Item C45 ~. ~:t i;,~' ~;: .';.,' :~ C 51 .- A&~ ()ut'\ - ~ ..'"f-L :tI= ~'~~ ....u. ~-' ~ 1~::bC;r--A- Louis LaTorre, Senior Director Social Services/dra BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY :.r. :;:~ MEETING DATE: 06/15/2005 DIVISION: COMMUNITY SERVICES BULK ITEM: YES _X_ DEPARTMENT: SOCIAL SERVICES NO AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Amendment #001 to OAA Contract #AA-529 (1/1/05-12/31/05) between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. (Area Agency on Aging for Miami-Dade and Monroe COWlties) and the Monroe County Board of County CommissionersIMonroe County Social Services. ITEM BACKGROUND: The purpose of this Amendment is to increase Title III-E (Family Caregiver Services) by $5,000.00 to $54,105.00, thereby increasing the total OAA Contract amount to $507,493.00. ~~~ PREVIOUS REJ...EV ANT BOCC ACTION: Approval ofOAA Contract #AA-529 on December 15, 2004. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Additional funds of $5,000.00 allotted to TItle ill-E. STAI<'F RECOMM.I!:NDATIUN: Approval TOTAL COST: $507,493.00 COST TO COUNTY: $88,443.00 BUDGETED: YES-L NO_ SOURCE OF FUNDS: Older Americans Act (OAA) #AA-529 for Jan 200S-Dee 2005 REVENUE PRODUCING: YES NO-X... AMT.PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: COUNTY ATIY.--X- OMB/Purchasing --X- RISK MANA MENT--X DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: i ! I f I I. I I I I 1 r I I i t j I , DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED X TO FOLLOW_ NOT REQUIRED_ eLl!) DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM#: Revised 2127101 , i. t r I i ~ ;-(' ~ Wi 1'", :::: .:;; ::-. ::-, '."0 :"":'. ;~.,. :~; tj :;;:; of.;. .:i:.... ;.::. !~;: :4 ""(: :.'~ MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACTSU~Y Contract with: Alliance For Aging, Inc. Contract # Amendment #001 for Contract #AA-529 Effective Date: 01/01/2005 Expiration Date: 12/31/2005 Contract Purpose/Description: Approval of Amendment #001 to the OAA Contract #AA-529, (l/1I05-12/3li05) to increase Title lII-E (Family Caregiver Services) by $5,000.00 to $54,105.00, thereby increasing the total OAA Contract amount to $507,493.00, I Contract Manager: Deloris Simpson ~-__.. 4589 Social St,'rviceslStop 1 (Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #) For BOCC meeting on 06/15/05 Agenda Deadline: 05/31/05 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $595,936.00 Budgeted? Yes X No Account Codes: Grant: $ 507,493.00 County Match: $88,443.00 Current Year Portion: $ ''-5 -.ld~-O.'5 - - ---- - - --~- - -- Estimated Ongoing Costs: $_..__/yr (Noi included in dollar value abolie) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: (Cll. Maintenance, utilities.. ianitorial, salaries, ete) CONTRACT REVIEW Division Director ~r7elo5 Changes Need~ Yes ~ Risk Management (0 ~ 7- (>5 ...............:>rt Yes l~g../ Yes No Yes @ O.M.B.!Purchasing County Attorney t.w,/!?/cJ~- Comments: OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 Date Out ~h~ f f i f I f f ,. t I I I f I I i l i f t . i (,'7'~ -,<; YJ; ;;-.' Amendment 001 CONTRACT AA-529 Page 1 ;.~ THIS AMENDMENT, entered into between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the -Alliance- I and Monroe County The purpose of this amendment is to Increase Title 111- E (Family Caregiver Services) by $ 5,000 to $54,105, thereby Increasing the total OAA contract amount to $ 507,493. The unit rate Is not amended therefore the provider must adjust the number of units of services to be provided under the affected title. accordingly. 1. Section II I Paragraph C, Sources of Funds, is hereby amended to read: The funds awarded to the recipient are as follows: Program Title Year Funding Source CFDA# Funds Amounts OAA Tide I1IB Support Services 2005 US Department of 93.044 $110,000.00 Health & Human Services OAA Title mCI Congregate 2005 .. 93.045 $158,599.00 Meals OAA Title III C2 Home 2005 " 93.045 $184,789.00 Delivered Meals OAA Title mE Services 2005 .. 93.052 $54,105.00 TOTAL FUNDS CONTAINED 11'l THIS AGRE}:MENT: $507 493.00 2. This amendment shall begin on January 1, 2005 or the date it has been signed by both parties, whichever is earlier. I I I I I I ( [ ! I t I I i I f t. [ I I f r All provisions in the contract and any attachments thereto in conflict with this amendment shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this amendment. All provisions not in conflict with this amendment are still in effect and are to be performed at the level specified in the contract are hereby amended to conform with this amendment. This amendment and all its attachments are hereby made a part of the contract. ~:~i Amendment 001 CONTRACT AA-529 Page 2 I. i i I I I I t ! I f t I I , , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 2-page amendment to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. PROVIDER: Monroe County ALLIANCE FOR AGING, INC. SIGNED BY: StGNED BY: Steven Weisberg, M. S. NAME: NAME: President & CEO TITLE: TITlE: .~~~ DATE: DATE: ~> FEDERAL 10 NUMBER: PROVIER FISCAL YEAR ENDED DATE: 59-6000749 09130 "': .:::'-