Item C06 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 6/15/05 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS STAFF CONTACT PERSON: Peter Horton AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Award of Bid, and Contract for The Growing Concern, Inc. the second lowest bidder, for the Approach RlW 9 and 27 End Clearing project at the Key West international Airport. ITEM BACKGROUND: The low bidder for the project has withdrawn their bid. The Growing Concern is the second lowe~ bidder on the project. This project will be funded by the Federal Aviation Administration and Passenger Facility Charge Revenue. PREVIOUS RELEVANT SOCC ACTION: Approval to submit PFC Application # 9, August 18, 2004. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New contract STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: 80,000.00 BUDGETED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT: None COST TO PFC: 4,000.00 COST TO COUNTY: None SOURCE OF FUNDS: FAA, PFC Revenue REVENUE PRODUCING: No AMOUNT PER MONTH !YEAR: APPROVED BY: County Attorney X OMB/Purchasing X Risk Management X AIRPORT DIRECTOR APPROVAL (/~jf- Peter J. Horton DOCUMENTATION; Included X Not Required AGENDA ITEM # DISPOSITION: /bev APB Jun 02 20 10~43a p. 1 ~. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF (;OUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTROiCT SUMMARY Contrac: # i J ! Contract with: The Growing Concern, Inc. I ] I Contract Purpose/Description: I Airport i I i [ I Contract Manager: Bevette Moore I (name) I i I for soce meeting on: 6/15/05 Effective Date: Execution Expiration Date: 30 days Approach RflN 9 ancl27 Eld Clearing project at the Key West international # 5195 (Exq Airports - Stop # 5 (Department! Stop) c~~~_f\genda Deadilne: 5/31105 I i I I I I TotEd Dollar Value of Contract 80,000.00 1 Budgeted? Yes I Grant Yes - FAA j County Match: PFC Revenue r ! Estimated Ongoing Costs: n1a I (not included in doaar value above) CONTI~ACTGOSTS Current Year Portion: 80,000.00 Account Codes: 404~63091-GAKA83 ADDIT!ONAL:OSTS For: . ~sg, maii~enance; utilities, janitonal, salaries; etc.} CONTRo..CT REViEW , I I I I f l Airoorts Director I' . f Date In ChangEls Needed Yes No ..--.- >'""! ; ",':; ,0 i IOS- ( ) 'Cr~, Risk Management :1J;);]) 05 O.M.BJPUrch& .5' l.Lt f D-:{ ( ) (r ,fi"', '" ) (/'\ ) (j/r- County Attorney ~ / 'XrbS' Comments: I ! i -----.J RevieVi'sr Date Out ~~f31 J O\i- s.J ;t;L1 {'j5 S fJ.-li~ ~ ;2b ;6S ~wney Jun 02 20 10:44a ~ gJ ~ ~ '" ~ tj: ~ ~ i \'! 0' i ~ 5 Je '"if' f '" ,. ~ . o g I i & I 3' &. i :::; I it f I 1::; I"' S. v.l ii f :I lit m ~ "" ... iJ;! i:a '" & o ti ~ b 8 .... ~ S $ 8 l:l -" o i S!: .., i "'~', · , .. 1 .. : mm.______-.~'. , "11 i 'w ! "I ; 'V ~j!!!~l~ J. 1. t>:& to ! .~t._~_n~..~ '3 ,f.". ::t ' R= ... ; - f.i i !f i ! ::lis-"'ll\;; S";jaii'l [Il~li g ! i i ~ t & Q. (~li ~ g ! az' i 1 c! i 1il' m r;--r-;- i ,.,. }II J~'n;UJ ml~-l--~ i j E Ii (Il n Zl g z ! (") ~ a ~ tile C>, "" b> ~ 5 ~. ... ~ P' "" ;: ~ Ii 'i ~~ i 0 ~t-L..L..,i I t.. ! ~ J:1! ~ !D ~ J ~ I J ~l i . i g ..~tm..- I I ~ ! ~ % ! 1!' I i: ! I ~ I ~l ~I i . I 1 j... i ~~ I ~ ~ ~r!~'f> :: U i ~ I ~--r "" ... k .. 8 ~t .... - ' :" ~$ P ~i~~i~l~ gIn I .'!l ; 8 ~""'+--"~",_.. i ~~ 5 1 I i! i ~ i ~ ~jL~1+J ... "" tf! ...... ~~ ~ ~: [ e ~ il~~~ I ; I : .; 'l1 J ii 12 J> ti :;j ~ e ::: OJ <<I ~ ~ "C ~ f ~ l: a ~ p ., {f ~ ~ #,; 2: I r;l p.2 ~ -<; I i ~ .. m ; I i i: Z !'"' t;; );0 .;. iii t 6 ,!; ~ Jun 02 20 lO~44a I ! I II E a.. C III i 0... l~ 1;.:- jg I! 9 11 ~ <:I .c: -:! If q:;:; (fl t -:! is. IJl. C "1 CJ\H -+;::r o ('II -<,. "':I ~ ~ o cr" - "'< lit) -!":l 3. J. 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Jun 02 20 10:46a P & 1 SE;CTIOjf.l D caNTRAC;;T TO Approach RJW ~) and 27 End Clearil19 Key West In~ema,tiona' Airport THIS AGREEMENT ma~e and entered into the: . day of , by and between 7hs. 6~i11; l:1H..a.!.fL,.&I77~ t ~s'~.~. Comractor, and the Monroe County Board.. Commissioners, 7Key West, Florida, Owner. WITNESSETH: That the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out hereby agrees with the Owner as fo!!ows: 1, That the Contractor, shall furnish aU the materials, and perform all of the work in the manner and form as provtd/:;:!d by the following enumerated Instruction to Bidders, Form of Proposal, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Technical Specifications, Form of Contract, Form of Bond, Drawings and Addenda, which are attached hereto and made a part horoof, as if fully contained herein, for the construction of: . Approach RJW 9 and 27 End Cle,ring Key West International Ai!1:!Prt Monroe County, Florida 2. That' the Contractor shall comrnence the work to bE performed under this agreement on a date to be specified in a written order of the Owner and shalf fully complete all work hereunder within::hirty {30} calendar days from the Notice- to-Proceed (Construction) as per Specie: Provision No, 2, '1 v, The Owner hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor for thd faithful performance of the agreement, subject to addltlofls and deductlons as provided In the specifications or proposal in lawful mOI1€;Y of the Un\ted States as foHows: Approximately g rt:rHry 7Z ~~~ Dollars ($ OCl ) in accordan;;::e with lump sum and unit prices set forth In the proposal. On or before the 15th day of each catendar month, the ~iecond shall make partial payment to the on the Contractc; r basis of a certified and approved estimate of work performed during the preceding calendar month by the Contractor, less ten percent (100ft,) of th~: amount of such, estimate which is be U-6 Jun 02 20 10~48a 10,2 retained by the Owner until all work has been perfonned strictly in accomanc"B with this agreement 5, Upon submission by the Contractor of evidence satisfactory to the Owner that all payrolls, material bills and othElf cost; incurred by thE) Contractor in connection with the construction of the worK have been paid In full. final payment on account of this agreement shaff be made withh tvventy (20) days after the completion by the Contractor of aU work covemd by this agreement and the acceptance of such work by the Owner. 6~ It is mutuaUy agreed between the partias hereto that time is of the essence in this contract and in the event the construction of the work is not completed within the time herein specified, it is agreed that from the compensation othe!\-vlse to be paid to the Contractor, the Owner may retain the amounts described in the Liquidated Damages Section per day for each day thereafter, Sundays and holidays included, that the work remains uncompleted, which sum shall represent the actual damages which the Owner \frill have sustained per day by failure of the Contractor to complete the work \'llithin the time stipulated and this sum is not a penalty being the stipulated damages the Owner wlll have sustained in the event of such default by the Contractor. 7~ It is further mutuaily agreed between the parties hereto that if at any time after the execution of this agreement and the surety bond hereto attached for its faithful performance, the Owner shaU deem the surety or sureties upon such bond to be unsatisfactory, or if, for any "e8son, such bond ceases to be adequate to cover the performance of the work, .:he Contractor shall, at its expense within five (5) days after the receipt of nOnGB from the Owner so to do, furnish an additional bond or bonds in such fOfill and amount and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the Owner. In such event, no further payment to the Contractor shalf be deemed to Of:. due under this C.igreement until such new or additional security for the faithful performance of the work shall be furnished in manner and furm satisfactory to the Owner. IN WJTNESS WHEREOF the parties nt'3reto have executed this agreement on the day and date first above written in two (2) cOl1nteq:arts, each of which shall, without proof or accounting for the other counterpart, be deemod an original contract. ~~,,~ ~t.IU'~ tI~,~ . . . (Contractor) 1 (Monroe County Board of Commissioners) BY:LZ1~~~ Titfe:~~~ President'" WITNESS:(l ~+~ MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY /)::!i'1VEO n 59ftM: ,/-- -L~ ( I 7V{~_~_7 PEDRO J, ~RCADO --4. ./ ASSiSTANTCO~ By: Title: WITNESS: (SEALl ArreST: DANNY L KOlHAGE, illRK !1.r_ DEPUTY CLERK Jun 02 20 10~47a 10.3 STATE OF FLORiDA 51 i"l COUNTY OF }:1J?t.111 i!JE/tcll / L the undersigned autho .,', a Notary Public in and for said Cnunty and State hereby certify that N,\),i r:. \'0 __ wt!ose name a~,C~;a ~~f _ Is signed to the foregoing Instrument and iNho is known to me, 3eknowleged before me on this day that being informed of the conte 11"5 of the within instrument, he, in his capacity as such, executed the same voluntarily on the date the :same bears date. Given under my hand and seal this '- '\ day of ~_ "..--. , 201/ ') . ~~,# <} ~-<P"ir---- Notary PubUc ,.. Who is authorized by the corporation to .3xecub3 this contract ~f";';~1l""\I!filil';t;Il"'''-Ir$''''''''!'-.t'll$-'O-'''''\l''''''~lnil!ZJ:l~'iUI-E'l~~~'jl~~ ! ~fJ~ WS'lj NEi~ ~;:i i :ti;Zl'-'lt~ncs~ r'lJI'.;;. t~ :: i &OOZi~atl Ba:idx? 5 : liH-e;tOO-u ~~o :- 5" S~31. vtV\ '3" 31et3~ : i-:jI.i)"iilil'''.","'","iI=!/l ~Jl.oe I- IS-.;, t .ll-......... 'Il 'l;''',,~ io llo..1I: l! 'li' 11.11 ~,.Wt;-"'-lF""IIol' ~\l:l".:s':;;;oilOta""'''>>*p''''':"i!'''"il5'''i ~1!l';"''I\l'''-I''-l'~'Ol'''''''!t~I'IlIJOit.llo~ilI ;' MERLE E. WATERS I i C atnm# O:DO:.t$91@.7 i i j~;q:;~~ 112~ : ; ~~*ru~a&JX~254! i """, d$ NClllfy M"'I> it'''' E i1~~~I!-"'!l--li';-lI:"~l:l';-~oC'I:-l:!l';!."'i -lljollli....U,<<\\O/i~....~\toll'~.,;II'......-l 11-3 Jun 02 20 lO:48a F. 1 SECTIOiM C ACKNOWLEDGMEN[r fOlt CHANGE ORDERS TO: Monroe County Board of Commis:;foners Key West, Florida REF: ~J:J:proach RJVV 9 and 21 EOd Clearing Key West International Airport Gentlemen: In order to avoid the necessity of extens,ive arnendments to thn referred contrad, the undersigned acknowledges hereby that the folow!ng conditions are those for which change orders are allowed under the Bid Law: 1. Unusual and difficult circumstances wIllen arose during the course of the execution of the contract which could not have been reasonably foreseen. 2. Where competitive bidding for the new work for new money wtll work to the serious detriment of the awarding 8!Jthority. 3, Emergencies arising during the course of the work. 4. Changes or alterations provided for in the original bid and originais contract. 77,L b~ fZoneUt-e/ Contractor By: Title: aES~ !i,i) Jun 02 20 10z48a p.2 SECT!O,l~ E DRUG~FREE 'iYORKPLACE FORM .. -~ . The undersigned Contractor, in accordance with Flonda Statute 287.087, t-:ereby certifies that /! 17. ~ / 7J<' I:){~ (~P-M"27 /A:C': I (..n'~Se,40~:::ZUc_ (Name of BuSiness) 1 < Publish a statement notifying l~mpfOjd3eS that the unia\AJfuf manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or Ug<~ of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying thE:: actions that wiff be tarKen against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. inform such employees about the dangers of drug abuSE! !n the workplace, the business' policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace. any available drug oounseiing, rehabffitation and employee ~lssistance programs and the penaltIes that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual sei"v'ices tnat are under bid a copy of the st stamant specified in Sub-section (1). 4, In the statement specified in Sub~:3ection (1). notify the employees that as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual 'sE!rvices that are under bid, the employee wUl abide by thet terrn~> of the statemelot and wUf notify the employer of any conviction of or plea of guilty or 0010 contendere to any violation of Chapter 893 (Florida Statutes) or of any:ontroUed substance law of the United States or any state for a violation occurring in the workplacEr no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. impose a sanction on or require t11:! satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is avaHablEt In the employee's community Of any employee who is so; convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to ms:intain a drug.free workplace through implementation of this section. As a person authorized to gign the statement, i Cii:rtffy that this firm compiies fuUy with the above requkements, Dat~:;: .-L?1~V l Jun 02 20 10:49a p.3 Sle!CTICJN F PRiME BIDDE1Rt~S QijJALIFICATIOffS Each contractor shall furnish with his bid the fcffowing completEK1 and signed statements on "evidence of competency" and "evidenct:t of financial responsibility", is in accordance with General Provision 20-02, 1, Name of Bidd8fst 17tE-t!JI&JW~ en..eM..& ;::;tu , l?vJO~~c. Business Address: 47.1 ~ ('; l:JT~ T elephane Number: 52-/ ~ t.~ 'Ill - r;; 9/ ;2 When Organized: 9- e>~ Wham Incorporated: Pttlll:l;:;/J/1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How many years have you, been isngagud in the contracting business under the present firm name? ::J AI 'l:/)~ , " 7. What is the type of constrl....!ction work in ifJhich you are principally engaged? SZl: ~~O __. 8, On separate sheet list major contrclcts in ',J8St 10 years. 9. On separate sheet list equipment 8Jld plant available for this project 10. Enclose a copy of latest Financial Statem3nt. 11. Credit Available for this Contract: t....s:;~ (200 -- 12< Contracts now in hand. Gross Amount $ C) 13. Have you ever refused to sign a contract fIt your original bid? MO 14. Have you ever been declared in default on a contract? d/CJ 15. On separate sheet, fist the last nif6 (5) projects over $'100,000 on which the contractor has worked, and te!eph0f18 numbers. ~ t:*~ ~ 16. Remarks: (The above statements must be subscribed and sworn to before a Notary Public.) lw21 Jun 02 20 10:50a Date: Finn Name: By: Title: ~ /J ,P L?-c: ~ ~ . .?~, ~L Gl?aun~ (l-Al:l~,U,,o ~tL;7~~8~ 2U~. ij~~ --~- t?/US:c ~Afr Nota!"'1 Public: ~~ { A;;;t> _ ~~~~~.~~$eME~Ri1!E:~WA~' i ~~1r,' f ~ ~1i;!~ ~ ~!I:", : ~NOlary4l!l!. hie : ....oj"'"..-5-;!Ii-'il.t=ll':lIa.'i:;:;jjo~ll'.e-""..i!!l!I~'il;;..~~..,"'~~@i::a~~'~~ p.4 Jun 02 20 lO:51a p. 1 SECTIOif\l G DiSCLOSURE OF LO_IBY ACTIVITIES Ceriifi~atlon of Contract$~ Grant~~ Lo~'ns and COOpii'n"ative Agreements The undersigned certifies, to the best af 111s or her knowledge and belief, that (1) No Federal appropriated funds have beon paid or wlil bEl paid by or on behalf of the undersigned to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract. the !T!aking of any Federal Grant, the making of any Federal loan, the amenn" into of any cooperatrve agreements and the extension, contlnuation, renewal, amendment or modmcatton of any Federal contract, Grant. foan or cooperative agrEH~ment (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriate funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congll}ss. ar1 officer or employee of Congress or an employee of a member of Congress ir1 connection with this Federal contract. Grant, loan. or cooperative agnEiemem, the undersign9d shail complete and submit Standard Form-LLL. "Disclosure of Lobby Activities", in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that jthe language of this certification be included in the award documents far an Bub..a!ward's at aU tiers (including subcontracts, sub- grants and contracts under Granu~! loanH and cooperative agreements) and that al( sub-recipients shan certify and disc!OS4!j accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon whleh reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered irno. Subfnission of trns certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.s. Code. Any person who faUs to me the required certmcHtion shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such fanum. Signed: c' --'- Datisd: s: # t1J nrractors Authorized Representative 1-23 Jun 02 20 lO:51a p.2 -' Officer of the State of Fl~)ridaf Division of Administrative Hearings. The Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer did oot place the parson or affiliate 011 the convicted vendor list (Please attach a copy of the Final Order. ) ... . The person or affiUate was placed on the convIcted vendor fist. There has been a subsequent proc€Hding before a hearlo\a officer of the State of Florida, Division of Admlnfstrativ!:: Hearings. The, Final Order entered by the hearing officer determIned that it \-'\/as in the public interest to remove the person or gffiliate from the convicted vendor list (Please attach a copy of the Final Order,) V The person or affiiIate has not b earl placed on the convicted vendor list (Please describe. any. action takE',n by or pending with the Department of General Services.) Signature of Aut.'1onzed Representative: /?;f'~~' fJzts.z;O~7 Tifle ~~(f 7 ?O"-- Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUr-.fTY OF~/;tL41I1$/I1'/t' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ).'1 day of /J1 J/ V l ~/7 /1 _ / 200.7f by. /~ {'.Hb"'''~ C~.F!:~ Ii'&~ .(t:r...,Af&.,.,v~~ . ole, C:>rporaU:m or Partner~ip) · who is persona fly known to me or who nlE!S produced. 'd~i/t:JIS ~~4"5r as identiftcation and who didJdittnot take~~!!:> @d. ? .kA2k:;/ __ (Signature of Notary PUbllc, State of Florida at Large) -:ell j ~i;!'lt,~IIl'.%""'IN. MERLE E~.wArERS~~&(t~ ~~V' ! ~"1.a.~ ~IMJ ~ ........._~~. ~ ; -~--"".... 1. My Commission Expires/--- 20- tJ/'I:_. r-30 Jun 02 20 10~52a p.3 .- SECTIOi[~ K SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 2B7~133(3)(a)w FLORIDA. STATUTES. !GN PUBLiC ENTITY CRiMES This form must be signed and sworn t() In trie presence of a Notary Public or other official authorized. to administer oaths. i. This sworn statement Is submittedvvtth Eld, Proposal or Contract No. LJ to 3'8'0 Cf W'. 0000 __,' for /l10IUM'f. (lJOJury~ftA tJ~\. C1o~y,~~ 2. This sworn statement is submitted by .L~L 6JlrJI~~ ~ f:~Gt.IlA) fALCo, Ur.aoS64fC ,name of entity ubollWng sworn statement) whose business address is 4's~'({ WWHtmr ~IO (Al:LWOD:1l- FI. l..wu 7s-~ 30 g /730 and (if applicable) its Federal Empl()yer Identification Number (FEiN) Is: (If the entity has no FEIN; indudi: the Sodal Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statement: .) 3. My name is /?JAil( (5l.lT1tlt:tr~, my (please print name of Individual signing) relationship to the entity named above is. flAtsm't/Vrr and 4. I understand mat a "pubiic entity crime", as defined in Palragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the tram:action of business with any PtlbUc entity or with an agency or political sUiJdivision of any ather state or of the United States. including, but not Umited to, any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or an ag~mcy or poUtica! s;ubdivision of any other state or of the United States and Involving antHrust, fraud, theft, bribel)', ooUusion, racketeering, conspiracy or malerial miHepresentation. 5. i understand that "convicted" or liconviction", as defined in Paragraph 287 .133( 1 )(6), Florida Statutes, means a fin~ing of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime with or without an adj udlcation of guilt in any federal or state trial court of record relatfng to charges bwought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as Ii result of a jury verdict non-jury trial or fentry of a plea of guilty or 0010 contendere. ~-2a Jun 02 20 lO:53a p.4 SE;CTION L SWORN STATEMENT U"IDER ORDINANCE I~O~ 10~1990 MONROE COUN'1lY, FLORIDA ETHI1CS CI,AUSE /J'l:--;1Itt< 0U'!"HJU:'1; warrants that hellt~ employed, retained or otheMise had act on his/its behalf any mrmer County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 of Ordinant~ No. 10~19g0or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinanco No~ 10-1990. For breach or violation of this provision the County may, in its discretioE. terminate this Contract without lfabUity and may also, In its discretion, deduct from the Contract or pUf(~hase price or otherwise recover the fun amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee. ._--L:~~4~ ( (S i{~nature ) Date: .::;-:- GZ L( ~O 5- c:/ · STATE OF: .(.-t;1.if/ /),/1 COUNTY o~~e/~~>~t'hI PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME the undersigned authclrity: !" =<-- .,.,.. who, after first being swom by me, affixed. his/hor signature (name of individual sj9nlng) in the space provided above on this 1.. \.A~ ,jay of ~~ . 20 ~.... " ~~$fTAf* fl=l" tl ---;-- {,";:;lgnature 0, '<(utaI)' Ub Ie, tate 0 _ onea a ar<~e} ~~.F~ .,E: if~#2':leiPJ' (Print name of Notary Public) My Commission E.xpires /;....,~;Jf_ d9 I ,--....,.. ! Mai:ilE ! ~D~Hl; . i E*-~J:i:~ ! .. : ~. Il~ 111..... (,0;;)43:;.....1 ~O'j~~"".e.ti//r~icl<<~~!!,~$~ A3r.n.,!m; :: W-ij;~,;l"'i!to"'i5"'~$~11 f~31 Jun 02 20 10~53a p+5 6, I understand that an "afflfiatei\ .:i$ defi1ed in Paragraph 287~ 133(1)(a), Florida Statutes, means: a. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or b. An ent'ty under the oontrtJ of any natural person is active in the management of the eiiltfty arid who has been convicted of a publiC entity clime. The telm "affiliate" Includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees. members and agents who are adive in the management ,,)f an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a exultroUing interest In another person or a poofing of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an armIs length agn;ement. shail be a prima facie case that one person controls anothE!f pers,)n. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person. wh J has been convicted of a public antil'l crime !n Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an afflUate. 7. I understand that a "person!'!", as defin,3d in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes. means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of me United States with the legal power to entei. into a binding contract and which bids or applies t.o bkl on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public entity or which o:therwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The ierm "person" includes those officers, directors, executives. partners. shareholders. employees, members and agents who are active In management of <in entfi,y. 8. Based on information and belief. the st::itement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement (Indicate which statement applies.) LNeither the entity submittin!j this :;worn statement nor any of its officers, directors, executives, partners. liharehoiders. employees, members or agents who. are active in thE1 man~~lgement of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1 f 1989. The entity submitting this ~'\'Om statement or one or more of its offICers, . directors, execuiives. partners. ~ihareholders, employees, members or a.gents who are active in the mana gamont of the entity or an affiliate of the entity has been charged \ftith and convicted of a publiC entity crime subsequent to July 1 ~ 1989. AND (please indicate which additional. statement appfies) There has been a proceeding CO'l~mjng the conviction before a Hearing !-29