Item C15 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7/20/05 Division: Community Services Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Department. Extension Service Staff Contact Person: Doug Gregory AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Request for approval of a .!!!n: three year lease agreement for Extension Services office space in Suite 11 A of the Damaron Building in Key I,argo. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Extension Service department has maintained an office in the Upper Keys for it's 4-H Youth and other Extension programs since 1977. Since 2001 the department has leased office space in the Damaron Building. This rent agreement will be for $873.60 per month / $10,483.20 per year from October 1, 2005 through September 30,2006 with a 4% increase annually for the remainder of the lease agreement through September 30,2008. . PREVIOUS RELEVANT ROCC ACTION: First lease approved September 19,2001, lease extensions were approved on 8/20/03 and 9/15/04. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: -. - STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST:$32,724.48 over 3 years BUDGETED: Yes ~ No COST TO COUNTY:$J+224.48 over 3 years SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No x AMOUNTPERMON'ffi_ Year APPROVED BY: County Att~ OMBlPurchasing t- Risk Management ~ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 6 - _~:"C..' i~-~ DOCUMENT A TION: Included _ ~X__ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Peter 0' Dalton Contract # - -. -- Effective Date: October 1, 2005 . ....----- Expiration Date: September 30,2008 Contract Purpose/Description: A 3 year lease beginning Octob~~r I_L~005 through September 30, 2008 for the lease of Extension Service office SDace in~~e Damaron Building. 99198 O",~r!;~as HjQhwav. Suite IlA _~.~.Y Largo, Florida. Rent will be increased 4% annually over.pri2.r years rental amount. Contract Manager: Doug Gregory 4501 E)(t_~_nsion Service Stop # 1 -- (N ame) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #) for BOCe meeting on July 20, 2005 Agenda Deadline: July 5, 2005 CONTRACT COSTS , Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 32,724.48 Current Year Portion: $ 10,483_20 FY06 portion Account Codes: 001-61000-530440- ___ -_ Budgeted? Yes[gJ No 0 Grant: $ 0 County Match: $ 0 - - ~------ -_._-- - - ---- - - ~---- Estimated Ongoing Costs: $Q/yr (Not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: _..._-- (eg. maintenance, utilities, janilorial, salaries, elc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Division Director Changes Date In Needed / Reviewer 6..=I.5.----tJS- y csD No~ S.,J. V"r1 L ~1, ~ Jlq Ik~ .' / \ - __~ . \ \", (--.. I. ( . I.'f' ) Y ON 0 .! .,' - ,- ~ es 0 . ._,!) I '..;.;....~, 1.'- ''"'-' . '~ - ~-l.'l~YesDN~~~ 0j2hfr ~)~Ju.> YesD NoG)/ - b Date Out " '-'I.~-:'-c r Risk Manage~~nt jj~ .. 1. B .IPu~~hkiIlg ;- i)-.) ( .J County Attorney Comments: OMB Form Revised 2/27/0 I Mep #2 I ,F.A SE ,-\G RE [MENT Slate (If Fltlr~da Count_" of r....1onroc This. Lease Agreement ~l1tered into th~~. . day or 200S. by and between PETER 0. DALTON, party .of the firs1 part h~J'einaner (.aUcd the lessor and tht" BO...\RD Of COUNTY COMMISSiONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, pany of The secoJld part herei nafter called th~ le~~~t:. WITNFSSFTH- That the le,.;.sor for ~Hld in i:'onsidenHion t)f the covenants and agreements herein~fter menljon~J to be kept and perttlfl1u:d by [he lessee has demised and leased to (l1e I essec t~w rhe krnl and under lhe condilimls lu:-reinatler SCl OU{ those certal.n premises in Key I ,argo. Cuunty of Monroe, Florid<l de~t~rib~d as foHolA-s. LEASE LOCA TlO?'-J Damaron Bu Uding. 99198 Overse..;]s f Jighway Suite 11 A. Key I. argo, Florida which lnduo es appro:\'Lmatdy 40n square feel of area tlJ[ the Fxten<:;ion Services Depar~rnelll f1 RF.~TALS The !ei~or hereby lease-s. to the les~ approximately 400 square feet and the lessee hereby leases from th~ It's~or I he ahove described premi ~es. for the t~nn ~t oul in this tease. Leswc ht-'l'cby agrees 10 pay rcnl for a !hrcc year k~.asc at :il87J. 60 per month, and $ WAX:;.:W per year The le~s.r amounl agreed w ~lefcin ,vin be lncreas.i.':d annually by ";'1'0 over lh~ prior years rCnlal arnOlmt. Rent shall be due and payable 011 or before the last day of (\lch montl1, i rI am~ars The rental shall be paid to the les.sor and rnaiied to Peter O. Dah,-m. J.] 6~ Highw<lY ] 7 Soul h, Orange Park, F! " nno~. prior to the" las.t day of the monTh. III TERyl Th~~ term of this reasl; shalt be tor a period of three en years COHlmenc i ng October 1. ~()O~. and tI."rminating on September :;0. 1003. IV RE~EW .~\ L Tbis ag.recmem may be fenewli::d at lhe oplion or lhe lessee tbr 1v.'0 aJdil ional one (J l yt'<H periods This Opl ion s.hail b..:- c:..eCLilt'd only upon appro\ al 0 to lh~ BO,H d or CUUllly C()rmnl~<;jon~rs. V .A.JR CONDITIONING AND JI\~nORlAL SERVICLS A fhe lessor agrees 10 [umis.l1 to the ksscc air conditiuntng e(juiplllcm 10 be used durlllg normal bus! Ili;;SS noun;., and shall eEISUn.' that san1.,; is operattonal ami tunctional during the ti me of thj~ lease. Les~or shall be n.l ~ly responsible for all mai ntcna nec. repai rs and replact'melll for the condcnsil1g unit r ,e..see shall hl~ t\~!l Y responslb!c tor aU Illalntcnam;e. repjlir:-', and replacemcnt fOf t he a~r i"Hlndhl1g u nn 13. The lcsSi:c shilll provi d~ janitorial sN",'ict:'~ ljnd all nCt:cssary janitorial suppli~:s tl)r the leasl~d premises during tbe term (,1'1 he It':ase iH I he c:\pense of! h(:: te.ssec V1 f\.'lAI!'-JlFNA!\(,E AND REPAIRS A The lessee shaH provide fl.)!' .imcrlor maimenance and r~pai r~ tll ~it:cordam~e w'ith generally nlTt'vted good practice~, indudi ng rcpai nt1 ng.. the repla~cment nt' ,",iom or damaged HOOf covering, and repairs or replacement of imertor eql.lipmem as. may be nece:;.sary aue [0 norma! USil~l~. TllC !CSSI.~r: ~halJ during the term llf the lease k.et::p tbe imCrlOf or t llC dcrnl:)cd preTl1i~H.."S ill as good a :-;tate of repair as. it i ~ 3t [he ti me of the COlll!nC'"occmcm of this lease. re,;1.sonable \Vear and lear am.! una \,(lid[lbtl~ c~sllahies. ('xc~'pred B -I he fes~or sl1all mai ntain and keep ~fl repai r the exterior of tht' liernised pri"Enl;Cs. otlri ng t flC teml l,.)f the 1.ea5e ilnd shall he respollstbl~ fOf lhe replaetnlCI11 of damages ill the demts.eu premlses, exc~pt such breakage of dalllJg~ caused lO the exterior of t he dem[sed prcmi SeS by t he lessee. its. olfLc:er~, agents, or emptuyees. C. The Ie~sor :-;haU b~ responsil11e f(H main1<lining the I"vol' in leak rree condil ion D The lessor ~hall maintain th~ ~'i.terinr M.lhe demis~J premises. Sol] as. to conl'l')f m [0 flB appticaIJlc health and safely laws, ordlnanccs. [Hld codes Wllich arc prcscmfy in drec! a.nd which may ~ubsequ(>nlly !w ellacted duri ng thl' term of th.i~ It:~aw and any renewal periods E. Th~ les~~,r sniJ.ll provide arrrupri ate cntrancev.'ays to the strw:ture to ~c..~comlllod~te spao:;:.e allocation for government entities. occupying flu; spilce. indus.i vt. of jn~fress antlegres~. allhe expense or l~le r~SSl)L \'11 lTLUTIES The lessee s.ha II be fill1y responsible lO pay telephone chargc:;which may bec.ome payable during lbt': ternl of the lease for telephnne and uf;et! by fhe le!o;scc on the- prcmi~e-s The lessor agrees I(J be iu n y Te:-:r~ lU.~ihle 10 prClvide- and pay <111 ot her uti I it ies V 1H COl\DUC r OF BUS l~ESS The lessee covenants. that the leased pn;mises will 110t be llsed f{1r any purpose.; that will cause any per~on or p~I.:>ons 10 congreg.ate in lh~ balls of the pui lding or w.hich ~ he leased rremi~es. a.re a part. or \....hic.h .....ould cause noise to emanate tl"om (he leas.ed premi5cs wnfc.h does or might n':-;lSonahly di ~tLJrb any adjol ni I1g tl;'nants or pcrs.ons using I he h<tlls L)f the s.aid Dui Iding., and lhe les~ee furlher covenants that lessee wdl conduct its hUSEUe'lS within (he I eased premises j n J quid. prt1per and orderly maimer. and lhat any failure (Hl ~tJc pRrI of tht t",:ssee to 30 use Ih<.~ premises lH lhe conduct of its business. shaH be considered a.s a \'~olaljofl of a material covenanl or lhis leas!.' lX RUYS A)JD REGFLAnO~ The ks~c shall agree to comply \'Yilh Rules. and Regulalions as idcntified in '.FxhibEI B" X .~L TERATIO~S The lessee s.hall have the right to make any alterations to the demi sed premi s..e~ during the term of I he leaST upon first havi Ilg nbtOilfled I he v....rJltcn conscm of th.;': le~sor The less-Of sl)all not Gapridou :;1)' wit hhold the COrlS~[It ~(} an} :-;uch ahl?ra!Jons Xl I',JJUty OR DAfI,1AGE TO PROpeRTY OJ\" PRr.:r-..lISES All PHlpt:rty of an~" kind thm may be on lhe prcnltsc::; during i h~ i..:ontinuance or ~his lease sl1,d I b~~ al lbe sole ris.k or the' lessee fl nd except for ,my negl [g<;;'llL':~ or the lessor. file r~s:)or shall mH be 1 iahle to the les.see or any ClthN person tor allY i IlJur:.', los... or d::.unage lO propcny or to .any person On lbe premises. Xli FHU'~ AND OlH~~R HA/ARDS A. ill the event that 1 he demist'<:.1 pr~n1is.t's. or the major pan t hl.'r(""(.lf arc d<:>stroyed hv fire, hg,htl:ning, ~tnrm l)f other casualty. The lessor Jr Lts upt!on may lbr!ilwitll repair the damage to :iuc!l dcmJscd premises at its ov,,'n CO"! .md expen~. The rental l hereon s.hal i cease lInti I the i:l1mpletion of ;-:;u(,;.h repairs. and [h<;: less-or \v~ll ~mm{:'diatcly renJ nd the pro rata pan of any r~l1ta(s paid in advanc-c by (he Ics~""C prior to such de~tnlC1ion. Should the premises. be only panly dCS1fOYcd so that lhc nl<ljor pan ther~of i S ~L~ahie hy the I e:;s.ee. then I h~ rental shall abate to t he extent th<.l1 tht> inj ureJ or daJJHlged pan bears lO 1he whole' of such ~m~rni ses and 5LH;n injurv or damag~ sh;:lll he res.lort:'J by the [essor a!'. speedily as. is practicable and upon the ~ompletlon or ~Ul'h repairs. the full rcmal shall tnen COf1t~nllC 1he barail.:e l)f rhe term. B. The lessor shalt pfO~.'idc for fife prOle<.1ion duri ng the teml of 1 his lease in ilccordancc v..ith the fIre safelv standanJs of the Stale andlor Monroe Coum) rife \-1ar"hi-l! 'l 'he le$sm s.han he respon~ihle tbr mainLt:na nce aBd repai r of all fife protection cquipmenl necessary to Cl..lntbrm to l he rcqllirernents or (he State and/or Monroe ('ount~. Fire Mars.hal The It's.:;or agfCt~S n~at the demised premises shall be a,,:ai!able t(lf ir1:-:peclion by the Stale and/or County Fire ~.1arshaL prior lo l.,,"fccupaPlcy by the k~s.$c(':. ~lld al any rea$onablc ri me th~rearler XlH ! .;X PI R i\ TION or TER.\.1 At the expiratiun of the (Cflll. the le:ss~e will pcan~ably yidd up 1O I he lessor lllO;:- d-=mised premi~ts tll ;;3;uod and tenamable reran h is understood <:.InJ agreed between th~ pan ies thai 1 he tessce sl1all havt' the right to remove from lht' premises all personal propcny oftht ksst'e and all tixtmt':s.. machinery. equipmenl, appurtenance's. and applimH.:es placed or i nstalied On the rrenli~es b~' ic provided llle less~e restores. the prcmLse:-; tn as. good a state of repair as it was prior 10 Il~l' removal. XIV SL!Il 1.1.. TTI ~O AND ASSIGNl\1LXl lhe IC55ee llpOll the ohtaini ng of the wri11en (:on=,~nt 01' the lessor. which L:nn~tmt sMail not capric.ou~[ \' he \vilh!leld, s.hall ha.,,'c th~. ri ght w subh.~l all or all\,: part of tile dernis.ed prCnl iscs. or to assign illl or <my part or lhu dcmi sed pn:.mis.e:;. XV :-JOT CONSE~T TO SUE The provi sions. terms. or cnmhtilms Dr trus lease shal t no, be COlls,trued as consc"IU of Monroe C oumy TO be sued becau:st' of said leagehold XVI \Vi\J"ER OF DEFAL'LTS T!w wJ.iv~r by the lessor ('If aoy' breach of th~s kase by {he les.see shall no! ~ conSlmed as n ,"\-<liver (~f allY SoU b~eq lIenl breach of any duty or ,-=ovenant jmpu~eJ by this leas(': .\VII IllGHT OF LESSOR TO Il\SPECT rile le<;~lr at all rea~onablo;:' [imeS during regular busIlless hou rs may enter into and upon nll~ derni sed prerTll'ie5 ["('If' the purpose of vicwjng The same, to read water and elenric mel cr, and tor lhe purpose or making .:lny such repairs a:s the" are reqmred to make under I he terms of thi~ lea:-;l'. Re-pail s. shall be limil ed to rloll-busi Iless l"1()ur~ llnl ess iln erm~rgeJH:::\" Sl1Wll ~Oll eXls!:i XVIII BREAU { OF COVE:N A\iT J f the [e:;~~e "hall negk~.( l.H" 1'cl il lO pedonH Of observe any covenant hcrci n (;ontai n~d. ....hid1 un t he le~see' s part i~ to be p~rt~1rmeJ and such default ~ha(] conTinue for {l perl(ld of thirty d<l)"s afl:cr roc~:ip( of \winen not ice thereoT from the lessor in the !es.'>et:. then the lessor lawful! y may. immediatdy or any ti me tbcrc-.after. and l'1I'jrl1oul nllther notice or lIenmml Crlll>J' imo and upon tht' Mmis~~d premises or any part thef~of and rcpos~ss the same a::; of thclr tc)rmer eS13tc and expel ltll' lessee. and remove its etTects lOfcefully ir necessary. WjthOllt being taken Of deemed tn be gUilty of any manner of tresp<l5.s and thereupon the dcmis.e shall !ermlnate bu l without rrejudk~~ to any remedy \virr. migtH othcnvi se he used by (he lessnr 10r arrear... oheru or thr ,my bH.:ach of the te:i5t~' ~ covenants herein contained. XL\: ACKNO\:V'LEDliLf\.n:NT OR ASSIG.t"{MENT The les.see upon the rcqUt~1 of lhe Ii;S~N ~hall cxe.cute such acknowledgment ur 3ckllo\....!cdgmem... (}y a.ny f1ssjgnm~nl or assignments uf r~ntals. and profits made by th~ le~sor to any thi rd p~n;Oll, I1rm or i;orporatioll.. provided that the les5{J[ will not make such request unkss required to do su by the \.10rtgagt' under il murtgage Of mOfTgag~s. execurcd bv tbe lessor. XX :\VAlLABIUTY OF fUNDS The ub HgariQlls ~lf I he less~c under tl1i~ leas.e agreement are S.ubje-Cl 10 the avai labilily of fllnd~ lilwfi.tny appropriate-d annually fl>l rrs purpo-;es by the \.hmme County fl,oard of County Commi~sjol1ers. XXi LSF OF PREf\.tISES The les~c;-e ""llIl !lOT make or suf1er any unlawful. Improper or otfcnsive Llse uf the premise!; or ~m! use or occupancy 1 hereof {;O[mary [0 the (_<lWS of the State of Florida or !o stich Ord; nances pfMuTlrDt' Cmmly now in efl'b:! or her~an("r adopled. ilc; ma)' he applicable to rhe le<;see. XXlI II\SURANCE Ihe Ic-~f,~e shall procure and mai mai n at lL~ expcns~~ and t h I"oughoul j he term of thl s. k:..l:-;e the in')uranc(; or ~df-ensurl" for aUclai ms that the le~s('e can be held liaol e U)f LJ I1d0r':l.~~c:tion 76:528, f loriJa Slatut~s., and up to the maximum amount set tinth in tha1 slatutc. NOl\....ith~w.nd ing J.l1)'thil1g W tht: cnnU'w y tn this lease L~sr.;~e waives ill! rig,hl~ .n r~covcry_ cl<'lim~ or causes of aCliofl ag;liflst tho; It'sgor and its_ attorney-ill-fad, ag~nts, trustees, executors and pcr~ollal repre~n~ai ive~ ml account of any lo~s of damage which may occur to the pr~rni1R\S, the building, lht' propeny or 3J1Y improvements thereto or 10 any personal property of ]ef,~e to Ihe t;.xtent SUdl loss or damage is cau<;~J by a pelil which is ret.lIJired lo he insured against be !~s'}\;'e under thi_'> le;1:'iE', n:'gn.l'd k~ss of the cau<;e Dr origiu (indudi ng llcgligtl1l'e t1 t'16$or). [_~~sscc C{wena.nb to the. lessor that to the fulle'\l €:\(cnd p~.rmirred by 1<1\1,,". no in~llrcr of lessec sholl nv!J {l Ii\" right of subrugalion agains.l lessor Lesset" covenants to k~ssor rhal <Ill pulities of ~nSllral1Ce maimained by lessee re!.'pecling properly damag.c shall perl11il ...ucb waiver of :;.ubrogali0Jl, and JeSSt'C agrees. [0 advi~e all of it s. j rl')llti:.{S or llle waiver and provide les~or rvith \>p.rincn evidence of such l\'~li""er XX.I11 NOT ICES All rllltice~ rl;;'tluired 10 be served upon the It',;sor sllan be ser'Y'~d by certified mall. rctum rect'lpl rcq llt;':sr..':t.1 t~) Pe!t'r 0 Dalton. 3 168 J I ig.hway l ih Soutn. Orange Park, F'L 32003. and Jl! notic~s reqlli red ro be :-;en'ed UpOIl The les~cc sball he st'r....cd by t.::eri ifled ma~ 1_ return rec..:ipl r~~ques.ted 1O .Monroe C ounl\' Extension Sene ices_ 1100 Simonton S~reeL Stlite #260. Ke:y \\.'cst. FL 33040 and to the Count) Attwlley_ PO Box lOla, Kl'Y \Vea.;.l. FL 33041.-1020 x..XlV RADOK GAS NOT1FICATIUJ\ Radon I!; if n.:Hurally occ.urring ~as. that when it has aCClln1Ulat~d in a building jn sufficitlll quam it ics. n1;i y rr-csent h~~ahh ri$ks. lO persons who ~lfe exposed to it ~lvef [i me. LeveL., of radon rhaf eXl'l;~'ed tedcral and stat~ gUldcl jn...~s have b~tm fOLl nd j rt huildings. Addit ional inlOflllat ion regarding radon and radon te<;tj rlg may' be obtai,nt'd fi:'om your C ountv Public Heah h t init XXV LEASE-: TER\HNA TlO)J This lease may be lenninatc:d by the le-;;;s.ee upon ,^'T~nen ninety (90) days Ilu~[(.e 10 the lessor that th~ lessee has Obl:.i'lled ati<.>qualC ofYu;e sp<lce in a govcmmenlal building XXVI ETHICS CL\USF Lc.1>s.m warrants Iha1 lt has not employed retained or olherwj sc h<:ld 3\~1 OIl its behal f any former Coumy OtliCt'i or emp 1ayee :-i-llr.ject to the prohEhi I ion or Sect ton "2 Ordinallce No. 010-'990 01 ~nv C nunty omc~r or employee in vioblt tOll ~)f SeClloIl ,~ ~jf Ord inancc :"Jo. 020-1 ~)ClO For hr~,H..:h or vi(~lat rlln ofl hj\ prO\'i~l0n [he lC's~ee may. in l[So discretion, deduct [j-om t Iw (,:ol1tr3.n or pmchasc price ur o!her wise recover the fu!l amoLlnt of any fee. c.nmm issiol1. perct'111ag.e, gill. or consideration paid to ~ht' lonner COUIlT:>-' offi~er or ~~mploy(':e. XXVll A1\tERIC.iV\ \VITII DlSABIUTIES ACT Tht' lessor h~fcin expressly agree.'io to maintain the suhjec-l premi:;csin filll complianct' with the >\mt.'ril'.;.m Dis.abilitiC"s ,'~ct (ADA) Fw ther. the lessor shall he: liable for ilny cost Ort exrendiwH:' ass,(ld<llt"d wlih said t.::umpliance. Th~ lessor shall h~ fully ..espons~blc (t~ res.tore ~~I rt::st room tacllil ics. [0 meet A [) /\ requirements J1 lh~~ e'{r~n:;e u[ llle h.'ssor prior ~(l {)l.:1..'upam:y. XXVII! PliBLIC ENnr\' CRI!\H-_ STA TEt\.JENT A per."'lf] or atTlliate \~ ho has. been phlced on the con\' lckd vendor Ii fi.t tbHo\....itlg a conviction thr puhht: ent[[ y Cfime- may fH)t ~ublll f[ a bid on fl ('Onl rJcr ,..-ith <.t pLlb!k ent it j.' for ('(Hl stnll..:tiorl or repair of a publiC building 0r puhlic work. may not submit hids On leas.es of real properl;.' io publlr CiUlty. may not be awarded or perform \....or1.; as a (:ontnKtOl. suppHer. :::ubcon1raclor, Oi consuhaiH under a contract with ~I1Y public cmity_ and may 110t. traIl'iact business with illlV public entity in exc~C.s oflbe thre~hold alllounr provided ill Seaion ':87017 F S fN ('megory Two for a period of _,6 momhs from the date of being ptaced (lJl lbe ronvicrcd vendor li~l Wategory Two $10,000.00 ) ': 'd.\ [~ l P.l I l ~ 1.\ U!' j" ~ : :\; ;.. : s .\ ~ he :1.,"'1 ~11"-) '''Ir',.I~...Lr- h.~..~"),;.: ;.~~.~~e...:tu~iJlt ,-LI ~t~,J!II.'\tll~~;II~~1 :-li.d! :IlF ; 1L~1~~~1'~'''; ~'.~- ~~! ~~-h ether ,I .-J ~Ltll :lL;(1 ; f' ,'!!: d~' .:! I_V H'jl';\'. :tl.~. ~ '"~<:'~:~; ~(HI~ ': r 1":1.i ';.' 'I' I, '~l "t- rh I, le,j -.~~ J I hi.: t~~rfi: ";..-::>~;~~(' .. il~ . ~'~'~"'n_,' ;">!hlll 111'; Ill.k I h..: .,! :LY;''-~:If... .. II,! .l~ ~1l!!lS. t'[ ti 1 !:~ r ,:'1 il.:~ h'.:l,,~i,-' c Tht: s.i I~gu ta:- :>hollt i IldIJ.1 t' I ht: l'.!tJI d 1 <:I:J I b: ~\I '_H ..1 \\'hcn~.\"..:r Ha~ n.m I.:'...t ", l U tLj jn;~s ('If ploflillt'i 't Ll;.:h I~k. th~ "j ;h~ J ~ar .\;.,\ \ .\.U l) IT l00i\L C\),"\ Ul net'\'';; "'~...tl ,a~,J~; ;.,.i~u.I .... L"' ~.... ....;..:;i I;,.~r ':':,';.J~~L.!:: :~':~~~: ~~j~ 'l"~~ ~~ r::::"~ ~ -:..:J( ~!:,~~ ~r_1.~ ~~~ L ~ \\1" ITi' FSS \,,'HEREUF I he 1.,.11'[ I r:S hCf~h) 1"t.:1....~ h~.r t'~ ::"I~ l''''~'~:H~d [hiS 1fl~ifll:m'm ,i H- j II...' "'Ji P(l$!:.' lwrdn e;\pr~s~eJ dut. d~}" iHlJ y:...:(o! I ;Ib,}v~ '...., iUt:ll I, l:ti<.i iN,-U ~ KiN A ruru:s RE()t 'l itEr) ON AI.!. ("( WI I:. S ~ t';lId. S.J.:;11~d iJ.lld Ddi \'e..~d in :Ilt: ;)r~S~PH;~ ~lf L LS ";OR . " ),V ') 1;/- By W it oC'~~ I inc. \V I tJl~S~ . \ih:.:;t D_' \:..... Y I !-;, (11 1 ,..\{ j E {-I I ;RK lin!\ RD dF (I 'l~ ". t-y ~ '~l~l~.nS:-;H)'n~ s \1U~; !t(Jr: ('(lL~j-n.' HORrr1..\ r". . :'..JI, '.......-.,.. ~~" ~." .:.. "..-~ . .. ~, --- . ,,,,'-- " . ~ ." . if" .. . . ...- ~ /. ( >..:~;rL ~-'f(...,:fd2=',. _. . n ~- ,j ..) -,.,):"'" .~ . _5"//-1-{'/iS ",: " -