Item C32 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 4/20105 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS STAFF CONTACT PERSON: Peter Horton AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to adopt the recommendation of the KWIA Ad Hoc Committee on Noise, to select C&S and THC for future implementation of the Noise Insulation Program (NIP). ITEM BACKGROUND: At their regularly scheduled meeting of April 5, 2005, the Ad Hoc committed voted to accept the recommendation of the RFQ Selection Committee. Attached is a memo outlining the reasons for selecting the above two firms. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was recently advertised, and the only two respondents were C&S and THe. PREVIOUS RELEVANT SOCC ACTION: The soee selected THC to implement and coordinate NIP Ph III, January 15, 2003. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: N/A eOST TO AIRPORT: N/A COST TO PFC: N/A COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: AMOUNT PER MONTH /YEAR: APPROVED BY: County Attorney N/A OMS/Purchasing N/A Risk Management N/A AIRPORT DIRECTOR APPROVAL (-i<1t~ Horton DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required AGENDA ITEM # DISPOSITION: Ibev APB , Key. West, ' International 'Airport, To: From: Date: Subject: : KWIA Ad Hoc Committee on Noise Peter J. Horton, Airports Directo~.}t 04/04/05 ' f-J Recommendation From the Selection Committee for Future Implementation of the Noise Insulation Program (NIP) As you know, we recently advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the remainder of the NIP program (a portion of Phase 4 and all of Phases 5, 6, and 7). These phases indude more than 200 homes in the project area. We received responses from two firms, C&S and THe. The Selection Committee met at the airport on 03/23/05. All members agreed that the finns were very evenly matched in qualifications. Therefore it was agreed that the recommendation would be to split the NIP project up between the two firms and choose both of them for the program. We believe that our recommendation is a good one for the following reasons: 1. The two firms were scored with only two points difference between them (THe 94.8 points, C&S 92.8). 2. Both firms are currently working with us in Phases 2, 3, and 4. 3. As evidenced by their allocation of $4.4 million to us this year for the project, the FAA has faith in our program and these two firms that are implementing it for us. 4. There is a healthy competition ongoing between the two now and by using them both in the Mure, we believe that competition will continue. 5. By choosing both we have the possibility of completing the program in two years instead of the scheduled four years. Although we assume that AlP funding will be available for this project for many years to come, our current AlP program only has two more years to run, therefore early completion may be important 6. Choosing both firms will provide a back up in the event that one of them cannot or will not perform to our expectations (as happened in Phase 1). In summary, we believe that there is adequate work for both firms to accomplish, and by choosing both we will insure a cost effective and expedient completion of the project. ~ U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Admi nistration ORLANDO AIRPORTS DISTRICT OFFICE 5950 Hazeltine National Dr., Suite 400 Orlando, Florida 32822-5024 Phone: (407) 812-6331 Fax: (407) 812-6978 March 8, 2005 Mr. Peter Horton Director of Airports Key West International Airport 3491 S. Roosevelt Blvd Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Horton: RE: Key West International Airport; Key West, Florida AlP Number 3-12-0037-027.2005 FDOTNJPl Number PFLs 0003861 and 3954 Notice of Tentative Allocation We are pleased to announce the Administrator has approved an allocation 0 $4.421,775 under the Fiscal Year 2005 Airport Improvement Program for the followin~ specific development at Key West International Airport: Noise Mitigation Phase 4: Construction (50 homes), and Phase 5: Design and Noise Contour Update Our representative will soon discuss with you the project development, equa employment opportunity and the civil rights requirements. In allocating Federal funds for this project, we considered the representations in yoU! Joint Airport Capital Improvement Program (JACIP) for Federal Assistance with regard~ to your commitment of local funds and your ability to proceed promptly with the project. This allocation is contingent upon you developing a project schedule which allows thE FAA to issue a grant offer based on bids by August 1, 2005. Therefore, we will need tc receive your project application no later than July 15, 2005. Failure to comply with the schedule may result in cancellation of this allocation. Please find enclosed, a copy 01 our "Project Management Checklist" which will be !Jsed to track the progress of this project. After review of the information, please contact your Airports District Office project manager to coordinate and establish the project schedule. In accordance with 49 CFR Part 26, The County of Monroe, Florida will be required to take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that disadvantaged business (,'\,1 UJ · ...... LO va ~(Y) ......... ..-... C-.:;t 00 U"Q" E::- . '-rot ~tt::m wcuQ. n....... en CfJ:.c "Ocn~ c........L.... m..c Q) L- Ol"O .- C Eo::~ Q) ~ (/) --l---I>........ 0)-- C 0.0 cD E L.... 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