Item P04 BOARD OF C()1.T~TY CO~:\1ISSI0~EKS ;\GF"'I)A In:M SI:MMARY \ketillg D<.lte' Jun~ 1:\ 2005 lJi\.'iSlon:_.cC)\Jn,y Attmney Bulk Item. Yes 1\ 0 :\ X_'\ ._ IlepaTiment Counly AlLuJItt;):' ._._._ Slarr Contact Person: Bob Sl1 illingcr d470 .-\GE~DA I'U:1\1 WORDING: f)I-~~scnlation of sctt Icmetlt options in A fonme ( '()UIJ~V I'. A1w:",' J)(J:;a and, ahernati... ely_ appco.....al 10 sell \1 rs. Ruza' s, prupertv at auction. rn:M HACKGHOll" [): The County ohtained a final default judgment of fl)l\xlosurc against r\'lilf")' BOLa as. a fes.ulL of' h~~r unpaid code cnfi.,l"cctl1cnt lien $-' 11 ,t)OO.OO. The lien v."1.1~ impo~ed in 2000 when stu.' failed to e"lahlish thai her house on Sugarloafhad a validly permitted OSTDS It took tile (nitialion of ];tigatioI1 al1d the threilt of foreclosure to move ne;r family' s complianc~ ellhrls. fbrward. 11 i~ anticipiited lhat tho!;€ e/fons. will be complCled prior to tne judicial sale scheduled for eart): July 8efore lettiflg her house to be ~old at illlct iOIl, staff \\.'an!ed [0 am)rd Mrs. Bl);/.a one last opporlunity to seck. a red llnion or her tines and, altcrnat i vely _ to rccei ve the Board' 50 approval to pro<.:ccd to ~ale and direclion OIl settlement [n tbe event ~he a{:hjen~s compliance prior to the s.al€ date. PR..:V[OlIS KELEV.-\"I\T HOeC ACTIO,,": The Hoard approved initiation ofcoll~clion proceedings on ..\pril H\ 2003. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: nla STA FF RECOMI\I EN DA TlONS: Appro\"al or sale ir compliance nol aclltf'ved. TOTAL COST~ n/a Ell [)GKI'EU: Yes ...5-,~._ ~o COST TO COl."r\'f'a-": ilia SO LJ KeF 0 F I'll N IlS: Ilia REVE~llE PRODL1CING: Yes x.x,. No AM 0 IJN T p~~ R MON TH nia Y car n/a ,\PPROVI::D BY: C nunl y At [~- :.;:\ 0\1 BiPurchas,ing Risk t\.1anag(;mellt _ DIV[SIO~ OIlUXTOH Arl~RO":AI,~ (l1Llh~_ Cb!IO[O( ~ John R. Collins, County Attorney nOCI: 1\.1 rNTATlOI\; Included :'-Jot Requ ired X DISPOSJTIO~: .-\G E N D,.\ ITEM # l{C\ I sed :UO:;