Item S03 lJOARD or COI.lNTY COl\1\nSSIONERS ;\Gf,~l)A IT.l:M SU\lMARY r\.'leeting I )<lW Julv 20. 200:'\ ~ K \V Divi!oiioIl: COUJlly Attomey llulh Hem. Ye5 xx 1\0 SraffContac:t Person: Bob Sh~niHger x3474 - AGEr"'lOA HE") W01-lIHNG: Alllhorization to proceed to final foreclosure on hV0 {2} properties mvneu by Al(U1Dcpicrrcfcu and to bid up to the limits or the Count)"' ~ jLldgment~ at aLlt:tiOll. if appropriate. , , IT[ M BArke; KO..I N n: The COllnty has Finat Detault Judgments. agailt~l two propertic,~ ($144.)O_~ ru and $61(\555.03) o\'dlca hy Alan Depjerrc1Cu as. a re.~ull of lhree {3) separate ~:ode t~nforccment I iens_ The liens w~re impus~d aner he was t()und to h,wc colllmitted sev~;n (7) yjolalion~ or the Code, IJldudillg one (I) fOf mailltai ni ng an unsafe Slructure. Though he participated in the code enforcement ncal~ngs and is therefore a war€' M th~ viulation,; alld fines, Mr. J )cpi~lTctcu al1cmpted 10 avoid servL.ce in the fmeC'lo:-;.ure cases and tailed to tile an Answ'cr. Both properlies art residentiill; one residence in located QI' Big Pine Kcy' and the mher is loc:a~ed on Summedand Key. Slair i~ s.e~kjllg iluthori.7.atjon [0 compel lhe s<ile of hoth propert.ies at iHKtiotl. Additionally, jf deemed <lppropriatc fOf alTordable housing or ~oml~ other valld public puqw,;e, statr is. seeking ilutl1ori7ation to bid up to the limits of the (ounty' s jlldgments a1 auction. PREVIOllS RKLEVA!\T BOCC ACTION; Hoard <tuthodtcd foreclosure on 4/16....(f; CO~'l'KACT/..\GREE'fE~T CHA~GES; i\/A --.... .. -- ... -- __..._n ____ STAFF RECO'E\"JE~DA TIO:'\!S: AppmvaL TOTAL COST: I'll/A HlIDGETED: Yes No - COST TO CO(JNTY; I\/t\. SOtRel: OF FU~DS: ~/A REVF.:NlJt~ PROllUCIl\G: Yes X~ 1\0 - AJ\'10l.f~T n:w: MONTH Yca]" - APPRQVt(1) B\': Count y i\.tty X X OMB/Pu rch a:,;i nl:' Risk \Ianagcment _ OJVISIO~ DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~~Gd~lo( ~OI'IT\ R. COLLINS, COl}r\TY .ATTOR~EY DOClil\"":NTA TION: l nc1uded ~ot Required XX LlISPOS n '101\: -.-.... ....... AGt~NDA ITE~l # ...... RC'I ised 210.5