Item L4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 17, 2005 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No x Department: George R. Neugent Staff Contact Person: T. Marble AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Resolution of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners in the matter of protecting the private property rights of Monroe County residents. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: NA BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: NA SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: George R. Neugent (TYPE NAME HERE) DOCUMENTA TION: Included x Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 OK~~.rY ~o~~~E (305) 294-4641 t 25 Ships Way Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 305-872-1678 Neugent -george@monroecounty -fl. gov (~~-.....",.......~ August 2, 2005 ....--{. -." ,./.~.-,"Sp~<, .:i~ ' -n- ~... :'i i II. I }-<I\ ~.I \....... _... i....' / ./ I~ \:\~<;<i i--.o/j)' , ~:--::~-~r;:vy.-1~:;..' Monroe County Board of Commissioners Dear Commissioners, In June of this year, The supreme Court rendered a 5 - 4 decision on the Kelo vs. New London, Connecticut, which gave local governments the power to seize the homes of property owners and then turn them over to private developers. Under Florida's Community Redevelopment Act that allows, under the vague definition of "Blighted" areas, properties to be condemned by local governments under eminent domain. Under this determination, local governments are allowed to declare, for a quote un quote, legitimate public purpose, and condemn your home as it sees appropriate and to turn it over to a developer to build condominiums. The misuse of Eminent Domain in Florida has been occurring in the State of Florida for longer than one might have realized. Florida's "blight" definition creates a path for virtually any private property in the state to be condemned under the guise of public benefit. Florida's legislature has statutorily expanded, over the years, the interpretation of "public use" qualification for more justification of Eminent Domain. It is my strong belief that the original framers of the constitution in-no-way meant for the power of eminent domain to be used in this way. And, I can't understand how The Supreme Court knowing the relationship and pressures local elected officials comes under could believe this to be a local matter to be addressed by the electorate. This is a clear U.S. Constitutional issue where The Supreme Court in a 5 - 4 vote were wrong. Eminent domain is a powerful tool to be used only for clear needs to benefit the general public of the community; a case of clear public purpose for the general good of the community must be made. Securing private property not for sale and then to turn it over to a developer to build a WalMart or condominiums does not come close to that threshold for me. So therefore, I propose the following resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE MATTER OF PROTECTING THE PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS OF MONROE COUNTY RESIDENTS. Sincerely, George R. Neugent District 2 Commissioner George NeuQent RESOL UTIO~ NO. -2005 A Rr.SOUjTIO~ OF TIU: HOARD OF COllXry CO'VIMISSfONERS OF MONROE C()l.l~TY, FLOKIO.4.. I ~ TH E 1\.1 A TT ER 0 F PROTF.CTI~G THE PRIVATE PROPFRI'Y RIGHTS OF MONROE COCr\TY RESIDENTS. \YH EREAS. rhe United States Con~litlLlion, Anicle ~ of the Bill of RighlS" and lhe I ']orid(l COllS! irul iun, Anicle X, Sectiol1 (', expres<;,1 y provide fbr the prot~ction of the pri val~ property right~ of its c:il izen.~, aTld \VHEREAS, the power of emtnenl domain has. been reserved to the Im.::al, slale and tedera! governments tor the sole purpose or acquL!'lng private property tl1rough th~ use of condemnation pmce~Jings when said privately htld pmpenies are needed tor publi(_ purpo~e';,~ and \VIlEREAS, the tnited SlaleS Supreme COlin recently handed. d(nvn a decisiml uphold Lng w har they maintain is (l loc;al govermllenl' So ahil ily w take private property for a vaguely dcllncd .'public good" such as economic: devdoJ-lmelll, or incrcased tax revenues to the local government 11 self; and W 111'~ H: V!\S. the Supreme Cmm decis.ion put at risk the vcry right of private i ndividLlal 'i to be free from government interference in th~1" righl to keep and enjoy thci r privilte propeny; and \\: HE REAS, this aClion by the SLlprcmc Cou rt [S COlltrary to and contravenes lhe aforemelltiOlled conslitutiunal prolections against sLlch capric iOllS and \vi llfu 1 attack s by any: go\'crn mentJ I body upon the rights of tile (:itizens; llO\\', lherd~)f~ HE n Ri:SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 01' .lIO" I{QJ< COUyfY, FLORIDA: Section I. Tile Board remgnize.. and supporls th~ original concept of the framers of the CO!1s.titutioll \'ihereiEl the power 01' lhe ~rnin~Jll domain shall be used only as a las[ resort to ac:quire private property for a publil: projeCl, and thal any s.uch public pmjccl can be demonstrated to be: necessary to accomp I!sh the genera I \.....elfare of the citizens of that jurisdiction. Setllon 2. The Buard Je~m;(; any depanure fi:Dnl lhe original princ:iplc~ or eminent domairl w b~ an as.~aull UJ] our lmsic foundations' ()r lihert}. and a threal lO the righL.~ or pl.ivate propertj' ov.'ller~h i p ~ and agai n strongly urg~ aU lllunicipal juris.didion~ within the State of Horidil to encourage the 1,'lorida State [.egislmurc to us.e aU meall~ nec:essary to ~irellb1hen tile original purpose of the Rights of Eminent Domaill within the Slate COllstitution. Em i nent Doma i n Res. Sf'ction 3. The Board urges the Florida State Legislaturt' 10 uf;e all means neces.::.ary to S{cc[)g.lhcn the original purpose of the I{ i ght'} of Fminellt Domain v.'lthin lhe Sla.le C oll$tirutioll S<<tlon 4. The Clerk i~ directed to send L:opies of this n~~olulioIL Lo Slale Repre:-;emali,'e Ken Sorens.en, State Senator Larccnia Uu liard, and the mayors of mUllicipaliti (;~ \.viLhin :'v1nruoe Count~'. I~ASSEI) ;\_'1 [) ADOPTED by the Bourd of County COmmiS'ilOnerS of \.1onroe COUTlly, Florida. m a regular rnccling or said Board held on the 17th day of Augus.t, 2005. \1ayor Spehar \1ayor Pro Tem \h:Coy Commi ssioncr r\ cl son C omm j ssi 0 Her I\ cugcnt C omJtlj_~f;ioIler Rice (SF/XL) A.rrest: DANNY LKOLHAGE. Clerk BO_ARD OF COl~NTY COI\11'...llSSIONERS OF MONROE COL1l\TY. FI .OR 1 DA By ill' Deputy Clerk \1a y, )ri(' h a i rper so n .. ...., .. .~:: ..:.._:'jg.. . ..'... 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