Item S11 BOARD OF COUNTY COJ\.l!\lISSIONERS AGE~DA ITEM SUMMARY \kcting Dale: hI!)' 20, ?005 - K \V Divi~i{)n: l..Ol.lll.1y ,:~,t.NJTl~' l ~uH.: 1 tcm: Y 12:> :\0 X Slatl' ConlaCl Pets-on: Pedro Mer cado AGE~DA ITEM \\lORDING: Con~ideral ion of Settlement Offer by Blair i'lnd A Ithca Mooney. ITE'" R\CKGROLJ:'\IlD: On 9/{)/Dl. the Code Enforcement Special Master imposed a daily' fine or $500,00 againstlhe Blair and Alth~a ~1uoney propeny un Sununerhmd Key f()f engaging in commercial e^ran~ion hy ~1(tding outside seating. d~ckEng, fencjng, awning, screening and clcctrkal wIlhoUI planning dcpanmcnt approval. The properly \....a'i. blOUght into L:omplium:e Ofl June :n. 2004, Oll 8,/25/0,1 the Special J\h.sl~r authorized the initiation of collectioll proceedings of the fine and costs which tala] $ ].1 b 100 00 Attorney Theodore Herzog, who ha1'i been retained by the Mooney' <;, is <;.~ekiflg (l . ' , setTlemcnt of the nne in an amounl le'is than what ha'i been proposed by' tbe County, The County has ollered to "ettk~ the outstatld~ng lien for $14,u 10, (tcn percent or lhc original line), The Counly has. not agreed to a Ics~cr amount due to the length of time it has taken to bring the prop~rly intu c;ompliance, PRi':VIOIfS RELEVAl\T B()(~C ACTION"~ The BOCC authurized collectioll at the ~ovl~mbcr UOCC mectfng. ~ C01\TRACT! AG R l( ~~ \J ":~T (: IJA~GES: ~I"- ---. ..~ -. ... - . .. - . -.- STAFF R~~CO\'l,\"1"~"IDATIO:"llS: Settle the outstanding lien at the- recommended amount qf S 1..1 J~ 10, TOTAL COST: fllilA BlJD(;F.TED: Yes - ~o - COST TO COL~'T\'''; I\/..J. SOURCE OF FlJ N ns: N/A 1{l':VEl\lfE PRODLlT"iG~ Yes XX No -- AMOUNT PI': R M ONTII - Year , , A ItltROV [0 BY: Cuunty Atty ~X o 1\113/Pu rcha s.ing Ri"l.; Management__ III \' I SION PI RECTOR A rpuo\' \ J.: "::.:ff~b,i~ ~i l L':: uJJ I ( " j c \ JOHN R, COI.I.l~S, COUNTY ATTORl\'FY nOel! \1 E ~T A Tro.'1 ~ Included ]\'or Required XX DISPOSITION: -, - AGE~DA ITEM # ..--- -, R.('\.~ 1/0:;