Item O06 BOARD OF COtJ~TY <:01\11\1 ISSIONERS AGE~nA ITEM SUMMAR\' \.feeting Date: Augll"t l 7., ;005 Division_ Countv At.!omeJ' Bulk ltem: Y e<; ~ No Depanmctlt:__ C{mnty Attorney AGE~DA rn:M WORDING: RatitlcarioTl oj" Adllllll!slratur" S exccution of aJUl.::ndum tn contmel fur sak and purchase or prop~rr\ at 9X':)70 Oycrscas Hil:~imny, t.;.~y Largo_ al10wtng lor closing Jak ((I be extended to :\l~gust 5. :WO~ - ITEM BACKGROll:"ll l): Th~ conlract approved by BOCC left tile c losiIlg date blan~, but Ihe <ieller had made i1 known that he wanted to clo~e no later than Juty ::!9, ~005, so the date of the clos.ing in the L:onlraCI was deemed to be 7/29. Due to the reL:~ipl of the apprai Hils on or after 7.110, it became ncces~ary tn extend the closi ng 10 HiS On advice from an Assis.tant County ,Attorney {hallhe liOeC had made their Jntent to dos~ clear and that execution was merely all admini ~mati ve m utter, the Admin istrawr executed the addendum. Ratification is ncccsS-afJ' to l':ompkte the proces.s .. PREVIOllS R.ELI'~VANT BOCC ACTION: On ~-Iay ] 8, 2m).." ROCe approved original <lgreemenl and an addenduuL and on June 1,\ 2005, HaeC approved a revised agrcemenL r~s.cinding Ihe original. CO~TRACT lAG R.I: I': M f:NT CHANGES: Closi ng date is. e?\tended one week to allmv fl)1' appraLsal s to be recei ved. STA F}i' RECOMMENDA TIONS: .1nP-Xl)val. . TOTAl. COST: p..~viqLlslv budgeted BUDGETED: Yes X l\o COST TO COUNTY: p-fcviouslv budgeted.. SOl: RC E 01' FU"OS-_304-26500 REVEI\ L I::: PRO llUCl N G: 'I{ e~ No x. A'10L~T PER MOl\"TH Year "PPROV ~: l) BY; Cnunly i\ll)' L Of\.lB./Purchasing Rj~k j\.lanagcmcllt _ U!VISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL~ ';" ~ . . I. I :/\ ,l . \ \ ~', (. \,~ r '(J, \.1 . : ~vv",,"""" ~('-' \, '1" 'C') . " )Ol-i~ R_ COlJ.lJ'''-S, COC\..';TY A TTORT\EY Doeu \"1 ~:~TATIO:~: Inc.l uded To Follow___.. ).Jot R~quired n IS POS 1T1 0 ~: AGF:NDA ITE\l # J{C\ ls~d ~in""O l 30J~'" I', ~~: 27 . ~' '.'C.23H .':H'E-~ ; :'" ,I II". '/ ,'..] AOD ENDU,"l TO A9R.F:F.MF.~ FOR SAI;F. A~D PURCHASE Tl ns ADUE,iDUM :s. l'mltlc I fl~~ _ day of , :'005, bet\"ec:~ GREGORY and DL\..c''''L\. PARDO f1~ '"'Sdlt:r~-' whose addW.5~ is 1:~2, U<.Iharr.a Road, Ke) Larlllo, nCl'ida 3~037, and the lJUAIUl OF COL~-rV COl'tll\JJSSIOl\'T.RS FOR M01\"ROE COt~TY, FLOIUD~ a pol1ti("~1.' ~mh.'li\'i!;:()n <>I~ the State of Flo6o:1~, as "Purchas.e'\ c/o Th(lJTl"~ v.,. ill t, County Admini~trnror, II CO S~mon km \trcCL, Klmm 2-205, Key "",'est, flcr:ida 33(W1. .. J t i", h~reby agreed ar:d und('!SW(Ld that the clos:ill~~ date un Lln: prc?erty which tnt" Se1 in" have agreed to sell <td tbe Purchaser bas aw~d 10 huy de<;cribed as: Lot lB., Hlod{ 3 of Harbor ShnrE'~ SElbdiyi.~i[)n &:9 recorded In Monroe County Plat Book 3 Pll~~ 68, RE ;So. 00522220~OflflOflO~ sh~11 b.;;: exknded, {o b(:"" f1(1I:.1t~r tha:1 August ~. :005, . TIle parties alsQ 8ckno'....k-fig~ 1bOlt th.; Parking Light5 are nm: requlfCii ID k jIt~tane<l by Se1 jer. n,wever :~ll c~)nd<;it (;OI1r\(c-tions f(:lr ,aid li!l,ht; h.~...~ bl.:<:.:i installed. Kc Certlfi"at, of o c; u ~>: m c: y ('T C ..r1l r.c,:m~ ;::. f Com r kti on ~hall be rcq u ir-..:-,I pri () r 1<.;. 0,; IlJsi rJ g, ., .....7 /.;.~. SELLER~7 By: /2]-- ~ /.GRFC am. v Ij;RIlO 7 ~.' /, .~:? /. ./"/ . _~//.c: -'- .,-.6 ). i / ).,.d..--6- (,{ _,' r........... ,,-". t. j ,/ /'--Y;;;lY~~-~~ Lisa wood, _~iO Gno' "1 tr.~ss - Ana'sl Ore /'~' ~ . ."J/"" ,':. /. ~'.~.(,.)"-"'j .:=-. '~~~~~~~s-W Waocfa ~'~' By- " - ,.-':" . . '----ui\N;\ :;linil (- --............ \~~i~Q_.' \\ i~r.~~r AnqTolOre I .. '...., ..' ).. Pl :RCIrASER MU\'"ROr. COf.::vrY~ FLORIDA witr:ess By: THOI\lAS J. W ILLI~"C~~l~~ Aililliui:i\.rutm wi [Ilc.;~~~, ....",..... . '., ,.... ""'r'"'~;I:''' .. ....... .. , ,,' .." 1"-. I ~ . ~.. .... . .~. . - .- . - , , .'. -. 'V" c/' ~. ~..,.,.....: ...;.."......,.~!,.I; - ( ~ y , ' ::=_' ::. . ,.~:/.WV~~ .({;~._. /'. -,/'-~" :......:/..'".....:'. . ,.._;.-.. .~ ~~~. .'" L..---""""" '.' ,"'." /1'/' '. x.,_, ~ ,:'. l' i (S. .". ,___ /"