Item S13
---- - ,-
\1cN~n:; nd~(',..l~.Q:'05 ~, K\\' _ DivislOll: rOlllll\ -\ttorl!.D:
Bul]';' Item, Yes \[0 X SlatY C omaCi Person, J otl1l R Collins
AC E' [).-\ 1'1-"::\1 WOH:nH~G:
...\ p~n0'iaJ o( il Rc~olLl1jor. din:cling (11(' Super... isor of l'"1cClions to place on 1 he ballot a rctcrcndum
qucs.lion regarding ass.essrnent or- ad valorem taxe.. h!' the Key: Fire Re!'cue and Emer g~nc.y
\ kdical SCf\. iets District.
TIll' rlnrida L"-"gj~latLJre enacted Chapter 2005-320, Lav.:,~ or Florida, establishing the Ke'r' I ,arg.o Fire
R~scue and Emergt:IlCy' \ kdical Servj~cs Dj~trj(,:"t requiring a rdhelldum of th~~ electorc;. of th~7 Dj~trict
[,-1 appro\c and ad ya(orem la,\.cs nOl to ~\.cced one ([) mill and further requiring the
rd;;;['<2[lJUlH be ht'id al the same time the init ia[ BDard oj" C\mlmisSLcner, of the Di ,tri.::t are de~tl;'d
PRrVI01!S HE Lt:V-\NT BaCe "CTIO~:
-... ..- .---.. ..... .- --.
S'l',\ 1'.... I-UX'O:\l ~ 1 [:\ DATIO:\S: .-\.PPTO'.al.
TOTAL COST: $:::,~~Uuu. (t~~ Bl; DGE1TD: Yes :\0 X
COST TO COt I\TY; $2R.OOO 00. SOll Ref, OF FllNDS:
R[\"[\"{."L PROOl'CL'G: Yt::"s --, ~o .X Ai\10F'lT PER \IO~TH ...-. , (';:I r
APPROVED BY: C ou nfy.' A. try ___ o MB/Pu rcha s.i ng Ri"k r..-1anagemei1l __,_..
DlYISIO" DrRECTOH. AI~rRO\".-\L: qcl,,\G&it~ "21,2.I",___
John R Co]]in~, County.' ,Attorncy
DOC(! \1 E,{L\TION~ r ncludeu X :"\ot Rt~q llired _
mSPOSITlO' : -.--. ---- ,'\GE~D..\ ITEM #
..-.---- --
Rc'.-is.;:d r:1 t,~
h:..EY LA Reo fIR!.: RfSCUF. A 1\11)
fMF.RGENCl:" MF.Of(.'A 1. SER\'lC'ES
RESOLlITlQN NO. - 2005
'VH ERE/\S, the Legisl<Hllfe ot'the Stut~ olTlorjda ha~ enacted Chapter 2005-329, La "":-5 of
Florida. estahli..lling the Key [,argo Fire Rescue And Emergl~J1cy Services Dfstri.c.l {the
District}~ ilnd
\" II": RF.AS. said la \.... require~ a rdefcndum of tht electors of the Di st ri (,:1 Lo appro\"'C the
Di strict'S a S.Slllg and impoc;.ing ad val 0 n;rl1 lax es nor to exceed one (l) mill~ and
'''' H ERL\S, said law r~quires the rdcrendLlJll lO be hdd at tne ~< lime that tbe initial
Board of ConUniiis,iuner't of thC' Di strict are elected; and
\VHEREAS~ il is. foulld to be in lhc best interest or the residents of th~ Key
Largo Fire Res-cue Ami Emergency ~tcdlcal Services DistrJct that. the referendum be pfac:ed on a
srecial dection ballot to be voted upon on October 4, ::!OO~: and
\VHEREAS, Section .l}:}.o [(t )(y), florida Statl1t~s., providc~, iJ1 pertinent part, that '.any
ek:ctlon cost~, as defined in <t. 97, 021. a~,;ociated ,\Oilh any ballot ql1e~tion or c[c(':tioll.. for the
l2.realion of a district ShillJ bt' paid hy the dis,tric,t, ,,": (md
WHEREAS. Ch(lpter ::!005-3:9, Laws ofl'lorida, did not provld~; for a source ofti.mJs LO
oftxet the c:os.t~ incurred by the SuperVls.Ol of Elections to conduct the special dection ;uul
referendum for the Di';llicl, [n1d
W HE REAS, the C OUllty is v,'illing to advance tlmds. on behalf or lhe D~slrict. to tht
Supervisor of Elec:tions. lO onset the costs of conducting the :::lpccial dcctiorl ,1ml rdererldum lor the
DislricL; and
WHERE,\S, the Supervi~m of EleCllon.-: has calculated the cmil.. of the ..ekr..~l1dutl1 and
spc(tall;lectiun to he approximately sn.()oo, 00; now, therelhre
.-- . . -.. . ,.
S€'crion l Tht Buard (,f COllEll:' Comnll$sloncrs now calls for ,i feter~llJum h) he 1.:onJuClcd
by the SUpcwLsor of Uc:crions on Octoher 4, 200:;, within Lhe following [jfl'a, Al1l1f C ro:;s I\..('Y
.:md that part ()!' Ke~' Ldl'go [rom South Bay llarbor Drive and Lubst~r Lane Lu the southern
boundary (If tfH~ ('mull y Roads 905 and Q-05 A. .......hleh area compri-,;es the lands within
lhe Dis.tJ"1C"L t)[l lht' tlil:o\\" i floG q L~cst ion'
SllALL TilL KL:,Y 1"ARGO }:m.F. Rt-:SCU-~ A"SD E!\.'1ERGE"lC''r' \1LDlCAL
PLRSl. ,-\~T TO S~':CTION b OF CH,-\PTER 2005-3~9. L:\ WS OF FLORIDA,)
Ye" for 1 he Le\ v.
)jo ag.ains( th~~ t,c.....y,
Se-{'tion 2. lhe C oum} Admini::,tralOf is hCI'cby directed 10 make the apprOpriJIC
mrang~menL~ to iITlllled!<lkly mm~fer to the SLlp~rviS(lr ~)rFledinm; the )llm of$28,OOn 00
as and for t no;: ';l1~h "f ~hc ~pC'cial eleCTion a nd rctCrcndum~ and the C0unty' AdrninEstmtor LS
f'unhcr dLrC(l~d lO n.:.">co\'cr !hi~ sum f[om lhl2 Distriu atler the collection bv lhe DistTld uf
ib iir~t ad \ alorelll ai::;cs~mCnl, but not laTer t han .~ \"t;ar~ il t1cr Octl,bcr -1. ~I,lO'O; io n 3 Thi<:; Rcs.olution ~h<lll become effective upon. the date of its ildoprion hefein,
P:\.SSED ,-\'\'0 ADOPTED bY the Board of County (ommis.~iont:'r~ of :\.1onroe COUnT\",
Flc)rid<l, at a !TIel,ting L>f sClid Baaed hdd Con thc 2(nl1 day' of J LJly .\, D :oo~
~'Ja}'UI' S pch;lJ --.--.-
\1avnr Pro T~~ITI \-keo\"
. .
CL,mmissloncr :'\cL~senl -....-
r Gmrn~s.~i(JJler RiLe
C nmm[ssi()l"ler \';elSOIl
BOARD OF COI}1'''':TY COr-,,'lM ISSIO'\JI :f{S
{ Se,ll) OF T'v10f\'ROF. ('OU~TY, H DRIDA
Attest. D:\:\'iY L KOI.H -\GF.. Ckr~
Hy'.._ , ih.'
..--... --. . ...-.--.. --
Depwy Clerk DIXIE 1\.1 SrfJ I.A-I{
\-1 ayor/C ha l rpen;on
, , , .. ~ ...
'...... .:-....., ......... .... .--
, ":~o-L~~? ;f~:~~~:F~"'"
. .~ :-':. ~; ...~. ._ i_ I I
.. :.... .". . ....J;...
o i"[1 :3 t 0 $' ~
.. . - ---- -----..-..... ..... ....... ...... ......... .... .........--.....-
CHAPTEl? 2005-;329
House Bill No. 1291
AIL act. reb~ing- Ln t.lle KB)' L<lTt~) F'im Rescue and Emnrge.n(')" .\Icdlcal
ServieE~ District, Munroe Cowlty; Cl'Cfitlng a ~peciaJ dif'itTie1,..; provid-
ing definitions: pmvirJing f{H' ('Te,I LiOIl , datu5. Cb(lrt.(~T amendments,
houndaries. linti !-,HUPOSes; prn\'lding IDc a OO(lnl of c:wnm.iS13iOll(~Y"~;
pro....idlng ({lr .:declion ,mcl t~nus 01" {'()l1lml!'.~iuners: providing' for
employrrH~!lt of distrid p~~r~oIl1lel; pnwi(hTl!t fnr el~tion of hoard
I.lffiCHr~; providing:lf}T Comp8uf>ation. o<~rh. ami bonds of(':nmml~::;ion-
CTS., pw\,jding for pnw~~n;, duties, and l"l~!'.rwm;ibiE1ies of t.he~ lXJard;
providing tor ,ld valorem taxes; providing a cap on t.n~ ratl~ of taxa-
tion; p:rnvicling for user ch2lrgcf':; providing for imptld f!-"'=5; providjnJ~
for autllOrity to disbun;c fumb; a.uthorizing- th{~ lXJard to borm'i\'
mOn(~Y; providing for u~c of dis.t...r.ict ii.mds; n~quiring a record of a.ll
hoard; (l u t h nri ,jag: the bo~ rd t.o ,Hiopt ptll.ic ies an d r~gula-
uuns; providing for the board to m.lkC": till W11lual budJ.,'UL mqw.rillg
an <lnml,t 1 TE'port authorizing- tb~ hoan:! w emu::!. llru prevention
(lrdim:Lne~H; the di:-.trict to appoint, 1:1 fir~ marshal; el:utt1o.
ri <:iug the district to cnnd ud IllS pect~ ODS, and OpeJ"H i.(~ Ii. n. ~.
res.cue. and emm'!.wncy medical seTvi(:f~1$; pro" for ais~rit;t. ,ill-
thorit)' upon ,mllexalion of district !,mds; providing for di!;~{Jlulion;
pro\'iding immunity from t.ort ld!Jility for o1licers, Cihrent.H, and em-
ploy(~(~~; pmviding lor dj,~t,rid (~xpauf.iioll; providing ror f:;(Jw,trUCti011
and dIed; providin~ fOT ,m ~'~xdUf;i\'e chmwT; requiring a referun-
tlwn; providing- <Jl:l dTl:dive date.
tl€ it r:rl<lt:t~d hy the Legiabhmc- of t.he SLat~ of Florida:
Scdinn I. Definitions" , A1J~,~t~y'.. in this act, un h,~sf'i_ytbgrwi5e sperlfied:
ell "Bonrd~ me~lil~ theJ~9.~4 of mmmi ssiunerf; ,".I!'~!.Bd PUl"SU<lot to thi::;,
act am] en ,ip l..t.~r 1:J 1, F)Ori.Qfl Bta tu Le ~,
@_~C.l.r!"n~nis;5ioJ1er~ mean:; <l. m(~T1)\)VL nf th€ board of comll~i~~,i~Ilen; of
,.md fi)T. ,tJl,t;'!,(U>il.ricL
:3) <'District~ ITl(:<Hl?"Uy~.Key Largo Yire l{!J~{."I.lC.~,m,J~Emecgencj Medic<~l
Services J)i~h:ipt.
Sedion 2, Creation~ status;,rj:~,La.r.u&l.d..ments~ l)(Il1TJduri!~~ [J.i.,'.:;trict
ilUrpose 5.-
( , ) TnCTe IS l}_~!~b'y (;.re{I,led an ludeoondent, ~!!,~t::i.~l fire,. control distrid
jneorpm.~.tipg)ands in Monroe Cnunty dtl,~~J:.iQ~ in !3ub:scnion (~J,
shall JW_.a public corpora1,..iun haviI,lg, ~4~ powen, du~i~~~, ohlJg:atio_Llf.., ,~.1ld
iro.rrml:l\~icf'i h~T~n ;:.;~t.r~I..r:t4 ],Llldec the name ofth~ l<.f!'y..~argQ,lt',irE' Rescu€
<lnd Emt~rg~ncv M~dkql S€n'}(,"cs Oi8t.rid, Th~ di5V~~.kis onzaniz~d ,md
CXiHb IlJr all..Q,!l!.PO:~~, and sl:w U "hold :i n pow~rf:; ..~~l (q{th in this ,let, ;md
~1!.~Q,~~ ~$~..~d 19,[, J"loridu St.atuw~,
rODING: \"~orrls ~u}~bm ~r~ deletir)ll~: w(Jrtl~ u,n(icl:Hncd are acidltl{1n~,
,- .- . .. -. . - .... - - - -..--
Ch. 21)05.329 LAWS 0 f' F'J.O RID.\. Ch. 2005-329
-,. ..... -.. ' -- .- ..-. ,- ,
r2) '[ 'he laIld~, W be ;ndudt-~d \".:..iU;lin th~ di~trjct a,I"ft the fi.lHowillj( l1e-
~qjhm] lands 011 th.{~ ,i~]ant.l of Ke.... 1 "l~m~.,in Monroe Coun.l.,y. to
AlJ u [ ereB 5 Kev <Hlg.lhat part of Ko:>y ("<!rgQ.from South ! ~ a ." ,mil" bar Dn ve
and Loh~t.er_LaaB to the i5oplh~rn bound~ry o{tlle r-ight-of.wav Cll.l,lIltv
J:i,n~~d5 905 an d 905.'\"
,(;11 The Key l.;'kr.bT(,~ Fire RescuE'! nnd.,fmergency Medi(.,IJ ,;;!~rvice~ Di;:;iricl
is orr.-,mi.~B:l,1 and e.xist."i for <l1~ llwposes set fortb; iJ.~. t,his act and c:hapw~Jal,
FIlJrJda):), lnduding,b,!J-tnot limiwd lo. p.n):viding- fin~ PnltecUqp..~d
Lirenl!M1YlJ.{ ~(~rvj~sjescue 8(~T\'ie{~-,-a.n4,~merL'"Cnl:Y m~i,t::~,_sel'\icc~. SUdl
emcra:~!lr~_nledica.l servin~~ r:5J\;-tl1 Iwt be the p:rim~P1'Junction of the r:h~J"ri.~..L
The distri('t Sh,ll!]9.v~~ all other poWl'r~ ttecessary to nlTTV ,\.Jvt lII.ese pur-
ill!~:w~, the auth_Qrlt;,):'.I.o t:ontract "....~~.., t.I1,l,d';e... Largo Volunu..'CTf.i,n:
and Resnw j)~-!)artmenL Inc" ,md ~lt~ Kev Larco Vol!WJ.~~r A..mbukUl('e
Corp;:;, F~Q.riq~, :not-For-profit c{)rpC"!r~l~pnE. whi(~h mrpor:~Ji.(I,I)S curren ~lv pro-
v.ide fire. rescue, anu_ er.n!;!rgencv me-dk\ll ~~~rxicg.:Lw itbin th{~ d18Lriel b~~l#lda-
rie~; t.u n.tlX~hase aill:l€{,.e~:o;<J.ry Tl~t~l.a.nd personal PTQJ.lfXty; 10 and
rJ.trry standard jn Sll nnu":f, policies on 311 su dol, ~~q uj pme.n t~ to ernpJ (IV ~ ~tJch
W-'~';I~n!wl a'l may be n(!-Ces~",t,l"yJ!l e:i.try out the DU!'PP:~W u[ said fire district;
to providB ad~mm.~t,~.. insurance fOT :5Ciid ~!P!1l]Oyee5: to pllTI;h,i~P_"!:l,lld carr\'
<.ETmrl)l)Tial.e i.lI.s~a.ace f{lr t1-l(~ pm~diD:~,.9f all fircfiJ{hl.r~rH a~d..Q~:riwnn€] a,s
"y.~.ll as all equipmont a.lld p~fsonallJr.opcrlv on tOfl4 to the d\~trid.; to s.e!l
surolus rc,tl ;2~.!J ,1}HI'l<Onal property in l,.tw., :-.a.rne illaauer and ~ubi~ct ,J,Q the
Hame restrjctions a~ JH'oyi~l,erJ for such sales bv ql~I.~lki~~< and to ente-r jnw
contr<,id~. W!!p qualified seTvj{'".c prn\'.i( carry out the purw~~e~y,Qf_ the
dff; trict.
': 4-') ~olh.illg herein shall prG,~:p! district from C<JoP':.lni1.,.i!,lK:~::.ith tr:e
;:;t;b,. or nther ~(l:l:<'!LW.VE'I1.1metlts to render ~u!;h ~pr.\'ices to communities
udiacent to the Jand de.scribed inJb.i,~, :'oI€Cl.ion 3B e,,"idenced hv ;~rUlxecuI..ed
,Lktremneul. .~~~.t'!'\"J~en the cooDO-cnltinr aW~m.:je~, #S.E!.P.fIroved bv the hoard,
15) 'l'1-u~ di~ ~:rk:i, ~larter may be amend eo UrJ lyJ)j', j;fl€Sial act of th e l.A)~r] s-
lat u.r€.
Section :l ~oard of commi~.,;ilJnNf;,-
ell Pursuant to mal/ter t8 t, Ffu!:.~,d1;l., ~~<::tt.ut-€~. the businc38 <1T"\d ,iml.i.l>
of the clif5 t rio;L~ l1.~i,lHJe governed and admin:is t-crcd hy,!.i;. J1'l.,l,urd of!i ve commis-
sionem, WllO ShH 11 be nua.liGf~d e,~t?~t9r:=;,_'(f!sidillg wit1lin th~ dl~t.rielli.rld.f!.q~
ht.ylt'C1A=d b.., the- Qualified eledors rcsi(,lj,r.l.H. J'I!:WliH (be district, sllbiect to the
pro\'j8ion~ of ch~.ip~,~,.JR9 and 191. Ylorida Sw~ut.c~, ,!m~ UM,0 a.d. Each
g)1.l1mis~ione-r shall hold Dffice until },1~ .~)!"_..h{/r _~ucee5sor is elected omd
qll~ilifim] und~r_ .!l}.~, ,p.fCl\i~joIl.S of thiG <~d. 'The pn)l~mh1Tes Jqr conducting
rii!'.tl"1(':1:;..W'iS~j9A~ and fur qualification of carldld<'lw!', .a.;nd ('lm::tur~ shall i:Je
oursuant to chapters .189 <md l~J-,...fl,~/r:fJJg--,,'.;tatutes. The member~ of th~.
hu.~d ~hall Serve on a uCla patti!:; an bas)..,. fOJ" <l tcT1TL-!.l.f 4 yean; each and shall
b(~ t~]il-!ih]l~ for redec1ioIl,
f2l Notwil,bsL<.mdin~,!, ~!:U{lr,l J ~LOOf), Flnr.ida Statutes, the five ml~rnbN~
ill: the initjaj hoard shall be elected bv thl~ QU!ilifi~~.dSJl;t;iOrs tef,idi~ within
Ow di-;tTid ,il a ~pecial eI.edi~fl,~q,.Il,ql.J.j;;t_ed by the Supervl:-,;or of Ekd.ion~ (If
conING: W(tl'll~ ~];ri~klO!l.'I ;J1'e deh~ti(ln~; word;:; unch:'rlint"d ::U!:' ~dJit,ltlrl~,
C b. ~(H).?-:ii;9 LA WS OF FLOHlUA Ch. 2:00.'i.:)2!:1
, - .. . ' ..
)-lon..r~ Count v to lw hel!!. t}I:l or he ton.~ Oc l"o he( 4, ~,005. /~ t Uw in i li al,e)~c,~iQn
of lhe CDveT.:I1i!~ ~ board. the ('(ill d 1, ~h~W rf~C€i... ing- t.he n if~:l,Wt! t 1I umber of .'ot cs
~h~l hold se,<lt I, t.h~.~, candidate reoehin~ tb~,~);eCOlld highest n\lmln~T uf \'otes
sh<\lJ h!Jld..~~*l ;3, the ('andidClh~ .~~.~I:; the tr'jrd hl1l:1ft!~~ uwnber of .'ok,:
~hall hold seat 5. t.he t.:~iJ!djtlate recei\'in(!" the f\.mr1,h highest nlln)bcr:_.~r\'l~W~
sh,tll_ h,gN, t;eat 2, and the ni.Tl.~.i!-latt:! receiving- the fif!-tdLigh.est number of
\'oWEi shall hold 8C,it 4. The three eleded memhers tor seats 1 , 3, ,tor] ri in
tnc inili';~l t:~:le~tiQ.l1.11nder th'i~" ;~i. ~lp:dl"fi,e.tye terTI'-8' li:~ y~ap:;" ea~-,- Thf~
r€!maining two ch,"~:l_I:}~J members for seats 'l ~J.!L 4 jn the initial clcdiorL~haH
sene t~rm,f?, ULl '..ear ea{'h,
(3) Sub8cm,H.;nL~)ttti{m8 of ooru:d mC'Illh!~,rbl.,~hal.l coincide wjth!.!l:
era} .:l!€~>t.!(J_n5 oft hi 8 S t.a h~.
(4) ..\iji.C8.licies in oru.('(~ :-;rgilJ)w.filled bY" el€ctioo, ~<ijQ. {~]~~.~:tion to be held
coincidCTlbll ~i~.hJh€ fiext countvwide g~~.ngz:.a.l election to fill tl1c T~'rn!,~~~d,IJg
!?t..Ill,_of the 8ml ~ V,U;;fLP.-d, TPe ppard l11.!V ,tDmlm 3 q~aliJ.led elecLor uf tbe
.dtf?yrid t,(..u!l~l a.<; commi3s1I.)fll..'T l.FlUl the \' ReanCy l~, fm.~~L ,lr.' d8CtiOIl, A
cQmmis!3ioner rn,lY .llti.rt:!nlOYed. from o:ffin~ ;i~,p'nJ....ided by chapter ~ ~ L..f.lm::.~
idCl .$.!~'~J.!~f;. or fOf an y re<l~on nJ.;iJ-'.~, <;t..ate 01. co un tv offi(~.~.r:,m,?-....r: he remo..'ed.
( fi) AU etect~ons Sh~IJl bl,~ l1p~j{:~L called, and ncld Jlllr~lpult to the provi-
sions of the WTH;,p.!Uaw~ of U::.e state. The btJ.!:rtbha.l1. t(J the extent lfIfi5f:\lhle,
q~l.nlJIlate all elections with <:;U1.U~!.'y~~;ide general or spec1,il ~le~:!,imI5.jn order
W miIliUliZ:~l:.(Jt;t.. J;J~clions shnll }.l<'~ c,tllml thrn~Kh l:4,~_adoption of ,m ,lppru-
prime rcSOhl1"jrw, pf i.h~ di~trict directed to tbc B(I;~nl, nff;auuty COilllllission-
~~Qi r,1' Monroe County, the SU[J(~r:'ti~PL_o[ Elections of MorJTIJe C{)lI_~ll.J",f!.J.lQ
other a.pprODri.~~~ ~1l1icf~rs. ofthe COtulty, The di8tri(f(!jh,i.I.l reimburse count\'
government for tlw adual cost nf ,district e-lectjnn8, No t~mnm.isf;i~,0-~.1,,~hall
fit} ,~. effi,plovee of the distrin whik J::~llhEng said position,
f,61 Th,-=tJx.ta,rd IDa',' emplov ~ucn PE~n;mlllel as Jie~.IJJ.ed nec€;!'sarv ((IT thp flJndjon^~!n,[Lll!.l!ifai.ion of'the district.
(7) '~'h.~ bluhrn~s (J[d.i~~~~t.wrsol111el and allY u~lu~r wag:es. shall ~.9.~~.!:
mined by the board,
S€ctjOll 1, OilJ.cer,~; bQ,tIId" q:JIJ::mellbl LiL..irm~ bond,-
l),:,.., J1Ulccordam:e wit}, ChlPl.t~T 1.91, FloI~,~g ,S,4I,tutes. eacl1 elected mcm-
ber: Q.[J1w,hom:.!l :;haH a.,"sume ollice 10 days foHow~\h~,~ 1B~.mJ)er':,; election.
Within 60 days [liter el~~~tl{)n ?L!!.~>>' members of said board as heTein pro.
yi,~lnt. ilit~ uewly elected ille-l1lberE shall org-<lnl7.{~ bv dr,eJ.,iqf_from their
mlmb.~!' a dlLilr, ch~f~,.~ft.ret~0. and treasurur, ! IUW(~'l~r. lh~~ :;::I.lIl~
meliner ma\' bl:' booth secrdtiTY <inf.l, ,~rr1k':;urer. in with ('.hapter
l~n Florida Statu.tes. sh<lll prev€nt, lh{~ cmnI.n,l.),:jtPnrrt-! from elect-
!f]K~. ~~h.<iiT" ,yi.~~n !;haiT ble..:rdary and treas urer annu 1"1 U v.
{2) ThrClL,~,!!~~ph~T,~. nL~ht1 board shall constitute a quorom, A uug[1J_~1J
8hall be lle('eSS{lry for the tnmf'''ll;~.i~).n ,pf ,hp,~bl~~S;,
,; 3) The commissionen: ma" ro('(~ivc rclmfHl~~"ll;.~~EWA for actual expenses
!n: ~\J!f~_, 't.",Wl,? ,pert01:..w-.L.Q,g.Jlw duties of t.J, ej r 0 ffin~ ~ i n ,il~e{mlance w itl'.
CODING: Words eH'i~kQ];l are deletions; word:; u:vj~djnlJ-rJ ~nJ *l{~i,"i(lr1f:.,
. - . -- .--- --.-.... ..-... ... .................... .. .... ... .........- ..... -....
C h. ilOO;j,.329 LAWS OF F'I.ORIDA Cb. 2005-:i~,m
, , ' - - ,-
gE'lHmd law g{}.\~emiTJC: per diBmft;lr public offici~s..~E"H',b. ('{1TI1mjsf;i~nef fh<l 11
I!~:.}ive from the flHHI~.ofthe di3tricl. ~~~mHl€nsation for..hi~ or her 8el"\'ln~~j.H
the amout!ll)f S20D per mnnl.h, Members may 1.l:t'~_:reimbuf8oo for t.!.,<iyel and
W/F,Jiem €ApeD:'3~~ (lsJ}!ovjded in 150(~i~~~tI12,061, Florid,tB~aiutes, Authuri-
zation f(lI..~i,ny additioTI<'t] ~~!?,J:llJ!€flsation ~h<Jn ,l,J,11 pursuant to CE.4pter 191.
]1'1 ~!rida f3tmu w~.
HJ. mF.:aeh commissiQ.1)W:',uvon t.akinr: offi~T. ~halJ take and ~,q,~),;erihe to the
oath of (}ffi(:e~l~rescribed bv ~, 5.rJJ~- Art, Ii, of t,ht~_,;;t.ate COllstiwtl(1n !'Mill
genor,:I.l.l~w, Lpon takinCl)ffice and In ,H':-":OrdW1ce .vith ('hapter~.J~9 and
191, FJDrid... ,;;,~~t.ut.eii. each e(lIll!!"\l, shall the Go....e)ll(lr,Jo:s:
tb~, ,heuel'it of thQ a bon.d of 85,0_9.0 with a qU<lli fieQ..l!~!'soaa1 or
COrr;H)Tait~ "l!~)..~'.. eondjtiunE~d UPO!.~, U,le bit}, fll1 I.H~rform.?1J.Q3 ofthc d'ltit~<; of'
the commjssl(~r.Wr'~ office and UlXm ,~p).. w:..'f..:ounting for ,11lJmllb which come
ill!.qJli~ or her hands a~Ls:,nn!missioner, 'J.'h~ wnnium for such bond~ ,~haH
be paid from d_i;'j>!rict fWlds.
Section 5. 'p~,,,.,'~rs: duti€-6; TesJ)()Jl~ih.iliiies.-
(l} The distrid l,;hi~n_ha".e and the lXl<lrd ,~na'y exercise b~' m,ijqrJh' ~'oie
all t~_Nwers and comply witp.,1J1,e duties scl forth act and {:h,:I.J1j~~r;';
189, I !;!,J., lind 197 , Florida StaluL.',~~,, but not li~u.~tl to. ad valorem
18.kation, oolld if5SU<UWf~. and other ren:m\.,H~ l;~,~mi.bilitie5; budget DrCJ)<il''::~1iru:!
<!nd ,imJ:rp'y<::Ll; liea.,,> and foreclos\l!:r,l}.fliens: contractufll <1~~p:rl~ntf.;: the
adoption ofun.lilla.u~_~8)111d resohlti(lnH that. are g~cessarv to {~~mdud dist.ris.t,
husinf'SB if such ordinan(:_t~~, ,do not confljct with <l1ly.vrrlinaace of a loc<ll
~rlE~r,il-nl.lI"DP5e goy€mment wlthin wl.lO~e iurisdiction tht, di~r.isi i5 lo-
(2: T he board ~ hilll b ,WE~. ~ht righ L p<Jv,' er. fl od <:Il,lt,hVD i.)' t(l le~' \I ann. uall y
ad V(lhIT~~].U l~;.; against the tax<.lblc DTOP~[i.Y within t.he district t.o VIq~j9g
fWlds. fo-r lht~ VUI1J05ef; P..fJ...fHLd..i..,trjct in ,In ,lmounl rlp!--m exceed tlw limit
vD)vided in. chapteT l!) L.YJu:rida Slatuef;,
~~~) The met"hod8 .lbr a.').,€.,>sjp.g, ~g CDllectlT1U <lcl ~',d[)r"...In t~~,~~..lmpact
f Cl,l~.V! user charges shall be <15 ~:d f~!r!,p- in i.his act an.d cha ptc:r l 70.L.C."t1,illlH
189, 19] , d"l,,!.p.l~r 197. or chapter 200, r"l()ri(V~.
(4) The distrin\ phtJvJing requirements sha 1I bEe <i~..,~,',~t. forth in this act
~!n,d.rJ:uwters ]89 and 191. F'lo:rid~ S(,;~t.lL4;.t..
(fi:~._ ,Th.:!quireme.uts lor fil1<1T1rifll di",c:l~,H:r.f~ meeting notices. reoor~i nJ.r,
pubHe J'"B(~!)nh Ig,~ti.nt~IL'lllre, and per diem eXpl)mf~~ fU~[Jmg;jr5 and employ-
e,.t:; shall be as set f on b in thi ~ ad. .~.!~ d,lf!.Pt-ers 112. 1 ] 9, IS!} , 1 n 1, and 2R~,
Flurida Stat.utes.
Section 6, Ad \,(llOTl~m t<JXI~S.
,~1) The oo(lTd ~h<ll1 hav{~ lh~ auUw(it..Yj~.,ie\'Y ad \'(llorern W.X(~:-; annually
agallHi i. ail taxable property ni th in _JI1I,~ ,Jii.'itrict in pro\' ide fund<s fOT t h(~
pUl"pose~ of ~},c dil'll..rj,d .em.!y upon the apprDval bv ;l m(ljn.DJ..,j' ..~..nt.e of those
qualified electors of the district. voti~,.K.LTl1!..r.=ff;1rendWl1 election author17.1IJg
the uflr. of ad va1o~_l!l...t..1;lf.l.J!.tion not to e:xcood 1 mi]l.
rOnING: WOl'(L~ ~~ie.ken aJ'"E' d:eletioll~~ ......(lrd:-; un~i!irJi!"l,fcl, :'Iff! f1daki(ln~,
Ch. ~OO.'>-~I~!:I Lo\WS OJ<' FUHUDA Ch. ~W05.32 9
--- ' - - ,,-
L~)^. A\ re ren~ndllm elec:l...ion 01 tlu~ (~h~cioX~ qJ the di~tr!d tp ,~.!l1..horize l,he
use or <((~ V!:!Jort:!1U tB.xation.noUo exceed 1 mq] shall lIoI::! held bv Lh~~}l,Pl}eryi-
~nr of election:<. ,:1.1. r..h~ f;ame time ,t ~ th'L ~Ili tial election uf d j ~,j..rict.. comm i~:'51 orr:-
er.'3 in ,H:,t:l,ln..iflllCE with t}H~ pI'ovj<;iotls of genur,iUm'i relat.:ing to d(~.cJj,pn~
[;j"1 t.h}(IU .!.lw ,q.p'p1"(1vnl 0 f ,l maj9r~t.... 0 [tllfC e 1 i~d,!J ~ y, at t.h c in i t i li,l
!lh~~:tiull or at an ~kf~.iI)Il called by tbe b-~~1.~lj, the rate (If L<i~~~JioIl ghail
thereafter ~,>_Ji,~J1d arulUa}Jy bv n>u]uuon of t.he bm~r.lLwit1lOut furt,her
:~upro... a.I b v the c 1 c.(~,tU:TS. prov ided t..h e r .ll~~ of t.a_xal!on shaJ I n ot, ,(~7fq,~E~] 1. mill.
Tbe bo<~:!:(bhall have the auttmriJv to jncrease Uw ~iJJage rate abovp 1 miJl
p[lly if a majorit y of rJW.~lecwf.!i vohn;I In 'L:r, e]€dion ~,w.p.mye the
lucr8C18ed milJ!!t~. ,rate il1 .1n ~lmm.1llt },l9t to exceed the li.ln..~t pro,,",idcd In
chaTH,~r.1.m"Florida StnWk~,
"4j ,'I:'h!O levy and corJe(:~!Ql) ,~,)f 1:ld valorem t"xe:o: ~1;1,~~] l'roeeed PUl"8Il<1nt tD
L... g8,1}'.?Xa1 hm'.
Section 7, U sel" (~h'i~ef;. -The board s h(1 11 hin~e the a uthorit v w pr~n~~d~
a reflson<lhl~~,~tJl,edu.le of ('hflnrt~8 fOTl)Tgyiding the foll{lwiTJ~ fi~~["yi~~~
(1) Spccial_lr.mergefic'o' services, inl~h~{JiIlg Iirefi.ghtin.g OCCl.1TMngjn m to
~~:r:lwtllres out-'3ide th.e (li,>t~vhIIlotor vehicles. rn<tti.ntJ..v~";:;eb. or aiTuaft I)r
as a ~s'lH fJfth~,,()peratjotl Qfsucl1 mot.:9f,YJ:i.%els or marille \'e~~d!.iJJ.l.-",,'hich
Uw ili~l.rict is caJled to ,!'.(~Iul~~L~mch emercency ~~TVi~:<.~.
L~,:~ ,..f)~hting fires OCCl1rTInJ,l iJ~ ..o,Lat refuse dumps (ll" <i:-:l...~~ rtf;uU of' an
ilJegal burn, which)l.J:"~.. dump_ or burn is nnt <Iutl]qd~~~d hy general [JJ" 8P{~ci<l]
h~ "y, .pll~. r€ f!ula.t.ion , ord cr. UT o~1n ::lnc€ and which tha di:5 ~~it;~ j~_ ca.lIed
upon to oJ:':nt ur e}[J~fl~~,Jli~h.
:31 Re13pondin~ to _.9.r...~,;~MitiJiIJ.g or! cmCTKl.~IH,~~_ that. either
~hn~~~4~t) ~\r ,\O.Q! th..reaten the health tlnd :;~!ft1,..J: nf versOIl.5, propertv, or Hw
en v ironmen t to w h i~ 1~., ~l] f~ ,[h~;lr ict has been caJ 1 ed , 1 n_cll],~I.l,I!t,yharge [or
!'~,~I}WHling 1.0 false alarm s.
(4) Jn~pecli~lK~l11+.~Jure~, plm:1s, ,.mo equipmeY.t W. d,~w..rmine cOTl1pli,m~:!; fire sJ.fetv ,\~Jd,t~~.-
Section 8. 1m POIct fe~;l'l.
lH .. r~;;uant to section 19 UlO!}(4'1, Flof"!4f!-~t.,atute~, it;:'5 het'l~hy dl.~d:l.T{~d
t.hat tlu~,.!:n.~~,pfn,=,w facilities should be bom{~ by n~l\'{ Vtlers of the district's
senices to the extent n~~\.);rm~trudiou requires new fa('jl1h~~~, b.!!,L~~b':Jn
L.tpt,t:lxt~Ilt... It is the leg:islatj ~'C jnlcn t (lLO.ll,~, ~,~,~_~!i(]!.l Ul transfer to t.he new
ll.~ l~no; [)f the d.i S l.ricf f.> Jif~_p-rotection and em ~'n:wm~v ~t}n' i c~~ a fair 5,h~ ,Qf
the cost.s 1.11;ll.:r.!~'~,,~],~!~D!.,iml)()~e un tl.u:. district for new f3Ci lit.le'S. 'Jnj,", b~WJJ.
oul \I a p pl y in the event Lh.l t L he ucn ~J'f,il~PF TIll ~~(l t~~J:J government in which
th(~;l"bJ_ut:at.ed has not adopted an impacl fee f{lf fir~~rx)t:u~ which
i~ di3hiblliA~(1 to thl~ di~trid [{)C cons.t.r1.!f.1l9.l)..~jtl.-!,in its iurisdjdif) hounda"
~L)___Th!~ ~{lU.lW,~ J.~~~f; coUected b\, the district pursuant tu t,hll'o ~~~(:1.j(,nt~halJ
be kept ,ll; .1 ~{~THll',d,.t.~ fund fr(JHL oth1CrJ€,\~ilL1~~ ,QJ ~.he district. ,.md ~h;ill lw
conrN(;; Word"" I:'~~ an:! d1<ktio!l.~: "'iol'd., underlined an' additioo::;,
,., ... ... ... - -. --
C h. 2005-:~29 Lo\WS OF FLOmDA Ch. 2n05-:~~w
~~~ed e-xe lusi\'clv If.u' th~ ,:I.eqlli~itjull...J!.urd]JI..<;tl,):I,l: GJl1J51ruction of new fMill,
~ie~ or 1lortion:<; thereof required to provide fin~ pr~~k(~Lj~)!1 ,m~d, E~IUeq~Hlcv
~,~r\'ices UJ new construction, ~1\ ew facilitil')~~ mean~, 1,md, bllD.fJi~'h_!HP,J,
{:~illjtal e;lllh.lIn~ll1, incJud~u.tLtqUj,lf1~t~Q..t~lh~fllld emerg-encv vehjdes
zUld mdi('1 equipment,. Tbt.f;~~~J' ~h~~,U...D..p!.: be u~t;d fnr the 1:ic[J.wsi-
lion. purchase, or construction of rariht iC8 wr.i('h mll~t,.l~_~}l!hijlle~Li!.L~
~~e,l~lJeg3!9.-lef;~,QJ"gr(l"....:.T..t W !lhin thE' diHri\l, The board of fiT(~ cornmi~sirm'
l~r~_~hl,,!Lm;_lj.J:1t~!.i.I.!Jt(,k.Y.lJ_1tle r~tt;.ordi; to~u~ure that impact f€:<e!; are e;o,.pended
om", for permi ~sibT ~ new f,lCili lic~,
Sectinn 9, /\ \1 t.h uri t, V l.oJ)()rTI)\Y,_T!.l~.!.~.
dl The- board of connnissloners sh(l.ll h,IVC l,he I),f)Wcr ~lTld ,,~,~.!,hoTi.Ll::...l.p
oorro...... monev or js~ue oth~r e\'idem:e:s of tnd(.btcdf1css for th,~ mHl)()~e nfHw
Jistrict in accordfUlce with chapters 189 and 191. r'lorida Statutes, prov~d€d,
tJ_{l'i\'~~YE~r...._l}l~t lh..E.~~~_(~\;;l, [)a\"IIlt~nb in 8.llv UIlf' ...ear. including urincJ]ja.J filH!
~nU~Tc~t< on un 'r' im:Je-i:lE!.~~J!:!!~~~ in~~~d D..r lJ~_di~,~ri,t'_t ~r,aJLp.Q~ eXl2'e~"j:j ~)O
percent (If the wtaJ a nTluaJ budgewd reV{~mw:,; of the di:"itrict.
12J The board of cornmiS~loncTh J~ <J hl.l.Jv, 01' anv uf trw mernhcrf'; of ib~~
ooard as indivlduab, shull not be pel"~OD~ llv QT jndivjduflllv li<tble for the
r~pa ...meIl1 of .~uch j{la1.L Bucll repa ...roent shaH be made out oJ the rereipis
p f the Ji~.tri d, ex t'~t a..o; vmv itl~t.l in t hi;:; ,; ubs<2diULL The f.;O.IIlrni~ ~ I(Jners
~ l:1l=\U ,~H}.!- <.T\~1~ ~~J!!1.ri~l.{ 1!~.i.l.~.~lm~:; ,': P f., iIl.~~!". ~',qJ.i~fuI!..~.Jf},r.J!!!Y.~ q ~~ ~ ~~"~.Il:L
....h.ich t!:€,.. are LHwbfe to repa" out ofdic;triN iWld:; a,'a.ilable to them at
time. eXCl:'pt af otJlerwi~e pnl\'ldE7lJ in tbj,t'-,_!;l,!;J.......l).m~'~~k~tJlJ.JW,e\'~~r >-~,h~tt_tJH,:
cUlll.mi ",sio n~rS; rna .....m,~.!}!H~h~';jt~...DLt~.!ll!i EITWn t rm <in in f; l,ll 1 m(Cn t bll~1.~
,lS ne{'"e-.'Osarv jf fWldE are 3\'a.ilable for the payment of the- current'f>
installment on such equipment plus the amoum due in that ...ear tl!1_ any
other inEtallments and the repayment .nf..w._:u:_J:>rutk.,u~.t:\.p..J)r, op~~~r exi8~inJ;
iBd~~l)t.~drH.~~S which m,l V he due that, v€ar,
SPctiCHl ] O. l,'f'ie of di~tr:id funds, .,-No hmd~ ofthe di~trict ~h.'lH tJ.e used
for (lnv DlJrposes other than U...&€ administration of the. aITa..irf> a.ud busiIle<;~
of th e di ~ trice the pa 'r' mem of s a1 at ie f, an d exper)~ t~> .YUDmw.igjgD c rs~ ~b~
CLJIH;lr.l(.':l,iD.!l~, ~:;~.r..~, rrd!~1J W~~!lcc,_~!1'kcep, oocraUotl, and pu.rchase of tire-
fighting- and T8Ecue equipment Dr a lire station or emergency medical ~1~-
limL tb~ ,l),i~)~,I~~~_n L of DuiJlk utili t.ies: the p8vment of ~alaries ('1f districT..
lW~J!!W!--.t ,~Jl~~ rJtI~l..l1-_ of ~~xpenSU3 of 'r'olulltE'€rs: the pa.y ment to th~ Key
I,DrgfJ Volunteer Fire and Rescue De.1!wJH!f:.nLln,~;~, Jl}!d l,.h~ K~~y r ,<trgu
V(!b,HJ!SCr Arnh\lbnn,~ Corps; and ~uch other payment and expen;<;es a...:.; the
il'll(l!'d may from time io time det.ermiIL€ W l)(~ [l~R.~,~Z'i.~a.fl)r 1Jw..uDf~nll,.jon~
and eHedi ...'enes5 of tLe dinritL
Sc{;1.ion J !. Reeo rd of board meeiing~:, a .~!iopl,. ru k s ,H1 d rl"lrU-
laLj I}rlf>~ amI ual repo rt&l1.udRU=--_
11; A record sh::Jl, .i1tdUlV~, _f..!.L;!H meNini!S of the board. and in ~uch
meetinp cOIlcurr~,m~r, ~tCa m.'lloritv of the commis..,ion€rs preseui shall be
m~re.~~~,irv to ,mv afiJ.1"mati "(,:! action b'r' Jht_ll.uursJ...
! 21 ~1J,lJ~_bol:lrd :,,;hall ha\'8 tte authoritv to adapt and a.rr)}.~.n..\Lp~}Jil;(,~ ;ind
regu.latioll~ for lhe ,alJ~,~',!1J:i~v,ltion of the affairs of the di~t.rict uLlder U~f'
CU UL"iG: Wl'rd~ .~trie]~n ar~ rJ~l~~tWl~; wl)rd~ underlineci are additif)]]~,
,- .. , ., .-- -- ----
Ch. tOO5-;I~!J LAWS OF FLORIDA Ch. 2005-3~9
-.-.--.--. .... ...---...-. ..
l.enn!'. {)f thii'. ad amI ~bq.JU=rs 189 aud ~9J.~....flQ(~g.~. ~t3tues, which sbll
iadud~. 1mt oot be lim..itBd to. the authority to ~doDt the neco:'g!'.<lr.:;.' rn k~Jl..D.d
regulation!'; for the- (Idminif;tr;t~i!Jn ,md ~u'lt~n.i!ii{!.n,.\l.f.U~~ propert.... amI per-
",on,nel ()[ lhe diqtiCL for the vrel,enlion of .fire,;;, fire control. fire hvd,::Jr:t
pl~cement. and now te<;tina: In <l.ccordun('"(' wi~h cUI'1'"!.~:f.l:L~Ff..A"Ddlt'~~L1_QSQ!
1J~~,t~~t)"LQrk '!.'o:il.hiJ,J_Jhe district.
~,:F" ,TI,1~~ 'ng~i.n:l!)J).:mJ1llliHt;iom~D ::.;haJU.l~:I.v,= the aulhorit '. to adClpluniform
lire prevention ordinancm'-, Such ordinam::(!8 i!hnH bl)' ~i~'TICfL da~d, and
recorded with th€ Cl{~rk (If the Court _)f \fO~r_Ul~r}I~~..j:!.mLll-ubJi:=;hg(.L.i!b
provided bv ",tale lav.', Ordinances shaH he- eflective publication, which
con~tltLIt,fJ~ kit",il nohce of .qnw,
~" The bO,l Iii ~ h,d1".J!!!, (l r b cf ')r.!:...: '\[ U \' Gn:!h- ~[-1.. !].10l k _ '.!LUUEW ~!~-.-TI;p)r U,~[
its actions and accounting of its fW1ds as of September 01" that year and ~haJ!
lil~" ;ji..~i,~Lp 1.!~ ).rJ,..i..!lJ..l;t~~ (.J,[fice "f,{ ,~b ~ SJl;r h. f}.f J.!.Jt. _ C,ircniLCCJ!u:l_gLMm,l :r-~ ~
County. whooe dutv it shall be to receive und tile said TeP'Jrt and hold and
k~elttr:w r,;~!...JII_l:2..~tH ,t puhUc: r(!-(~u!:.~
UJ) F"ur the THlrp{}-'SCS of ((l.ITvi.n2" lnto cfien this .l('"t. the bon1"(~ .~h<lll ,mTIlJ-
aHy prepare, consider, 8J1d adopt a district budget pursuant to the appljcable
n~y"'ujrernt"nj}'u![ffi1ill~t,r~) rW l~I!iU 91, Flunda SWtut.cs. The bwrd ~h,ill, ,it
the same timE' as it makes its ailllual repm:t, file its estimated budget for tce
.Gscal 'r'ear :o.e~inll.ill~ Odnher L whidt, Lud~H sqall ~h{Jw lhe C'~Li~b.~t.~9.
rpn~mu~ W fW r(!'('"eivcd lw the district. and the estimflt.ed expenditul"€5 to be
incurred by_the dbJriG1.iru;::l!r.r:Y~mt ()1...l~ i(..s np~~ni~lnl1s. The {ummissioners
s 11 a n 1'IdoPt a fi scul year for .s aid fi re dis t.ricL which s hall be October 1 1.0
September :30.
St'etron 12. Aull::orit,. in",~~I1'!.'J.Ig,:C' prcn:~ntll)n ordil1<1rlce!3 and €nt€r land~
ill1t..nnritv to provide fire, res-cue. and emergency. medical :,;ervices.-
(1) The board of cOffimissiouO::!r5 ~han have the righL :ind..lillwc,,- to,:f.!,n.;~~~1.
fire prevention ~rdin..i.Yl<(~'i.l!2.l!T()\:lded bv g~mmd law, When the pro\'isiom:
(If 8ue), j) re pmvenlioll ordin<!llces are ,g?twro~.n~ P.Y" the l)()ard to bE~ v iu '"
Ia k'tL 1 hf~t) ~\r ~~, ~UJ,J:l~', ,~JJl tc <JHoITI e v, U 000 wri t.te n noli ce of s ucn v j ola t1ml
issl1ud bv tbe ooard. is. authorized tll vros;e.cute 5ut;h.1l.~Q!Lm:....P-!tT!':Qm;; h~'hl
tn be in Vi-1bl,_r,i.-9lLiliE~re(")f. Any vcrson fOUJ1d guilt.y of a violation may' bE'
lli1_ni~"'cd (l.~ provided .in ~+.apter 77 5, Florida Stalul.eb;. ft.o.; H. rnj~d!~!!!t.~,n.ur, r)f
the second degree, The co~t ,q( ~,;).lch prosecutlorl 8nal1 be paid out of thE-
ili~lrid fund~, un le~8 other.vise oro\'ided_ b... law , JJ).~ g,i_.stricl. shall haw~ t.he
authorily (.d aalHinlJ!..,!l1J~ marf:;hnl, who may be a illE'mber ofthe Ke..' La,n!O
I:'iIT Rescue Department. to earn' out the rew(}n~ihjlHi~.'LUf thJ:Jji!':lrict. fire
1113TSh.a L
(2) lh~ fir!" rnar.-:lH~L{!.Ldulv nuthDr:ized inspe-ctor shaH b€ authorized t{l
~t.-cr, <Jt <Ill rca80uable hours. an 'r' building or prem.i;:j~fQT ~hr purpQse of 8llV in.~pedion ,!1Ij!!!J~.:.M<1tion wnkh the State :fire I\Iarsha.l i~
CiutL(Jri;r,~{~ l..f.)m,ikc pur~uant to siat-e law 8..lld reglllaUnll, TIH~ owner. k~3~f~
rnanag-er , or operalOt of an y .JJ:~,Ht,l.i,'pj{ f)T pn~rni~c~ ~hv.l] permit the district.
fire Illar~n,t] or dlll v <luthorio:::ed in3pelj9.:C t2 and iIl~p.;~t th~ buildillJ:
or premi':jqt;.. !~i, un n,w~onuble hours, The fire marshal or duly a~l!.,hfJri;r.l'd
CODP...-C: Word~ ~tf'j&",~l~ ~r~ JE:'It'ti(m~: word~ ',.:mderlinec Jr€? adciitiom,
., . . ....... ...... .... .. .... .. ... . .....-. -... ... .. ... . ......... -... -.. ... .... -......--.....
C h. 200a-ai!-l L\ WS OF FLOlUDA C h, ~OO 5<l29
bmmI nf cnIllmi~~ioller.:; at a ..I.:~g!il.[.'IS me.etjng. U:e D()<l,;rQoi" coDunissioncn:
t;haU tllerealler adool a resolution ~f:?]lgthc~ l;tnd~ to l}{~ 1l1,~~l,lJg,~~d wit-hin
lhe tli::;triet :illd shaH cause such resolution to be duly enrolJed in thc rC{"()T(l
of th€ T11ecting .md ,I certi fled (~()Pv of l.lw ~!:tI!}J!l~,i~Hl 1.0 bl~ n~c()rd~d il~ ,\h.~
oni~ oftbe (,~,Jfrk ofthe CirnJ}t Court in J\'onroE'" Cmmlv,
( :3) U1l0Il adoptjon ofthe resolLLtion by the board, the diswict.shulJ, punsu-
~m I. to dl~lpt{!r 191, F"lurr~~a ,~~,I;I.,l.l~~~~~..rE'!~1YJ1~,Li1~,l!,~,<;ht..iv€ delegation to
approve i3aid additlon and sponsor k'"P.isbtlon <lDJcndjn.g the di~h"id bound-
ary, Upon appwval by th~ ,M~g~~I~~l,l):"(~, lh~ ~~q),m~,hg--y,~ha.Jll)e a.mended,
I~ 4). I n liE '11 of a llNi t ill rl.. rr.o~n t h (' 1'r('IH'rty {] wm'TS, Uw f!{] ard, llJ. Cq~\D Lr
C,ommjssioner" of 1\..lonroe County bv affirmative l'€SDlulion Jnd j,hc Hoard
(If Commisf>io.aers of the- l,{~j La,r:go t)re fu!~~u,~ ..S\4d ,E;m~J.'g~..nU.~'ledi('s]
SE~rvi(~I~~ D1~t.rin. hy affirmai1Vl~ Te.~()lul.ion may j~IinUy n~flu(~.'}t it..~ lq..ri~lah~'~!
deJegati on to approve the addition of j and 1 ving contig-uous to t.he boundaries
()fih~_1J.jt'.tri~L~w~ ,~.IW,I,l,~!!r..lWl,l.~J!:!-.i,jOIl ,~u{~Iv,liug ~lw dj,~lric,;[. h(],Ym_~~.I.:'.,J1Q(!!!
approv~il hv the T .(~~>i.~lal.urp. nH~ hOlHHlarv ~h<ilJ be <lnlCnded,
Sedion 17, act shall be coastrued as remediaJ and
shall,_9~ ljperally construed to p,rogwte the purpo~~~ fur whieh il i~ in I..t~Hlh~d.
Section 18. EITtJc!.:,:;:lu....Uw ~weni. th,it. ,m.Yll:,lr.L(!fJhi~ <1(~t. ..,nould he held
void for L'LllY rea.,;un~ ~~[;h holding ::;hH 11 nut ,JD'cd .In V odwr rJ;:lrL tl1€reor.
Section 19 . Exdu,.;ive ebaLh~r. 1'hl~ ,td con~titute~ tJ,c exdus1ve churter
ur t.1-w Kev I ,[lrm ~'ire kescue and Emergency M~tlJcal Sen'il'l',~, Jlj~J-.:-jd
Sedion ~O- On or before Octooor 4, 2005.... the BOfU'd C~,~~f;..:
sio.uers of Mouroe Counl.v {;J~~J call ~u~J. "Uw Suocrvifo30r of ~Iections of Mon-
L~,..(~ounl.'y .:l},<ilJ wnduct (l l"eferondum, to be held in coniuIll.::l.foH willI a<1.1 election. of the qualjfied ~p.trr~ (]f,L.b_~~, Kcv ["iTJl:O J"irc !w&cue and
&JIwrgenc.'( :\-1~tJll,:a.l SmviCE~~ Di~(.ri.d on UlC QUE>swon of wh~,1JJ.~r ,~h.e Key
L~,Hgn l'\r(~ IW8C::UC (llld t.~mer!!ency Medical S€rv!~~ P~~t.J:"jd may ll,~\'j', ~id
va lorem taxation uQ tD I mill ,pur~u~t,r,]l.Jp ~(~dion lj of this act..
SE'CWOll 21. Thb ad ~hall Uikl~ pITect. 11pQn becoming a law, except that
tlle pmvi!o:ioIl~ of ~(~(.tion fj which authorize tile J~vv uf ad valor(~m t~l,x,tLion
s rl<lll La ke effect only Upl.Jll ex pn~ S~ <i pprr)v,il by ; maj Ol'jty v ote of those
q LLslified el€cwr~ [}f the 1{(~'y l.arg-o Fire l{e5cue and EnH~rg:~ney )fedieal
S~rvice~ ni~l.rid, a~ required by Section 9 of Arlj[;h~ V I J of ~he St,<lLc Consti-
~l.1tion, voting- .in tile referendum hdd p\u'8unnl to section 20. Such election
shall, be hdd in .Hx'ordancE' v.'ith the pro"jsinH~ of g{~rH~r~il bw n~l(llinr. to
~ le(: l H Ill!o:.
Appruvt'!u 1J'y thf' C()\'f'rnOl"" ,h1l1€' 8, 2005,
FHNJ in om~:.~ Secretary of i'3tat€ J mlJ~ 8. 200,'),
CODrNC: W()rd~ :-trio::kt'!'.I ~m; ddNL(lr1~; Wl)rd~ ,mJer]jn~d are additiom.