Item S06 BOARD OF CO UN TY CO~"MISSIO~ERS AGEN DA ITEM SUJ\f\fA RY :\1.eeting Date: \1<:l)~..l8, 2005 Division: County !.\ttorney ~}U~k Item: Yes X_ ~o DeparTment- SI}Z,L\J\'NE I J U" "TON AGEI\DA ITE.'\-'J \-lORDING: ,'\pproval of Addendum to L~a!:;1; of property from DOT fur ~ub-lease to Islamorada Ch,Inl{H,;r of Commerce and lit" Disclaimer in c:".pircd DOT l~ase for <;mm; prupcrt~... rn: M lIACKGROL"I\ D: On Aug. 16, 1977, DOllea-'Jed to County, for 15 years with a 5-ycar renewal, a parcel ofland 10 be used as a historical museum. reSl station and parking facilily A sub-iea~e was granted lO the I slamorada C ham ber of Commerce on ,fa. y 27, t 983 . Ai though r he rene \lIra 1 for 5 yca[~ was requested by the County, the extension \vas never formalized. Insread, a new h:a.se (30 years) & sub-lr-..ase w~r~ entered. Since the lease [So for 15,000 sq, ft, more than the area sub-lea~ed 1{) the Chamher, and DOT !lOW \\o'ishes to convey (hat 15,000 sq. ft. to the adjacent property O'\o'ners to re501 \o'C many years of d~5pute over the adjacent property oWl1er- s righrs of access over said parcel. DOT has requested that the lease be amended to exclude the area nol sub-leased to the Cb.ambeI'. Since the 1977 lease, which has now e:-:pired, was recorded in the publ ic records, DOT has requested a disclai m~r to resolve any i~su~s of a clou.d on title t~R}l~VIOt;S RELEVA~T BOCC ACTION: On \.fay 24, 1995, BOCC approved DOT leai;e thr 44, 192 sq. ft_ and 'Sub~lea~e to Chamber for 29, 192 sq. ft. - CO~TR.\.CT JAGREEME~T CHA~GES: KiA STA FF RECOMMENDA TIONS: Approval TOTA.L COST; o BUDGETED: Yes ~o COST TO COIJNTI': D SOURCE OF FENDS: IU:.Vt:NLt~ PROlllJC1NG: Yes ),lo X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED 8Y: County Auy ~ OI\1D/purchasing Risk Yfana12:emem DIV1SION DIRl~CTOR APPROVAL: :.</ - ~. ') ll<.~ "S ,.:r,1 f,): "___~_"d' _. OHN R. COLLl:"-JS. COUNTY ATTOR1'\EY DOCUME:'\!T A TIQN: Included. ~_ To FoUo",' Not Required_ DISPOSITIO:'\i : AGF.?\lDA ITEM # Re\'lscd 2/27/0 1 LCSM:-C: \.1umuc C~lU]lly \V.P.1. :\0.: (,116M:' SculJ ub :\ 0: 900N} SR :\u.: :=; Il.'S B~l\ ~iJc) PLlr~'c 1 ~u.: (()56 ,\ddendu m to Lease ,\g;rct'men t Re\'islon of Lt'ast'd A rta ThlS Agreement m~Jc 1 hi s _ _ Ja;' 01' ~()(}.~. is an ..\dJ(:"nJlLln lo ~11l' L~LhC Agreement JLlleu ~.(: \by ll)l).'l hcl\':CLn lhi! STATE OF fLORID..\ DEr.,\RTR\lE~T OF TR..\:\SPORTA TIO:\. lhLTe]r,Llt"lL"~ rdLHcJ 10 .~ lt~L' [k[1...LrLrncn1/L.::-;sor). :LIlJ \fCr.'\ R OF. COL:\"T\!. FLORI D..\ l hcn:-L TlLlI'li..T ,::Ll kJ lhl.: Counly/Ix.~sc~ ). \VHERF:AS [h~ [)cp...lrLlllen[ g:rameJ [Ile County ~ leLlse daled 2.1l:: \-fa\-' l L)9.'\ fur ~l P,l~'L'el of land knol.l. 11 :L~ DOT Parce] 6l).~ti, and JesLri heJ i n F:'-:~l i hi t ".-'." to the sLli J Le~lSL" Agr'l'c:l~l'J]t. \.'orHai[)ins -\-I-.l92 ~l..JlIarc fc-ct. The PU]-pO~L' of lh.c :Jg:rct'mcnl is lo modify LhL" I ~lrHl .!] C.L (:0 \ ~~r~'J by 1Jle said LC...lSC :\~]"I':('T1"ll'TH by C".\clLLumg Pare,: I \: l). 605'7 I. R \\'\ IS :-< n. )~::) cont~lin ing 15,000 sq ULl.re t"Cl't .6 lIcscri hed i [) the.:; ~~tlachcd U' ,~al Dcsu'i ptlO[~ and S k~tch. shuwn .lS Ex hi bit ., A', The Cl1Wlty agrees here by 10 C};..cJ udc h.l'Cl'[ Nl57 <h de:-:;(ri Qed j n r::>;, hi bit ,. A" as of the date of this Ll.~rccml'"nt, Al I olher terms and CUTluiti un:-; of lhc Lease A.grc~'mcnl eluled 2-llh \by' 1 095 "~h<;ll remain lUJL"llallg('J aTlJ iIl full dlc,:l. !:-< \\TL\"LSS \\T:l.EREOf. the p;JrliL~ ha \ c U1U~L'J lh~., .-\JdenJum W I he f.~ L:~e Ag n,;~'mcnt m bc c.\l'"ClJk'J OIl thi~ ot ~(lO.::;. :Y1UllWC CDUn!y. I-lnri da Ll':-'SCC: .s tatl~ 01" fluriJa DcpallrncTlL oj" TL111 sp~)rlatjoJl: Lc,,~ol" B\ : Lh: C~la:Tll1...Ln l }I' t r.~ HULll'd Di st I'in Sl'Cr~( .n'\ JOIH1 \Iartinc:l.. p, L AtlC,;t: Att~~t : \bl'g:;Jrd H 199i ns E\,CL"ut; \'e SeL n~LLI'\' T;lli.C: Legal Rc\'[cw: D, \"1 i Ch~lC'l Schloss. [~L1' Di:-.trict (Icn~'r<d COllr,,,~'l EXH~BIT ."Au LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of lend sih.;ale ir> Section 28. Townsh'p 63 South, h'cnqe 37 East, on Upper Motecurrbe, MO'lroe CO'Jnty, F.iwida, being 0 portion of 0 trad of land which is rlesignotcd os "Not c part of the plat" as shown on Lhe pia: of STRA TTONS SLFUIVISICN, os recoroed in Plot Flook ~ ct Doge 38 of the public records of Morroe COun Ly, Floric::c, be1n9 more p G rt icu I c r I y described a s follows: geginn~n9 ct the i'lte'scction of L~le l\Jorth line c-f Governmcn t ~Dt 4 of sciJ Sec:i::::n 2R, with f'lc Northwesterly R;gh: of. Way :.i'lA of the ever-seas Highway (State Highwny No. ~} as shown on said C)IClt; trencc run S 46'08'26" W for a distorce of 150.00 feet: thencA rl.r S 89'51'.1.9" W For a c:istance 0"" 144-.68 feel; t.,ence rur N 4R"Og'76"F along the :)ou theasLer Iy line uf 0 parcel of lend desuibed in Official ~ecoros Ronk 1224 a t Pages 1 4R4-1 4-R5 for a dis tar.ce of 150. 00 fee t b Q po i" t en lhe North line of scfd GovArnment l Gt 4; thencc run N 59'~ l' 49 to E a I on 9 sa id North Un e o~ Govern0l p.n t I at 4; far a distancp. af 144.66 ~cct ta the roin~. of Beginring, CG~ tain in ';; 15,008 Sq'.;are reel.. (0.3444 A eres), m ore or : CS5. Note: The beurirlg buse for tr'e ubove descr;p:ion is S, 46 '08' 26" 'N. os sh own an F.lor ida Depc r lrnen lor Tr Gr' $:) ortcti on Ri~ht of Wey Mep fe, S~cte Roan \lo. 5, Ser.-tion 9006D. Sr.cct No, 25 or 32. JC€I i'lK04275 .:1:..:;: m 11:.0 ,c 0:;: 5f-'I:.CIAL f'URPOSE SURVEY i HEREBY C::RTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY '"EElS TrE MIN:Ml.M TC"C'-lNICAI <;TAN[JAR:)~ A::; Sq FOR:H RY TI-'i=" "lORIClA BOARD OF rROFESS:ONAL SIjRV::YORS AND M^='rERS 1"-1 CI,APTCR 61C17-6. rLORIDA AD.~INISTRAI\IF. CODF., PLRSL;ANT Tt SFt.T'(1N 4/<:'.(;;/, 'LOl':lM ~~r.~ IU 11:.5, Florida DeparLment :temjSeg'Y"lent No.: Section Jo:) Na.: Sla Le Road No.; Coun: y; Par eel NQ,; of Transporlation, 4~52302 99006-2590 5. ~US. 1) tAonroe 6G5 7 ~RWM S. 522) LJ.'o'lf<ENC~ P. =RAf'.K, P.L.S, :fl.619 ell T; :)r on~ (305) ;;I ~4- 0 "164- ~ AX (jOj) 66 4--Gi:!1 G i'i.)7fif, QViJlS[A"') hlGtlWA Y, ',U; I~ 500, l'il AMOflAIlA, H ~)t'lII)A jj(U6 District. V1 ShBP.t 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION t\Qte: The bearing bose for thp. Clhove c-:p.sr.rjr~i[)n is S. 46'Q8'26" W. cs shown on Flo(da Deparlrnent or TransDorLaLon Right of Way Mop ~or State Road No.5, Section 90C60, Sheet No. 25 of 32. N 89":)" 4-9" I:.. 1 4-4,68' NGRll-l utilE OF GOI,-;:.f;:NM~N 1 LG 1 4 ... /:;".,;;{ ----- . a0 G' .......0 " \(,. ~ ,'"[; .rv'f> t..1o ~ , .j:""' oC) ~ ?sy -l.~ ....... 4; ,,~ .i-.~ , ')...~ &4. .'0'"0 + t;.:\J o L-- --- (\6 ~o0- \,B st0- / ~ .LF"'. 1/2" LS #1332 ~tl9'51' 4-g"w --...-.-;-d'/ lL4,68' # ~.I.R 1/::;>",/ ft.l~6.i ,/ / ,/ " / / J 1~i . d'" \\W 0-~ ,e 4C'( o PQ!NT OF BEGIN~ING / " / t ~. i\ " u. '" ~ N ~ SCALE: 1" - 41)' u L{)S j<;t4::t:!'J ::-.I.~ f-OU'JD iRON ROD. size I\lOICA II:.~ Fi./W RICHT-OF-WAY pp P~w[R PO, ~ OHW 8V1:.RHE^J WlRE CCIH1F:ED FOR Sl-'tCIAL rURPOSE SURVCY HF.RFA'" eEl': IIf-Y TH/\-:- THIS SURVEy' tJFFTS T"'H:. .1,l1f-iIM.JM 11:D-NICAL 5T A~DARJS AS SFT H.~f'i rH ElY """HE FL:::lRIDA BOAR] 8F PRC~.f <;~ ONI\L SURVE"'OR5. AND MAP:::F::;S iN C!-I\I-' II:.R 61 G17-6. FLORIDA A[)M!NIS ll-'?... I I VI:: CODE, rJR5lANT TO SfCTON 4/2.027. F._ORIDA STA L T:::S. Florida Department of Transportalion, Distrirt \'1 tem/Seg~r.nt No.: 4152302 Section JO.:J No.: 99006 .2.590 Slate Road r.... 0.: tJ, (U. S 1) CO')'ll y; Mo."Jro.; fJarc€1 ~Q.: W57 (RWi S, 522) LA 'lffit}., CE P. FRAN K, I"' J 5.... ~46':1 ~^ 1[: Phar.(t {305) 66.;. [i7H ~ AX (JO':i) 66,t-DB16 f33266 OVERS~AS HiG.YWAY, SurE Me, ISLAr.l8RAC.A, FLCRICA .3.3036 Sheet .2 of 2 ltem/Segment No.: Sccu"Job :'\Jo.: Slalc Road ~ 0.: Pan.:cl No.: 4-152~~[)2 r)DnGD-S240 5, l.'S I 60o;;G DlSCL\Il\lER K~O\V ALL \.lEI\ BY Ti tf-~SfS PRESENTS TIIAl: WHEREAS, r-....1onrue Coun1.y, hereinafter called tll(,: County, has an os.te:nsibk or ~LrrarenL i rltercst or record or oLhcrwis,c in (he propcrt y herelllal"tcr JCs'cribecl, ,dthollgl1 it c L..ti ms no actu,ll ll1teresl ~ml, \VilEREAS, lh~ O'jl.ensihle or :.lppuCetlt interest of the CULmt)' has created a cloud on 1he tit Ie of the ] )ep~lr1 lllEnl or T ranspOl1ation, the true OWller, ~ml \VllliREAS, 1he COlll1ty has hcnl a$[.,.(;cl to clmit'y the sitllJlEOn: NO\,,' TI.U-..R }~f"O FH.. Lht: County di sdai ms an)' and all llllerests in thaI parlicul ~lr Il;~lse agreemenl J~lLeJ 16~. ALL~U::,t 1977 gran.ted to tile C:OLJllty by th-.:: rlorida Dcpactmelll of Tran'iporlati l)Jl (or propc:rty lo(:ated [11 hi alllm~..l(.b, Fl()r~da a~ descrjbed (n Ex 11 t bi1 ., A" of the least agre:emcnt. .s llCh ICilse ~l?-I"eemen[ ex pin~J OTL j 5'11 August 1991 (15 years) anJ W;:.lS recorcled in the County of Monroe ill Official Records Book 137. P,lgf;'_S 3L)O-392. By thes.e presents the COll nty asserts ,llld pmclaim:-. lhat it has no j merest ,ll ;l11 ill l he afOl'enlcntioned expired leas.e (lgreemen1. I~ \VJT:'\fESS WHEREOj:, the COlln1y h:JS c~used lhese presents to be signed ill the name of .\1onroc Coun.ty. r.IQrida hy the Bo~rJ or County Commjss~oncrs of \"kmroe County by the Chai ml,lll of the Hmm.l Ol1 lhinl day ot" By: eh ili rmall of I he 80arJ Attest: .. ~:l~~,,[th'ildBoarJ _ ~ B\.~.. - />---=-~::)~ .l~O~lll ~, - C/....-- Allorney's Office .#y{5 / 1>....1 r'rll' I )i>~.'~iHl'.' ---~ ,,. Florida DclJurtn1ent ()f Transp()rtation ,lrB ilL ......l (, l nT.ID () bl Righi rd ~ray .-l(!lmuiItraliml IoriO YW 111'1' :1rt'rr/h', Room II (jJOSl1 ,-\limni. i"for/(!a 3317! .lr)~I: \ I\RFl :-.U fU.1 \In I\-1arch 23, 2DU~ Su/.~nnc: A. lluttOIl, Esq AssisL;.ml County Attorney COllnLy ui" \1onroc .") 1 () r-k'mi ns Str.:.:;ct, Roonl ~() K~y West floriua ~JD4{) Suhjt'd: Uisdaim{~r anti Addendum to L~~H"'C'" between .\"lonrol' Coun!.y and FDOl A rpl icant TL~rn Se:~mcnt f',' 0, Sell/J ub I\ 0, FcJe:ral Job !\ 0, State Ruad No, COli ILl Y Parc(':] No. Patrie &: I\Idi ncla Shl~ Idoll ~SO~68l l)0060-25 j 7 "Kif\ .~, (l,'S j, Baysidc.l l\.1omol:, Islwnor,lrla VI \"1 S2..'i 6056 (and 60S 7 -. t Iw She:luOll PLlF.:cl) o Car' Ms. f ll1ltOn: This is to conn rm our bri d ldephollc cOn vtrsation s~~vc-r,ll wee ~ ~ ~l?() rcgarJi Ilg It1l': 1 WO le.j~C'~ snmtcd tu :\-lonroc- COUl1t y I))' l he Flmitla De:pal1mcn( or Tr.lnSpOrl.11 ]Of1 in] 977 aJlJ j 995 Cor a parcel oC hmd ut I\1\1 S2,5 used by the IslamoraJa Chamber of l\,mmem::. The fi rst I ca"C' .l~re(~ll11::11l was ~ranlcd to :\-Ionroc Counl y in 1977 fur ~ ].~ YC:J.l" pcri ,)d ror a p:m.:d nf br.rl I-;.n. )WI1 a~ pan Pared Nu.2 comprisl ng ~4, 1 ()~ sq. i'l.. . fhe: led.~e covcrcd thc Ll1\~,1 where 1 he c;J}1oose is loc;.w.::d and al so i nc IlHk's ~ll an:':l to the: East, Llbutt i ng. prupc n y owneJ by the ShdJon~, (now knuwn ,1.) 1-\m:e1 6nS7, eU[)[;liui ng 15 ,OU0 ~q. n.) The IGm~ Lli! re:l: Irll.nt WLlS recurdGd by the Coun t y a1 OR Kouk "137. P;lgC-::' :390 Jg?, .A. t hr("e year C:-:.lCIlSioll wa~ ]{:q ucs.tcd hy lt1~ County but it was lH.lt formal i/e:u. The J'cc0rded lease <lgreem~nt, ail huugh it hm, ~x.pj red, C1\~~ltes ~l c; iOlld un Lhc li tlc:. I p['Opus~~ tlll'l"ct"urc that the count y ex ~CLJtt' ;JnJ re:conJ a Di sdai mcr or il ()lli1 r:lai 111 Dccu. l"ClL~~~i ug an y i ute] cs.t it did ha\.'c in the ex pm~d Je~s(:' agrcl':mCJll ThlS \vi 11 enable m 10 e l[:'lLr Llll)' duuJ on the title and j1r\)Cc~d witll lhc sale of Pared (j057 to the Sheldon"-. '."...,."."t....'-ut ::;:~It~." LIS @'.. S IJl.anJH.~ /\.. Hutton. Esq A~si5taTLt Coumy Attorney. Page 2 Subject: Djscl~j mtT ::ind Addendum to Leases between "fon rue County and FUOT fo'ollowing C':\piry of lhe 1977 lea:-;c the rDOT g.rimttd the CounLy <LJlUlhe]' kJ.sc dilled :rll:: May 1995 for a ~~O J'ear Lerm for $1.00 pcr annum. wlt]1 30 d~ys notice: by either party at an]' time. ...\ t the nme n~g:otiaLi ons we:re: in prog.rcss for fh~ 1 tN5 lease Lhc rDOT and tt1~ COHnl Y cLgn::cd to exclude: Parcel 6057. {abLllting {he Sh~ld{)n rror~rty}, [rom the new lease. The aLl~.H.:ht.'J lclllT from Albl~]'(o Vi llarcHl to you d.lled fd"ll"llary 23, 199.\ confirms our intent ions. Prim to lhe rOOTs discussions with the County tilt' Department had discuss~ci and ~greeJ with the h,ln.mol'acla Chamber of Commerce to exduJe lhi.~ parcel fmm the ncw lease, in view oC the Shcldon,~' el ai m (0 access/aggress over {hi s pan.~e I 10 1 JS I. K t:i ther the COllnty llO!' the ct1ambcf mak.es us of t 1m parcel. The: Chamber ag.reed to (hi s reJucLioTI a~ e:vidtncc-d by the lesser ml~a in the ~ubk~asc, 29,]29 :-;Lj.l"L However: at the time: the 19~5 tC.lS~ .lgreernent 10 Monroe: COLLIlly leaSe was executed ~hf', original legal des.criptioll COlltaining ~n area of 44: 192 ~q.ft. 1,\'<15 inJ.dvcnently used ;lc-ain ,IS Lx h i b it :, A" to th<;;: document. \\.'e now neeu lo com:ct Lhi:1. by wuy ot an Addendum to the I -e,10e Agreem<;;:nl redLK: i n8 t he current leg:;jl de"e:npllon by the area ;,;ompr~si ng Parcel GUS7, 05.000 ~qJt.) whid will then be cQnveyed to Ih~ Shddons. 1 wi II send both the Disc I ai mer ilnd Addendum 10 1 ,ease A ,=,:reemen L Lll Votl hv c-rnai I in case VOLl '-" r"" -' wish to nuke an)' ('hang~s. Would you pl~a,>e revie\v lhe SulULiuns sLLgscskJ above, the documl~ms .lrt<lched ,lnd c,lll me. if you have any qlle,~{ions. Mr. Sheldon and thl~ Ocpal1ment l1<lve Llgree{i on ,1 pri C~ ,1Il(1 ,111 1 he 01 her fonTlal i ties are cune luut:J. As suon as th{; releases trom the County are resol veJ the DeparLmcnL can close: lhi s parcd with the Shl,:lclons'. 1 am also sending you a rDOT Right of\Vay .\1np wi[h the nr~as shown for rcfct.C'nc~. 1 wou ld appreci ate yom attl~ntion (0 (he foregoing, plense:. . . ,;--'" en, RP A. Propel J j\,'lanagemcnt nOS) ,170 S2:J6 Sh l kl,),) \.1 PI '.l>.' C I}' :{r 2 r_uq ..-..... ~ -- - ' ............. - ~ DEPARTMENT - F=- OF TRANSP'ORTATION ight of Wa"j Adrni:ltslt.1tion N.W. Hldl Avenue i4m i. Aorida 33 l72 (305) 470-5150 K:k':"_.~ UCIlU:1'....-r February 23. 1995 Ms. Sl,lZamlC A. Hutton Asst. Cou.my Attorney COunty of Momoe 310 Fleming St.. Rm. 29 Key West. FIorida 33040 Re: NEW I..EASE AGREEMENT FOR TIllRIT (30) YF..ARS ORIGINAL LEASE l.SSUED ON AUGUST 16. lV77 ~ Monroe County W.P..I. No" 61166&3 Stakl/ob No. 9OO6Ot Shed 16 or 32 F.A.P. No. NfA StItt: Road No. SJ Bay&id~ COWUy/Key Monroe. UpPft" Maucume. MM 82 Parcel No" 6OS6t contauunt 29,192 sq. rt. Dear Ms. Huuon: This JdtCr is to conflnn that the Florida Department of Trusport.aljon (FDOT) ha.s agreed to leASe for thirty (30) yurs, the portion of right of way Jegilly described in Exh.ibit . A. for Puce! 6056. Thf! uHent points of this: 1 e..a.se agreement are as. folio w: :Imn.;. Th irty (30) ye.an;. oommenciDg upon. nu.itual agreement. willi a five (5) year option for fu lure renewl.l , Emli $1. 00 umuzll y. P I us: app Ecabl e taxes. FOOT i.!i DOl requ iring th cone dDll ar ($ Loo) coruidentiOD of the Luse Agretmelll due to handling and p~ing COSlS which are higber thm thi5 conside:ratjcn. TennIDuuon: Thirty (30) days notice by either pany in \Vriting, Us~ Clause; To be used soLely a.o; lhe .sj~e fDr ,I, bislOrical mU5eum, rest Sl.31ion. and parbng fatjlitic:;. No . d "etiising ~gns wi n be pcrmiUed on th~ leased right of V(1j,y. 1m u nm~ L~s<<: is s d f -lmuroo arld ~\l mCli full rcspons ib i Ii ty agn:c ing to i nd em.ni f y> def erld, save and hold barmless lessor from any losses, liabUities., cla.ims, demands and s.uits or any m,!Ure which !mY Mise out of any II.ccidenl, happt:ning or OCCUfrence in or about the dc:misoo pc emises or the i rnprovemenlS ther<<m, HI ~ ,.~.& I I~ J" ~1.1 of: @ ~- ~ y~ ~ February 23. 1995 Ms. SUZ3IUlC A. HuttOn StIb-Lcase Q)ndiUons : SbQuld Monroe County sub-leases the property under th is lease a,g reemenf, the following conditions apply: I ) The DepMtmefit must cons; i:lIl to the S1.J b 1 ease j II wriling as part (J f lh e 5u b-l case agreement 2) The: roar shall be included on the sub.lessee's insur;:mcc: certHicate in the amount i ndk.iled under tlle insurance cI aw.e of the lea.~ e agrecm ent with proof 0 f insu ranee to be submitttd with lhe .'lub.lea.o;e agreement 3) The $ub-]~ee sh:tll indemnify the FOOT on me S4UIle terms and conditions as set fonh in the lease ag:reement~ excludiog all provisiom whLch apply to Governmental ^ gencies. Leased. Area: 29,192 sq. ft. 3.$ leguly described in Exhibjt . A. of Parcel 6056. Two original lease docurn~nt> are enclosed. Please rwl. (be lease and familiarize yourself w ith the contents, and have Monroe Couqty and me AttofDey'.~ office sigo and ilpprove :>amc as to form and legal suffi<":iency of the agreement.... lCindly return the .liignod original.:;. UpoJ:l receipt of the;:;;e doOJrnents they will be forW3rded lO our General C..oumd 31Id District SecreUry, who will execute s.a.me On behalf of Florida Departmcl;lt of Tr.1llSpOr1alion. As SOOllas the fully executed lease agreements bave been returned to us, an origi.na.I will be forwarded lo you. If you have any questions, pleasl: ca.ll me at 305/4 7Q....5179. AlbertO V iIlarreaJ Property Management Supervis(u Ends. A V I eye. o;;c: Frilm;:iIlC Thomas. As.:sislanr Gellenl Coun.o;el Timothy Bl"i,kef. Bill Broach RM, PM, CF, Rf. Ftle '- Commissioner Reich 0., -:"r RE SOLUiION NO. 521 -1993 A ..RESOLDT ION REQUESTING RENEWAL OF A LEASE YROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Of A PARCEL OF LAND IN UPPER MATECUMBE, _MONROE COUNTYt F~ORIDAt WHICH PARCEL IS TO BE SU~LF.ASED TO THE I SLAMORADA CHAMBER OF CQBMERCE FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY YEARS ~ -- - -- ::~ ~ :.:..... . . ~ -'1 ~~~ .. WHEREAS, Monroe County did lease from the Florida Department of Transportation for a period of fifteen years a parcel of land on Upper Matecurobe, Monroe County, Florida. as more specifically described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Monroe County did subsequently 8ublease~ through a lease executed May 27, 1983, as amended by addendum dated December 16, 1983, the same property to the Islamorada Cha~ber of Commerce, Inc., a non-profit Florida corporation, to be used for a historical museum, tourist rest station. and parking facilitYi and WHEREAS, the lease bet",een Monroe County and the FDOT has expiredj and WHEREAS, Monroe County has determined that it is in the best interest of .the County to continue to lease the property from FDCT and sublease said parcel to the Islarnorada Chamber of Commerce; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA, Section 1" ......- That an extens ion of the prior lease for a term of thre e ( 3) year 8 from the date tha. t the extens ion is granted Bhall be requested of the FDOT. and an additional renewal for a twenty-five year period ~hereafter shall also be requested. Sect.ion 2. T That contingent upon approval of said e)(tension and reneT;\la 1 by the FDOT and execution of a lease extension and rene~al document between the County and FDOT~ the ... County shall request approval of a sublease to the Islamorada Chamb er 0 f Comme re e f or the per iod en c ou:rp a 8 g ing bo th e xt ens iun and renewal. PASSED " AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County~ Florida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 30th day of Noverber 1993. Ma.yor London Mayor Pro T@m Cheal Commissioner Harvey yes yea absent Commissioner Freeman ~s yes Commissioner Reich (SEAL) Attest: DANNY KOLHAGEt Clerk COUNTY COMHI S S lONERS COUNTY, FLORIDA BY.o.~ C. ~~ epucy vicofc ~ a 1rtl1an .., ,/ ~ /c oK~v~rY of ~g"~.~go~ Mr. WE Reuben Florida Dept. of Transportation Right-af-way Adminlstrotior\ 1000 NW 11lth Ave. Miami. FL 33172 Bg S OF COUNTY COMMISSIONFRS MAY0H. Srirle-y Fre~rT'i:lrl, DI5trict 3 Mayor Pro Te("T', JOlck I [Jlldorl, 0 i~tr .Cc 2 Wilrelrrina f":C1r'Jey, Dis1.'ict 1 Mary ]':;~y AE-!icn. 'J'8:r;ct 5 Ke,th [)ougl~8S, Distr:ct /I County Attorlley's Office 310 Fleming Street, 2nd Floor Key West Florida 33040 October 31, 1996 RE: 3D-year lease: Monroe County; WPI 611 6663; Job No. 90060, Sheet 26 of 32; SR5, Bayside; Parcel No. 6056 Dear Me Reuben. .~ 7 .~< .-- ..i/. fi.,~ :',...' i~:." i"f ~.)..? ".f: .<..,~ .. l~ ~ ..' _ .,M6' r.-. :.I')'!g~:) . i :~l 711 j L . . !f (.J w .h".: .~l.:. ,;. . , -"J.';'s. '.;....~ ~ .:.. / . :t"}j(' ..".....,. ~ .. ~ ..l:v~~ ~... ..(nr~ .-,"". ~ r....: .~.i2~ f ::;=i.X Enclosed please find a duplicate originol slJb~eme between Monroe COLInty and the Islamoradq Chamber of Commerce which has your Di~trict Secretary's signature, and which was executed by the BOCC and the Islamorado Chamber of Commerce. I apologize for the delay ~n providing yow with D,O.T, I s duplicate of the sublease. If I may be of any further msistance. please feel free to call. SAH:oa enclosure Sincerely, {". .x/;,. II(~ ~ _ ~ "1 ~..,.~? ; 'JA _...( 1----- .' ....- ....,) .- Suionne A, Hutton Assistant County Attorney ~\ ...... . .. man np 1... itolb age ER."'.:--;CH JFFlCE J l ] "7 ()V ~:RSEAS HlGHW A Y } 1 A fl A ""HOt>.:, fLOPlDA 33050 fEl. (:-:J5-) 2g9 K'77 :'AX {'l{]:;) 2B9-1/4~ CLERK OF THE ORcurr COURT MONROF (:OUNri 50J 'v'o'HITEHEA D STREET KEY Wi:3T, flORIDA 33010 'fEL. (1L)5) 29:2-::l-5..~O FAX (305) 295.3660 BRANCH UiHC~ tI&l;'J ()V l'i....R,S'it S H lC H"', II A Y PLANTA.T!ON KF'.", H.C~fl).-\. ;:~:v~ .ITf.. (.~'~..11\52.7,45 r- AX iC':C'S) ....:;"l- 7'16 MEMORANDUM FROM: Commissioner Keith L. Douglas..~ Ruth Ann Jan(zen~ Depuly Clerk .J!i'A,f'-. October JO~ 1995 TO; DA TE: At the October 18~ 1995 County Commission Mc~tin~t the Board granted appro\"al and authorized execution of a Subl€ase h('f.w~t.'n l\t"llr~)e County and th~ hlamorada Chamber of Commerce fOT" a pan?.el of Land ~~tuaft~d on U p~)er I\IdecumLe Key. Enduscd pl~~aw find a rully cxcruted duplicate orL~inal for return to the lslamorada Chamber or Commerce. If you ha \'e any que.o;;tjons regarding the ahol'e, please do not he~itate to contad. this Orricf. cc:~ County AttornE'Y Finance County Admint<;trator, wlo d~)CHmeJlt HIe ~"'I ,r'; I SUBLEASE - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE This Agreement js made and entered into by MONROE COUNTY, a political su bdivision of the State of Florida. whose oddress is 5100 College Road, Stock Islo rlO, Key West Florida 330.m (County), and lslanorada Chamber of Commerce, a non. profit corporation incorporated In the State of j:~orida, whose address IS P. O. Box 915, Islamorada, FL 33036 {the Chamber). The County has a leasehold interest in (] parcel of land situated on. Upper Motecumbe Key and more pariicularly described in Exhibit "A" The State Deparlment af Transportation owns said properly, and, through 0 lease executed on the~dayof Ha~ J . 1995, retains the right of approvol of any sublease. 1. PROPERTY. The County subleases exclus,vely to the Chamber the la nd shown on Exhibit A. hereofter the premises. Exhibit A 1s Q rtoched and made a part of this Agreemerd, 2. TERM. The term of th~s Agreement is twenty-nine and one-half [291/1) years running from July T, 1995 through December 31, 2024. 3, USE AND CQNDJ~ The premises shall be used solely for the purposes of QBistoricaf museurr:, rest station ar.d parkin~ foci~itjes. No signs of any kind will be perm ijjed on the leased rig h f of way mea. If the prem ises are used for ,my other purpose, the COLnty shall have rhe optlDn of Immediately terminating this Agreerr,ent. Chamber shall r,o; permit any use of :'1e premises in any monner that would obstruct or interfere with any tramporlat!on faci!ities. The Chambe( will LJrther Lise and occupy soid preti'^,ises. In a careful and proper manner. ond not (:omm:t any wasie thereon. Chamber will not cO.Jse, or allow to be caused, any nuisance or objectionable activity of any nature on the premises, Any activities iri any way involving hazordous materiols Dr sJbstances of or,y kind whatsoever, e:!her Cs those terms may be del:ned vr,der ony state or federo! laws or regulations or as those terms are understood in common usage, are specificolly prohib,~ed. The Cham ber Will not \,Jse Of occu py said premises for any uniowfur purpme and wiit, at Chamber's sole cost ond expense, conform to orod obey any present or future ordinance and/or rules. regulQ tions, requirements 0 nd orders of governmental 0 u thorities Of ogencies respecting the use and occ upation of said premises. Chamber is subject to 011 conditions of the Lease berween the Stote and the County ~or the PreMises. 4. RENT. For the use ot the premises, the Chamber must pay the County the sum of $1 ,00 per year for eac h full or partla I year of the term, due on the first of July of each year and payable in advance, Additionally, the Chamber shaH reimbwrse the Cow nty for a ny increases !n rent which the Stote req wires of the County end any od minlstrotlve fees assessed to the County by the State for the premises Or leaSing thereof, i1"'. accordance with stQ~\Jtory and regulatory prov;sions 01 the State ot Florida. 5. TAXES. The Chamber mLtst pay all taxe~ and assessments, including a ny sales or use tax, leyled by a ny governmenT agency with respect to the ~ he m ber s opera t.ons on tne ,meMises. t. lNSURANCE, ChofY'Joer sha II, thro .Jgnouf the term of this lease, maintain insurance in 0 minimum amount of one million dollars [$ LOCt,.OOO.OO) for bodi..y inj'Jry or death to anyone per.;,on or nwmber Of permr,s in any O.'le OCCJrrence 2 on d riot less th an one million dollars ~$ UXXJ.OOG-OO) for property damage unle:s~ waived or modified by County Risk Management per Administrative Ins.truction 4709 and by the State of Florida Deportment of Transportation. The insurance policy for policies) shall '10 me Monroe County a nd the State of Florida Department of Transportaj~ori as additlonai insureds_ The Chambsr must keep in full force and effect the required insurance during the term of this Agreement_ If rhe Insure nee poficie5 origina Ily purchased which meet the requirements of th,~ sublease are canceled, terminated or red uced in coverage, then the Chamber must immediatery substit1Jte comptying policies so thqt no gap in coverage occurs_ Copies of current policy certificates sha II be filed with the County whenever acquired 0; amended. 7_ CONDITION OF PREM'SES. The Chamber mu~t keep the premises jn good order and cOrld1tfon. The Chamber ml1st prom ptty repair damoge to tMe premises. At the end of the term of this Agreement, the Chamber must surrender the premi5es to the County ~n the same good on::Jer and condition as the premises were on the commencement af the term, normal wear and tear excepted, The Chamber is solely responsible for any improvements to land and a ppurtena nces placed on the prem ises. 8. IMPROVEMENTS_ No structure or improvements of any kind sho If be placed upon the land witho;..,t prior approval in writing by the District Secretory for Dis~r:ct Six of the S tete of Florida Deportment of Yransportaton and a bLJ ilding perm it issued by COJrlty_ Any $vch structure or impfovements shal~ be constructed in a good and workrr,a,'ll:ke manne! at Chamber s sole cmt ond expense_ Subject to any 3 landlord's lien, ony stn.. ctures or im provements constrwcted by Chomber sho II be removed by the Cham ber at C ha m ber' s sole C05t and expense, by midnight on the day of termjnation of this Agreement or ex~ension hereof, and the land restored as nearly as practical to its condition ot the time this agreement is executed unless the State of Florida Department of Transportation or jts SlJccessors and assigns accepts: In writing delivery of the premises together with any structures or im provements constructed by Chamber. Portable or temporal)t cdverlisir"lg sFgm are prohibited. C ha mber she Ii perform, at the :sole expense of C he mber, all work required in the preparation of the property or premises hereby leased for occupancy by Cham ber, in the absence of any special provision herein contained to the contrary; and Chamber does hereby accept the leased property or Pfemises as now being in fit and tenontable condition for alj purposes of Chamber. County a nd State resefYe the right to inspect the leased area and to require whatever adjustment ~o structures or improvements m;: County Or State. each in its sole discretion, deems necessary. Any adjustments shalj be done at Chamber's sole costs and expe'lse. No building permit fee sha II be req uired by County for deyetopment for which Chamber applies for a building permit plio' to June 30, 1996. although a County bLiilding pefmit shal~ be required for a!1 development Any bui!ding perm~ts sought by C ha mber subseq uent to J ..me 3D, 1 996, sha II be su blect to permit fees_ 9. HOLD HAR/I61.rn..: -:-'18 Chombe, is .iable for and r.lust fully defend, release, disc.'1arge, indem nify and .'1old rarmless the Cou n ry, the merr,bers of the County Commission, County of;lcen and employees, and County agents and 4 contractors, and the State, its officers and employee~, from and against any and all claims, derr.ords. couse5 of action, 1055es, cosis and exper.ses of who.e.....er )ipe - including itwest;gotion and witness cods and expenses and attorneys' tees and costs - that or.se out of or Q.ce attributable to ;he Cliomber's cperations or, the premi5es except for those c1oirr,s. demands, damages. :iab,ities. actions, causes of actio!!. losses, cosh a nd expenses that are the resul t of the- sole negfigence of the Coun ty_ The Chamber's PLirchose af the insura'lce reqLlired under ~~is Agreement does not release or vitiate its ab;igations Ullder ~his porag;cph 10, NON-DISCRIMINATr9N. The Chamber iar iiself, its personal representatives, successors in ir,terest, and assigns, as a part of tre cors;deratior. hereof, does hereby covenant 0 nd agree thai no person on the grou.r,ds ot race, color, or natiorol origin shal~ be excluded from participation in, deliied the benefits ot, or be otherwise swbjected ~o discrimination ~n the .Jse of p!er"lises Of in the contracting for improvements to the premises_ 11, TERMI NA TlQN_ The County may treet the Chamber in derault and terminate this Agreerr.ent irr-rr,ediotely, witho!.,t prior n~t:c~. ..Jpon foilure of :::::homber to comply with any provision of this Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated by Counry if and "",he!"',. ~or any rec::sor :~s co.....,trol,:ng iecse !s tecm:nared by the State, ';.JOan provision d reasonable .~,otice. Chamber mey terminate tris Agree.'iie.'lt upon giving thirty days pror wr:.ten .~,o~ics ~o CO.JrJy. . 2. DEfAULT-WAIVER. ~~e waiver by :r,e ::~Q,""',ber 0,. the Co.~'rty o~ ~n act Or omission that constitutes a default of an obligatior, under th,$ Agreement does nol waive ano+her defa u!t of fr,O t or any othe~ ob!igo tion, 5 13. ASSIGNMENT. The Cham ber may nol msig n this Agree.'Tlent Or assig n or swbcontroct any of its ob:igations u.nder this Ag~eement without the approval of the County's Board of COUtity Commissioners, AI: the obligations of ~his Agreement will extend to and bind the legol ~epresenta~ive.s, ~uccessor5 and assigns at the C ha mber and the COiJ nty. 14, SUBORDINA T1Q!t This Agreement is: su bord inote to the I aws and regulations of the United States, the State of Florida, and the County, whether In effect on July 1, 1995, or adopted after that date. This Agreement is a Iso subordinate to the provisions or a tiy existing or future agreements betvYeen ~he State Department 01 Transportation and the County with regard to the use of the premises. 15- l NCQNSISTENCY. Any item, condition or obligation of this Agreement that is in conflict with the items "sted in this paragraph is superseded to the extent of the conflict, 16. GOVERNING LAWSNENUE. This Agreement is governed by the lows of the State of Florida a nd the United States. Venue for any dfspute arising under this Agreement must be in Monroe Couniy, Florida, In the event of any litigation. the prevoi!ing party is entii;ed to a reosonable a~torney's fee and co.s~s_ 17. CQNSTRUCTlON. This Agreement has been carefvi Iy reviewed by the Cramber eild the County_ Theretore, this Agreement IS not to be ~Dnstru8d against a ny party on the basis of a urhor.;i-)ip_ 18_ NQTfCES, Notices in this Agreemen~, un less otherwise spedfied, must be sent by certified mail ~o !.'le toll cw:ng~ 6 To County; Cow n ty Ad mi~,is.rator 5100 CollegE' Road Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 19. FULL UN DERST ANDINc;_ To Chamber ExeC'....dive Director Islamorad a ::ham ber of Commerce P. O. 80x 915 Islarnorado, FL 33036 This Agreerrent is the parties' final mvtual understar,ding, It replaces any earlier agreemer:h Or undersh:Jndings, whe~'1e~ writter, or oral. This Agreement cannot be modified or replaced except by another written arid signed agreement. 20, EFFECTIVI; DATE. This Agreement will ta ke eFect or, July 1, i 995, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused this Agreement to be executed by its ovly authorized representative_ fSEAl~ ATTEST: DANNY L- KOLHAGE, CLERK BY-li~r~ De tv Cle Witness W:hess V). APPf,O'lf;;J A5 T.~. ... ),hln.E IN.. S!..!<=p~. ;1::.1. ~/;r . ~ ..~- ..-..,::: ~ ...~~~~ -". ,....". !I" ~~ C:;Ul ATTEST:~~ (SEAL} /} r-. I;' /-" . By ).0.,'. ,~- .'. ./....1 c" .-y:-.:.. { _:.:.- E>:E!Cl..diVEl Se..retarx . Margaret Higg'f"J$ - / ' DATE: ./ I ~ "-1./") oie O"l ii~ic: (: Qr::. JOG BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSlONERS OF MQN ROE COUNW, FLORIDA By cS~~~ '-..... ,OF / '-------------' /. ..0.---- ~/' , -:I -- - ..---- / .. .7 _...;j?? --~ - . , .,h,.- c----r::c.:f;r. r " ;l>.i.-;.J , , --- SUo-LEASE APPROVED BY: SlATE OF F-LQ.RIDA 8EPARTMENT OF TRANSPO ~I Al!ot<l'\, , , . ',~ \ ' ! ., ... \. 1.... .'.. \,,' 1..,' .....--....'1 By ~.:.... ,.. ., " L ~ Si~h:::;1 Se'~~.- "'o~e A8reI.J AP?;:~~ as tD leg'-olity 7 .1 I X H I I IT. 1. D.O. T P 1 I elL '0 5 , DOT P AlCIL LlISSU V. P . !. NO. STATI/JOB NO. r.A,p. NO. STAT.! ROAD NO. COUNTY/KEY SECTION, TO~SHIP AND RA}jGE ~ 056- Konro-e County 611666-J. '0060, Shlet 26 of 32 N/A 5J Ba~ ide MQnro~, UPD~r Matecu~e K~y, MX 81 Section 28, Tovnshlp 63 South, Range 37 East DES C RIP T I 0 H : !he follo~inq is the description of a ?arce1 of land le~5ed by Monroe County, Flotid~ tt~. the D.O.! of Th~ 3t.tc of Plorida. That P3!t of s@ction 2S, fownship 63 south,Ranq~ 37 East, Upper Matecumbel Monroe County,.Florid4, shown as ~NOT PART OF THIS PLAT~r a$ ~kcwn on the Plat of Stratton~s 5ubdivialon as I!corded in Plat Boo. 2 .t P4qe ]1 in the Public Record, of Manroe County b@inq aor~ pa~tlcular deBcri~d ~s fcllo~: Begin It the intersection ~f North tln~ of Govern~nt Lot 4 of ..14 Section 21 vlth tbe lorth I/W Line of U. S. 1, th.~ce l~n W..terly ~lon9 th~ Mort~ I/V Line & dlatlnct of 4'3.91 f.. t; tb.nce .t liqht An91ea to the l.~t de.erIbed courle & dlst.nc~ of 100 b~t; then.c::~ EasterlY,.at Right lIlqles to the last ducrlbad coune ill dl.tance of 38s.41 fftct to . Point on the Worth Line of ..1d Govun-.!nt Lot 4; tnence Easterly a1on~ the North Line of said Lot 4 . dlst.nce of 144.68 t!et to the Point of Beglnnlnq. Tne for@qoinq contaln1nq ~4,192 SQ.FT. (1,02 Acres) aore or Ie.a. HOTE: S~hject to restrictions, ce5~Lv~tionsf conditions and ~~5~me~ts of r~cor~i any utill:ies Ie~inlng in plac~ and in ose~ IE any. This property cannot be u~~d for outdoor adverti,inq purposes. Pol:o.l~~ is a ~isz~ri~tion o~ a ~ortion of property to be subl!~5!d by :he Is~a~oraja Chamber af Co~rce: Tha~ ~ar~ cf S~~tian 28, !o~J5hip 63 South, Range 37 Ea~t~ Upper Ha~~cu~~~, ~o~rae County, t!crida, sho~~ as ~NOT PAR! or ~E:5 P:"A~", as shovn on the Pht of str.attor,~s Subdivision as rec:orded i~ ?la: Book 2 at Page )8 in the ~ublic Recctds of KOnroe CQunty being ~O~e particular dtscrlb~d as follQ~~ B~qi~ at ~he 1ntersect~on oE the NnrtM Lln~ of GOVe!n~ent ~ot 4 ct said Section 28 ~ith t~e North R/W Line of U, S. 1; thence run ijesterly along the North R/~ Line a di~taoce of 150.00 t~!t to ~he PDin~ of Beginnin9; tne~ce contin~ing ~estetly a~ong th~ North R/ij line a distance of 343.'n fe~t; th~nc~ ~~ Right Angles to the laat d!5Crib@d courSe ~ di~t.nce of 100 feet; thence &a~terly at Right An91e5 of the last descrIbed COU[5e a distance of 2J9.~1 feet; thenc~ run North a9 D~gr~!~ 511 ~9~ ra!t for a dlstanc~ of 1~~.6S feeet to the Point Qf BegInning. The foregoing containing 29,192 SQ.FT.(O.6102 Acre!) mor~ or less. lnclud~d in the above described p~rcel of land i5 d portion of land ~nown as ~TRACT A" the descriptions and restrictions are more ~articularly described as follo~: Begin at the In:ersection of North Line of Govern~ent ~at ~ of 5~ld Section 26 ~itn th~ North R!W Line ~f U, S, 1, thence ru~ ~e~terly along the North R/~ line a distance cf 15D,JO fe~t to ~h~ PJi~~ at EEginning; thence continuing ~@ster:y along the North R/W line a distance of 28.93 fe~t; thence run Sauth 89 Degr~~s 51' ~9. ~e5t for a distance af 39.~6 feet; thence r~~ Nor~h ~J Deqr~e~ 51' 3~~ west for a distance of 21.68 feet; thence run Not~h 89 Deq!ees 51' 49w East for a distance at eo.no feet to the Point of Beginning. The fo~~golng containing l,10G SQ.FT.{O.D275 Acres} more or less. NOTE: The tollo~ing Le5trictlons apply to the foregoing de.cription kno~ a, -fRACT A-, Lessee, its assigns, 3~ccesso~s or sublessee~, are ~tohibited :rom clearing, altering or engaging in any d~v~lo~ment activity ~~thln the area desc!ioed dS ~~RACT AW, ~t is the int!nt of tr.is prohibition to ~[e5erV~ the vegetated area located ~lthin TRA~T ^ so as to ser~e a5 a natuLal buffer between th~ leased premises and the adj~inin9 pa~cel. F~')]::~ 22~-080--;)3 =-0CC3 ".:'-; :~,:iI4 LESSEE W.P.L COUNTY NO. : Monroe County _... 6116663 - Monroe. UpJ}gr ~J:Q.Umbe MM 82 90060. She~t _~-v..__Q.f_.R. .5............ Bavside MIA .9Jt~_g. ._ _. Key, SECTION . R'l'A.'l'E ROAD: FAP NO. . PARCF.l. NO. : LEASE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT, made this .24/ .{ day of" fla !f , 1995, by and between the STATE' OF FLORIDA DF.PAR'T'Mf.NT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ ( here ina fter ca 11 ed the Las sor), and MONROE... G.qUl:!TY_L__.fJ~QRJDh (hereinafter called the Lessae), WITNESSETII.;_ In considerati on of One Dollar ($1.00) and other qood and valuable considerations, the Parties aqree as follows: 1. Property and ~erm, Lessor does hereby lease unto Lessee the 1 ands described in Exh i bi t n A 11 , attached hereto and made a part hereof J for a period of 'l'hirty (J.Q..L-.Y.~.~~J bcqinning with the date of this Agreement. This Aqreement may be renewed for an additional Five (5) s~ar. term at Lessee's option, subject to the rent adjustment as provided in Paragraph 3 below, Lessee shall provide Lessor .lJ.Q days adva nee written notice of its exerci se 0 f the renewal option, If Le~snc holds over and rema1ns 1n possession of the land after the expiration of the term specified in this Lcase~ or any renewa Is of such term, Lessee' s tenancy shall be considered a tenancy at sufferan~el subject to th~ s~rne terms and conditions as 1 ~ -:J,i':'n :.I:.I.,-~:ft:""l--:"":~~ -= - 0CD3 .c") .':'.... herein contained in thi.s Lease. Th is T,ease 1 s subject to all utilities in place and to the maintenance thereof n~ well as any other covenants, easements, or restrictions of record. This Lease shall be construed as a Lease of only the interest, if nny, of Lessor, and no warranty of title shall be deemed to be given herewith. 2. Use.,. The leased land shall be used solely for the purposes of ~_b.j_storical museum. rest station and parkhill facili ti.es. No signs of _._E!DY __t.i~il L be ..l2tlIO,i ttod on the l-=;a):;:;~d rioht of w~y_area. If the land is used for any other purpose, the Lessor shall have the option of immediately terminating this Agreement. Lessee shall not permit any use of the land in any manner that would obstruct or interfere with any transportation facilities. The Lessee will further use Qnd occupy said premises in a carefu 1 and proper manner, and not cammi t any waste thereon. Lessee wi. 11 not cause, or allow to be caused, any nUlsance or oblcctionable activity of any nature on the premises. Any activities in any way involvinq hazardous material~ or sub~tances of any kind whatsoever, either as those terms may be defined unde~ any st~te or federal laws or regulations or as those terms are understood 1 n common usaqe, are s pee i fica 11 y proh i bi ted . The I~ssee will not use or occupy said premis85 for any unlawful 2 l'-::J'='I'T 2:':~-l)~t~-('~:J 0,::':: - ~..("...)."" ~., .0 ~ pu~pose and will, at Lessccls sole cost and expense, conform to and obey ~ny present or future ordinances and/or rules, regulation~, requirements and orders of governmental authorities or agencies respectinq the use ~nd occup~tion of sald premises. 3. Rant. "Lessee sha11 pay to Lossor as rent, on or before the firs t da y of each rent payment per i od I the sum of One Do 11 ar LS ,L:~ plus tax, for each one (1) year of the term. 11" thi s Agreement -1S terminated prior to the end of any rent payment pe~iod, the unearned portion of any rent payment, l~~s any other amounts that may be owed to Lessor, shall be refunded to I~ssee. Lessee shall p~y any and allstate, county, city and local taxes that may be due durinq the term hereof, including any real property taxes. Rent payments shall be made payable to the Florida Department of Transportation and shall be sent to the state or Florida I Rlqht of Way Administration. 1000 N. W. I11th Avenue ~ Miami. Yloricta 33172. The Lessor reserves the right to review and adjust the rental tee bienniallY and at renewal to reflect market conditions. Any installment uf rent not received within ten (10) days after the date due shall bear intere~t at the highest rate allQwod by Jaw from the due date thereof. rhis provision shall not obligate Lessor to accept late rent payments or. provide Lessee a qrace period. 4. ImoroveTllonts _ No structures or improvements of any kind :) rCl~"~ ';:!:;:!~-IJ-~I~) 1)"1 C",";::' - OXJ~ D".'~H shall he plnced upon the land without prior approval in writing by the Di F;tr let Secretary for Di stri ct six of Lessor. Any such structure or improvements shall be constructed 1 n a qood and workmanl.i.ke manner at Lessee's sole cost and expense. subject to any landlords lien, any structures or improvements constructed by Lessee sh~ll be removed by the Lcsseej at LesseeFs sole cost and expense, by midniqht on the day of termination of this Aqreernent and the land restored as nearly as prqctical to its condition at the t irne this agreement is executed. portable or temporary advertizing signs dL8 prohibited. Lessee shall perform! at the sole expense of Lessee, all work requ ired in the preparation of the property or premises hereby leased for OCCUpahCy by Lessee, ) n the absence of any special provision herein contained to the contrary; and Lessee does hereby accept the leased property or premises as now being in fit and tenantable condition for all purposes of Lessee, LeSf;or reserves the r.ight to inspect the leased ~rea and to require whatever adjustment to structures or improvements as Lessor, in its sole discretion. deems necessary. Any adjustments shall be done at LesseeFs sole costs and expense. 5. Maintenance. LessQc shall keep and maintain the land and any building or other structure. now or hereafter erected thereon. in good and safe cond i t i on and repa.ir at Lessee I S own expense durinq the existence of this lease, and shall. keep the same free 4 FCJ:..b!I .2.2S-CS C- (),3 (Y~.: - (v:OJ o? .:......... and clear of any and all grass, wccdsf brush and debri~ of dny kindj so as to prevent the s~me becoming danqcrousj inflammable or objectionable. Lessor shall have no duty to inspect or maintain any ot the land, Duildinqs or other structure~, if any, durinq the terms of this Lease; however, Lessor sha 1 J have the right, upon twenty-four (24) hours notice to Lessee, to enter the property for purposes of inspection, including conducting an environmental assessment. Such assessment may include but would not be limited to: surveyinq; sampling of building materials, soil and groundwater; moni tor ing well installations; soil excavation; groundwater remediation; emergency asbestos abatement; operation and malntenance inspections, and, any other action which might be reasonablo and necesssry. Lessor~s riqht of entry shall not obligate inspection of the property by Lessor, nor shall it relieve the Lessee of it~ duty to maintain the property, In the evont of emergency due to a release or suspected release of hazardous waste on the premises, Lessor shall have tho right of immediate inspection, and the right, but not the obligation, to enqaqe In ~emedial action, without notice. 6. Indemnificatj_Qn~ The Lessee is self- insured for any general li~bility claims that may arise and to the extent provided in section 768.28 (S), Florida statute. The Lessee shall indemnify, defend, SaVe and hold Lessor, its agents and employees, harmless of and from any losses, fines, penalties, 5 F~~~ 22S-~B~-03 or - 0C>0:l 07i~4 costs, d~roage, claims, demands, suits and liabilities of any nature, including attorneys fees (including regulatory and appellate fees), ~risinq out of, because of, or due to any accident, happening or occurrence on the leased land or arls1nq in ['my manner on account of. the exerc i 5e or a:ttempted exercise of I,f;~ssep. 1 S r iqhts hereunder f whether the same regards person or property of any nature whatsoever, reqardlcss of the apportionment of negligence, unless due to the sole nGqliqence of Lessor. It is further understood that should the Lessee sublet the property in question, that the Sub-lessee shal) indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor under the same terms and conditions set forth herein, excludinq all provisions which apply to governmental agencies. Lessee's obliqation to indemnify, defend, and pay for the defense or at the Department's option, to participate and associate with the Department in the defense and trial of any claim and any related settlement negotiations, shall be triggered by the Department's notico of ~laim for indemnification to Lessee. LCSS8C'S inabil ity to evaluate liability or its evaluation 01" liability shall not excuse Lessee's duty to defend and indemnify within seven days after such notice by the Department is given by req i stercd ma i 1 . Only an adludication or judgmont after the highest ~ppeal is exh~usted specjfically finding the Department so I e 1 y neq 1 i qent ~ha 11 excuse per forma nee 0 [ th i s prov i si on by Lessee. Lessee shall pay all costs and fees re.Lated to this ohliqation and its enforcement by the Department. Department's 6 ForB 2.2~-OBO-O]: 'X: i':: -. '-"X'3 iJ-J /'94 failure to notify Lessee of a claim shall not re1ease Lessee of the above duty to defend. Lessee shall defend the Lessor to the extent p~ovided in section 768.28 (18) Florida statute. ? . .lDKu.rancc. Lessee is solt-insured and will cover the state of Florida Department of Transportation as stated in Paragraph 6 01' this agreement, Les see wi II protect Les sor and Lessee aqainst any and all claims for inlury and dam~ge to persons or property or the loss of life or property occurrinq 1n, or on abO\lt the land ari s i.ng out of the a.ct, negliqcnce J omission, nonfeasance or malfeasance of Lessee, its employecs~ agents, sub- 1 essees contractors, customers J licensees and invi tees. Should the Lessee sub-let or assign the property in question the sub-lease shall be required to include the Lessor on the Sub-lessee's certificate of insurance which shall be in a m.intmum amount of One Million Dollars ($l,OOO,OOO.OO) for bodily injury or death to any One person or any number of persons in anyone occurrence not less -:than One Million Dollars for property damaqe. The Sub-Lessee should name the .c:;tate of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) as an insured party under the policy. The Sub-Lessee shall provide FOOT with proof of insurance upon demand by FDOT. 8 + Eminent Dama in. Lessee acknow 1 edges and aqrees that its relationship with Lessor under this Lease is one of Landlord and Tenant and no other relationship either expressed or implied shall be deemed to apply to the parties under this Lease. Termination of this Lease for any cause shall not be deemed a taking under any 7 ~ .r) r n. :..',) 5- Co::! ("-- C.3 r.u.. . I":I...-:"...~ 0.) .~t~ eminent domain or o~her lAW so as to entitle Lessee to compensation for ~ny interest suff~red or lost as ~ result of termination of this Lease, includinq but not limIted to (i) any residual interest In the Lease, or (li) any other facts or circumstances arislnq Gut of or in connection with this Lease. Lessee hereby waives and relinquishes any lcqal rights nnd monetary cIa i.ms which It miqht have for fu 11 cornpensat ion, or damages of any sort, including but not limited to special damages, severance damaqes, removal cost or loss of business profits resultinq from its loss of occupsncy of the les~ed property specified in this Agreemcntl or adjacent proper.ties owned or leased by it, when any or all such properties are taken by eminent domain proceedings or sold under the thre~t thereof. Thi.s waiver and relinquishment applies whether ei) this Lease is still in cxiBtence on the date of taking or sale~ or. (ii) has been terminated prior thereto. 8 F.-.:.:t.~ 2.2~~-O ~O-C:J ~.~~ - (0)3 r~':. . r.), oj 9. Miscellaneous. a. This Agreement may be term i na ted by Lessor immediately, without prlor notice, upon default by LcsRee hereunder, and maY be terminated by either party upon thirty (dQ) days prIor written notice to the other party. b. In the case of litiqation arlslng out of the enforcement of any terms, covenants or prov151ons uf this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable ~ttorneys' fees from the non~prevailinq party. c. Lessee acknow 1 cdqes tha t .i t ha EO; rev i ewed thi s Lea 50 , is familiar with its terms and has had adequate opportunity to review this lease -wlth legal counsel of Lessee's choosinq. Lessee has entered into this Lease freely and voluntarily. Thi s Lea se contains the complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. All prior. understandings and aqreemcnts, oral or written, heretofore made between the parties and/or between Lessee and the previous owner of the leased property and landlord of I,essce are merged in this Lease, which alone, fully and completely expresses the agreement between Lessee and Lessor with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification, waiver or amendment of this Lease or any of its conditions or provisions 9 F-:':Jt""t! :!2~-88~"ln ~",-~-~ r:-":':"01. shall he hiDoinq upon Lessor or Lessee unless in writing and siqned by both such parties. n. T.essee sha11 not sublet the leased property or any part thereo f, nor aSS 19n th i So Leas e I wi thou t the pr J or com, en tin writing of Lessor, this Leaso being executed by Lessor upon the credit and reputation of Lessee. Acceptance by Lessor of rental from a thi rd party sha 11 !lot be con s idered as an a 5S i gnmen t or sublease. e. Lessee sha.ll be solely respons ible for all bi 11 s for electricity, liqhting, power, qa~1 water, telephono and telegraph services, or any other utility or service used on the land. f. This Aqceement shall be qoverned by the laws of the state of Florida, and any applicable 1 aws:; of the united States of America. g. All notices to Lessor shall be sent to the address for rent pa ymen ts a nd a 11 not ices to T,essee shall be s en t to the property address. 10 L ..r n ~~', ~II.'" (I) .:0-': - 'X-':.3 ..").: ~.1 TN WITNESS WHEREOf<' I the parti es he rGto ha vc ca us eel th ~ s e presents to be executed, the day and year first above written, APPROVED AS TO i'ORM, AND LEGALITY: /~) - ~..... ...------- .\ . ;// .. /, 1--- V? 4tfl ' '. iit?!t'i;e~~h~;6unseff! '~ OF ATTEST: .. '/ \ '-- ,.,. ,< ( SEAL J Executive Secretary Margaret Hiqqins DATE: By: .111-~ ! ,; s ~~f= FLORIDA TlTLE: Chairman 9f ~them~Qard ,An"'f L. xQLl{AGE. o.rtI Al'l'EST~ ~~1-(../ (SEAL) ~/ TITLE: Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM, AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By' ~~ ~t"Oiney' Offlce Da te : .__. __ 3/1.5/95 11 E X H I E I T 1'1 A II D . 0 . T PARCEl., 6 0 5 6 DOT PARCl!:L 6056 LERSSEE Monr oe County \II. P . 1. N"O. 6116 Ei 6 3 STATE/JOB NO. 90060, She.et 2& of 32 F.A.P+ ~O, N/A STATE ROAD NO. S, Bays ide COUNTY/KEY MonLoe~ UPDer Matecumbe Key~ HM 82 SECTION, TO~SHIP AND RANGE Section 28f Township 63 SOlltl1r Range 37 East DES C RIP T ION : The following is the description of a parcel of land leased by Monroe Co~nty, Florida from the D.O.T of The State of FloridQ, That patt of section 2S, Township 63 south~Range 37 East, Upper Matscumbe, Monroe County,. Florida, shown as ftNOf PART OF THIS PLAT~~ as shown on the Plat of Stratton's Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2 at paqe 38 in the Public Records af Monroe County being more particular describ~d as follows: Begin at the intersection of North Line of Government Lot ~ of said Section 28 ~ith the North R/W Line of U. S. 1, thence run Westerly along the No~th R/W Line a distance of 493,97 Ee et; thence at Right Angles to the last descIibed course a dist~ncc of 100 feet; thence Easterly.at Right Angles to the last described course a distance of 3B9.41 feet to a Point on the North Line of said Government Lot 4; thence Ed5te~ly along the North Lin~ ot 5aid Lot 4 a distance of 144.68 feet to the Point of Beginning. The foregGing ~ontaining 44~192 SQ.FT.ll.02 Acres) mote or less. NOTE~ Subject to restrictiohS; r~s@~vations, conditions dnd easem~nts of record, any utilities remaining in place and in use; if any, This property cannot be used for outdoor adve~tisiog purposes. Follo~ing is a disrcription of a portion of property to be subleased by the Islamorada Chamber of Commerc@: That Dart of Section 28, Township 63 South, Ranqe 31 East, UDDer Matecumbe, Monroe County, Florida, sho~n dS ~NOT PART OF THIS PLAT~r ~s shown on the Plat of strattonts Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 38 in the Public Records oE MOnroe County being more particular describ~d as follows: B€gin at the intersection of the North Line of Government Lot 4 of said Section 28 with the North R/~ Line af U. s. 1; thence tUn ~estetly along the North R/W Lin~ a distance of 150.00 feet to the Point of Beqinning~ thence continuing Westerly along the North Rj~ line a distance of .H 3.97 feet; thence ~t Right Angles to th~ last described COUIse a di5tan~p. af 100 feet; thence Easterly at Qlght Angles of the last described course ~ distance of 239,41 feet; thence run North 89 Degrees 51' 49~ East for a di~tance at 144.68 feeet to the Point of Beginnlnq. The foregoing containing 29,192 SQ.FT.{O.blD2 Acres) more or less, Included in the above described parcel of land is J portion ot land known as ~TRACT A~ the descriptions and restrictions dre more particularly described as follo~s; Begin at ~he intersection of North Line of Gov~rn~ent Lot 4 ot said Section 28 ~ith tbe North R/W Line of U. S. 1, thence run Westerly along the North R/W line a distance of 150,00 feet to the Point of Beqinning; thence continuing WesteLly along the North R/W line a distQnce of lB.33 feet; thence rUn South B9 Degrees Sll 49~ West for a distance of 39.96 feet; thence run North 43 Degrees 51' 34~ ~est for a distance of 27.b8 feet; thence run North 69 Degrees 51' 49n East for a distance of 80.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. The foregoing containing 1,200 SQ,FT.(O.0275 Acres) mor~ or less. NOTE~ The to110~inq restrIctions apply to the foregoing description kno~n as ~TRACT A". Lessee, it~ assiqns, suCceSsors or 5ublessee5, are prohibitej troll clearing, altering or engaging in any d~velQprnent activity within the area described as KTRACT A~. It is the intent of this prohibition to preserve the vegetated area located within TRACT A so as to Serve a5 a natural buffer between the leased premises and the adjoinlnq parcel. ~ "'* // I No, 74 c." . Filed: lO~21-77 ~H: 737 m~ 390 COUNTY , SECTION: STAlE ROA[l: PARCH ;10: "0" tOC 90DMJ-l'roj, ,240 1I. S. No. I Port P~r~el Nc. ! 1 '28~~{; LEASE AG?'EF.~IENT Till S AGREEI-lF,NT, '"~ de t h.l ~ l6 th d" Y ~ f ,0,,,9'-' It 19~, by .nd b~tw~~n th~ STAlE OF fLORIOA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSrORTATION. an ~gen~y of l~~ State of Florid". herein.ft~~ ~.ILed '-[', "L~~~Clr", and ~IQNROE COUNTY, H.ORID.... h~,.ceJ.na fl~ ,. ~"II 0<1 :"Le s~t',,"., WIT N r: s s r T H , f In eon~ 1<I~rn.tl"n of t~l<' c<Jve.,~nI5 <:0l1t3lno<l her"i.. r;,";e parties aKree a. follow!: 1. 1.1.'$~or ,Io~" hcr~br l~Dse to Le~~cc, j~ I iOeod on,I sllffie lent co~~idel'~ Hon. the l...nd d~~c rl bed in Exhi bit ",''', ,it U,,-h~<I ."H~H' and lIIDde B part h<>recr, rOf II term DC ri (r.'en (151 l'~3r5 traTl', tho ,"late hereof ~nd ,"rtlLof ..grees to an ~UCI1SiOIl of such term tor an tld<lltio~a) fiv~ lS) leHS llp~Tl req\l~st of L~SSH, I. The l.nJ Sh.11~ be Ilsed 'ol~ly .1S th~ s;:~ fOf " hist~;ical mU~~llm. .eSt station, "nJ pnr.ing fa~illt" .nd ~o ... r. ::;'I:.",;':',:~~ ...dwerthing S1gn5 shall be r.flni rt"d. Ir lessee ceaSDS tD u,e lh, l.nd for th~ pur~~$es specified, lhl$ ~gr~em~nt .h.ll t~rmin"-. Propo~ed plsn~ rOt <lov~lopment of the l.n<l oh.ll he approved by the O~p.tt~o~t bef~r~ the "-on~trll~tion of an. Impr~v~m~n<s ther~on. Development of ~he site In a~~ordanc~ with ~rrrDled I'l~ns shall h~ ~mllpleted ",ithi" three ye~r5 fr"'", the dOTe her~of. ~th"~,,i.e tit;.' I~s.~ .h~ll termi""to. 3. Upon e~plration of the l<>ase term, Les~ee ,holl, .t tlte option of L~ssor. ~ith~r: C~) Doilv~r po~s~..lu~ of the ,cased ~rop~rty, toS..th~T .."h ."y imp~ov""'cnt.. loclltecl ther~oh. to L...o~, whercllpon title to ,u~h improvements 5h~11 VeSt In Le$.or, or [~) Remove gll improv~mcnt. pl~c~d on [h~ 19no ,no deljv~r pD~~~~~ion tu ttle LC5~or with ~h~ 13~ld restoreJ ~~ nQarly ~~ pr~ctlcal t<J its present co~ditlch, \ I , i ~ l ,~. ~.;; '''' , ~ ~. , I~ L'. If I: I; t. ~ \ " \ j;"t \' f~ I' 1 ~ 0/.. ;ll ( ~.' f ."! t ~ . 47 ..:', ..-', , ':',,!~r .~-.~ .~~;~: ~'::::"-d~ . \.~ '~r~':~,', '.' -":..:' ~><':.:;~ f~";..'::~;":: '; ~'., I-:':(.'\'~ \t;:;>:.~, ff :~\r:flii~ 1 ~\ / )' / ,/' " ~ . ~' . ' . ...., .. -,";.,'. L, .. . ; .', ".", '.'; _. I'".;" c'".." "'. ~.."", ~',:' _"I. > . .,.., :, ",'''",,:' I ~ff _ 737 ItC[ 391 4. Less~e shall mak~ no asslg~~e~t of any interest In thIs Lease ^sr"eI1lQnt end SrMU n"t enter into any "ubl""~e, llCenS.. OT franch i'l! a.g h'~"'e(J tin Coon.." U on with tl1", 1 ~a s ed land., eIro<'1't \.I"lth t.'1c ==t of ....,.,lIOt". ....deb -=>~""t will not; he '%It''l!lIJlOl1ahly wi tlYo(!ld , 5, La,.eo, a. part of the consideration for thl. Leas" lRree~ent. a,sume, fell re.ponslbilitr for the condition Dr the preml.es during the term of this Le&~e, Inc~ud'n~ ~nr latent halRrduu, condition., ..nd. AS""'" to Ind..o"oIfy. defend, ~av.. a..oJ hold l~aTlIlle"! Lessor from any los~. liabilitIes, Claim., demand~ an~ .~it~ of any n..ture whlc~ ~&y arl'e out of or because of any accident, ha~~ening rr occurrence in or nbout the demtS~d premise~ O~ the improvement. ~h"re 0(1. IN lI'ITN~SS WIIERIOOF, the pnrt le~ "erc~o ~avc cal',.<.l tl,ese rre~ants to he eIeeutcd. the day 3nd yeRr fir~l ,~~vo wTitten. STATE OF fLORrDA DE~ART~ENT OF T~\NSPORTATION r4){b~ BY' WITNESSES: '{~~p~ {) Pl(....~ " ~~J,n..lr_'. A" to the L"~see rlO ~ 110 ~ COUNH, F 1.0 R IDA ~.1. ....- ..1.<' ,f!' ' IlY:( u~~....-:i"""''''''~f~ ..-" '" . TITLE: Chj;T~' olt'.'..tha .Bolo...d . .~l reST: ~ "~~C~~L) T,;i:E1 C Hk ti:l.th" 'adll",t;I/'; . \,..' r .. ". .~.~ /L-'''~~' .: ~~;, ,I.'r;;~;;:it'> 'T~-I(r- ~.~,. .' . 1'. ~Yf;'.:']}~> : .' tnultl' 1'\1'4'0 n;fr.:U'ION 'RAH~Nli",,"'!flOtt ~, .. " '.' ,. I.) 1'.."<\;;'. /. ",1,.,.. l.:":?:?l )\1 .,(::,:}. '. \; ~." 'j: ~': . ~'r I . :' ,.~:.. ~ . 1" : ~~'/~l~2.';~'~ ,';;::~~~~:~~ f;{~;1,!~ : :.;;~Ii:;:' :~~':':{'f .....,,~I;\" .. ~~ ...~ ~{ :' .. '1. I.~~. :;;~;}~;, "''1-'',/1: J;:~~ ~.~~- . !-,~ ~ '" :,~~..,~~ ,-~~~ J... l~, 1;;;t')I~~~ ~'~'<. '!f:i~fr ,:~'~;;f~~,'; : ~~:Nf! "I}L'llkJ,: ~,r~"ij: ';'~" ~ . . ~~ it~; :~ ,,:,~, <,,~; '''I",lr~.~~ :. ;:,':r-:! I .~,' / ~ ...~ '/.' ."y' , ,'. ,'.'." 'I..~ l<...', '.-\":":' ',' ,','.,'\: ,!.~,'<.':'~'<,;",:i:.",.~ '.'"" .I,~. \:",~' . ' I ~ ,'I' . ~, 1:,' I , r," .il, , , , \. . , ; IL ',~, -';. .r.'L.... I I No. 74 .. , " v. Filed: 10-21-77 m: 737 rACf 39G COIII'lTY, SECTION: STATE. RC1,\li: PARCH r"IG: ~!onTae 901100 - Pw.j. U.S. No. I 1'" tt l'~ r~~ I SHO ti(l, 2 ~){' 1289,. · tEASE '\G~EHIF.NT TlItS MRHIffiNT. lII~de thh \6th day "f "'usu~t 19-22-, by and b~t~~~n th~ STATE OF FLORIOA DEPARTME~T OF TflAli S 1'0 RT"TI ON , an ~gcn~y of t\~ Stat" of Florido. her~inafter c~ll~d "I.". .ar", And ~IONROE COUNTY. I' LORI DA. he re i na fl ~" call td :~: Le 5 ;ee" ,. ~ I r N E S S f: T ILi. In cOII,.lder~t Ion of [he covenants (OnlJ,ined I,~""i~ l'le p.rtl~, agr..e as {ollo~!: 1. Les~"r doe~ hereby Ica5~ ta l.e's~..,. IVL' ~ood "nd su(ficJent cOoisldentlon, the h.nd described in E~llibit "1\", nttoch"d .I~re t" and Iud.. a p"rt hereo f, for a term" ( t l ft,'eh (15 I rear. from the .tate I,(!reof llmi ,'LInher agre", to an ext",,~i<,,\ <)f su~h te"m fnr en nd<lhional fiv" l5} IC~"~ IIp<,n request of l.""~.<" ~. Th~ land shall be u,eJ ,ol(ly ~, [he ,ite tnr ~ hi.t~ri~~l mus~um. rest st~tion, a~J pnrking [acilily. and no ~dv"rtt.lnQ "iln, shell be ."rl~i n...d. If Le~s"e ce",,~, to use the land {<lr th.. I'ur~os..s ,peeiHed, this agroement ,hall termlne~ '. 'ropo,Dd plans for dDv~lopment of the land shall he approved by the O~pArtmcnt before the COnstru~tion af any improvemonts therean. D~v~lopm~ht of t.h~ site in accorclan~c ~lth arrroved plans shall b~ co~plet.d within thre~ years from the d~re hereaf, oth"r~i'e this lease shall terminate, 3. Upon expiratian of th.. lea.e term, l~s"ee ,hall. at tin: option of Le.,or, either: (~) Deliver pos.~.siun <If the !eased proprrty. rOlelh"r with 1>>1)' iml'rov"1'Ient~ tQl;ll.t.<1 thereon, to Lcs$o<. whc"-e"p~" title to .uch improvements ,hall ve~t in Les~cr. of (b) Remov. all imprgv~ments placed an th~ land -.d deliveT possession tu t~e Lessor with tJ\~ J~r~d r~~t[]T~(l ~~ ne3lly ~5 practiCI>! to its present conditiDn. I I.... t ~ :.. .? ~, ... ". '.Il!' ~ . t' i. ~ """ ~ l' !~ Ii ~ I'! f~ rl l \ \'., ". ",'1 \(i ~~ ,[;. ~ f f f ~\ ..... '~ !):~~ ", . ..':!~ ',i: r" _.. ~ ~ J" . t ",:~':I~~;:: . ,:~~;{:Kei IP'-;;,' , .': '~!;tt~~! ~ y' /" ~/ 11 ;J . . I I C. ~ . .:....~.: ' 'I.~,. . . . . : ".'.: "':'""1' ,. I'", ,;.. L >,.' -....'.'~ A";.' ;';,:'.< -.~" ,::'" ;,"-:"~'_.:., r m _ 737 U~[ 391 4. Lessee shall ~ake no 'S$jRnMe~t of any interest in this Leallil Ai..~em"nt aad shllll n..t ellte.. into o"y $uble~se. 1 ieense ~r franchise agreement in ~anl1e~tion with the lCllsed land, eXC<!f't ...-il"ll t..'1<l 1UW....t; of u,.,,,,,.., >ohlch crxl!I""t will ""t be '.rln)""<%lahly ""-tl-hcl<l. ~. Lessee, as part of the ~..n.iderati<ln ror '.bh Leas~ A~ree~ent, ajsumes full responsibilitr for the C<lndition of tho premises during the term of t~is L..~e. in~~udlnR any latent ha!nrduu5 .::ondi tlons, and agn... s t.. IndemJd f)', de rend. ~tl "" ",,<.\ ho 1 d Iia rml e ~ $ Lessor f..om an)' loll~, liabilities, clal~S. de~and. an~ s~it~ of ony nature ~hich may arise out of 0.. becau~e of any accident, ha~pening PI' <lCCu....anca in or about the demi$~d premises o~ the imprQYcm~nts thereon. IN WTTN~SS llIlERElOF, th.e pa..tie! rl~re~o I'ave ,'au5cll tlLesc pr~s~rrt~ to be ~xccutod, the d~r and yenr first "~oyc wrjlte~. STAH OF HORID!\ nHArt.71~I'NT OF TR^~SrORTAT!O~ dl)fb~ BY, fION1<OF COllN'TY, FLORI DA WITNESSES, ,\~~-,p~ PtG' - '.\.,~ ~ - LL .......-- L.-...............I_ ~S tQ the Les~~e 11.1 rUT: :"O,LAL) .. .1,-.1' _ ' Bc:iior.~' ;'.' 1/" -- \, .'~~,,' .,~'~;:-<;:2i:~:~. 'r ~-j (~~t6'~","" . f"' ,. ~~~~~J/ ,~..:.-' T I TLI:: iE~ 'Ill"'''''' Ml() [;t;.[.;\Jl'LrJ'H lAAI1~NR1"I.0t1 ,.:.. f~ " 'i'~ \;:c. .,"\.1 . ". ,\-.-;. . ...., "; :~. l' .(:~~( I .}t,f I':;';:{~. . :':r:;}t~:~~~ I I ~ . ~ .'. : "C\'.,'lj ,) ",\~,:,):: .......,;_. ,\.-.( /,/:'~:.: ';,)~:~::::: -11': .,..t. . .r ,.r: ~": t;:'.~. ':,;~;:~~ }~i "'J.:~-'\ :;!~ . ;...-.. ~~~~. .:,~f~"'" ,.)~ '<!J};'W" i"; 0."J),{l:' '.It,,% ,-:;'l~{~,~ '\~~~fl ,~,~N~-b~4' ~\' ~S/'r :; ., , :~): .Y "."~'~7 ~ ~ t: -:-- .I:~. '..:-}..'" ,t" ~~'(.1:y:1.~;~~; -'. / ~ " . : -_' lIP "7 'II; .'~ \ ...;'..... ~': . ... - .....- I ....~...' I ~ '." '. ::... ".'~I,. "'.r to':' .~. .:. \. ,..................----~..-~.......,...-.-__i__- ~ .. '. . . .. - - .:. ............--;- . .' I.. .. n' f- ~H" ,737 ~AG[ 392 E~I"E;h' "11." ~-~- ~ Section ~OOr,O-Proj, 5240 1.1. .;. N". 1 r-!O'UCO" Co"n ty Vart r~~c~l Ho. 2 i' Th~t p~rt of Sec~ion 2B, Township 63 Sout~, B~hg~ 37 Ea~t. Uppc~ ~~tec~~be, MonrDc COUnty, FlOrida. Bh-o'W' as 1oI110t. ..., ,>i)rt of this pInt" ~ ll!S sh'Jl,./n i:'~1 the Pt~t oE 5tJ~~ton'g ~ub~ivision n~ recorded in Plat B~ok 2 at fa;c )8 .n the Pcblic ~ecords of I'muo", Co"nty be i n'J morn partIc...l...ly ,k."rib~d "" follows ~ llegin at ~hc iflt."r~,,,"_ion of 1:11.. Nor t~, Lio" of GO"ernmont Lot 4 ..f ~",HI ScCtiOfl 18 ..'itl, lob", tlorth l1/1i Li nc of [J. S. 1, th "",,,. .-un 1''''5 te.-l 't along th~ Nurth R!W ~ine ~ di.tanc.. of ~~J,~l (eetl thencn at Ri9ht An9i.s cO the l~"" dcscrib"j ccurs.. " dj.t~",:" of l~O f"el", I:h""",,, ~:'Hl""ly "t. riqht nn91~. to the ~e9t d~5~.-i~"J cO~r~e D dlstance 01 3 e9. 41 ice t to ~ I'<>lnt On the w'l'th Li '"'' "f Be i..l Gove .-nment Le. t 4: th"""e r."1I ~,,~ 1 Y "J rong t h" North Line of se.d Lot 4 a dista~cr n~ l~~.~a feet to the Point ~f D"~["ning. NOTE: subj e t::'t ctJ .res t. {" i c It. i r:'1n$ ~ r.....sc r......:\ t i on ~ j cD:r.[11 ti .orl5 ,nfld t;;""'L.iIl:!~III.:!I..l~. uf l....o!"co't'e. l1nd ut.iiitit:~ r~f;'IHi:1irL~ in pl~~~ ~nL~ ih ~~~~r if ~~y. Ttli~ pl'or~~ty ~~nnO~ bl! used for ",,"-door ad""rtising P"~~"5c~. 5TI\T:: Cr ;. :.' .:.~;: :':.':T -:....i= T:~ ".~'~~?[H~T ~J-U,JN '.:.'..... L~..h,;r.IJ /. 7 r ,?/< (:I /'. ~- C'E~~~i71.....;~ t',. ~ :;"0';', ""1 n~CO!llv 9(1~" ~ (I'Fi 1t.~Il.L . r<~~,\ .Qo1.COFI'OF"O' COl'lI T1'. n..CI I' ,.J.(I....lJf ~ ""'~~ I'-r .t...'~F- ,01. r,:''''"f .-:....~II1::f. (.L.~I"1~u~~.r.I., '.." 111'1'.~l t:, '\ I":"..'" ;.~; .. J I . ~ I f r ~ r ."' , .. ~::.: n' ~, , .. ,. , , . ""r~ . . ." . : ,',.' -, 1:~~~ ".' . 'I"~ ,~ '~."'.~.'A,~~~'i .., - ..,"~, ',,;~~ .;.~j~f~ ..- ....;. :.'r";";".'" ',. ~,' ~ .._r";t:' " ~:, ~ . ..",.' ,".1." ,~'!:, :,.:/:'-%\i "'Irr" J /' tI '. :... ,h :', :':' .' '. ~'~". ~'. . : .." '.~~~,~,_~~:::.~~.,_._~~.~~~~.~... : .,1 .'-: r- iH. ,737 M 392 r.XI"Di.T "1\." --~ --- SectiOn ~OO"O-Proj, 5~40 U. S. 1'1". 1 ~10rll:o" emlr'lt:; ,'art Pare". lIo. 2 "'.'-" . , ..;.!.....; . ..~ ~':- ie.Y ~hat p~rt of ~ec~ion 28, To~nshlp 5J South. Range 37 [.~tj Upp~~ ~~t@~~mbo~ ~~~~oe CD~~ty. F1Drid~t ..\'0.... <I, ."lOt .' .>;ort of this pl"t", ~5 ~h~.m C'CI the PInt 0: ntJ.~~ton.s Rubdivision ~~ r""oeded in pl~t B~ok 2 ~t ~..~e )a ~n the p~bllc R~cord~ ot ""'H"" C'>'l'n I.:; bc i "'J rTI""" pi'lr t ieu 1" ~ iI' ok 5 cr i bed "9 follo,",,,, :,'i. ':. ,. ! Begin at the inter~o~lion of the North Li~{] nf Go,'''''W<lTlt Lot 4' ,.r said Sc"Uon ~B ....ith t~,,, lIorth 11/1'1' r.tn" of ~. S. 1. th"",,,,, run. l'i<J5 C<1rly along the Nurth R/W ~ine 0 di~tan~~ of 19],~1 (eet, th~ncn "t Ri9ht An91e. to the l~ct ooscribcJ ccurau " d l:'it an"" of 1 ~ 0 !,," 1-1 th'"J''''' ~,' ~ te r 1y "t rl~ht anql~9 to t~c ~e9t d~5~ri~~J CO~r~~ n cl;.t~~c" 01 3 e 9. (1 f"" t to ~ point 0" the Wirth Lin", 0 f "" i,j GD"'H'nm"n" Lo.t 4: thence f.ol.~ ter 1 y a J ""'J the North Line of sp.d Lot 4 " dista~c~ of 14~.'8 fcet to the Point ~f Deg1nning, NOTE, SubJect to ~oI;!~tricti("1:1:[,.. TP.i"Pc::rV"f'I,tionr:: r oI;n:nI;'~i t-iorl!!;: llnd e.... :..H.!rhtlJ. L!-I- tJ r l:l-!!~orC: j fLfH:! U ~ i li I;.. i ~ ~ J"(!!I';'Iu 1 n i r..'9 1n plnee ..n,l in "",c. if "ny, 'l'hl~ pror"<ty c"rmQt. be u~ ed :Cor o~ltdoo r 3dvc::r ti sing pu~ pI'jS.[IS,. , \ " ',' l.1'". , I , ....'.'.1 I I"'.'..:;~: , "1.-, . ! '. ,'_.,~, ~ '{:.:,r., . r ~..'. ' I , ; -i.IJ, I ,- i?';.." 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