Item B06 UOAHD OF COllNTY COMMISSIOr\ERS AGENIlA ITEM SllMMARY ** PRSSE~lAIIO~ ** I~ulk Item: Yes No X Di vi;(;ion: CunlaCl Person: Dcpal1mt~nt : f:ounty .~.ttomey John. R Collins Coqpty AnOllJ.IT T\"kCling Date' .lulv 20 2005 - K \V -- , .. -.. AGENI);\ IT1<::VI ",ORDr~G: Pr~sefll.aliorJ or Yean (!f SerVice A ward for 15 years. or service to Sf/Z-1Nil./j-,' H (.iT/ON, As~j:Slal1t C Ollllty AllolIley ll: Scn ior I _egal Adv~sor. ITEM IlACKG ROUND: .- ... .. 1~I,n(\'IOl:S RELEVANT 1I0CC ACTJON: -- - .. COI\TRACTJAGREEI\1ENT CIIANGES: STAr!' R ~:CO 1\'1 MENDA TION S~ TOTAL COST: BUUGKI'U): Yes. NO COST TO COlINTY; SOil RC F. OF FU\ OS: REVENUt: PRODUCI NG: Yes No AMOIJNT PER MONTII Year "\I'I~ROVED BY: CourHy Ally ~ OMB/Purcha:'iing _ Risk t\.-1anageIrlenl ._ IJIVISlON DIRECTOR APPROVAL: qw~- G'olnlo{ ____ JOliN R. COLLINS, COUNTY ATTORNEY llOC U .\1 F"I' l'ATIO~: lncl udcd X To Follow Not Required IllS POS 1'1'10 ~: A(a~NnA ITEM # Reviiied 2/27/01 ,<-;L{Z..AN N 6' ADAfR HUTT ON began her employment with Monroe County as an Assi stant County Attorney in 1990. SllC '^"as bOfTl in \-1 iam i. Florida arid reccived ~l Bachelor or Sci~~ncc i t1 Husiness Admj llistration/ Accounti ng from the Uni versiry of Arizona; V1a~t~r of Science Dcgrcc(s) in both Cri mi na I Jll~tic:e Sy~tems and Accounting from the Lniversity of\'1iamr ami a Jum Doctor tT-om Walter F. George School of Law, i\.1erc.er l.: niversit y in Y1 aeon, Georgia. SULannc' s prior expericncc included her work as an AccounlaIll fin kn ycars and then a:-; an Adjunct A~sistant Professor in the subjecl areas of Criminal hlsticc and Accounting ilt t.he (Jniversity of Baltimore fur five (5) years. Suzanne also '.....orked as an Adj lI11er Assistant Professor j n the area of Criminal Just.ice at St. Leo's College in Boca Chica. Florida from 1 ()96 to 1998. Slllanne is admiued 10 the Florida, Georgia and Maryland Slah..; Ilars and the ~ ederal Dislrict Court for th~ Soulhcrn Dist.rict or Florida and ha!> also been licensed it!> a Ccrtifj(~d P"uhlic Al:COunlant in Florida since 197(). As the most senior Assi5tant County Attorney, and given her diverse legal and fi n<mc.ial education and experience, Suzannc current.ly serveS as l~lC designated advisor for rhe .I.olllist Development Council and olhcr ad visol): boards, in 3dditioll to proviJiTlg legal ad vjsory services for administrallon and s.lalTthroughout Monrue Coumy. Sunmne is the namc scen stamped on the signatnre page or almost all agenda items. submi1 tcd by County DeparlmenlS conti rmi ng th~ doc:uITlent rueelS thc necessary legal filHn rcq ulrcmcnrs .Ihis invol vcs. writ 1 rig. editing and re:-;earching cOHlracts, lcases. int.er-loc:al agreements, ordinan(;es, re.wlulions. and reque~ts. ror pmposals. for the "mountain" of agenda hems received each rnonlh from aU over the County. Not 10 memion. the continuous" olten frant fe. phone calls. {rom Departments desperaldy u)'i ng to get an ilgenda item re,u..ly fl)f placcment on t.he agenda beforc deadline Of, In ~omc instances, the "fLnal hour'- hdme the meCling. Suzanne is HOl only highly regarded fin her legal and fin;mcial experlise, howevcr, but also for her warmth and sincerity in her dealings with staff, adrninislralion and the pllblic. Thi~ lrail is rctlcetcd in the ll1(lrlY Resolutions. aulhorcd by Suzanne whlch honor those in our community who have r~!>sed that have served us so well over the years. llcr eloquent 1"iriting st.yle provides a p~dect blend ofhistol)'. emotion and inkgrity. StlC participat.e!> in many local org)mizatinm ami acl] vilies conti Ilually "giving hat::k" to !ler c:omnlUnity An avid animal lover (even to lcrrets. who show up Ullannounc:ed in her homc~ I), she is al!>o known Ibr hel unexpected funny e-maib or storics to brighten our day or "lighten things up" on one of those hectic, crazy' days v....hcll ."agcnda-iti!>" is s.euing ill. I ler door is alway.. open [0 anyone .. staff, Department I fcads, Commissioners, friends - Cor a qu iel.: quesrion or jus.l lO lIsten (cxcept those day(; v,/hen we are advised "EI vi:-; ha5 left [he bui I di ng" Il) On a ~crlou5 notc, Suzanne',; hrstory wllh the Count}' Attorney's Oftke, her p~rsonal efforts during her tellure as an ASslstant COUllty i\clOrn~y 1'01 ltlC laSl frftccn (15) years, and tho~e at! ri but cs un i que 0 n Iy to Suzanne al e a pr i eel css rcsource to 1\..10 nroe C DUTll Y . T llank you. Suzanne, for your tenacity. integrity and alllhc wonderful qual ities YOll bring 10 not only the County Atturney' s OfrLce bu t as an advocare for good government on bcl1alf of all of rhe citizens of r'\,..1onroe Count......