Item S09
\keting f)ilte \!n...IS.. _2005
Di.. ision: ~. OUllJ.Y~9rney
Hulk Item: Ye<:> . X
[)~~partmcnt ( onlact Suzanne lh..\l(qn
AGI'~~nA rlT\l \\.ORDI.'lG:
Approval uf a conlract with Quinlivan Apprai sat P. A. for rC(il property apIJJ aisal report fot property
located a~ ()~q7(j Overse<!s. Hi!!hv.'ay_ Key Largo. Florida. This prop('ny i~ proposed to be rurcha~ed
kif use by ! rabital t~Jr llumaniry of the L. pper f...:e)!;
ITE).. BACKGROl-:'\l);
At the ~-1arch ](j. 200). BOCC meeting,,>s.ion W(l<': hdd concerning. the pmenlial purchase of
pmpert'i to be leased to hahilat fbr olllce space & rt.~lail sales., and for the establishment of a multiple
unit hou~illg complex.
~.1arch tb, 2005, diH2(!ion 10 Counly Attorney 10 pmcct:d witil appraisaL due ddigcncc and propo,>cd
contral:t. Stal~ slatute requ're~ C Ollnty to uhtail1 twu appraisals. This (.ontrad is with une or the l wO
appraisers who ha....e been decmed quahftcd and available to provide appraisaf services
CO;-';TRACT./:-\GRFr'IE"T CU~\ '.Grs:
STAI'I' R,.:COMMf:: 1\ LlATlONS:
TOTAL COST: $4. ~oo
COST TO COl.:\T\.: ~jD0
SO L RC [ 0 F Fe!\ DS: _i 04 O[1~ c~lll ~(jtes tax
r\o X
..,PPROYED BY: Cuunty.,'trv X O\.lIt'Purchasing.~ Risk \.lanagemt'nt X
DIVISIO:\; DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~rL...-.,~-.GJ::t_~--: ..~. (_,~-jo~ C\""".
--~ Jo!m R. CLlllms
DOlT MEl'\iT:\ Tl 0 1'1. :
Included X
To F oUOI.\
1'\Ot Required___
M!1'i-0S-06 l:.l.l!Iti i=R0M,MONRO:E: Cu I-'URr;HP,SING OMU ~D,3~;:;::;'lj2'I~lS
I'AGE 3/:~
CDntract wiih.~ Quin1iVllft ~ ContJad ~ ?..oO~
Effoctive Due: S-lS-2OQS
~~ N'^
Connac:t PurpoWl>e:ierip\ion;
To obtain ~~ Ql1 JW.\ ~.>> ~~~~..lCeJ ~-Jn.9!dDf..tO:ju~
... ,P'I"I"~~;::-
~ Ma.nager ~e Hu.tUm
~. i
for Dace moe:ti Qg
"Deadline; s: '1J. S'"
Tptd DDllar Vawl cfComtjU~~ $ _~,~ ~ Cwrent Year Jlortiml:" 4)500-
&dpte4? vesCm No 0 Account Codei: ~-~, ~qkW-~_
Grim~5 .0 .._ ______-~----+...:...........
County~~$ 0 _-__ _~~~._-__
~ -----ooq
- ~ - -
..-- r---"I'-....,...., ----- ......-.. -.........- ---.
~e4.Qt1soi%I;& CQu SQIyr Fur:
QI itdJJsIDd iB ~
ChaDgU., Di1e Out
p~ qi NealM - ------- l . . ,..;. J. .
f2i.1g!41( Va[] N ~v.. '. :.tC .. C"-{!)!Jt\;"
~sYeJDNd ~~... ..","," ~- : 4-fJ
#/J5 v..[] ~;'~~t:t"T/;-r~~~ ,5
Risk. ~
COuaty ~
OMS f'\JlW TI01
Monroe Count\.' Contract t\umller:
(!A'I-. Rc : 2{){} 5. - 04. ~
THIS CO!\TRACT is entered 1111 (1 lhe date ~a~t beJow wrillcn, OCl wecn the Board of
Counly ('olllmi~i(ltlcr.~ of Monroe \O~~1,l.~"..,F10l'ida ('\m~llty") Jnu
NAML: G.!.oJ',/~.1 v /,<..J I.' t. 'j,,!",::':; It~. /- ~:;
ADDRr::SS: .~. -}) ,. :: ..v -, 'i' c-t _.:/[:' ,;..~_-(~ j ...... t>~ ;....,. ~
('1'1....... 'S'I. A .I.L. ./] il .. - ). ::>
. ./L ..-" c,:...r: ;. -;-...+. ~"'''''//r'''.7'''''~.. r.L "'t';;/T/.
TEL.EPflONr::: ><.-J<.j - .;..~~//_. E.\1AlI.: :.Tn"l C;/i1A.1o/'ti,:'J-... ~,~..).......
("Ill;.:: Contractor" or ~'Contrador"), and County and Contractor hcreby ah'Tee ,l$ folk,\\:'.:
1. The Con1mc:tor sh<lll llppraiS\.~ that certain C> unimrrovcJ M
prop('rl y 10~~f11~d in Monroe County F!<Jrida, t h.e- legal d~~s.cripti(Jn of wll.c~
;\ltachnll~nt B. which i.~ and made a pitrt hcreo!~
j rnp rO h~d real
i.~ ~ontaincd in
2. The Contractor shall m<.lkc ~ detaikd fi~:ld itl~r(:ction and idcmitkatinn of the \'<Jrious
i, ~~lllS of the propefly and ~hall make su~h invc-stigmiom; <.lml ~IlH.lir:'j as arc appropriate and
nC'CCs's.,'lry 10 cnf!blc lh~ Conll'actnr to derive .~ound condusj(l[l:' ,md to pn~p('lrc !11~: [tppl':li~:ll
r..:rort to 1x fu:mishnl u rHlcr , his. ConI mo, Upon :;ornplL:tion Ilf 1h~ in.~rcLtions. inv~sljg<Jt iom.;
<lEld studies, the Contr<.idur shalI pr(~p,ln.::. furnish, ftnd d~~li\'el' to tk County an aprraisal report in
thn::c c;.} corie~ covering said rrorerty. The report s.hall, in Ii.mfl ,mtl ~UhslfiTl(:C, be in con tL.Jrmity
with Ihe U niton~~ St:lndard~ of Prnf~ssional AppraEs'<.lJ Pr<lctice (U SPAP}; shall present aJcq u,1t~'
ta~tual date to s.upport cach rate. rcr~Tntagc, or amount lIsni rn ~u tlkicTlI ddn jl !o pcrrnil n n
intelligent review of the appraisal rC"port~ shall relate the appraisds condlJsion~ 10 tl1o~e tilCts~
<i[1U sh~11. among othl~r Ihi1'lgs. irlclu(]e 111~~ items fl,(:1 forth in ,\Hachmcnt A. which i::; made a par!
h (:1'':0 f
3. Thl' C'milrm:-tllL wilhin i--o.c 1 '1 ~ ~-l\.1" t:- ('I';~.) c~knJar dl~y5 fllkr I.:ilher 1 he
cfkcl in~ dal e of 1 h fS C ontra;;1 or !h~ date of not ice 10 procecd, v....hichC'\,~~1' lil'sl llCC :Jl'~, shafl rn:l il
Of dclivcl' the l'cq uil'cd n~ltnbcr ofcopics 0 I' the COnl~mplaled rcporl to the County.
4. 1n (;onsiJer<Jlion or the performan~e of the undertakings under thi.~ Contract, th~
Contmctor .,shafl be paid by the County Ih~ hH1~p :,;,U11 or Rt.'i! TH({JfT,.,":> H v.c..
j-fv 1",'/){2c7) is ,/, .5-(1. It, ), whi~h :sh<.lll comtilutc full p<J]1llcnl to
t hc Contmc1or and shall include eosts of all surplje-s, materials., and equipment, :lnd an othcl'
e x. peJlS~~ 0 f an)" kind or na t me In CUITC d by t he Co n t ra cto r i n pc rtL.lI'n1 i n g he "~:lJ n d ~~ f , Pu y n h.:nr
sha 11 bCC(HlK' l1uc ,dIn r~vic\v and ilpprova! of thc rcport.~ and sllhmi~"jon of propcdy C(:l't rtlcl1
III \'0 Ice.
5, The CUTlIJ<tctor shell! rlOt divlllgt:, and shall take ail rc-asonahle steps. to in:iure that no
member ofCnnlJ'aClor';,; o;,tfltTor Ol'gftnizaliOTl djvulg(,;~ any inrorrnation ~onecmlng such arpraisat
reports to <lny ly,,;rMln oth~r than a duly :lulhorjl.tl1 rcpn:sl:nt<llivc of th~' County. or a person
aul hori!.cti tll writing by the COClnry to obtain such jntLJlmfll ion.
6. The County tufty :~l any I iJl1c, by written order, make any changes in this ConI rael
which may affect thc eontCllh. SC(lpt~ or nllmbn of copies of the aprraisal reports 10 bc d.;livcnxl
hcr~ 1J11~kr. or thc I [Jlll: of delivery. If such changL'.." .iLl::;l i f~' an incrtibC Or tkCrl~,lsc in the amount
provided 10 be pllid b,y p~jr;lgrJrh 4 of tllis Contract or En lhc time l'eC!lJin;"(J l~lr COlllml'tor. ~
pertormancc, an l,;q~jil ahk adjustrn~~nt SlH\lI lx: made and I h~~ Contract shall be rnodif!l:d in
Vi.Titing- <lctor-dingly_
7. At the req u~Sl or the COlHl.ty. lhe C'ontl'actm agre~s to prlh id~~ a n updating of 1 he
r~p01t~,~) to bl' tk 1in~l'cd h~L"eundcr_ .1 h~~ pl'i('i~ 10 b~ paid shall hl~ :1g.l'ccd upon 111 <.ldvan(~ 0 r- r he
upd<'lting <HId ~hall rcpres~nt the minjrTlum tee cu."tomarily t:h<lrg~, but shall not excl'~-J d ired
out-ol:podd expenses and lhc es.limalcd time at <.i TC<'l:sonablc rate pcr diem, which estimates
\vill be fUrrlLshcd in writing by the ContractnT. The Conlr<."ldOr'S direct ()ut-of-po~kl'l cxpcn:>.cs
and time in pn~pnrjn[1, the updating \vil! b~~ submitted to the Cmlnty upon completion of tho:
Llpdatlng. Payment ~h<\ II be limited to the actui"ll time involved (at the mk previously submitted
by th(~ Contractor l and direct cxpntscs Of the agreed UPOfl prit::l:", whichever is lower.
H. Upon the n:::qucsl of the County Atwrn;;;y. 1he Contl"actor agree:; 10 lC~ljl\. as to th~
valu.e of <lny and all or t he property included in t h;.; appr~ is-al l\~pO rt in any .judicial proce~d ings
involving the pwpttly or its. value_ In Loru:id;.;mtion of the pert()rmance of lhe undcrraking
pmviJ(~d in Ihis paragraph, the Contraclor s.hnll be paid at a rdte nol in exccs.s of Sr.VFN
lWNORFD fiFTY DOLLARS lS750,OO) p~r day. \vhich p",ymen! shrill l;onstitutc fidl
reimhur:;ement to 1hc COnlr<'lCl (If for "uch "'er....iC"es and tllr <lny cxr~nscs rncurL"cd. il1d'JJing
tm\'d LInd ::,;U bsi:stct)(:c- Paym~nt shall be by Ihe COlllll y in accordance with its pre~cribcd
rtgu [:u ions and procedures_
9. The (\mtnlClor wamml::i: th:~t no p~n;('In or selling agency hm; beclI employed or
rel,tjJle(1 10 ~(, li(:il 01' s,CC~lre this (:nntract uron an ContfilCl 01' ~JndcrSJf:lnd ing tor a cnmmi~sjoll.
p~rc(;Illagc, bHlkemg~~, or contingent tee. except bOIill fitle ernployc~~s of Contractor_ for breach
or violation of tni::; w<.IIT'Jnly 1 he County shall have the right to annuj this l-'OntmCl witho~!t
liahility or. in the COllTIty'S sole di::;crd ion. to deduct from the contract price or con:-;iJcmliun lht
fu Il fUHOU nl of :'o.uch commj::ision. percentage_ brokerage, or nmtingcrll [ee.
1 O. Th~ Contractor shall, in the performance- of lhis Contra~t, (,;ornply wil h all applicalJlc
FeJenl and state ~tatllks. <.Im.J ruk:s rmtl regubl ions. issmxl rur~ufuu thcrClO. as they rclatc to
CJllpkl)11"ll~nt _ hllur~ (1 hvork, <':Ind ovcrt imc wages,
] ] _ At the time of receipt and ac:C"cptancc thereof, the Clppn.l isal fl.:pOr1 to be furnish('..d by
lht, Conlractor <IS ::;ptx:itic:J in lhl::; Con trod sh~ll becomc and n;main the s.o k rrop~rty of the
COUlll y,
12. The Contractor agree" that, prior to the acqui,~ition or di..'iro,'i<ll by the County of the
rmpcrty cited in th is Contract, or a date two years tollowing the date of completinfl of the
ftppmiser's repot! covering 1 he sf-dd prop~~r-Iy, whEd1C\'~~t is. Ih~~ carlkr, the Con1!'aClor and the:
employees ofthl;' C:OtlrraClor will no/. tOI' its', his Of their own account n~g(Jtiilh:: ti1r the pror~rty
Dr perfoml sc rv i~es for ot her.:; in co nnt:cl ion wit h t h..: sa iJ pro-pc rt y u nk';S~ 1 he ....'Ti tkn consent 0 f
I he <.l ppropri <.I tc Co u nt y r;.;pr;.;scnl <.l t iVl~ i~ first obi a incd.
13. Contractor agrees to include the to llo\.ving pl'ovision. with appropl'ia1c inscrl ions In
all ofContrJclor's subC"ontracts hCfC'lJnder:
"(Name 0./ Suhcu}Jlmc'O/~ a<~rt'es ,har Jlow'Oe CountJ'- Florida, 01' an)' duly GlI/liorizcd
rqm~sen!{}fin~s ol..ifowoc COlt'll)", shall, unlit/he e'piration ojjOl./f' years (!trer Frlol pa_vmem
under (COfllracror -s name) con frat 'f her~t.eet1 AJonrnc Coumv (md (COn/rauon- name), have
(I(t:n.~. ro amI Ihe right to examine WI)' dircc!t)' pcninel1t books, documents, p elf WH , and re("(Jrd~.
o((Name or.";l~lw()nlra(.'/orJ in....,oh,ing Imn-'i(Jclions rdated fo rhe contracl, ..
14. Time is of the Ci:is,cnce. anJ ir Ih~ ContraclOT rd~l;i:CS or fdils 10 ~crtorm this Con1fact
within the time spC\jlkd m any p;.ten~ion thaeo f including the I irn~~ a:-:;reetl UP(Hl fal th~
delivery or nn::C's!;,my cmn:l:iillll:S or suhst,mtuu fOll. or so faib. 1u lllflke progr~ss as 1 (1 endang..:r
r~rt~)rJ]wrl~~~: of this l"ontnll~t in aCl'orJanc'-.:" w il h its ternL~. I he C:ount)' m<JY by written noti;.:~'
IcrrHinat~ the righl 0 r Ih(: Contractor to pfOc~~d v...ith lhe Conlract or with such part or [larh
lhcr.;:ol" 8S to \vhieh lhefc has ocen Jcla~~h or delay and may hold the CCtnlractOf liable for ,HI)'
th.Hllag~~s causcd the Co unt}' by rC<Hi-on or such t~rlTIlnalion. 1 r th~ County do;.;s nOI tcrmim.ttc thi::;
(:ontrae1 anJ Ihe Cnntrador COlllpkl~S pcrt(mll.Hl~~e alkr the time sp~:dtlcd. th~ Coullly :,;hfEll
have tho.:: righl to reduce the ~~on1mct fee by lhe amount of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS
(5 IOO.OO} t()r ca(;h Jay of delay in tkJi,'cry of the arrr<.li~<d rcpnrt and/or ne(;c~s.rlry corr~dions
Of suhstant iatiol1.~. I f s.m~h dcfau It or Jclay nfl:,; becn cau~eJ by scrious jJlness <!Jlli....or death of a
rer.wm spl~cjall} qualified to r~~rf(,rm the ContrJc1 and the Contractor is cilher an im.hvitiu,ll ,)l'
don nol h,IV~~ another qUrlJifk..d appraiser, the Contractor ."hall be relicved of liabihly fM
J,HIlng~~s. Upon terrnirmliorr h~~rC~JIldcrT the CtlUIlly I\~s.~~..\'e.~ the righl In rcquire the Contf"'Jetor 10
hJrn over in the CouIHy :lll data, lTIap.~. photographs. or other makrj~Js :1~~qLlired t()[ this ('ontmd
LlpOJ1 allowmg t hl~ ConI r:Klor an Cylllt<lbk prr~~~: I hl'rC'tlJL
15. The rertlJrmmee of work under this contnH~1 Illay b.:: tcrmimdeJ in whole or in part
whcnever the COUJlly shall detcrmine thLlI k~nnination is. in it's bc~t inll~r(:sl by d~livery to ttll~
Contnlctor of <J no1 ice oft('rmin3tEOl1 <.Illcltst thfl~~: day" prior to the dIcdivc dilte of terminatioIl.
The Contrador <tL!T~~c:,;, 10 c~ase aU \vorL 10 111l'n ovC;I' 10 the County all (I:ll fl. mflps. rllOtognlph~.
and other materiaL" <J(:(.Juirtd for this Contract work, and 10 submit tn the Counly <l claim tor
work pertormed wior ta knninatiOll. The County sh...1I p~y llw Contrac'tor an t:quilClblc prf~~~~ for
work pnfCtntlcd prior to kl"mil1<1tion. :-illch price not to exceed a f<.lir propnrl ion of the OTlgin<Jl
L"ontraet pricc
16. Standard Terms <.Im.J Cundil ions.
a) Recu..-d-kl'"Cpirlg: Contractor shall maintain ClII booh. r(:Cords, and documo.::nl s
d ir~Ltl.y pn[ in~~JlI to pCI'''i.)fmam:~ under 1 hi.s Contr<1cl in a(;C()l'danc~ \\'ith gen~r<.lly (lccept~~d
accoum Fllg princrples consL~knt ly aprlil~d, F.fKh party to this (:ontmd Of r h~~ir <"llJI
rerresentatives sh<Jll ha....l: r~a:;(t)labk and timely access to su~h rCl:onb: 0 r ~~ach oth~r pany to this
Contmd during th~ I~rrn of the Contract and t(x Hmr YC(lrs. following the date of fim.d payment
matic !O lhe ContraCfor ulld~r this Contract. If rill ,~udiror employed hy the County or Ckrk
deh:ftll in(":') thaI mDnies raid 10 COlltraelor r~ll$U3 nl to Ihb Contract v..cre spent for plJrpo~cs. nOl
authorized hy thi.~ Conlract. I he Contractor shall repay the rnonil~s tugcthcr w il h intercst
calculated pursu<"lnt to Scc. 55.m, f10rida Statute.... running from lhe d~ll~ tk monies. \"i~re raid
to Contmdor,
b) Gm.crn in!; La l't. Veil U c, In 1 trprc tation, C()sts, an d Fees: T hi.~ C () nt mc t s}w B
be t~ov~rn~~d b)" rmd con~tmed in accordance with !he h1ws ()j' 1 h'-.:" Sl :Hi..":' 0 r Flori(lri app lic3blC' t.1
contracts made and to l~ pcrtormed entirely in the State.
] n the event that any e<Ju:-;{; of <.Id ion or (lJJllinistrativc proceeding ii': in"tituted fm
the ellforc~mcnt m interprdalioJl of !hjs COt\l r~c.!. th(: C01Jnty and C ontractoL" agree that velllL...'
willlil: En th;.; <Jppwpri,~lC Wllrt or bdL.JI\~ 1he appropriate administmtive body in ~.1onroc COUJlly.
r: '0 rida.
The County and Conlm(;tor <lgn...'I: thal. in 1 he CWtll of conflicting interpretatinns
of !he teml~ or a 1 eTm 0 t' !hi~ ('on1 rfKI b~' Of bctw~x~n any of them the issu~ shall he s.uhmitted to
I1lcdi31 ion pl'io r to th~ jn!>titution \1f any other admtnistratiye or legal proceed Eng.
c) Sc\'crnbility. I I' any term. covenant. condllioll or provision of t hi~ Coni met ((11'
the arrliC<ll ion I hGrcof 10 :Hly ei rC1Hll~ta!1Le Of person) shall bl.: Jcclan:d invalid or ~Hl~nt'lrLeablc
l{) <lny ~~X.knt by' a court of l'ompekn.t juri~~1 iCl iOTl. 1 he rem~ ining. kl'tnS. c,,\'~nants. condil ion~
and prl1\ hlOns. of this Coni rad sh~j II nOl be .qllectcd t h~r~hy: and ~',lL;h rcmaining tnrll. (;un:~nflnl.
cllnJ i1 ion emu pnlvision o!. I his Cnntract shall he ...'alid ,mJ shall oc mforccHbk to thc ttJn~st
nrcnt fxrlTlitk~1 by lav... 1Jnless thc ent~.rc~mcnt of tho:- fl'mainillg h:rrn~. ((JVCtHwts, wnd it ~on"
and ~.'1['n \. j,;,i (1 n<.; of tl1 is Contract \\'o'J1J rrc \-"<.:n I thc <l<':C(lrJlr]i~hH1Cn! of ~n.; Mi; intent nf this
Con1 r:K~, Th~~ Cuunty and CnnnaclO r agr~~ 10 rclhrm Ihc COlHral:l [0 replace any :-"trit;:kn
rroVl:Slon with J v<llid pmvlsion I tm1 I;onws :1" dose as possLhl~ to t[lC inknt of the s.tricken
d) ~\ 1l0rnc.~ 1~ Fees and Cm;h. The (\.unty and ('ontractor a!,'Tee thJt in th..: c\ mt
<illY C<llI,',,-' ~)f ,ll'lron or <1J rnjnj~lr(!r i\~' rW':l~(:'t1 ing i~ in il ial cd or deknd~d D.\" ,~ny party re l<1t i\.~ tf)
the enfon:~ment or inkrprelatiol1 o~. Ihi~ Contract the pn:\.uiling ratty ~t\illl b(: ctl1itkd h~
r;::J.~oTwbk ,iI !orncy. ~ t"i:c~. COllrl COSh, itlv(~<;.tigat ivc. and (J~Jl"ot~pod..~t eXpetL<';L:'"!,;, a<.; an award
again:<.t t h~ non .pl'~\'ail ing party. and sh:lIl include attorney\; t~e~. courts eosb. investigati....e. ,mJ
out-or-rocket expcnses in apre Hate proccediflg1>. r\kdial ion proccellil1gs initiLlh:d and ClHltlucll'J
pursuant lo ~hi:s Contract s.hal! k in '-It'cord<.lTlcE.; with th~ Florid... Ruks ur Civil Procl:Jun: and
U~l.Iit] arld \-'u:storn~ry prottdme:;. n:quired by lhc cirruil tOurl of Monroe Counly,
c) Binding [ITeeL The- term~. em C'nallt!';. cLJndil in n!';. and pfm bion~ (1f 1n i.~
('0 nt raLt shall hind ilml inure to the b~11djt llf t h.; ('(1;mty and ("nntraClOf an{l 1 he ir rl'~p(:'l~l jH~
legal represenI.'"! l [Vce.;, ~w~..:c:Ssors., ,Hid assib'T1S.
f) AuthfH"ifY. Each party repr~scnt" and wal'mnts 10 1n.; orner Ihal Ill.; c;<;c(:ulion.
ddiwry and pcrt(mmllKi.: or thji; COnlrJct han been auly authnri/cd b., .~1I niX~~:;,~:H\" l.uumv
and en nt faCio r ad io n, as. fCq u i rc-d by I;w.,.
g} Cl3jm~ for r..'{!cral or S1<lIC Aid. Cumrador and Count!' agr~~ thaT ~ach ~hdll
tlc.:. <md b. empo\Vl'red W apply t(H, s.ed. and nbl:ltrl fcdn,ll anJ sWh: Ii.mus to tllrllll'r tlK
p~Jrpo~e ot' this Conlrad pmviJl.'1i that all applicatjot1~, r(:ql~c~lS, gmnl ptOpo~al~, am.! funding
.~o I ic itat io n s ~ hall be :~ pp r(l by c ,ll-' h p,u1 y pri m to s u bmis,s in n.
II} Adjudication of Di~~utcs or msagf"ct~ml'n1S. COLLlltyand Contr<H.:10T a~r\?e Th,n
all l!i,.,P:Jks :wd (h~,jgru.'m~'llt~ shall h~' attempt cd ff) k ]'c:,,(1I\.;.::d by TlI....yl and ~'on I~~r scssion~
bet\\!ccn fc-pre,;,cntati\.c::> 0 r cllch of t h~ parties. If no resolution ';:In be agrecd upon wilhin 30
day~ afkr th~ ttrst m.::d and (:Onl~:r ~~-,~~ion. the issm- or i.-;SIlC.~ shall he dis.cuS-."-Cd ai a Pllblic
rtln~1 ing of the B():1l'd of CO\J tHy Commb~iom:[s_ l f the issue or !~~II~::; are "1 ill n(ll resolvcd 1 (I
thc .~atjst3(1 ion 0 r 1 hc p,lr1 i~~s. then any party sh.1llna\ic I he rigllr I 0 ,~n-,k SllCh rclid or remedy as
m<J}' he provid~d by this ('onlrm:1 or by Horida bw.
i) C oopcraHon. I n tn~ e\ cnT ,"lIlY ,1dminiMrat i....~ or le;;al procecding: i-s jn~tilut,-'u
J.f:a~n:'it ~'i! h,;:r pilrty rdating tl 1 th~ format i~)n. .;xCCul iOIl. p(:rt0rmanCl'. I) r breilch l) r tnb ("on1 r:Kr,
(oumy and Conlraclor Jgn'c to partiCipate. 10 lnc C'.\krtt IT"ljuiwJ by the other rarty. in all
pro(;~'ClIin.g<.;. h~arings, rrocc~:>(;~. rlHxtings. llnd [~ther acti\" ili.;:s. rd~ll(:J to I he ~ubstance of thi"
ContnK1 or pW\'ts.ion of tile se]'vjcc~ undn t hi~ Contract. (:ounty and C{)nlrJclor specitkaJly
agree Ihal no p,Ht~' tv thi~ Contract "hilll be requin:tl to ~nter into any arhj1r[JI~(Jll pr(lCCLxiil1g:~
r~'lakJ to this. ('otlrrat;:!.
j} [\ ondiscrim.natjon. COUllty and Conlrw.::tor ,lgrc(,; 1 hat I h~~r,,:: \... ill he no
dbcrilllinal inn against any person. and il i~ e:\prc~~ly un,krStood Thal upon a dC"tcrmination by J
court of Ll~lllpcknl .fmisJ iu iUll th.u di:scrillliru.tion ha,;; ,1 lYJrr.....J. this Conlrau <3LLWnWl iC.l Il~.
krllllJJ<lte;; I\.it hU~l1 any fat h.;r nd inn 0n The pan ,11' any party. c r'kyt in" 1 tK J;H~' ,.~f I h.: ,.>1.Jt"1
oah.T. C OUTl1 Y l)f ('ontracw r agree to comrl~' with all f;.;u era I <Iw.J Horida SHI ~lte~. and all IOLal
ordinancc:{. a;; applicable. relating to l10mJ i::;,:rlTTlir](ll iUrI, Th~~~~ illdude but arc not limited to: I)
Title VI of the Civil Kighl~ /\(1 or 1964 (PI- H~<~5~) which pmhihits cJisnimination. on Ik ba:sis
()f racc. coJor or nauonal origin; 2) 'I iT k ] X (l r 1 he Fdu(at il1n Amendment of t SO 2. as amcndi.:J
(~O use ~S, 16S I - I 6~:n. and I (,~5- 1()X6). which prohibits Jisniminu, ion on 1 ]H:: basis, of :sC'x;
.~ I Sei..:! iurl .:'04 or 1 ~..; Rchabililat ion .-\ct nf 197.l. a.~ amend~d (20 l; S(: s. 7t14). which prohibib
dlsnimination on 11ll' basi~ of h,mJieLlp::,; 4) nK. /\g~' Di;::,([iJlLirHllion ACl (1'- 1975, a:.;; ;lnK..n~kd
{.t2 1I SC ss_ (d 0 1- (Jl Of' which prohibits dl.~crimirwr ion on the b<l s is or ,igt\ 5) .T hl~ Drut!
^bll::;~. Oflicc ,nul Tn.:::;Jtrm::nl ACI pf 1972 (PI. l)l 155). as amCluh::d. relatjn~ to nondisLrimination
on I he basis 0 r drug abust~~ h) lht: ('(llllprchcn~i\'c r'\ kahnl AblJ'l.C and Akoholi;;t1l Prevention.
T n;atmcnl dnd Rchilbilitatjnn Act of 1970 (PI. 91-(,1 (J l. J.S Jm~nded. rdatmg tn
llondi:;crlmjl1Lltion on the basis. of akohnJ aDClSC or ~dcoh(}lisr::1~ 7i The Pub!'l' Hl'<l It h S;.;''''; Act
of 191.2. ss. 523 and 521' l.41 LSC :s:s, 69ndJ-3 UJld 290e-c-3). as anlCrld~d. rehu tng 10
con tldcllt i:ljiTy of akohol ,HId drug ,lbu:Sl~ palcnl rl'l;ords: 8) Tit k V III or rhe Right:.;; Act (J r
19M~ (42 use ..; ct ~.;q_). a~ amcn.dcd. rclatint: to nnnd i"crrminat ion. in the _~al~. ren.tal or
tinan.:mg ()r houslJlg: Y) Th~ Ar::KflCal1.~ with Dt:;.Jhi1itics .-\l.:1 of I Y40 (42 L S(' s. l':W I Notc L JS
maybe anl\::nJcJ from tim~ to tim~, rcl<.lling to mm&;crimination 011 the ba1;is of disabitity: 10)
\tonrDC County <. 'ode C.'h. 13. Art. 'y" [, pmhibitiflg discrimlnJtion on thc b<.I.~('S of ra~e. color. SL'X.
religjon. disahiljty. llat ional nrigin. ;)nc~"try. ~exlJdI ork:nlilt ion. gender identiTy or- (;xpr(:'~~inll.
bmilifll "HlTlI:S or age: and 11) ;"In} <)1 h~~r. nondi:.;;uirnirl:ll ion pro vi:sr(lTlS ill <lilY Fetknd llf ,,1,lk
),1 ;t!lJII,:~ whidl m,lY apply 10 I h~' [lOin i\.::s Ill. or Ihe subjcct matter oL this Contract
k} (: O\"l;nan t of l\(I 1 n tcrest, C'null1\ ,l]]J ("OTllrai...'tur ,:un::nan.1 1 hat n~,tth...'[ pTi..~~.nt 1-,"
hilS ~lny illt<."rc,;,t, ~lnd s,lull nuT acq.,J ir~: an\. inkrC~l. which \\"uu ~J ,',)ntlid in all:. r.1i1llrll'f or Jl'~r-:...'
wil h its p~rt(}[manec under thj.~ Contract. and that on ly inrerC:'iT 0 r each is 10 IKdonn il.IlJ rn:l:ivc
hcndiTS ;h I'ccih:J in this ContrJct.
l) COdl' of F.thics. C0umy ,~grees lh<lt otTlccrs am! ~mrloYl'es ,\fthe (ounty
l".:(('gni:z~. <mJ wtll h..' r.....yujrl',j t,l .,:,lmply \\ ith tlw ~T;lIld"lTtl,.. (l1" cllnJucl t\n putdtc (1tYILoCr:-, ~mll
empl{lYCI.::~ itS l.k]irll'aleJ in Sect ion 1] 1. 311. folmida StaTlIIC~. regarding. but nol Iimiku to,
.~olicitatiL1n Of aC~~~"ptancC" of gi1ls; doing business \vith one',; ;)gCIKy~ un<.iulhoriz\.::J
compensat ion: mi!>usc of p~Jblk po:"il iOr1. conflicting ~mplo}"m~nl (lr C.-}n1I'[tctUfI! rdlT il) r1~hjp~
and Ji;:;do~ur..: l)r lIS~ of L"~11ajn intormatjnn.
m) l'lo Soliritali(trl!Pa,..mcnl, lhe County and Contractor wflrr:lIH t hat. in re::::p~~ct tu
~lsdl: ~ hJ.~ I1cithcr cmplo)'..:-d 11m fCTn incd any company or pcrsml. other I han .1 borHl tlc.k
employee w(lrk Ftl.g :'>uk]} fN it. to ,~ollcit or secure th is Coni nh"J ~nltj thrll it h<.l~ nol raid or agreed
to pay [my PCt$(Hl. company. corporatinn, ind rvklulIl, Or jrrrn. 01 h~r than. J hona fld.; cmrtoy~~~~
",," sol~ly tor iT. an.v fl.::i.::. ~.[)"ion. percentage. giti. Or other consjderat ion cnn1 ing~nl
upon or rL'~ult ins from th~ ~H~.ard or m<Jking of lhls Contract. for 1 he- brea\.::h or .....iobti(H"l of the
pm'. ision. rhe ClHltraLlor agrec.~ thaT th~ CourUy sh..lI hah~ the righT W terlllinat.; Ihi:::: Con.trJct
withoLJt liabiliTy ,Wt!. <3' jl~ di.s~rclll}ll.. to 0 Uset trnm 111011 i~'s o\\'ed. or othcrwi~~ In::O\.;1'. The fllll
,HllOUnl of SULh t~~, COllunis.~iOIl. pcrC"\;ntagc. gift, or con.sideration.
n) Publil' A~Tl'!>S. The (~O!.mty and (\)nl nK.tur sh"ll JlIow and p-crmil rC~lsonat>k
a~\,;-~~~ to, <1l1d Ln.~pcLtif)n o( a 1] dOOHlK'rH::" r<1rcr~. letter:; 0r m hc-f lll;w;ri'-l I~ in its ro.~sC.~i>!,ln "r
........... ... - ~ ~.. ...~... ~. . .. ...:'. . L ~
QY tth: CUUflty and Contractor m u'rtjundion w il h III is ('ont ract: and the County ~h;dl h:n c the
right h.1 :J 11 il,HerJ]]Y L'dlll'cl tillS l.'On{T;h.;1 :..rpOrl \"jnbt iL!n II f this prm is]~Hl by Cu rlI ra~.[iH.
0) Non- \V:liver of Immunity. NOIv.'i1 h~1,1Jldil1g the provi"ion.s of Sec. 768.28.
~ lorida SI al utes. the rart icipation or Ihe County and the COlltraclOr in this. Conlnlet alld the
fu:qui"it in 11 of any cornmcrci<1l [jability insurancl;' coverage. self-imiuranc,. covCfflgC. (l r local
~o,.el'l1mcnl liJhilil:-,' insurance roo I cun:r8ge shrl11 Iwr h~ deemed a \\'JiYlT or iruJllllrtrly [u th~~
;.;xk:n1 u r li.lbj]jtv co \.e rage . nm shall Jny wn.tracl ;.;ntC"rl~d inlo by the Cnumy he re-quired to
cont,.ill any prO\ f~ipH for ,\ai\(,~r.
p) Pri\'ilcgts and Immuniti~s. All of 1hc pri,.ilq~c:'. ,Hld immunities frorc) llahllny_
cx~.mr1! tOIl~ rn.lrtl la w~. ordjn~~n(::e~. and rules and pensions anJ rdid~ di:;,i bih1y. workc1'S'
e(lmpcn~a1ion. and olher bcndib. which apply tl} the activity of oftkcrs, agents. or ~mpl(lye;.;~ or
.wy public.: flg~~nl~ UI' cl1lpl0yce~ ,"}f th~ ('ounty. when pcrfiHming thl:ir rl:~pn;1 ivc luW;:l iOtl!; under
tlli" ConI met within the- t;;:,rf[tc~riJI limits of1hc County :::;hal( ,lp~ly to till; $amc degl';:e and ~\t~llt
h) tl1~' p~'rt~)ml<lll..T (l f ::>lKh (mel ion~ find dut ic:'. nf ~L1;:h 0.ttlc~rs. J.~~nts. \'0 lUll h;..'b. (lr
erl1pl()vee-~ Oilhjdc I he territorial ljmjt~ of the Coullty_
q) Legal Ohligatlons and Rl'"Sponsibili1jh; N(m-Delcg,jl1 ion of C onstit....tiona} Of'
Stott utor-y llu1 il'~. This C(HHW~.l is n01 intended 10. nor :-:-,11:l11 it bc ~'on;',trued :l:',. rdievin~ Jny
pan i~ip<l1 il1g cnt ity from any oblig<J1 ion or r~~~porlsibiIEI y irnpoSl:J lIpon I he cnlity by law ~~xCCpl
10 the eXh:nt of Jct Llal and t imel!' r~rtormancc thereof by any participating entity. in which case
the p~['ti.)tmanLe rn.1Y bt:' offered ill ~:ltistaet illn 01" th~ ohligal ion or re<>pOl1Sihjl ily_ FUrl her_ thi_~
CUfltra\.'{ is THH intcnJe-d to, nur 11 it oc CPIl~1 rue-d ,L~, aul hori./iTl~~ 1 he Jd;,:g,.u ion u t" [h~'
eon:st ilul iomd or statutory duties of the County. except to the nknt pcmlittcJ by l he ~ loriJtt
eonstitutinn. state .~t3.tute. and L:Jse IJw.
r-) ~on-Relian('c by ~on-I)artlcs. No person or el1t ity shall he ~llt ftl~d to rc ly' .Jpon
lhe [ernt-., pr ,lilY uf IheTll. of rhi~ (pntr,lc1 to enror~~l' (lr a1t..'mpt 10 enf(lrcc allY IhinJ-rarty .:billl
Of en! il te-meru to LH bend.t of any ~c..vic~ or pn1g.ram con1l.;rnp latcd he-re-lllldC"f. ,HId I he- (" ollnty
and th~' ('ontradN agrL'~ that neither the COutU) nor the Cotltl'actor or any ~tgcnt. otliccr, N
elllpluyee of either Sh<lJl h<lH the Juthority to infc)rm. L'lum~1. or nlhcrwi:'.c jndicatc th[11 ::my
p:m rCllar iTld i ~ id lHi I or gW:l[J 0 r iIlJi,.jJULlb.. or any ....m it~.' or cntit ies. lM\ c ~ntitlL'm~llts ()f
benefits. under th is Conrract ;i;cpamrc and ;lpar1. illfL;rior to, or supnior w the communhy m
gcncrJl or for the rurro.~cs contemplated in this Contra~~l.
s) .-\tkstatiom. Contrador agr~L's lO C'XL'CJtL' such dl)C1Jm~nh <1.:-:-, Ill~ ('ourll!" r;1(n-
rca~omlbly f~tp ir..'. t(J in:: lude .3. Puh!i..: f..nt ily Crime; S tat,-Tl~'rlt, ~m ~~ [hi~'~ Stw..'rtli.'nL an.d ~I Dr.Jg-
hee Workrlac.., Slatemelll.
t} No Pl'rSOU,jl] Li.. biHt},. No covellant 0 r JWL'~Il1~nt contained herein ~llal] be
d~cm~'d h) be a co\"cnant or aL~rCClllenl (d' tillY munb~T. oUker. JgcIl1 or {.'mpl~JYCC' of Munro~'
Cou.nty in his or her individual capacir)'. anl1 no member. officer. agent or employee of \.1onrnc
('O~Hl1~. ~klll be IiJ blc p~n;ollally on lhi" Contract or oc !;ubj~xl to ,in]' per:,on<.ll liability or
dCCl)"U1H,1bil il.~ b,\. r~'a~llTl 0 f 1 hI.. (..\~yuti(\n (}f this ('ontrilct.
u) E\ecution in Cou ntcrp3lrts, This Cunl r<Jcl TI1<JY ~ executed In all}' numl~r of
COLlntC'fp~U'ts,. ~;n~~h () t' which .shall be regarded as an original. all 0 f whi(,;h I,tken logdl1er shJ II
con'.t it ule (Jn~ and th~ ~am~ im;trum~nt and ,my of I he p,Htic:'. h(:I\::ll) may execute this Contr<.ict
by signing any s'm:h counkrpart.
, ) Section llradillg~. Section h~ad ing~ hLlh" b~'l.:n jn:s;:rlC~1 ill I h i" Contmct as a
t~lath'l- \ \f ;:-0 11 \"c 11 i~'nl'l' of r3(:r-.:nc~' (l]]]Y" <lllU il i~ <ign'cd l11al ~u(:"h ~,'d iCH1 hl',l(j ~n~~ arc I1nl a p,m
of tlw; ('ontrad and wi I] not tJ;." u:,~"J in 1 he inlC'rprClatinn oL3.Il) prL1\.i,,~\ll1 ofthi., Contract
I ~ '\Tr~ [SS W H ER EOF, the (\l~Jnty and ContraClor ha\\~ ~.\ccutl'll this L"OntrJd ,lS of
the day end y~af bst h~low written_ am.! ';Ui:h Ja[l" shLlII be llH:: ~~lTcCli"T ~1~Jk o'-!Ili~ ('Ol1lm.;t.
OJ-" .\.10\'1\01:. COUI\ 1")", f LOKID,\
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(;~Il..ntl. b ~'l.; p[tp8r~tion 0f lhi~ l'~pL,~L. -_~e (\~~lIT,lL~h}l' ;Jlll~ ~dl,m. ,:lLrl'~nL profCsS~,Hl'JI ,\ppraj';.lll pnll'li,,;~~ t':.,.~l\g
{;t'TI~i~I';:I',~ri{)I~ W thr~c <I~lr.11'll8Chc, to '.<lhli,;. rl<lmcl~._ Lh~ Ci.'~I, Ir_eL~m~ Ciipit~li ,""1 i{l~l a~HJ Sde,. n.'llLl~~ri,nl)_ I..;!l~c'~>
Ll~lh'T\'ii"l. ~p~("Ili~~Jh. ~t~Led in I h~ (\mmlt'L. Shi.'lJld ~'crtaiL1 apPTf.1,lch~~ LW r-2qLljrcmcnt~ in ;h~>c ;pL'l:i liC~LiLl]b
{lI.1= b.;. al~l1li;::ablc to lll(~ <Issignm.::nt. then,nLTac:tllal oblig~tjun G\lt Ix fLllfilled by ii1enti ~yingthat iippToac-h nr rC;GuiH...UIL.-"T11
wg;::Ltll"r wi,h a brid cxpl<ln;.lI iLlTl t~)f Jt;; OLJLis~iOll (1.\:_, aL1 ~ppr~i~ol LTl...O]-...JL1g l~nd "'illil~Lin1\ only). Suppkm'::l1lilry
~p~cifLC;llLLlLh TIl<l}' hi; I"llrt:li,hcd <l~ nl,,';~..;l()" in Ih.:: llppT..i~al Llf ~po;:irLC prup~'''1 i.::~.
F~lrmat. Thc rqJ(,rl ~il8lj bc bocm{l in IJ(~)~-f~;.hio!l_ in th(~ 1~1l m,-,ri!.~n_ in a dllT<lbk with lhe (\llLrH_~ C.)I~t~ll~'t
;...[llIII twr Nl Ibe f:lcC thcr;::ui'. T~I~ P'\PCI" u~eJ ~h~jj be of~Llnd grade. mir);HllLm 2(J-poLlnd "wighl, i~f ~L~.~ X'ii h I 1 in,:ll';:~.
....\ l~r,~gLs slwll b\; TllJlllt.lcr.::d C\~I~~c",:u~:'...",;I}'. indlldi;lg illl ~;o;.bihlh, ;md C<lch imrurl,1TI1 h~,Hlitlg ,hid be .,I'i)",rl n \hc T:ll'k
of(\mt<.::[lh, '["1) ptovidc Llnil~ml11ly fc)f C[lunty liles, tt><:: lext :::.Ilall be dividl-J inrn t'our l'ar1~~, uutlin(ll.i below.
r.utT 1- II'ITRomJCTlON
1_ TITI_F ]'AG[, This ~h;.;ll \T\Cludc (:l) thc n~l.,lc~, ~ r".11~Y, dthc propcny, tht SLrc(;t address. ~nd thtl-cg8l ck,cripti~'IL f.b.1
the rl,<mc (~rlh<.: Lr:ld1yiJuJj(~'1 m<'hng lh" (~p(m. ~nd ~.<.:1 th",; ~1.1~~[l'.':: da~L L)rthl' TC1'(IT~.
4- PHOTQ(; RAJ"HS. PiClUH~S ~ktll ~1l,)W al ~cast th~ (i-(l{ll e1evatton of thc IH<ljl)r impm"..::mcnls. plu~ ,my liltll~ual
fcaturt:~_ Thcr",; ~ll~mhl,lls,) be ".jc.w;; ufth",; ;.lr~,J. ,hilllwol)rill1c. indudin~ prnp'::E1ic.~ abutting and diTLXtly ~}PPO~lt.::. Wocn
d tlrg~ rlLOI~lbcr of buildings ~r<:: in.....,d"..::d_ jndu(hng- th.lphc<lt-es, ('In.:: r~('turc tlLll}' Ix 1J~~{\ I~}I" .::ach t\P~. Vi~'o\ ~ nl' ,h~
comrJ.rllbl~~ ,.hi)~Jld b~ ill~]u,kd_ ~X~'Cpl fi:.1T 1h~ {)vCI'dl ~.ic\'.. phowgT<I~~'~ In8}' h.:: bnLll1d ll, p,ig~~ (~L("irl!!- lll~ di>.cJ_"ion
(~r d~~crl,~Lnt1 ,~I\idl Lhc pllf.lll.1g"Jp1h eL~n~crn. i\ll griiphic: 11I~1~1'lill ~h~H jL1du{k "Ipl iUTl). L~ch mp" "i. Lhc repnrl okll:
cont~in urigin~1 <:cllnr j'lhotrlgraphs_ If digilif.l pl1ntn~'.rarh~ arc Llsed. pnnl ~l,~li[)' shall b,:; or linG qUHli1)', and a Cd
c{lma'l"lillg. l~Ii: digital imOi-gl":' ~h,JlI he attached to tho.:: iTl~i{k: frOnt Co~Cf of thc r<:pon.
6- RF,FERE:'IiC"~S, j f Iwc;-cm::d_ m~IY b\: ~t.;)wtl with orrli.::abk ~ppr<.',,~h.
P.-\I{T lJ - t'ACTb\L 0-' T A
7. PURPOSE OF THE A PPRAISAL. This ~hall indud.; Ille re..1"~.-m fot the :lppr~i!>al. a ddlniLLntl of all valLlc~ rC{juired.
,Hal ,J d~:-;.;..[ L plLOt:l (1 f t h.:: prop;::ny righ I ~ it pPT,l l:>cd_
!l. I.H;AI. llf.M~R[PT10N- Th.,: lctlaJ d~s~ription ShllH bc ~u nUrlplctc as to propcrh' !hi; ~lrorLt1)" arpm!~cd.
lfk:n~l.rl}',.1 ~hl'uld I~ r~fcrcnc~d and :ndlld~'I,j III 1'8rt 1\/.
9.1\ RE.-'\., CITY, AN D NElGHBORHoon DATA.. Thi~ dat;t sht}lIld illdudt: "'lLL~h Ln t~mn:Jtio!l ~, it ancl"l~ lll~ ,Jppr,11 )'::L1
pr~'p;::;l_"", ~1)g<';lh.;r ..,.i{h {he 8rpr~i;;....';\ ~'onclLL~itlTl~ ,J~ 11.1 ~'1! tfcnJ~.
,\. SlTE - [k~("rllx lilt': sni I, tnpography. public ur pri~.~lc,; a~:(:i.>SS and 11tiljlic~, tnEnCrlll dcpo~it~, ~..m~rll(:rlh, I;':Ll~.
.\ ~L,Jl~m~IH !Hll'[ bi: mad.: cOTleCTIling Ih(~ ",;xi~1l,mc':: L)1' tWn~Jl.l~tcn{:.:; ofmincr~l d~"po<;ih h..".iTlg 8 cnmmerciJI ~'aJuc_
B, L\-t'ROV~MENTS - Thi~ (le;"';::l'iptjon ]\~;;.~. bc In n~rmti ,"c lrr ~d,~dlLl~ lil!"rn "nd ~1l~1I includ.:: d;l:ll'T'.,i(JTI"
,:\1 't1 i (" ,m(t"'i.'~ >i.1118 [t t~}Or m C:l\;urcm cm~. an J ",,'he',,; ,'pp r~)pTLa 1 ~, a Sl~tC m~n t of th c mcl h lld i)l" III <;<1 ~lJ r(:rl1 ~nt LJ ~OO i I)
Jc{~'rmin:1:.1!: Tenl?hk ,IT';,J~ '>lK11 ,,"> I;J~I ((nor. J\lulritenilLK)'_ C{C
C. EQl~rpI\Ui,NT - Thi_; ~nall he dc:;.;::ribcd by n~IT~tj~.l' I)r ,..:t,~nlLle fr1l'm and sh:lll include ~ll iW\TI~ <.>1"
.:quipment. iL1dudin]l; II st;i1t-"Tn~"Tll .,rlh~ lyp.:: and purJ1'O~c ()ftne cquipmCTIt ~n<J ih ~lale OI"calllhbalL~atjon_ The eurrent
ph}'~iL:01I condltlL}rl at:lt~ rcbti\"c Ll~e lmt.l ub~(Jlc"';l,:(~n~:(: ~kLlI he ~taltd t~)r .::aen jtcm or group ~ppr}ji~~d, dTld wh<.:rlC~'cr
applicable. thl' rep'~iT ;JT T<:pl~{:<;[ll~[H requjr,::tl\cm~ (0 oring the property 11) ll~"bl.;- L:orldiLH)tL AnY" r~Jat{:J rcr~onllllt}' ~'T
cquipment. ,uch a, lcnant trllue (i.~1 ur~~~, whid ;lr~ lll}t Jll~~hcd or C0115[{k"rcd r~rt (If th~ Tc,;,tll), ~lldll 1'1~ ~<lrar~lcJ~. W~W'i,; ,J[.'pl;c,lbl~, tllcsC (k,~chable or ind!,"~uulllly v"l".::d il,:lrl'" ~It<lll t>e separar.::I_" '"ilI L!L-J_
n_ JlI S TO!.l: Y - SU L~ hr i etl y lh~ T'1l1lX)~C tor which t h'.' Ll)1 pTln/ertL",rll ~ .....o"( t de;;ign c:.d. dal'::~ (~f origi na 1
~on~t.rti('tjon and maior rC1.10Villion ~ni.l':(lr of.ddiLi(m.~: illCllldc, fm rri,.at.::Jy o\I>'TIcd property, a. li~.c-Y~T T(~:ord itS In ~1ch
pmTi;I, of itll .~,t1(;"> anLl, Ii' p,}_,"-,;iblc. offcrs to buy or sell, llnJ TC(.:(~nL kOi~~~(~l~ if" TlO ~alc Wiln!n lh~ J:l_~t flv,:; ~"C"<lrs_ incluuc
a Tep('l1 ,~f th ~ la 0 L
F.. ASSFssr-n V ,,\1.(.11': AND A_' Nt:AL TAXES l!ldudc {h..:: t'l~rr<.:'1l ;I~>(~~~rll~nl .!rHI ,lrll}118I dlllount of rc~l
':~lalC L.;~c~ at1d irldic,HC the UlX _'.C~lr t(~W~lh",;. wilh ~h~ nl;lTk~t 1,::,.,::1 ("11" la~c;; fnr dK pror.,;rt~ 0[1 d,nc ol. <i.ppnli0ll, FlIlILT~
Ir(~r1d~ or prll~)HX:lIV~ fl~allgc.~ in th( lc~.d {)rtJx,,;~ ~holJkl to.:: diSl.;ll~~~~1. lrlhi,; pnlptT[Y 1) nLI~ La)lOO. LllL al}priij~cr ~lwuld
C;;l i In.l Le LIl C a"c~~111 cIH_ ~l ~ tc lh c.:: l,I';. r~ I (~, ;lrlL 1 ~~ i ,.~ [1,(: ffi IlIa r a IU{)u 11 L 1J I" tll e lli:>. c ~tj l1lii t c.
F. I "",sr R..\ "Ii CF. - (;1 \ ~ lhe' ~.,1 ima1C{~ rde pcr Llh)U~alld ,I~,d ;be' ,i~l:lU,11 ~.(~I Ill. "LkqlL"~~ in\l~r"n.:t I [hl1
11 cc~~~a~'; I '. I'~e ;":~1: ~'L 1\ \'~iH:C",-
(~. 7u~r~(; - D...". I I h.: '.Il~' ".;U1g t",. ..1.1'. en iill,1 ~.,)~LI'a~ilbk' pnlT)(.I~ ie', I II !l,'r ~ ~~\..., ,'rl:T.~-'~ ;"\ ~I~(I. ,I.I[~ ',' :1.1..
;('I:i:1~ Imght rCilwnJbl>, r..: :.Hltil'iT':lt.::d .,mJ<.::r pri'.,{l'" ('......n..::r~hi~) ~nd , I r""'LlrllT'~ i~ "H"lLn.:'[H, dL~'::U~~ further undc~ hcm
P_-\RT 111 - i\NM,YSES A:"iD CONn .l.SIO'liS
I L .-\N.'~d. YSES OF 111(; II E!:iT AN I) lU;ST LSL .n1C rCj),)1"1 ;;h~lI ~1~,'Il.Ldc all il1-dcp.b iHl..1 \.~i, of lhe hi~llC~L ~n~ .r....;'.l
u~c 1h;H l',1I1 lk' 1~1<~2e .\:' :Ile ~T(1perl! 1l,1I)J <ll~d i:l",p~ln ~'llI~.nh. ;JlId ,,"I,'r\' :Jppl i~':Jt'k, 11 ,;!,.'I..rl~:' ,! 1:.1 "ql!IPllk!ll.' I,ll" " 11i~.lj
lh~.,.~~ i~ "~.lI!TC!l~ l:ICJrh';-l, Th~~ ,.<tl LJrJ I lOTI ~h.d II":.::: 1"J,1Scd nn 1hh :J;,c. "Itid ~h()LJld he rLI~nd '_f' he l}hvj.::aIJy PLh~ib;,::_ Jcgall\.
T'cm1i,~iblc_ ~-l;]an~'iii Il ~ [cil~iblc. .md m"Hir1d~l~ proJu<':lj>~., Th"'TC"~_"lniTlg behind 11!.;;;ppr.{i,.;r - ,,:(m,lll~iLlll ~kJ~1 oc lid Iy
11. LA_'i D \ ..\Ll L Tbc iiprl"ai~c(, '~;l:I:i,~I~ L~rthc \.:JlLJC ,~t"tll\' ~,",l:J ~h,lll bc ~.Jpr~ln..;d ~ ~w11lrllle'd ~ k, ~!:. "'lll;Jor-lh,'
1:1:1(1.,. Di Ikn.:T1~.";~ ,h;lll b~ \>, ~i~IL~d :m{l ~.\r];lHl~Ll [il ~h,)" ~1L1" lh~ ~~~~~ IIHllCiilC ,h~ "' ~lue LlI'l~lC :dllJ Ix:illg iiPI}rili~cJ.
i\djl.;.,tt1k'tlb ~JlL1L1 Itl rc made h"'!1l I(le ~ilk., LLl 1nc ~~I>;.,::l"L. ..;illlCI" :n lkd.u- UIll(~lIl1:~ (;r Iwr,,'rll.lg~,", li,lT ,ill 'IDpliL.,,~k
",h~m~mh <\f nlTrlp;Hi ~"'l.
1]. VAUJt: "~STIMAT":I) RY COST AJoJoI{OACft. Thl~ ;;llaH be L11 tbe fnrm (If CNlll}ulatj".c datii. arr<illgL'd il1
.,<;qll,~rl,.,:. ocp;nrlin~ .....i III r",;pr{>dll,ti(fTl (:T T,.pl,L~.";HH,,'Tl1 n"l, ;.ImJ ,h<tll ,l,n.., 1h~ SOUT.,,; "f ,lll jigllT"'~ 1I,L'd. Th.., ikll,lr
,l1~l(1~LlL, lit" 1':l:.~iL',i1 <!':lenf'ra'iLl:1 ":ld lL1:cli','IMI and L,\tCll:l: l1()~nl~,.'etlL'C:_ nr lhL 0111,. , L;)I: lIi" ~jlne, ,hall k .:\pL1inL<"_
i:1 T!;-I:,-r,! !1.~"': ~.~~rrll iThi':-o rr.;.........~dll=:-~ ~li.~~ ~ ,)~l';i~l~J l'':l :1I1pnH~rlICnl:=. tJtJt~l r"'::i:I!,f;r.-d p..:-[;.;.;..Hh~~.. fl'L' ~.. 11 i....~b ...~nl ~ ~~ :--..i.:.h~..I!":- I'~
;....~ri.~p \ i.1~u....~ i.... ..~-;......iLn~lL..::.j. I.
14_ \".\I.ll[ ESTlM..\TE BY ];..jCO'U. CAPlTALll...ATIU_' AJ>PltOALH. r1u~ ~h<lll lllCluJc ad.::qua[( j;l~[ual dii[il
to ,llflPOl1 ..:ach fJgU(( iin{i I~K1L)f u~ed ,1nd ,hall N arr8n~L"i.l LTI {k[.~IIo;Lllilrrll 10 ,hL1\'." (~) <;,1 m1~lcd l~T(l~~ i,;nlTl(~rli,: renl
m ITlClllll"; (b) ;JI k''''.;.Hl~-''' I(.T v,I.<lm.y ~Ifld ~'H::dil lo~~>; (cl ~In il<::Tlli!cd ~,timlltc (If ~<lt~l.::xp..:t1s.c~ indudil1."; r.:~cH''''S j"(,r
rerlace1~lcn~; ;llld (d) 11(1 ()rLr~[ill,l:: 1'11::('111'::_ (";ll"[,11 i;:lLinn LIt" 1I~1 irlL:;~"';- -;lldlllx; :11 lh~ r"I~. pr<;'.~li]iTl_~ hlr l11i~ Lyp~. "f
1'-Pp~Tl' .lrlLllp,..,li,:" Th~' ~"pi l,!iil,ll i,'TJ h'~.lHl:q'.IC.,xi imJ rdtc iL~cd ~hJj; k n:'~<J.Lncd in l1iinati, c ~~~r'l~ ~'~IWNled
b:~.;'1 -:.1,1 !l'l~l...T..~ ...~f :-..~~U:-:..'...~:-, l)f ::-i.I~....... i.11~t~ f.:'::"'~~l)::-:'-.
I~. \" \Ll-[ F:STP~L\ T[ BY SALES COMPA.JUs.o~ APPRO.-\UL I"h:., .,l1aJl Lll~1 LLLic aLlcqlLo!~ I;LC[IL,L1 Ll.,f.I.{ ..\11 ~~ I~~
lJ~"'d ~halJ lx C'-'I),-lfl11cLl hy [It.:: buy~r, ~~llcr. hr;,k~r, ~lr olh"r p<.:T,I.1n, h.n iTlg: knu......kJ~.:: Llfthe pricc_ tcrm~. iiTld e'LlndiLiLll1~
M ,;al.:'. LI,'"!I ,-;lrllP:H.Lbk: ,h~11 1x: ........:i_~h..:d JTIJ c'.\plaincJ in r,:Jalinn t,~ the ;;L.l~J~'L'l properly 1L' i:l(liL:;JI~ [11';- r'.,;;-l,I,lTl in~
t.dind l'1e ilprral."T.~ '.ill uC c,tjL1lal~ Ih',11 lh i~ ;lpprn.t~'ll. '\d.iLJ~lll1(~rll~ '.bLlll~J be llUtk Ii,'m tile ~;11.::~ h) dK ~ubi"::CL c,~;lcr
in d{jllilf ;lnlL'lJnl~ or p~TL;~TII,,~,~~ ({lr ,dl ~ppli';ilbk dcmct1t> of (\}mpafhOtl.
16. ]~TrnPIU;TATI()N AN I) CORR FI...\TIO'>; or F.S 11 \-L\ TE~. J"bc ilprrai~cr ,t):lll ",~unr~~ :Il~ li'r~gL1irl~:
lO,tim,ll~' ,LTId <fl<lll ,t~Lc the ~ppTiii~CT'S re;l~on~ wh~' nil.:' L)( milr," dlb~ ~'(lrIL:llI,iorh T<.:~..:hcd in rtcm~ (131. (l4). iind ( 1 S)
:, rc i Tl d iCiH i \ C {) f tll C lll.l ,.kd \" al LL" L II ! fl~ pTllp~T! y.
17_ (-F_RTIFIC.\ T10N. Th~, ~llilll lJldudc: il ~~ii["::nL,,[][ [k'1 C,m:r,{~.~,'r h,,~ n~' ~[}<.li>do,.:d intcre,( ;Il pn.'j....'rlv, H1Jl ll,,:;.....~: :ld-:' per.,.;!r'~! II~ irl':'ojJ-;,;...-I-;,;d :h~ :"!r"'~1l1i~:...":'o. di.1h.. i.H:"': ~i r::Hl...Jlll ~"!-i ,H~I..J~ C""ill~n~u~.... .;:1.....
P_,\RT 1\ f.:\H !BITS ANI) .umr. 'n-\
(;VoU: All m.ap.~ ami plan~ nUl)' be bounQ tHO Jf1dll~ piJ.W~.\. op~J~ile Ihe J(!,'.criprion, tdbultJliol1, 0/- aj_"c~".-,"ilm l/u"}'
18- LO('..\ TJON fHA-PIS}. (( \lunL:.. uty. ;JlHhfT <LT~)
19, nOT PrY\; :\:"010 TAX 'UP.
.W. H_OOR PI..-\ NS r WhC::[l ~ec,IcJ to e">..:1l"i:1 1he \ al.J~ ",I "I;"~"; I
2 t. CO,! PAR.-\.TJ\ F I) j, T..\ \1..\ P_ :Slw.\ :~,"'_~~iirh ie' I'''-'J~L'''' "I lb~ "ppT.! i.,~'d rrLlp~'~[\ ,i I~,: ,el;;: ,'Ll:LP" J[I I.. .1:11.,
2l. UFTAII. OF THE COMPAllATnT [)ATA. (rh"I~'f;Toph ~r!J p~~t or [iJ:>. Inar .,IWILIi! b<;- irl{:ludcd for ~-J.d1
13. ()TII F.R rFRT1~ PH f:-'.H I" ITS.
1-1_ Q(;:\l.1 FJeA TtO:\iS. ~ U( ;li I "Fpr,1 i.,n, :m,1 Llr [~....'lltl~\'iiilh ,'Lllll,.ihlJll r:i! ,p 111~' l""'r(~r~ J
A TTACII '.1 ENT A. SI:.:C.TIO~ 2:
11....~1..,.1. '. r ...11....,....:: [~...L1III~I~..IJ.' IJt'I,Ii......Ll)I... _~I L1L;.) ..........~I~~I~....I L.~.~ .. v..."""':.". I - ...r..~.., .~...... .~I..-..~1. -.~~ I....~~.~I~"
1, U r{;H EST \!\iO n F.ST l SL The :l~p~l prl~fLtahlc !:k~,\. l>,~'_ ." ill.ill (II~. ~~.! 1:1, 1'1. r~',bLln;lhlc
':!r0b,i1:nlL1Y, lLl \.\."h ieh "L~I and rcla~cd rcr~OllJJ pwp~'I1y ~',In b~ pUI ur <id~rl~"t~. a,lL1 l~lT which therc i, a curr~n: Illarkel.
.",( 2. F':\ I ~ \f .\RI~.F.T YA,U..~ C\.l ARKET \- ALl: [j, The hi~h<,::.,l pri.,~ ~.~I,irlL.LI~'I,l i n L~rrn~ A~llL)llC-," ,dll~'ll th02
~;~cr~\ \\ II. bnl)g It e\r{j~C~ t,'r ~iL<':: LTI lh<.:: <~r<'=rl rll,'H~~ I)\";l 'LIl,::]" "Il,~:, II l__l~l::! bUl nlll
~'bEg,l,d III .,~II, dlln~\ in~~;l TL<I~'f11,lbl,:: LHH':: l,) 111){i ~ !J.u'rcr .,\"hll i~ ~\ illil~g h.1I ~l(ll llbli~.Lk,d 111 hL;_', ~)I h rdn i~, hil\ ill!!
.~ ,,",,0\, :02d~02 L,f illl dh' u,c~ W '.' b~,'h i; i., Jd<lplo.;d ,Irld fL" wll li:ll LL L~ l"ilpablc l'~. bClll.C LJ~cJ
.. .. -'. FAI (.l MAJ.lKF.T VAl. L"E FOR LEASl,"G Pl!RPOSI'.S (FMVI_Pl_ Th~ I,ll( market ....illuc nf a wl.wlc ~)r p.llT1
of J. propeTt y to Ql.1 ~~ ~l~ by I h;~ <.' L fI L!l! Y ..... he l h L( g.en ~ra I pu rp~ lSC propCI1 ~ or ~rc<..' i l1 1 purj:U l~~ prup<:rl}' i 1r <I n.lln h1 nil l Ii,n
01 ~h':i"eol~ I"h I~ h.::~rlin~ ~ppJi02~ 1<' J pnlr<.::rt~ ~r.,;ci"lly C.Llfl,rrU(I<,:l.l 'IT n:rll,,,kl.::..1 fnT Ic.a;,.c tn ,hc (.,)L.tnty.
. ..... SPFCI.\I. l:SF ,. .\J.l"E. l"~lC mJ.]"kcl..ll~.c I~C~_,LJrc dtllC '.",IJl' ,~l il kTW\~Tl ~I~~ llt",l ~pVl.i,lh/,,;d '_'T~ p'o'r~~-I_'
W pw'. ide 1..,cJi...l~1~~~_ ,..::rvi<.;<.::_ I'r rn'llt;ibkl]<;"~~ C1bt..I~~~ Lh~ \.,lll~~ I,t"(h~ pr'~r~"1'l} ;:-, ,KalH (h..ilmrlL~: .t hi~ hiluc ~'llL1JJ
;lppl) [ll <I ~~~~ce ;rl ;l~),:-.i:.,.,i'}JL an J,ha~'ent p~llrL'ny hold..::r: l"'!" i1 pLlhli~' rlldy. j
. ., S. SAt .\".~(;'~~ \'.-\.LU"~. Th~ l~rL~i: ~xl}CCt~l)lc f(1r the Whlllc jml}ro....clllclu (!t}r .::xamplc. J blJildin~), or r~lr1 o[thc
~,.h~, k illl rTL l'. <'::!l ...;., l (r"ll[ n.,{ TTl r' k, (i pi t1Tll bi n ~ Ii x t ur~~ i, 1(1< l"I:rll (I.... ~ I Ii-Olll 111 ~ rr~HL i ~.;-':- I L 1T I!~~ .:] ~wll.:r~.
..., tJ, ... C R_.\ P 'A.. 1.(1 [, T:l c r~:~'02 02\. rc~'( i1 r. Ie :~ I[ J rim 0 f .. r[~lrCr1 ~ :~)r ~il k ,ill d r':-LlW ....~, I fr'll~l J-, c' pr~ll., i .,..::~ ((l[ ; he'
r":c'''I~l;lLl''11 pl. I h~. ~ .,1 ,J~ llt"lhL. .:~;hl~. I! ,~LLrl<ll I~'C~:.I. :,~i" ~'~llll~l..::- L'~'rl~1 I. il!1..1 ,h~L I;'r L,02 ,,"' llrl;!.lrlJH, 11:~cn':LLl.
, ...' 7. INSlIRABI.F. VAL LE- Th~ rcprodut"tlun co,l (It"in:>umbk: it{:m~ r~On>lruo..:IL~ln ~bo\'(: j..,"wund) (l~. ~Il builJiTlg~ arpun..:na!lc,;s. Ii:~~ ilccrucd phy~ical {krnxiation_
.., H. SE\"FR..\.N(T. IlA\l..\'(.;r.. I.ny... Ir' "diJ~~ Ii.' Ih~ r"m;,i"in~ rTLlr~T1Y.-l....L ,~'ull ~ll.lll<':: I<ikill,!! ~'I-.;: ;J.Ht 'll"tl.,;
~~ h;.",,; :r.r'~r~'rl,: ll1<.:: ,: il1li~l Jli(l~ l'f Ilk' nw~kc~ ~ ,l~LJe uflhc ~el~lil:I:Ccr i1r~'a ~~ ~ [~'~1.1~ l,i" ,h.:: ~eh'~~nl'C ,~t" :I)c I~~n l~kLll.
:. 9, JL~T CO_\1 PL" SAfJO;<,i. III[1ll_ tb(: dullar anWIHl~ W '..,.h leh 111<= LlW:1CT i~ L"Tll i1kd I(~T ~h~ tn;';'T!g
of prival<:: prnpL'TI}", ;J~ ol.!hi.:: lbLt.: ol"tnk iTlg, 10 rlln~L' I he UW(H::r .......hok lI~u<llly il is b:.l""-Xl (1Tl foi1ir Markel \.'il!UC rlu~
;tddi1i~lrl<1l ,I.......ard~ tt~r c..::rtll!n kgaH~ ilJ[{)\'ii10lc ,tP';~ of JaHlilgcs. JIl paHLill L;3kitl~> i[ i~ g~n~r~lly Ineil~ur~d t,y HI~
Ji fTcrC:~lL'C: octwL.?n ~h~ 1;,llr f\..1,lrl.~1 V.lI~JC 'Iflh.;- rmp~:rLy <I~ ,J wllok. i1lIl1Iedi<l!L'ly bd\'rL' ~fl(! UlH1Jlc...'t0d hy llll' H1ki;"]~.
;md 111~' \.f~r~l.1 V,duc {'fthl' r..::mJ.irJd,;r illlm~'di~tc\ alicr and ~~ il:lcCli:d r.y dl( wLng._
IU- F,\IR ANN UAI. RENTAL Aml ~~I nlllll,;tar\" anh}u:H re<l;..nn8h1y <::\.p....'L:I<lhl.;- li)r Lh~ Til;ILI~ ~lllhe <1~rt'CJ u.,e
of [0231 ;l!lJ fclal.::d rcN Hlil I pTL1f1'L"T~y~., ":~!nbli~hl~ b~ ,omp.o.::titicJ[) in the rCl1tJI market. l[ 11l8d....::[ itlfNm~[I,xl ,~
{Hl8\"OtI<lhl..\ il i., Ih<ll u[1ou,11 ~I! \~hi~'h \~ ijJ il:lhXlj,.c the \".3lLlC ,H.~he [~.mal[llr"l~~ L:<lr"lall!lvo.,:...trll~r)1 pi 1]'> ,i :.nir r.-ll~
0)1" i:1lGrl'<l r02lu,:1 Jl.ritl!,t dK rC'lldinLng. !J~~:-ul III~ M' 111<;' T~"T'I,II p~'.'p<.::rl~.
. [o.A, SEU. \'1( ]':1>. Tll~ .,.~11I~ ;j~ d,:lill~"~ <lbL1U'; ir]~IL;din~ .dl 9.;rvi~'c~ J; ;pcci lieJ und..:r [Ili: lLI',l~, o)~.lh~
, ll}-B. L r"oISER \.1( .t:n. ThL "'-lr:n~ "~ .lhov~ ~.>;.{:llL~ivL' {'l"lh~ n1->1 of op~'Tiiting :,cr...i~i:' ~u('h a~ heal. Ilgh~.
,,: :...~i:l:l] I':!.:!. ..: ~I.:.
\lonroc Count)" Contract Number:
tBiJ?L2_~c5_ - G'i - CJ/
ATTACH;\ ll~ T H:
U:'CAL I)[SCRlrno~ H)R RI:.:All~H.On.:RTY TO BE API)H.AlSEl)
Sl n;l;! Addr~.:,:,: <.;ItN 70 O\'..:rsl:i.l:'- Hig:hlv<lY. I\.cy L,lfg-O. l-lorith
( Su 111111,11)[l] n~script il~ll from MIl nhl~ COLlnl)" Pmpcrt:.' Appmbcr':-; UnrinC' l1ar a Ccnkr)
Phy~j(,;,ll Location: Key Largo
'.cgal DC'~cfipt ion:
H,ntJ;.lT Shores PEG-56 Key Largo Lot ll::l HkJ & Island QfK~y Largo Pt [.ot 11 PH] .68
OR 56Cl-4tl3 -Cl4; OR 5'::)0-1'\ D; OR ~J.lX-7(): OR ~ON-l-;.')~: OR 919-485..87
Sc~'tion. T0wn.~hip, R~lng.c:
I' (11 3i:J
IU:. ['\umbcr: 00522220-000000
Alt~TIlJh': Kc~. \"0. ~S.025>
0" ner' of Record
Grq;~ory llm.l Di<lE1<J Pardo
] ~2 BJhama Road
K~'y Lar~n_ r:1. .1.llH 7
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,:.' "_,l