Item L10 ... A rm-oN - BO.-\RD OF COL'~qT CO\l \"IISSIO~ El{S AGE'I)"\ 1"I'F:\l sr \-1\lARY \ le~~_::l~ D~u e. .hlll~U.). I S, 2CIC'~~. .__ rk,'i)i(~n' Cmmty ;\w~r:1.e~.._.... _____ Bu~~ lltTll Yes )C"':' '\i..1 ..- Dcpann Lt'r;l C('.l!.Tlt.y. :\lt~!.lj]_0:_ _ ._.. _ Sudf Contact Pcr,~o.n: Hn.b__Shi 11i.t1~cr ~J. L7J~ U; E' Il:\ fTF \1 \\'0 RU I "G: ..; ppro\"<ll ~d' se1t I~Itlt'nt a~;'~ell Ltorll in h'ua,.,.f of ('OffiJf_,. ( 'r Inlmt.~ \'i, m~ 'n of Lfwfnk' (-(JlIJiI\' L .Jad' I fuAo[!/dtl \. (Juuio,) j lng/uti j h <t ,1~hTwrJr.\". r'h'_ und 1-.'..' lli .-'rcces~d-li!Ji"", /ire, ['uhf (;onlo!l HII;:/un, un i"dil'iJuui, {'USt. ,\:0. -/-I-2003-C..'1-5.?9-Jlf:, r[[r\] B.\CKGROl" D: Till:'. JCliun \~3~ tiled tn ..:ulkct <in unpaid code cIlfoJc~~IPCn( fln~~ a;;ain~~ Jack I j~g0pl(li~. DH(~ t{, crr~)r~ ~~n the: r,~n ,)fhl:-; <.:c.mtract(:r. Ha~()rian su~d the ,:onlr<id{}] a~ a Th~:'j Par!..... Defendant in the ("~)ll:n"s <.;.Ull. C cHIn l\rd!O.'rcd mediat lun '\'(1.<;' held on knLJQ 1")' (\ ::::O()() \1 t~dimi l~1l proch Ln~d the alJi:lched "enlem.;T,l a~re~[) lellt whereiIl Ha!-!.opiaTL \.VUllld IHh-'(' the elcV<ltor fC01uved by and P(\y the C Ollnt)' a '3um l)f S I (J.()~J(l ()(I tn Fcbn.lar\ (,_ ~{'IOC, Hi" t l1ird r.nrty ~Uil against the cunlr<tlWr wuu ld l:ont i nue bu l lhe . - \"~ula~_~on ...~ lYLlI::: :'~ C'J re'~ and ~jle C ~;urH\ I.'. ou Id h<.wc rw fU!1l~Ci i n\'uh'ct'wnr i tl the TI'i:TTl:r . \ It hOllgh : h('" ti n(: no~\ c,..~c~~d s ~q DO. Lion. app rl)';al at [he S I {!.r)(){) flgure is rccunFntnded ber.:~me 1 he UI.\.ncr ha_~ 5u tkf"eJ dd<lYs and other pwbk'm~ bccau <;t~ or the cOHtraClOr. Tl1~ $lO.OOu_OO \\.ould lHul"~~ lh,lTl adequateh' rc~m.t'"r (he ~tatrtime spent Oll hrirJ~ng thi~ violation into f;ornpliilnce PREVIOrS RF I.EV..\ '\T BOCC :\<.'nO;'\: \/A CO~TR..-\CTiAGIU:t:M I':NT CIIANGt:S: (\/..\ .--....- -. ---- ST\FF RECO'I....IE'\j n.\lIO'\S: .-\ppro',:f1L TOTAL COS": j't,j/..\ Bl iDGr'lT.H: l'es -- '\Jo - COST TO COl'~Tl: ~/A SOt 'Ref' OF FL\ US: '\/,-\ HE\'[:\l"E PRODLCL\G: y~~ XX .\."l ...- .-\\'10r~... Pt~R '10:\TII x.... \ , Yt'ar ~.::\ APPROVED BY: CUHm)" .-\ Hv _. X X Of\..1Hi"PU I"c7si.~g .....~ .~i sk I\.'L:l.Jlag~n.~nt .._ ,/' . ,/' I . / . j / / I "j , . ..... .... '...: .: I)n-Isro\" 01 RF:CTOR APPROY.-\ I.: . .~<-.~~ -~: .~./ 1:/ :?" -. m - John R. Con:;'n~:rlCo~'nt~ Attorue~' DO(:r:\l[:\TATIO~~ Induded ._...:5,L_.. Not Required__ DISPOSITlO\ : ..-... -- _\.GE:\ VA nL\l "# - -- r\;\ ]J~ll ~.: '.' - .. ---- -. ---- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICIAL C'RCUIT I N AND FOR MONROE COU NTY, FLORI DA UPPER KEYS CIVIL DIVISION MONROE COUNTY, Plaintiff, Vs. Case No.: 44-2003-CA-529-P JACK HAGOPIAN. Defend ant/Third Pa rty Pia int;ff Vs. GORDON HUGLAN d/b/a ELEVATORS. ETC. And EMR ACCESSIBILITY, INC And GO ROO N HUG LAN, an ind ivid uaL Th ird Party Defendants_ f J Seltlement Aqreement of Plai ntiff Monroe County's Clarms The Plaintjff Monroe County BOCC (hereinafter '.the County"), the Defendant/Third Party Plaintiff Jack Hagopian (hereinafter "Hagopian"), and the Third Party Defendants Gordon Huglan d/b/a Elevators, Etc and EMR ACCQssibility, Inc and Gordon Huglan (hereinafter ;'Huglan"), hereby enter jnto this settlement agreement of the Plarntiff County's claims against the Defendant Hago pian. 1, This matter was brought by the County to enforcQ the fine imposed by the Code Enforcement Specfaf Master in U4-0 1-147 for in stalling an elp.vator witho ut benefit of a perm it 2, In order to settle the Cau nty's clajms ag3 in st H<1gopian and buy peace in that portion of the matte r. lhe County ag rees to accept and Hayopia n agrees to pay a sum of $10,000_00 to resolve the County's claim <1gainsl Hagop~::m Said payment shalf be mClde by tru st accou nt check made ~ayabje to the BOCC of Mo trroe County 3nd shall be received by Ule County's Atlorney's office no laLer than February 6, 200G_ J. This agroement is cond itioncd upon a) approval by the 80drd of County Commissioners at a public meeting as required by Flur~da LdW; and b) demol ition of the olcv~tor by Februaf)f 6, 2006 and the removal of the debris from the site in compliance with all laws and ordinances. 4. Said sum shall represent the total sum owed by Hagopia.n to the Cou nty as a result of the claims tt13t were ra isc;d or co uld have hr:en raised by the County in this maUer, including the fine, costs, .:3nd attorney's fees. 5- By enlering into this aqreement, the County and Hagopian agree to release each oth(;r and absolve each other fm m I ia bfl ity from any c1ai ms that either cau Id have ra ised as a result of the a bove-styied matter. 6, The: Defend antlThi rd Party PI;1intiff's cia ims against the Th ini Patiy Defendant Hug la n will su rvive this seUlement a9 reemcnt and wi II proceed until final judgment of the Courl or future agreement between those two pa rties. 7. In considoration of the reduction of their po1cnti<=31 exposure from lhe County's claimed fine in excess of $300,000.00. the Third Parly Defendants Huglan et alJelease and absolve the County from any cia im for costs and attorney. s fees that the Third Party Defendants Huglan el ai_might have against the County as a result of this litigaUon. 8. Exr:ept as othervu'ise provid ed in th is ag reemcnt. the County and H;:Jgopi~n ea.ch agree lo bear their own respoctive attorney's fees and costs. 9. Orlce this agreemenl has been executed by all at the parties and all of the co nd itions set fonh above have been satisfied, the Co u nty shall ftle a notice of voluntary dismissal with prejudice. 10 After the COLJnty fi les its notice of vol untary dismissal with prej udtce, the Co u rt shall retai rl jurisdiction over the pa nics with respect to the County's claim against Hagopian solely to enforce GO m pliance with th is settlement agreement This pa rag raph shall have no effect on lhe Court s j urisd iction over Hagopian's Th ird Pel rty Claim agafnst H uglan, 11, This agreement represents the total <3grcoment between the pruti(;S 8 no was enton:xJ into freely a nd volunt~ri Iy after co n::;u Itation w~th GO url::>el. Attest Danny Kolhdqe, Clerk Board of County Comm issione rs of MOllroe County, Florida By: By:_ .. Deputy Clerk Charles "Sonny" McCoy, Mayor (date) For the Defendant/Third Party Plaintiff .. (date) .Ja ck Hagopian .. (Notrlty Public) For the Third Party Defendants Gordon HugJan d/b/a Elevators Etc & EMR Accessibility, Inc_ & Gordon Huglan, individually. -. .. (d;::Jtc) Gordon Huglan _ (Notary Public) - - Dona Id E. Yates. ESQ_ Mediator