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II TIS FIRST ADDLNDUM w 1he lnterlocal Agret:mcnt for th~ R~hahililill~[)n
oftbc GoO! K~y Harhor Uridg<;> daled the _ diJyof' 2005 is entered into
pursuant to Sec. lD.JJH.l'S. by ,md hdw(;cn the City ofT\..raratlH)n (City). J norida
ulUnidpa1 corporatiun 'ivhosc <lddress i~ 10045~55 Overs.cas Highv/a}.'. fvlaratholl. FL
33050; and i'vl0l1T0l~ County (. CCounty). a pol Ltical 5ubdi vi.~ion of the Stare (~r Fl oridu_
whose address i.~ Gnto Building:. ] IOn Simonton Street. Key \V(;st. IT 3.,()40_
WHEREAS. on l'vlay 16, 2001. the elty ,md lhl.:' C nunty entered inlo a
('1,'1 emorandunl of r nderstanding in which the Counly agreed to convey the RooL Key
BridS<.:: to the City; and lhe County agreed to pay up (0 S] ,000.000.00 for [he nt'ct:ssary
rera~T,~ to the- U('Iot Key Rridg..:; and
Wll L REAS. on _bnuary 15. 200~t the COllnly and "(he City ~n1.ereJ inw an
Intcrk'(,"ill Agreel1l<,nL in \~hich the County agreed to pay up to $05GAOn.OO jiu-the-
nccC:SS.'lry repairs to 1he lJo~)t Key Bridge: anu
WHFR F..\S, the Ci ty has reg uesleJ and tbe County h'lS agreed lU change the
I nterlocal Agrccmcm to allow the Ci ly lO use lht allott~~d sum for mai n1.enancl' and repair
of the mads \vi [hi]! thl~ City ilS well JS for hridge- rehabil L tation; and
WH ERLAS. on Seprember ] 7. ::::003, lhl~ iloard ~-.f C\mlllJ.' r:ommissioners votC'c1
tl1 de JelL tlLe restl'icdons (111 the expendi turcs set forth in the lnterlocal Agrccrw.::nt in onkr
Lo anov.,. thl' monics io also he lIseJ by "(he CitY for road mainkn<mc....:
;,JOW "IT fFREFORE Il\" CO~SIDERA TlO~ oi' lhe mU1ual pwmLses contained
bcrcjll. the ]Xlrt.ies herehy agree as follo\vs:
1, Sedion 2. a. oC!be Interlocal Agreement JareJ .Januury IS. 200J. shal] be
amended by add ill~ the foil Clwi ng sentellce:
Q, Ul-;;'cti'\..'e Septemher l7, 2003. the City may also Lho;:- nt.c(:,;sury
ser\'ices lo maintain and fe-pair the roads in the City; and the ::tHocatit1n of the
funds as stall'd in b:.hlbit A H0 J onger arpl y.
'1 Se~Lion 3.d_ of th~~ lutedoo] AgreemenL dated January l5. 2003, shall lx~
amendell by aJdill~ tbe f(dlowi ng sentence:
J_ ElTc-cti \'c September 17_ '..!003, tbe rC-SLT!ctions on lKl\\.' the S~)5(dOO.()O is
divided sha.ll nor apply ill order to enable tbe City to illlocate the funds 10
be used a~ necessary for hriu~l' fdwbili tat ion and for maintenanf.;e 0 f'
!"()acL ill the eil:. ~mJ tht. aJloc.1lion ot"thc funds as stated in f-',hihit :\ 11,)
lOllger <lppl y.
1 Th~ l"cnlal n~ll g 1ernls 0 r (he I l1[crl()cd] ~. \grccrUC"lll ('utC"fc"cl j nto on ~\ lay 16~
2001 . not i nc\ m~istenl here,\'ith sh~Jl rt'l11ain ill full JonY and effect.
I"\" \\'IT\ESS \\'HERL:OL thl' panics ha\'c cau'5~d these pr~~enLi to h~ o;;'X~Cllkd
:11 their r.:;;pectl\\:' lUmH':S.
. \ l h:sl: D. \~~': Y 1.. 1-:.0 LH:Vj L. C LLRK
llU,-\RD Of COC'\TY
COl))J"fY. fl.ORlD.A,
Deputy Clerk
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CITY OF \l-\RA n'It/"(:T10RJD.\
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City C krk
09,1] 7/0]
2001/Z3 )
- .--.-. ~
Board granted approval t(l remove the rCSUictions for the fimd~ ~et aside. for the B(wt K~y !
H,ubor Hridgc repau.'S for the City ar-\1.ara.thol1 ~- ~
.Huard adopted the tuHu.....1ng ResoltltLon approvmg the wavier of the minor co n.ditHJ-na I
use fees for the park and constnlctlOll of a pa..ilion hl be used a~ a blJ-~ stop for the children of
Habitat Landings.
Said R.e~ohui ~)rl i ~ in(;urp.orated herein Dr refereflcc
Hoard approved the fu[lowing Warrants (20S667-2058()~ & 88543-8971 9 & 1367 -2436):
General Yund (001)~ [;] the amuunt nf $654,255 02; Sup to Revenue (002), In
the amount of $6,444 7~, Fine & F()rfcitllre Fund (101); i["] th~ amouflt 0fS2,617.71] 1], Road
am.! Brid~e: Fund (102), in the OJmOUTlt of$l1O,692 S_\ '"aw LHJrary Fuud (103), in the amount
of$3,] 18 50, TUe Ui"lri.ct Two Penny (115), in the amount ofSl15,%7 61, TDC Admin. &
Promo 2 Ceot (116), in the: amount of $} 3 8,081 30, TDC District 1, ] Cent (117), in the
amount of $4U,j62 86; TDe DistricI 2-. J Cent (118h in thE arTIuunlnf :S4.820.27~ TDC Distri(:t
3, 3 C~nt (119),ln the amount of $20,)2).! 9 'fDC District 4~ 3 Cent (12()), in the amount of
$3, J7'il. 8.9; TDe Ilistrid 5, 3 Cenl (121). tn the am()unt of $4,158. 3J, Go-.... FUlld Type Grants
(125), in the amount of $S15,471.43; hnp..rt J-1'ee$ H.o.adway! (t30), in the amount of
$57,613 50; Imlla.ct Ftes Libraries (132). in the amount of$l2,51O.22; Imp:ut i'ees Polict Flu
(134), ill the amount of$1 09,944.90, FirE! & Amb Dist 1 L&M Key' (141), in [he amount of
$22,66'5.73, Upper Keys Health Care (144), in the amount oB UD5.4S; Fjr~ & Amb Did 6
Key La~o- (146), in the amo[.;.l'lt (lf$8,74561; VOiDt Svc Dist Pa.rks&Rec (l47), in the amaullI
of$20,4S-'Al, Phm, Build, huing (148). in {he amount [lf$65,7Gl 8G~ MIH1icip:&ll"oli~ing
(J49), in thearnOl.lnt of$]'.Jij.746.2~, 911I<~nhan(:le'ment Fee (150), intht,; amount of$13,473.94;
B~l'ltiJJ.g Improve-men( Fund (157), in the amO\lrLt of $18, 78200; Misc. Spe('.ial Re,"'enue Fund
(158), in Ihe amoum of $5,760.."59; Law [Jlforumellt Trusl (162), in the amount ofSI9)90.00.
2003 Revenue Bond-s: (207). in the amoLlnt of $2, )04.65, 1 Om[ tofra SlIrtJll. (364), m the
amount of $112,Ei2U.)4~ 2003 Re..'....'u!1" Bond~ (307), in the amount ol $R4.n l7 fl'i; Cud Sound
Bri.dge (401), in tile arno~ Yl t of S I ,0 'i -1 74; 1:10 n A irp.o rt (403), in the amount 0:
$lSii;,J26.4!. Key West IntI. Airport (404), LlIthe amount ofS238,4 i 'P6; MSD SoJid Wa~te
(414). in the amOl,;n~ of$l192,28D 93; Worker's Com~Dsation (501), in Ihe amount uf$560 7\
Group In:!';urllnl:e Fund (5(J.2), in the :!mount of $124,804 35, Risk Mal3agt:!menl FUlld (503),
in the anl()unl of $30,009. 08; Fleet Man3~ernent Fu...d (504), in the amount of S5],206.04.
FlNl;S & "'ORlfElTURI!:S
Aoard a.pproved the ro!lowi!1g Fines & forfeiture Expenditure~
Court Sr.J'...ire~, Am)' Landry Repor1inlt- jll the alllOllr1t of $SO.OO; Li~a Roeser.
ill rhe amuun: of $62 50; Suzanne Ex dbll All Ke)'s Reporting, in ~he amoun[ of $50.00
TH I S 1 NT!: RLOCA LAG REE M E NT (t h e ~ I n terfoc~ I Ag reem e nt") is ellte red Into pu rsua nt to
See, 163,01, FS, by and between the City of Marathon (City), a F10rlda muni.:i pal r:orporQtion
whose addres5 ;s 10045-55 Overseas Highway, Marathr:lI', FL ]3050~ :and Monroe County
(Count,.). a political subdivisfon or the State of florida, whose address is Gato BuHding, 1100
Simonton Stre-et, Ke}/ West, FL 33040,
BIii'5:;11 ALS
WHEREAS, the parties previously entered into a Memorandum of U (Jderstanding dated May
16, 2001 (th@ "MOU~); and
WHEREAS,\Jant to the MOU, the City agreed to accept ownership- of the Boot Key
Bridg@ (the '"'Brldge") conditlo~ upon the County agreeing to pay up to $1,000,000,00 for
repiw's to the Bridge.; and
WHEREAS, pu rsultnt to the MQU th~ p<;lrtie,s prepared ~ joint enginesring report dated
Februa ry 22, 2002 (the'" Report") to identify necessary repairs of the Bridge; and
WHER.EAS, the Report contains an Engineering estimate for rehabilitation costs, estimating
the cost of 22 Hne items at $630,333, plus a 20% COf"ItingenCy In th.e sum of $125,066; and
WH ER.EAS, Design ~nd other professional services requjred fO'. the Bridge repair work are
estimated to oost $ZOO,OOO.
NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises set forth be~ow, tne parties
agree as follows:
1, Thi s 1 nterl DCa I Ag reeme n t swpersed es the On@ a pproved by th e Boa f"d of Cou nty
Commissioners on September 18, 2002.
2, Project. The City agrees:
a, to perform the necessary services to reh~biHtate the Bridge, located withi n the
Oty, hereafter the Project. Tl1e Project includes: prDfe.s:s~ona! engineering,
design, construction administration and inspection services, preparation of the
appropriate procwrement documents to b~d the rehabiUtatjon work, review of the
bids, award of the rehabilitabon work and construct~on services, The Project
work is more partlcufariy described in t:;..;hibit -.oAr" wh~ch ls attach@d to, and
made a part of, this interlocal agreement.
b, The Dty wlll be responsible for bidding and setectl0f"l of the appropriate
contractors entering into contracts for the Project and supervisrng aU design,
construction administration, inspection ser...;ces and construction services.
3_ Pavment. The County agrees to reimburse the City for the ProJect as fullows:
a, Reimbursement is 0("1 a monthly basjs.
b. To receive payment, the City mUSL $1.1 bmit to the Cou nty Engineer, an i nvorce i Ii
the mrm<'lt att<lche-d as El(hi bit "B,". The i nlJo~(;e must deschbe the services
performed together with proof that payment has been made to the City's
contrsctor{s) and materialmen.
c. If the Invoice Is s;atlsfactory to the County Engineer, hejsM shaH forward the
invo~ce to the County Clerk for payment. if the Coullty Engineer or County
Clerk determine that an invoice contains an error or omission, then the County
Engineer or County Clerk (as appropriatt!) must retorn the invoke to the City
with a written explanation of the error or omission. If the invoice contains no
error or omission, then the County shall pay the City within 20 days of the
County Engineer's receipt of the tnvoice. If the i nvotce is returned for
00 rrE!ctlon , then the payment must be made within 20 dayS of the daLe the
County officia~ who requested the correction receives the corrected in.....oice.
d_ The maximum .amount the County is obligated to reimburse the City under this
Interlocel A.greement is $956AOO-OO ~ prl:;lvided that this amount 5h~11 be further
divided as follows: $200,000_00 for professiomd ellgineering, design, bidding,
construction administration, and inspection ser-v,C"es and $756,400-00 for the
construction costs of th<;! Bridge rehabHitation. The .allocat~on of amounts for
the pa rtic.ular construction tasks are SF!t forth in detaH in Exhibit A. Those
allocations are gu,rlt'!linesf however, a nd shall be adjus:led to refl2d the adual
<lmOlJnts of the construction contract(s.} enter<';!d Into by the City,
~_ Before the final payment may be made for any and all claims aga~n5t
the City from 11:.$ contractor(s) and materialmen must also be furnis.hed to the
4, Records. The City agrees to keep its frnancia! records pertainin.g to the Project
acco,dln9 to generally accepted accOlJnting principles and to reta~n such records for three yeaos
following the date when th~ Project is complete. The records must be made ~v"rleble for
inspection by an auditor employed by the County Clerk or tau nty duri ng regular business hours
(Monday to Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM, hondays excepted), If the auditor determines that COI.H1ty fUf1ds
paid to the CIty under this Interloca~ Agr-eeml!nt were. us,;;d for a purpose not authorized by this.
1:lgrcerTlent, then the City must refund the funds improperly spent with interest calculated
pursuant to Section 55.03, Florlda Statutes, with interest running fr-om the date the County paid
the improperly spent funds to the City. This p~r~Qraph wfll survive the com pletion of Project and
the receipt of the final payment by the City,
!>. Ind€mnification. To the extent permitted by Section 768.28, F~orFda Statutes, the
City agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless the Board Of County CDmrni5S~Oner5, the County, its
officers, employees, agents and contractors, from an." negligent act(s) or omi5Sion(5) of the City,
its officers and employees, contraCl()r5 (in any tier) .Q nd materialmen, that oCCur during, or as 1'1
result of, the Project, including any claims by unsuccessful bidders, This parag:ri!lph wi II survive
the completion of tne Project and the receipt of the fina~ payment by the City.
6, FundlnQ. The pat1lcs agree that the County's responsibility under the Agreemellt is
to p rovi de fu lld i ng 0 n I y . Accorn i ng Iy, all desi 9 n a. nd inspect i on professio na Is, proj ect Ccultracto IS
(in any tier) and materiatmen furnishrng materials for the Project, are in privfty with the City only,
may (lot seek direct payment from the County, and that the Coonty has 00 duty, Hability or ot!ler
obligatlon to SlJCh persons. rhe City agrees to include a sentence sim ilar to the foregoing in a II
cOr'tro!lcts entered into by the City for the Proje!;:t.
7, Aoplicable Laws, In awardi ng contracts for lhe ~ngineering, design, bidding,
col1structjol1 admi nistrat,on, inspection and reht;lbiHtalion of the Bridge the City agrees to abide by
.a II ajlpliC;;l bJe City ordilli:lIlCeS and state and federal laws,
8. Time Issues. The partfes recognize that the Oty wili enter into contractual
obhgat~ons with thi rd parties in order to pelfonT1 the services required by this Project and that the
County shall be the fund ing source for a significant portion of the City's cost of' the Project,
Accordingly, the County and the County Clerk shall timely process i:J1I Involces receh'ed from the
City in accordance with the provislon5 of Paragraph 2.
9. Noti!:e5., All correspolldence between the parties made nece.!;$1tlY by this iflterlocal
agreement must be in writing and deHvered to the following by registered mail, return receipt
reque5ted, h~nd delivery or private postal carrier:
MO n roe COLI nty
Dave Koppel, Engineer
11 00 S ~ monton Street
Key West, FL 33040
City of Marathon
City Manager
10045-55 OVl:rseas Highway
Marathon, Fl33050
Copy to ~
City Attorney
Weiss Serota Helfrn<'ln
Pastorl2.a & Guedes. P.A.
26-65 South Bayshore Dri",e
Suite 420
Miaml, Fl 33133
10. Term. This Intertocal Agreement shan be effectJve upon the date of execution by
the last party and a copy Is filed with the Clerk of the CIrcuit Court, pursuant to Section
163.05(11), Florrda Statutes and shall remain effectJ\le until flnaf re~mbursement of funds under
Piuagr;,ph 3(d) is made to the City by the County.
] L Venue/Attorneys' Fees. Venue for any litigation arisfng under th~s In[erlocal
Agreemel1t must be in <l court of competent jwrlsd iction ~11 Monroe County / Florida, In the event
of ~ny ad ministrative, trial or appeHate litigation arising out of this Agreement, the prevfli ling
party is entitled tc costs plus a reasonable attorney's fee from the non-prevailing party,
1 2 , Pd.!;! l AI;jI f_ee m ents. Th e pa rtl es agree that th Is 1 n tertoca I Ag reE! m~ n t represents th e
parties' final mutual understand~ng and replaces any prior agreements concerning the same
subject matter ~hether wr-itten Or oral, This lnterlocal Agreement may only be rnodiffed by a
wrftlng ag reed to by both p~rties,
] 3. Severability, If any provision, Or any portion thereof, contained in this Agr.ef'ment
is held to be unCOf'lst~tutlona t, illegal, invaHd, or IJ nenforceabJe, the remainder of this Agreement
or portion thereof. shall not be affected and shall remain in full force; a nd effect.
14. Assignment. This Agreement, or any lnterest hereiFl, shall not be asstgl'led,
transferred or otherwise encumbered by e!ither party withotJt tile prior writt.en consent of the
other party,
] 5. A~Q4m~1J.1.. No modfficCltior"l, amendment or alteration in the terms or oond~tions
of this Interlocat Agreement shall be effective unless contained in 1:1 written document executed
with tile same forma Ilty as this Agreement.
16_ Survi\lal o.f ProviSions. Any terms or conditLons of either this Interlocal Agreement
or any su bsequent Ag reement that r-eq ulre acts beyond the date- of the term of e~the~ ag reement.
shall survive terminatjon of the ag reements, shall remi'l in j n full force and effect unl@ss arid until
the terms or cOl"'1ditiol1S are completed, <llld shall be fuHy enforceable by either part'\"_
17 _ DefauJtlTerrni naqQIJ 8-~medie5,
17,1 l n the event of a failure to perform or a breach of any obligation of this
Interlocal Agreement by either County or City, wttlcl1 f~ihJre Or breac.h is not cured within t hi rty
PO) days of written notice thereof, such action sna II constitute a defau~t by the party committing
said default.
17.2 1f and when any defautt of this Inte:rlocal Agreement occurs, the fIOn-
defaulting party may, by 10 days written notiCE to the defauttiog party, termjnate this Interlocal
Agreement and avail itself of any legal or equitable remedies that may apply, including, but l"Iot
!i ml red to, j nj uncti 'Ie re lief. a ctua I damages and spe tifle pe rform a nee of th is Ag ree ment.
17.3 Such rem@dles may be exercised in the sole discretion of the non-defauiti!1g
pa rty ,
17.4 Notning. contajned in this Agreement shalt Ii mit either party from pUl"Suil.g
M~ !e~_~~_..or equitable remedies that may apply.
<---~ '~'(j",.
'.. .~.i)#. c;. v in La. This Agreement
g~~,~er.\ '.:-:". laws of the State of Florida.
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"<~~~'. . .... WL.KOLHAGE, Clerk
Date 0 ~ - l 5 - o?:>
shall be construed ill accordem:e with and
OF M~NJ~E. CO~~"':f, FLo/ID~ .
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County AUorney
Att~t ~ Cle rk
BqI~~-V .{;~
Katherine Selchan, City Clerk
Date _~..~ d,' oZOP.:l....
B R' N H .
DATF J"? - "'Z. 3 ~c..
THIS MEMORANDUM OF UND!RSTANDING is made and entered tftto by and
betweerl Monroe County, Florida, a political 5ubd!vfslOn cf the State of Florida (
. heni!u'\after referred to as tl1e .COy nty'"}, and the a tv of M !lIfatholll F10tid a, (h erelnafter
~fe~ to as the ~CltV...), this _)u nfday of _J:!:1A '-l ~ :;ZOOt.
WHEREAS, the aty was Incorporated on November 30, 1999 pursuant to Chapter
99-427 RQnda Statutes, and be(am..., ope.....tlonal ell Februal)' 24, 2000; and
WH EREAS, tbe City a nd the County have been MyOtlaU ng tnlilislt10n lssu~
n:! ~ating to the tra nsfer to the ell;V of certa~n 1m pa ct: rees, I nfrBstructure ~nd D r'tJ pertles
which are presently held or ()Wned by the County, ltnd the continued use of the COunty's
transfer statloll for waste haul-cut purposes; afld
WHERUS. l t ; 5 the desire of the City a nd the County ttl aml cably resolve the
issues bf!twoon th ~m fe r thetr mutua I benefit and j rl the best j nterests of the I r
NOW TH EREFORE. In consideration of the pl'E'mt5eS and mutual pro m~5eS ill nd
covenants ht re h"ll:lfte r set forth, Bod for otlle r good and va ~u able co.,slde ~a~onr the
sufficiency .and recelp( of whtch Is hereby ac;l<;llowfedgedJ the City and the Cau Ilty agree
~'5 follows; ~
1. ~.._ The above SWted recitals are a true C1nd accu~ statemel1t of the
int~ntio ns of the CItY a nd the COunty MO '" re ~owrpo~ed as pi'! It of this P,Qteerln!f1t.
2. Funds to be Tr.nsferred to the City by the CoUnty'. The Coun~ and the
Q tv ogree ~s (ollows regan:n"9 the tJ'llnsfer of certa!n ~mpact fees .a nd runds which are
present! 'f held by ttM! Cou nty:
.. Flte un.pact '''III!II'. The City ackno1fojledges that all Are Impact due the Clty
prior have been pa~d b~ the County 3nd accepted by the City;
b. P.rk Impact Fen. The City acknowledges and I.:Sgrees that the OJunty
ex ~nded pa rk fund 5: in excess of (he a mount c:oUectro for park 1m pa ct fees within
the mun~dpal boundaries of the City of Marathon prior to In03rporatlof'lr and
",g rees tha t there a re no p;1rX j mpolct fees whldl are o....ed to the City by the
c. Roa d way 1m pa ct Fees. The City cmd the Cuu n tv ag ree th at the City I sowed
$L21..332.0Q for road.....ay impi!lct fees collected from within the municipal
boundartES or the City "rid ll~t t!:w:pt!ndf!d by the County prior t~ incorporation. It is
agreE!d that this sum s!1.1lU be <lpplied to.....OIrd repa.~rs to tne 60o~ Key Bridge ,;:lI1d. if
not e:<pended for such purposes. shall be paid to the Clt'Y~
d. Growth H.nagement Funds. The City and the County agree that tne
County collected $492,332.00 In growth man2lgement fund5 from within the
mUJ'licipCtI bOLlndaries of the City prior to lflcorporatton for growth m<ll1agement
services whio:::h were not provided to the City. The County agrf"~ to f'x:pend. on
Cny approved growth management projects, tt1e sum of $492/332-00 m growth
management fUflds,
3. Propert.e!!i to be Tr.msfemilld to the Ctty by the County. Th~ County
agrees 00 transfer ;,11 of itl;; right title and interest In the follo~in9 [je5Cr~bed properties to
the C~ty of Marathon. and the City agrees. to at;c,;,pt thE- follnw+ng descr1be[j properties in
~a5 is" condition, 5ubject to aU e)(isting le~se 1'IIld/cr management agreements p-resenlly
el"cumbering the properties, t.c wit:
<I. nlt~ Miu~Ull..n Teen Center, together with all fumlture, fixtures, equipment
dnd Improvements thereon beloncQlng to, and transferable oy, the County. The
County agrees to provide the City with an Inventory of any fumitu rei fixture:;; and
equipment situated thereon whlch Is to be transferred to the C.ty;
b. The ...a....thon Jaycees BuildinG, together with all fumitLlrE!. fixtures.,
equipment and improvements thereon belonging to, and transferable by, the
County. The County 3gree..s to provid@ the City with an Inventory of any furniture,
fixtu res and equipment situ<lted thereon whjch Is to be transferred to the Clty~
c. The Nliil'"ilIthon Yachl: Club, together with the c:o.ntig\Jou" o;ubm@rg@d land
and County owned pilli::~ng ra(:illties~
d. Thll!l Florida Kev. Marina at Marathon, together with all furniture, fhdu res ,
equipment and improIJemellts thereon belonging to the COunty. The Oty assumes
aU of the CoUflty',<> obl~atioJ'ls, under the MEDC:-Qlwnty Agreeme....t. The County
further 21grees to convey to, the City af1 County owned sUbmenJed land within the
Wflfines of Boot Key Harbor and any subrn~rged l<'!n,,1 le<'lS-es betweEn the State of
Flo1ida am1 the County peri;.ail"lillg to submercged ~,md5 with;n tne confmes of Boot
Key Harbor; 311d the City and County wfll cooperate In the complt!tion of all
pending grants for the Marina 1'lrea.
II. "The Matllthon Commun lty Park,. togethet with. all f1xbJ res. eq u ipment and
1m provem ents situated thereon ~nd a II parkln~ facilIties assoodated therewith. ThE!
County, iolned by tne City illS, Co-Plalntlf'f. wU~ contlnue with. the pen.dlng
cnndemnatloll Utlgatlon. regl!lrd}no Phase II of the Park. The Cour.ty will complete
th@ acqulsitlon. or that ad.c:Btlonal parcel. with any Judgment paid from County
~nhstnJcture tax revenues. Upon aCQui rtng the Ph.<Jse n property. the Coun tv wm
(;anvey that pa rceI to the Oty T ... n.d thfo City wlU be responsible for the
development of Phase II at Its o~n expense. The County's conveyance wUl be
sllbject to e. deed restf'ktlon pmhi~tln.g the rnlllrglng or any ~dm~5Slon fee to
Monroe County residents, and requiring the Parle to be o'pel'8ted In COnformity with
FCT (Florida Community Trust) requlremen3.
4. 0'......1 K.y. The County agrees to transfer or lease to the ftDrld~ Key5
Aqued uct Au thority ill s.umdent portfo-n of lis ~I pl"Operty on Crawl Key for pu.-poses of
constructing .a cootral wastewater treatment p~nt and water ~~use facility for the Qty
of Mammon.
5. Boot Key Bridge. T1"H! County will convey to the City, iu,d the City will
fmmedll!ltelYl!locept. tl1~ Boot Key Bridge. The County wHl pay up to $1,000,000 for Boot
l(e.y Br~dge repall"!i identified as necessary bv joint report of the City's and COunty's
6.. SOlkl W..... The City l)grees. to lnrrease ns etrQrts to cotled: Its solid waste
kles from Its dtJ:zens, and will pay Its lnc:lebtedness to lne County In an expeditious
7. Form Of ConVIIY_ncM. )lJ1 properties to be transferred to the Cl1;y wm be
COllVeyed in. i!Ictordan-ce with the requlr~mefll:s Qr Florlda Law. The County wUl make
every effort to locate and dl!tlv@r to the Oty any and I!IU surveysr tll:le l!Ibstracts, d~ Df
conveyance, gnlrll:5 of easements, title lrnouran(;e poUdes, huUding records, buildjru~
plans, englneerlng plans and SpeClf'k:atlon5, ~, rnon<tg~ment agreElments, pOlldes of
tnwranc.e, maintenance records, @nvlronment" reports al1(l ~very other document of ~nlY
Mture whatsoe\ler tn t:.ha possession of the County whldl. in any manner, tends to
estabHsh the ownershtp lote rests of the Call nty In each- property to be conveyed a nd the
!imitation!; Imposed tt'lereon,
8. Pro--ntlon of Rentll and Ex",,"58&. All f"t!llts and expenses. assodi!lted with
~he properties to be COn veyed ~All be pro.rated a.s at the date of transfer of l:!olId1
property. The City i!Ind the County ...grfte that thE! properties to be conveyed hen'!\.lndt;!1'"
m~y be conveyed sep<u"iltely or in a singte transaction so as not to allow a problem with
one conveyance to lmpede the renlainder of the con....eyances,
9", Fund a1l1:;!111cl!:l!i. The City of Marathon herE:by wai\lec; any and all rlgnt which it
has, or ma.y have, to receive any portion of any other fund ba~ance held by the County by
the receipt of an,. 5t:Jte R.evenue 5h~ring funds or tQXl!!~ f:(lllect~d prior to the
~ ,e ~_.
GeQrg~qent, ~ayor/c n
Date -1Z117 It:., .2. tJ Q I
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Atte9t~ Cle-rk
ApP~oved as to fOf m and
te.gai suffkiency
By 0Jt 8_-~
City AtI:c mey
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