Item R6
..\G I<\'D"\ I".n~!\.l SLMMARY
~.kCL[Jlg Date 12i~J/O:'" ~ \1 A I{
Bulk l~em Yes ~~o X
Divi.~jun: r:O_L.~~Y ATTORNLY
StodTontac:t Pc!~on.: NatjkcL1c W. Cas"e[
AC E.~[).~ I'I"I-:M WOIU))t\G:
..-\prr(~v,d o~' COIlt!"aU bd \veen ,-t(OJ Ir(h' ('uumy and ( '1r1'f"1( SU~I al'd\- .'1ptila ."i n.hi feds, as
the ncv... .<\ rchj\(;d~ Lll cmnpl ek t h~' COllstruction or the Freen mn Justic:e f~ll i lding. bas-cd
Uj~ml I he I"~~cumrncnda!jon of the Cnullty Lngi tlcer.
C lltls1 rudilm is ong,olng on Lh~ F J eer~lHn Ju ~t in' Bur J d Lng. Due Lo prob lem~ ,....itb the prior
arch~tC"CL the CUllS1 rud ion was in a Cl iticlil phase (Uld dcl(ly" \.....JS occurrillg. i\ n er the
distPjs~a] oC che prier (lrchircct, Cu/"! i(" ,\oqards '+j{lii/a An:hilh.'h, a.!..!:[t'ed lo cnme on
bOard and assi ~t LEl cmnplel ion ofrhc bu iJ ding. Tlli~ Enn i" rre~ent 1). 1..lndcr WIlLrad wirll
rh~~ (ounty on the l..'.lms!nlction oftnc Murray 1\dsOJl Justice C(~ntL.::l".
. .
III OCLObcr the 80CC approved lhe. Jismis.ql ofdw prior archilcct on :he hecnlJt1
Jus.t lel." Dui ldillg
.... .-
ClH\TR..\C'f/AG I{F F..\.IE~T CH,-\~(;LS
This ~~; ;-j nc",~ C~)nllaL1 fm. th~~ f'rccrnrHl Justic/;.' Building archjt~':ct. replacing the prior
al chikd
-.. -
STAFF lHTO.\"1\'IE.'\ l)AT~O'.JS:
,<i, p prove J"eCUll LLllelldiltio(1 at mc.;cling.
B t. [)(; ETE: D:
sou Ref!: Of Fn'ins:
'0 ~ AMm J NT PER _"10~n ~
AJ' l~HOVE D n Y: County Ai Iy -L OI\1B.iPu n:hasil1g _ Ri~1 M'ment
OIVISIO.' nlRF.CTOU APPt{OVAr..~.-- ~r,. (!). ('J S-
lJO(T\1 F:\ l..\no.'\: "hdnl~i,;J
'" 01 Ru,)tl m:d
UJSPOSl no~\:
ALF:"\fH ltem#
~ l)0CLlJlI~'lllal ion [0 fl-,IJO\\ .
~ J " i; ( "'I ""."~.j""" ;""" " I
"I r ~
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..\(;REf..~mm RfT\'t' [:E.N OW NER :\,:,""(D
.-\.ri.CmrrCT CO~SlT TA.\T
'~UR Sj-J.r'O,I.L ':)ERVh':'.E-S
This ..\GREE~U;:"'o'T mad~ as of th~ _ .__ day nf Dec.emk-r, 2005. oet1."ie.::n :\10NROE
crW'\T'f COI,VNER'-), """'I-:O;C <illd~s i~ 100 SITlH1!ltOil Strec~, Kc:y We'l[ Flurida, 3J(QO and the
~rcbjted, CtlRRIF.: SO"'ARDS AGUIL_,,- ARCUITECTS ("ARClllTECT1, whOf;e- ~ddr.;~~ [~
U-l 'Jort:'"il.$l Fi..~t ...:hem:e, Delray Be,lch, rlQri~lo. 33444. for Tm liREEf'.L\_"i JUSTICE
BUrr.DL'l/G (PROJECr-j ;,1 ~~~ West_ Florida .HMO,
Wrl ~F~SETI J:
\\'Hf::RI.:.:\'S. on Cctobct. i 7', 1005, the COUNT\' di~mi~s.::d Archlkct~.. [rum tb~
PROJ[CT, thus re.qlji,ing: ;1!lOlher i1rctuk.ct in nrd~ [U c(\m~~ld~ th~ FROJECl; illld
\\.'i-lf:RL.-\ 3. it ~",.as ,m emergellcy to hire ilnNher ;1fchnCCi h) proct'e.d with the [;()TIsl.1ucti.iJ1 of lhc
?~OJECT [,r:.:J tv avoid a wmk ~t.or-ra#~- iir1d
:md witfillg to cnmpk~~ Ih.:: PROTECT;
;\)0\1/ THERJ-:FOK!.:::. tb~ OV/~ER and lhe ARCHITECT [:Igr~e a_~ f();k;",.~:
ARTICLE I't ConsuJtin12 Sen-iu"'8
ARCHl H:CrS 8cr\:i..:.::r. (;Otl~i~l ef~ho!;<:' dcscrihed in Pamgmphs::! hl 8.
~\...ev.: ;l nd Ad l,i!le. ARC fITTEC T ~hal1 tc\' i~' :lit dW'JJll entg pNv~dcd 0 W N ER !)y
prior arch~tec\. illduding but am ~imit~d to plan~ ~ht::malics. "5pr.-ci flc.aailm~, and
drawings \:Inu shlll! lJ~,mhf)" and Jm:l.lmcnt :::m.~rs, Jl;;{:rep.:.,ncies. .md tlefi.ciO:::nL:ics ,m tn!:
ducumelllS. ARCHITECT shall J.dvjse and ~commcad any dteratiom. additton~, ar.:d.'oT
~;'mxtiNL" ti; -:>;:Jid JocumCI1t:; thal ARcmrECI tc-cls ."lppropriate and/M fI!.:.ocCS~ilry ~a
[;("1mp~e(e the building in il InamU;r l.:OIL'>i;;ic:1lt \l,.-itn tht.~ standards of [he inri'Ustry. The
ARCHITECT :;h.:ll1 prep,He plans. SCh~m.iltjc~, .5opl,;.;ificatiQ'l'-. ,lrld dTawirlg.~ fnr I~H:
bl.lllding wh~n appropriate? and ('bser\ie tlw w~lf" ;1."- i1 pmgrt::~~<!j; for compLllIl1.:::e with
-' ,
R~lul!Oa of Th$l.unu~~. .'\ RCHITFCT :;hdll assist [he- GerEeral C~nn -:u:;tor and
Ov,'~.E!{ by !',.."spvL\ding ~o QUe.stiOIlS and i1$sisting ~u r<:;whllio.)fl of Jiscrep;:lmci~~ and
pwbl"'m_~ in Wo:' CL)ll5tll.ldinn doclJJ]"1oI:;nt~ drafletl hy and provided w lh~ O'W'N"'"F.R b)'
C.J~l.I.<1leL Arrhiter..:ts" it1cludJIlg bm nm limjt~d tll plans, ~chema~ics> ~p,:.-citic.:l)ti(lns_ Jnd
drawings; and in prm;iding alternative f..nlutinn~ as requf;:;m:d by the <"rL:ncr~1 'Conn'aclor
,md l~~ O\VNFR,
.".todifi(j.[~un 0f !lOCtlm;;IlK ARct-i1TECT ;hilU J~S;,t t\";~ G~llcm~ !,\)Ilr.-a(;~(~, .::mJ
UW~Ej.', by )In:r~<i;.~~ii\Jn L If mQd[ficarinr$ to ~he oon;::'lTILc..:r1nil ,h1\N,Th:ilt~. droftc,i by
<: H~fll:iI.:.? :"\ 'd,il-c,h ;;~d ;halJ pr~\,jd~ rt\.~s..;;:d '~~nS"u;~.':i"~l J(~C~l ,tL,=nt~ wn...'Ll n.'.~!J~~kl~ ~y
-:;-h~ G~~ler,~j ~:')HiiJ('.~:.."'r ::::r LiS nc~J~d j~Jr il~~rJIi..'::r::i"::Pl~t~~:'n ~",f tt.t.:: ":::I..-ln~li-I~...:.-t::~;n c:f tht:
P+\(\1 fTT. r ~e ..\ ~ [HlTELT ~h;Ai d..,S;~,t if I .~.l~l1stmcr~cJj ,ldrr::[ll:5lf(H~~~1~ <.;.~n'I~~:-~
. . ... ... ~, ~
~ r: . 'oj. ~ .'.
. ~ : .1. : '.
!:~ j ~ ;t
') 0""'..:
~ :
indndillg n;s~nses tc- Re(ju~~l F~)r 1I1.f()j1!latjon (RF!) by "the General Contr'3Ch)f 'Lrod tn~
OWN"ER it;;. ex~d~t:i~u-,;ly a<; D,,~e>;;;iUY ;,-'niw !},dcrly progress at'the WIJ!1;.,
~tt~ndance aI Meetin...!)!l. ARl'HnI~Cl. either the PTincipal t\{."Ct Or tbc Pro,lE:.Cl
Ar.:;hilCCl. .~l1aJl Jttenrl weekly sire m~etlngs in Key West... The pmject Art;bite"cl ~h.ilI
,er:~;;t irnnlCdialel,:.. (Ill: the weekJy sjt~ me~tin.5 to the Principal Archlle>::t
Uo(!umellt Rnien. ARCI-UTECT sh~H :fC)'jcw ~h~!p drawing; JIld submittals, and review
i!pp!Ec.atwns for pa-)T1~'.'l1l.5 Thr: ARCHITECT :shall advise tile G-em...>raJ CUrlt11l.Ctor
r.::garding !TIc re".~ew of shop drn.... ing3 and submittals. arid appllt:ariFFJ~ far pa;'mffllS aml
11111[fy of hi.;; ar~\"al, dis;Wpro\i41, :ind a:l)' S1..Iggesred modificatIons in a timely m.i!.nn~r
for the on;k.1'ly progress 0 f th e W('l;"k,
Su~ontT..ctoJ"S. ARCHll' ID1l11 pwcurc, with the aULll.1Jr1zati\JL1 ofth~ O\\'NFR on
!lH ~5 oe.. ..dcd hlL~ i_~ lhe s.....r\.. i-c:c.s of ~t l;:;nti~::::pe archi tert, interim &"S.lgner, ;::;m lCtu.ral
e~J;ine(:L and/or mechankal engineer to furth;,:r expand on the design. and the plans,
Comot'C'UctiOD CO.l~l!.h:doll!. I ~pon ';;:lJf!lpf(:11m1 uf cor-,:;trucUOtl., th~ ARCHlTLCl \', ill
perform 3. dcse~oul review of the pf(lject tor detcnnlnat!L)n or ,;ub:>w.ntlal and fuJal
;;omp let i, lIl_
n"".~r' s ResOOfiSibilitiell
9. Fumish IJlfurm,dkm.. OWNER shan pnwide fun iufurrrlatiou r~iug r~quirements of
the pmje;::L OV,(\TR shJH furnish required infonnat~(}n 35 e:>.pedi1iou:;l~ a~ !lece-;;'\.ary for
t he orderly progreS5 of the work,
10, Des i!matiEHI of RCVNMDtatiVe.. OWNER :;b.a [I desl g.n..ate a r~pr~entatj \'[:' iUl~ fwrizt;d to
;;let Oil the OWXER'S benatl" w;th respect to. the Project. The OWXER or ~l1ch amhn~
n::rre~"1ltailYC shall rondo- dcc~~j(ijl~ if! It timt;:ly mannE:T pcrtaining ~('I UOCllment<;
submitted by the ,\RCHITFCr ill order to a",()~d U1"Lre160ilable t.lchty :n !.he mderty
~c<jucnti;dl progn.>-ss Oflhc ARC I-HTECrS ~rvke~,
ll. Prior An:bih_"CJ,. OWNER a",orces. to the extent pcmlillCd by bw to hQ1d hannless 3nd to
j!1demll..i1Y the .A.RClllTECT fmm 11abiHty and damages ~risjn~ [r{lm negligent <lets, GI"
e!'fOfS or orniss!ons. of the prim- ARCHITECT. ~.) long ;:IS lOB! negligence t)f err"rs (]of'
omi::l-..~iollS an,: ~Q~dy tnore nf !ht: prior .'\RCIllTECT,
j 2. lirnite{l ij9~ ~1JtQ,llUl' O\\l1'of'ER ~e5 to lh~ extl.:Ilt pcmlitted by law to holtl
harmless and to i~ldemr.ify th~ ARCHITECT from c laum; arisin_!:! nut of th.;: \l-';c (If tbe
docum~nts pn..'Pared b)" lhe prior c\RUUTECT. OWJ>,;ER and ..\RCHlTECT agree tbaI
ARU-HTECr rcmain~ rcspo!l3ibIe and polC"ntiaHy liable to O\VNER f()r ARClUTECTS
0wn negligence, errors Dr omi:IL~iom;., or ttability, N\ tll A~iREr:MENT is mc,:mt to
release ARCHITECT from hi" OW;} n(;glig1;;"lc~. errors (1r (")mi~si(lIlS, {1f" iiabilit}<. for hi.~
\\"~!rk C'f ~l 'pcr\' i ~ t()U (>[ S llbctlntractor,~ m"! PR OmCT.
..:, ~ .:... ! ..
L.( .
,.. :...
. - ~ :.... .... i .
;: -:'t ..
..... ): ,:-:
.~ ~,
Su boontr.=l.cton.
l3. Definition of Sumonlmctur. A ~UhcuIlU'acwr is OJ person or organization who has J! C<Jl1tr~'t \\'jth the ARCHITECT tJ.) p~rlonn .any (If th~ work ill the s:it~, N\Jtbing in
AGREEMDIT 5haH ;;:reatt: any iXlntrac1t1a] relation betw(:en lhe COLNTY and any
~L.lbc('lntrnct(l[ hlrd b~i lh;: /'lRCH1TPCT.
14_ SllbtulHracto-r lD'Su~c:e, ARCHITECT ~haH rt~ql.!ire the 511b,:;ontmcton io ha\oe
iasura.-.c-? CO\'t,"rog~ as <:;.et nut in "-R Tieu: 5 ,~f AGREE ME~T
ART ~C l.J: 4
Pa"m en b to tile A n:h~ted
~:5 lfm.lrly Rate. The ..\RCHTTFCT ~hrlH be ";<:lmpC!\5.aled for st:r, ~rforrncd at the
1<_ltlO\\'iug: ,.tandard hourly rate-B not to exceed the <lIllim!lt ~l~- TWO HUNDRED A.\"D
~,t!~:-;.rn: ri~[d a,; f()Jlows~
Principal A;chil.cct, Robert LT. Currie
Project AAbitec~ Hank Goldman
M..:-chanical Engi m~er
Strucrura! En gineer
Lm d;s'{;i1pe AT;: h i~~r
In teri Of Des j gner
Pr~j ~t M:mager
C^DD Te.:hnician
S II pport Staff
$ t 50,00
S i 7S,00
S 150.00
:'&45 ,no
16. .R.(dmbll!:1l-abk EXl.'Ierl!! Rd.mburSilbl.e E.'Jm1.~t:,;: include l::xpeil:5e;) ir]~L.lrred by the
M:.l.. ~.IL i :-:"'T .'i.nJ AEtCHlTEC r S employees in the interest of the PROJECT, A 11
ex.pcn ~'S snail he r~quested by the ARC H1TECT in wrirj ng and a!1II'Krrll/...'li by lh~
O\\'N'"ER lo Yrrittllg.. All nrim~hle: e~ern<:s ace to ~ p'!!')d 011 the bas:s of and in the
amQllnts alahor:i:i'.~d p~muam to SccItl:Hl 112_061. Flanna StanJtt:;S.
a. Fxp.>n;;e Df transportarioD and living expen8es, in ..vriting, in
('unm:L.Olio[! wilh Iltlt-of.Cuun l)i !ro1Vel Juthori:red by lhe
()v.'I....;ER, but only to th~ exlen( and j'l lh~ amount\; authorized
by SB;;ltOn 1 11_061, Honda Statutes _ it is understood that the
ARCHITECT has oth~r projects in the Florida. K(:)'~ witn b~
OW:'-JER; jf tbe ARCTHIECT ~.isits mor>.:: lhan one pmject he
srmll prorate the ua"el expen~e~ behveen d\c proj€;(:1:;;.
1-0, E;.;.~n~e'S ~lich as. lour; disU'onc'i: telephone calls.. mlilL sl1ippinJ;l
and courier s.ervice. ;::opi~~, and pL'~t3~e h) be ftll1~d at C-.)~t.
[n~:!~llse bl:::.(l,: ~d 'c. h;re t:'km::ing at a ~!L: ,,1' $SJW per ~hc~t.
,~., b-lwUM; ,,;..olcc pk~tting i1t /l P!te ~)f $36.CO rer silcet.
~ '1",1 _~.,~e~t }J:':'J:~"!1~r~i ~~ ;)re Ju.-e ant! "(3~V~1~J'C ~(.,..? r.'Y'I" (,.a~} Ja'..'~ fiolll the date ('If L~t'
_-\.RCI-DTE('T' S J.m0i~';,;. A.ll p(1~, ments duo; i0[ ",-')~l~tnKL ion <;('rvice<:; ~wj ~et 7f!r,.je
~ c. .... i / "",'. ~ II
~..I ~ :\il{:.1 I I :l N "y )', I ;
I t_ ~.' '..t
1.)- f):) ...'':
"' 11
'.vithin fh~ arphl:.:ib~e lime iimib 5halt b=ar interest al tl3~ ate of on(,; ~n:l;rrj <1 "la) per
mLllllh. If lh~ O'\ll.'NER dj~puk$ a pmi(~n of fh(; P,iY;-,~_-:. reqilesl. the UUtlj~p1ltt...'-1 p,'rtiOH
,~l L1.;t l"1.:: dmdy pai d,
J 11. Mlilmtenull'Ce oJ &OM. ARCHITECT s.haH maintain .s ~l book~, rcC()n.l8, lklld Jocum~m
din.::cdy p<:rtillellt t(} ped(~nmiilce Uiulcr AGREEMEI~ .: in accorda..'l.cC \o\-il.h gcn<IT~lly
8:ccepted accountmg prjm:iples comi;;lonl1y appJ ied_
! 1.:;- Ins Decno:u of 1JQQk!:l and ^.d l"b. DlIri ng th~ kffil of _ ':.gret.'ll1rnt OII1d for four (4) Y[:/I1''l'
(0 Uow i [1 g t h (:l wrm i nation of th ~ Ab'1'eem~nt., the 0 W~ E ~ act lbro\l~ its ctcs:igllali::d
tinallciai oi1lcer Of other rcpn:"f::,]Jlalivc. ",,~,:jl h:l,'e the rigbl W ]n~'Ct. ftnd
<1udit ARCI-UfP.CT'S lxlOks of account and ~)thcr re<..'c.;-ds rlirf:ldly ~crnted regarding
the Proje..'CL lh~ ARCH1TE-CT reta(llS the right to h<1t'<~ its com:roHer 01" ~1J1. alllhorizcd
,epresentat~v~ to be present during the insIK,\;!jofl L), ~~dit n)' tho;:: OVr't..;ER_ .r~n (10)
hL.Esill~~:-; tb.y~ nl}l:iL:~ must be g.iv~m of intent !.o :JrJ<.i~~ hy the OWNER to allow [(l1"
~,;;hedllling of said presc-nce_ ~o~hiDg, contained within :l, is St':Clton wai\lt:s r!UOITley/dt~nt
'" ork pl'Oduc.t privilege,
2l~_ AcCftis to Boob und-cr Chapter 119, COl1>iTY anr; ARCH ITl ~CT SbBil allow and
permit rc..lsuHublc access to. and jUs.pccllon of all ~.'.>(;!.um::Tlt~ p1lpers, Jetter or other
mmerjal;;: In its possession l:l'r uncia its c:ontlol ~ubjec1 :-"-, tne j:}.fO\'is!ons of Ch..1pter t 19,
j"lor~da Swtute.<;, ;md made or re(;ei",e.:i hy dtk, party in l:OJ:\luflctjon with
,\ C R F FP....rFNT.
AtnICI,F. :'i
21- ARCH.lTCCl shall pro"jd~ insurance at the h~ginn;I'~'. \~( arty w{lrk itl ~)1HH,:(,ti~m with
A.(iRFE.\1hN'r. ,\11 irl-~'u"9;nce policic::; '!':h.aU be ""i1r.. .i.u~url:rR &l.Ithoriz.ed and doing
hllStnCSS in Florida. ARCffiTEL"T shaH be s,)~dy n::'~P"'".~;Mc for any and. liB dcductib1es.
and ;;df insmed retentions thaI the required poHcte5 -n:;;l;';' ~unw.in_
a. \Vorkt!r's Com~n!latifm and Em(~luvers LiahUity Insuran~ -
A..RCl~CT ~hlln t:lli:e mU anJ maintain during il1c life: of
AO}(lil~Ml:""NT Worket'_~ (\~mp'.mSa{lO;! 11l~uranc.:: for all hi~ ~l<pl[.>jo-..;es
conne(,.1ed WitIl lhil work of tllis Proje~>: and. in ~ any work is ~Llbjct,
the ARCHITECT <:haJ i I"'.;:q.uire lhe -~< I~nlrn.ctnr ~iroilarly to ptOVtJc
Worker's Cnmpcnsatjon rnsuranlX: for ,,!l ufthe Jarter'~ employees unk.",~
such employe~~ ar~ cQvered by i~le proh...>ction affi>rded by th~
ARCHITECT. Such insurance ~hajJ j~;)mply with the .Florida Wookcr',;
Compcr-.sati:on Law. Th.e minimum liwlt-: of suell insoran~c 5.hall b.;:;
($) Part One - C ompen.'>lltin-n - Statutory
(h) Part Two - Employers Liability
Bodily InjW')' by Ac~~~d~nl, cw.J-. il-Ccldcnt. $1 ,OOOJ100
BodiJy .Injury by Disease. each employee - S] ,000,000
Bodily injury by Disease. p<:1~ic)' 1im}t - S] .OOO,HOU
h.:). RC1HTECT'S r!!llli.e f i!'lMlliy,Jl.~~;j Proi!!!.rt<' l.~m:i1!e Iil.j_~:r~~
ARCIllTECT 5...1.aB mke l"-.C[ ::md I' ."ir..WFll dw-illg tlH-) life cf ';ii~
.I1,gr~cmclLt CQH:pr.::hcmi\..f- G(~ncni Usbiltly <:l":ld C('mprc-~I(!!j~i\'e
ALltnH~:.blle LiabiEtY h:W.r.illC+; :!~: ';bH pt01e'.~~ him tr>Jm dajn'~ If)r
.,4. ..J.(
t~. I ~ ..
~. /:..
,-:;:;,~;.~,~.;: 101" ~ro.~i1ilf i~.hll)'. ~"ilcli.Jjjl;g J..::cjd,;Il~,;i ..te;:th. :l5 ~\di :~.; ~'h!m~
kr pm~r~y "bmagt'~ ',-,h:c!:l f',Kt)' :ori.,(: {T~.':n ;.,pc..allng ~wLkr
\(;RFJd\.U:~ r whdhcf 3u{:h op...,,;li,ms .:tre. b, hjm~eif "r by <"of)}.,n.;-
dirc;::dyor indirectly emrl~~)'<;(1 hy him. rind ti'le Rffiolmt of $u~h in~unmte
,.haft ~~ min imllm limits a~ f(lllows:
c, An.:hilt'Cl''s COlUprebeasiw Gcficr~ Li~bilin..
.~1.00tl,[}OO Cc>mbined Single ~imit (CSL) foldl ...4:~Lirrenc~,
d, Auti>mubUe ~ ,iftbm~J Cfn'era.e:l:S,
-.:: 1 ,OnO.l1\...'"'O Combined Sirlgle limit (CSI.) i-".~.dr .);::c
C~-'''''erag;; und~r (a), ?Jld (by, .jhall bL) pmvidc,; on af1 oc~urr~H';:C;:;
ur,]-ess ~)t~lt::m~.~e acceptc.d foy the. O\V1"':ER.
'.:. Subcontractor's Insul"aoCl: - The ,,\ I{CHTTEC ;" sh.ail rdJuin~ cili.:h (If his
~ l.l1J..;::-o ntr a~t~)[~ 10 pr()ci,lr~ a;;J m::! i b l,;,i.n JUt;n g I!:" II f~ "f ih i~ ..;,~Ll:lQ)!l1rfKt.
iIl~LLr,Llj~e of,he type "'~ jtl-e.U i1bove witb liIll;L.; ,if }Labilil) h~'..:ptahle ~('.
th~ AKCHiTELT and !..hi.: COL~TY.
L Ilr'o~d fonn PmMrt\.' fum9~1! c.u\l~r3(!c..Y",ducts & Comuli'!tal
Opetat({lns Co\<t:'n!I;::es . A~hite"....t'~ GeneT,,: Liability Poil';:).' ~h3.11
induJ(; B,\-,ad "fqrm P,,-,perty Damage C'lH'mge, ProduCTs Itnd
Compte~~d OperatiO.fi5 Cc..~rng~~;.
g, COl:ltractllld Liabilitv Work C~)ntud::li - 'he A.n.;hilE~ct\ (i<:n~ral
Lial1iET). Po lic} "ltlill indllde (\1l1triKTIllIl ~_.i,\bi' ~y C ()'emg~ J~sig.ncd W
prot..-:ct th~ ARCH rn~cr for comrncrual lif r-.,ij ities assllmed by ~l~
.,\H;CJI fTl'.('T io the perklflnam.:c ,)1' d1i~ ..o\1:,'1.......:;.:CI11.
}], b-rchiteds Errors and OD:tissi(ln~ Lillb1Iit>:: .l!1~llr';llDCC. Rc.:cognuir.g
rhm the ~",.nrk ;;o...emed hy this contrad 11,' Jives the furt1ishin~ ,)f
Ar(;hitc.ctllr<d se.r\'ices, ARCHiTECT 5h;Jll ~.Llrchase ru"1d maimai..:\.
thr(llEgh<>u~ <he lifu of th~ c~ntract, .<\r<.:bikt':.; Ermr8 ~md Omissions
1.i,lUil ity ]nsLlfance which will ms,-",ond tc> da.rl;~~ges resulting, fw"tl any
clcim ari~ing out of the pert{~rmIiIlC~ of pf(>fC~5.'nna.l service:; or any I:':'rt"Of
\~r mEis~i01\ uf lh~ ARCHlT u.. I ari~ing uul J tho;- Wl1,]., ARU llTECT
pedomls gO\'Crlll-tl hy th:s (~mlr.:lLL TIlEs w.s~t,(;e shall be EU.:~!nr1l.[fled in
tOfu.; 1'..)[ ,1 ~riDd of t.......o y~ilrs <Iller the drl~e c:' SUD.imnti.1] C[)rl"lrltttn~
,}f rho:: Project. The H1iLiirrllLrll limit. oniabili1y ~!jall be:
$l. OOll, 000 per occurrent.:: i$ i ,000. 000 N~g.regatc
L ('~rlifi(:"...~ of IJ):;urnnCl: - OW~ F R ~h,,1' h~ fl!fni:;;hed proof c.Q....C!.:ig~. or
~n~ur"JJkU :.IS f~)ltows. Certiticmc of JJ1..~uraYlGi:" I.nml \".iil be ntrLli:>hed Ie
th~ O\\~,rRR ahmr: '-"llh t~t" Co r'llr.lCL DOCU!llL.,lt~.
This C ~rt.i fic<ltc -;nall be dat ~d anJ t>h.QW;
,~" .It"h.:' l1J.!tu::- <if ,he"" i!bu;."J ARCHITECT ~~lt" ~r.:-(~;(..; j...o "y
n~:!.iue "nd Ilnuli'"t{:~~~ th.e- r:::1ITre .;:-:f ::1[;: insl~rcr~ ~ri.-':: ~~L:Li~t"i-l:,.~i ~d
t tJi; pol ic:., it:; <;.rk~~j';~ ,b c. ~ind iL .,:,;]1illatio'1 date.
(.....:~"1inc.i.~~-("~ Gi. In.;.lH'i.lll(~ ~.:h:::d~ i.....:: ;:"1
., .. -
.~..::~ :(HI~i: L~~ ~'4::~n-'.~..:~"'J !l\
~ I . I : I) ...
) I ~ I
Imurafl~":: SWHia.r{j5 0ffic.;: dSO J ,md such l\:ni.r~~te shaJ I
de~lJ'!Y ~lale ;lU tb~ ~L)\'['rJges !e'lvhd in this ~;(:~Li;)j1.
(3 ) C l:rti Ill.: ate of f n~ll rance "haH ~tal€ '.hst <he _'..1onroc C Lnmr:
B0ard of County Cornmi.:,:"jur1ers ~5 l!.~te..j a.~ additional tJ...,w'CJ
on fiJl poticie:;; UC(:pl j'o], \Vorkcrs. Compensation, Automobile
Lability, and ,'\"RCHITECT [rruts and OmiS3icn.s Liability.
t:~) Owner retains the! rigfH to rcql.ltr~ a certw~:J copy of any
policy requ.ired unJ....'f AGREEMENT <lTHl ARCHlTECT
agr-ee.... [0 f!lmi,~h !>:aid (:erti fjeJ cupy wilbi[1 thin}' (30) dolY~ of
r,xp.h~ ~t.
EQilhuIU:l1!t Dam..2.~. OWNFR and ARCHITECT ~,ai\-"~ an righb rlgnjrt~t. ~h olher ~o:
los--s (1f rlamage to any cq UiPIUt:rlt us.;:d in colloecl illl1 \Ir ith the rmjcct and ':;)Vl:':red hy I:!ll}"
pmpj,.'Tly in~lliaBce. l\RCHITECT ~lltll] n:--\juirr ~imHar waivers from <Ill ~ub.:;..,-,ntra...'1or;;;
am.! their s.ub-subcont....zlL.:wt:)_
.:..) .
Wap, of Subro2Jltio-D, OWNE,R W,li;'t::j. 5L1brog.ation against ARC! ~lTECT \)n .111
property aN.] cmlstXful.nlial !os-:; poil~Ee.s cm-ried by the OWNER Nt;:cnt PT{lI:lC!1;e.~
;iTlJ wlI.ler property .HId consct;j(lrntial loos po1iciC'~ purd'l3sed i"Or- the !','Oject an.:, [l~
Endl)r.;emeut.. l f the r~}lici...~ (If in~lJronc..:: rderred w in- this .'\11 id~ require .1n
erldprs.ement tv prvvide for wndnued '-<.werage l.vhcre there i~ a w,iill~r Ljf subrogatk1n.
The owner of SllCh TWllci~~ ,\.in caLIse them to be i.O endoised. f3.ilore l'~' obtain rrnp~r
~[)dorsemer.t nuHiti.~~ the ......i\'er (If litigation-
AdiudicatioD of Disllutes. 01" Di532,reemruts and M.:dmt1oo
AlijmH..~tiOD of OisnLltes. Dr lJi:MI.!!.I'e~ments.. OWNER und ARCHITECT Elgree trta.t an
di;;;,putes and df~gre-emenl.. shall be attempted to he r1..~olv~ by me~~ OInd ,.tluler sessioll.'i
bctweetl :h~ re(>>-es.efll3tj,,'~s of ea.::h of the pani~s. Eithf!r OWN ER or A...:.i\..~'lllTECT may
request a meeT and callier session, If a sessio[! date ;m(l time cannL1l be a~reed \.lpDIl
within to...'Il 00) d.l,"'. [RIHl the d::u;; vfihe requeo;t vr if nO rcs;ulmlon C:!n ~e agtL>ed IJpon
within lwcmy (20) days. -after the first mcct and confer s.;ssicn, oither ra.Jt~. s~13ll havl;', the
I"lgbi to submit the,"ed iSSlle(S.) tD med~3tiOJl.
Medialion. O~l\i~R and .-\RCIHrrCT ag(~e th:;jt, in the event of contlic:ing
inte.rpremhom of the ~crrns Of a term of this Agreem en! by or between <.luy or them the
j~uc ",hall he submitted to mcd~alion prim In the institutio!1 of any other f!dm.tnI3lm.tive (>f
legaJ pn.~c(..'t.liIlg_ ~1edl.8lilJl1 shall be sd~dtiled as !i.OOn as. possible TO avoiiJ a 4('pr~t: of
work on. PROJ E(T Either party may instiH..ltc litigalion prior ~o m(::dia;iao iftiming for
tIl~'JiatiQJl wuuld came the:: ;;taluW Clf limillltion:;, to rull hefML.: I.h~ partj"f;. wuld medjate.
\1cdiatiua eirnl:r pre-suit or post -~uit [lln-~at:ed and c~"'tndu.ct~'d pUrsllilnt to AGREEM.ENT
~l.,aH he ~n J<':~~)L'd;:l1lCe with the FINi.:la Rub~ elf CL\'i1 rL\o.cecture and u;:ual aIld ':::Js1nil~J.IY
!Jr0cdl..ires ~)y th~ C1TCliit ~ourt of~ILlm,:>e (\.mllt.','.
:"lu Alfllit('llhon. j" ~~H: cwn1. :i,;y <~dr1J;~)::;l.:m~j,,;.: C:' ;cgaJ pc".;c~:~Jin(~ l:-> j\i:~~iw~ed aga~jbl
dh'r party rebthc, t(l th~ tl;rl'~a~j:);""!.. '::"'~.:.Ilj()!l. ;-erfc'l""'.llilnct_ '_~'T brtll:h ot"
~.1 'I:
...j ..::(" I.
. ~ I. ; .)
.'GRf.Fi\.H-~\'L O\\~FR LInd .~RCfUTFCT ~gr{:;C that .H' pan~ b) .-\GRFE\1fST f;l\c,j!
l:1~, t'-'quin:o.i w (~l~ef ::in)' arbl~<.ltjDll procccJ;Hgs rdal;;;~1 hl AURU: ME~T.
A RTlCU:' 7
'J-ermidalion or Sl.lSDeill~inn
2S. Faihu.e to SUDsumfi:dl'V P~tfofm. AURFEMENT may be terminated by either party
UpCll th~rty ~)O) dii)"S' written notice should the other pmiy Cuil Sllb5tail tiaU)' W perform in
;:n>~(lrdaF1c~ ~....i1h lne lernh of AGREE~fENT tI-;roi1gh f!,f f11IJJt .fI' the pan~.. !Tllt!ali!lg the:
~L:'rrnir1l:l.lj lm_
'~9"_ "'.liilu~ to Make Pa'"wcDt. If O\vner fails to ITI<lI-;.t:: paymc:nl whLm JUI; A.RCl-llJ LeT
may upon se\>.~Ll (7) days' writwn nl]ri.,;~ to OWNER, 5uspen~ pcr1'Ormancc .:If ~rvil:cS
~1J!der AGJli:FMl-'.Nf. Utlle;.." paymctll in full i.s. re.::e\wd by ARCHITECT within seven
I, l:~ d.:~~.~ of lh~ dilt<" of th.. noti.:e_ ~hB smpenSl0!3 s~,dl tl!kc .:::fff'::Lt .....ithout nn1 ice
f\" the -o:'ieut of a s.uspens.i(lfl of S';:I"',.i,;::e~ the ARC!-IlT[Cl shall !\;aye no habiiity tn
OW0'FK fOT delay or damage cau5ed OWNER bcca.u:,>~ of ::>ut:.h s.Ll~pen.-:;ion of :;'--JVjCt)s.
3;), Termil1Mti./.m f.::\pt'me!l. In thl: ~"erl~ o~' t~rmin.iltiun lliJi the fattlt of ARCIIITECT
:\RCHlTfCT shaU be wmpe(15.lted for -s,=r"i~s pcr1"0rmoo. prior to t.cnninatioo. wgctuc:r
\"'~th Reh'llbursahle E>;pe11~~S tl:um due. .-\d.ditiona1 Termination EX.pi.-"IlSN shall be
L om pwd lL(;' le n p~c t!1t (jl)4%) of th~ hourly n1te bm nal to exceed ten percent (I C%) of
the. ~....mOllnt of TWO HI.l.~DRE[) AND TWt:NTY-FIVF. THOUS,A.!"D DOLlARS
A:-l1J NO CKl'lS ($22~, No Tonninalkm Expeu3:e". ~hall he paid lfllhe event of
km,ination which is the fault of the ARCH.lTECT.
-ur.n CJ_l!~ R
J.:. The: ,I;TlHS and ~onditialiS IJf AGREEI\1EST shail be f~()active to the date::
.-\RCHI l'refS began work ~\n the PROJECT, OctahE:r U. 2005
M iKell~ l1eOIliS P r{l1ois!olJ.,...
.h]fi~di-ctifln and Vellu~. AGREEMENT ShOll! be gOHTlle>d by t~ laws oj" the Sl1dC of
rturiJa_ V-.:llUt: fL'L" STI)' dj~ru[t::> and/Qr ilrising. LlIKln l~L~ A~jREE.t\1..b-.~.n must
be ill JyJonro~ CouDly. Horida.
, '-
Bindin:e .i:ffect. O'.VNTR at'I-d ARCHITECT, respect~....dy, bind their
parut~rs, s.uccessars, flssigm and tegal n:pn;:~"<i4.<:ll) to Lle (l-dH;f parry.' to this Agre.=menl
.1 nd to the p..1rtners, a ssigrn: an d legal reprcs; ~v(::s 0 f SlK:tl uthn p.:;l!ty W ith re~pe~~t to
aU I:covenarrts ('fthis AGREEMENT. Neither O\\1}.,TER [n ARCHlTECT ,,-haH <l.'>S.ign this
..\URf:SM.EN r W:thuU1 the written consent of the C'thiJr.
}.... ~Q Thir;:j.~ (o:n!ra~tuw Riehts- j'k:h:.I!J; l' h.;r~lf,-, shall ere:..,,",:: ~.F,.'"
;",lddcnsoJp_ (c~nrac[lJ2.t or Nh!'"\",i~, w;t~ :wy rig:H_';; itl fa'-'or J, ;In_y ~~;rd ca..~...
,. :.!
.. ...~ 1'0
. ~ .... ~. ,
... I '~'I i:'
nl::Jins~1 Con.'!trtlc~imJ. ..\(i R Fi-ii\-l t"1\iT hao.; bt.-..::n ';<Ird~lH,,' r~\. iew(.J b\' lr.:: Ow~"ER
J,td ihc\RCl-DTrrr. Thcret'on.:, ~hi" A.qeell1ent ~s TIet t~ b-'-: ';~1nili1~~ ,lpi.'l~l either
part} oJn th~ ~~j.~ (If il.nthc;fShip.
NondL'lCrimiu:lDon. O\\'KER and ARCI UTECr ::Igrcc ~!lJ.t th~rc ."ill be 010
d i:>,(: rim inarion Ilgairlst <,I,)'. pt:Ts(~n., ;md it b (:x pressly uoderstoc J that upon i:I
determlllation by a ~OlJrt of competenr jurisdkHf,n tbat clis......p.mination has Dc;,;uLTed, thii'.
Ah'nlcmcat rmtornaticnily terminates wi"(hoot any flHther adjon ~111 lh~ pm of I1ny pruty,
efi~tive the date Qfth<:.-.....>urt orda-. O~'"N"fR lltld ARCHlTECT agn::e to comply with
aU F t:':11 t-ra I <lIld florida ~tJtulCS, J.lld aU k<ni ord:lla!1ce.~. as. appHc.'Iole, rebling <l.'
{,O)f"ldi~'riJTIiHation. The.<: ;nclude bllt are not limited to: !) T"ttlt: \it of lh~ (i,.il Rights
>\.;:1 nf ~%4 (PL g8~352} which prohibE!S discrimination on the ba~is or race. color or
national origin; 1} TitJ~ IX of ~he Fd~I'.:at[on Am(mdrnt~nt (If 1972,35 antended (20 use
ss,lMI&I()~3. and 168S~l686\ ,,,hich prohibit:; discnmifl<ltiQ[J on tile botSl5. (lf~; :~)
St:::C[itHl SO-:J ot" the- Rehabilitation Act of llJ73. lL": amended (20 fJSC s. f94.L \lrh~h
vfohio~t$ .;:1;~timin<itiorl on the Miois of h,mdi("aps~ 4), The Ag.e Discrimination Act or'
1975. as ::lJneuJcd (42 l:SC ~s. 6llH-ti I {lj} whidt pwh~bits djs.crimin<ltion OIl the basis of
,1b,'t:; 5) The Drllg .'\bu~c Office ~n<i Tre-.arme,.'lt Act [If , 072 (Pl. 92.255), <1', amended.
rd~H in g to nonJ [seri mj nalhm 011 ..he ha..~is 0 f dmg abl.!se~ 6) The C omp,...tllensi \It: Alcohol
Abu~ and Alcoholism Pr~vention., Treatment a.nd R~habilita.tjon i\d of 19,0 (PL ql-
(', J 6" a.~ amended. relaling [() i1L)mlj.~crimlJlali()n ..n {he basis Df alcohol abuse or
alL:t,h(,bm: 7) 111e Pnblic Health Sd...k~ A0t 0f 19] 2, ';;5. 523 and 517 {-I-.2 use !i.<;.
(,<.J(idd':'l ~Y1c.l ::NOt::c-J), a..;; ll.Incn(.kd. ~l<lfing l.n C(lnfid~urial\ty of aJc.ohol and drug abvse
patient records; 8) Title VIII {)f the Civil Right~ Act of 1961! (42 use s. et seq.)., as,
amellded, reJ.'lting to nondiscdmiIlation in the sale, renl<11 or financing of housing.: 9} The
.\m~ricIiTJ.~ with DisalJilitj~~ .-\cl nf 19YO (42 U~C ~. 1201 Note), a.~ maylx amended nom
lime to rim,;:, relating tu Ilondiscnmill;llinn on (he ba~is of disabilrty~ ~ 0) Any other
~lOndisc;im.ination pro\>isions It! any F~deral or state ~tute~ wbich may <Ipply to the'
parncs to, Of the sul),j~ct matter of, thi~ AgI<)~I1ICllt.
_, J' .
Cooperatiun and Io"alidn'.... [f any ~r~ ~lVenar1L (:()ndition 0r pi\:lnSlmt of tlli~
Ay-eerneo! (Of the ilpplic:'ltion t~reof to any ci~lJmsta.nce Dr per-wn) ~haB be declared
invalid or um~fUH.:e<lbk U) llJJ)' exte:JJ1 by 11. c.:.ourt of compet~nt juri."di~ij(ln., lhli:
r~m.3il1ing lernlS. ;;ovenants. condi~ions and prOV!SiCrll:S of lhL~ Agreement, sh:lH not be
aff.;:ctcd th;;rchy; and c.:lCh {(;!maining t~r!t1. COVCMIll, conditioD. and provi5.ton of lhis
A.g.reement s!jilH he ~'alid and s,hall be l:Ilforceabk 10 fuc flJ1Jcst cxrult permitted by ]a",
L:nless the t'nfor~ment of the remaining wrm~, c,}\'c:nam.s, cflnJftiom and prm j~~ons of
thi;;. Agn:.clt]cllt wuuld pre....l!'nt the ~ccomplishmellt of the original jntent of lhi.;;
Ag.r~mem. The OWNER :md ARCJ-llTl::.CT a~e [(J tcfonn the Agroem~I1t to replace
,m~' .W"lcken pr0lo'is.loll with a ...alid prol-'is-ioo mal comes as doSof' as: poss.ible !o the intent
l'fthe >t1'ick~n prN iS~GIl.
N...liCi!. Wh.::nc\,(.'T either pany d~~ires to give nohce to !h~ other, SUC~l mHice s:..1aU be in
writing. ~Crn by certltled Uni[{;J Stattl!; mai I, rdurn TI."Cdpt, .'tddr~sed to tne
pa"). for ,-\.l;,:)m it is lutc[ldeJ <it th' place 8..T1J lime sper;:ifleJ iLl thi; A~..I\::j...mellt: ~l)d the
i'!~c~ for ~" i!lg I'.c:t~c<: "hall mm:!in .;~lch ',Lmi; it is d\all~e,j by 1>.Tttt<:n nNk:~ tJ 1.1;.;; Qth'~r
:~:.:'. .):!/:-~:~'! ~.,
f.l ;.: \JI~':.d ,-- I..: .t-ll . .i., I 1
.!.~ I)'.: ) I
..! (:..1 .....;.I:i
vary. Fo, ~hc pn:~<::!1~, thl; prilt:S ~;!esigru1te the toU1..,,,.,.ing a" ~h~ I"espediv-e plflces fol'
~~~.hil,~ nutk~.t'
M r, L!l11"}'- C l'ra ImeN
f aciHti i;7S Deve lopmem
11 DU ~ imonton Sh"ee t
Key \~'c~1 t110liri;l, 1:"11)40
Mr. Roben U. Currie
Currie Smvilid~ Af!.uila ^rchit~cH
J 14 N(I...theil~'t Fi~t AVf:flUe
Delroy BC~h~)~T Florida 33444
An pl"Oval fo~ 1-' avm.crH... COUNTY J S perfurrmmce i1nd ob 1 igJl ion tQ pay und~r
Agrt:-ement j;;; c(IlUtngem upon an ll,nnual appmpriatioD. by the Board of County
C1)mmis"io[le{s Ilnd 1he appl'O\ial of the BO:lJ'J n:lcmbeT" a.t tl1e time of A~'Teelll~mt
;~rrrmial ~ml du~tinfl.
SovCrci!!'"D Immunity. Nothing in lhj:s Agrt:~meF]t shall b(l WJlstrued a... a .W!J.k~T
of any s()..~re'gn lmmunrty by COtJN1Y.
Sc\'t~rnbilitv. COUNTY and ARC H ITt.CT OJ gree that if any wragraphs or pmvhdon s of
If,;:::: At,'T-!:~~m i~ fm ilny re.1.Son .o.lnenfor~eablc, lhe (~maiElt~'.~r 0[ [he Agreement wlH be
Auornev Fl-~' sod C(l~b. TI>~ OViNER and ARCHITH.: ,. agree lh~.t in U1C even1 any
eilU~ of actioD. or admin i stralivc wvc<<-<.! ing is initiatoo or ~btCDdcd by an~' parI:)' rdati ve
tl) 1hc f,l1l!1.1m::ment OF interpret3::!irm uf /l,(jj{ FFM...J.iT, .,:.~~ prevailing party shall he
~n[itled to ret:t;S.l.m~bk; <lUomey fee's, ((Jurt cost:;;, i1JY~.' igati.....e. and out-ul:pocker
c~pcm,es. aJ:; 4II1 ,",..ard agniu8t the fUm-pre'>'ailin g pany, <,ad shall include rc;lS.()flab Ie
l\ttomey fe~'s. court \:.()~s. In'i'estiga1ivc., and out.of-pll.:i<.d L:.':pCI!St;S in 8ppdlatc
NQ PC'l'Sonlll Uabilit-i. No co\'elli':!m or agrcerncrlt I:Dnlalned h~lCia ....,hail 00 dr:cmcd 10 bu
a covenant or "weeroe!lt of any member, offi(;~r> a~at, or i;;mployee {,f Ml)illoe County
in his ('1[ her indi',ijd!.Eal capacity. ,md nD m~mber, officer, ~l;;{:J1t '~lm.Iployee of Monroe
C{)lmly ~hall he p(,:~(HlfIlI)' liable un A(;REF'vlliNT Of be 5uoject to .Il:l;' pcr.:mnd liabith)-"
('If ;}<A,; L)\ll1tabi!ity by J1:!l_~OJl M ~x~:.c:uting AG RELM rf'o,;T.
Atte6tutio~~. ARCHiTECT agr..:;o:~ to exf:'l;ute such d~h;limcllts LiS O\\.'N"fR may
....::asnllably WL:JE..Elrll, tt, a I"ubli.: .Enut). Crime Statement., ,m E1hit..<i, ".K!
a. Drug~Free Workplace St.ld"-"1TIL'Tll
Sedl(l.D H~!ldID~. Section hc.a.d:'Jlgs have been iu~ertcd in thi~ Agn::ement 8-'1 a maikr of
CCln venience fur reff:rencc ltn Iy, a.nd it is agreed !.hat ~uc h :~li;tioTl headings a.~ nnt a pmt
0f thi~ .~grccmem and wlH [lot be 11sed jn the !llterpretr..llnn of any provision of this
Au)b€>rlt-r. E:.tch r1S:i1.y r~pn.;~;;:nr ~ af~d wa....nl11t~.. '0. !!lL). oE~~'r ~bt the e~:~i.:Hti')11. deH\iery
~{ml [.1crt"c-;nnitP-ce cf AGR FhM l ;.vr have L"lx-""[J cltl]Y ~.~~H':(ln:;:ed t>y 1'.15 ~''ii,.X.~_''lil.~'
w'".~rr:n.!c~md ~~ppm';R!, ;j," H-Xil'lr<~d by ~a~..
. I ~ "j ( ~
, I
"~ "'"" I
-l' f.:IIJire .\j!ft't'm(:,llt. AGREEr\ U:NT r~prc~nl.~ lh\.' L.:]~t[r,' and jm~'gl'at.;-.j Jt,~mcn;
bem.e"~n O'W 1\.ER aIld ..\I\Cl-DTE( ~l and ~~persed~~ all pr;'lr nq~llti~HjttflS.
;Lpr~~~nt.a:in:l~ l~~ :'l.g;n.".:m"",,I,;. ,;-idl<..,. \\";U~;1 (Of arnL ,-\g.-e~l1L~nl ma: hL.: ~m,-"Tld~.t1 ,lll1.~ h.~~
....rin~n ii~~'"1Jm~Ht S.ipl~.j b:> bdll O\\SLR ;~nJ .\R:CfUTFC! with th" ~am~ t0rm;lllt:<:S
"i' .V~ /\f~t<.I['\;T.
f\i \~ I ['NfSS \1I,."lIEREOr rhf' piI,ties h~n;tP h[!.vi:: cxc(uted lhis AGRE[~1FNT i"Jlj lhl."::
..... .._.:Ja:-':)f [1,:;-~'l;mtll.T:f)(l5,
l;U:\1\-1It:;~lUNU{S OF MDNKOL
[( )F.'..JTY, "1..0RilH
,-\..~~~t nA)o.,~'.' L. KCH HMil--:. Cl ,FRi-:
R'. .
I )~pI.Jl~. Ul.:"rk
\ by,'r ChaiT!Jlil),
W ~ln;.;~s
W [t:less
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