Item L9 BOARD OF COU:'JTY COM\USSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SCi\[,\IARY .'vfeetlng Date: AU!!llst 17. 2005 Division: BOCC Bulk Jtem: Yes No~ Department: DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Person: Donna Hanson AGE:"oIDA ITE\1 WORDING: Appro,'al of appointing David Boerner to replace Tom Willi and Reggie Paroes to replace Commissioner Nelson on the Workforce Housing Committee. Reggie Paroes will become the new chairman and both appointees will be voting members. ITE\I BACKGROUND: Due to sunshine law restriction, Administrator Willi and Commissioner Nelson were limited to discussing affordable housing issues at noticed meetings. As this was not in the best interest of moving the subject forward, Administrator \ViIIi and Commissioner l'ielson resigned from the housing committee. PREVlOlS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CO:\TRACT/AGREE\lEI'W CHANGES: STAFF RECOI\t\lENDA TlOl'\S: TOTAL COST: BL'DGETED: '(es :\0 COST TO COVHY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: RE\T'WE PRODUCING: )Fes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ 0\18/Purchasing ~ Risk !\lanagement__ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: v.~" d '. .7:?/~ f. /1 /1 A""'-~ I~, / ~&'-,./'--.... COMMISSIO "R :VILRRA Y E. NELSON DOCU\lE:'I.TATlON: Included ~ Not Reqllired~ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITE\I # Rellscd 2 05 Message Page 1 of 1 Hanson-Donna From: Dave Boerner [dboerner@bellsouth.net] Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 1: 14 PM To: boccdls5@monroecounty-f1.gov Cc: Chris Sante Subject: Response to Debbie Miller Attachments: Dave Boerner Resume 2004.DOC; Dave Boerner Resume 2004 DOC Debbie: Attached is a copy of my professional resume. For additional background information: As the oldest son of a Navy carrier pilot. I'Ve bounced around most of the coastal areas of this country growing up, somehow settling 200 miles inland in Austin, Texas after college where I led a variety of architectural offices and was involved in the local and state government process. Fortunately I was introduced to the Keys a number of years ago, fell in love with this place, and as a long time visitor, started searching for a second home here in the late 90's, finally purchasing a home an Plantation Key in 1999. I followed that up by selling my home and closing my practice in Austin in December of the following year, and became a permanent resident of Monroe County on New Years Day of 2001, Since then I have been active in the local community, and as Chairman of the Islamorada Local Planning Agency (planning commission), I've been working with the Village's Workforce Housing Committee trying to find an answer to our critical need for affordable housing, and would be honored to work with the Country's affordable housing committee to a similar end, Please call should you need any additional information. Dave Boerner "'0 '1l"\1S found in thiS outgoing message Checked hy A \'G Ami-Virus. \'er'lUn: 70,]38 \'ml\ Database: 267,10.164 - Release Dale: 842005 \0 \ InlS found in this outgoing message. Checked by A \'G Ami- VllU5, \'erslOn: ~OJ38 Virus Database: 267.10.1.'64 - Release Date: 84,2005 88 200S DA VE BOERNER ARCHITECTfPLA\\ER DAVE BOERc"lER,ARCHITECT, P.A. 136 PLA:"oITATION DRIVE TAVERNIER. FLORIDA 33070-2316 PHO\[: (305) 852-5674 FAX: (305) 852-5674 EDLCATIO:\ BACHl-:LOR OF ARCHITECTL"RE ~IAG';A CDI LALDE UNIVERSITY OF TF.~""S AT ALSTI,';, DECBIBER 1977 BACIIELOR or E:\'\'IRO'i\IE\TAI. DESIC,'; TEXAS A&M U"I\ERSITY, I\lAy 1973 60 HOLRS GRADLATE SCHOOL, ..\lASTERS OF ARCHITECTLRE HEAL TH FACILITIES DESIG:>i E\IPHASIS TEXAS A&I\I U""IVERSITY, 1973-74 HV AC SYSTE\fS A'\D CONTROLS U"rVERSITY OF WISCO,';SI,'; AT MADlSO\, 1992 Dl'AL DEGREE TRACK, 30 HOLRS ELECTRICAL E'CI"EERJ"C TEXAS A&M U\IVERSITY REGISTRATION REGISTERED ARCHITECT STATE OF FLORIDA, RECISTRATIO,'; AR-OOI7152 STATE or TEXAS, REGISTRATlO!\ 1';0.8893 CO!\IMU~ITY ACTIVITIES CO\I\IISSIONER, LOCAL PU..':\I:'oiG ACE'\CY, ISLA\IOR,A,DA, VILLAGE OF ISLA:>iDS DIR[CTOR, ICCfFLORIDA Kns BLlLDl\G OFFICIALS Assoc. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE DAVE BOER,';ER, ARCHITl-:CT, P.A., TAVl-:R\IER, FLORIDA COyl;"lERCIAL A~O RESIDENnAL ARCHlTECTL'RAL SERVICES JA!\'LARY 200] 10 PRESENT BOER:>iER ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, I "'C. , ALSTI\, TEXAS PRESIOE:\T, MID-SIZE ARCHlTECTLRAL FrR.\.j PROVIDI'.;ci HL'.L 1H CARE, I:-;STITLTIO\AL, GOVER'\'\lE:\T, SCHOOL, CO.vlY1ERCHI.. RETAIL A'\O hOLSTRIAL ARCHITECTLRAI. SERVICES APR1L ] 994 TO DEC 2000 KLCC+BOERNERlARCHlTECTS+PLAN\ERS, AI'STI'\, TEXAS MANAGING PARTNER, PROVlor".:G GOVER:\\lE\T. EOLeA no'\, COM\1ERCIAL, RETAIL AND INDLSTRIAL ARClllTECTLR,\L SERVICES OCTOBER] 992 TO :v1ARCH ] 994 GOVER,';OR'S OFFICE, STATE OF TEXAS, Al'STI:\, TEXAS DIRECTOR, SCHOOL A'\D [\;STITLTIO"AL E:\ERGY DESIG'\ PROGRA\1 (ApPOI!\'TED POSITfO'\) CLEME'\ [s ADMI'\'ISTRA TIO:\, FEHRLARY 1990 TO ALGLST ] 992 DA \c BOER'\FR. ARCHrrrCr I'o,(;f'2 BOERNER ASSOClAn:S ARCHITECTS, ALSTIN, TEXAS PR1:\CIPAL, MID 10 LARGE SIZE ARCHITECTLRAl. FIR.\l PROVlDl"iG HEALTH CARE, [r--;STITLTIO'iAI.. GOVER'\"YlE'\T. SCHOOL. CO\lMERCIAL, RETAIL. I'\"Ol'STRIi\L A'\D RESIDr'\"TIAI ARCHITECTL'RAL SERVICES JAl\CAR Y 1983 TO FEI3RLARY 1990 BOERNER DESIGN AND CONSTRLCTJO'l,', ALSTI:"'i, TEX\S RESIDENTIAL CO;-';TRACTOR, LARGE ESTA TE HaYlES JA?\'UARY 1983 TO SEPTEMBER 1986 STATE BULI>I:'IG CO-'IMISSIO\", STATE OF TEXAS, ALSTI'I,. Tx STA TE ARCHITECT, NEW FACILITIES DES1G:'\/AD\1I:\ISTK.\ TIO'\ Jay 1978 TO DECEMBER 1983 BGR ARCHITECTS, ALSTI'I,', TEXAS INTERN ARCHITECT, SCHOOL A"iD GOVER'\'\IE'\T DESIG'\ JA,\'lJARY 1978 TO JULY 1978 ConTE & CRIER ARCIIITECTS. ALSTI...., TEXAS hn:RN ARCHITECT, SCHOOL A '\D GOVER'\'\1ESr DESIG'\ JA'\LARY 1977 TO DECE:\fBER 1977 ERS CONSI;L T1:'1G ENGINEERS, ALSTJ"", TEX.\S INTERN ARCHITECT A;-';D ENVIRO'\\lE'\"TAL PU.'\'\"CR MUNICIPAL FACILITIES A\;D DEVELOP:V1E,\,T NOVEMBER 1975 THROL'GH JA'\L\RY 1977 SAGA, be., S..\'1 ANTO"iIO, TEXAS DR'\fTS\lAl\ AI."CLST 1974 THROUGH FEI3RLARY 1975