Item O2
r'vleel1l1g Date: Oct, J 9.2005
Bulk !tem: Yes No X
Staff Contact Person: DOMa Hanson
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and direction to staff to investigate the possibility of
plactng a I % surcharge on an new and redeveloped building projects in Monroe County. This
surcharge would be based on the total project cost including land acquisition.
ITE!\I BACKGROt:r'iD: To provide 300 affordable homes per year for at least] 0 years, a large
amount of capital must be raised, As there are currently 500~ 700 million dollars of rede\elopmcnt
planned for Monroe County in the next year, this would provide for current and future needs for new
\\orkforce housmg and maintaining of the existing housing stock.
A\10UNT PER l\10:'>lTH_ Year
APPROVED BY: COllnty Atty__," OMB!Purchasing _ Risk Management ,~'"
M uyvay E. Ne4o-rv
Included X
Not Requircd_
Rl:\'lS~d 2 0:'
AI~ _~
L .A. \V
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Draft-Interim Conclusions of tbe
Last Workforce Housing Task Force
Sept. 28, 2005
At our Task Force meeting on Sept. 8, 2005 we built consensus on the following
conclusions and hereby recommend them to the Monroe County Board of County
1. There is a workforce housing crisis in the Florida Keys, and to some degree, it affects
all parts ofMonrae County.
2 The response to this crisis will necessitate public/private partnerships and the creatlon
of incentives for the private sector, including the use of regulatory relief
3, The response to this crisis \vill require signi ticant intergovenunentat coordination, at
both the staff and policy-making le\'els, which coordination currently does not exist.
4, The response to this crisis demands bold govenunent actions, \vhich should include:
~the public purchase of land
-the creation of, or greater use of existing, land trusts or other SImilar legal "vehicles"
-the establishment of deed restrictions, or similar restraints on the future use of land,
and these restrictions should be placed in perpetuity,
5, The need for workforce housing is great, and the deficit of such units numbers in the
many thousands. We believe the goal of obtaining pennission to build, and building, 300
Ulllts of \vorkforce housing per year, for a ten year period, is a reasonable goal,
6, We acknowledge there vdU be a cost to administer a meaningful workforce housing
program. Funds for such administration can COme from a variety of sources, but the need
for such funds should be considered by the County COill.'Ylission.
7, The COUIlty Conunission should take all necessary steps to preserve and protect the
existing workforce housing stock.
8. The County should immediately take action to change its local codes, and gain state
govemment approval, for partial ROGO credit, i.e, a residential unit of750 square feet or
less should COunt as .5 for ROGO calculations,
9. The current practice or taxing "non-homestead affordable housmg" at market rates is
counterproductive, The applicable tax la\vB should be changed,
We understand that "time is of the essence" in addressing this critical issue. Therefore,
we make the recommendations you see above in an effort to support the Commission's
efforts to date and urge some specific additional actions,
We believe more \\iorkJstudy is required to address the tollowing issues in more detail:
-funding sources for workforce housing q;
-a calculation of the true need, including backlog, of the v>'Orkiorce housing cri si s
-a pubhc communications strategy to support the "bold" government action described
~the opportunities for preservation of existing affordable housing
-methods to incentivize employers to build and maintain workforce housing
-the appropriate administrative "home" for workforce housing efforts
Accordingly, we respectfully request that the Monroe County Commission consider the
specific recommendations set forth above and allow the "Last Workforce Housing
Conuniuee" to continue meeting to address these other matters.
The Workforce Housing Committee held a regular meeting on September 8, 2005,
at Key Colony Beach City Hall. The meeting was caUed to order by James R. "Reggie"
Paras at approximately 1 :20 p.m.
Committee members attending the meeting were: Reggie Paras, Chairman, Jim
Saunders, Dave Boerner, John Dolan-Heitlinger, Bill Loewy, Tim Koenig, Carol Fisher,
Donna Windle, Ed Swift, Steve Seibert, Facilitator, Jerry Coleman, Attorney, and Stacy
DeVa,'1e, Recording Secretary. Committee members absent: Maureen Lackey and Brian
Also attending were Mayor Dixie Spehar, Commissioner David Rice and
members of the public.
The minutes of the July 26,2005 regular meeting of the Workforce Housing
Committee \vere approved.
The meeting was turned over to Steve Seibert for a report on recent activities
Mayor Dixle Spehar was recognized in the audience diid gave a report of the meeting she
attended in Tallahassee with the Governor and Cabinet on September 7,2005, regarding
the Cou.rlty's [nterlocal Agreement w1th Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority. The action
taken will provide for 167 affordable units in Monroe County, with the ability to borro\v
forward for up to ten (10) years. There was a150 a letter from Commissioner Murray
Kelson, dated September 8, 2005, that addressed the actions taken at the meeting and
listed some recommendations for the committee members to consider.
Steve Seibert provided a recap of the committee meeting held on July 26,2005.
He clarified the purpose of the Committee. The Conunittee members agreed that:
. the purpose of the committee is to make reasonable recommendations (that can
be implemented) to the Board of County Commissioners regarding affordable
housing permits.
. the affordable workforce housing crisis in the Keys is destroymg community
character, which threatens to cripple the economy
. this will require both public/private and a public/public partnerships because it is
a Keys-wide lssue a..TId we must have the cooperation of the cities bet\veen the
unincorporated areas of Monroe County.
Land trusts and deed restrictions were discussed. The consensus was that the
administration must be public and the entity has to own the land. It was recommended
that \vhen an Ordinance is written, that a funding mechanism be built-in, such as a
monthly maintenance fee, a percentage of the monthly rent, an additional tax (0 fund a
governmental budgeted tine item, etc. It was decided that a sub-committee will meet
v,ith the attorney regarding compliance with deed restrictions and what the deed
restricLions should be over a long period of time, The sub-committee \\liB go over the
mechanisms and give the Committee choices regarding deed restrictions.
Local government buy-in: It was agreed that there is a lack of communication
between entities and one entity doesn't necessarily know what the others are doing m
regards to workforce housing pennits. Intergovernmental coordination is critical and a
procedural resolution between the County and the municipalities was proposed as a
regional approach, to agree on the process and to authorize and direct staff to cooperate
and work together. Committee members will develop the unifonn system to be put in the
resolution, The Resolution will be prepared and submitted to the Committee for approval
before it goes to the County and municipalities for execution. It will then be provided to
DCA to prove that there is a coordinated workforce housing effort county-\\ide.
Fractional ROGOs were dIscussed where a 750 square foot unit would be a .50,
and the DCA would approve it. The need for three bedroom homes was discussed and N 8"(1fi
getting rid of the 4,5 multiplier cap on median mcome was suggested.
It was agreed that a public information campaign must be launched if a funding
sou.rce is necessary. A communications strategy would have be decided upon and put
into place to get the infonnation out to the public for their support. This will be done
once the cOrY'Jnittec has submitted the recommendations to the Board of County
Due to the time that it will take to build affordable housing, the preservation of
exlSting workforce housing units needs to be addressed. Available properties to preserve
need to be identified, along with a funding source, A Preservation and Funding
Committee \vill be formed to determine how to preserre and how to pay for the units.
Steve Seibert will find a Chairrnan for the group.
It was suggested that a data base of affordable housing units be collected and that
the Committee needs to set goals and agree on the number of units that \ve want to have
built. The Housing Authority currently has 500 applicants on v,iaitlist. We would need to
build in tlexibility for local governments as they are not going to want to match the
County's density.
A member of the audience stressed that non-homesteaded properties are losing
money paying ad valorem taxes and requested that a Resolution be sent from the BOCC
to the State to enact legislation for the protection of affordable housing, and to give
incentives to put affordable housing deed restrictions on property.
It was brought up that if we are going to have a tax to fund affordable housing, \Vc
should not look to the State to initiate the tax; \\'e would have to do it local1y. It was
requested that a Resolution be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners, which
would then be sent to the State representatives, Bill Loe\vy will carry this resolution to
the municipalitIes to approve also.
The committee members discussed the need to meet more frequently, and agreed
to schedule meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, at 1 :30 p.m. The next
meeting wil! be held on \Vednesday, September 28,2005, 1:30 p.m" at Key Colony
Beach Clty Hall.
The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.