Item O05 BOARD Of' CO II YI'\" C0\1~IISSI0~ AGENDA ITEM SU\'J\'JARY \feeting Dale: ..$/1 POS - Kcv l.aruo DivistOJl r CUll!)" Att~.)mey - s OUi.ce Bulk hem: Yes ~ No Staff Contact Person: S.I,.Ifl.an Grimslcv AGEI\ DA ITE.'l WORnI ~G ~ Approval to advenise an Ordinance amending Set. 263, Chapter 2, of the Monroe Cuunty Code providitlg iluthority to the Counly Attorney to settle claims and law~uit~ not only wllcn the County is paying the s.enlement as currently stated, hut also when tbe County is the recipienl urrund~ or the beneficiary of the ~ettlemtnt. The ordimHKc revision also L:orn:ds, a sCfi,,'cne(s error indicating that seulcmcms (1VCI" the amount of S25,OOO.OO are paid out of the County Attorney's JLmJ:-i. ITEl\l BACKGROLl\D: Ordinance JVo, 039~:O()-I was enacted to prl1\.ide <lutllOrily to the County Attorney to settle c:laims and lawsuits when the County is the payor of settlement funds. \",-ith certain mOTltlary Iimitation~ on that authOfity. llowcvcr, no authority \Va~ provided W ::.ellle claims and fawsuits \vhell the County recei\"e_~ funJ~ or is the ~ellltrn€nl beneficiary. The County Atturney will h<ive the authority to ~ettle claims and f(lwsuits whether received or paid oul in amounts. Of value up to and llldudiTlg $15,000.00, aulhority WLlh conscm of the County ...\dministrat.or in amounts or value over S 1 5,000.00 up to Jnd including S2 5,000. 0(\ ami \",.ill t:onLinue to obtaLn uoer approv(ll to iluthor1ze payout or receipt of fi.[[lds or item~ ofvalue over $25.00Ct.00. All seLtl~meIlt~ paid shall come trom COUJ1ty tlltlds. PREVIOUS RELEVAr\T BOeC ACTrQN; Ordmance ;\'0, 039-200-1 enacwd 12/15/1004. CONTRACT /AGREE!\-1ENT CIIAN G ES: S'l'A...... I,U~COI\.1 M 1'~NIlATlONS: A. pproval. TOTAL COST; r\./A BlDGrTF.D; Ye-; No COST TO COrI\TY: KiA SOTTRCE OF FUNDS; REVE~L1E PRODUCING: YeCoi 1'\0 X A!\.Hn.T~T PER I\IONTH Ye;.u APPROVED BY: County i\tty .. O:vrRiPurcha<;lll!J; Rl<;k rv1anagement ,/],L)-,Q~(~-_,J~ - ---ton f\ R CQl.l.lf\S, COL!\ 1 Y ATTOR:'>JL Y DIVISIO~ DIRECTOR APPROVAL; Doer [\-1 El\TA TIO~: I nc fuded r\0t Requi red l IHs~~osrno" : R.."yis:.d 2M5 AG R~DA ITE: M # RQAHIl 0.... COr~TY C.OMMISSIOt\ AGE~DA ITE:'\l Sl"MI\L\RY \ leeting Dilte :---..S.~.L.7.:0 ~ Kev Lal go Dj\.jsion Coullty Anornev. s Qf.Tlce l~ulk It~m Yes ~ \0 Statf Cuntact P~f"OH. ~u_~a~L Grirn::.lev .\G~~~D;\ 1'1'[1\1 W"ORDING: .\pprO\ a] [0 ad\"erti:-.~ an Ordinance amend~ng See. 263, Chap(cr 1_ of{l1c r\..1onwc County C.ode rro\iding authority to the COllnt\' -\twrne\' tu ~t;'ttle daims and lav,...~uib. not only \.dWTl lh~ Counl~ j~ pa~ing. tne ~cttkm~nt <l$ cLJrrcmly s.lated. but also when {he (oumy is !hc recipient offunds or the be[l~tkiar-:-" Df the ..ett]~lTIenl. The ordinanc.e rt;vision also correCls a scriven~(s error il1dicatLng that ,eltlements. o\'(;'r t he amount of $2 >;_ UOO. 00 are pilid out afthe C Ollllty Anome\' 's nmd" 1.IE.\1 fiACKG ROt- "" D: (JrJinam ('.\"o 03Y-_'OO-/ \\as. enact~d t() pro\idt:: auttwrily 10 !h~ County .Attorney 10 ~ettlc c]aim~ and law',;uits Wh~Il the ('mmty is the payor of ..ett]ernellt funds, with c.~rtain mont'llir)' limitation.. on that iluthority. I io\\'t,;v"Cl_ no authority was provided to serrle c1ajm5 and Jav..'suits \....hcrl the County r('ccivcs t'und~ or is lhe ~elll~rntmt bc-ndkiar\'. The Count) !\twmey will have the aUlhority tu <;ett]e cla.irnf; anti bWSLlih whe:her recei\"ed or paid Ollt in ft1ll011nt:'5 or \.aluc up to find induding S 1 'i.GOO.OO. authorlry with consent of t]1(' C oum~ .-\dminist rator in amou nlS or \ aIL~t~ over $1:;'_000 00 IIp to and including 525,000.00, ami will cominue 10 oonlin BOre approval to iluthorize pa}' out or ref;cipt of n.lllds Qr it~m.. of vHlue over $~-'''- (JUO. DO. All settlements paid sllall come t)-om Coumy n.lnds. 1~H:t:\"fOl-S RELEYA,"T BOCC :\CTIOl\: ( In..linuuct' .. \'0. 03t.J-]OO-i endued ] :.....15 <~0(1-1- CO N TRACT/AGRE EM ENT CHANG ES: ST:\ FF Rt:eO M !\l t.~_, R\ T IONS: A pprO\-ill TOTAL eOSl: '\.......\ BtDGF:TEIJ: \'cs 1\0 COST TO CO("n: '\:A SO[RCE OF Fl' \ OS; KI':YI'~N(rE PRODliCIr\C,: Yes ~o X AMOL I\T PE R "IOi\TH Y ra r A PPRO\'ED BY: C ('Ill ntv ,;\Uv 0\ lB..'PLlrt:hasin~ ". ^.... ..~.. i "J (t ,r ,,/ - I 1. L~ ;I,.O.-~~~ ell::: i"<__S~t:.t C' \ . ]OHl\. R COlLINS, ('a u\ "!"y ATTOR~EY Ris~ \1anilgcFllcnt lllVISION DIRECTOR .-\PPROVAL: DO(~I-'fr:\TATIO~: I nduded ~\m Required X DlSPOSl no N; AG E~DA ITF. M # Kc\.j~cJ 2/(15 County Attorney ORLlI:\:\;'Cr :\0. - lU05 ,\~ ORDIi\At\Cl: OF THt1: BOARD OF COrNT\' CO\'lMISSIO:\lEU.s OF MOr-lROE COlTNTY, FLORIDA A!\H~~DlNG CHAPTER 2 OF THE MONROE COliNTY CODE ['TITLED "AD\I1"ISTRA TIOY' BY AME!\DIr\G SEe 2-363 TO ALLOW THE COU\TY ATTOR~EY TO AGREE TO SETTL[....IE~TS OF CLAL\.lS A~[) LlTIG..\TlOt\ O~ BEHALf' OF l\lONROE COL,,"TY C," 1)fo~R erRI"", [1\ CIRCliI\lSTAt\C.ES WUU," TIW COlJ NTY JS TH t: liEN [I'lCLARY OF TII t( St:TTLE\lI(:\iT OR TH.: KF.CIPI L'lT OF FTl\DS; A'1E~DT~G SET. 2-363(3) I~ ORnER TO CORRF.CT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR A!\D CL-\RIFYI~G TH.-\ T PAYMENT OF SETTLE\IEST A'.101'~TS FOR CLAI\",S OR LAWSLITS ARE PAID BY THE COli~TY ..\1\D :"IlOT B'i' THE <-'Oll~TY A TTOR1\EY; PROVILll:\G FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDI:'\lG FOR THE FU~P~~AL OF ALL ORl)I[\A~CES lNCO~SJS.rENT III<~RVWITIf~ PROVIOlt\G I'OR I:'Il1CORPOR"-TlON INTO THE \lO~"RO[ COFNTY CODE OF ORDIX-\'(TS; AN lJ PRO\'lDI\"G A\' EFFECH\T D,-\'IT \\, IIERI:.:AS. Ordinance ~o. 039-2004 \VaS enactd to provide authurity to the Count>' ....\ twrnc\ fllr \.lonrut: COUJlt~. to "ettl~ dai ms <ind l<nnu its undt:r certa[ll cirCUr11srancc~~ and \liHE:RL\S. Ordinance- :\0. 039.1004 gave 1iwhorily to the COUElty Attorney TO s~nlc ,Jaime; amllav.'_~uit~ ",:hen r.,..lonroC' Count): paid tj11..~ :o;ettlemenl funds, but nol when \.1onfue COunL\' r~ceived the ~ettlem~~nt funds: and WH f:H:L\S_ Ordtnancr No. 039-2004 state~ innmectly that the County AU('~rI1C_1,- na~ aulhorih. to senl c cl il i m ~ and la\\ suit s \... ith appro\"al oj" the Board of County C Omm i ssioner~ v... here rhe sClllcm~nt amount lO b~ paid b\' the C uunty Anorney is ll1 c\.ccss ~lft\.\"enty-th.e thml~and dolla,s; fHld WiI ER~AS. rhe Counl",' Attorney doe~ llot pay settlements boom his. funds or budget and .. - th(' \',:nrd ,- Allnrrle\"- \vas inserted in error; alld WHERL-\S. afr~r codification of Ordinance ~u. 0.39-2004. SecTion :~.16_~n) 01 the \ lonwe CUUIn\" (' nJe of Ordinances reflects t f1 i s incorrect \\OJ ding_ 1\OW, Tln~Rl<:FOKL BF. IT ORDAINED BY TIU~ BOARD 01' COll~TY CO!\1.\lISSIO~ [RS 01' .\10:\Ror C.OC\TY. FLORIDA: Sectior. ]. Se,-' 2-363 or ~he \lonroc County Code is hereby amended as. f()llmn"!' Set. 2-363. Seulement or clainls and litigafion. The County Attomey shall have the authority to st:'ule any c.laim ma~lt by Or ag.a if1~t the Coumy and settle on hehal f uf lh~ Count\" any ]a \\ ~u it in \\ Mien t he County is a ;:mrty Settlement aut hmity ma \ he e:>.:erCE:'ieU under ltH~ f~)H()wing cond l{ ions (1) By the CounL) Attorney, in his Of her judgment, ",,'hell tnc settlement ~jllue or am(~unt to be paLd Of fCCCLvcd hy th~~ Count).' docs not exceed fifteen thOU~cl nd dollar;.:; ($1 ~.nO(l nO). C::::, flY the Count:--: Attorney. with the \.\Titten concurrence ofthe Coum\' :\Jministmto~. when the .~eniemem \'alue or amount W he paid OJ received by ihtO' Cuunty is in e>o:cess of fifteen thoU'iand Jollar~ {S 15.000.00) and does not to'.\.ceed lwent~'-fi.....e thou:>and dollars ($25,000.DO). (.1) !~y the Count~'i Attorncy'. with prior approvi\J of {he Board lil\\-ful I y authorized flt a pub IlC 111~~eting of t he Uoard. where {he settlement vah.tr. or amount to he paid or r~(cived hy tile COllnty .".ttorncy is in excess oftwcmy"fin~ thousand dollars ($2'UH)().OO} 5_c':lton :2 , If any sedi\)I1, suh.~ect ion. sentence. clause or provi ~ion of thi s OtdLnance' i~ held i nval iJ. the remainder of t hi ~ ordi mmce sna 11 not be atl'cctcd by such illva I idity S.~cttl)f!_L A I j ordi nanccs or pans of ordinances In conflict WLlh lhi s ocdinanct' are h~rcby repea led to the C>'l~~m of SJld contl JeI. )J~.ClioIl -t The provisions of this ordinanc~ shall be included and incorporated ill the Code of Ordinances of lhe C olLnly of \'1oJlme, Florida, a.. an addit ion or amendmcnt thereto. and if !It'-Ct;ss.ary, shaH be appropriatelv renumbered to conform to the unlform numbering "y.~tem ofth~ Code. $l~c\iQn ~. This mJinan(;t;' snail ta"e effect i nHnediall:1y upon r~ccipl of oincial notice lrum [he Otllce pf ~hc Secretary of State of Iht..~ S~a(c nf Florida [hat this onli nance has been filed \\ ith said Olfi.ce. .. "'W odiTlg Added language is underl i <led: deleted j anguilg12 is :,lfliCk IhfH~ ) ,.., .. PASSED A~D ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of i'....lcmwe Coumv_ Florida. al a reeuloll mcctin'L'. of said Board held on the da... or . ~~ ~ .200S. \Javor Dixie \1 Spch~r \1aY<)f Pro Tem ('h(1rle~ '"Sl1nIlY" \kCoy Com III i%ioner \.1urray '\Jel son Commlssloner Cremge 1'\eugent C nmlll j.~siOller D,l.\-i d Ri ce ( Sf-.At) :\ttesl. DX\ \"Y L KOLHAGI-__ Cler" B... 1)~~ptJty CI C"rk ~ , BOARD or: COLr<T): CO\i'1[SSlO~ERS 01-" \10'ROF COL '\lY. l'"LORlDA By \-1avur Di:\.ie \.1. Sp~haT '. ,-, ".. ...... -:.. . .. ," -.. . '." . '" , ~ '""" 11 - .- .-. -. " . ;.:. D:r 'if /- .' ';.:. - '-. t. '~fr. i"_ ~..l. - ~.i. l ~ < _.n . -~ .- ~ L ... no. ..... I.." _. . . ,....- .. . . - 1"1"1-~ ~ . ., t<.l ~ 1(' -