Item Q06 BOARD OF COU~TY C01\-1l\HSSIONERS AC.FND/\ ITt: (\-1 S U~D1AR Y \feering Oat!::: Decemher 21_ 1005 Division: County Administration Bulk Item: Yes \Io Oep art men l: Co U nt v Ad minisr ra r io n SraffContacr Pcr~on: Dehbie hederick_ AGENDA ITE\l \VORln~G; Approval to waive \1onroe County Purchasing Policy' 10 approve the Consulting Agrn;m~nl wilh LanglorJ Associales, Inc, ThlS approval is n.:q LLcsted 10 d~rify the previously approved conlract with Langton Associares, inc, to wrile grams and apply tor govcrnmcnlal funding_ ITEM BACKGROUND: This Consu.lling Agreement will provide c.\tcnsive governmental grant bendits \vilh a savings to rhe Co LLmy_ Langton Associmcs. Inc, is C LLrrenUy providing nlll grant writing services to Paun Beacb, ....lorida and rhe City 0 Lbcksonville for substantially mOrC lhan the $09,000. PREVIOUS RELEVA~T ROCe ACTION: Appro\'al tor this c:onlracl was obtai.ned on NO\'t:mher 16, 2005 as a state c:onlracL ft was later discovered lhaL Langton Associares, Inc, does not have a contra"t with lhe slale_ [t is a st~tc registcn:::d vendor, CO~TRA.CT lAG REE\l 1': 1\'1' CHANGES~ . ... S"- AI'F RECOMMENDATlOI\S: Approval TOTAL COST: $6() .000 BLDGETF.I>: Yes L ~o COST TO COlJ~TY: $69.000 SOLRCE OF FlJ ~ os: REVE="'LE PRODITING: Yes APPROVED BY: Co lHl ty Any .il. (~.' .J :-.10 ..._ A\'lOC!'iT p~ _\Hl'frH_ Yea..- I \ // I._~~ OMR..-"Purchasi.n~ --n isk Management , .,) _ - - -, ~~ i . --- , / .,' / ..-7 /. . /.....,- ~- --- - ... l .' ..... Tl~as J, Willi / ",. DIVTSIO=, DIRECTOR APPROVAL; ooe LJ '\'U::NTA TION ~ 1m: fuded X r\ot Required IJISPOSITION: AGF.~ OA ITE\1 # Revi s~d 2:'0 ~ ...JIl" ...... i......L.,,..I"IUVY - 'It ""';.L.IIUU'.L .L.111\.Jl ~]'IC.LL'-"LJ .& L&e...... ~ ......& .& ~ ~\J ?/ / -'"/ C\ \0 \~ 1.000\ In~"" Serv ~COS Bus~ness & Industry Ca~lldar$ &. Eve.nts CommulJ.itje.s & R~c rea ti 0 n DisastE!r Management Education Employment Environment Health & Fam~ly Ucensing & Permitting Public Safety Sc ~E!llce 8.: Technology Transportation .f.. - 1- ./ /.: ./), , -1 -"( :"~") "*/ <;.~~ rc h direr;torv .:.:mH;:l d us 411 SLlb s{;fdJ~ ~(j\Jt hdp Business & I.tldustry > Sea rch > Vendor Information Vendor Information l LANGTON ASSQClA TES INCj~~NGTON ASSQCIA TES l Fddress l[_~ JACKS;~0~CL~O~L 32202 ~-_.J lcou nty . ~ II -,. -, 1.6 I jStatus Code - 11 C~ DMS ~GISTERED - -) I [Minority Code - _Ji A _ .~ ~~~s Designation Ir-' _ 1 I IC;ntact Name 11'-"- ---. USA KING I IPhone Numberto Contact II iS04)SQS-1368 _u, - . -". ..~u..l tE~ai! ~ddres~ IrLISAK1Nq~LANGTO~NSUL T.!t:iG CQ~~')! jVendor Web_site ! ----.-~~.....-.- -, ----~-----"- i::::::c:::EodO Ii ACTIV€ '~~R2 SAM AS -D r::::::~:; ,_J r--<--- --, I!-jdS Ca ntral Fla g I IBids So~Flag ] llnput Type Des.cription 11 MFMP Emai.ll:1~lp .Des.k M . F 9:00 <1m. 5.00 Pill b$t~r., lil'n9. (850) 921-0997. Copynght~. 200e State .Of Flprlda Privacy Statement / ( i - i -< -:'-r' .! ~: t~' t- I _' / -.,.{' _" ',' / '\ " . , \ " \. \ ;:;'/) :/ ,- f. ". "'!'"" http://myflorida com/owa _ s purst owa/ spurs _ WWW. vendors. displa y'lvendnr _ num bet _ str= F . . . } 0118/2005 BOARD OF C'OC'\TY CO\U\TlSSIO:--;ERS AGf.'if)..-\ ITF1\1 SUMMARY .\h::-t.'tl:~g l)al~- _ ]\;o\'cp.lher 1(_,. 2(105 Di...'i s ion: COlllHV Admin i stnH inn 2>k lkm 't C'S X Nt) lkfl,1nTi1(;nt: _. \.'~pl1l '!'~.bY.r.D.iJ.lis'FtL~9Jl . StaF Contact f)ersm~: [)C'hh~c Frcdcl'id ..v;lC:'>JUA HE_"I WORDI~(;: \ ppnn'", 1 II f (- onsLL;tin~ A~l/t'emcnt wi th [.angton AS$oci ates.. Tnc, fnr a:-=;Sl:,;tanc:c 1....[(11 (lbtail1l ng ~...1\.(,;n~ rll ;.;llli.Li :irar1~S. In: '\'1 B...\(' KGROlf:'\' n ~ s: ;-,'.::e ILc :~'signa:i on ,,[ th~ C l)Ul1'Y.S, G'-~r.l~ ...\drr.iT1i SlTatiJr. th.; .\(111" i ~li ~Tr,!l i0lL h<b t,lkOl ;nh' con ,id'::-riillllri the tu I flllmcnl (J C lhi>: position anJ it is rccommf.:ndcd that we enter into a Consu lti n~ .\Srcemcn: wlth Langwn AS:iociates, [nc. ivl1ich will provide [l.sSC_%ment o~- the COLint::':=:. t1(:c.:ds, d~~J51Tll'l. ~mnl ruc,lrcn. gram akrls, preparalio:: ilnd subn1Lss:on f.-,f grants, lhi s ',\ i~] pnn']J<-' ,~qLnsi\'c ~.l'\'~n~L!lenlJl gr~mt hetletits Wit]1 a savmgs l(I :he CO~jnty. PREYIOCS REI,EVANT BOCC ACTION: \ :\ CO;\iTR.-\CT/AGRF F.'JF~T Clf A~GF.S: ,. , .- .'\ ST:\FF RF('O!\l'IF:1\DA'rIO"l's: .'\ J lp rO'i a ~. TOT .\ I. cas T: ..~_ S(1~,~~n(L ._,.~,___~~_ Hli DC ETED: Yes X \In COST TO COl-:\TY: S({t_ ;)(',C' SOLRCE OF FL':\l)S~ _,\J \'l:"rC'1I1 RE\'E~l.fF. PRODl.ICI[\;G: YES N0 A\10UNT PE.R :\101'\TH YeaI' .\PPRU\'EU BY: CGLLnty "\H:--' __ O\lU'Purcha.5m~_ Ri_~k \bmgel11~rH nr\"lSIO\ DlRECTOR APPH.O\'AL ~ .'lfw.nuw 'Willi Thomas.T_ \\.'illi nOCI."TF:\T.\ TlO~: fm:ILld:;-,l X :..io~ R,,;qulTcd OJ S POSJTJO:'o,': AGEN Di\ rlT!VI '# MONROE COL.NTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO\tfM1SS10NFRS CONTRACT 51 JMM A R Y Con~ract \vith~ Lan~t(tn A~~0Ci ,tlCs. Inc COL1lr.:Lc.t # Effective Dak: 12/0 liDS Expir3t i~H1 Date; 11/30....Q6 CO;1trilct Purposc/Dcsciption; Ap(:m.n,:a] of C'oJ11':uhlJlg J\grecment with Lang,to:1 Associates. Inc. Cor assistance with (lb[,llll ing Wwcrr~rtlCn1uJ grams. r--_~:anS~(ln Associat~s. Inc_ is a State VClldpr. _ ...- f--. ..._--~--..._..._...._- Contr~1Cl Manug(,;c Debbie- Frukrick (:-;nlll{.:! 474] (E.\l. ) Co_ Admillistration/S~(1:!_..:.L....._ (Department/Stop :<I) [;)r' noel' n1(~etirlg OJ! II /l ()i05 Agc;nua Deadline: 1 l /0] i(J5 ('O>.iTRACT COSTS Tota] j),.llar V;,l]ue ofT0ntract: .$ (}\ggg n.............. Current Year POrri(l;L $ l~udgCl'.;J? Y c~["8) ),:0 L._; Account Codes: ..l.f.......2~..) ,i:Jli"Jv"(-: d. Eur.cs" ;.~< l: b':~ (jr~\Tll' S tr;;l.;u:; [er:r-€c. f!;orr, Sci 1 ~ 1. '::'E-S. ----- Coun~y \Jatch. S A DD1TrON A [. COSTS E$l i~ll,u.ed Ot1~~oing Cos1s; S~..~..~_jyr For: . __. ...., ,_ "'.._ . \:\'O( ;n~l'J(kd in ooll:;r yalu~ ~h~w~) Iq;. Hl,linlrrl,1I!~~, lrl:hti~\ i.mitori;;.l, ~~brj~'s. ctc'.) C01\: rRACl RLVTF\V Date It) Chat'.ge~ Need'.;J Ycs[] NoLJ D<Lt~ Out Di vi"inn D~:ecll)t ./ R(;viewer- . . .... ..". l ----:--_".__..1.:_. ._.....~.. ,.. \ J: . .. .. / (. ~ .": Rl~k \'1 <.lll<);;l:l~lelll Y~sD No" ! /' -- ../' y csl_..1 N~)ltd ~., \" D N 1.'.." .i .' es J O. ..1 .,' . . - ~'~"---:I-':""-"-''':''':'' ~-s 0.-. o. r-vf. (1.....Purc~J[lsi ng (\'nrnly AHomcy { . -~--_...._-~ C OTTlll1~~111 s; ().\ 1 H F [,rm Rc i' i~cd l:'D..'Ol \!CP ~ 2 CONSULTING AGREEMENT This consulling agrcement made on this _ day of r-.;;ovl:mbcr, by and bttw(;en Langton As.so{iat~s., [nc., h.;r~jl1afttr referr~J {O as "Langton", and the Monroe County Board of Comlly Commissioners, herejmfkr referred to as "Client" or "CCluntyU under tht t"ollowi ng terms and (,:ondi{jons: RECITALS ]. Llngtoll jgrecs to provide profess.iunal grant consulling servins to Client for the tt:.:rm 01' 12 months. ~ommendng December 1, 21JJ5, and ending November JO. ':::O(J6. Langton agre~s to nerci:se its bes{ c[fotls {O obtain gowrnmenlal grants and benefits for diem. It i<; understood, howt:vcr, that Langton cannot guaranlee r.;sults tl1at any certain <lmount of fUl)ds will b~ obta ~ned for CHem- 2. Pursuant to this agreemenl Langton agrees lO provide spedne services (.IS foHow,; ~ a. I~ -DEYfll ~LEDS ASSESSMENT. Langton shall dl:tcrmiTlt: Clit:nt needs through on-o;.lte lnter.,dews with officials and staff, revjc-w of male rials. concerning lh~ Client government services and structure (such as the Comprehensive Plan, Capital Improvement Plan, Budget, dc.) L1ngtoll shall match (l list of Ciiem needs \vith n:sourccs ilvailabJe through various program"_ Langton shall devdop a Strategic Grants PlaJ) to fund (l ien\ priority projeds through various' grant and loan programs. h. DETERMINATION OF RELEVANT FLNDJNG SOL'RCES. Langton "hall make extensive use of internal and external re!';()un:es to detcrmine appropriate sourceS of funding {O accompljsh cI ienl gO<l] s. and mak.e recommendations for applit.:ations on an on-going basi!;. c. PREPARATIO~ A1~D SUBMISSION OF GRA.'lT APPLICATIONS. Langton w\ll develop and pn;parc the grant applications and submit th~m to the funding agencie~. The typicaJ ,mnual d ienl pursues an averagl; of ~ igt'll to len grants in a contract year. Langwn ";hall also providC:5 lc.:chTlicHI assi::;tr:lncc to Client staff who arc already ~oh{.'iting grants. d. TECHro;ICAL ASSISTAl\TE ON GR.\.NT ADMINISTRA TTON. Langton shall provide clienl ~1 (iff and COnlr3ctors administering gfant~ with expert advice lhat will keep them on track. >.-, PI:::RSONALIZED GRANT RESEARCH A~n CONS(JLTATIO~. Langton s.hall read eX1Cnsivd y ill govcrnment reSOllKtS ~uch as, l'1orida Adrnini<;tr'ltive WGckly and the Federal Regisler to ktcp up w d(.lte with ..:;h,mge,; ~hrQugll [he V.S. Congress and the Flmidil LegLslature in order to ~o~~oejLang~on ~l;OS 1 t'('Il1ow new progra.ms as tlley ~re creah:d and enable County to dpply fur u:-. many grants as are available to 'it'rv~ the County'~ needs. f l"rrERGOVER.~;\1ENTAL R};LAl'IONS WITH fEDERAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS. Langton shall acts as J liaison tu lh~ funding agency before" during, and after any application is. made. and make use of its extensive network of contacts in Washington. D.C and Tallahass<,;c, F1orida, to provide om clients with the mo~t accurate, up-to- diite grant.smanship information and resources aV<lilahle. g, WEEKLY E-M.A.lL GR\NT ALERT. Langton shall 'Send a \.....eekly e- mail graM alert to all County staff with potem ial grant proj ec:ts and will detail federal, stale, and foundation grant opportunities annoullced the previous wee k. 3. In t' xch<luge for Langton performjng these services ~s estahlished he rein and devoting agnlCy time, Clir:.:nl agrees to pay Langton the Slim of $69J100 (0 be p<.1id in twelve (12) equal installments of $5.750.0'0 per month. Payment will be made by Coullty pursuant to the Flmid<l Prompt P<.tymem Act upon receipl of a proper invoke 'iuhrnj lted wllh documentation to show the services provided. This fee is. inclusive of lrave-! 10 and from Monroe County Jnd grant applicalion production costs. Payment under this agreement is suhject lO annual approprialion hy County. 4. L.lIlgton agrees to devote lht: Ilec~$sary time and performance of dutits for Client, and shall ftpOrl to the County Or ilS designee On all matters cOl1cerning this agrccrm:nl and the discharge of its scope of scr\'ic~s. A. As to Langton As.so(,;i<lle~: Mlchael L1.ngton President 118 West Adams Slreet, SUlk 700 J 11<;ksonville, Florida 32202 B. As to ~.tonroe Cuunty Board of Counly COfl1mlssion~rs ; Thomas J. Willi Coumy Administrator 1100 Simonton Street SUik 2-205 Key West. Florida 3JO-1.0 (L E:xttnsion of Agreem<:nt. This Agreemenl may be c:l(tend~d on an optinmd basi~ at rhe end of tlw tc.::rm for Iwo (~) one (1 )- year perl11ds upon mutU<.lJ agretment of the parties. Monr06/L~~~~Q~ ::/05 1 7. Earl y Termination. Count)' may terminate this agree menl with Or wi{houl cause prior to ils natural expiration date by giving Langton wrilten notke at least fourteen (]4) days ill ~dvance of the pwposed termirmtion date. AllY work l:untluctcd after the noticed termination date will not he compensal~d. 15. Insurance- Langton shall secure and maintain throughout the duration of this Agreement insuranc~ of such type and in sllch amounts as required by the County Administrator. The underwriter of s.uch insurance shalllJe qualified to do hu"ine:-;~ in th~ State of Flurida and have agents upon whom service of process may be made in the Stale of Florida. If req L:lcslcd by the County Adminjslrat~n> trH:~ in>;unmce co\'tragc shlill be primary insurance with respe(,,:t to the Coullty, its officiab, employees, agents and vol unteers. The insurance cover<lge shan incluJ~ a minimum of: <I) Worker's Compensation and Employ.:r's Liability Insurance. If applicable, coverage 10 apply for all employees at minimum statutory Ii mlt~ (ts required by Florida Law. b) Comprehensive Alltomobile and Vehicle Liability Insurance. Motor vehicle liability insurance, including applicable no~fault coverage, with 1im~ts of liability of nol le~s that $1 ,OOO,OOO.Ofl per occurrence, combined ~ingle limil for Bodily Inj lH)' Liability and Propnty Damage Liability. Coverage shall include all owned VChlCl~s. all non-owned vehicles. <lnd all hired vehicles.. c) Commercial General Liability. If applicable, commercial general liability l:overage with limits of liability of not less than $1 , ()()O ,000 ,(JO per OCCllrrence combined single limit fur Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liabiliry. d) Certificates of Insurance shall be provided to lhe County at the time of ex~culion of this Agreemem arJd certified copies provided if requesled. Each policy ccr{ificate :-:;hall he endor,;~d with a provision Ihat nOlle';!; lhan thirty nO) calendar days' written nOlice shall be provided to the County before any policy Or coverage is cancelled M restricted. 9. General Conditions: a) Langton shaU mainlain aU books, records, and documents dircclly pertinent to perfonnance under this Agreement in accordance with generally acccp{cd accouming principles consJstently applied. Each pany ~o thi>; Agreement or th-eir authorjzed representative~ shall have reasonable and timd) acces.~ to such records of each other party lo this Agreem~nt for public rccord~ purpos.es during the term of the Agreement and for four years following the termination of this Agreement If an audilor employed by tilt.; County Or Clerk determines. that monics paid to Langwn pursuant W th is Agreement were Spl:nl for purpo;<;es not authorized by this Agr~crnenl. the Langton ..h~ll repay th~ mOnl~s. rogtther with interest calculated pursuant lO Seo::. 55.03, FS, mnning from lhe date the monies. were paid {O u.ngton, ~ ~o~rQe!~~ng~on 11/05 3 b) Govuning Law, Venue. Interpretmion, COs'lS. anJ Fc~s: This Agr.;-ement shall he <7ovcfned bv imd construed in acconbnce with the laWs. of tht Slate of Florida e J applicabk to contnH,:h made and lO b~' performed crHirdy in the State. In the e'lient lhat any C;luse of action or administrative prol:eeJing is instituted for tbe t:nforccmcnt or interpretation of this Agreemem. tbe County and 1.-a!1gton agree that venue will lie in the appropriate coun or befor~ Ihe appropriate ddrninistrMivc body in Monroe COUnly, FloTidu. The County and Langton agree that. in lhe evt:nl of conl1icting interpretat ion:;, of lhe lerm<i or a term of this Agret:menl by Or betwt:en any of them the ~ssue shall he suhmitt~d 10 m.:diatil1n prior to the institution of any oth!,;r admini~tr(ltive or ~egal pwn;cding, c) Severability. If uny lenn. C'ovenant, COIldition or pro....islOn of this Agr.;emenl (or the <Jpplicallon then::of to any circum'it&I\ct: or pn5on) 'ihtlll be declared invaliJ Or uncnfom:::ablc to any tXlent by a cOLIn of competent jurisdicrion, tht remail1ing terms, covenants. conditions imd provisions of this Agreement. shall not be affel.'ted thereby~ alld each remaining term, covenant, condition ilnd provision of this Agreement "hall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permiucd by law unless the enforcemt nt of the remaining terms. covenants, conditions and provl"iollS of lhis Agreement w(JUld prevent lht :i<.:complishment lIf tne original interH of this AgretmenL The (ounty ,mJ Langton <lgr~e 10 rdorm tht: Agreem~nt tu repJace any stricken provision w ilh a v~lid provision that comes as close as possible lO (he intent of the stricke n provlslOll. d) Attorney'" Fees and C01';lS. The County and Langtol1 agree thm in the event any caus~ of action Or admimstr<lti....e proceeding is lnitialed or ddended by any party relative 10 ln~ enforce.m~Ilt Or lnterprel<Hion of this Agreement, the previ'liling party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fe~s. court costs. inwstigati\'e. and out-of- pocket exptnses, as an award again;s( the non-prevai ling party. and shall include attorney's fees. courts costs. irt\'~stigali \ie. and out-of-pocket expenses in appellate proceedings, :v1cdiation proceedings lnillated and condUi:ted pur~uam to this Agrctmcll1 ..halllle in <H:cordance with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and customary proceJurt:s rel[ uired hy tne circuit court of Monroe County C) Binding Effect. The rerm~, covtnanls, conJllions. <Jnd prov isiom. of this Agreeme nl shall bi nd and inure to the henefit of the Coumy and Langton and the ir Te:-;p~ctiv~ Itgal representatives, SUCCt.:S;SOfS, al1d assigns. f) AUlhodty. Each party represents and warranl~ to the other thdt lhe- nCLulion. Jdivery cilld performance of this. Agreement ha....e b~en duly aUlhorized hy ,dl neces<iary CC1unty ilnd corporate Cldlon. as required by law, g) Claims for F~deral or State Ald. Langton and County agree that tach 'ih<ili be. and is. cmpowcreJ tl1 apply for. sCl.:k, and oht<lin ftdcral and ..tatE funds. to ftJ rthcr tlw purp~\se of this ^gn:cmtn[ ~ provided tha( all apptiCiltlom, reque'its.. gram proposals.. dlld funding sol icilation'i shall be approved hy each party prior tn sLlbm issiun. ~nnron/:.an3l0D :1/05 4 h) Adjudic<ition of Disputes. or Disagreemeuls. ComHy and I..anglOn agrt:e th{ll all disputes Jnd disagreemems shaH be attempted to be resolved hy m~d and confer sessions bClween representatives of each of the panies. If no resolution can be agreed upon within 30 c.bys after the first meet and confer sess,ion. lh~ issue or iss.lJes shall be discussed at a public meeting of tht Board of Coullty Commissioners. If the issue or lssues ar~ ..till not n:solvcd to the satisfaclion of the parties., then any party shall have the right to seck :such relief or remedy a<; ma~' be pray idcd by this Agreemeflt or hy Florida law. i) Cooperation. In the event (in)' admini!'itrati",t Or kgaJ prol~ccding is instituted agains~ either pan} relating lO the forrnalion. execution, performance, or breach of tl1i" Agreement. County and Langton agree to partjcipate. to th.:: extent required hy the other parly, in all proceedings, hearings, processes. meclings, and other LKtl\!lties relaled 10 {he sLlbslancc of this Agreement or provision of the servicet;, under thi~ AgH~emenL ("Dum}' and l.angtoll specifically agree that no party to this Agreement shall bt' relJuired to enter into <lny arbitration proc.:eedings rdated to this Agreement. j) Nond lscrllnination. Cnunty and Langton agree that there wi Il he no discriminalion against any person, and it is expressl y uncle rstuod thal upon a Jdermination by a court of compt:knt jurisdiction thai Jiscrimination has occurred. this ^grcem~Jlt automatically terminates without any further action on the part of any parly, effective the dilte 01' rile court order. Coumy or L1ngton agre~ to comply with all F~dcra] and Florida slatute~, and all local OTdinance~, as applicable, rehnil1g to nondi~,:rimjnation- Thest: include but are not limited l(): 1) Title VI of the Civil Rights ALt of 1964 (PL 88- 352) wbich prohibits discrimination on {he basis of race. colnr Or national origin; 2) Ti tl~ IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as <.lmend~J (20 use ss. 1 oR 1-1 l)g3. and 1 ()85- 16,S6), which. probibits discriminaljon On the bas'i~ of <:;ex: 3) Sei.:tion 504 of the Re habil itation Act of i 97 J. as amended (20 use s. 794), which prohibits disc.:rimination l.m the h~lSb of handicaps; ..f) The Age Discrimjnation Au of 1975. as amended (42 use 'is. fi 101- (d07) which prohibits discrimination 011 the basis of age: 5) The Drug Abus~ Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (PL 9~-2j5), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination On the hash of drug abuse: 6) The Comprehellsive Akllhol Abuse and Akohollsm Prevention, Trealrnent <lnd Rehabi]jta(jon Act of 1970 (PI. Sll.61 n). as amended, relatjng to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol ~lhu"e or alcohoJism: 7) The Puhlk Health Servjce Act of 1912, 'is. 523 \'lnd 527 (..t2 use s,,_ fl9ndd-3 and ~90ec. 3). as dm~ndt(L rdati ng to confidmti<llity of aleo hol and drug abus,t patent records~ S) Ti{]C VIII M the Civil Rights. Act of 1968 {42 use s. ct selJ..). a~ amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale. rental or financing of housing: 9) Th.:: ^mcrican~ wi I h Disdhilities Act of 1 \lYO (~2 use ~. 12tH ~otc). as maybe amended from lime to time. rdating 10 nondiscrimjnation on the basis of disabil it", ~ lU} Monrn~ C ountv Code Ch. 13, Art. VI. prohibiting discrimination on th~ hase~ o'f' race, color, sex. religi~n. disahili ty. national ()rigin. ann::stry, "exll~l orlcntation. gtndcr idclHjty or expre~s.lon. familial <;tatus m age: and 11) any olber nOlldiscriminalion provisions in <iny Federal or :Stale st<Jluti:S which may apply to the parties to. or the s.ubject matter of, this Agreement. Mon(Oe!L~n3ton :1/0S 5 k) (llvenant ot ~o Interest. County and Langton covenant that neither pr~se ntl y ha~ any iUlt:'rC'it, ~:md shall nol acquire any inlercst, which \vould cOllflict ill any m,mn~r or Je grcc wilh ilS p~rformanCt umier this Agrtcmc Ill, and thi'll only interest of each i~ to p..:rform and receive bendit~ a!; rcelted in this Agreement. l} Code of Ethic:s. County agrees {hat officers and employees of th~ Cnumy recognize and wi Ill-le wilJired 10 comply vdlh (he standards of l;:onduct for public 0 rfieers .md ernpluyees a~ Jdineatcd in Senion 11 ~.313, florid" Statutes, regarding, but no! llllliled to. sol1citmion or acccplance of gi fts; doing husiness with on~' s ag("nc y: unauthoriled compensation; misuse of public po~ition, conflicting employment or umlr<lCl ual rd<~tionship: and di"do~ure or me of certain information. m) 1\0 S()li(:itation..;Paym~nL The Counly and L.angton warrant thilt, ill r~spel:t to ilSdL it has neither cmplored nor retained any compllny or person, other than a bona tide employee working sole] y for it, to solki l or secure this Agreemenl ami thal il has. nol paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation. individual, Or firm, other than a bona flue employe~ working solely [or iL any fee. cnmmissiun, percentage, gift. or Olh~r cnns.idn:llion contingent upon Or reslJlting from the dv,'ard Or making Llf (his Agreement. For the breach or violation of lhe provision, tbe Langton agrees that the Coumy shall have the right to temllnale ~his Agreement without liabillty and. al its discretion. to offset fmm m{)nie~ uwed. Dr mherwise re(,:over, the full iimOlwt of such fee. commiss.ion, pCfccnt<ige. gift, Or considcralion. n) Publ ic Access. The County and Langton shall allov,' and permjt reasDnahle access w. and inspection oC all dm:umellK papers. letters or other m;:Heri<lls in ilS pos;sess.ion Or lJnder It-,, conlrol s.ubject lO the pnJvision~ of Chapter 119. Florida Slututl:S. and made Or received by lhe County and Langton in c:onjunclion with this Agrc(;ment; and the Counly ~hall have lht: righl to unilateraUy cancel this. Agreement upon v ioliltion of this prov isian b~' Langton. Q) Non.Waivcr of Immunity. Notwithstanding he provisions of St::c 7fiK2R, Florid<l Statutes, the particip<.1tion of lhe County and the Langton in lhis Agreement and the J.cqui'iition of any commerdalIiability insuran~e coverage, sclf.insurancc cover<lge, or local government 1 iabi1i~y insurance pool co\'erage shilll not be deemed a wai....er of immunity tD the eXlenl of ~i<lhil it}' cove rilge, nOr shall any contracl enterl;;:d iIl{O by [h~ County he required to cont<:lill <iny provision for waivC[. p) Privileges (llld Immunities. All of (he priv ilcgcs and immunities from liabiliry. excmptlom; from law,;. ordinances. and rules ~nd pensions. and rdief. disability, workers' comr~nsatioll. and other bcncfit~ which apply to ihe al:ll vity of otflccrs. agents. or employees of any public agents Or employees of the l(}Unly, when performing lheir respccti v~ fUllctiOrlS tl nder {his Agrcemem \....ithin the tnri~oricll lillli~$ of the Count\' Shill! apply to the f,dm~ degree dnd cXlent to the performance of ~ud fU!lClion<., ~ml du-ti~~ of s'uch uffinrs. agents, voluntcc rs, or employees outside the territorial] im tts of the County. ~o~roe;~angton 1!/J5 6 q) Legal Obliga{ion~ and Rcs.ponsibilitics: Non-Ddeg(ition of Comtilutiomd or Statutor;: Duties. This Agreemml is not intended to, nor ~hall it be construed as_ r~ lining ,in)' participating cntitJ' fwm any otlligation or re\ponsiblli ty imposed upon the entity by law except to the extent of actual and t.im~ Iy performance thereof by any participating tmjty, in which case the perfomlance may be offtT~d in satisfaclion of the obligation or responsibility_Further, {his Agreement is not intendt:d to, nOr shall jt be construed as, autllorizing the delegation of the constitutional Or statutory duties ot the County. except to the extent perrnitleJ hy the Florida constitution, slate statute. and case law_ r} I"oH-Rdianct' by Non-Panics. No person or entity shaH be entilteJ to n:ly upon the terms. or allY of them. of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforct: any tlli rd-p,my ,1;.ti rn or enti nement to or benefit of (lny se rvice or program mlltt::mplah::d hereunder, and the County and the I ~nglol1 agree that ndther the County nor the LangwIl or .my <lgellt, nffker. or employee of dther ~hall h(l.ve the authority lO inform. coun<,d. or otherwis.e indicate lhat any particular individual t)r group of individuals, entily Or entities, haVe entitlement" Or b~nefit~ under lhi" Agre~rnenl s.eparale and apart. infc riot to. or superjor to the community in genaal Or for the pLJrpm,es conttmplatcd in this Agr~emcItl. ~) Attestatians. Langton agrees to execute SllCh documents as the County m(l.Y reasunahly require, 10 include a Public Entity Crime Sta~emenL an Ethics Sratemeflt, and d Drug-Free Workplace S lalemenL t) 1\0 Personal Liability. ~o covenant Or agreem~nl contained herein shall be deemed to he a covenant or ag,rcemtLH of :u~y mcmbC:l: Mficcr. agent Or cmpluyn' of \i1onroc County in his ur her individual capacity, and no member, offker, agent or employee of Momo~ Counly s.hall bE liable personally on this Agreement or be subject lO any personal Jif:lllility or accountahility by reason of the execution of this Agre~ment. u) Execulion in Counlerparl!'\_ This Agre.ement may be executed in <lny number of (,:(lumerparts, each of wh.ich shall be regarded as an orjginaL all of Whl(.::h taken logdher sh<lll constitute ont and the same instrument and any of th~ parties hereto may execute lhj~ Agreement by singjng any Soud (,:ounterpart, ....) Sel.:lipn 1 kad~ngs. Section headings l1ill,.'e been inserl~d in this Agr.ee men! ;lS a rnann of convenience of refe rence only. and it is agreed thal sllch ~t:ction headings are not (l part of this Agreemenr and will nor be us.ed in the interpr~ tatton of dny [lrovisioll of this. Agreement. '''';) A~signmcnt. Thi~ AgH~eml;m shall not be as-signable by Langton unless slIch assignmEnt j~ first approved hy the County Administrator. The County is rdying upon th{; appare rH qualification:-; dnd pers-ona] t:xpertise of LanglOn. and such fmn. s familiari!) with lhe County.::; area. drcumstance~ and d~sires_ The lcrms. COV~nant'i conditions. and provisions of lhlS Agreemc-nt ,;hall bind and inure to the bcndil (If th~ Cou rtty .U1d Comractor ilnd thtir respeclive legal repres~ntativcs, suc~e"'sors, and 3s.;sign~. Mo~roe!Langto~ 11/05 x) Imlepe ndc.::m ContmdOr. Lmgton and its employees. volunteers and ag.ents s.hall be and remain independent coJHractor and not agents or employees of the COlmty with respe(t to all of the acts and str\'ices pe rformed by ,ind under the terms of this Agr<: emellt. This Agreement shall not in any way he construed to create a pi.1rtn~rship, associalion or any other ki nd of join[ und~rtaki Ilg, ent.erprise or vl;nlure bdwt:en the partje;s. y) Compliance with Laws, langlon shall comply wilh <In applic<lh-!e hl.......'o. ord i nances, rul es, regulatlons, and lawful orders of public authorities rd,Hing to the Proj tel, z) W<li'.-er. Tht: fa\lurt of tither p~rty to this Agreement to {Jbject to or to take afhrlUati \'(' action v.'ith r~s.p~cl to any condu(,.'[ of the otho;:-r which is in viol i'ltiOll of lhe term~ of this Agreement shall not be consarued a;S a waiver of lhe violation or brtClcll. or of any future violation, breach or wrongful conduct Vrr'H fRETO. the parties have ~et lheir h<lnd:-; und se<::ll effeclive this da\. of NO'r'emher. - - 2005, A TrEST: ~ ) ,'-.j" .;:- \ J----, (\ (~~ . , L\NGTO~ ASSOCIATES_ It'\C By: Michael Lang(on. P i ATIEST: M (lnroe County Board of County Commis~ioner" I I . I . . . . I . _ I . I . I -.r ,.. .,',..' ~""'-'-"'-' - - - , - . I .., I I. I . . - , - . - . - Bv: Approyed 8S,lO Form.: - - ......---J.. Jq"'~~- ." '::,J' ~._~'/.... .... )"'..,.,.:; ~->r~L ( ....... .~ . t,t: ~ .' - . \ . - . . . -.' " /- . . . - /// ->/5-' - __....L. ... ~. /' _~ DATE: Mun:ce!Langton li/05 R LOBBYING k"\D CO:'\FLlCT 0.' It\TEREST Cl.AlfS..: SWOR~ STATEl't-lE:"T rNDER ORDIN.'\.i~CE :"iO. 010-1990 :'tlO:'oo"ROF. COC;o..;TV, FLORIDA ETHICS C L.ACSE LanJUon Associates, me. warrant::; tnat n.;iit h;,is Tlllt e.:-mr1oyed, rr::lained or othern'i_~e had act on his/its behalf any forrm.'T County offJ(:t:r or L.:mploy.::e tn violation of Sect~on 2 of Ordinance No_ 10-1990 or uny County ufficl,:r m employee in vlollltil)n of Section), of Ordinance ~o_ 10-1990. FDr breO\cn or violati~m of thl~ pr()\-i.~LLm the.:- CounlY may, in its Ji:-;cret~on. terminate this i;nntract without 1mbihty and may al ~o, in Lt~ d~~~Tt:' Lon. deuud fmm [J-ll~ I,;L)Tltract or purchase price. Or other",.ise recover, the full amount of uny fcc, commls~ion, pf.:rccntage, gin, or consideration paid to the fom1er County officer or emp~oycf.:. ~?F._.- (si a tur ....n --.- /1 /z.~...r DaH;: STATE OF ~f):{~1 ~~ - < .. ._. .-._LLL~._ . u k:-rLUL({.k COl.::\TY OF PERSONALLY APPEARED llEFORr: \IE, the und~r"igned authoril)', l . .1 '- .I.J..{( t'/U({J ).../;>(i{.n'1-ff......\. \vho. "Iter first being sworn by me, affixed his/her slgmllun:: {name of indi ....idual $'~~in~d , n the spa;::e prm ided above on tl1is .J-.:\. ~y Jay of , ( .. j \/),'{ '1 tL~ ~-t. \. ,20t~. ~. . . , . . l /,-- : / ,~'\t~ ...., J/ I + ~, ~, ,..../. . '_1.:.l-.J. GLC- L r .:\ ~ ~ i:- . \ i:-;OTARY P1."But ,.. " - -' CHR1SWljA M. KtNG Notary PUb-litt Sra!e or FlorirJa Mf comm. ElXp. Jan. 2 T 1 21109 Camm. No. DO 3B6:G{ , \f)' mmmLssion exp:res: ..__~~vl.. .J l) :J.c..\C'~ .J O\-tB - \-tCP FOR..\1 tq Public Entity Crime Statement "A person of aJtlliate who has been plm~t:J on the convicted vendor list following a convection for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, m3Y not submit a bid 011 a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or a public work. may nut submit hids on leases of real property to puhhc entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, SubCOTltraclOr, or cons.ultant under a contract with any public entlty. and may not transact business with any publ ic ent.ity in exce1'1S of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 for CATb(iOR Y TWO for a period of36 months from the date of being placed on the convict~d vendor list." IIJ"~'-~~M CERTIFICATE OF INSUJtANCE o ~;r !l,n:: rMM FIRE AND CASUAl TV CQI.4P,~": ~, Sic [tmi!\gl.on, lllifl0/'5 o ~;l ~rE FAR~ G{::NERAL ~NSl}~~ COflJl~",\'V, B'.:Kl'llington, IImoj!l o s: r ~ TI:; FARM F IRE AND CASUAl... TY C-::>MP_lI ' l, Sl;wbor-oug 1'1. Ontar'O o ~,r ~ T E FARM F LORlOA. INSURAIIlCE SOMPr."'. 'It Ilter HElVefI, Fl Offc tt o E:r"'TE fARM LlOYDS. Dall~, Tel<<Il ~n.SlJrU tt.e ICllIowi~ poliqn(]IG'i!r [Of lhe CO'l'~ f ~l!:!; indi-;;;!lteQ ~10'f\l. Pollc y holder Md ress :>f policyhQ ldoer Locl!l110n of operati0r'18 DQSC rlDtior. (If OfA3flll1c nlli ~~~0n Ass:[i~t~~ I~c lllOr 'ii J\da..."tl" ~t~",,,,t Ste I~() Ja<:l<~(mv:i1~e. ~L ': ~:',)2-" R~!i. :..,,, pol~c'.es ;,liled ~O..... t1ava been tSsul!'d ;,) ttle poUcytJoldBr for th@ poljt:~ pe1iods. ~r~11 ~II. T'1: InSUlllInce deliictlbed In ITn!8e policies l-5 sul:ljeC'l to atl Hle ~@rm:;;, e;ll;.(;IIJ'>;r:m.., 01100 ron~H~ ns of th(lSe policies. The limn 0' lldbilitL~:'~:'~'l ":. ~)Il'1ave 06IIn red>.iced by an)' pilld cllHmr>. ---. POUCY Pf:RIOD LIMITS Of l...l.IdHUTV n'PE OF INSl'" AA1CE E~ o.bI ~ ~ I?t*__ ____ _ (~ beglnnhig of polley pert.ocI) ComlYm,~e 11 /":_1./U5 11/12! Of. 800lL Y INJURY A.ND Busi ~ U~b ilitj' . . _ _ . . _ . __. . _ . . PROPEfHV DAMAGE. Thl"5 'n~1.~r~-nc~:lnc'-ude5 -- -O-P-rQ-d~ctS-~ CI~r.\pkted Operations r.8J Corltr:1ilcluaf i. ~ bliity '1 0 Pers.onallnjL1) o ~ertI!ilng u*'ry .0 :0 o .____. T POUCY PEmoD EXCESS LIA:.I_tT"t' E1fec:tive o.te ~ - ~.i o UmtJrtlllli o other POlley NU~BER 98-Nioj. 90~4-~ <l. Eact! l JoccltrIet'oe S L. QO'- 00.) L;€Ifl ~ "!It Ag.g reg.ate $2,uOO,OlJJ r~ro<l,,::-Is - Campll318d _. __{~'pe~~tions Ap\!!lg8te :JOD LY ~NJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE (Com~Md S~gle UmJl) :~..ct I Joceu rrefl ee :5 . .::~iJ"~p111!! $ I~ rt I . W(ll1;;er~ Cornpt'!"Ni;i 011 - $tatulmy s POL.J(;YPERIOD Efr.:.::U... D.t. : ~ I'WiII ~.- .- WOI'1l8f5 , Cc-rrtj::Hrl~a'llon ~rlO ErnpKl,en; ~ abilay POUCY PERlOO EIhdIve o.r- ~ Pert II - Ern~ Lililbilrty E El.,h AocIcIt!'nt S I ~!. ,1EIS41 - E~r;f1 E mploYH :$ Ji ~ ':laU - PoHey LI mil: $ .1----- -~lhUTS OF UA81UTY ~_ i ______ _ (.a bcgl"t1it1i1 of policy period) F'OUCY NUMBER TYfI'E OF 1 NSlI j;h\NCE --1-..---. I l10IE CERTIFICATE OF tNS lJRANCE IS NC ~ A COHTRACT OF lNSlJR..IViCE AND ",En 'iii ~ R J.\,.= FIRMA T1VE LV NOR MEGA TI VEL V ,1UJlENOS, EJ:TENOS OR: ALTf;:RS THE CO\~:.RAGE APPROVED BV ANY POUCY DE.=I'; mBt:o HERt:'N. Nal11E a'1d Address Q1 (ertH'icate holder Addi~: :n~j :n~L<.~ M8ntC'E: COUI1~Y '-\oard of Count y rClll!llli :',"1 t1)ne.l:~ 1100 ~i~Dn:.nn ~t ~~e ~ 2~; ?<"t.::}" ~.i"~ :7~.. :'L .::.~~.:!::: If a! I, A tf1 ! desc~IDOO pollCJeS arB C;;OI flOlIIlffl before t/lfl ' ;spirll~(Jn jm, Stale Fann 'Nt I I try to mail ;ill WfII [.;f n ot.l~ 9- to rhe certificate helder ] Q da)ls befo re ~ ~~'Ij,.rr.:n\jt h~"", we~' to " i1ucn MlitJQo, ( ru;t :d~!'1 br l~b'l ily w'lI ifT'l 99 on State I, Far I; \ ) ~~.:~ ents Or roo7Brt I tl I $) ~.,," ~ --~tiLJj().. . SI9'I~ ~L ret:P'~~ ~iBtiw oJt~ ..~~~~:L--__ ~._ ~~i :-1",: ~~I.: ~<:, ,I"gII" nOlrm T".Lt,.~l>l JI'tICM" ':i{:'.;-,71-2(!6~ 1l/22/D5 0r!M !!'i1-f184 B_~ ~.1t-($-~" Il'rlnI-.d I" U S... ~ A~:; -~. ::~ - Stamp ,. I "Q11 " (~odII .; (:.i .i ,.,FC ~:'~ 349 NEil r Nelson AFO Jackaonvf!l8 A190679 59.8023 F348