Item O3 HOARIl OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AG ENDA ITEM S lJ \"l'\l..\RY M eeti ng [)fl!C: ~Ov_E:1ml?er J 6, 2005 Bulk. Item: Y ~s K~ No Division_ County Alloql.~y SlaIr Conlact P~rsoll: Pedro I'v1ercado ACE~DA rn:M \VORDII\G~ A pproval or wallier of County purchasjn~ poUt} tor purchase of Bui]der~s Risk Insu ranee. J'r fi~_"1 IJACKGROLI\ D~ At last month'.. B.O.C.C. meetjn~, The Morganti Gruup was ;lwardf.d t.he Construction Manger At Risk conh.act for the rt"novation and expansion of the Key \Vest International Airport. Tht" contract spt"cilies [hat the Count}' shall be re.spollsiblt" for the purchase of tile Builder~s Risk I nsurance. The County currently llses Marsh USA as ils tnsurancc a~ent and it would be to the County~s bcnl"nt, based on the recommendation of the County's Risk J\.lanagc-mcJlt Consultant (see attachment). to waive its purchase polk)' and purcha:sl;' Builder's Risk Insurancr' through ~larsh IJ SA. PREVIOUS REL.:VANT BOCC ACTION; ApprO'\'td the awnrd of thl;' Construction Mana~er at Risk contrad to The- Mor~anti Group. CO NTRACT I AG REE 1\1 ~: N T Cllt\NG ES: :'IlIA STAFF RECO\'n'IE~DATIO~S; Appro'\'al TOTAL COST:~.'), ~:'U(). 00 BC I)G.~TED: Yes X No COST TO CO UNTY: .$:)"7 'i . (Jon. uo SOl~RCI': OF FL1:'\1DS: Au-Va':"orel[ R.~VF:~UE PRODtICING: YtS No AM()(jNT PI: R \tOiYlll Y car APPROVED flY: County Atty (0_ O\tllfPurchasing ._ Risk \lanag~rneni_ DfVISIO~ ll.lRECTOR APPH:QV AL: <:-j Dl}2l1L~/ /Il-ih 'S~ J )H~ R. COI LINS, COlJ0JTY A'ITORNEY DOCU"l E_YrATION: Included Not Rcqllircd Dl:5POSITIO N ~ AG [;'-lOA ITEM ## Rc\"i sed l/O:; INTPRISK CORPORATION Con S II Hall ts 1111 Nmtl1 Westshore Boulevard Suite 208 Tampa, FL 33607-4711 Phone (813) 287-1040 F",csimile (B13) 287-1041 Risk Management Employee Benefits :-"lo\"Cmh~r L 100 ~ Mr. Pedro \krc<ldo. Fsq 1....11) moc C nnnry 502 \VhiLdu~ad SL Kc, West Horid.a _, 30 W SUtljC'CL Ruild~T5 Risk for the C{lnSlD'c1io[l oflh~ hl'_\' \V~sl [rllCmrtlional Aiqxm Tcnnin::l1 DL~l r P~d ro: In order to pro!cc[ l.hlC collslnJC1FoIl of the nCl'i." T-.:c~ \VC~I fntc,;mmiQnal l\irpQT1 TI.'Tllli'l,IL ,I FluildeTs Risk rn~uran(x pt:thi.'Y will nced to be ubwirn.:d 1h; poli"-J 'l ill n;illllmp;;: lIlt; COllJlI~ (subj=l 10 p'olic~ [~nLl~ aml umJjtioTl.~) i[] liu; ,-"YeTll tbm llll..: (~ic;i]jl-," is d,illlilgJ:tl uurtllg <;O!Ls!rIlc1 ion, The potic~ n~ed5 to ~ pHIchaS(.d either b:, the Ccncr.Jl CQnlf"JctN (ConstTll\;tiQn \lan1.lgcr) Of by the C(lUnty Tf tho;"; GCIl~ral ContT<lClOr pUn.;h,lSCS th;.; poh(...~'. il "ill b<.;CQrnc; .l n,:imhllT:;;lhk cnsl or tbc pr(l'(,:(,:j. HOW';HT lhc crl;[lt;"r~ll ConH-;ldm \\ ilJ m;lin1ain conlml nf I b{; pOIK_". [j" [h~ pn~ic(;l i~ lli:l~l_n:d. 1hc Contractor cmild let tlle pulley lapse ;}nd tn.; County'~ inwstlllcnt wmdd be unins.ured Jt fS therdore ITCOlLllllcndcd th;ll th;.; C()Unty p1.m,,;l1..m: 1111; Rni]dcr~ RE~k insnJOm;:;(; fi}r lIu; prqjo:.:l. Jl LS also recommended tl1'lI the COW1l\ . s Purchasing proc~dtifeS bc \\ai\"ed ~md aJlo~ I\.'1arsh USA (the C(lunty\ curreut Property Insurance agerH) to place th~ coyer-age. 8, doing so. \-bTsh ~an use the CDst of 1h(,: Count~.\ PruP'oy Tnsnmncc 10 abwin mOTC fanJf<.lblc pricing fOf the Ruifd;';TS Risk. Tn addition_ it will aHm\ rnr:1 slIL(H.llhcr tmnsi1ion lrmll [llC BlIilders Ri~l to th\; lTI,lsh;r PHlpCrl~' Pmgr.nn Qnc(,: IlK r~cility i~ wmpletc. ..\ s a I ways_ pi e<l se do not hesi t~te lO call if ~ [lU 11a\ t an:- questton;<,. C(1rcti..1.]!\ _ T"iTFR TSK CORPORA TfO\i L f. - ~ SLdnc, G. \Vcbbcr crcu. AR.\1