Item R2 BOARD OF COr~rY CUM'USS~O' FR~ :\GE" IJ.-\ ITE\.l ~l.. \l.\l.-\nY \ led im! Dale DeC~[:lher .2 ;, 2(1')5 - \ 1:\R D: .~.L~j:.;!; _(.0l!.ntV\[J.'lFJ.:!s). ~~,Jik i,C:ll l>.l '\c- I) t"l':; I1ILl':1 ~ 0 C. ,lUll (lO :\t~ c,rIle'l . - , S Lair (' UfllU(.l re~sor1. SU~'lli..(jrlq1.~.n" \(;1:\ 1)\ iTL'1 WORDI~C;: . \o~\: (.,.\ :< .:~;. ~L R":";"(l:~ll i, ,] ,.1!..;.r_~UI ~Lin.i:' ::.W C ,i,llll \ . \dm i 11 i Sf !af en te, a 1 kl',~ r~,(,"I(':ni cHlai '. '~'!l ;clc~. ~~a'.. ~~: tr~jib'" ~jlld i~l,.'biic nCll<'~ ~b ~en~por;tn. sh.::,It~~ em C i}.J[jL'; ,.rlV;leJ !Hqlci [v '\~l ; t;.,iLlt'Ilb j;"plac..::;: li.UTL l \!(;ir hnm<..:~ ~:\.. (!u]"]"lcan..:- \Vj!n~a cUl,j ~'\l:mptJn~', l~'ll5 t("mpora{~\ ~h ~[H:~r t;-Oll; ; rlC P,(l !llh;~iut~ (l~!,ai !h1 L~LrllJ'il1.'! ('[0, CUlJlll \' (1',v[H:'d fJl 0 pen\" 1fT \1 B .\Ck:.(;J~Ol '-I): \ 1 c-nr,x C.x~nt~~ (.J(k .')(::-. l ;.; : !,.::.:'( b I PIU:~: bir~ r:.:al~~rl~13 .~l~l COUnT} u\~.lld ;.lrup~;T':. 1.l~:';~~'[1lly. There <Ill' :\e.,.~'] ~~; I ~":f",ltinml] ,,~.h:~' 1.:s iU [h.=.' r\ lal alll. In ..\.1 PL\llo Tho c ma:, l,c a nn~d fer 01 h(:"i" :;i ll'"~ ;,}\\"1wd by I he (\ql flY I.h\:.' C L )l;~l!:' Att,.mll;Y '.\ UI iI d Ekl;' ll:t BOCC to ~;bril\ tiJ,l1 I hl~ It'rn!~l); a~.y u ~e or \.'( \LiLll~. ,y" ;wd ~r"i..~pCl.ly fe'l c! i sp :a;,~~'d ft;.::.i..1 L' 111 S ,.:<' \ 1 (~nr()c C)unl', ; 5 .;,\~':l~ pt th~t~, t he ~1.OiLb~T: (~" ..b ,)11 ::':":-.:~.:2~~I iU:l .;.ti1 ~ ":\\. e.i dTl...lL': .'-,cz: ; l)_ 11:". ~ ~.~. c- J(:') PRf~\"IOl S RElY\,.\ 'II" BUCC .\CTIO': I ~as~;.lg(~ ,l~' Ol"~l inat; (~C ~ll 010. 20tH prl~h ihjtjJl!). camp,ns on ,~(}tml). \.l ~~ !l;,~d proPI..":l"lY.o. <ltld pl'0v,d~n~ t"';.lI. .}r1 C.\.(l'~lL,.\(~ hH 1[l\ Eki Ii lV, S~,~, m l.x dLClJ d~~L.~[\G.tt:(1 tA Ci:"sol UllW (:1 (~:.J~L~,n\C"C ('i' ; ;h~ BOC C. CO:\TR.\CT:\'CREl:\l [:\.1 CH .\.:\CES: ,.....-\ STA FF RfCO.\t'\l Ji' D-\"I"IO",S: .\pp!'o\.at of n''l.oltllio[l. TOT,-\L COST: l .\ ,.' ..\ fill i)G FTE I); ,.. r.;s '\Jr: COSI TO COt. .\TY: S ~:.'.\ SOl.. R(T 01: ~T 'n~: lU~\"L'l r I'I{ODl.CI,\(;; Yc-:- '\u .\'10L'iT Pt:R \IO;\;TH '" eill' :\ P.PROVt:n lJY: C~H~[V.~.. :\lly X ()\"1B..PUfr._ tLa',~m~. Ri ji,; [\,1 a11{H;elT.Cn~ (1 A~-J2~_ .J~l~o(_. _.... ___.. ---rbu'\ R. COtLt'"S. COt \"TY :\ TTOR\ EY un.ISIO,\ IllRFCTOR :\PPRO\_-\L: noet 1\..1 t:~.I.'\TfOt\~ lllclL~deJ x :-\,11 r{(;'~[Llired_.._ nrSPO~[TIO\ : -\GL\O..\ HE \1 #- I~L~\ i ~J .-. 1.1-": County I\ttorney Rt~SOIX']'ION NO. - 2005 ~\ RESOLtTIO~ OF TH t: RD.,," Rf) 01' COUNTY COMMISSIOI\E:RS OF MOl\ROF. COli NTY~ I'LURIDA. ;\LLO\\.'II\G THE PLACF.'1F.~1' 0.... ~J<TRK\.TJOI\AL VEIUCLES. TR..:\VEL TRAILERS ,""-Nil MOIHLt: HOMES AS T[t\lPORARY SHELTF.R 01\. COl';\TY O'V~ED I~ROPt:RTY FOR HOLSING PERSO~S OISPLACt.~1l BY HI:RRICA"T \VILMA A~D EXEMI~TING THIS PLACF.MF.NT FROM TilE PROHIBITION ACAI NST CAJ\.IPI~G O~. COUXfY O\yt\ED PROPERTY 'WHI(REAS. Hurricane Wilma ~truck the l'lorida Keys on Octoher 24, 2(J().\ causing wind and Hood damage and deslrucllon of homes 1tnd propcny and ":HEREAS, many ofrhc fC~Ldenls in l'vfonroe County were ,mmedimely left without housing, and \VUEREAS. many more rdonroc Counly residents were left without housing after tltt,:ir homes became uninhahitahle from mold and deterioration ITom CxposLlrC' to the element~~ and \y tI ~REAS, lhe i\follroe County Board of County' Commis.sjoner~ rec:ogni zes the need tiu. alternat ivc lodging for it.. di sp~ilccd rcs.idenl5 \\ihicl1 may consist or recr~aLioflal \'ehicle~, travel tmi!cr~ and muhi le homes not permanent 1)' j nsrallcG, al ~ or which are cons,id~t ed temporary shcltcL and "illEREAS, in many cases. there is IlO room QIl the propeny where the residents were 1 iving to place alternative lodging or temporary ::-:;hcltcr facilities, am.! W t IEREAS~ the occupan~~J of lempOnH}.' shelter, however subshl ntial, mav be construed a"~ '"c:amping" as dellned III Sec. 1 ()-W2.5(a)( l) as follows: '"( l) Camp or camping means to pitch or occupy a tent or other [emponlT)' sh cJrcr fOf s.l eepi n g or at her ha hi talion purpo scs. "~ and WII":REAS~ lhere is a prohibition agaimit camping on county o\vtwd properly' l:ont.aincd in SectiDn 1 9-1 02 .) of The fvlonwe C. nunty Code; and "'HElU~AS, SCClion [9-102,51:C)(2) proviJt':'i. that the prohibilion [lgain~t camping on county properly dots 110t apply lO any t~lCi 1 ity. site, Of location deslgnated by resolution or ordinance of the Board of County Commi ~~loners.~ and 'W H EI-U:..\S. pLLr~L1am III Set: 2-l(a) of the \lonmc CnullL)' ('ode (lnd Florida Statute See 125 7..:J.(g) the county admini.mawr has the dury and respoJlsibil il y to "llPcrvisc the care and cu_~lody of all county properly; ~ow, TlIEREFORF.. BE IT RJ::SOLVED BY THE BO..\RD OF COlINTY COilIMISSIO" .': KS Of J\UJNROF.. CO.J N TY: l. That th~"": County AdministratOl" or his de~ignee may designatc appropriale county owned prop-en} as. exempt from See 19-1 02S(b) of the Monroe Cnunty Code prohibiting camping on county nv..ned property "I TJ-mt thrs c\;,emplion i<; onl y for the pu rpose or placement of rccrealional v~hicle_~, llavel tnldcrs and mobile llomt') for residents or Mnrlloe County displaced from their hOlllcs, by Hurricane \V i Ima. -, Thal thi ~ resolLltlon is herehy approved retroactivd y I.u Oi:wber .2<1, 2005, and appli es only to those residents of 1\..lonme County displaced by Hurric(lIlC \\-,'ilma who have applied .Hld becn given permi~siCH1 to ll~C lhe Cmmty's propeny by the Cmmty AdmjnislralOJ or his desjgnee. 4. That lhis exemption docs nOl apply lo tellt<:; or any temporary ..hdter wlthoul a holding lank n)r \vastc waler or sc,vagc, Of any ot.h~r kit1d of ~heller Ilnl(~ss supplied bv a governmental agency also provid Lng ~ani1ary Elci l iti~s. 5. Trmt this exemption from the pI'ovi'iioll_~ prohibiling camping on coumy mvned properly Shill 1 end v....hcn lhe County Ad mini:->tralor dl1crminC5 tllal lhen~ is no longer <.I need for tht' lemporill"'Y sheller. PASSED A"JIJ ,WOPTED by the Board or County Commis..ioners of J\.lonrne County. Horida, at a regular Im,;cting of the Board held Oil the __ da}. of ___. 2005. Mayor Charles '-Sunny" \.1 cCoy rv1ayor Pro T em Murray :-.J clSOIl C Omm i~sio ncr George f\:eugcrll Commissioner David Ricl~ C olllmi5,~ioJ]er Dixie Spehar Allesl. D.'\\."\\' L. ~OLH AGE_ CLJ..::R~ BOAR!) OF COL \TY CO\fMISSJOt\ L':RS ()r~ MO\IROt COU:'\IT"'t'. F[ ,OR lUA ]1,. R,.: l)(-'Pll ry (' I cr/.. f\1a,or (SEAL) MON,:WE COUr\TY ATTORt~EV APPROVED AS TO FORM. . '.(' ,.. - -J., ," (... .,~.. ... . -.c.' '. '- J ~, ..'. I' ~. " t f .. ~ ( .;}.J:. {. SUSAN r."l. SRJMSLEY _n .:_":.} AS S ~ S1 A. NT C [) U '1T\' ,':"TTO r-: t-... F \."