Item R5 BOARll OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGE~DA ITF.J\I SVMMARY r\kcting Dale Octuber ] 9, 20{)5 - Key \Vcst Oi vision: __ ____C QJll1l Y A Hu mey Bulk Item. Y cs ~ No 1 >epartment: County Anomev Slair Ctmlac1 Pers.on: $W;iln Grimsky AG EN DA IT E \.1 WORDI~G: Approva! 10 substitute standarJ fonll "EXHJB IT A" for Letter of Eng.agement LJ~eJ as .'EXHJRlT A" for contracl for legal s~rvice~ of \\'j Illam llrintolt E~_ ITEM BACKG ROU."D: Contract for legal services 1'01' consultation and drafti ng of new sign ordinance was approved at September 2S, 2005 BOCC meeting with [,CTtcr of Engagement as. '"EXHlBrT A". PREVlors RELEVANT BOCC ACTIO'\l: BOCC approved retaining Willia.m Brinton. I';sq. to drai1 a new sign ordinance ilt September 28, 2005 meeting. COXfRACTiAGRJ:.:I\1l:NT CHANGES: '\JO CHANGE; removes incons.isl€'n~y of hourly rate \\'ith contract provision for prompt payment dis.counts; also provides for a s;~cund draft of ol-dinance aner statl'review ..- STAFF RF.:CO"I"IE~DATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: ~/A BLDGF..'I''': I): Yes X No COS'f TO COUNTY; N/A SOlJU(:~~ 01' i'TI\DS: REVENUE PROl)lTt'G: Yes ~o A.MOLT:"<lT PER MONTH Year A PPROVED BY: COlltlty Ally ---,,-X OMB/Purchasing ._. Risk Maoagem~nt [) I V ISIO!\l DIRF:CTOR APPROVAl >; /~./ j I~ I;.".. ,< / / ./ .,~-- 'f:::=_/L l!.tf.lf:::.. ,I ~'//}/ {-j JOH-l\ R. coi J .IN S, C6l;}:~Y .A':rTOR. 'iE~{ I)OCUME~TATION: ImJuded ~ Not. Requir~,;d. _ DISPOSrTlON: AGEN II.'\. 11'['\1 # R cvi sect 2/05 i\10\"ROF. COC~TY, FLOIUUA ST A:--; OAltD L~(;AL SLRV leES AGRFE.\.l F..:\T ..-\CRF..E'\-IENT l\\(.' :'tJBF..R: C r\ Y COl\. ~0U5.1 U.O I EXHIBIT A RcfereJlces~ .~.: PmviJI.: (":ll["tsultation Sl'n.lccs to Mom'l)(: l.oumy in COM1L:('liun wilh a n,;\,j(,;w of th.e C:UTTf:'nt 1 ~nd Jl;vdupm~nt reguknions rertain~ng to signagc, and pu::;~ibk <imI.IH..lml,..."I1t~ audio; modif1(,;ations lhere~o, ill C0nnection with First AHJ(,;ndml.:nl <tTlJ olher issues, Representation shall indud~ re;"iew of the cmnprehensjve plan. fulurc land use dement, FLU\1, zoning mar, existing sign code. zoning regu:atiOM, prcp<m1lion of a draft nf a new ordinance, meeting. wi~h approprjate ~taH fot' rc\"icw, prCpdT<:llion or a final draft to be- prescn[cd at rublic heati ngs. mK'Idancc at a PLu111ing Cummission Meeting, attendance at Counry Commission Mt;:ctiDg{onc:., or two). This i.~ nol aliligaiioJJ maU~r. 4. : Attnmcy'~ Hourl,}' f\:e Kate: $215.00 rer hour (di~nLll)t(;J from S290,OU) Th~ total bi1ting for an rimekccpcr~ for lh~ matter descrihed abo\'c Shi~H 11(lt (;)'J..Tf.:U Twelve Thousand Five fIundr~l Oubrs (S I :?.50U.OOl. 4.4: ApPwvl.:d Add!tiona1 Time Kecpt..'TS: 1'\arm:; Elizabctr. \1. R udrJ, Paraleg<'ll Ruth A. l {olmes, Sr, A~~o(;. Hourly Rate: ~95JJO (di~[Ounled fi-um S] 10,00) S 170.0-0 (dis.coLEntw from S l7 5.00 8.4: County Poirn (If Corllacl: Sll~an M Crim",ley Assistant County Attorney P _0_ ISm 100fi Key West, fL 3304 [-1016 (3()j) 291.3470 nOS) 29~-35l6 (fax) G ri rn s kv - ~).) s 4n<~~;.m{).n.~~~f.,~ntv - t 1 :&'~ Coullly Reprcsentati v(,;" Date .. Dare