Item S07 BOARD OF' COL NTY COMM JSSION t: RS AG leND.'\. ITFM StJ :'H.ltARY Meeting Date: "vlay 18. 2005_ ~ Kl.,. Division. {;Quntv Attorney llll Ik Il em. Y es .x.~ 1\0 S taft' C On! a Cl P er~On: Pedro _ ~.~cadQ - AGENDA ITK\l WORDI:'tJG~ ron,:>id~rarion of Settlement Offer by Blair and Althea Mooney, .. ..............,.___ RT lr___............ ~ .....-- __ ..b.J ITEM BACKGROCNI)~ On 9/6/03, the Code I~nforcement Sp~(;ia! Master imposed a daily fin~ pf $500,00 against the Blajr and Alt.hea \looncy property on Summcr!~nd Key. fi.}[ engaging i rt commercial expansion by adding oUls.ide seating, decking. fen ci flg, aWlling, screening a-nJ electrical without planning department approval The pmperty was broughl inll) compliance on June 2.3, 1004. On 8/25.....04 the SpeciaJ .\1a~l~r a~lthorized the initiation ofculle(,.'lion proceedings of the fiIle alld (,;osts which total $146,100.00. Attorney Theodore Herzog. who has been retailled hy the Mooney's, is seeking a .~eUI~Jl1ent of the flOC in an amuunt less thao what has be(;:fi proposed by the County. The County has offered to settle the ouht/inding lien for ~ 14,610. (ten percent of ilw oligiflal ilnt;). The County has nol agreed lO a !es~er amount due to the 1enb>th of time j( has tahn to bring the property into complianc~ and the nature and circumstances of the underlying viofation. 1.1 PREVIOUS RELEVA:\'T BOCC ACTION: The ROCe fluthonzed L:ollection at the .~ovember BOCC meeting. J..... l"I" ......H b..........d CO~TRACT/AGIU~"~M t:NT CHANGES: :'J/A S"L\FF RECQM M f.NDATIONS: Rcj CCI t he ~ett lem en t offer. TOTAL COST: l'tiA. BUDGf~TtD: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: Nt.'\. SOt:RCE OF FU~DS: !'l/A REVENlm PRODUCII\G~ Yes 0.~ ]\'0 A.I\IOt) YI' r~:R MONTH Vc~r APPROVED B\'~ County Auy:,\~ OMHlPurchasing Risk \1anagement _ DIVISIO.'i DJ RECTOR APPROVAL: ,/l rJ . . ~ G.-ok-l..::- 0 s 1 \J 7.-1 (; ~-- ~6~~Ii\s~ COLNTY ATTORN.EI~ Doell M )1~N TA TION: j ncluded Not Required X.x. D IS POS I T I 0 1\ ~ AGENDA ITt:.,'\-1 # Re~:ised 2!() 5