Item L11 - BOARU OF COI.~"T\' CO'1'"ltSStO~ERS .-\GE\"D..\ lTE\1 SV\1\L\RY \kc-T1~1S f)i\! c:_J.J!"!.1J0.l1' -,-l.n.~'.'(~.._ , __ Divisi(m. ('mE.l.t~-\n'-.'rQ!;'L _ ._. _ ._ Bd, 1 k'r:1. l-es .\.\. '..0 .. .. l.).~p(l r.m~r.t _CQY.1J.U' ;~~.r.t.~l.T.TIey S: afr (' nJllact P~'r~(H1. .1 h~b Sh1!!inm~r d..t7f) 1\ (; I'~ 'J D..\ rn~ t\.1 \\"0 Rn I i\G: Rc.il':cr ion of set! icment l }tl~r My Deiem~aJlb to :--;dlf t' ..\I(mroe f '()IUJ~\ ~'. i.bl"()rhl Hough. ~'I uf. c.\ K 1.1)-e6'7 J()T" S~.::;O!) And aLJ~hor'<'_ali~}n Cy Ccunt~. Attorncy's ;1nk..~ tc rnClkc ceu mer LIfter ~t,r 110 IcS'> than S 1 2..l70 (lil pius. <111 cos1 s and ree_~ inlurred at 1 h<2 lime or ~~ltlcnH.::nT r [[.\1 BA(KG ROI.~ D: The C OtllHy Ih)]j) a CO~il': cntlll"C~~mC:l: Ii (:"11 a~a~nc:.t a K ~~ I.a rg0 rrurwrty C\\"ll c>d bv .\ I r:<. !-IlllJgh ar:~i her t \>,0 adLJ 11 childrell. rile lien '.\0 a~ illlpU"fd ailer the \ i olalm s buj Il ([ ~<i !-aS2 .),) 111(' pr~)pcrty ,,'it hOUT bC'i(-tl! {l t' a permit. The s~lbGlch were a ho "L[ i:<.sue. On (kh 1her I. :::,<ji.1:" t he [)~(endaru, h:'n<..1~h~ the pwper t't. i nlo lump] ia[]u:' t:\ d~T[)oli shtr;~ ~1J(:- !!an~T iJnd rc,no\. ~ng the d(;~r~s J ~ 3 7 days (~ 1.'1 yCi1fSJ after the- 1"1~'.n \H!~ lrnpo~r.;d .-\1 S ~IJ p..::r d:l\' fill' l >,' ,h_\ ~ (11(~ 1;,;..1 ~il~t: '~l'.\"_'J i, ~;,j 1 . '::~r' l~11 Sin\.:-= it t, ~ok !be ~iling {l t" <lJl <lttion l', 1 ii.)Ieclu:-;<::: {lJl r_h(> pl opel rv !( \ mU've tho.:: l)c-f\'noanrs \Co ~~( hil'\'c wn~~1j~31li.:C. staf1.' rc(ommcnd~ th~H ,:t,C nlOst rr.~ ti II.C ~hlnM Qc r('du~~~d i ~ .:: :.~o " ..:'.c.lu si.~" uf (O~b .md lc~s. At 208"0_ tb(' iint:" COrlLpUle~ lu $ 12,3 70 [}ILJS 1t1C $ W! I.V! LLl [!1I.:: end.:: cnfGi;:~H!CIl( ;~'2(:_:JJ ;l::l~~cr'\ ::tJJ,L;I:I.,l~;I'" ~ ~'O~l~ j()J ;j k)i.d ,~rs l2.;-:-ll fH:. 1r: ~~(~dili..'!l. lilt Cl'UH' AtI0f1k'.' '_, 0~kc hilS ~pCll1 ll.~ hour, ((,; :t;2Ufl j.JCJ t1rmr p.:c[ 1(;,olLl[Wn 1:~~-:!.\lil<;'~ dnd ,H.:k~nccd <-~ 'J(., 101; III d'.S~~ i fl i tL' i~"!W'c'~1I1 i~lll ~lr I !lj~ C;l~~ I i" I k~ m:Ilf~T wenl tn jIJd~m':ll~ I;..:tr. 1hL C()tLTt1_\ ',Hlllld t.:: en{'1 t..:d 1(' o.;l,mn ~U~[~ aHJ ll'C~ ~)j" S2,8l)6.N~. All 1I fl knowll ammml of mlditional 1 ime will bt: spen! leg:lrd!e~s ,If ".... h.::he; I hi" mut tt'r : s ,,~l tied r(}d<~y so it i ~ tm:'l)~sibk W ~iH; il ddi r1itivc ng~m..~ to!"" al tor!1C'y ''), tC(;':i and L'U<:-:; <:Lr rhi::. [11:"1':. .--- ----.-.-.--.-.. .-..------.- --. --.-. .-. - I' KE \' to L S R E L[ ,. -\:\T BOCC .-\CTlO~: Or, (j,'! 7'()_~, the BOCC :..LLl.hi~ri7ed colle-ctio'1 acri,m' ,-,~-, )....28.:05, ltw BOCC rejeeled ihe ()Wlwr's o1k. W ~cttlt for SJ.500.nO. (.'()~TRAC'f/,-\G IU~~:'l Eyr Clt..\:\GVS: n/a S T.."\ FF I{[ CO.'l ;\1 t:;'\ I)--\TIO:'\ S: Hejel..'tlon of Dtoft'ruhulls' offer of $4,500.00 and appnwaJ of II u thQriz:HiOIl for" ~ 1aiT 10 sf'ule fOf" lUll le:s"! lhHrI $ 12,-I70.0H plus all (osts and fees illcurre-d. -- TOTAL COST; u/a Bt DG El"~: [); Yc:.:5 .-. 1\:0 --. CO:":T TO COt \TV; n....l! SOl' Ref. OF n;i\ ns: n.'a R[\' L\lT PRODL'CJ:'\lG: "{e~ xx '\u -..-- ~\ 'HUli_"I"l PER !\JO"iTH_ fl'J) "{',U' n/~I n -\ PPROVFD n\"~ Count \' ;\tt Y _.5}:__ O\lll.'I'u '-~/.' /:-----:-ki_,?\1~""gon".,-" . / .: y... -.> /~.,. r ,.... . J..)JVISIO.'\ IlfRFCTOR APPROVAl.: // ,/ '-..-.' ,. \ ...: . ,-' .'1 . --...--------.-- --- .~~ " ' /- .::.....--,..--.- John R C()llill;.~Ci)lm;'\.' AnOft1(:"\' nOel" \ll':'T.\no~: T Tlc 1 L!dl;'~l " '\ut !{t.:Quired -. OISPOSITtO~: ---- ..--................- Acr1\OA ITL\"I it R....\ ~......~l .: (J5 - -- - - (" r f . , / LA W OFn CES Of z' C=.AMPBEL.L & I\1AL_A:F'Y A Partnf;rship 0 f ProfeS;5iOl ,a l As sociations J{)hn Campb~ll Ridurt1 1\, Malaiy 16S.~ Lejeune Road, Stc, #2Q I 109 5 I) O....e:rsea<> !-h ghwa. y Coral Gables, l'!orid~ 33134 Mar alho;'l, Florirla 3305 () 305-447-8588 305-743-2492 3US- 476-33 83-(fax} 305-743-2432(fD.J:) 305-9~2-477 5 (cellular) 305.395-0079( ccllul<if) camp be n 1 aw (4;.In ac . com mlalafy@msn,com DeCel:1ber 5,2005 BY FACSIMltE TRANSMITTAl. ONLY Ri:lberl S hi 1 ~i n ger k, Esq uire Offie.::: of '!:he CDunty i\tlom~y PO Box 1026 Kt::Y West, flL 3 304l-1 026 Re.: FIle Name: Hough adv Momoe Ca. Ft1c No-; 05~MAR-l g j DEar Mr. Sl1i Hingcr: A.~ the alle3ed offendi..,g structure has heeL. confinlled by Code fnfNc-emcnt lO have been n~movex1, a.ll thou is left is for us tQ agree upon is a scttlemcnl figure, In tlmt regard, I understand that your ciient has rejected our diems' iniLial after of $',500,00. Th~refi.)rc, our cticnt5 would like to offer $4,500,00 a..~ a full and complete settlement or this matter. Please let me kno",,\' as soon as possible] as Mr- Bough js quite ill and I WDI.11d like to resolve this. ror rum as 'Soon as possible. I thar:k you in adv~i1{:~ for yutrr kind .'l,!lention to ~hLS matter. - ------' ;:::"d Z~ird-8i>L-S08 ~~el"n.a,l ta~dwQ:J dSv'*'o SO 90 ::lOIn