Item L10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ADD-ON Meeting Date: November 16, 2005 Division: Mayor Dixie M. Spehar Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: BOCC 1 Staff Contact Person: Mavor Dixie Spehar AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to amend the County Administrator's contract regarding the time specifications for evaluations and allowing the use of a county vehicle in lieu of receiving a transportation allowance for his personal vehicle. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBIPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: (j)iHeJll. ~ Dixie M. Spehar, Mayor DOCUMENTA TION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 ^ MEND\1ENT TO EMPLOYM ~:NT AGREE"IENT COUNTY ADMI~ISTR^ TOR THIS AMEl\DMF.~T is made and entered iflto lhis 1 tilh day of November, 2tK)S, bdween the Board Of Counl} Comml;'}sionerf; Of Monroe Counly, Florida, hereinaftel' "County". and Th0mas J, ""'il h__ herei nafLer .'County Administrator:. WHEREAS. On Septemher B, '2004, the parties tlllered into an agreement for County AdmiuislratOT for the periud Novemner 1. 2004, through Octoher 31, 2CHJ~; and WHEREAS, tile parl ies desin~ to ch(~Jlgc Lerlain terms Jue to coHditjon" be jng changed by lhe lVUlt" of Hurricane.. Dennis, Kalri na, Rita, and Wil rna: now I. he refore , IN CO:'>fSIDFRATION or TIIE MUTUAL COVENANTS llI::LO~", n IS AGREED AS FOLT.OWS: 1. Section 8, llase Salary. of the Agreemenl en{crcd Scplember S, 20U4, shalJ be J.nlcnded to re<ld: As partial tnJlsideration fur till;', (lgreemt',Ilts and servi'.:e~ 10 be perflHTned hy ElK AJmini~lrulu( (ur the benefjt of the BOCC and the County as contained rbewhne ill lhis Agreement, the 130('C will pay to Un:: Adrni nislrator, for the period commencjng on November 1, 20U4. thwugh September 30, 2005, a'; and f()T a b~lse salary, the Sum or One Hundred Thirty Thousand Doll <Irs (S 130,000,(10), h)f tbe period commencing on Odooer 1. 2005. through September 30" 200(l, the BOeC will pay to the Administralor. <IS ami for a base s<.'lliuy. the sun1 of One Hundred rorty-Two Thousand Doll.1rs {$142J)OOJ)O) per annum, For purposes of t.his Agreemem. "per annum.. \vill he deflneJ <is lht: liscal }'t:<.4.r whieh commences on OClOher l;-;l and mdc.. On tile following Septemher ,;O~h, A. 'I'he salary shall he pai d in insl<ll hnents aL the Sami: lime and in the saint', manner as other COUrtty t'mrtoy~t:S are paid, and \vill be subjecl to all legally required ded\Ktions. Currently. payments arc paid in e4ual biweekly inslallm~nts. (26 pa~. PlTiods pl:"r annum}. B. The COliIlly may, at its option. increase lhe base salary in sud1 amounts and Lo such all extent a:; the Buer may determine. in its sole discretion. based upon the BOre S ..::vallIUlion of the perfOTmaflC~ of I he Administrator, Such e'xaluation sh.1l] b~ in I he form ami JIlaIHIlT th,u th(: uace JHms appmpriale. HOlh the HOeC and the Administrator agree 1hat nOlhing in this sub-section ;;h01Il he. intcrprded to he a promhe. ohligatiol1 or duLy of the BOeC lO provide- 1'or any increase if] base salary, and slIch decision shall be the sole pr(;wgalive of thl~ uace. but iris agreed by aIld hel,....'ten the BOlT and th.:: Admini5trJ.tor tJlat the A<lministralor shall n;:ceive, commencing On OctobC"r L 2(JOS. anJ thereaf1 er during I he term of t hlS Agret menl I he annmd peranlage inCTl' a"c of base sahuy <is reccivc:J hy 01 her mm-unlOll County employees, C. The BOCC agrees lhal at nu time timing 1he term of this Agreenlent will the s<lhny or olher bendi ls rrovided ~o the i\dmjnif>tralor be decreas~d once agreed upon hy both ]J<Hties, 2, Section 9, Trdn<;porLation. {)f the Agreement GnlCrcd S~ptt:mber };, 2f}04. shall he amelldeJ to aJd the [ollowi ng langudge:: EffcctLVc ("In sutl1 d~k as a County vehicle is assigned to the Administrator. the Administrator sh~ll have lhe us~ of a County vehicle instead ot the transportation alJowance for in- County lrJvcL ThG monlhly lravd alluwance for tne month of t.be assignmem shall be pro-r(1led d(cordingly, RejmhursnT]~Hl fnr out-of-County travel SJldU omlinw: as of the dale of the as~jgnmcnt of a County vt: hick to the Adm1nhtralor to he made on ,1 ptr trip basis under applicable \1omoc County Code provisioll" withollt a mU!;',age calculation, :1. S~ctinn 15, Annual Leave, ~h:,. Paragraph A shall be amended to read <L\ fn lhw..s~ A The AJrninlSlratOl' will ~arn and be credited with annuaJ leave al a rCitc p(',r month l:qual to the highc"t nth::: c-arned by any other employee Or otlice.r of th~, ROCC. The Administrator may accuTIlulalc ",nnLlal kavc without limi t <mil nO uHu.;;cd annual leave shall be forfcikd due 10 nonuse. (In)' provi ~i()TlS or thi:; Personnel Policies and ProcedurL's I\lanu al to I he c~)ntrary norwil hsLaml~ng.: howeveT, I he AdmiIliSlr;JlOf and BOCC agree thal lhl: AdministwtOf must lake- fi V0 (5) days of annu,.d lecl\.'e during ~ach [i.;;cal }car, starting \.....i In the sl'cnnd year of the employment agreemcIl[, \....ith at kClst fjv~ day,; heing ('OnSCcllliw. 4 SCdiun ~n, Perfmmam:t' EV<ilu<ition, of the Agreement l.:nterccl Septemher X. 2004. s}~all be (lt11~nded 10 read ...'> follow,>: 'I 'he BOer and Administrator shall annually dfdl ne goal.;,. performance objecli yes, reJativ~ priOrllies, dlld lime lin~s for performance which the BOeC and Administrator rnulually agree are minjmally ne(~essary for tne proper operalion of lOUJ)ty government and dchkwmenl of the BOCC-s policy objectives. The mutual agreemeJll may he mL~morjaliled by a Res-olutton or ResolLltion~ of the DOCe, ,md the Rc,>olutiQfl or Resolulions ITl<ty become the oasis [or rnicw and ('val ualion or thl' ..\dministrato( s \\'ol'k perfOllllance, A revj(,;y.,. and pedlmnann~ ..:va] uution of the Administrator may be conducted at least once Juring tach [j"utl year. and more often as the HaeC may deem appropriate, During the tim ninety (~)n) days; of tJli$ Agreemt'Ilt. the BOCC awl Administrator may mul U(l~ 1 Y agree upou the format and form (If 1 he cvaluiltlofl lJlStruml'"JH to be used ror purposes ~tClted in this S~(:l ion, 5, All otlwr pwvj ~ions uf I he SqHcmbcr K 2004 agrteITl~nt. nol jn~onsisknt herewith. shall remain in full force and dfed, IN WTINESS \\,'HEREOF. the parties have hereunto :'.d their h~nd" ,wd ..ea], th;.; day and year fir<;t writl~ll ab0vl', HOARD OF COU~rY COMM[SSIONERS OF MONROE COU)JTY, FLORIDA \1dyor....(~hf:lifman (SEAL) AITE$T: DANNY L. KOU lAUE, CLERK By ~ Deputy Ckrk COUNTY ADM r:'-J"ISTRA TOR Thumas J, ""..jJ] i, "~:.';~'~~~,::.".'~'.'.>.~:': ._~> '!>/:y~'L';" ;1 ,~~. . ~ . :,'" ~ ~'/ .'- .,' ,_. >, .... .~ <~ . -,.. _.,~-4..-:,....1X1L.. _ .!'. .~., ~... .....:- ..~-: :I~~: 1.2."::' . ~ .~ ~ .:-:- -! ..:' : ~).\J-- -----. . ~<::'~. .'... . ~ >' /. '^ ,.. . .........-=......) .-.,. ~ 'd. ... I I i.I r - r : ., .. - :' :~</>> r~_, 5_~ .".~.. ~~_