Item D30 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: October 19~Q2 Division: Engineering Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Facilities Development Staff Contact: David S. Koppel, PE AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of three new positions for the E:ngineering Division to managc the work primarily associated with the Key West Airport Project. ITEM BACKGROUND: T'hese three positions will have no impact on ad valorem taxes. The positions will be funded from the Key West Airport Fund, grants associated with the airport project, and the one cent infrastructure sales tax fund. By taking over this work from URS we can eliminate most of the $1 million project management fee from URS. Existing staff will also be working on the airport project while the thrce new positions will be helping on other project. The net effcct is that at least three full time equivalent positions will be charged to the airport project. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CIIANGES: N/A Sl'AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $150,000 (approximi}tely) plus bencfits BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: $150,0()O (approximately) plus benefits SOURCE OF FUNDS: Airport Fund and Fl,lnd 304 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT Per Month Year APPROVED BY: County Atty DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: David Koppel, PE, County Engineer DOCUMENTATION: DISPOSITION: Included x ~,~~ Not Required AGENDA ITEM NO.: MONROE COUNTY JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title: FACILITIES DEV~~LOPlYlENT CONTRACTS ADMINISTRATOR J Date: 9-22-05 Position Level: 11__ Ti<'LSA Status: 19ass Code: GENERAL DESCRIPTION Responsible for gcnerating, executing and tracking of all contracts for consultants and construction by the Facilities Devclopment Department (Construction Management.). Responsible for gencrating and processing COs, Addenda, RFQs and other documents associated with construction contracts. KEY RESI)ONSIBILITIES 1. *Complete oversight of the contract process. Generates and reviews contracts for compliance and completencss. 2. *Responsible for tracking all contracts including investigation, input on settlement, payments and coordination with Clerk of Court, finance director, and legal department. 3. *Review all requests for payment for contractual compliance and conformity to schedulc of values. 4. *Review all required pre-construction documcntation for completeness. 5. *Calculate substantial completion datcs. 6. Respond to all dcpartments requcsting information on Facility Development contracts. 7. Assist department head with budget issues. 8. * Assurc that all new venders are properly registered with Monroe County. 9. *Review monthly agenda items rclated to Facilities Development. 10. Such other duties as may be neccssary to limit the liability of Monroe County. 11. *Monitor compliance with terms of alll,'aeilities Development contracts, and whcn necessary, advise department director of problems and issues associated with contracts. 12. *Coordinate with Finance Department and appropriate staff to determine compliance with contracts. 13. *Develop and maintain monitoring database detailing dates, contracts, and details checkcd. 14. *Monitor expiration dates of all Facilities Devclopment contracts, and advise appropriate staff when it is necessary to initiate rcnewals or RFP/RFQ/RFB to replace a contract not eligible for renewal. 15. *Develop, continuously updatc, and improve standardized contract and bidding forms. 16. Analyze and revise, when neccssary, procedures for routing and review of contracts before they are placed on BOCC agcnda. 17. *Verify that all required department heads havc completed revicws prior to contract being placed on agenda for approval. 18. Coordinate with staff to ensure that contracts are promptly cxecuted and delivered to contractors. 19. *Review standardized contracts proposcd by vendors and work to revise to protect County's intercsts. 20. Other duties as assigned. *Indicates an essential job function The information on this description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities and qualifieations required of employees assigned to this job. PnsitLm Title: FACILITlES DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR Class Code: Position Level: 11 KEY .JOB REQUIREMENTS Education: Associatc's Degree required: Major(s) required: Administration, accounting or legal. Experience: 5-7 years prior related work expcrienee in area of contract monitoring, contract administration, paralegal or accounting. Impact cdActions: Makcs recommcndations or decisions which usually affect the assigned department, but may at times affcct operations, services, individuals, or activities of others outside of the assigned departmcnt. Complexity: Highly Complex: Work is broad in scope covering one or more complicated areas. Policy, procedures, or precedent arc typically created by this position. A high degree of analytic ability and inductive thinking is required to devise new, non-standard approaches to highly intricate, technically complex problems. Decision Making: Highly Complex: Supcrvision is present to rcview established departmental and/or Divisional objectivcs. Independent judgement is required to rccommend departmental or Divisional objectives, cvaluate new approaches to problem solving, and assesses changing or conditions. Communication Requires rcgular contacts with internal persons of importance and influence involving with Others: considerable tact, discretion and pcrsuasion in obtaining desired actions and managing relationships at a high level. Managerial Skills: Responsible l<:w providing limited supervision for one or more functions within the department. Formally plan, assigns, directs and coordinates the work of these functions. Responsible for making recommendations to the assigned depmiment regarding contracting procedures, resolution of ditTiculties with contractors and coordination of contract activities. Working Conditions/ Work requires only minor physical exertion and/or physical strain. Physical Effort: On Call On call 24 hours pending disasters and emergencies. Require/nents: Other: Florida Drivers License not required. APPROV ALS Department Head: Name: N/A Signature: Date: Division Director: Name: David S. Koppel, PE Signature: Date: County Adnzinistrator: Name: Thomas J. Willi Signature: Date: On this date I have received a copy of my job dcscription rclating to my cmploymcnt with Monroe County. Signature: Date: Name: MONROE COUNTY JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title: PROJECT MANAGER I Date: Position Level: 10 IFLSA Status: I Class Code: GENERAL DESCRIPTION Primary function is the managcmcnt of numerous construction projects. Supervises inspectors involved, reviewing their work and ensuring quality and completion in a timely manner of these projects. KEY RESI)ONSIBILITIES 1. * Manages buildings, parks and other construction projects. 2. Performs inspection revicw scrviccs for buildings and other construction projects. 3. * Reviews project manuals for construction projccts. 4. * Reviews technical specifications. 5. * Reviews plans and specifications for construction projects. 6. * Provides training and supervision for inspectors 7. * Reviews change order requests and provides recommendations. 8. Investigates complaints and providcs solutions. 9. Reviews construction contracts. 10. Assists with preparing pcrmit applications and related documentation and drawings to the Building Department, FDOT, FDEP, ACOE, US Fish and Wildlife, etc., and responds to agency comments. 11. * Prepares technical reports following the investigation and rescarch of an assignment. 12. * Researches technical product information. 13. * Prepares costs analysis for construction projects. 14. * Prepares correspondence. 15. Attends weekly project and coordination meetings. * Indicates an "essential" job function. The information on this description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all dutics, responsibilities and qualifications rcquired of employees assigned to this job. I Position Title: PROJECT MANACrER I Class Code: I Position Level: 10 IU:Y .JOB REQUIREMENTS Education: Bachelor's Degree preferrcd, not required. Major( s) preferred: Construction related field. Experience: 3 to 5 years with degree, 5 to 7 without degree. Impact of Actions: Makes recommendations or decisions which usually affect the assigned department, but may at timcs affect operations, services, individuals, or activities of others outside of the assigned department. Complexity: lIighly Complex: Work is broad in scope covering one or more complicated areas. Policy, procedures, or preccdent are typically created by this position. A high degree of analytic ability and inductive thinking is required to devise new, non-standard approaches to highly intricate, technically complex problems. Decision Making: Analytic: Supcrvision is present to establish and review broad objectives relative to basic position duties or departmental responsibilities. Indepenent judgment is required to study previously cstablished, often partially relevant guidelines; plan for various interrelated activities; and coordinate such activities wtihin a work unit or while completing a project. Communi cation Requires regular contacts to carry programs and to explain specialized matters. Also with Others: requires continuing contact with officials at higher levels on matters requiring cooperation, explanation and persuasion or with the public involving the enforcement of regulations, policies and proccdures. Managerial Skills: Responsible for making recommendation within a department in the areas of compensation, staff selection, disciplinary action, complaints, staff performance appraisal, and similar supervisory duties. Plans, assib'11s, and evaluates the work of subordinates for effective operation and results of the unit. Working Conditions/ Work requires occasional physical exertion and/or muscular strain. Work involves Physical Effort: several disagreeable elements and/or exposure to job hazards where there is some possibility of injury. On Call On call 24 hours pcnding disasters and emergencies. Requirements: Other: Requires Florida Drivers License. Prcvious experience with the County in an engineering position is prcferred. APPROV ALS Department Head: Name: N/A Signature: Date: Divis'ion Director: Namc: David S. Koppel, PE Signature: Date: County Administrator: Name: Thomas J. Willi Signature: Date: On this date I have receivcd a copy of my job dcscription relating to my employment with Monroe County. Name: Signature: ~___~___~_____ Date: MONROE COUNTY JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title: SUPERVISOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION I Date: 07/30/99 Position Level: 9 I FLSA Status: Nonexempt I Class Code: 9-1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Primary function is to inspect construction projects which include reviewing documents and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and codes. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES l. *Prepare daily reports and meeting minutes. 2. *Review plans, specifications, submissions and contract documents. 3. *Inspect construction for conformance with plans, specifications and codes. 4. *Conduct weekly job sitc meets for Capital Projects. 5. *Investigate complaints and prepare reports on action to be taken. 6. Act as Public Rclations Representative for County and with public. 7. *Take pictures and keep photolog of job site progress on Capital Projects. 8. *Review "Request for Information" on construction projects. 9. Review Request for Proposal on construction projects. 10. Advise Construction Administrator on project schedules. The information on this description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities and qualifications required of employees assigned to thisjob. Position Title: SUPERVISOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Class Code: 9-1 Position Level: 9 KEY JOB REQUIREMENTS Education: H.S. Diploma or GED required. Experience: 3 to 5 years. Impact of Actions: Makes decisions and final recommendations which routinely affect the activities of an entire departmcnt. Position duties may include responsibility for developing strategic plans for one or more divisions. Complexity: Analytic: Work is non-standardized and widely varied requiring the interpretation and application of a substantial variety of procedures, policies, and/or precedents used in combination. Frequently, the application of multiple, technical activities is employed; therefore, analytical ability and inductive thinking are required. Problem solving involves identification and analysis of diverse issues. Decision Making: Analytic: Supervision is present to establish and review broad objectives relative to basic position duties or departmental responsibilities. Independent judgment is required to study previously established, often partially relevant guidelines; plan for various interrelatcd activities; and coordinate such activities within a work unit or while completing a projcct. Communication Requires regular internal and external contacts to carry out programs and to explain with Others: specialized matters. Occasionally requires contact with officials at higher levels on matters requiring cooperation, explanation and persuasion, as well as with the public involving thc cnforcement of regulations, policies and procedures. Managerial Skills: Responsible for orienting and training others, and assigning and reviewing their work. May also be rcsponsiblc for acting in a "lead" or "senior" capacity over other positions performing csscntially the same work, or rclated technical tasks and reporting to a higher level on a formal basis. Working Conditions/ Work requires only minor physical cxertion and/or physical strain. Work environment Physical Eriort: involves only infrcquent exposure to disagreeable elements. On Call On call 24 hours pending disasters. Requirements: APPROV ALS Department Head: Name: N/A Signature: Date: Division Director: Name: David S. Koppel, PE Signature: Date: County Administrator: Name: Thomas J. Willi Signature: Date: On this date I have received a copy of my job dcscription relating to my employment with Monroe County. Name: Signature: ~___ Date: