Item C14 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 15.2005 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: Fire Rescue Staff Contact Person: Darice Hayes AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to execute an Agreement between the District Board of Trustees of Florida Keys Community College (FKCC) and Momoe County Board of County Commissioners (MCBOCC) concerning EMS training for period beginning July 01,2005 and ending June 30, 2010. ITEM BACKGROUND: FKCC students emolled in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) course must complete a specified number of supervised hours on a licensed ambulance. Momoe County Fire Rescue (MCFR) and FKCC sought the Agreement to provide a resource for completion of the program criteria for their EMS students throughout the Keys. The Terms of Agreement are for a five (5) year period with the provision for either party to elect to extend the Agreement for an additional five (5) years with written notice. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On July 14, 2004 a Renewal Agreement was approved between FKCC and MCBOCC for an additional one (1) year period as per the terms of the original Agreement that was in place. At the prompting ofFKCC, it was decided to create a new Agreement which puts in place an Agreement for a five (5) year period with the option to renew for an additional five (5) years. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Terms of Agreement have been changed from an annual renewal to a five (5) year Agreement with the option to renew for an additional five (5) years. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: N/ A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty YES DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required _ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract Florida Keys Connnunity College Contract #_ . . (FKCC) Effective Date: July 0 I, 2005 Expiration Date: June 30, 2010 Contract Pumo seID escripti on: Enable FKCC students enrolled in the EMS courses to obtain clinical and practical experience in ambulance service. Contract Manager: D. Hayes for C. Martin 6004 Fire Rescue I Stop 14 (1\Tame) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting on Jlme 15,2005 Agenda Deadline: May 31,2005 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ N/A Budgeted? YesO No 0 Account Codes: Grant: $ County Match: $ Current Year P0l1ion: $ - -- ~~~-~ - - - - ~~~~- - ~ - - ~-~-~ - - - ~ ------.... - ~ ~- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: 5_/yr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Needed.---,~ Rev~~~~ YesD NoL::1 -?Z-~ ~ . 11 Risk Management Lj - ;1,5D:) YesO No[jJ '01-S12.u.~ r-./~/ O.M.B./Purchasing ~'1.&-o5_ YesDNo~ / _ ~ County Attomey ij':;f-([}-!:. YesONoIT _ __~ ~!te In . t1 Date Out bb :t.'"! j; Division Director .DS Comments: OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 15th day of June, 2005 by and between the DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE, hereinafter referred to as the COLLEGE, and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the COLLEGE desires that students enrolled III EMS Courses obtain clinical/practical experience in Ambulance Services; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY offers to provide the necessary equipment for said experience in recognition of the need to train EMS students. (List of students to be supplied) NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. PROVISIONS FOR INSTRUCTION AND SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS: (a) The EMS Instructor and the COUNTY's Battalion Chief of Training shall acquaint the students with the rules and regulations of the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department and shall hold them responsible for complying with all rules and regulations applicable to students. This does not preclude the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department from providing further orientation. The COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department will provide a current set of rules and regulations for the COLLEGE at least sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of each Fall term. (b) The COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department reserves the right to refuse its equipment and services to any student who does not meet the professional or other stated requirements of the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department or any appropriate authority controlling and directing said COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department. (c) The instructional schedule for the clinical/practical experience of the students shall be planned jointly by the supervisor of the particular program and the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department. The instructional schedule agreed upon shall, wherever possible, be submitted to the respective COUNTY Fire Rescue Department's and COLLEGE authorities at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of such schedule. (d) Clinical/practical instruction may also be provided for the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department from its staff, and assigned according to Paragraph 1 (c) above. The COLLEGE reserves the right to review the qualifications of such persons to assist in the clinical/practical instruction of the students. (e) The responsibility of the COUNTY's Fire Rescue staff with regard to the clinical/practical experience of the student may include, as appropriate to the specific program: C:\Documents and Settings\hayes-darice\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK40\FKCC Agreement 2005DRAFT.doc (1-3) (1) Direct instruction and supervision of the student according to the respective course description and/or syllabus, cooperating therein with the faculty member assigned by the COLLEGE to supervise said course; (2) Periodic evaluation ofthe student's progress as required by the COLLEGE; (3) Providing to the above mentioned program supervisor, on a weekly basis, the proposed schedule for clinical/practical instruction for the ensuing week; and (4) Being available for scheduled conferences with the student and/or program supervIsor.. (f) The COLLEGE on its part agrees further; (1) To go through the proper channels with the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department in planning clinical/practical experience; (2) To arrange meetings with the appropriate staff of the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department to whom the student is directly responsible in order to review and evaluate the progress of the clinical/practical experience as needed; (3) To provide methods for student evaluation which are brief and meaningful; and (4) To inform the clinical/practical staff of the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department as to the extent of the student's academic preparation for the purpose of assignment of the student to the appropriate entry level of clinical/practical experience. 2. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE (a) As a political subdivision of the State of Florida, the COLLEGE enjoys sovereign immunity, which is waived to the extent provided in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Subject to that limitation, the COLLEGE agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, its respective officers, agents, employees, and servants from any and all liabilities and causes of action arising out of the operation of this Agreement, which results directly from the negligence errors or omissions of the COLLEGE, its officers, Trustees, employees, students or agents. The COLLEGE does not accept liability for the injury or death of any person or damage to any property, or any claims or causes of action arising there from, caused by the sole negligence of any officer, agent, employee, or servant of the COUNTY, or by the condition of the equipment operated by the COUNTY's Fire Rescue Department, whether the condition is latent or patent, and regardless of whether the COLLEGE has inspected the equipment prior to using it. Nothing contained herein waives any immunity granted to either the COUNTY or COLLEGE under Section 768.28, Florida Statues. C:\Documents and Settings\hayes-darice\Local Settings\Temporary In1ernet Files\OLK40\FKCC Agreement 2005DRAFT.doc (2-3) (b) The COLLEGE agrees to maintain, during the term of this Agreement, student professional liability insurance with a single limit of $1,000,000.00, with aggregate coverage of $3,000,000.00. A Certificate of Insurance in evidence of compliance with this paragraph shall be filed with the COUNTY. (c) If either party receives notice of a claim related to this Agreement that party shall notify the other party within fifteen (15) days of its own receipt of notice. 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this AGREEMENT shall begin July 01, 2005 and continue for a period of five years until June 30, 2010, after which both parties will review option to renew for an additional five years. This AGREEMENT may be modified or terminated by a written statement signed by both parties thirty (30) days prior to implementation of this proposed action. NOTICES: Where notice is required under this Agreement to be given to either party, the notice shall be mailed to: COLLEGE: COUNTY: Dean of Administrative & Business Services Florida Keys Community College 5901 College Road Key West, Florida 33040 Fire Chief County of Monroe Fire Rescue 490 63 Street, Ocean, Suite 170 Marathon, Florida 33050 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have cause this AGREEMENT to be executed in their respective corporate names and their corporate seals to be affixed by duly authorized officers, all on the day and year first set forth above. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGES Ui~ Dean of Administrative & Business Services Mayor/Chairperson Danny Kolhage Clerk U ANNE A , UTTO C:\Documents and Settings\hayes-darice\Local SettingS\Te:;~;~:;i ~%"~::~~~~40\FKCC Agreement 2005DRAFT.doc (3-3) Cllflnt..: 105 FL~OM~O ACORD... CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATI.~ 07/19104 P!lOOVCVI no CERTlRCATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER Of INFOA1IATlON Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTlFlCATE HOLDER. ntlS CERTlFlCATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 8200 N. W. 41 at Street ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BV THE POUctES BELOW. Suite 200 Nillml, FL 33166 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAte , INaORI!D INSURER A: ChicatlO Insurance Company Florida Community Colleges Risk INSl.JMER So Management Consortium INSURER C, 5700 SW 34th Street, Suite 1205 INSURER 0' Gainesville, FL 32608 IN6URER E: COVEFlAGES THE POUCIES Of" INSURANCE LISTED 8ELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED .A.SQVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY AEQUIREMENT. TERM OR COODmON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERT A.lN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DeSCRIBeO HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO AU. THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITlQNS OF SUCH POliCIES AGGREGATE liMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REOUCED BY PAID CLAIt.lS_ ':";' ~~ TY PI': 01' !IOSUR,fJfC E POLICY NU"BE;A PQUCY I!F~ECTIVE ~~ L...rrs ~NERAL. L.!ABIUlY EACH OCCURRENCE . COMMERGI.o.L GEIOERAlllABIUTY DAMAGE TO RENTEO I 1 CLA'MS MADE D OCCUR MED EXP (Any """ poor"",,) S PERSONAL !!. AOV INJURY . G~~AAL.~8G~EGATE I rf AGOAn ~Mrr APFt ~R: PROO()C1'S . COUP!QP AGG $ POUCY Jio&- LOG ~TCI11OBllE u...ea.1TY COIoIQ'NE 0 51 NGLE LI l,lIT $ ANY AUTO IE. oed OotM) f----- - Al.L OWNED AUTOS OODlLY INJURV . SCHEOUlED AUTOS (P"-P""""") - ~ HIRED AUTOS ])~1 \ :a~:'~'7J,! . 600!L Y INJURV ~,-~\ir~J~ i . foOON-Cffl'NED AUTOS - , r_~, ". I<.!' {P"'.~t) - ..- ---.- n~.~..-...~._ PROPERTY DAM"'GE . '+~ ~-().e::: IP""~I] ,. _u" ?,...:-~ =1AGE LIAB!UTY ~ - --~-- ---- ...._~~.. ~L1TO ONLY - E).. ACCIDENT . '~~: - '/ '(... ANY "'UTO -., -' y:,.... EAACC . ""\-~ -_ t-_- ~ .^~ ~,_.~-_..- - OTHER -mAN AmO ONly, ~OO $ =:JEsa-uill_LU. LIAlllllTY EACH OCCURRENCE . I OCCU~ 0 CLAfMS MIIpE AGGREGATE . $ ==J DEQUCTI9l.E . , R~tmON S . WORK_ COMPENSATION Atlo I T'ggvST,~;.1 IO~ nlII"I.OV1;:Rll' UA8lUTY >>IV PAOPRi e-;-Q! VI' AR T N E PiE:>:E Cv 1: VIi ~_ EACH ACCIDENT . OFFICEIVIoEMeER EXCLUDED? E. L. DlsEASIO - €A E MPLOVE E . h. ~~~~Sbolow E. L OISl:ASE - POl!CY U t.4IT , OnU!R Student AHC2900001 08I26lO4 08/26106 $1,OOO,OOOf$3,OOO,OOO I Professional -~ Uabllttv ,- "I ". - OtiS(;RIPTlON 01'" OPEFlA noNS! LOCA noNS! VEMlClJ;SI EXCLUSIONS 0400'0 BY ENDORSEMENT! GP5C1AL ~V19lOHS Re: Florld8 Keys Community COllege Clinical Experience for Nursing Program- Coverage includes College Faculty Member. for InstructiOn/supervision of ttuclenUl only. - - I~ Attac;hed Descriptions) t <--. CERTIFICATE HOLDER , -' CANCEllA TJON l A<:ORD 25 (2001108) 1 of 3 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Emergency Medical Services 490 63rd South OoeanjSulte 170 Marathon, FL 33050 SftOULD ANY Of' THe ABOVE I;lEK~8I!1;l Pol.lCEE BIi c.u;c~ lIe~ TltII! UPIFIATlOfI DATE TH!Fl:EOI', TMllSalJlNG IN$l)MJf WLL EloIou.VOR TO ,....... .....JIl... D~YS ~ HOTlCIl TO"nIIi CERTFIC...TE HOLIlER N.....'D TO ntI' LEFT. BUT FALURI TO DO.o ~ IMPOU" HO CIGUllA TlON CA LI.l8lUTY Of' ANY KIND UPOfl T1-tE IHSIJRE II, rB AIl9(I1I OR R8lRESi~'" TIVR .\UfHOAlZEO RliPll6ENT4nv, ,,4~~ #S69228/M69214 SXH ~ ACORD CORPOR.A nON 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pOlicy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION is WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement{s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer. and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the pol ides listed thereon. ., ACORD 25-S (2001108) 2 of 3 #S69228/M69214 DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1) Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Emergency Medical Services is listed as additional insured soley as respects to this program. -. AMS 25.3 (2001108) 3 of3 #S69228/M69214