Item A ADD-ONS Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 12 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15,2005 C45 COMMUNITY SERVICES - Approval of Amendment #001 to OAA Contract #AA-529 (1/1/05 - 12/31/05) between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. (Area Agency on Aging for Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties) and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services. C46 FIRE RESCUE - Approval of Amendments to Agreements with Key Largo V olunteer Fire Department, Inc. and Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc. providing a legal basis to disburse funds to volunteer firefighters and EMS providers at increased reimbursement amounts based on achievement of higher training and certification levels in conjunction with credit for emergency response participation, conceptually approved by the board during the FY05 budget process. G4 FIRE / BOARD OF GOVERNORS - Approval of Amendments to Agreements with Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Sugarloaf Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., The Big Pine Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Layton Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., and Tavernier Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Corps, Inc. providing a legal basis to disburse funds to volunteer firefighters and EMS providers at increased reimbursement amounts based on achievement of higher training and certification levels in conjunction with credit for emergency response participation, conceptually approved by the board during the FY05 budget process. MI0 MAYOR SPEHAR - Approval of a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Florida to oppose H.R. 6, the Energy Bill. 06 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - Discussion of recent Dade County Commission actions regarding the proposed annexation of property by Florida City and expansion of the Urban Development Boundary (UDB). P16 COUNTY ATTORNEY - Approval of settlement agreement in "Department of Community Affairs v. Monroe County and DC6, L.L.C", DOAH Case No. 03-4852. P17 COUNTY ATTORNEY - Approval of a contract with E. Tyson Smith, Esq., to defend the County in the matter of Thomas Collins, et al. v. Monroe County, CA M 04-379 and to provide legal services in other Growth Management matters retroactive to February 1, 2005. 1 Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 P18 COUNTY ATTORNEY - Approval of payment to Paul, Hastings, Janoj'iky & Walker, JLP for professional legal services rendered by Robert H. Freilich, Esq. in the amount of $111 ,999.09 (Invoice #1443273) P19 COUNTY ATTORNEY - Approval of payment to E. Tyson Smith, Esq. for professional legal services rendered in the amount of $29,526.56. P20 COUNTY ATTORNEY - Conceptual approval to remove inventory equipment from inventory listing and transfer to the State of Florida pursuant to Florida law and County policy under terms to be negotiated by the County Administrator and Court Administration. CORRECTIONSINOTES Page 2 C9 PUBLIC WORKS - (Additional backup) Approval to award bid and execute a contract with All Power Generators Corp. for emergency generator inspections, maintenance and repairs. Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Cll PUBLIC WORKS - ( Additional backup) Approval to enter into a new lease with Tropical Sailboats, Inc. to operate and maintain a concession for an amount of Three Hundred and Five Dollars ($305.00) per month or Ten Percent (100./0) of monthly gross proceeds, whichever is greater. C15 FIRE RESCUE - (Revised backup) Approval to waive purchasing policy and issue a purchase order to Zoll Data Systems, sole source provider of the RescueNet suite software products, in the amount of $28,900.00 for the purchase of EMS Pro software package for Ocean Reef Department of Public Safety including network and mobile licensing, training, installation and tech support for pre- hospital collection of data to be used for patient care reporting, state reporting and electronic billing. C21 ENGINEERING - (Revised Agenda Item Summary & backup) Approval to issue a purchase order to 'NaMe MaBagemeBt IDe. of Florida fer r-emov-al of ooBstmetioR aftti aemolitioft tiellris at the Upper Keys Ge':emmeBt CeRter site All Counties Recycling & Waste Processing, Inc. C35 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - (Revised Agenda backup) Approval of three year contract renewal with Acordia National for Third Party Administration Services and waiver of policy requiring going out for bid. Administration fees will remain at the current rates for next three years. Current contract expires September 30, 2005. 2 Page 6 Dl Page 9 III Page 10 M7 Page 11 05 Page 11 PI Page 11 P4 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - (Revised backup document - typographical error) Discussion and approval of one (1) "At Large" appointment to the Tourist Development Council District I Advisory Committee. GROWTH MANAGEMENT - (Additional wording) Approval of a Professional Service Agreement between Monroe County and Advanced Data Solutions, Inc. for document digitizing based on Florida State contract number 973-561-04-2. COMMISSIONER RICE - (Revised Agenda Item Summary) Discussion and direction to staff regarding creating a current inventory record of affordable ownership and rental workforce housing in (unincorporated) Monroe County. Inventory should include publicly owned and private rentals. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - (Additional wording) Discussion of the status on the Old 7-mile Bridge presented by Florida Department of Transportation and discussion on Intelligent Highway Features (digital monitoring signs). COUNTY ATTORNEY - Report - (Written Report included) COUNTY ATTORNEY - (Revised backup document) - Presentation of settlement options in Monroe County v. Mary Boza and, alternatively, approval to sell Mrs. Boza's property at auction. 3