Item P13 BOAlUl 0'" COli N TY COM MISSION r. RS AGENDA ITEM SLTM~ARY r....1 ccti ng Date: June l8 2005 JJivis..ion: COUllty AttorJlCY___. ....'. Bulk. l tern. Yes xx Nu DepartIll~IlL Coupty i\lWnlt;y. Sta~l ConlaCl Person: Bob Shillinger x.3470 AGENDA ITEM "'ORDI~;C: Authori7aticHl to rcfcasc code enforcement lien against L,ot J.,\ Ulock 10, L.ake Surprise ESla1c~'" Key Largo, and il.~ DWIlt>rs Rein<lIJo Delgado and Lourdes ~urJez. , ITF.:J\'l BACf(G RoU.~n~ On January 2~, 2004, (he Code Lnl~)rcemCnl Special :\.lagistr at~ lrnposed a hen against the above- Idcrcnct:d properly fur placing an ahove-ground ~,vimming pool and huildillg the surrounding deck \vithout a permit Sub')cqucnt investigation rcveals that the owncrs had obtained an [dler the lad pcrmil itrJd fi tlaf inspcc:tion jUSl prior to lbt: (:ompliance dale. TherdcHe. the cude enf(}rcernent lien \\'as impo~ed in €nm. PR.I:VIOl!S IU~L.:VANT BOCC ACTIO~: . ["he HOilrd authorized lhc initiaLion ur collection et1iHi~ on June l(,. 20(H. ~ COI\TR-\CT/AGREfMEr\']' CHAI\GES: n/il . . STAFF Rfi~CO_\1 ,\1 F~' I)t\TlO~S~ Approval. '1 OT;\ L COST: n/a BI}OGETED: Yes No n/a COST TO COLl\T\': n/a SOl1RCE OF FlJ~DS: n/a REVI,:rH: I:: PRODLCI:'\lC,: Yes ~o xx. AM()L1~T PER J\..10NTH \' ear APPROVED Ii\'; County Ally J~.'i . OMB.lPurchasing _ R..i sk Management . /./1 .---,/ / /. :fr'> l.lIVISfON III RECTOR APPROVAl,: ___~-:..~:. ~(/1lif{:. ,'" _... .J/! C L-/K..._ .lOllll R. Collin, County A~lorllev . - UOCUML!\TA TION: Induded 1\ot Required xxx 1)1 S ~)OS ITIO~; ..\GFI\'DA ITEM # 1<<::, I sed 2/0 ~