Item M08 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Wed.. June 15.2005 Division: BOCC Bulk: Item: Yes No-XX- Department: CommissiQueJ' David Rice. District 4 Staff Contact Person: Tamara Lundstrom AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Diseussion and Board direction regarding establishing. working partnenbip witb the City of Marathon, for the building of a new library facility to better serve the reskleatl of the area. ITEM BACKGROUND: (This item was tabled at the April meeting in Key West to the JUDe meetin& in Marathoa.) The City of Marathon proposes to acquire the site, and is actively considerin& several possibilities. The County would seek funding for the construttion of the building through possible State Public Library Construction grant fuBdi"a as well as Capital Projects (Fund 304) fundiua. The current Marathon Library has required extensive repairs in reunt years for concrete spalliD& and roof leaks. Neither the buildiJI&, oor its torrent site, is deemed suitable for an expansion of the facility. Staff is seekina direction to make app6ution for State Library Grant funds for this site as well as the proposed Stotk IsIaad site. Grant reqairements indude proof of ownership of the property, conceptual site and 800r p~ a complete program, ad a budeet match of SO-I'. of the projett cost Development of an Inter-local Agreement with the City wiD address the details of the partDership for construction of the hbrary and provide doaunentation for the grant. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACI10N: The BOCC authorized Capital Projeds funds (Fund 3(4) for emergency exterior repairs to the Marathon Library building in FY2001 and FY2002 for a total of 5218,326. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: mD BUDGETED: Yes NoX COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: Grant funding REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTB_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: :i>aoUl fl. ~ ir~'c (David P. Rice, Commissioner) DOCUMENTATION: Included XX Not Required_ DISPOsmON: AGENDA ITEM # PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANTS The Public Library Construction Grant program provides state funding to governments for the construction of public libraries. This includes the construction of new buildings and the acquisition, expansion, or remodeling of existing buildings to be used for public library service. The maximum allowable grant is $500,000 and the minimum allowable grant is $10,000. The minimum allowable project size is 3,000 square feet. Funds are reimbursed to local government entities based on stages of project completion. HOW IS THE PROGRAM FUNDED? The Florida legislature determines the amount appropriated annually for the program. In fiscal year 2000-2001, $4,200,000 was appropriated for 14 projects; in 2001-2002, $5,787,137 was appropriated for 15 projects; and in 2002-2003, $5,380,337 was appropriated for 12 projects. HOW IS THE PROGRAM ADMINISTERED? The Public Library Construction Grant program is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Library Development, State and Federal Grants Office. The program is authorized under Section 257.191, Florida Statutes. Rules for administration of the program are outlined in Section 1 B-2.011, Florida Administrative Code, and in the Public Library Construction Grants. Please note the Proposed legislative changes below- updated yesterday. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Any eligible Florida governmental entity may apply for a Public Library Construction Grant. This includes county governments, incorporated municipalities, special districts, and special tax districts that establish or maintain a public library and provide free public library service. HOW DOES THE APPLICATION PROCESS WORK? . Announcements of the availability of applications are made through the Florida Administrative Weekly, in addition to letters sent to Florida public library administrative units in December. Application forms may be requested from the State and Federal Grants Office or may be obtained from the Division's web site: rmstructlon/Constructlon. html ....~ '~,,_..' m" "."._.,....., _, . .'.__. .'.'_ ...._.._ . Completed applications are due to the Division April 1 st. . Applications are evaluated and ranked by Division staff using criteria referenced in the Florida Administrative Code. A 30-day correction period is provided for applicants to complete their application or to correct deficiencies after staff have reviewed all applications. Eligible applications are included in the Division's Legislative Budget Request, which is submitted to the Secretary of State. Grant recipients are notified of their award in July, 15 months after submission of their application. ARE THERE MATCHING REQUIREMENTS? . A dollar -for -dollar match is required for all construction grants. This means that if an applicant is awarded a grant of $500,000, the grantee must have a local match of at least $500,000. The matching funds must be available and unencumbered at the time of the grant award. . Eligible matching funds include cash, governmental appropriation, negotiable and nonnegotiable securities, bonds sold or validated, funds used for advance plans, estimates, or the cost of the land for the construction or acquisition of a building not already in use as a public library. For new construction, the current appraised fair market value of a currently owned site may be included as a part of the local matching portion. When planning remodeling and expansion projects, the current appraised fair market value of the site, building, or portion of a building not being used as a public library may be included towards the local matching portion. The appraisal shall be prepared by an independent licensed appraiser. . All funds, including local matching and donated funds, must be administered by the grantee. HOW MAY I USE PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANT FUNDS? . Payments are made to grant recipients on a reimbursement basis (30%- 30%-30%-10%) for costs incurred during construction. The final payment of 10% is provided after submission of a financial audit. . Funds provided under a Library Construction Grant may be used to cover costs of any of the items indicated below, as long as the construction project results in a completed library facility. . Eligible uses of grant funds include architectural services: aCQuisition of land: new construction; expansion: remodelino: site preparation. includino the provision of parkino spaces; enoineering costs and legal fees directlv related to the construction of the library: and initial or fixed eQuipment. incluQing information and buildino ted1nolooies. video and telecommunications eQuipment. machinery, utilities, built-in eQuipment and enclosures or structures necessary to house them, openino day collections. and all other items necessary to furnish and operate a new or improved facilitv for the provision of library services. WHAT ARE THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS? . Grant payments are requested on a Public Library Construction Payment Request form. . Each payment request requires the submission of specified documents related to the project. At the end of the project, a Project Closeout Report must be submitted that details project expenditures and results of the project. An audit must be submitted, along with the fourth payment request, before the project can be closed out. I STILL HAVE QUESTIONS AND NEED TO KNOW MORE. . Contact State and Federal Grants Office staff in the Bureau of Library Development: Phone: (850) 245-6620 or SUNCOM 205-6620 Fax: (850) 488-2746 E-mail: mdeeney@dos.state.fl.us Address: Division of library and Information Services R.A Gray Building 500 S. Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 "T1 c: ::l 0- W o ~ m -1 ><10 0'-1 ~ I~ ~I~ ~ ,;: m.o ZI'll C;:o ~!~ II 0'0 i IIllz I m Ill) n I I ~ I , ~ I j ~ I I o I I :0 I I ! I I 01 i , I I I ---+--+_.1 , I I I ! 'I\> I :~ ; 1(; ! ill: ! o!.....,; i~ I 1m I i~ I 0'.... I -=--!- : i\);:l;. , 1::> ,-:.., 1 ~:~ I ~ I~; _ lq) , -'-, i I~ ' _ 1-:"" I ~;~ ! :....:....., j lll'~ I ''''I ~~I ;g '~ I ~ I~, fO ..... 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