Item P11 BOARD Of" COUNTY CO~MlSSIONERS AG ENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Dale: June 15, 2005 Division: Management Services Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Department: COUDty_Auo rntO' AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for Purchase of Airport Liability insurance with Ace USA through Arthur J. Gallagher and Company_ ITEM BACKGROUND; Provides. $50 million in liability insurance coverage for Airpon Operations (Key West and Marathon). Per Monroe Cuunty purchasing policy this coverage wa~ pul out for bids with incumbent providing lowest proposaL Increase Liabi~ty $50,000,000 excess of $50,000.000 - Totallimir $100.000,000 Separate Policy with LJoyds of London at an Annual Prcm.iwn of$26. 875. Effective date 7/27/05-7/17/06. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: Approved current coverage \',"lth thL<; carrier effective 7/27/04. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES~ Prc.lmium hru,; Increasd from $45,400 lo $48.946 or 8%- Additional premium of $26,&75 for Separate JXl liey to increase Liabijjty $50,000,000 excess ('If $50,000,000 t()r a total limit of $1 00,000,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS~ Approval TOTAL COST: $.7~,fn 1 BlJOGETED: Yes ----.X.- No COST TO COUNTY: $7,5,821 REVENUE PROD(lCING: Yes No X AM~~NT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Any _ OJ\.1B/Pu~ _ Risk tdanage:meJlt DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~. .<r>~~N---;;p, ~J J~INS ' DOCUMEl'Il'TATION: Included ~ To FoUow_ I\-ot Required _ DISPOSITIO~: AG F.~DA nEM # \fO~ROL COl'~ ry BOARO OF COtl~TY CU!'.'I'yHSSlO~U":S CU~TRAC I SU\1MARY C cH1lrw.::l \vilh: Arthur J. Gallagher &. Co CDntract ~ Lffc~t jvc I late: Expiration Dall.:~ 7i~7/05 T2 7.-'2006 C ontmct Purp0sc/Lk'scription: :\irport L iabiliI:' R~'r1..:::wal -- -.--------- .---.--... - -- .-- .--.- C Onlnld fI..tanager: \l<!!.~: SlJ..:.:i.k.. (I\am~l )17S (EM_ ) ("1)Ullly AUom~\ ;17 _ ...1"'.. .___ _ ______..____ (lkpartmcnl/Stop # I j()f BOCC m~~lill~ on J LJ!1C 15. .::!005 Agenda D~adtinc: 5-3]-2005 cor-.; TR ..\CI" COS rs '1 mal 1 )0 liar Vctlut.." L~fl\lntr3.ct: S $75JC~ I Budgeted? Y~s(SJ No D Al.::count Code,:: (jr~L S Count: Match: 'f; . C~~l..:ar Portion: 'l:; 404-~=530-450- -...- ----.. ---.. -- .-.- .:W}-fii,.;) I -s 10-1S0-_ _~1.._. .... _..- _ I '.stima.tcct (lngoing C~1Sls: S (.....-\ 11 in ~]L.!dcd in d.--.]hr n I~jl;' ,1b<)\ l') ADDI not\" A r. enS'l'S ::'IT For: _________ _.._.___ ~ ~g_ m airHlll,mcC'. u[i I i\i("~. jan iwrial. s:Jlaries. ct;::.l CONTRACT R rVIF\V DivislOll Dircl.:lor Changt's 1 law In ~c(:"d;.;J y csD ~o[J Date Ollt R i;' \ t~\\"er Risk M~nage~l .~.(;..<. O.\LR_, Pllr~ .__. __.. Cow"y Atto,"c', ~(C5 - . Y('sO ~o[J _~_ -.......~::~::::-J " L -.--.-..-.. J /) I ..- ...., / .' - 1 ' --, f ';.1 j/o . -" - If' J " ,i 'r t::'su '\Jn~ J.~)L.!J.;t..1 (; f ,,;'v~,_ -_,1Lt____ Y~5D ~oc:v/ S:~J ,_" rl./..",-;, .~-J. I',. J ~fts: Commellh~ O\1R f orm R(,,";~C'd 2 ~ 7-V 1 \ jCf} t<2