Item Q11 BOARD OF COL.\ lY CO 1\1J\HSSIONI(RS "\CV~J).'\ ITFi\..l SUMMARY LJ COpy )"-Iccting Dale: November 15, 20()5 Divi slon: County Administration fiuik item: Y (:s ~o X Department: Count"" AdminiSlratiOIl Stall Contact Person:pcbbic Frederick AGJ(NDA ITEl\-f \\!ORDf~G: Approval oCLl:asl: Contract with Lazy.' Day~ In' Ccn'~r, fnc. for the lease 01"40 travel trailers to make availahle w County employees affected hy 1 (Ltcl"i("C1ne \Vilma. ITEM BACKGROUND: Monroe County employees hu\.'c su!lGn:d .~i sLli (ical Lt damage to their prim iUY residences dUl: to Hurricane Wilma and it is c:sscntial to mai Lllain all County operati ons especially during this lime of disaster n::covcry; therefore. all C OLJlltj' ~1~1 P 1i)\,."ccs need to be gi vc.;n priority consideration for temporary H.V housing. This Contract will <:Jllv\~ \fomoc County to lea.<;e 40 travel trailers to make available to affected County employcE.::s. J~rU:VIOUS REI J~:V AYI' HOCC 4.CTIO:'\; N/A CON T HACT/AGREEJ\lEr-iT CHA!\G ES: \JiA ST AFF RECOMMF:N l>ATI Ol\S: Approval of Least: l.ontrac1 with dlrcctlon (0 ll;~' ('nLmty Clerk 1.0 plOcess payment immediately_ TOTAL COST: $5tifU20 BUDCETEIl; Yes No COST TO COUNTY: S5tif.U:W {To be rs~il11hurs(~(] I'r{)Jn E::ckral/State Government with a ma.ximum cost to the Count v not to exceed 11 /!. (~,~, o,i"lQtdl cost RFV~~f'TE PRODt:CI~G: Yes f\: I) \: :\:\"IOLTNT PER T\lOl\TlI Year APPROVED BY: COUllty Atty m)\__ 0\[8. PLLr~basing ~ Risk. Management X [Joe l: t\lEI\TA TION: [llC luded ~ !J fuuna...., U'ilti 'I'homas J. \',!illi ~ ot Req uired_... IllVISION DIRECTOR API~H:OV A].: DISPOSITION: ACF.1\OA TTF.\1 # V10:'>JROE COU~TY !lO:"\ l< ~) OF COUKIY COMMISS [O~ERS CO~TR:\CT SUf\.lMAR Y Contmct ,.....lth: l.azy Days RV Center C () II Lrac.l f,' -- - -. -.. ... r: treet i \"0;:; Date -. Expiration Date: .... Conlrac:t Purposc/Dcscript ion: l.e<ue Contract "v~th lip,:}" I)ays RV C'l"Jlkl_ inc, for t he lease- of 40 travel trai 1<$ to make available lO County employees a[kclct~ '.1: J 1 urri cane \.....i lma_ ... - .. -.- .. - .. .. -. . - .. ... - -.. ..- Contract Manager: Debhic FrcdGrick 4741 Co" Administfation/.$-tDp #- 1 .. .- (t\ ilnl'; 1 ([x" ) (DepartmcIIl/Stop t.'l for ROCe meeting on 1 1 /1 s/n~ :\gcnda DC,ld 1 i lle: CO;-<T:\,.\CT CUSTS Tot,'ll Do liar Value 0 ('Contracl: S 5 (l S"} )() . III Cun-enL Year PorlioIl: S be r~~ 111 :~'l~'~L'd \\itJl ~~ ] :~(~ I~ ~ l-i~l-"': Budgeted? Y esU (jt'anr~ $ COLLl1ly \.falch: S NoD ___:0 Couly ACCDlLtll Cod L;:-,: " .' ."--c'!' j.' -I', _~...~,/.) ~~/~~."~':":''-~: ..",'-:J~...",.'_ AOIYII()'\'AL COSTS Estimated OngoiJlg Costs: $___.'\T I'l,r: (''';{It indwkd in dollar value aboye} I. :'!,. mai ntf.nanec, uti]itic_~. janiwrial. ~<l]~w,::s, t'"tl".) co)'-<r~.. \CT R (:VILW Dl\.ision [)ireclor Chall~-':~ [)aLe 1n ~";L'd ~d Ycsn '.:u u: Drne Om l{evle\vtT Risk \lanagernent "'{csD \'0 .' o. rvl. B. /[1 u rc has i n g Y cs[ I \;n: COLmly" Atlomey y cst] '\\)1 ___ j C'Olumcnts: -'IIIu......'" "".... I'" "111'." 0-' ~ """1 ;) .)~ B "'~ ~...._ F"1on1o 21se. .O'!lf>e L'-",~'..8' ~:2<1{ ~3-)31S,"". ,EIOO16<<;-'-I\Qlos..r.<.~ ',PI:;<;I.e:;:-78QQ LEASE CONTRACT C:att i:1f Alilr...-n...,~: ~dayo.R~'.H_,_. PYllr.llml!' ~........t Nuont>eo' E.J;_:_ - 7 b4. ~.l:>.. _ J 1 ~ " ~ JAr'. -. '_..J L_ ~~ ::;: :;1:,": t~ R".' d or C ~ Jr t,. Gom m 'ss '[>ners c.l......t<J: ,t,ddn.lo 11 oc S:nc~~". ~:.L ~IJII"=:I. ~O~ Addr... ll~ '~~;.4C Clly StIQ lip cltjo I(~j" .......~5~ s~ cL - Ph<WM' p_n PI'I<MM.I;:!: E-onIIII ..t<l.....: y u. '.Ii. JII~ I I nI.uT'W1C'4I - -- ;.~ J NDl5 "Jr~~t R'y~' ,- ~ss S' r- S..tMllltu1lon Cl_) ,t,gM'tI v_ M .b, 1l00W, &. 3iz.o P'<)ll~~ Ir lrll-llrIlR~ CcmpMlf Vln' ..-.... ~"'-~ s,,,,,ur ell)' - ~ ,~=~ ~-~'- .j ! '---- M_y L.- P.f..-rtl1nlol.. F.. ....C1.,~r--.... p~~."'I!II"'.~ ~ 1Ir- ~:";I'V'1. '1.:'-.-.-....' a-oil! -......:: Cut ::"1), (r-I_I.II':'[) a: A:'" ~,-,...: ~c @ $. >-55 ~,~ ;Q:j ~: de @ ~- ~~e '~,~<.i:!X au.... 1......: I.~:;.!:III:':I:I IJC~~ :!i~ ::~::.x S"e 18>: ~ 7~ ~E~~T alEMPT ~ ] ,_ L_ "11_ ~e. :c~:'j; ._ :~'Y.f:. x L-__ T_FM~M~~~~ ::-:::O-..';.I[:~r.d V:-""!:""J!". -:-::~ L~~~~ ~i.Ii:o'..,(n"l ~HO ]~.~ ~ So;:Il .J~;Si.Jj.:,::Qr1.o.~~fT"IC"',:::1I _t!.~MIlAI(J "".nCl.ao '0UI1l:0I'Itt~ I"rl<>. L~~SC. :'"=.6S gii:lr'1~~ rI ~~I:""ty r.t-l:!rl!l~t ~ tt"!e rec~ea~II:II''1a: ...~I.lld~ 1..t:.J~ t.:) ~hl-!o L~ii1:;e -3"'C' e...el)' f"lg'"!l [0 ~rrr'l!nt .....I~h (1!5-~ u.::. ~hls L ~iil5~ ~int:llJoir'l!J ......,tr-.(I...i1IH'TJltlll~... e'iElr,. a;;<;~..-l "=.nt r~ce,v8bl~. r~ltu'~"rl ~~bI>. dr.'\. ~~r-ept~n~. d(\(;~mem, a"c chartf!l pa~r) to ga.... ul ArY1..,,:::,t, N P. ~~ "g6nt Tn,s Lease ~nd all pByn',en!~ ~,'~ 8r~e6d~ of :hl~ Le~.~ h..,~ ~r ~ ~sign!!(] ~a B8nk 01 "'m~f.ctI. N A . n lI,~~nt NQ lur<;hsr tr.nsf~r or C:19 809,~C' c-t Le~'~ r'i:'ht~ in t-e :e-au t"~ ~u~ u ~It C" ani ~~:"T1~n1~ Qr proceeds a~!-OCllllted wl~I"II!'"!I..'Ii l~.jJ~ I~ ~ryT 1t1i!d L!:I"i-s.e-!'.B'it rl!t!~ ~l"IiEI~ il"l~ ~ubj~ ..I'" It .....I~ m::~ ~ 1r.:l'" ~~I!Ir:-~ ol..'U.ldl!! ~hl! SB~e j)f F K.mdi!:! ii!I~ i:lnlli ':1e Th S iJ!;Irt:"'!'rr en~ .3.n~ I.",e l1"li l-p.:rrT!!i a ""!c cond ~iC" 51 :.c"1.3'- !ne I!!p~lr~ rI!iI.-e-eI""l"j"''"1 i)nd 1jf"'!.;::-er'O:ta.,'J Ing DeMee:'" y-DIJ a.nd rr..e- AI! ::l1:!h:::u::s,.I:Jn:s.. n~t..iltl~r'1"S .8pre5l-en:a~lor;s. ..dal.e-r"'":,f!-I..tJ ;:IIn.;:! ndu en~ .....1'"'11:: ii1(~ a prlrt: of tl'"-e l),a.s Ii 0' the t::a ";E!IIf"1 be:r-.r.ee'" yc.Li.a r;:l '"'"=.e-....~ whll::h ttrl:: ,n- portant m rrof' -3.r1!' -.'Iin'!1-e:n If"I In :;; c.:.mtr;:..:::1 a.-,Q ;:II Dilr:: 0! t....i~ (:;)n"acL a"e ailr . ~ m. to ~ ~a"l or lh. ba~,s Co' t,..." ""r~~.r. <><:tween yO<. and me I AGReE. 111;,T /1)1.... SlATIiJIIII;:NiS, ftEI'f;lESl;;HT"'TlO"'~.IoIIA'lRAAnE:a Oft INDUCEIltE."'~, tllML QR ( N, m-lICH ARE: ""OT ,p~el~~AI..1:" -rn~ IN TH! AGI'I E""Ert' SMAL.L. kOlllf: IllfWlNG ON ANY PARTf. LPlSllOR MM fojO E.\"7ES Of;llI1PU~D WARAA"'TlES, IINCLUDfNG Bl1T NOT U"'TEO fO .f\H'1'WMR.IlJoITY TlUoT TllE IIEHICL! 1$Il!E'lC'iANTAaLE OR AT FOfl. A)f{ p,urno:;u PUR PQ~. Y "lA 11,,1-3....,:.-:;:8. I ~,""~ _ 01. 0IIfl~ <!fit." _ -tt. and I "".....d, "-:;;ZJ;dUm~~J _8";;5." '" L L~!!it:' Lu,," .:; iJ~ So R..' I.'~--.:I( 11"'.,- I '..~ '..:,11[1,,1'1 ~'!=s S~....:-:! :Oi" iI'.:............. (SBLl ~~ie }1. A~~ I. 1-..~ B'f - 0 ef'lI ClEAI( Ii. H. . c r S~ehal:" '. ~i?j:~Ql;:_' "".~. W ,[,!-I;Inl€l1 P 'D!J~,'L e-.3:;'& ~ilt..:.8.r ty"~ 111'J....lIblit: 'l.t'C!o Pi:l~ ~ .~..:.. -O"....~i:il~. l'ERMS AND CO~l>ITIONS APPL YING TO THE LAZYDA YS RV CENTER, INC. LEASE CONTRACT (TO\\' ABLES) Th~~e l-enn~ and Cmdil;()m :md the l.~a-,e- ConLract sig.m:d b} YiJLL lOgeth~r .;:onstitLlte the contract c"Conu"au} for the lea~~ (If" each ~ (;hidc.:: rdcrn:d [0 on page One and all of its equ ipmem. hereafter caHed "V ..:hiele".. The Cunlract is betwc~n the Vionroe COUDty Board {If County CommiuiOJ1eu. rcfrTTcd to herein as "You'" or "Lessee") and Lazy Day~ RV Ce'oter. Inc... a Florida Cmpmattun.. ib subsidiaries, anili<lk~. <InJ ago.:nls (n.:feTn::u W berein <IS '''L<.1L~.day~.. ("lr ..L~s;;(lr"). ".1.!scrB refers tu :~le indt\ iJ'..L<d .",.t~o Lesse~ authorizes to occup~ the Vehicle. l. Nature {}f thi! Contract. This Contract is saklj lor Ihe purpo~(; or creating a bailmellt lhat allo.....s You to llse the Vehicle as p~rJtlltkd b~ this Contract during the ft.-;.<::d term of [hi~ CO[l[r::H~L You acllwwledge that the Vehicle: i~ ('.....ncd b) tht, L~ssnr ;mQ ti~le ,~ill n(lt pa,~ TO You unless <lnd ~,n~;lth~ Vehicle is pllrcha~ed and paid for in full pur~uant w a ,eparatel} ~igncd RU~'i::rs Orckr. The n:-nlal ra)-m<!nt~ paid pursuant tel thi:o; L.::ase do not apply lowani~ Iht:: purchase- price ur th~ Vdmk. 'u O[H~ 0ttn:-r dKlil Ll's~or ma:- tramfl'r [bt' V l'hick ur dn:-- rights or obligations under fhi, Ccmtract. An;- :..lttemptcc transfer of tn..: V"h:de by <lnY(ln~ Q1h~r rhan L~ss(lr is ,'[lid. You aTe f'lot a11 agent of Le~sm. LESSOR MAKES r\O EXrRESS OR L'WPLlED WAR.RANTIES. INCLUl>lNG BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRA~T\" THAT THE VF.HICLE IS MERCHANTABLE OR FrT FOR ANV PARTTCljl..AR PURPOSE. Statutun' ~[llice: Failure to return renlw proper!}' or equipmeDt UP(Hl npiratioD o-f tbe rental period and faihlre to pa,,' all amounts due (incJl1dilllg c05b ror damage to the property or equlpmeltt) are prima fade n'idenre of intent to defraud. puni~bable ill. accordaDce witb StttiOD 811.l55. Florida St8tutM. LeiSet'SJnitiaIS:~J~ >-n. ~ 3. Your RespollslbiUHes. ([i) You v.dll(Jrnpl) ~ith the Li:s..';ce.s rcsponsihiliti-es d-escribed in fhe following set up ,md removal pruc~dures: {i) Jt will be your re.;rKtn~ibiliG fOT clearing [he area where the Vehicle will be- Ju{:all'd. Ll:"s~o,'~ pcr~unnd i, not autbori;::eJ to n:mu..-c. trim. or cut tre~:;. or li~bs, We must have adequate space fot setting up the Vehicle in the desired lexalilJ!l. YULL must aS~Llre th~t the location is level prior to ~ak.illg del ivery, (in Le-swr""s staff.......illl()wer tho;- rrailer's ~mbiJi.l:~r~ and k,,'d lhl.: traile-r and rm\'~de hlmk, a..~ r-equired. (iii) I.es~(lr will provide User with up to a tot.. I (If I ~O feet of warer ho:>e for your dl)' wattT s)'~tem Dr well. Any <,upplemental pumps or ()dt~r equipment are your re~pon~ibi1it)", ~lvi L""!ior ......ill pro...ide t:~er with a 30-amp l20-volt receptade box reo;:(tn\Jllended for h[lok-up to an eleCIrical omit'{. (\ '1 The li2a~ed Vehicle i; equipped ......ith hLllding 1anks for \~ aSfe \.', ,n~r and Sl.:..... age-. which You and.'m C...er \l,.iU be rCljuir(;d W drain on a reglJlar ba5i~. Ll'ssor .....itl rrovLd", l;ser with a ~e\'tl:r host, Lu cmpty tbusc t<ll1k~ The ldflb mllst be' cmr[ied prior to rdHrning lhe- Vt'hiclr to aWlid a dump charge:. Unly R V pr(ldl'CrS kg... wild LLS~LL<::. tank chemlcal;.1 ma\ bt' 1..!~C'd in the Vehicle, Fai~ure to follow pro'" idcd or~r<1tiTlg pm~tdur~~ IJL;:I) result in d~mag~ m the ;anb h)r which You w~lt he respotlsible. .. r vi'l YOH will be responsibJe tor IW:"dt~ng,..'::oLir ;e'A er dean oul ir, ardq tQT L~"5sor to wnn{:([ vpur 51:"\'0 e:r h\)se. (vii) 1 .;;'SSOJ v.ill pnh'iJt: l..Isrr v.ith (~\i[l fllJ] propaflt 10mb. Yau Me re~poHslble fur rdlJling the tank,. l. ~: 11.1 Y ou \~ ]ll be responsihle f<:JT ~ht: rdLLrTI uf [ill manuals and remok wmruk Y ()u \\ i1; reimblirse L.:~~_~()r iT'; ,,;::t1.laJ c'0$b. nol to e~ce~d s~on.(lO. if ~tH~ t:urnplclc l(1t p1lck ,ll"ld ull ib Wnll'nts is nol retulTled. A f~e of S 100,00 \.l,.ilt b~ <:I~s<::~~~d !"(Jr each missing remolt. Rl'\". II 15 OS Page 2. of 5 (TowablL::l (i~) THE LEASED VLH[CLL IS I::QUIPPED W1TH AN AWNING .. (T MUST NOT UE LEFT our rt>,; WFATHER WH[OI MAY DAMAGE IT 'NCLUllING. !3UT NOT L1MJTH) TO. WTI\D. HAIL OR R/I.P";. YOU WILL RF RESPO\'SIBLL FOR lJAMAG~~ TO THE AW1\TI\"G OR FOR ^NY DAMAGl I T l"A.l.:S~':S. ( x : Mil in tena nee 21 rid 8 reakdow B RespoD~ib jl ity: T n:'5,rruct iom an d proced un:S for ma intemmce e xpen sc r~imbursement <ll'e provided at time of rental. You may o,l' hl'ld rc:~pu[]5ible for mechanical dam<\ge due to Ilegligencc in Vehicle operation ur failurt: to pruvide norma] maintenance, In the event the Vehic l~ is in brcak.dov.n ~palr tor l2 hOllr~ or more. lhr('ll,lgh n(l fault of your~. L~s~nr's re~pomjbility to Y OlJ. i, limilcd [0 refulld of dail) t<lte or portion then::{)f Radio. air conJi~ioning_ refrigerator, microwave and appliances. :md gene-raUlr malfunctions arc !lot c()miJt;r<::d breakdowns and no refunds are a...ailahle for repair ~imc tn :h~st it~m~. (h) PA YME~T - YOU UNDf.RSTAl'<l[) THAT THIS AGRJ;.f.MENT IS BETWEEN VOL A"D LESSOR AND THAT "OU ARE RESPONSIBLt: FOR PA YMF.NT f.Vli'.N IF AN INSURANCE COMPANY OR FEDERAL OR STATE AGENCY HAS GUARRANTEE:D PA VME:NT. BILLiNG lNQUlRIES SHOULD BE DlR.ECTE:.D TO (800) 626-7800. EXT. 4002. ESTIMATED RENTAL CHARGE PRf.PAYMF.:vT MAYBE RF..QURED J~ FLTL J~ A.DV.o\i"lCr., AT LESSOR'S SOLE. DISCRETION. III audilion to the ch[:lTgc~ d!!~cribed in thi~ Contract. Y ()[j may al~o b~ responsible for the tollowing (barges, if applio.:able: (ii Lat~ Re-tum a fee (If S~f).()O for eilch da:' 1ha! ros~es~;on (If the Vchi(1c L~ n(l[ pmvidL:d to Lessor at the ~nd of lnr tr:m. 1 (1KL:CS, 10 the \'rhide- i~ re-,triued fur an> rClison ......h~n Lt'~sor atlcmpt~ to pick up the V.;'h icle, You VoIH be re-spor:b ible f0r this fate dlarge H1e Remal Dil) l~ based on IlLLln ber (If nights the \....,hiclo!" is U~i:d. her. night con,titl,ltes (1 R~ru<11 Day. ni) C1ea.ning - .~ cleanlng ch:Hge or $25(1.00 will be Js~essed if the Vehicle is returned Hl all unclcan umJition. (ili) 1\ n;- p<15( due pa) rnem \~ in aC{rl.jl,:' mljrHhl~ m[l.:rt'st a[ ,he rdlt of ~ .5~'a umil it i~ p~iJ in full. (iv) I iolditlg '[ ,t[lK - H.oIJini? tanks mu~t be- e-mptjed prior 10 return of ll1~ V t.:"hic 1[' or Lc~.~ee is ~Llhject to an additional dLlmp charg.e of up 10 S250,OfJ, (0) brl! R~[urn . \'Ij rdi..mds IJ,iU h~ paid I'm the early return of Vehicle. (, i) S~(urit: l)er0.~il .- il. secltri() .:l<:pO~Lt equal W une m<ln[h'~ rcntal pa)me-nt is reqLlir~d at cnntTact sig.ning. UpOIl rrlUTll. all [h.arge~. i t- an}. are balanced aga~llst the securi[l depmit and a credit Or [hnk iS~Lled to co"'cr Inl.: rl'fund_ f Pnwision "v~i.. has been waived for uniI~ lea~ec..l to tl1(' City of Kt:)' W~st}_ (q Perwaal Be]oDein~ - Lrs~or i, not rC"Srcmsihk for any danwge to QJ l055 ('f JOY personal propcrt:- left in lh.r Vrhide 1">clonging [() YmJ l,r atl: (Hhers. By exnuting thts Corltr\l.Ct. You rele<lse L~ssor. lt~ agents and ernploy~e-~ (rom any l'laim fur :Ij~~ of or damage w yuur 0r an;une cl,I.:'s Pf(lpe-rty l\-hicr_ ("JcC~Jr, <It an:- time during the lease ofrnt "'chide, {d) Vehicle Return - The VehjdJ: mu~~ be rdea~~d to I.a.~'da.ys at the date attd mne ~p~(;ltied in thi~ C{)ntract_ The Vebide rn u~t he rewrned ~o L~L)'da), in thl: ~amt: condi~jOll <IS received. ex-.;ept for ordinal)" WL:~ and tear. r .t:~se{; L~ respclfls.ib!e to pay F(1T allY damage. repair, or mis~ing appliances or equ ipmer:n caused during LessL:l"s use, regardkss of foml!. t:XccpL ~(lr "rd:n,ll"} Voeilr and k'ar. Yuur r~spn~sihility v. ill not excetd tbt, fair rnarkC't \-alut: of the Vehicle lIt ~he tir.le of lo~s lIr damage'. I<:"s S<1IV,lge ~'alL.lt. plu~_ <I, pcnn;[tcd hy law, act'Ja.1 to\l,i:lg. storag~ and imp[Junc! kl:s, Joss (lfu~~, dirr.lllished ~aJu~ and ,lther rdated ~\pen5~~. A:l} and all jum<lg~ or rep<lir <:aused lA-hik the \'e-hicle i~ moved by Le~s~e ,), ill bt: L<::~,<:r's n,;~pO[lsibil ir;. JS lite '/I:hid: mal nm be m(lved for fillY reason, k) E:uension of Lease- Term- In I)rt.Jl:r to L:-xtcnd th~ lease term_ J sep<:u'alr Extension ^ddc-ndum mllsl be ~igned and agreed upo,. hy hllt~ p~rtje> ~otil~ or L~~see'~ inl~nt 1('1 extend the- Ic;m: must he rrm'ided to Lessur Ln~ wri(ing, Rev, 11'1505 Page 3 of 5 ( Towable) cumistent ~~'ith Paragraph 1\;0. l-l bduw. al leasl 10 d::tp prior [u the end of the original term. I.ea.~e paymtnlS for the ext~nded ~l"rm must be pllid In ad\'<\nce of Ihe e:o.plr<1tioll (If the original term. ". Lessor's ReSl!QRsibilitie~. L~~~ur \l..ill hook up thc tnlilcr lO an electrical oudet to be provided by l.es~ee \.\-ilhin 10 feel of the uaikr. Leo~or .....ill gi.~ L:str J. .....aJk-throLgh :0 e!{plair. the (1pemt~on of the \.'dlilk I.t:~wr "ill fl.>; an: llH:l:hanical f[:lilures not caused b} [..fssee'~ abuse or misLJse within a rtasonabk length of lime aller the !ailure is reported. If the Vl'hidc: lS de~(r0~~d I}r Itrldered uninhabltab1e b! a third pam. <1n aCT (If God (lr any ocher caLm~ .....hich is notlhc rt:'spon;ibili~ of Lessee, Lessee wi 11 ~oQper{l,te with Lesser in subrnitting an imuranct' C laim put~uanr tel Ltssor. s co,'er.a~c, but Lc~sor i~ ncl rc~p()n~ibk to replace or repair th~ unit In ~ucn an e\'enl. LeSiiee ..... jJlnot be respomihle to pay rent during ~he time p~ri(ld b~t1keen the occurr~nce of the damage i1nd the repl<lcement or repa.lr of the unit. L.;~~m will pre,' ide mobilt:' n:pair ,lTyilt In Ym.. f()f cmcn.:d I'>'drTi.ml~ n:p~irs durill.g :'ow- re-ntal contract term ill <l re;'L~0Ilabk lL[tl{: jr::tl'm. A cUP:" uf th.: warranty i~ ~V.lilabk iLl ~be tlandb00k pro...ided <It del i...el'} or UP(lll request prillr tu deliver}. Selliice mLl} be discontinued Jt Les~or's discretion ~f Le~s~e is in arreLln Les,or <lS:),~lme, r{:,poll~ihility for !lit: V ,"hide ~LsdL hO'.....:V.;L ;m; imrrm ~mcnts to thl: pmrc:rt)'. lUi::h :i~ ~kuri~'al or plumbing_ are the resporl~ibllity of the L.::>se.;-. l.e%or" i II renlCl\'~ l~H~ V ~ht<,;J.: trom ;.'uur ~itc ",hcn the C ontrdU ha~ <:;>,pirc:J. 5. Prohibited Ll~e of Vehicle. Any use of the Vehicle which is pmnihited or the c.nntracl or any failure to I'tM'ill )'uur resp(ln~ibil i,ies ~lrid.er ~his CNmau v. dl breach this Contract; "..,.ill wid an,?, limiIa[lOI1 of JOur re~ponsibility WHJer ~he CQll.tract. ilnj make You full~ r<,spOr'!sible for Le~sor's <1cnwl find cons~quetlti<ll d,1nwges, expenses, and Jttomey'" fcc~ and conrt C~'SlS re~lLl~ing frum LhaL breach. Attornt:'y'~ fcc~ .and ((}urt C(}~ts will onl] bt p.aid if Les~or prnails in any dis!1utc and/or lll.w~uit. LF-SSEfi: AN D USER MAY NOT: (il) \'(I,e the V~hici~. l b) S 1I b-It.a,c: Lh~ V t' hide [0 an y Dlhcr~. fh i ~ rmw i ~ i(ln does n (I~ i1pp I y to [,ess-e e rmv i din g the V eh jc le to an ~u th or izltd l..:so;'! r I.~~~ee" ill pro'. id<.: a h~[ ,-of L~~r~ tu L.:~~or prior W d~li".cr):. l c) OprrilIt UK' V.:hil k LTI \ iolation of any federal ~1r ,lPP lic~ble stme. provincial. or local lJ~~. rub, rt:gul::tlions, or ord i mm ces. (dl L's<.: the V~h~(":~' fur a:l: illegal pl.lrp0se ('IT to can)- ~xplos[ve~ Or other h::t:lllrdou> rn::tl~riah or .....astcs. (c} Occur]' lh~ Vehicle III 8 reckless or Jbusi,'e mll11m:r \-\'hil.:h t'.aLJ~es d~mage En the interior (lr e1iterior of the Vehicle. (f) .;" llDW P lacetntm of obj.:u~ or [l(:rSDns, fi.lr allY purpos~, Oll !he roof ~~t' the Vthic Ie. mdm.ling in a parl<:~d p(I.}ition for ,lCWLTlg. r g l Altow plac~mem of-:.;igm_ lClll:ring, paillting, or other tegend or loudspl.:aker~ (}r olh~r sound app<1ranJs on the Vc;:hjde. ihi :O"'.Jodit), dis<1s~~r:nblt Dr (naog.: V t:hick in any... ilY ill!;1 udillg. but [lollimilt:d LO, adding optiGnLll equipmem. (i) Remo\'!:: an] ~ppl iall!;';- or compotl~nt from ~hc Vehicle. rj) -:'mot;,e in lJle \\:hick. Fi.iilur;: tf'l":Ol11ply '"ith thi; pro- isioll ",'ill ~'ul[ in ~ :=;-lOO.GO clea.nirlg chargt. 6. ~5or Limitation of Liabllit1., I J.) 1\0 CON.SEOtE~TLAL VA-'\1Al;ES. \'OT\.\'lTllS T AND!;'" u A:'\Y PRO\' rSION T:-. Tj iE CO\'rRACT TO THE COt\iTRARY, LFSSOK ~HALL IN NO E\T\lT RF UADLE i;OR A'\Y l)\;DlRFCT, I".JCIDEr"d'AL, SPECIAL OR CONSI.:J.)l.IENTTi\L LMMAG1:S INCU !Df\J{i Fll'T NOT UMITEIJ TO. LOST PROFITS AND LOSS OF [;SF [\I CO\i\'}-CTIO\; \VfTH OR AkJSr~""'(; m.T OF THE lSE. OPLRATJO!\ OR BREAKDOVr.';...' OF THF VEHICL.F. (bj "ttl::'l;b.ltuical Problems. ... Y,-,u andl)r U~er <1Te re~pon~tblc f()r promptly reporting il:n~' :md ill] Vehicle problems, lnclLLding but not limit~d TO leak~. and claims for reimbur,emem \0 Les~m. Mechanical !aifure mu~t be promprh Rc-v l] l5.05 Page 4 of 5 (Towable) repL)r1cd {(l Lc~s(Jf dt (8001 626- 78Ull. ext. "':223. AH c'aim~ fUT rCLmblLr~em~nt must be approved b;' Lessor prior to work being perfonned Atl Teimbur~emen[ d::lim~ mu~t be support-ed hy paid rectip[~ and repl,H;ed part" whert:: applicable, You must promplly pay NJf :my repair caused by your misu~c m abuse, Tndemn.ific:atiol] aDd Hold furrnlrYi. You agrcc tu indc:mnjfy Les~ar ag",imt any cl;iim ~Qmt'd b~ YOLlr breach conslstetH "" ilh the limitatioTl~ in Fla. Sldt. Scltlon 76&.2&. So. Waiver of Jul')' Trial. ! :ig:r;::e th<lt any and all action~ of an; kind re~ating to ~he Vt'hicle or lhi, Contr1lct ",.ill be decided by a ~in:uit courtjudgc r:.nhc:r than ajury_ 9. Applicable Law. Venue and Fee;. Thi~ Con[rau and alJ tleg{ltia!ian~ and di~!:u~,~um; bW,.q~cn You and Le~~or ;J,re ~o....crneJ by Florida ld\-\. 1 <1. Se,"'erabiltt)'. l.cssoT and] .es,ee agree tn:il if any rlaragraph~ or PT(" j,iuEl {1f t~m COlltB{:t i~ far all: Tea,un unc:nt(\rceable, th~ rc.:-~t or the COlltraCl will he valid. 11. SUh!itillttion~. L.:-,sor \\ ill malt? LI,'<'~' ~ft()r', In fm)\'~dc Lcss~~ \~ jth th<" model feq~cst~d. T..e~sOT rc~cn:c~ [be right to ~ubs(itme mGdeb of ~imil<lr ur llighcT graui.:'. Should <l rnodel of lower ,grade be offered and acccptccl ljabili~y will be 1 imited tD refund of pr!'~ ~iffefential bctlrl. een !nudel pilid for <lnd m(ld~l takE:n_ [2. Ol'tional US~ Generator. J f Lts~ee chouse~ to LJse a generator. an ~xna ~harge will aCcTUf: al S3.00 pcr !lom as detcnnined by an installed rt,r.ll ing time meter. 1:;, fi!fu Pet" ,UI;' lII..ekome at LL,yd<l:l'~. Lts~c(; ag.rcn W l'ka[l up <Ifter th~ir pet and return I.mil in .;ame condition <1S re(ei vo:d. UT bo: subject to a cl~aning fee nf S~:':;U.OO. 14. N(}tice. Any nutiec h}. ] .e:s~e~ to 1.<li:}dilYs. incllld~ng bm not limLted to requ~sb tor ,cr,icl.: ....mk '}f Te4uc~b ftlr 1ea~e t.-;.l~mjons c)r r<"qucst~ fUT Laz:da:s to rick Ufl th~ Vehicle. must he made in writing tu LaLydat'~ ";a Ccrtifled lS Ylail. \I()tice, ITIlJS~ he ,.;ont ~o lht: a,lc:ntiuo of Lazyda>,' LC:ising Department. Lc:~:;cc mU5[ provide Lalyday~ at I~ast 30 day~- rlolice lO pick. up the \!~hide. I A(JREE TO ALL or Tl (F. 'll::J,;...lS I\ND OE3LlGATIONS SET fORTH IN THI::: I'RI:::Tl:1JING PAGES. LES~)~ >n. ~SSEF. SLgn ~::l.me Sign ~:tme ~ ----.-.-.- .... . Sign Name h:->-...C ~ \ ..pixie ~'.. S pehar2.... ~;'J.y(; r Prinll\ame l . ~ j~ .,.. =-'." , Print Name Prir.t ~'dmc ~overnber :6. lhtc 2005 .' .'. f l-- ,.- Date Dare ~~~~ ....L ~.J ~ OEP'J I CI.EAt< R~\". I]' J 5.05 Page- 5 of 5 ( !"ow:tble.l nOARD 01; COt~TY CO\I\IISSIO'ERS ,\GE'D.-\. ITE.\I SL\l\IAR\" Ll cor' ,., r-;' tvk12ling Dm,~: [)C'CL~ mhcE" ~:-( 2nD.:'.. Dh'hion: {~OHllt \- Admin i~tral or Hili!..: Item: 'l'C', ,\ :\u rkp~1l1nWllt: ('OLLtH \' Admi 11i ,traWr St,H f (\mtJ.d 1-\~h~~IJ: ('I mn i,~ C \"1" ,\(;E'UA ITK\I W()RDI~G: f~,lliriC:<ltioll ;llld Arrw\"al ul Adlk[lJu[]l (u lhl' LL':'N':: C~)lllr:lLl \\ itll l~lZY l);lY\ R V CCllkr. Inc. ("or [h.... lnL'>l' pj" IS lrfln:ll['[[ikh III make <lvailahk to Cmmly l~m[11(1Yccs at"J,-"\:l..:J lh fhm ii..'an<: \\' j lma, ITE\ f R.\CKCROLXJ): \1~lllroC Cpunt) En1pi('~"",,> hel\":' ....ur~'l'lcd 'i';ll:tll"~'tm d~\:n~lg..; (() Jwir pl"i:l~~J]'~ I\'<~kn('l~" due TO ! !UlrkanL~ \\'i~ma ,md 11 h c".,cnti:ll 10 1l1;Jilll:..l~1l all COLLLlty opcraii,l[h L,p'-'ciall!, durillg lhi~ lime u1" Ji~a~t('r r(',:~ncry~ Hw['d'LHC. nll County l~nlI1JOYCl'''; 1K:,~d to bl' ~i\'(~1l priorlly um~idL'ra!inll ['or Lemporary R V hUlISillg Thi~ CU[llrad i.... ;m mlJl~lhltl[lL 10 llw uriginal -1-0 trili~("r and 1hi~ \\'il] <illl'w t ~ addithm tr:l.ln~ 10 hI; :l\';lilahlc f(ll' Connl.\' L'mrl(l)~C':-'. PRE\'IOCS RELE\'.\:\T ll()lT .-\CTI():\: . \[ tLl. :\n\ ('~EblT 15. ~n1l5 BO('(' mL'-'lilL.~ l~lL C(l]E~Ei,~ioll a[lpro\ L (,f <l 1 '.:a:-;\..' :lg~t:c'lllL'lil \\'ill1 [.Ll/,\ I);!y, R \' L'L!l1 cr fl)l" 1r:.in~1 1 r~LlI cr to l h~ a, 1 ~mporarj hOW:.lllg: fm C nL1ll1) em pi()y(:'~~" l'O:'\iTK\C'J'/.-\(;l'U:l::\lE:\T CH.-\:\GES: '\/:\ SL\FF RLCO.\nIE.'\D.\TIO'S~ ,-\ [)Plll \ al ut' Ll.~L ~l' Cnntran wilh dinT! iUIl 10 lh~' C Ullllly elL'!"k to ProL'CSS pa \"t11cnl i m t1lcd i ,H(, I y, TcrrAL C()ST: \1 K:'\5..\.--l BCDGETED: 't'"L', :'\JO X COST TO COL'TY :S I S.'i ,,'i-l-l- I To h(:" [~~mhu ['...;,~d ['rum Fl.l[,,:,'aliS la!l' CU\"L'nl 1l1C'I~t \\'ll h a :11,l'(lItFI m - ... .... Lw,1 10 COLl:l1 \" not ll) l'\~'c~d I ~ I ~ ("~ L1l" IPlal i..'lhL. REV)1~~1 ~E ))H:onUCI :\G: Y ~', No x A\lOF\T ))FR \lO~TII Year ..\PPR( )YED H Y: C~lUIlt\" ,'\0\ O~ 1B/rll]\:h;J,~ ill~ _ I{ 1"1,; \ LlI:(lgo:m,:n: DIyrSHY\ UIH.EClOR .-\PPROYAJ.~ :,Hi,oltutJ J 'Wiffj nhOnli.l~ J, \Vill j) 1)()CI,'\lEY]' :\TIO:\: Iud lLtk.d x '\j () { R l'q U irl~J_ DISPOSlTI ():,: A(JE\DA ITE\I # \10\JROF COU\TY BOARD D1'" CUU\J I Y COrvl\1ISSIOG"ERS COl\TR./\Cr SU\HdARY Contra;:;~ wi1h: Lazy Days RV Cenler Corman -I: .. .-.-- .. ..... Ene;:;1 ivc Dal.e: Lx pirmion Date: --.... COLilracl Purposc:....ikscriptioll: Lease Contrac>': \\'[th 1..,)7;' Days RV Center. Tne Cor Lhe k:asc or ] 3 rWm.: Ira,.,;] trDikrs to mak..~ avadable to CQunty emp]o)~e.:.syfTec1.ed by H L1r.~.~(:1.mc Wi] run.. .. . .......- - .. . ..--- C.mlmcL T\'lanager Connie en 44.:.J..~ CoulLly AJrninislrawr.'S[(lp .',' l (Name) (Lxt.) (lkpJrttn<:,nt'"Stop -7) for HOCC meeli ng on 12/21....05 Agend,l Dcadl ine: 12/6/0~ CONTlZ.ACT CUS l'S Tolal Dolhr Value oj" Conlrao: $ :\0 X 1 8 5 .UO() w b~ rc-im bllL~ed wilh 12 1 /~ (Yo max to COLlnt)~_ Account C otks: n459 t OS -53 0440- Current Year PortitJll: S !1udtte1.ed:' YesU Crnm1: 'f, Cnunly rv1akh: S AOOlTrO!,\'j\L COSTS L5tjmat..~c1 O[lg()in~ Custs: S_.:'yr For; (;...iO( i[lcJu.;;,d jll dollar HtlUC' ~ibm.~) leg. mLLirll~LlLLn~~. lJt:lili~~, jalli[(lriil!. sJIJr,(;~. l":(.;' CONTRi\CT RFVIF\..... Division DL]'cC!llr Ch:'lnges Date Ifl heeded y ("sO 1'\ 0' [JaIL (hLL Reviewer Risk \bn;lg~~mcut YesU t\.o~ ( ). f'\'1.1 L/ P<l rchasing Y,~sn t\o~ YesO 1\00 Coumv AttorrH.:v -' . ,- (~ UUlrnents: Dpc 02 05 03!44p T1'1011\a5 J W lill Co Admir"l 305'292-4544 ~ TO CQIf1lIlJleT ~ l.All'PA y s. M1[) TlIE MQt.IRot COliN!'!' BO.AftO OF COMMISS1ONl"R.S [)A 1 to NOv~ ~ a, 200/; ,HI:'! .I\DOE'I'lP'J1oII ReFEI';ll TD ADOtTlOltM. uNrrs TO M' SU"F'1.ll!!(l (l\f~R ,uiO "'9(1~ THE ~KlIIY.o.t. ~~AA(:;Y [nil!! 01 ~.."l'!"4II:n~: I .::,,':j,,=~ ~r.-l ~m.b.~ L~~ R.,p~I"JI"II:.f1I'1..a:-..' .~. f"n-' -- .p-n~- - E.J:1I!f1'V1Qof1:_"-"II]__ L~_ _ __~IOoI_ ______..n 1. L_ ~1'L"'';''::'''.!:.2.~'Id~~.L-____ I ....:.. -~-~~._~-----.:._-' C14H......1;wI:L. ~~IP:J.~~'~....E.Ilc(_-=!~D:3~._ .t,o:I~ .~..:~::;rn~~.._~~~~__ _._.__._ Oily ::'""1"t Li.. tt1i.'~. Ph=<, 'J::r';;~J"'~ pj,~....~ l-."'uLlI :!Id~~~. L._~._---,---.: --- - r~ ~~. .~'.:.tt""i.:"i"" y.., 101..... Ol<<l'L llo~" "'In' aa~ICLc I ;!~Il~ ;P:"",,~ [~=--=~~"~'~.P~.-:: ___J -- ....QfW1'"":i~II.,..-ren. o.-..'.......,..~............. ....""""'" Be: ~'9:>:. Do...:g>. ~!l_a;_ '3 C! ~1~:lI ~_~.1~~ I~.I!I~LU:' ,.~ ra ~(( ---1~_~ ~ -S:.I~ l-!.'Ii c::: ;"0 .Eo!EIolPT _E~l'N~T _. --1;:.:00 (>:, ~trI~ _"ii1I1i~ P~I _ ~~: .~. "i'!)'IolI r't'tI O'lit', '-~.... PtilC"LI :..:."'1 r_~~ 1'ko.'l~l~ - ~ .~~OO. _~h"L""_ ._~~ "'~'I~I :"~iJ'!-f' ~~~.....~I !-=i+'I.....~u~~ TaUll C....."1..I:~ p~ -'"" .!Ip _~_ ["l' stzo IIp r~~. ,",rJ.t1'l~. .~ ~ .., - - .-- ..-. -- - . i .- t iP"I.::lH:VN:.. ~ _0IJ00 ~.~ s~~~.=-_~ 0qIn1. 'Ii" -' ~~........~ Q1.oo ....." ....1:kIrH:1I: Cuy :;1m ~Ip l..i\Io:llllisl_ _---:l OI:iIt6rTIf'i"TlI:S: -I ] U:..~ "a~ :tI1"..l.")t~.:t ~rl'l"'II'111~.~~ If"'! L!...o:! rt'!o::'(.f:oi1I.,:ru.I""Ir!I~~ ~~ 1m!': t t't:I!:i.I!!! "r'Id ~~"'.I~h: ~I,) p..:I.....lroN: 'MI~I t~:.IA-'I,,-~ ~(~ ltl!to :"~I:-I'.:! ~11.....-1;"uII:~ ....'ttl;:.LJ1IIIJ'11.-::a:x..l ~I.~. "'-":'::.LK.1'Il. .,:11;1. TJlH-t .t,;:::t:"I'_ith.kL. il'J.;.jI~I,~, n:::(:..~, dr.::f.:. ;::coc::1'3rt:x- d-oct.."TJI!Ot -:JrJ..;:: {;~ -3f:E- ~O Lc t3acJ.K I:i ~~"('..3, N A ::F5 A~. "I)::. U:ase ~-:.(I ~:::: p.:JymE'''t'3 -3~ ~~I~ or thr..i 1 ~~ I~..:f\'r t.;:-or ~.dd tc Bar..; ("II AI'T""!!rt::a .... A 3S ~~ ~ h.Jr::I-~r t..ar.-::'~ vr d1s~""::r"J -:::,:. ~" n~ U'. !":'I':'!.e.i1r.iJ I't"\: :i~.~....7! .:.'11"1 ,r 1!(1)' ~"'!"'le(I~ ~..i~ U1r~~ .1~''-.-:II~~: .....-.;:, rl.'!,,: ~~ I~ ::-.~r:-,!"Ih~~ l~~a"'~ ;;:!JR:I'"..'; ...;..rt ~~ ,;,.~::;r'(~~ ~~ ......I~ 1..:)I!:::Ir. ~'a..IS".I~ r:..~$'":}: ~i-:~ ~I": if"- '(:-r-j:) :': 1~IY '..~ I '!:; a.gfW.l1~ ar.-1 'ltre-:..t1..aI~ ':e(r.1~ 1F:"qj L"'UO:..'1l.T..:It:i. ~.:t.i1rfJ [;lit: 1!::rtJ'~ ..q~t i:J.:x:I u*"~I'i:i.-1'jj ~ '/::U aJ'J.j 1'J"Ii::. ~I .jt"i~'t:i, .~~ ;-..,p.:...I:Id'II:~I(tI'.::. ""'~'" ~-d .,.,......"..'1"> v.11""" ;>:.' " 1'.''' <;11"'3 D.Js-~ !:t I!1C ~ ~ '0'00 aro:l ~ <!flIJ ~ ~~ ilT<lJQl13r1l rc 1'(' ~:1! ....itE1l ,1 01,0; ~It':a(t ~f'(J -3 D3I1 aI';tuI; ~"11?act 8'4! -3Q~ b~ rile 10:;e ~ cell <11!1'II' ~ I~ too:' t1.VJJ<UT1~' ~ :.r.:;I '11C I ~ llIAl,l.ln' ~T"-lbElfr~ ~f>.l"IOIti. ~"""~~<)lII IND::J.("..RIIII~.s.. V5i'1ii!~ ~ WR.Int""I, 'JIIIiLIIGH ARE NCIT 3fl'ECPlCAl..L Y ~T ~ E:.J.IIN THI!: AG~~ SHAll ND1 BE B::N.I:JI:NCii 0t.I1JJIiIf PAIlT'I' !..F3SOiiI: 1lllAKE=5 1140 ~E=9.-g. -0 II lirII,[rlI~1j rn'ARRklnIE~ IiCLi.IOlNGI 8JJ- Pf'(;IT :"IMTED TlJ ANY WAfl:Iii!MTY ~.iHF. ~Ii:i I:!;I .wIfif"r;H.U.."l ~L.E 0Ii: Ii':T F"'Oit ''If'I' p"~.:Rn[U~ p(J~. ' " ~; , - ',...".:_E:--....:..............-._~. ~.L""JJII.CI~ .l~V'( 0,tril(lJ. .(~-r.er I~' .= m..-.:l........~~...""..,... ~ :~~~II"'~-:TI.............. ~xt, ,.-,.dL I...... n-.t., :.E1'dw:H:".J, .' rr4~" 0111110 ~oif........--. \=--~ . './:/ ~ /. -' /..2./,;;3 - '" ~c.. 7-' / """""_.....L.-. -----Jli10!'ffi0.t: CU L.. ~~ TY ). T '";'("",""." '-'y . ......... ~-. . \I ..... APPPGV;D AS 'i'~; r:-ORM: . p. I BOARD OF COtNTV COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SlJl\'l \1;\l{Y \.1 ~ct i thI Dale: Ikc":Illbcr .? J . 20()~ ...) - . D ivi si on: Co LLLl~ \" Adl~~j l)j Sirawr Bulk It'~ll1: "{ es x l\"u Department: COUllt\' !\dmini0t.r(~L\l!:... Stafr Contact Person: C01J~~.~~ ..('l~ ..\GFl\DA ITF.:VI \V()RDI~G: Approval of t\dd~~ndum to the I..;;ilse Contra(:l WLlh T.MY Da} s RV C:ntcl'. Inc. for the lease C.~r S lravel Lrailers Lo mah available 10 COUm} empll1Yc(:s af(::.~ned hy Hun.i(::lnc Wilma. ITF.\l BACK( ;R(H:r'd): ThLs Contract 15 an addendum to the orj ginul 48 trai ld ,llld as pJ t:H':- JC~ldlin'2 tim~ to apply: for the trawl trailers. an additional 8 tnli l~rs w~rt: net:JcJ to jlllal i/.c the list l) t' nccd~>d tralJers. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTIOf': i\l ,l"ll' ~O\crnh~T 15. 2005 ROCC mcning 111<.:: COll1mi.~sion appruved a ]('<L~,-' agr~'Clw':[lt \\ itlt Lv..\ lhys H.V (,:~~nter for rr,l.\.el tr.liler to use as temporary housing for COllnty cmpl(1yecs and al lhL D(;~'(;mk:r 7. ~005 lJOCl' Special nll'cting Jppro\"ed of all addendum to the wntrZlC{, CO~TRACT JAC REEMENT CHANG ES: t\.:A -- STAt<.V 1{1~:COVlI\lEJ\DAllO~S~ Arrro\'al ("If I.ease Contract with din'ction to lht: Count). Clerk 1.0 prucess payment imtnedLillcly. TOTAL COST: S 113.M4.nn BUDGETED: \';,:~ l\oX COST TO COU\TY:Sl1-.=1ii~4 ( 1"0 be reimbursed jrom Fedt'ral/Sl(ll~ .00,oY~rnmcnt \....ltb a nu\.i[JLum costt.9. Count\" nO{ W ('X('LCU 11 ~i; 0/;, of'toVll C05,t. REVEl\lfE PRODCf:ING: Yes ]\'0 x A1\lOlTl\T PEl{ \10I\'TH Yelir A PPROVFn HY: County Atty' .)")~\; O\W'/Pl.Lrchasing _ Ri:'ik f\."l,'mL'lg~~mcllt J mVISIOI\ DIRECTOR APPIU)VAL: ,'1 rw.mW! ] :Wilti (Thomas 1. WIlli) Doell [\-1E!\T A TI O~: Includc-d .\. Not Reqn lred 1)1 ~WOSITIOf': AG Er\ IlA ITF M # Revised. 2:"05 \.10"\IROF COIJNT'{ 130ARD or COC1\Tl! COrYUv1[SS[ONLRS COKTRACT S U \EvlAR Y (",mtracl wilh: Lazy Days R V Center (' onlra(:l ~ - Eih:l:ti v(: Date: ... F'{piralion Dak:: Contract Purpo~~""D~')c;rip1.il)n: Lease Cammet with Lazy Days R V Ctn.t~r. r 111; ({)r Lhe ka~t' oj" R more tra n::ltrailcrs to CmaliLc the 1j~{ as of the deadline date of application, --...-.. .... .. - . . ... ..-.-..-.-.....--- . ..- .. L\1ntl'(lCT \-tanager: Connle Cyr 4443 County AdmiLlislrmoriSlup :i l ll\ time} (Ext.) (Depanm~n1/Stop :!"t) f~.lr ROCC mceling on 12/21/05 Ag.enda Deadline: 12/6i05 CONTRACT COSTS Talal Dollar Valuc {) r C'onlnl(:[: S Budgctcd'.~ Y '.:S _ No L:-Q (J ralLt: S --.. County' (,vJatch: ~ 113.664.00 Currcnl YnLr Portion: S 010 be r(:imbursed \vith l ~ I ;'2~/j', mil).: ~CO\lnty Account Codes: 04S9105-;.3.Q:"l40-_ __ ADDITTO\JAJ. COSTS Estimated Ungojn~ Costs: $_iyr For (Not incllldd j[] dollar val;Jt, :lbove) (~~, nlilime-nancc. LLlilili~,. .ianilo~ia 1, salarj~~_ de.'1 COt\TRACT Rr::VIl".':\V Di \'i sinn I)i rector C han ges Dat.e 1n I\ (:;,::Jeu ,{ ~~sD NDD Dah~ Uut Review~t' County Attorney (" - . ~'. ., ~. Ye0['1 1\' o~ 'Vesf j l\oD Y~sD Ncf'J Ri::>k Man[tgCrn~llL I~ U. \'1. B....Pufi;h~ning _:..:~/( .1 .J ..::0:" ...f.... .;J),/..._... < ,~ /;".,~. "_ -I.~) .i : .... . -y Comments: AOOENCUM TO CONTRACT BETWEEN lAZYCA YS /\.NO TI-lIO I'IIONl'IOt= COu....TV BOAIliO OF COMM ISSIONERS [JA. TED NOVE.., BE"R 10, 2005 TH IS ADDENDUM RErERS TO AOOrtlOfo.lAL UNlTS TO BE SUPPUED OIlEFl Alii 0 ABOVE: THE aRIGF~L CONTRACf L::~. C1r ~:ii""'liIr"1i11'1~ ._-~. i...:I;J::irl~~ ~riI~'f'1IiII...~.:rtI""'.I:II-,I~'11" _..i.:l:i FI~.. ..,- "":r".. ~1,i{:1)...1"'.1 t.i.I.II~~ EiI:~~n., QI'" ._4~_ c__ tM~M;!II19il ..... ... _. ._l?:!.~~mlM~ !..If':-i::le.e r/o. "::.c- ~;:JL .I~.~ I!IJ )Id (,II ~ .i~ '11: -:::'L.:r1L.:I:i 01:1.....:.1'0:1 ..::..:.:'.:IJ:,.....:.:.!.;~.:.~ L .-'P-:Jit:~ .'.::dlL.:::i::lI;:":.,"S,;:-= lo:: ~...I ...:.: 'I~ ~.71:~.~.!_...... A(i~r(o:=C1 :....1];.i'........~r.~: :-.~._::.~ =':E' ::;t ^t!~rfl~ ';"':I~~ ..:!'~ . \ ~!:!'. S~:.rt:1!! -, l'p :..:;"""..;.: ~-:I~ S1.11e z.~ ~1"-"r.1': ;,-..._-..:-..~.;.::- [l1"~1"'~. L't"[Ir~ W"ri. 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