Item P02 BOARD OF {:OlJ~TY CO"I\1ISSI0~ERS AGL'\D1\ ITEM Srr\l MARY \-1ec1ing I latc:_ ._ .--.!J! UY:~.l!!):J _ Divi.~iOJl: --1~q LI n U:_0J to ron:: Bulk Ikm: Ye"i ~o ..::<:.-' _ Dcpal1lJlcrlt. _ CQ.\Hjty .'\ ttomey S1atfComacr Person Bob Shill~rlg.eJ ACE,'lDA rn::M WORDI'G: R~':q uC':st fi..)r appruval to ad vert i sed and schedule a clo~cd (lttomey diem <;e'isiOfl of the BOCC on J u Iv 20. 2005 or soml' of her Jat~ to Ji"ii..:u:-;s. ~lralegy I daled to iiligatiun c:<;pcndlturCs. in the case of ( 'ollit1S, L" ul. I'. .\ {onro... f 'oumy 1'. ,)"'Uh' (I( {-lul"ida. ITEM BACKGROtT~D~ I hi:<- rnatt~r involves. dO ] S Plaintiff ] I property taking:-; claim tiled against the Counly 1a::'l ~lwcmber. County legill starr and OLlr om~jdc litigiltion cnun~C'1 recenrl\: met \\,'irh attorneys t{Ir the State 01' FlmiJ<i to di scuss tilt' State' s parlicip,:Hil)Jl in lhis and other tak.ings. cases As a fCSu It of those d i sw:;siQt1s. litigation counsel B~)b l-rcij]jch and . f'y.'son Smith are reques.tillg a '.:Iosed ~es~ion to di<;l:U<.;s 'ilralegy rela1ed to liTigation expenditures lhl~ rncelrng C:Quld be held at the Board's hdy: 2{)lh IllCClrng or some (Jlher lime .~~( hv tne Bo;m.1. PRE'"JOUS RH ,.:VANT HOCC A.cno~: On '\lhCtl1bl~r 29, 2ll04, lhe Board au thor'L.cd retaining o.ob FreHictl and Tyson Smitll lO rcpre~cnt !!1C County ill the Collins CdSt'o 011 January t 0, :!OO~, the Bmud held a dos.ed se~"i(m On Fehruary 16 ~(~().\ the 80ard cxprc!)~cd no objection 10 naming t he State as a Th~rd Pany Defcndant ill the Sllil CO:'\TR.\CT/. \G RE [:\1 ['\T CHA ~G[S: n/3 SL\ F}<' RECO\"l.\H:~f)..\TIO'iS: ApprOl.'al 'I'QTAE.. COST:__f({.SlOO,OO Bt DGFT"~f): Yes .\L.. f\o COST TO COU ~T\';___'([::$.I.00..Q(-L_ SOlTRCE OF FUNDS: REVE~ rr I~ROllliCI NG: Yc.,; \'0.. x:" _._ AJ\fOll:'lT I)[R MONTII , e-ar .-\.PPRO\T.lJ HY; County An.\ 0\1 BiPurchasiJlg Ris.k \1anagcmcnt __ llOCT M EI\TA TIOt\:: lndudcd ,/ .' 'if:!J/ /. . ---,.-" .~_.' ' i ~/~ ..... ./~ r ~_ _ '. _., /,~ . j.l ~ . ..-:7".) Joh[ R Collim.. Comll\" ..-\ttornev ~ ~ . Not R(~quiI e:d XXXXX I)JVISIO'\i ()lRECTOR APPROVAl.: DISPOSITIO~: AG E~DA ITEM #