Item I12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Daw. I Division Mayor Pro Tern Nelson hulk hern., Yes N(,,� X Staff Contact Person. Suzan,ng Hulton AGENDA ITEM WORDING- Approval of a rewfution carnimending County administration and staff for hard work, facing challenges oaf 2(")05, with good humor. IT BACKGROUND: During 2005, probably one of the worst ears faced County�wlde in seventy years in, terrns of y I I - hurricanes, the County was tasked wit1i many dIfficult issues, and made. progress towards achieving affosrdabk, wor orce housing, was'tewater (ITeatment-1 enhancements in grawth, nian.aggement, nand ',made, sigi,-.tificant ,trid,esin. other areas. The ad,n:iinistration and staff perfOrmed the,,,,e and did, so with particular dlfficultie once- evacuatio,ris and clean-up were forced. upon the County by ffie unusually hard-hitting hiirficane season. The work, was done, with a spirit of contmunity and goodwill. PREVIOUS, RELEVANT BO,CC ACTION- None,, T-f-,-t—AC"l'i'.AL Hai" .LL,'-N4ENT(,HANGES ............... ST A.FF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST:— 0 BUDGEXED- LNLA Yes,_No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENLIEPRODUCING- Yes —No X AMOUNT PER MONTH.— Year APPROVED BY. County Any OMB/Purchasing Risk Managem.ent DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL, on MAYOR PROf M MURRAY NELSON DOCUMENTATION Included, X Not Re,quixed_ 'msmsrriON: AGENDA ITEM Revi.mLd 2/05 MAYOR PROTUNI iNIURKAY NELSON RESOLUTION —2,005 A RESOLUTION OF THE BO,-,kld) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COMY JN REECOGNITION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF. WHERFAS, Monroe County facQd many, difficult thallen.gles during the year 2005, it chiditig achieving ,qubstantlal progress 0111 Of wastewater treatriiie,11t and affordable houssing to the ssatisfaction of the Si,atc Cabnwt, completing ,'scveral large Construction projects and re-srorin'o,"- offiers to after coalrad,or difficulties, growth manageniont solutions, property acquisitions to better provide• government service., and facilitate the provision of affordattle bousin.g, Changes in staffing structure, of tl'w County. union negorialions, and all of the cortseqae_nces of fi:xn, hurricanes in the H.cmda Keys;, and WHEREAS,, many of the Courity administration and staff had to contend with individual proble.nis of clean-up and reswration after each hurricane, with as substantial number still dealing, witb 01 flag problems created by Hurricane W11ma', and WI-ILREAS, evacuation,; before, and the debris removal and cleati-up of public area after, each hurricane, and particularly after Wilma, required many hours, of str ss, and. hard work lays stal-f; and WHEREAS, the administrallon and staff handled the tasks efficiently 1-hroughout the ycar and wifli good hunior, no) rasa ter how difficult and trying each job was,; NOW, THERE F0,RE, Bf-' Fr REESOLVED THAT I'll, BOARD OF COUNTY C 0 M'!Yff SSIO N ERS OF M ON ROE COU NTY,FLOW DA- "s ction I The Coumv Adrnini.StrafiOn and all. members of Court staff are liereby I- Z' oonitu,end od for a job well, dome, in the face ofadversity, without couiplai I nts Sectio,p 2t This Resolution deal] bocoine effective on [,he date written bekiw, PASSED AND, ADOPTED by the Board. of Couroy C."01111D.J."'Sioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a. meeting of'sald Board held on the l8th day of January. AA)., 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny"'M(,:('()'Y Mayorl?lro 71'em Nfurray E. Nelson Cornmis""ioner George Neugent Commissioner David P, Rice Conlrifi sioncr Dixie M. Spdiar (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Attest: DANNY L. K,(_")L11A0E, Clerk OF MONROE COU . FLORIDA By--- Deputy Clerk Mayor,Ch ai rman. 0 J 0 .. - '5 ' ' r I.. - 1-i(J�T ORNEV