Item L08
Meeting Dale JanlJary l8. 19. ~OU6 Division: COUNTY A'1'I"Ol{NFY
Bulk IlCrJ I: Yes ]'\0 SmffCont.act Person: N~.HIleene \,~_ Cassd
____.___.. -. ~ . I . ... --.-
Appfll\.a I on First A menJment 10 Sumdard T ,ega1 Services Ag.wl:Tnent wilh Jerry
C olem(lIl, Fsq _ 10 provide f~)r John Rm::k welL ESlI- l{) <iSSlst Mr. COkITl1.lJ1 in providing
le~~al servi<.:et:. to th~ Clmnly_
- ---..-- --- .- .... .... . - .
On /\ugu~l 19, 2005 lhe County approved th..:: Standard Legal Services Agreement with
Jerry COlCm....Ul, L:s.q. Mr, Coleman needed assisrancc in handling the work on the County
Contract. y1r. John Rockwell is atl .lss.ociatc in MR. Coleman-s firm and w!11 be bilJjng
the County (It .'l lower rJtc and doing some of th(~ less demmlding t1l<;k5 \lnder the control
or \-1r. ColemEn.
. .......-------
PRr VIOl JS R 1-:-1..11: v ^.r~T Iloee ACTION:
Un A.ugusl t 9_ 2DOS the Count)- approved the Standard 1.egal Servil:t:s Agreement wil h
Jerry Cokrnan. Esl.J..
The 011 r y change is to add f\k Roc-h well as a tlHll' kl.:cpcr under lhe contracl al [Iu.: r.ll~ oj"
:::; ] 75_00 per hour.
... .- .----
-........... . . . -.. - --.. --...-..--.
TOTAL COST: $175.000 per hOllr In.1 l){iKn:n: YES X NO
- - -
---.-.- .""".--.----
KE Vi:.N II E I~ROnLCf.\"G: YFS - NO - AM()l:NT J~ER !'r10NTH - Year
- .. ,"..
API'ROVF.D RV: Cu.." AU,_X_ Ob;">UCOh"-'i.g ._ _ R;,k M...gem,.'
J)JVlSION DIRE<.:TOR APPR(}y"r:jeL,/_{1iJ.: ,-y A;,,;;{
Jobll R. Collin~
norL "lli~N]'ATION: Included X ..... ot Rl;quired ____
III SPOSlTIO:'<ri; . - A G EN)) A Itt'm# L . ~~
'''ON ROE C()ll~TY. FLORIDA AGRF.F.l\1F.~T 'llevlRER:
CA Y-CON-2005-07-01
lllfS FIRST A\lF"\"D\1F\T (""Arm::ndnx:nt") to lhe ST..\NDARD LL(JAL
SI'I{ vlcrs AGRFF.\fF:\"T (."Agn::c:menC') is made: and enl(:[(:d into this day of
Jamury_ 200{i, hy anJ h~t\\'~lCn Lho;; BOARD OF COrNTY CO.\lI\HSSIONEHS OF
'..ONltOr. COll~TY ("COllIll{') fHld JERHY COU::l"lA~ ('"Attorney.').
Wl"J );FSSL-;Tl r
WI-ILKL"\S, {he panics entered into an ,Igreem enl ror lh~ retention or tht: A llomey to
provLclc- legal advlCC services on Lh~ 19th day of August :::005~ anJ
WHERF/\ S. the /\ tlorm:.:y ba~ l.:xprcsscd th~~ desire and th(:" nc('d fOf assistance from an
a~s(lci[l\c in his fLrm: and
\Vlll...:RLi\S. 1he (\)unl"ii and lhe AUmnev h11\'T m!.nxJ [(I uJl1cnu EXHIl3IT A (It"lhc
... r" ~-
Ag['(:"(;tncn1 in order to ill knv ['or the as:;i stane:\:' oj" John C. Roth-velL Esq_ as an addi tional
time kc~p~r unJ~r lh~ Agreement; now lhc-re 11Jre
l~ CONSIDERArIOJ\ ofth(" mutual promiscs contained hel'ein, the parties hereby ilgrcc
d~ l"u lkl\vs:
1- r. X 1 {lH J l A (ll pari.lgr,Iph 4.4 shOll] be (1m ended ,IS t'ollo\\:s~
4..4 i\ pprovcd Additional Time Kccpcr"~:
Name; Hourl} Ralc:
John R.ockwdl One lIundrcd and Scv~nty rive Dollars. (S 175 ,aO)
'! ThL Amenumenl shall he relroai:li ve lD lh~ 9lh day of No\.'em her, '2005_
J_ The r~~mainin~ l~~rrns of [he Conlract, nol inl'OIlsistenl bnev...-ilh. shaH remaEIl in
full tot'(C' and (:"jlee1.
- - - -- - - - - -- - - - . . - .. ... - . - . . .... . ... - . ... ....... ... -.
1\10\"ROF. C01:r-iTY. FLORllL\ AGRE EMEI\T 1\ t I\'I1JER:
CAY -CO~ -20U5-lJ7-lJ I
'll US lie RiJ"J\.1FNT has het:rJ :-;ign(-cl and executed by the Board 0 r- C mlll 1)'
CCillllni~sioners onvfomoi.: Cuunty, F1oridfl, and has been :jign~J and exexulL'd hy
Attorney:. on Iht: daks inJi('Hlcd below,
AlL~St: D..\NNY L KOU [AGf< CJ .FRK BOARD 01" CUU :\n y
COt\.1I\.llSS10NERS OF tvf01\ROF
Rv: COU~TY_l'"LOl{lL)A
Dc-puty Clerk
Ry:__._ ...-
I )at~: .. ..- Charll.:s "StIL"my"' \1cCoy_ :Vlflyof
..... .
\\' LtrJL'SSCS i.'or ..-\.ttorncy: / / .')
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....".... . By:
..-- .- . I
S ign:.llurc Ll 1" WitJlcs-s :_ pelT{.Fukr.tdn, AUOrnG_~"
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~.. ~ .-.. -.-.. Pri~'tcd :-.J~riic . '. . :-.:-.,
Prinll:d Name of \VitnCS5
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..i .-, I ! t. L ,
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!\.1ailing Addt,CSS
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P ri mcd Name of W itnc"s
2 ST A "'DARD LFG,\1- St:R\'ICES AGREUt1 J:NT CAY -CON-2005--07-01
:; TH F. ROARll (n' COl'NTY CO'-1M1SSIONERS Of! .'VIONRO": COUNT\'. FLORI DA, a.~ tbe
(, Icgiskll r...c lInd guverning oody Qf Monroe COUTlty, Flnri<.la. and lYl acc(lnlance wiih the po,,>,crs
"7 l:ftuTTlLT..ttcd in Scclioll ] 2 \0 f, Florida Stalllh::~ (I ~lC '.(~uLJnly") and JERRY COLEMAN (the
~ -'Attorney") hen~by eIJtcr into lh~ Agreement regarding the retemioT! of 1\ 11 OTTlCY by County lL~
q provid{' k:~,11 advice and S,L"l"\,jL~:
11 1. Client; The C1ie.T1t i~ l)n; CUUTlly. and to lne cxtent ethically permissrh1c. it!; ckctcd and
[ 2 appoint~d oflki,lTI) and ib- employees, unless County advU;.cs MtoIllC}' (lthLrv.'l~e_ lit the event lhal
D Altnmey C:inno! c!hicalJy rcpresem jndivFduak in addi1iorl to COLll'lly, A!lOmcy shall advise Countv
]01 in wTitiIlg 0 fth3t fact immediately.
] 5
lh 2. Attorney: I h(; Attorney is the indrvidu,'ll Jl<lrlm ClIxm.: and whmiC ~igllalun,:: appears at the
J 7 bottom ('If this Agret::.m...,d, AttOrT1CY i..~ Ilcen.';C'd 10 practice law in all jurisdictions relcvam to this
l~ rrk'ltt er. ] r Attorney prat.1iccl) with uthLn who may provide services to County. he or sh..'
1',1 underSland3that County expect.. that Attorni.-"). will bt; rcspn.,~iblc fur rna.nagilig the
~o .assunTlg compliancc of othCT:; with the h.;~ oftnr. Agn;cra:l1t and l1hica! rc-quin::mcms., pn...--paring
2 [ a[Jd su~!antia1Illg all hills. and c(ltllinunica.ting w itll COilllty_ Atwmey may n01 dclegak or
" O'Jtoource this \York withoul full written disclosure 10, .lTld prior ""Titten approv:11 from. the County.
1,1 3. M:,utl:r: Altnmc)" hat; bol,xn rctained by COUnly in conneclion wnh the matter described in
~" t:l:hibit A. Attorney re:prescllls that hc Qf she is ..()n1pch~n1 ..m,lll;.~ilablc hi haT1(lk that matter. In
~h rh~ C\-'\:nl r~! addn [oTlal maUcr-s. arC' as.';.igncd hy Counly in Altorney. this agreemenl shall 3ppl~' !()
"'7 thas;;, matters as welL unless a separah~ Agr~'emcn1 is required by the COl.Jnty.
29 3,1- R.c..ic~ of dl1i-cal Qblif.a.tiCtn~ bdore ioitiatillg representation.: All nrm;y ha~
:10 conducted a thornLlgh jH"e~1jgatioll and delermincd thai ncither AHom~y not hi.{, M her firm has any
:ll ethical imp~inl~nl. real Dr rmentiaL In teprl"SCHling (:OLlnly. T () I h{:' exlent t [my ct ~ iea I
,~ rmpedimefll. real or potential is dif.COH.'1"cd or ever arises. AHmTIC} shall immeJral<:lr~. int()fTll
.' ..:.
~:I Cauntr in writiIlg of tm:: [rnpajimcnl (regarolcs..." ofwhctncr Mtom~y belie'<'~ he or she hils taken
.~4 all stq.lS necessary to avoid tile impediment and regardk.'1).... of whether At10mq believes that the
~... il1lpL-dlrn~nt IS inSl,lm1.lll1ti,'ll or qucsticHlablc). mah~ full dJsclosurc of the siluation to COUTHy, obt<lill
.~6 CournY'3 express, wtLl1eIlCOnScnl to continue the rcpn:s~~ntation efttle othcrdient, and take afl ~rcps
3 ,~ TC41JL'S!ed by County to <Ivoid or mrt~gate the infl~diJrlcnt AHorney unden;.1ands that, if;:l d rrect or
.Vol indirect conflict of rrtlI,.Tt::~l <>rises whi(,:h. in the opinion of lhe County, L..lnnOl hi; avnil.kd or
39 under tho; Rules of rrofc~kmal CondLlct n fThL.: Fhmda HaT, County may. in !h d ~.actjon,
-w (::I) ()Dtain rcimbursemern from Attorney fur all fi::t..-:. aml (:x.pcnscs paid to Attorney in this mattt."';
'11 (b) obta!n cancdJ3tiofl of all ; allegedly 0\1,'00 by County tn Altumcy: and lC) ob!ain
42 rcimhur~I,."Tnent tor cOfL'>Cqucntial ex.rcnS(:~ incurred by County_ in.eluding the t::O:St of n::pk'CemCtll
.1_~ L'{Il-lTISi:! I.
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l 3.2. I.jmrtation~ to scope of repn'St'nt.tioD: b::o:;cpt wh,,-"TC prohib!tL-J by the Rule,,- l)f
~ l'rot~r.on1i1 ('ondul,..1 Df The Florida Bar. AND UNLESS ATTORN J-'Y IS (} 1"Hf".R WI SF:
.\ 1 NFORfl.-1ED TO THE CONTRAR Y. the MOrlTM County Auorney.s Offi~e Wlrl serve a5 ;;O-COUrL-.cI
4 in an matters co\'cn;d by' IhL~ AgrcC'rnent. As. co-counseL th<' Offi<:c alwmcy's wi!1 :l.s....,i:<;t t\t1mlll;y
') by rerforming tasks ass.igncd by t\ttmncy, mcluding bLIl nor lirniled to S<'rving as local c(}uJ1~cl;
f. :>ccl.lring the cooperatjoJ1 (lfCo-~mty cmpJ{)y(':C._~. 0fficcrs.. and others in djscovel"")' and olher;~;
obtaintnR c'I.'idcmiary mairriaL.. fmm CoulUy files; assisting with disc"ve~TY; al~mling hemngs and
S dcp(),~itioEls; filing ple~dings; amrnging lor duSl.'"d aunmcy-di.cni scs....ions with the Board ofCounly
q Commissioners: and perfurming. L)~het ta.<;,.k_s as necessary and c('lflven~en1 for J\t1omi.")'. DCclSlOf1S
to ;'I;; to [a<::tical approaches 10 be utilized shall ~ lhe u~imaic rC~"pons!bjlj1y nfihc Anorney. and is....uct.
II which rise to lhe level of a client de;,;~i(m ~httll be rt';:;.()ivt::ti by th~ Board OfCClUnly Co mmiss Killers ,
p .-\ny further limit..t iOTl~ (~r ~pcdal c-oT1ditjons Sholll ~ as set forth in Eiliibit A.
14 3.3. Trnn or AglTemenf aDd ReprMel1t.Uon; Thl~ Agreemeni and repres.clllation by
!5 AMmc y " dY,," i" u,,"" .ccept.",e ,nd 'l'prov, I by County ;n ,,,,,,,d"TICC w.h <"mn'Y" po I ~",. ~
16 ordinanct::S. or gnverniug statutes. lhc r~prcsentation sh..lI continue ul1tiT temlinatcd by either th~
[7 County, or by the ^l1~HllCY in accnrdancc wilh ethical requ[remenlS. ~c<~..c~ t.(..~,'(1~ f1GJ'\~ ~
I~ ,yll;' ~.d::. ..~ ~~Jv..'~d: 1=1 , "
Il) 3.4. COli 111). eIpect.til)n~ and ~n&15: The Com'll)" cxrcCb the Atlomcy tll ~eek 1!-le hc"l \J
::0 rc:~ohlti.on for lhc CQ~tnty at the k,we':!t n;a...onabk: e{)i>t to (he ta1''~. An}' NnL.'"t eXfX-'Ctaliom lutd
~I goals shall be <I~ ~d forth in E:.;b.ibit A.
n 4. Attarncy Fcc (HouriYI: Attorney wdJ he paid for his or her SA...'1"Vices baf.ed on the number
_~4 of hour:;. expellded on ~ha]f ofCu\lnty t rounded to the nearest knth hour tor each time entry). not
25 to illdudL:' ~imt,: hj~Jablc 10 nr compcnsah...-J hy oiher clicnt~. mutliplit..:d hy the Altnnu....Y.:--> humly rate
7J' a!; set forth ill Elhibit A. The following minimum billing documentalioll and tirne-kee-rer
~7 rl"t.juircmCnls :in; II ~ondition prcced!:nt in p~ymcnt hy tf'le County.
~C) 4.l. 'oo-billabk time; ,\! lomcy will hi 11 C (l unly only fo r time reasonably <lnd
_~O w,:;CL::~sari'y mc~H"t.;d 10 render pwt\.~ional ~r\:K:~ on CDunty'~ behalf ill accordance with this
:q ^"~(ljJll.~[lt, Trr.:le ..ttributabic ro bitlil1g question.!; is !lot hiUablc. Trine expended by lime..kcq1-er.;
1'" who ha\.'t' n01 tx..-cn approw.d by COUTlty as indicated on E:lbibit A is. also not btlhbl~.
34 4.2. Changrs to hourly J'1Itcs: Anoflleywijl ch.Hrge no more than the hourly mt~ qUl1ltxl
,...1 in [, lhibir A ! hroughm.ii ,he d LJr:a:tlo n 0 f t he matt ~r. IJnless 0 lherw isc agreed in writ ill g s ig nai by
36 (ounl y.
3~ 4.3. Dj5('Ounts to other ClieOls.: 'rhc >ates A1tomcy will chargc Couniy reprc~~n! in\;
?9 Iowcst ratc~ cbargc(l by the SlIffie time-keepers 10 other chcn~, In tile evefl! 1hat lower ratc.~ \1r
4n JisL:ount:; are prov[decllo alher cbents, Altomcy ..nd appro.-ed time-kel-~'1"S wm also provide 1w...'TIJ
....1 0[1 the same b3S.i." tlJ County.
,1J 4.4. .4.dditiodal time-keever!'i.: Additional timc-kl->epen. ma;.' rJtJl be added to the matt~r
44 withOUl actvam:cwrittcn approval frum ('uumy. III the eVl...'11t thaI addiiional time-keepers providing
-l5 ~"'TVkcs wruch arc to be bilk'll to the Coumy ;'Irc !o be 8dtlcd to the ~taff, theft tht;ir hourtv iiEte;<; :;ll.aH
2 of 14
.--- - . -.... ..
I be rrovided to County in advanc~. and, tlflOt:l wriUen approval by the Counly. their T1ltcS :md billing
!. practices shall comply with th~ n:-GuitcmcnlS of this Agrecfllerlt. Addilionill tirne-ke.;:pe~ appro.'l;d
" hy the Coun!y ue lis1ed in El.bibit A to 1 hi.... Agn:'cmcnt, ::uld thi.. Ex.hibh A mav be amended fron1
. t l Ut Ll' tn t ~nc. \.ip0 n mutll2 1 (Ir,f~~mcnt n r t hl.::' C Ou n ly and lh~ A tto fnl.")', W e....j.d enc c t h" then - ell m;111
" em::-u~"tClncC!;.
~ 4.5. EJ;i!t1jn~ "ork produef~ To the extent the !\Ullmey rn.akcs lJ.<;C of {;xjf.>ling "~'ork
8 pnlduLl, c_g_, in the form o-fresearch prcvlo\.lsly pl,.:rformcd for another County. then Artorneym<lY
9 bill an.1v that time ~:>;pended in u~ing tlHIt work prorluct for County_ In ather word~. no premium,
to mark uJl. I H ,u h.::r aJjLlstHlCn I nl3 Y be made to bi 11 C ou nty to r 1 ime Spellt on w orl ;:I tn.:ad 'j pt..-rl'urTllL."rl.
i 1
12 4.6. Trani; IT1ivd n::stnctions, including restriction... on billrng hme during 1ra..d, iiTC
D :';l,.1. forth beluw.
]') 5. lJilUnJ:; or ....en IInd F..1pen~: At1on~y shall comply with the following requirements as
!o tn biltillg ft:~ and ~)I;pcnSl-'S a... a condition prc.:roellt to County's obligation to pay each bill~
1 S 5.l. Monthly bi11$.~ Un!t..""S.'; Olhct1.VTi;e ::tgn..-ctl in:::. writing <;igncd by the CC'1unt.'r'. bills shall
I~ be i5s.u.:xl monthly by M"lOm~y Wllhill 15 days aAcT th~ ch.;;c of (."" mnntn_ AltnrnC'y iJmk'Thland"
::0 that C m,l nt)' rc-q l,llr~~ pr011lpl b i Ih; in partin filL: i I ft~k dfC(,;t ivc TIlilnagcmcn r 0 f l he rcprc:>.<:nta t.o It ::tnd
':1 fc~_
2J S.Z. Bill f(tnIUlt~ Ntom9 shall provide dctalleQ, bills which sha 1.1, at a
24 tIl'lljmum:
2h 5.:!'] l).est:ription. Pnlyidc a genl,.'nIl d"~l,:riptk)n ofthl.; mau~r. In induJc lhc n.ame
2"7 of tbl~ (\)UIUy depanm~nl oc- collstitlj! offi;::C"t, if not indic:::.tcd in tbe [Elte uf tht: matter, rm
_: ~ which legal S-er....ic<"S are being pertomled (e.g. Richard RoC' v_ Monroe- Counly f1:.0 Claim).
:n 5.2.2 renonneL Clearly identify each pi..'nKH"l pafonlling services (i.e.. rimc-
3~ ke-epers.} in conjl1nc~ion w it It C'adt cnl 1)'-
::-+ 5.2.3 Other Pen\OlIne-l Clearly identity an persons who are not full-time law~'I;r.;,
., :" employed by the AUome-;....s firm {induding sLlbcnntr'd.l.:lOP;. independcnt C[lfltractm.~, t~lnp.omrv
)(, emp 10 f'Ce-<;, and nul S{)ur;;i n:g rTOvidcrs).
.\ ;
:.S 5.2.4 Time Record!!. R.t:tord the I[rru:' n-pcnded by <each timc-kttpCT :o;ep:Jrale]v.
J9 JTllnose sitmuions wht.'TC t~c minimum billing incremcm excl...'t:ds th{; actuallirne spent on EI task a~d
.:1-0 s.e\'cral oftb~c '.minnrn ta5k~ are perf(lllne~:L 11 is ~xpcct~d that 1b~ suvices wilt b.; aggregilt~d \mtit
-l ~ tne toll1l actU:Jltim: spenl m~'Cts Ihe rTlEnirnum h,lhng IDcremenl.
-D 5.2-5 Totlla IUld B}' Task. S1ah: the >tmount of time e;tpt.":ndL:t! by I;ach time-keeper
44 daily {allJ. withm each day, bmhn down by tas.k where more than One pro.~ct (If lask was worh::d
4~ upon within the .same day}.
3 of 14
---. .-. ...
I 5.2.6 Task Dt-~ription. Descrihc wilhin ~ch itemized daity task entry, ill t;.Utfio:.:il~T1t
~ dehld to readily aHow the COllnty to determine th~ nC~$.';ity fur .md reas.onablcnefoj,~ of thl;': tinw
:- c:q:'1cndcd, the servi[':t'S performed, the projl.....'1 oTta.o:k each service relates to. the _~ubjc'..1 ~HJ{[ PUI"p('lsc
-1 of each ~t..TVicc. and tbe names of others who WL.'"TC pn:scJ11 or communjcated wit in the course of
5 p.i.;rfbmlirlg the serv~e. rncrudui :>hnuld be a Tcasonably specific dclincalion of8"-"TVlccs s.ufficiently'
() i1emin~d to allocate time within a mat1l"T 10 sl.Icl1 c.atcgor~~ of effort as. L....--ga~ Rl"SCOtrCh. Fact
7 Gathering. lntt::ma] Cnnfcn..T1ces, Conmmrucation" wlln (:lient, PFl;f1icular Documenl Drnfting.
3 Cnmmissio Jl Appearances., Meet ing A uendano.\ and SO fo rth_
10 5.2.7 Summary of Ratn. r n <l summary a l t he begin nID!!; '.1 r 'end 0 f the bilL pm vidt.:
J! the: CL1m:nt hourly rate tor each timc-k.t:L.'pCr, the totaJ time billed by each time keeper in that bill.
12 the product (If tfw total time: and bourly rate for cad.. time-keeper, the total fecs ~h1Tgcd, and a
U IT:ConciliatiOfl ~lw~en !1lL: ::iJl.(mnt ,haTg-cd and anyapp-hcablc es.hrr"titcd or budgeted amounl, by
[4 la~k_ 111 ;I(.Idnion, each monthly s.tatern~'11t sh.ould show the aggrcgah:: t-.jl1mg for that maner foom tnc
15 conlIl1:encemcllt ofihc matt~....- through the curremly-bille.;l mnnth,
]7 5.2.S Di,;tal/F..let:1.ronic Copy. County is currently using TiH'iC MaUers .md Time
lH H~Hin~~ software in the County Attorney's. office. ano p-rden,;. filM an elcctroHM..: n,..-porting soltwarc.'
19 wh,[':l) ~'an be incotpomtcd into the Cnunty'ssn!lware dat:l base for lmcking and reporting purposc~
~O be UM.:d by Attmney. Attom~"y should discLls-.. lh.c r;apabihtlcs of Attorney's, !:titling ~,"S!em with
.,. ('ounty hcf(}rc rendering the fnl bilL Cnurrty shouk:! receive a (llgit.1l declronic/cnll1putcrizcd
12 version of each bill. tO~{,.1hcr with a paper copy. 1'.1 f;tcihtatc bill review_
24 5.3. Expenses: Counl)' wjl1 pay the aclua I, lC:l,'.;ol1;lblc cost of !h~ litH owiflg expense
25 item~ if incurr~ in accordance with the !,ruidelines below and [lmmptly itemized in Mtomey's
1.(1 rnnnthly biU:
:8 S.3.l Rejmburublc f'1penses: Actual cost fOT ncces~ry long dist,mcc tekphon~
29 ~,tlls, tclecop-ytllg <It $-25 per outguing page, overnight or expedited delivery, cout1crs, photocopytng
JO :ll S.lS per page. pllstll.gc, court tees" and ntoc. e:qiense:s approved in ;)dvance by CVLlmy or as Ii..lcd
31 b,~I(m":
r 5.3.].1. F.,~dited or emerJ;:~'I1cy ierYi'Cf5; Attorney is c;>;;fll.."de.d to
}4 avoid using C;>;;lX"'dih:~d or ~m..'fgt;Tlcy services, ~mch ~ expre&~ ddivery servic~, l;ouricrs,
35 telecopying, overtimL\ an,1 &il on, unl~ss nt;:i;cssary be~ausc of unexrci..'1cd developments or
.1(1 L:xtTemcly shOtl deadlines_ County may rcfus.e tn pay fur any s.uch cxpcns.cs when incurred routinely
:'7 or becrms-c of t\l1orney'~ f.lilure to manage lhe matter efficierrtly.
39 Co m pUferiLed Tflea IT h: Attorney t~ ~xrx~c1cd to LJ.<;;C
40 (;DmpLUe, !zed n:::>l,:arcn scrv jres (O~l-cflenjvely 10 n:d ure time spent Ol1 Jcs.e:ut::!1, fnr ex-ample, w ~I j ~c
4J d()S~Iy-nlonit( Cotnputcri:T.ed rescarch to m~Lne that lhl: charges an: n.:asorublc and ncces...ary.'_
.12 Attorney is e_!ol.pcLkJ to pass throlJgh t'.1 County any discounts Or other arrangcml,;nts thai n:4ucx the
43 co~t l}f wmpuk'Ti'",_cd se['\ic~.
45 5_'U .3. Phot~opying: Attorney i... encouragoo tn \~e out~idc
4 of 14
I copying M;rvices. to reduce the cost of brge-voh1me corrying. provided Inal lht~~ C:lIp(:l1Se.s are
"J effic i~~m, co!.1-effcct ive, and incu rred and billed in accordance with t hi~ i\ J~ment" Attorney is.
) respons.ible for insuring that all copying c;omp1k.'"!S l,\..ith copyright obligatjons_
.;;: 5..t 1.4. TnlI RSCri ph: T J"ll1lSCriptS. should not be [lrdcrcd without rrlnr
Q JWTO\'a.l from (:ounly_ TranscTirtlS ~oould nut be oTI.hne.d on an expedrted bas...<; unle~s n~i,"
, and apprClwd in advance by Cmmty. At1ome)' s.JlLluld obtam digital d..-c:imnic.'(:omputerized copies
~ of trans.cripl~ when avaitabk at a "fca!;.(Hll:l.blc (;(It,1 to lI'rnj,j charging for time spent JigL~ting or
q indt::xillg transcrjpts, aT1d to allow County to maintain a digilaJ dcctmnici(';(lmputerized dAtabase of
1(1 i1lllranScripl~_
1 !
12 Tnvea Expensc': Travel cxpenses w,thin the AHo-rm:}"~
1 J 10 car or mctrnpo hlflIl an:a wi II Rot be rClmbUJ'.>.Cd if the time spent in lrafts it i~ bill cd. Travel
] 4 expenses outside the: m.cloopotital1 are.a m,lY only be reimbursed if the lravct was approved in
15 ::ld...'ancc by County, RcimO\lrsable tr<lvc! expenses.. if approved in advance, <Ire the cosl of
16 tram,portalion by t~IC !L.:a.SCl t,::>:pcn-':i,ive pr.1cticable meal'lS (c_g_. coach cl.a% air tmyel)_ the cost of
.7 rt:a.~nnab]c nolel accommooations, and the cost of lran~lr1.:1tion w.hile (lut oftown k-g,. by Clth ~1,
1 g rental car. whichcv(,..'T ~rm reasonllble. <It the low~S1. a...ailablc rule), T mvel expen~ w ill be
1 () rcimbur~' in ac~~ordarl('..e with the applicable provi'\.ions It)T "appnJ\'cd travcren:;"' or lhe Monroe
20 County Code. wjJl be .~l-lmm< 011 the Monroe Counly Travd FornI with aU applicable reccirt~
2] :.t tt~h~'(] thereto.
23 T..nel Time. Time spent m tm1b:in. IocaUy OJ ot hefVl' is(:, may
~..:I be biUed on Iy if (a) lHtonlCY Of t imc- kccpcr is LllUIb k to avoid Ira vcling b)' u;slng other fo rms [l f
2) communication and (h) Att~lmcy 0"- time-keeper is unable to bill time in trallsit tn otht::, dicrrts.
26 Travel by m.or;; t1lm1 one time-kel:pCr 3l tile ~me tUnc to tllc fi.'ftnC Jc~tjrulhon lS not allowed w!lr.out
27 prior approval trom Cmulty. Approved tffi\'cl tim~ (luring time-keeper';,; normal hours will
28 he hilled :it the hourly rat(: li!>1cd fur t.he time-kcercr 011 F..xhihit A. Approved lrd.\'d time outsidr:
2C) nftimc-kecper';,; nomml b1.l.5iness hour'!; will be bi'hf at onc-halflhC' hOllrly rale listed for the time
30 kcqx:, on Elbrbjt A.
P 5.3.2. :\on-.rcimbunllbll: CIp~n$eS: The following cXjX-llses will in IlO l...'"Vt."1lf be
33 reimbursahle, unlc~ s'pe<:.:lficaHyagrero lu IT. adwnce in a writmg s.jgned by COUrlty.
_~5 5.3. Z.I. Personal .nd 0 ffic-c Costs. M~:lh; for lime- kcqwrs.
36 ovcrtimc. word pmec~jng or COlllpLller l:harges, pcrsol1at expenses. expcn~~ in:lt bencfiucd oth~r
:n c1jcnt.~. L::xpcllses for bonk_~. costs of temporary employees, pcriooi1;;,l!s or other library In.1tCf[3L,,_
.18 intcmal filing or other document hal1dliflg charges. L"krical expenses., shllionery and nthcr S-\lpply
3',1 e.~pcnM::O;. ..nj!jties., and any 'lthcr C:!i.pellliC Ihat b either unrea.~Hl:.:lbk {lr unnece.:;s,aJ}.. {The fact th:ll
40 ll~ charges olner di~Ilt.,> Qr thal nthn frrms charge thl:D- dients for an cx~~sc docs [ m.ak(~
.'l j it reasonahJc Dr necessary.)
41 5. J. 2.2. E,;perb. (:'onsultants. ~upport sen<j~" outsourccd
'~4 ~cn.jc~, dr. AllOI11(..')' is not alllhnrizcd to retain cxpcns, additional (:(1unsel. cotL'mltarrts. support
45 !;en'iccs. or lhe ~ike. or 10 oul SOllTCC or delegarc work Attorncy's ktw flfm. without prior
5 of 14
1 writt t;n appro \'a I bv Cot.! nt y Atlort'l~y will be re~rt",iblt: fm !.dect tng and manag1n~ the ,~'n'iLes
-, (l1' mnCTs &) t hat their scro.I(:~ and expenses will be n;ndcrcd in accordance wrlh t~~ h.:rmt' {)flhi.~
, :\grcemcnt. including temlS applicable tu Attorney_ Attorney wlH manage C1thcrs to obtaIn (:{1~1
-1 cfft.:ctivr: $.crvi~cs. for Counly, UnJcs!> otherw1s.e agreed jfl wrilmg, Attorney s.hall obtain a writl~'1l
5 retainer aj..,'Tl.:C!llI,:ilt. in a [lIml whicn lTlay be specified by Count)', fTom ~"ll(;h ~en'icC': provider, with
(, bill~ !Turn LAtch provider being :<;cn~ to both ;~.ttorncy (fuT IT\.<lDagcmcnl rurpOSC$) and Coumy (t~lr
. rcyie.... and p<1~K'Ilt}-
'I EWeDSM not p~('I tbrou~h at iU:hu~ cost, County will
lO I\(}l pay any maTltup for cXf", County will only reimburse the ,~ttOTTI(."1' fin their adual il('lprovcd
1 ] oul-of-pocket costs an(l cXpl;nscs. whether im:urrcd pe~o!l~lly by an approved tiruC--k.Cl.--pl.:T or
II incUTT~d by nthL::r ~provcd personnel (~uch a... L.:X~S, wnsultants, support s~rvic;:c~ p(,..'1"S(JnncL or
U t"mlf.ourcd s(:'rvices perwIlTlcll.
~ ) 5_~.ZA. Overbud nol charged to County. County wlll not pay fot
16 any ..~X.fll'1t.'iC.' ilcms tbat 8fe in fuc:1 part (~f Attorney's ol,ierhead which should be inchllh~l wi1hiIl
If t\ttomcy'~ k'l,:.
l ~l 5.3.3. Ad"3oce approv.] or e:l~fl,~:"j;. 1 n add it in n to lhc it~l1l;1; n01 ed <tOO ve,
~(I t\uorncy shall obtain <uhance <lppwval fr~lm Count~' ~f()rc incurring any expoens.e in e:>...cess of S
~l 1.000_00 ir Altome)' expects 10 ~ reimbLlfS('d for e:-:'pC'nsc. ("(I LImy nmy I"C'fusc 10 ray any
2~ cxrcn.o;.c for which advance approval "'.as not ob:laincd by AUom(:y_
~,l S.J.4. Copies fjof receipts for c\.pcn'WS Att(l~Y <jhall mcludl,: ~opic." 0 fl\.'C(:"ipt<.; fm
-~ 5 all .;;<;pCl1~S with lhc itf;miZl;:u monthly hill. Countr may refuse !o pay any C'l.pCrJS.C Item for whK':h
2(, dOi::Wll.CnlalioIl is not provided by AU ('1 rn('.....
:rx- ~Lt5, Expelnes (.nd r~,.) db: r t~r-min.l Ii On. l~pnn lenninalkln of th~
~'! r<:presemiuion, Attorney shilll promptl~. bill Cnunty fo,- any remOlirtiI1g n::imbu~1c CXpcl1~ and
.1(. f~~. Cmmty may re1iLw to pay any fCe:-; or expcn.o,;e~ not biUl'-d withi-n 45 days 0 f ILTIninalion nfthc
; 1 rcprc.s.ental inD. ..\ttomey is aL<;('1 cl'i:pcctcd 1('1 coO'p;:mb; prolIl"t1y with all aspo.:1S oft crmi nation and.
3~ ifappJicablc. lrnlhition tn other counsel Paymcm ferr f(X_~ and npcllSl~ IS cOT1tmg-cnl upon pnnnpt.
,~ f.!ll coopcrati(~n.
~:'i S.4. Bill and u:pen~ docLlment.rion. AllOml..l' LlnJcn.:tamls thai r\lhlm(~y musl :ha....e
36 dOCUUH.:nt:ltlon to ~~rplJl.H1 aIT ~LSpecl~ of each bill, i.ncluding fees and expem;es.. and mu:'>l fnainlaill
37 that\lrm unlll at k--a.'" fine }'Car,. the t"TITlinatirm of ~hf': ycpresc ntat ion_ lhi"
J~ J 0(,: umcnlilt ion sh(l!J be rmde OJ va ilablc by AUorn~y 10 (\mnt)" ((\I CQunty'~ design.'ltcd
3<1 represelUlIlivt'. including art ClCL;OlJntl:ml, tht; Counly Clerk ('If Coumy Clerk's represemati\'~, Dr lL::gal
.In tlill :mJLtor) ~pOTl County's v.Tinen request. Allorne} agrees to coopt.'1'"3tc with any clllimrnallon of
-=1 lh!~ documentation and AtlOmcy'~ fees and L.:Xpl."Il.';l:S. I,:,g" by r~sp.."'tnding promptly and L:umplcldy
42 10 any ques.tions COlliny or ilS d<..';!;ignatoo fl.T"'ct.cntativc may nave. A nomey sh.dl no iii)' Co unty
4:1 Tn v.1itin,g at least 60 day:; iLl ad""tlIIl.:C or dC~1w}'ln!! an~' s~lCh records <Ind. in the cvcnl that Counly
.1,( n:qul'sts that they be prc5l:fvcd, sh.1l1 preserve them at 1l,.':aS.t nne additiOTlal year or. at lne option or
...jj !he Counl1', aeli".eroo fa the Counh' for sluragr: hy the: County, with ('OUTJty rcspoos.ibk: for !Ja)'ing
/; of 14
, ,
! the o'lchLai COgt or ~loragc_ This doCUT11ellf;jtj~m ~halJ inclurl~. for example. origmallimc records.
" cx.p~m;c ra::cipl~. and d.ocwncntation supporting the amoLltll charged by Attorney thr C)(JX:l1::;(:" ltL.::m...
3 generated hy the ;\ltnmcy ut his or her firm CClUnty n.::.crv....-:. (h~ right not to pOly an)' fee or c~ns.;;:
~ ~em t~lr which ~umci~nt documentation is nOI a~'ailahk: to detcrmine wherher the rtcm was
5 rw.(':~s..sary and n:a....or.ablc. l.lron prior writren Agrel;ment by the County. Alt0 me'l' may pro\'ide the
t, dU';llmcntatinH in digital eler.:lronic furm in Adobe Portable Document Fonnat tPl.1F) or in ^,d~:my
~ fa rmal ill 1 iClJ 0 f l h~~ nlaTll1a I pres(''TV:.:Il ion rcquir~ITI('ltts d ctil "cd ,it)j)Y~.
9 6. Pa~' ment term s: A. tWm c:y' sTet} UL.::sl fo r prl yrtlCnts and rcimbu rscmcn1 ~ mOl y bt: m;uje irI e il her
10 t ne 1\ Horney -" name or lhe n.ame 0 f the A 1tomcy 's l~w firm. a" lippTIlpriatc. Attnmcv hills
1 : co T1lp 1) ing ... tl h t his Agreement are d\l C and pa:,..a ble upon rocc ii'lL 1 r (he biJl materially taj~s to
! ~ comply with the r~uiTemems of lh~ Agrc-c~m. lh~n if is not due and payable \lmil its detidcnck:~
l.. 3re n:mcdlcd by Attorney_ is emitted trl a 1% prompt raymenl di&:uunt if a bin is pakJ
14 within 15 d:'l)'S of reccipt by County or com.:(tinn nf derlCiCneics by Anorncy. whichever is latcr.
15 tilT irthe bill i;; satisfied by funds hcld by Mtomey. e.g.. if] .. trust ac(:o~mn. COllnl}' "hall n()t he
l6 liaNe tor interest or other tate chilrgcs unless spocitkally llgn;::cd to in <l(;: In a writing ~iglll.::J
17 hy (uunty,
~Q 7. Bud gcb. Upon request hJ.. lhe County, AltOmL]' will. withm thirt~.. (.10) days ::Iller th~
~o fl'q~H.::<:;t, prcp..rc <:111 ~~tjm<:lll; Or b~ldgd ()ftht Tikd)' (;O_~t.~, by task. Llftht. mancr. jndudjng fees arHi
~ 1 ~.\pcnses_ and ::l plan for handlfn.g The m~mcr. A.norney will update the budget and p~i1n at k.a:.lonc,"
,"'t L:'\'I..:ry lhr;;:c munths_ In the cv~nt tl1al Altomey[L~ it1forrnalwl1 ind~ating lflallhc budget (or all}'
23 line item} may be ~x.c.ceded by mm~~ lhan fIve pen:::eJlt, he or sbe will mrtify County of that
2..:1- jmm~"(iiatcly rn a written S1atCl11CTlt a\.'COmpanYlJlg cao::h bill. prcfc'mbfy in tabubr lorm. Attornl':Y
?" will recon.cile Ihc budget with each month'_~ bilL c_g_. h-ycxplaining whl.1.h~T the billed O1!11llUntS, hy
2(', [a.~k. ~r~ mor~ or [css than the amounts b~dgeted therefore. ('ounty shaH haw Ihe right l1ut to ray
-:"7 .In, am(lunt~ that ate O,'cr budget nr not inc ludeJ w[lhin the budget.
29 8. St:affing and mattl;!r I\ttmni;y h3s been retilillcd specifically bccau.<.,-"
10 AttClrrlCY. personlitI)', ~" undcr:slood h)' County l~l Ix abk: t(l handle thIS matter. Employment 0 f
:I I addition:}l inuivwualf>, w"c1h~r ,dtvrncy~. p.'lfa1cgah, fir other5. who wjll bill time 10 Counly is nol
.~~ ~ml[ned .....i1houl lhc ~d...aJlCc written ;jPf'nw~l ofCourrty,
H ll.1. Time-ke~er -c:ban~e'i. Changes i[1 time-keepers. e,g_. fCplal..:CtnClU ~1ran aU(lfTl(,:j'
J5 a..... well a.~ rncre1SCS or dcrr~as.cs iI'I th~ nunn...--r of tht: tim(: kccpcP.j. wort'n~ on the subjcct-maHcr
.~ fl of this Agre~nl. mL15t have lnc aJY1ll1~t: written approval of County. Counly c.xpccb 10 rp:;crn~
,~ di:swunts ot other cnncessions SO thaI any ulLTCases m cnal1g~s in lime-k.eepers wIll not tL;sutr in
) "
JH Ul1J1cc~ssary or urtn::a.~mablc ~hargcs to COUnly, e.g.. r..)t trainin!l, internal ccmfcrcl1ccs, and
39 manag~ men t.
-11 H.2. Duplication of effort. Unlt.'S.... ad'i~m,;c County approvflr is l1blaincd, ^ttumey wijj
, ~ not have mrm: than o'"'~ time-keeper bitl for th~ o.;am~ <Ictivity. In the C'v~t lh.1t more 1haT) CIne
-n pcrson atli,..'r1di. ('Inly the time- of the pcr_~on \vnh th~ klWes.1 mtc will be nillablc. Atlomc\' is nM
H permitt~d to U_o;(' thj~ P.1atter to provide on [hL:: jop lraining tor a t imc-k('-~r. and hill for th'at tim~-
45 ].:eepc(& services.. without COWlty'S <IdV3ru:~ appruval.
7 of 14
1 8.3. Matter man Itgemen t. /Utomey 1<; H."'Spon;;ibk for managing the mlltter cost
., effcctively and C~HTtpl.1.L:ntt}.. e,g., by in~uring lhat addi! ional time kcqx.'TI; :.Irc mmpetent, properly
~ "'..!pLTII.ksOO, effic!cTlt, and in compliance wrth tbl.: h:::ru~ u f this Agrwml.'!1t as. well as with c~hical
..:j ob ligat ions_
0 8.4. COPlmuntuliollS. County will cx.pct::l lhat all commUJucations h..>tWCCJl Attorney
aruj C mmty will be rcvicv,'cd by Attorney amI t hal A Uo me y w ill serve Ii-'=! the f'I'll inl of comact fu r lhis
i'i matter, including billing questions.. The point of wnl..~l kH this matter at County k thl,: ('nunly
<) Anomey or ih,~ indivi.t\ual s.pcc.ifically jdentlfied in li1f.hibit A.
J 1 i.5. Attorney coope....iion, Attorney will cooperate with CowHy or County'!>
l2 representatives to promptly prol,iide aU information O:nHlt)' rcql.ll..~t~ I,)f need'\ about the subject
l~ maucrofthi."l Agrcemenl and Attorney's bTlh,
15 S.b. T emporary ~(.ff. detcgalion, In.tJ;.uu~in~. Atturney will nol hin County fo r the
16 time and C::l:.pcnsc:;; of temporary cmpToy~'S, indudirtg SoU caJ1ct.I "Temps" ar contract attorneys or
]7 other :-.;l~ff frUUl outside companies.. nor '.outsource" or dck:gatc work, nOT charg1: for summer
1 S a~..rH':Ialc:\. k~w ek......b. or student clerks, (collectively ''tcm.poTaT)' staff" CV,,-"'n if lIot tcmponrily
19 emrtoyed) wrthout futl advance dis.dL)sur~ of the employee's tempomry or short-term ~1atlls to
~O County, iru.Juding dis.d.os.urc of the actual amount paid or w he paid to the ind.vidual. U n1cs"S
21 Coullly expressly agrees in writing 10 paying additional amounts after full disl:klSlJLC by At1orney.
2~ Altomcy may 1101 cnatg~~ C (l u nt y more Ihafl the achud OOSl paid by atlom1:)'_
~4 9. Confidenti.lity and publi~ rel.tions: Attorney is not authorized to wai~'(' or release any
2-' pri~' ilcge or nthcr pWlcct i~ m of inform.ll.tloll - run f tdcnt ialT ~(;rL1., m (tlhcrwi.<;c -. n btairn:d !tom or
26 0'0 behalf of County. Attorney is to keep all confidentiaL privileged, or s.ccrct informalion
2".i rOIlfid~nllal. Thit;, rul,juin,:mo:,:nt is pcrpt,.11,lal, i,c.. it will continue e\'f'!n atlf;'!r the termin:nion oftl1e
2H rel.ationsbip and 1 hi... Agreement. This tcquirL"ITlCnt is aiM) illtcmlccJ tu prohibii Anomey from using
29 in umnat ion Qbt~incrl fro m or 011 behlllf of County, iIlc1ud ing won product prepared al (' [) Ll11l y" s
.30 expCl1_<;.C. fM (ltheT dlent 's, ('If Attorney or his or her firm. without County's advance written arprovaL
:n i\Uumcy is not authorized to idcmjfy County a.~ a dicnl. c_g_, for pmpost:S of marketing or
:n: w.:l"l.-"rt~iTlg, without County's prior approval. Upon termination: or the n.:pn."M.::ntation, Attorney
1.1 agrees to return promptly all infhrmation oblained frum or on bel-mlfofCountyto County_ Anomey
34 ~ "Flot -'luthorizcd 10 communicate with the puhLic. iru)Llding the pn::ss, ..lx>Ul County or this matter
}S withoul the advarw.c approv"l otTounty,
37 16. Owomh.ip of Attorney fBcs 1tDd work prod'Ll~t~ Attorney Ul1dcrbiands ih<li aU flies and
38 wnrk pToduct prepared by Attorney nr hi.~ or her flIffi at the expense ofClJunty (nr fur which COllIn\!
39 is mhcTWWc hi!li;d) is the properly of County_ Wilhout County's prior 1iVTitt~n approval, ll1L~ work
-10 prod ud may not be used: by A tlmncy nr h ~ or her firm nor disc by Allomeyor his or her fmn
41 to (}(hcrs. f:X~t;:pt in the normal cours.c of Attmncy~s representation of Cnunty In t:hi~ matter.
41 Mtorney agree:. th,d (\~Ullty OlNllS ...11 rjghls. ~!ldm.ling u~pyrigllts.. ro materials pn.-parcd by County
43 or bj' AUonu:y on ochalf of County. At10rncy ~illl noti1)' County in writing al least 6[1 days ill
44 adva nee 0 f deslroying any such records and, in the event t Imt Cou I'Ity request>: t hat they be pTeso~d.
45 shan prC-SCf\lC lhcm atle.1St one additionaL year {with County fCsponsiblC' for paying (he adWl.l cost
8 of 14
1 of ~torag~)_ Altorncy shan provklc Counly wilh prompt llCces.... 10 (including the lIbility to m"1.kc
J. eo-p~ of) all attorney files and wOTk pIl.Jodw..."1, regardless of whether the rcprescntldion or maUt'T i~
3 ongoing and whethl,..'T attl)mcy fees and expenses have been paid in fulL
5 11. Dispute:- resolution: Attorney and County agree that all dispuli..'"S TCgll.nhng Attorney's fees
6 or expel"lSCS arc tQ be tC'So ived pursuant to the procedures and practtccs for med iatio I'l by the
7 Altntrlcy Com:wm:r A5..",istan{;c Program ofthc Florida Rar_
oj 12. (;ove-rnin:l; law. mndifl~aaon or this Agreement, 'eDtin: 1I~...tnt; Thi~ A1,'TcclttCnt is
10 10 be mlcrpr~l(:d in acwrdance with the laws of Fklrida ;J:rJd witllthc elIDeal requirements of that
II juris.dictio!l_ The Agreement may not be modir1(:J in any way without the e)(press., written agreement
]2 of both partic~. This rcprc~enlS lhe entire agreement of the parties,
l4 13. Monroe County Coor t:tbics Pro... isiOU8: Thl':! pro'" i:-:io n i... found in See! ion J 8.8 beJow_
t6 14. Time Keeper Defined: As used ill t his. ~emcnt, thE: ll.....-m ".. ime kcl.1X--r' , shaJl includ~
l7 At10rncy and othl.T lIth)ml,."Y'lo and jndi....iduals identified in Exhibit A who will be providmg SCTYj(;.c~
1 S \IY1d~-r this ^Wcemcnl :md whet win biH the County for their servjccs in accordance with this
19 A greemenl_
21 1:5. McttltMh oJ ApprovBl aDd Consent By County; Any consents or approvals required bytl1is
'"l' Agreement 10 be made by the County shaH, \lilIes:) the wrrtcxl cxpl'Cl:;sly ~tatCli Oth<:rw1!)C. bt: mad!;
n hy the Ojimty Allmney ur :ill autlwrizcd Assistant County Attorney in written forrn,. lo mdude bUl
24 oot ]imrt~d 10 hand-written. typed, or printed notes, electronic mail, lctters, or facsimile
~:'i I f<:IIl5mi::>:=ilU ~,
27 16. Florida Govenuoent~in-ttJe-Sl,u15,h[ne Lllw: Attorney agrees that, unless specifically
28 (:xcmpt-e:d or excepted by Florida Jaw, the provisions of Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, generally
2Y require fuU and public discussion of malleffi 10 be: ,,(}~cd upon by the Board ~)f County
.10 Co mmiss ioners_ Attorney agrees to consuh with the County Anom~'s office concerning the
31 apphcatioll of the SUll$nt~ Jl:IW from ltme to time cmlCE.:tl1Ing ~~ifu; circumstances thaI maY:lrise
32 dlning the- term 0 ftllis. Agreement.
.34 17. Honda Publit Rt"(on:lo;. 1..8W: Att(lmcy itgn::es that, unless specifically exempted or
35 excepted by Florida law or Rules aDd Regulatioru:. oflh~ Flvrida Har.lncprov~iom; of Chapter I j 9.
36 Horida Statutes. gcm..."TIIlly require public access to aJl records and documents. which may r.c made
37 or received under thi... Agreement. AlIomcy agrees. 10 consult with the County Attorney's office
38 concerning tflc application of the Public Records Law from time to time concerning specific
39 c!r~urnstaI1CCS that may arise during the term ofthjs Agreement_
41 1fl C(lunty'~ Standai"G Contract Tenn$:
-:0 Uti No Assign ment$.. WithQut lhe prior written oonsent from the Co unty, ;\uQtney shall
44 Elo t a~ tgn or transfer this Agrc.':nlCnl
9 of l4
] ]8.2 Entire Agreement. The CTltiTC a~a;:rrh:rll bctwct:n lfH: County and AnDincv ".,ith
2 rC':->r~ lL) the subject matler hereof is corm~incd m this Agrecl1ll,.""Tl1. This Agr~m~nt supl."fscdes all
~ pri('lr (lr.J~ aJld wri1h;n propusaL.. and communications between the Counly ;md Altnm1.'y rciafcd to
.:l th~ A!,,'TCl,.'Ulcnt. No pmvfiion of this Agreement shall be do;::mcd waj".cd, anll..-ndcd Of rnodified by
5 cithf.\"" party lJnle~:) ~1J(;h waivl""T, amcndmCrrI or modification Ls jn writing a:nd ~ih'1l~1 by lhe p.:.lrty
(, again:.1 whum lhc, amendment or modification i.s dairm.:.(.L Tht-.; Agtctmcnt "ha~1 be binding
-, upon ::md inlJIT In the benefit ofthc parti~~ h(,:rclo. tl-H;iT pLlJIliHcd ~UU;l.~"Ol"S and ~igns_
l) HU Severabilit". !fa lerm.. covenant condition or pro.'ision of thIS AgTe~ml:111 shaU tJ.o..
10 Jcclar~ invatid or uncnforcc<lble to allY ~~b;;nt by a court uf cUlIlpL.'1CJ11 jurisdiction., the
J I terms, COVCll<UltS. col1ditions ~lnd prnvixion" of lhis Agreement shall not l'e aftected thereby~ and
t:: ~adl remaining h.....rrn. co\'cnanl, condniol1 and provision of tl1is. Agreem...."'Ilt shan be valid and snail
l ' be enfuf'Ccable lClthe fulle~1 extent permitleQ by law UJ1les.s the cnforccrrIC'nt of lht remaining l~ttn.<,.
l4 CQvenaI1ts. condi1joru; and pWVt5iaIl of Ihi~ Agn;:('TllCTIt would prc-vl.'1tl the acmmplit.hrncnt of the
15 originat i.ttl~t of ~hi..s Agreement. The County and Attorney agree to retGrm the Agreemem to
l6 replace any stricken provisio!l with a ....alid p-rov1slofl that l;ome-s ~:s dn~ ~ p(lssibk tp th~ inten! of
17 t ~lC 5;.lr !ckcn pro.. iSllln_
18 I&.4 Captions_ The captions set forth herein arc for convenience ofrcfcrcnce only and shaU
t9 nN defioc.. modii)'. ~)-r limil any ~,f the tC'lTI'!) hcn;:of
2 ] Ui.:S Govem ing La ~ aD d Ven u c_ Th~ Agreement ~hall be go vcmcJ by and wrtl>l rued i r:l
~, ael.:oTdancc with the laws ofll1c State ('If Florida app~icable 10 contracts made and {o be performed
B entirely in the State. Vmue for an)' lega~ action which may arif.e ['jul of or 1.1lldC1 ,his agnxmcnt ~nall
~4 be in Monroe Omnty, Florida,
~h 18.5.1 ConDien in interpreration. The County and Auomcy agrtL: lhat. in tne
)'!' (:v~'"I1l n ft:onllicl ing i ntl...'l"pr\,:1a1 inns of thi.: hTITlS or a term 0 f this I\greemenl by or betwe~ them.. the
::!:;-; flJ18] imcrpret:ll ion by lhe Co unl y sh.all apply_
30 ] 1'1.5.2 Arlj l1dication or I)i~ut" .nd Disagnements. The ('0 llnt)' and Attorney
H ag.-ct:: Ihl all disputes and disagreement.'; between th~'m shall be aUclllfltc(j III 0(- rcso fwd by a mc~1
, , and cnnfcr ~lon bct,,"Ccn reprc-senlativC's of the CoutU)' and Attorney lftht; i'>Sue or issues ,ue
J3 ,;liH nnt r~lved tel the ~tisfaction of bo1h within 30 day.! aflcr t~e meel Fmd confer SC':SSion. lhen
q ~ilhet ::;halt ha~.c the right ta seek such reJief as may be provided by this Ap-eenlCnt or by Florida
_L~ law.
]7 t 8.5.3 Cooperation. Tnt he event allY ad minislra! iVl: m lclfo:! 1 pro eet';(] ing i5 iIb1: itut ed
~k against ci!hi:r thi; County or Attorney relaling to thc fOrm;:ltion, e1l:ccution. perfonnaocc. or brea..'h
.~<t nflhi., Agreement, the County :lTld At tome)' eacb agree 10 part~~a1l::, 10 the extent required by tlH;
40 ~ltheL in aU pmc~e..hIlg.", hearing~, pmcesses, mcl..'". and other <IClr.,.ltie;s relat~d to the I)H~a~~
4l ofll1i(; Agreemcnt. The County l'lnd Mtomey each ag.rc~ [hat ncrthCT s.hall be required to cn1cr into
42 any arbitrat.on proceedings rclatt::d to thi.s Agreemem or a.ny AUat;~mern or Addendum t.o this
..n Agn;:cn1Cm.
.... .----
1 18...';..4 l.q;.1 Oh~. tiOM .00 RapomibiJities. ~oHe-leptil)n of C 0 n~m utiOl1 811
2 or Statutory Duties. Tim;, Agreement is 001 intended to :relieve, Tlor ~h01l1 it be CO!lStnu;:d .L"
.1, rd icving, ert her 1 he Cou my or ^ ttumt..'). from any obligation or responsibihty rrHposed upo n C:l d
..~ uy l,if'" t:)j,i.:~pl iU ~II~ ~""'I",""J_' vr~ll.tu.J.l 1j.&11,J tii"JII.....!J 1'"'-"1 f...)1 LL'U.1........... th":'-I o.:-f"\:.::r. .boO oQot:k"=,r~ ~n .....rhii"="h C'~'..."=" th-:.o-
5 performance ['na_,,' be offered !n s.:lfi::;f.H;tinn uf the obligation or responsibility, Further this
(, Agr~ment [s not intended t 0 auth~H-i7-C. nur s ha II it be co nst rued as aut ho rizmg, t be d elt:-gatiQn () r
? the com.1rtutional O"r ~1.atutor;.' dLIt~~ ('If the County. cxcept to the extent pt."lllllth.:d by tn!:: noriJ<I
x CO!1.<;tEtution., state stiln~tcs... C~ law, and, ~lflCatly. the' pro\'ision::; of Chapter 12S. Flor;dOJ
q Statut("s.
~ l 18.6 Attomelti t'Ce5 :and CMlS. In lhe Cy(:-ut sny administrative proceeding or C<llj~ of
\ 2 i11..1l0n 1s ;n~ialcd m defL::ndL::d by the('oul'lty or A1tOfll"'~)' [eb~ivc ~o the enfon:erru.:nt (n in:h;Tpn..1.-ation
U oft his Agreement. the prevailing part y 11 Ix- rnt it k:d to af] a w<mJ of IC;:Li.n n.ahlc lIHornC)-" s fe~.
1..1 court cost!;. inycstigative, and out-{lf-pocket l;'-q'lCT1SeS, a..~ an award againsllhe non-prevailing party_
] 5 and shaH include rca&mable anomcy's fees, court costs, investigative, and 01,Jt-ot~pocket e~nses
t6 in appellate proceedings, MedialioIl pr(lceedings T[1itiated Clnd CQIIdw;te(j PU"'lJllJ1t to this ^!;n.>emcnt
l7 or a.~ may be reqLLtrOO by a court of COmpete-Ill jurisdiction shaH be cnnduded in accordance with
18 the Florida R u It:s n r Civil Procedure and usual and customary procedures requ ired by the circuLi
]Q em.ut of M>..H1TOC County_
.: I 18.7 Records. Attorney shaH maintain all books, records, iJIId documents directly pertinen1
.,.., tn p~:rfnrrn."Hlc, Lmd.;r t n i... A~m~:n1, in dudi ng l b~ tl oC L..ITTh;nt~ n,:::ti.."..;d In in S=l ion:) .'i _ 4 and 1 n
2.1 of this Agrttm~m. In accordance with generally accepterl accounting principles. COIlsistcnt~y
:::4 applied, Upon tcn ( I O) bus.iness d2Jo'S writlcn notICe to 1h" (~thcr, n:prcscmatives of either the Cnunty
25 or Attorney shall have access.. al aU reasonable times. tC'l aU the olmr party'~ book....., rccntt.h.
2fl ~oIT~pumk'1ll:c. instrudlOIlS. receipts. yom"hers and menDr.lJ1da (l'Xcl'uding computer software)
27 perlaining to wmk under tht-. ^b'Tt::Cmcnt fnr the purpClSC of l:oE1~JU(..11ng a ~nl1Wlete independent
_:'.~ ~al audit Attorney &hsll retain aU rccord;s tu:[uircJ to b.; kept =.Jnd(..'T tbis Agrcl.."TTlCT11 fur a
;',t1 minimum of fi... '" ~an;., and fm at lL-m,1. ('om YI;.:.I~ a~(,..'T tt...... terrninatlon oftbts aweemem. AHerne)'
:if"l shall I:.~'l...'t such rewtds a... an;: ncccs,sary lo document the pcr-loTmancc of the agreemer.t and
31 expcn.s~ a..... rm:::urn;:J. il.Tld ~p..l." aeGC'!).~ to ttJes.c records <11 the request ofthe Counly. the Stat~ of
~; ~ Florida or au~hori:r_cd agcnh and TeprE:ti.entath.'c~ of s<lid ,goverTUuent bodit."'S_ It is the r~sJXl1lSibili[y
-:; _1 of Attorney to maintain appropriate records w insure a pWpl.'f" a(;counting nf ail ".Ila;tinns and
.14 re mrttance1\ _ A ttorllL"}' _~hall ~ n,..""Sflnn~ ibk: for repayment of J n y and all 8ud it CXCl.."t ions wh~ h l'lfC
35 idcnfifiw by lhc Auditor General for lhe Stale of F!t)ritla, the Ckrk of COHn for Monroe ('OUlrty.
~o the Hoard Llf Counly (~omrnjs.~k:mcrs for Monroe County. or their agent"> and n:prcsental !ves.
., "7
..I"- 18.7. ] Pu b lie A CC"f='l5. Th.:: Co II nl y and A. U (~rn<..")" wa U a I]ow .a 11 d permit rea!>Ollabk:
W acc(::...., to and i~rection (Jf. aU ducwncrrts. papers. letters. or other material" ~uhjc,t to (Ix! F10rirla
-w Puhlic Rc,-ords Law. as provided in Charter] 19. Florida Slll!"S. and made or rcce~'ed by tht:
..J..] them, unle;s.<;; ~ifi~lly c)(emptcil by Stale' Stalute. Rnlt:s and Regulatiol'l& of The Hmida R~r, or
42. case law. County shall ha.'c the right 10 cancel this UJ.,'TcemCllt upon violation ofthi..;; PT(lVisloll bJ'
41 Attorney.
il of 14
l 18.8 Mon..-oe Count)' Code f.thi~ PrQ\'biOR. Attorney warn.nlS tmt he- h<1.s not
-, employed, rctilmed Dr o1herovise had act nn his be-half any fDrmer County officer or employee in
.~ violation of Sed ion 2 orOrdinanc~ No, 10-1990 or allY (\Hmty (lfli:(;~r or employee lit violation of
,1- S~ction j of Ordinance No. 10-19<.10 For bn;ach m violalion orthis provision the Cou.nty OUl)'_ ,It
5 it_~ dis.ctL1Iun, terminate this Agreement wnhoUl liability aIld may a!xo, at its. dist.-n::tion. deduct from
6 lhe SuItt.<> ow~ lJnder the AWeemcIlt, or otherwise TCCO..CT. tnc full amount of any fe,,, rommis."ion.,
/ percentage. gift. or consideration paid to- lhl.:' fllTTnl.'T m prc~"nl C{) Wit Y 0 fl"K:cr or crop loyee. Co unt)'
8 ~mplQyec:s and officC1'S are required to comply with the shrndards OfCllndud ddincah:d iT1 SectioTl
9 ~ l2,313, Aor1da Slatu\es, regnnHng, but not limited to, oolkitallon Of atc~aru::e Gf gifts. doing
!O bU<;;Ene:<..';, with one -~ agCIl(,.)', unauthorized compensation, misuse of public po.srtWll. conilil::ling
I] ~n:f.lloymctlt or cl,lntracttl.ll;l relalX:lnship, and di.~losure of certain infomlidion,
I.~ 18.9 A u tho ril~", A H'Jrn~y warrants thai he and the au.thoruoo I imc k~ers are 3u lhori:l:cd
14 ny 'aw ami the Ruk::s and KcguLallom of Tbe Florida HaT to cngage in the pcrtomJance of the
15 <leI ivil ie:s encompassed by t l1is A b'T(;cmcnl. I r A Uomq io.;. :J mt..'T11Ocr M [:I l3... ffnn. c-it hl;T as. part n L::'t.
[f,;holdcr, a.~;c'l;;:~t"C, or othcr rel.atiorn;hip, Attnmcy> that he i~ authorT.r.t:tl to L::ntl.,- mto ItJi.~
17 Agreement by Attorney's law finn,
It,l 1 S.] l} Public Entity Crime Statemt'nf. Florida law provides tnat person or ,lffi1iate who
:'U ha:; be~n plaJ.:cd on tr.c convicted vendor list fulklwinJ'- a conviction tor public. entity crime may ncrl
~ 1 s;ubmil a bid un an agtCCrn-.::nl to rr,-,yjdc an_y gnoJt; Or ~.........~ to a public entity. may n~)t suoclit
2.2 a bi<J OIl a agreemcm wrth:'l public cntIly for the ooru,iruction or repair of a public bui1dlng or public
2} work. may nol _~uhmit hills On leases of r~al property to publiL: crrtity, may [Jol be <l\1rllrdeJ or
~4 perform work as a contractor, sL.lpplier, sub-(;Ontractflr. Or ~on~u.llllJlt u.nUl.."T a agtCcmcnl with an)'
:5 p'.Jhlic entir:y, and may nol Wlllsact b\l5iness with illl)' public entily in excess oflhe threshold amount
!.b provided in SLXtion 2117 _017, for CATFGOR Y 1WO for a periorl of 36 months from lhc dat~ nf
~7 being placed on the con"icloo vendor Iist_ Anomey warrdnts the T1Cllher A1t(lrnq nor :iny
2(: aUlhmizcd time h.-cpcr has been named to the convic1ed \leooor lio;~_
30 lK.l1 Anti-kickback. Attorney warrants that nO pL::TSOn ~ ht;:cn ("TllP1nye:d or Tl;"t<lined Iv
3 l :)o!tdt or 5CCilr\' this Agreemcnl upon lHI)' CmIlra1.1 or understanding lor a commtssion. pC'TCCnlagL::,
'^' brokcnl.gc or contingent fee. and thaI 110 cmploytc or offICer of thl:' Counly has any Ink-rcs.l,
n llnantially or othe[Wisc. in thi<; AgrecmL""Tlt, cxc~t a_~ expressly stated herein. For I:wCOfCn {lr
3-1 ~'io.lati()n of this wamlllty. the CllWrty shall h1l....1; In-c right to amrul this agreement WilhnlJt HabFlity
~s Of. in jg dis.crctiCln. 10 deduct any SUfll.'; to be pa~ by County under this Agreement. or oloc.,....".iS-l;
36 reC()Ver, th~ fill! anK'Iunt of such <,::Qmmi:).Smn. percentage. broltct8:ge or (;nrrtingcrrt kc.
JR 18.12 Modificalial'lt IIl1d AmendmoeDts.. Any 1:iruJ II.!J mcxlifications of1he Icrnt<;; ofthi."
W agreement shldl only be amended in writing and cxoc:uted by the Board nf Counly ColllITlksioners
40 fot M OIUOC County and by Aao mey.
.~ 1
-t2 . 18.13 Ind€:'pCnde-nt Contractor. At all lirru:::~ md fur 1111 purposes hL"Tcunder, Anomcy is
-1J. an independent contmctor and not an crnl'loycc of Uw Board of County (:nmmissloners ofMont()(:'
44 County, No- stalcmcnt coTltaincrl in tbt. AgrCCtOCtlI ~h::lll be CO!l.'itrut.."-d so 3.<; to find Attorney or any
.l5 of the auroorezro time J.::c<!pers. to be rhe employee;.<; of the Board ~,f Cnunty Commissioners of
L~ of 14
. . - - -- - - - ----..--- ..- -.... -....-. ... . ...... .. ... .. .-- . -...... ... . ..- -. ....... .. -... ...-.
. Monroe County. and they shall be entitled to none orlhe rights, privileges or beneTIts, of crJ1.lloyees
2 ofMonroc County_
4 18.14 Compliance with Utw. In carrying (Jut Altorney's obligations. under this i1gr~mCrll.
) AUorm::y ::.h311 abide by all slatutes, ordinanc~, rule.s and n:brulatjoll5 penammg it) or regull1ing thc
6 provL~ions of this Ab'T~'11lCnt, includrng those n.ow in effect and bereaftn adopled. Any violation
7 of said ~.atuk"S, ordinances, ruk..'"S. or regubltion~ shall constitute a material breach ofth~ ^brrecmcnl
!-: and shan ent it k the (:ounty to terminate this Agrcementirnmed iate ly upon ddiv,,-"'TY 0 r written Ilot i~~ ~
l) oftermm<l1jon iLl Attorney.
] 1 18.15 Ueen sing and ~rmi~ Attorney w:ll'rants tbat AtUnncy ~halI have, prior te
~l cmmnenr.enrnl of won under nUs agreemmt and at an limeS, d1.IJmg said work, all {eqUlrW l1l.:.c1'ISCs'
13 ,:lOci pt......mits whcthcr federal, state, County or City,
15 I liI.lft NOll-Discriminiltion. Attorney ~f1an nol discriminate. 1n its employment practic~~
16 ,md in providing scn.i~es ~cn..'Under, on the basis of race, color, 'reX, religion, disability, rL1lhorH:ll
I ~ origin. anccWy, s.cxual orientation, gender identity vr ~;>;;pression, familial b.1atu::;. or, and shall
, I
18 abide by all fed~al and state tawt' regard~ng non-d n_ tJ pon a dderm.i nat ion by a coun
19 of competent .Ill risdic lion that su~h dk.cTiminat io n has llCCum::d, this Agreement :urtotnatic.a lly
20 terminates wi1hout any funher actT(ln by lhe County, eftective the date ofthe court OnlCL AuornC)'
~ 1 i~ aware ofthe provls\orl_'~wfScction 13-10 1 thml.lgh ] .1-lO6, Monroe CourrtyCoJc, rclaling to non-
22 discrirninalion, and agrees to 1lbide by lhe Code's non-d~riTTlinatjon requirements,
2-1 18.17 Claims ror State or Fedenl Aid.. The County and Attomq agITC ihat each sh.all be,
25 anJ is. empowcred 10 apply fur, :-;cc:k., and obtain federal and stale fundq to further the pUTJ:K.lSC oflhis
26 Agreement. provided that all applicatwns, request~, ,,"Tam rroposals. and funding solicitations hy
27 Attom~y ~haH be appro....ed by the COUrlly prior to ~ubmission_
29 18..' 8 Non-Reliance by Non-Parties... No person or entity shall be entrtled to rely upon the
-'0 tL~, OT any of them. of tl1is. AgT~-menl lo enltlfcc or attempt to enfurce ally third-patly or
:q (:Yltillcmcnt to or benefit of any serv1ce or pTogram contemplated hereunoof, and the County and
32 An orney agree that neither t h.e Co unty rlnr Ai torney or any 0 fficer, agent, or emp kJyec 0 f each shall
3J. h:H'C lhc aulhority to inform. counsel, OT ot~rwi~~ indicale that any particular indh.iduar or ,I,'Toup
34 of individuals. entity or entnjes, have l;mlillcmcnts or benefits under this Agreem~nt separate and
.,5 apart, inf-eriOT tl1, o. su~tim lo the community in gencr1l1 or for the purpo~t:S t;Olltctllplatcd undcr
36 this Agreement.
3fl 18.19 A tttl'Ota oon~ Anomey agrees to execute such documems as the County IllIlY
39 reasonable requjre. .. Drug-free WorkpJacc ~tatwlCTrt, and a Puhlic Emity Crime
40 Sla1l..-mcnL
42 18.20 Si I1:n atuI'eS or Parties. Kcq uircd. Th is Agreement shaIJ 001 be eftective
4.~ c}j:ec:utcd by both COli my and Attorney and n.::C~VI,..-d 10 final ~:o:\Xulcd foml by all i1uth(}r1zCd
44 r~rn;M-'l11 a.tive 0 f COiJnty_
13 of 14
]8..2] CO'\.IOl}" Authority. Thi<> .'\greemo;J1t ~ be-eTl lit a (lul)' noticed and legally held
2 public meeting conducted in Monroe CoulIly. Florida.
<1- 18.22 No Personal Li.bilit)'. No CO'\lcnant or oblig~tivn cOFlhlin~ in th~ ^!,'Tl;Cmcnt ~f:u!lt
, be deemed to ~ a cnVl,.."i1ill.rrt or obligation of any member, officer, agent or elLfIioyee of the Bc>ard
fl Of County C(Jmmif>sXlnc:n;. cf Monroe Coumy in his or her indr.-idual capacity and no rncmhcr.
7 officer, agent or ~loyce ofthc Ao...rd OfCuunty Cmnmi.<;.<.;ionL.TI of Munroe COu.J\ly Sohall be liable
l'l rcrwnallyon this Agr~menl or be ~ubjecl to any pcrsonalliability or accountability by reason of
q lhe cxccU1 ion 0 f this Agreement.
i j 18.23 Eln:uuon iB Counterparts... This Agreement may be executed in any number of
[:2 counterparts. each of which shal! be regarded a(i. an oriWnal, a'~ of w~idl taken togcth,-'1" shall
13 constitute one arid the same ms1rumcnl and the County and Attoruey may execule this Agre...'"1ncnt
1 4 by signing EUI)' such,
i 6 TIllS _"- G REl:M E N T has lx:cn signed and utt:d by tile BmmJ n f County C [)ITlmis,sionl"..'"IS
! 7 of Monroe C~unty. Honda. and ~ been signed and executed by Attorney. on the dates indicated
lS bclo\\fj' ': .<="". -'.
Iq .-
," :,"TTEsr~'~'.- ~. ~ >n ~
.' , " <'
n r-- _ ' . BY:"o#!'
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:ta .. ...-...--...
;~ x< -.~h ~AGE, CU~R.K OJ'(j{' M. Spehar, M:I~o,,-
2~~ B'i~tY. - #1 ~ nate; 0 g - j 7 ----05
:::7 Dcput}' Clt..-L:
7.9 Dafr-: 08- f7-a5
.\0 ,,"'lme~ For Alwmc.y:
.' ] _ ________ r--- >
~ ..----1
.1.1 SigrullLlFC - ~- - m ...-
-~~ ~~Cl ^ ~r-... t--~,,:_rY""""""Q_\ -., _..._
V, Primed Name .' _ .-
38 .-.-
~ .-
40 ..-.
.~t '~JQ8~ \ ..- --.. _.n
4~ -- ~\\a ~~.~-C '3_~C''-\()__
City'. tcrZfP
43 W A II h>rm :W05-01. Rn' l)4.'{1~.'U51
f4 of 14 AP AO D AS TO FORW:
.-.. -- .... - -
Mattet' Id~rifi(Btion; Consultant to and Legal Ad\isor for the Affordable
Housing Task Force to be appointed by the Board of COUTlly Commissioners
Refe ren Ce!:
3.2 LimitatioD:! to Scope or Reprn~nt..tioD: Attorney shall onl y ro~lt with and
ad'llise Task Force. Attomey shalt not engage in litlgatloo or administrative proceedings
without prior written consent of the County. County Attome,y'g offi~ will NQT act as
C(KX)unsel with Attomey_
3.3 Tenn of' A3rerldmt and RrDresent.tiO:d~ This AgrOOltlent and representation by
Atlorney is effective upon acceptance and approva.l by County in occordance wilh
County'.s poJicies, ordinaIlces., or governing starute:s. ProfessionaJ services shall be paid
retroactively beginning July 26, 2005. The representation shall continue until terminated
by cit her the C aunty, or by the Attorney in accordance wit h ethical requirem ents
3.4 COUdty nprctatioll5 and go.abl: Insure Task Force complles with Florida's
GovemmenJ In The Sunshine Law and Public Records Law. Insure minutes and repons
an~ promptly reduced to writing and '!Submitted to the Count) fot records keeping and
di suiblil ion.
4. Atto-rney~3 HDurly Fee Rat~: Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per hour.
4.4~ Approved Additional Time Krepen::
Name: Houri y Rate:
8.4; County Poiot of Couhlct: County Attorney
L~~ >n~
I C ourn y R epres.entalive
/ Date: 01 -/ 7-t).;J
~.~ ~rtOVIO A~'9~' 1
~I~~~M~ /J
......fAHT ~HTY A'I"t~N'"
o.tI~ :i: 1 ,4 S-
JERRY COLEMAN, P.L. TEL 305-29l.-;l(jlol5
T rUffian Anno;:;i:. 20t Front Street. Suite 203
Bu Lld~n~ 21 S~ond Floor EI\X 30:'i-2%.-6200
Key W t:~t ..10M ~ Key West. Florida 33040 E-M.llJL
(Admitlrll E'\o.".;oh and!'oil:'W ....m) jcrry~lemaflfll @)bdlliAJutb_Hct
In rece n t years the Key We stand the f lorida Keys' eCono m y has becom e i nere as i ng Iy real
esta.te driven and OUT practice refl~ct:5 this trend_ W@ offer Ie-gal coufl~el relating to land use
and real estate transactions throughout Florida. We al..o provfde routint'! rea~ e:'!iititte related
services where Ii mited legal cDunsel !S required. Moreov-er, our firm has provided legal se;vices
for non-profit entitie5 aCli'-,/e in providing affordable housing withlO Monroe County, Florida_
Legal SE rvices
9 Reat Estate Contract La.w .. Negct iated Sett 1 erne n t of Litigable
.. Real [state Con struc:t i on Law Di sp ute s
. Real Estate Brokerage and Sales 'II wtn s. Powers of Attorney," an d
Law Health" Care Proxies
. Land U~e and lonfng Law
TransactEona~ Servlces
.. Title Evaluation and Titfe .. Closing Senlices
Insurance S~f\ . Dcx:ument Preparation and
. Escrow Servi1:es Execution Services
Firm principal atLorney Jerry Coleman was born In fL Myers (Lee County), Florida, and gr-l!w up
in Maralhon. the "Heart of the Florida Keys-~ After college in TaHaha-ssee, Mr. Coleman sl!rvt!d
as a U.s. Air Force pilot before attending law school at Columbia University. Mr, Coleman
served as a litigation a:ssoc;ate for large New York-based multinational law firms RDQl!rs & Welts
(now Cfifford Cha.nce), and later, Simpson Thacher &- Bartlett-a.nd as an associate for al1titn;SI
matters il"\ Washington, D.C. M r, Co Ie m ilf1 plirch ased a small cond 0 u n~t in Key We s. t' s T r lJ man
Annex in 1990, returning to the KeV~ fulltime ~n 1998- Mr- Coleman's Florida pra(tice origi nally
emphas ized zoning litigation, family law and probate, m I,.Ini(.ipal and COI.I rlty cod~ enfot,emenl
and (ommerda~ titi.gation, Mr, Coleman se.rved on the Monroe County P~anning Commis~jon
(the County''!; planning and zoning board) for thre-e ,,",ears and a~ the Commis~ion 's Cnai rmall
untU 2004, Since then, Mr, Coleman':; practice has. been rapidly redirected towards itS pre5en~
transactional real estate emphasis,
. JD from Columbia. Law .. B_S_ Bu~ine:s~ Administration from norrda
51; hODI l New 'fork City} Stat~ UnivJl'r~ity (T;;"JI,i1hasseel
. Admitted New York 1 994 . Admitted Florida 1 999
u mt~ d 5(0It~ $ DI,.fT!<:( COlliL (Of" the SO....~h~m U nile d Stilt~ s District Co ~n for th~ SI:ll)th~H~ O;~trkt of
Di Wi{l cf tvf!W Yon Ffofidl
UI1I!@d States Oisula Co un for tnt:! of U nkltd St.3.tu Disuict COLIn for the Nonhern DisH jet of
Ne"" YQr~ Flc6d.!l
Mr. C(ll~man is a Member of the Florida Bar RNI Prop~rly Probate and Tn.Jsl Law Seclion, the
Momo{> (ol,mty b~i1!e PIJ.nniog Council and the Monroe COLInty Bar Asso<idtion. Mr COlema(1l~
also <I Hor,d.!l-Jkensed real estate ~ales as.soclate. Mr. Coleman hilS s.erved as as legal and planniny
.adv~sor to the MonroE' County Cit;ze.n's Code- Committee, as coun5~1 fOf Habitat for H~manFty of
Key West'!' Lower f-Ior,da Keys, ~nc" as member of the Superinte(1dent of Scl100h Afforda.b~e
Hou~~!lg Task Forc~ .;;l,nd <l board m~mber of the Florida Keys Comml:ll1i\V Housing itrld l..and Tfl..L~t.