" Rent shal] be due the first occupancy as for the purpose of demolition and renovation conditioned upon his full v/1t11 aU tenTIS this lease, inclusive of insurance coverage effective as of said date In actdnwn to the rental the Lessee covenants and agrees wlth the Lessor to pay State taxes~ if any, and an but lirnited to water, sewer, and solid waste at said concesslOnJrestaurant, whIch shail be a result of the of the facilities under thIS lease, The Lessor reserves the to terminate this lease for non-payrnent of rent the Lessee for a of fifteen or more, 5, In connectlOn with the above demised properties, the Lessor covenants WIth the Lessee that conditlOned on Lessee's and observance of Lessee's covenants herem, Lessee sha1l ha\/e and of :he the term lease, In the event the COUJlty of the leasehold herein, either to malntaJ]~ or lts propertIes In the \ or choicej such activrty Vv'il1 not be considered as a breach of any covenant of this lease, 6, Lessee further covenants open canoess i on/resta man t shall not exceed the established beach hours m as from Publ1c rest rooms shall m Monroe be at 7:00AM and closed at sunset, In accordance with Monroe OrdInance 13 B. To furnish the necessar:,; and fixtures needed operate ':,OTIc~:ssionJre.staurant Fl.l1 rYloveable shall the property of the Lessee and may be removed from the Lessee the terrnlnation of this lease with Lessor~s consent. If Lessee fails to ren10ve said rnoveable within ten (10) after termination of this lease; said items shall then becorne the of the Lessor. c J__essee shall full seT"\/ices for the re,st roorns Inclusive of 211 and paper Janitorial servi~~;e bBSis ';rISUTi?, rest rc,or:1S axe. rr::c8intained aDd Rest roorns are tc> be the business ensure an:~ 0.11(1 and sani-dz:ed. L(~sse:':; rnaintain a LIcense the this lease, U1 orGer I_<essor" L rus ~ ;) rh" of I\-iaiI:1_tenance or his L-e~see agrees busine:~s n1anner, 'g' 15 hereto that Lessee may elect to su.b-Iease or asslgn the lease agreernent upon vvritten consent of Board of Cour:ty Corn7TI:ss~oners , , ;\'iOnroe The terrns of this shaL ~)e on tne ;-;e:rs, exec~tors, aC;;iIJ:lSIT3:0rs, sub~lessees and of Lessee, shall not be \t,.'ltr~J"'ie)d IS and agreed a:1d oetlA.'cen. the parties here:o '(nere shall. the said demised term, be no mechamc; " Jler~s upon 'ene concesslOIlirestaurant or thereto; in case of any attempt to 3. mechanicls ;len on the Lessee must payoff the same; 8Jl!:l that if thereof continue for (30) after \vritten notice, said Lessor shall have the and at lts to payoff the same or any of the sarr"lej the amount expenses, shall. at the of the said Lessor; be so much addlllonal dJe from said Lessee 3: the :lext rent due after such , ' . .. , .. \~./l:n interest at the ra':e estaO!lSried Dj' the under Sec. .03, F,S'J for the year in V/hlCh the oeca;-r~e o\-',::;rcue thIS is to be as a ~Nal veT or by the Co'~nr::, ~:::; and staJ:utOl-Y and to property free s.....;ch liens 9 Alcohol1c beverages may be sold '?lithin ti'1e enclosed restaura.nt and , upon proper licenses fTOiTt state, and federal 1~() carry-out sales of alcoholic beverages Sales and consurrrpnon of beverages rnust cease 10:30 P,lvL 10 rnay in the restaurant and patio area, ,?J1Y er:te;:2.1r:nleiH rnust be acoustic sore and must cease 30 P ,1 Lessee shall be for and censes a\l local! state and of bet\veen- the that :ne use) suiter a.n\" rnlli!11er the said an:y nor for t;-jC of the pretn;ses or of tJnlted 1 nor for any or use S ~3 ''''; of the ~"lonrGe , Flonda and that Lessee, Lessee \vil1 ITorTi or damage or save the Lessor forever c ~Ia"ges any violation of any said v..-'hether out or other \J../::orn,soe;ver U1 no iJ,e leES;:; the Lessee the Lease or IT:.2-Y l)e sa~C of said to rnaJ:e '.)-/nl1e ~ he IS so of the of said property, and that salCi Lessor shall not meur any of such ouster. It is further and betVt'een the hereto :]lat r,o wa17"rer of a breach of any of the covenants of this lease agreement shall be construed to be a of any breach of the same covenant The Lessee covenants and agrees that all lawful rules and nlS agents, or other-.v:se shall obsef\'e and " , \.vt'.tJ.c.n rnay trom time to tIme ~,.... P ~H.k- term ~ .r J ana emorcea. u1C Lessor at saId beach. .,0 10 The Lessor reserves the hereurlder to enter upon the at any reasonable time normal beach hours for the of said and the Lessee agrees to the at all tirtles in a clea~-'1 and conemon, and not to D131r)talT1 t;pon s,lld any or no: Lised connectIon \\,1th the of said business, unless authonzed the Lessor to co so j- The Lessee agrees not to m3.ke 2Jl.y alteratlons the building loca:ed saLe \V1thout vir-itten consent of the Lessor to do SOl w'ill not be wi.thheld Such alterations shall be based on tbe Dm':ctor of FaCllines Maintenance and shall be to all and County Code govemmg shall be for any pennlts agency. 10 i 0 Lessee be for the 11-,e Lessee keep the premises clean all times and must meet all for fooe! as the :vlonroe Count)' of Health. All Site shall be pre- the lvlonroe County Board of The Lessee shaH be for a.l1d necessary state, and federal and ho-Id harrnless l'vlonroe County Board of Lessee a;S'Tees County frorn any and all claims for o\\rned Monroe and . and darnage iease extent of \vnlch arise out in Jr!\" o~he:. losses, damages) and expenses reason of the Lessee utillzlng thlS IS 1':0 to~ 0_:' the rnsuIance elsevlhe~'e vllL~ln this that rnay be 011 the dunng the continuance of Les,se the Lessee, the Lessor shall Dot be liable to the Lessee anY or to any fhe ()~ne-r 22 In the event that the demised storm, or iLlY other the Lessor at its such structure at its own cost and expense, The rentallhereon shall cease ,.mtll the refund the pro rata part of iL'1j or t'le p8J1 thereof are fire, may forthwith to tne rentals in ad'vance the Lessee and t.he Lessor will oe of sueD so that the shall abate to the extent that the and silch or and upon the Lease shall then contmue the balance of the ter;t. to the aGC:csses to such destrUctlOn, Should the is usable the Lessee, then the rental or part bears to the whole of such sh.al1 be the Lessor as as IS of such fuIl rental shall commence and the ,lJ \"Tltten nonces to this lease shall be Lessor Monroe County Public Works Facilities Maintenance Department 3583 South Key \Vest. Florida 33040 Lessee: Conch CrUisers, Ino Sal Parrinello 1601 Bahama Dnve Key West, Fl.anna 33040 24 If an\' this ]ease should arise ber,veen the Lessor ar,c] Lessee a;y:;;/r.ich re as c:: a ole resul:s (he s fees and costs for all necessary msurance coverage as AP...P, and all other ~1 .;: i",.J The Lessee v./lll be anached forms as best mterest of MOnI'oe COimly, as may be coverages shall be to be in COU.:-:f\' FUsk lease term, 'Ik~_- 1:U.5 the 180 \)/s shall be a court 01 ~viorlroe anslng ~lnGer County, Florida. party shall bc to of V.fith said fro rD. the loslng p2~rD; WCl VL, the Monroe lr:SLLranCe Florida. dlsputes th_t~se to as of p-----~-~--~-~ <,. '" (;.": 0 l.)..l--~:";.:,l:..~(~ '-i = 8 ( ~, "~.- ,^, \I. FJ:\ ':!>~'I. L " \ '- -' . I..~Q.,LA '" SQ, 1>, \1.c~ A. q~o~ t Sd"? 'f-( c:...---::-"~~-=~ . .........,j A\tTr M ;S"{O, g SQ. Fi, f-~ ..> ,~.'"' o ...."" '..~'" 7"--, ...c 00 :''::'''',is <.) ~-.l ,,-..- "-)."""" C> ,~Yr,-t~ 0_"'-o-~~h, <i:l \0"\,f, ~.r1, o :-A', s" "':;>tf,. ;; 'tz:..~", \ \ ~ Ii ~ ! >= \ i""~t:<),,,~~~ c ~~~AC~r.~ i I I ! I ~ . I ! t , f r f t i ~. "