Item R2 BOt\RO Of COUNTY COMMrSSTO~ERS .\(a~NnA JTE\I SL.\1.\-IARY fI,..keling J)atc~ Octolx:r. , 2005 Divi~ion: (~OlHlfV ^ltorm:v f1111k lh.::m: "l es xx '\:0 I)c p<'l rt Ulcnl: ._. Co LLl1t J' A tt~l r n C'v SlaIT Contact Pers.on: Bob Shimng~r '{J470 Af; I(N nA ITFM WOROIN(~: Authc....izfltioJl !ilr COlLllly Altorney k~ negotial~ sdllemenl {)f cbim by Four' Star- R~ntals against the C~~unty, n1::!\of HACKe ROl.l ND: Four Slar R~nlal~ has notified the Counly that it is seeking paymCJH in the amount of $] 8,X7!tOI) tor u~~ of scatTo Iding during Ill(: inst.illalion ofrerlacctll~nl \\iiJ]Jow~ in the GJto buikHl1g. J-'our Slar has lhrl"alcl1ed lftigatlon iflt is nol paid. PREVIOUS lH~r.EV A.\T BOCe ACHOI\~ nfa COi'\TRACT/AGl-lEEMF.NT CHA~.GLS: n/a . . - ST 1\ FF RECOI\1I\"T F:I\DA Tl07"IS: AllluOl"ar of sdt~emt'nt lIuthorit~ of up to S J S,X78.00+ TOT A r, CO~T: up to S J 8,H7S.00 IHlOGETED: l'es ~o ~:>.: COST TO COL ~TY: up to S 18,878.lJO SOIJRCF OF FUNnS: RFSl:~'UI'~ PROOLCING: Yes ..\10 AMOCNT I'EH. MO,"TH Ilia Y tar 1~/<l AI~PROVED BY: COLHH} Atty xx OMB/PUl'cnJsing _ R is!.. MaTI<.lgcment_ 'dt\ "\--- (\ ' ~ r., / . .\ DIVISION DHUTTOR APl)ROVAI.:; ~~L.\~~~~ \{(::::\ 0-':' - . John R'~ ('olli~~s. COUfily A~torn0 DOCL MF.NTA'I'I()I\ ~ J nduded Not RcquireJ _ DISI~OSJTJON: ACE!\lOA JTLi\1 # RC"\. i ~~d ~ ,'f) <;