Item P07 BOARD or COt::\TY CO:\l~IISSIO:\'ERS AGEl\DA ITE:\I SL1\I:\IARY \keting Date: 05 181005 Bulk Item: Yes '\0 X Di\-lSlon: BOCC Department: DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Person: Donna Hanson .--\G1:::\DA lTE:\1 WORDI:'oiG: Discussion of the progress being made on the demolition and bid for the Government Center located on the Quay propert~; Key Largo. HE:\-I BACKGROt:!'ID: This project has been held up due to a challenge by the Smart Growth Coalition. It has been many months since this issue was rejected by the courts but the property has not been cleared for construction and safety. This project Has also scheduled to he bid for construction b~' June of 2005. PRFYIOCS RELE\-A:\T HOeC ACTIO":\": CO'\TR--\CT/AGREE\IEl\T CHAl\GES: STAFF RECO'I:\-IE:'oiDA TIO"iS: TOTAL COST: '\,1. BLDGETED: Yes '\0 COST TO COL'\'TY: SOLRCE OF Ft:'IDS: RF\F:'\'CF PRODCCI'\'G: Yes '\0 A\IOL1\T PER :\IOl\TH Year APPRO\ED RY: County' Atty _ 01\rBPurcnasing _ Risk \IanagemenL . '7 /' DIYISIO:'i" DIRECTOR APPROYAL: y r' {~,!-C--""7: '~CL-- CO:\-1;\;l1SS10:\ - '1 ~~ //1.-- L .( .:2-c"<-- ~RRAY E. :\ELSU\: DOCT:\IEl\L\TlO:\ : Included -:\ot Required_X_ DISPOSITlO'\' : AGE'\'DA ITE'I #