Item D9 BOARD OF COtJNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JANUARY 18.2006 Division: TDC Bulk Item: Yes -X- No Department: Staff Contact Person: Maxine Pacini AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of an Amendment to Agreement with Executive Adventures. Inc. covering the World Sailfish Championship to revise Exhibit B of the Agreement. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: BOCC approved original Agreement at their meeting of October 19. 2005. CONTRACT/AGREEl\1ENT CHANGES: Amendment to Contract STAFF RECOM.MENDA TIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $34.000 BUDGETED: Yes -L No COST TO COUNTY: $34.000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: TDC REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes.lL. No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty -X- OMB/Purchasing -X- Risk Management -X- DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: c--~/7/J4t'<_R-~p (Lynda Stuart) DOCUl\.1ENT ATION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 "--...._.....,~...,;t...;J CONTRA.CT SUMMARy Contract with: Executive Adventures ~c. Contract#_ Effective Date: 10/19/05 EXpiration Date: COIl~t Manager: -M~ine Pacini (Name) 3523 . (Bxt.) TDC # 3 (Department/Stop .#) { J;I 0/ for BOCCnieetin CONTRACT COSTS 'TOlal.DQUarV4lue ofCo;ttt""t:$ 34,000 Current Year Portion: $ ~udgc(ed? Y 0$121 No 0 Aoc&Unt CodeS:115-7~022-530340_T6SF426 -XC53G480 . Grant; $ IJ~-7~022-530340-T65F426 -X-53041O' CountyMatch: $ ---- ..~.....-:--.. -~-:""'---- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estim~teq Ongoing Costs: $_, ..../yr For: Of Uudlldod'in do1iai v.lu, .b.... , . """""""'-lltilitie., . 'aoitOriiil, ..ran,., oit,J CONTRACT REVIEW County Attorney Division Director/I~ Risk. Management . ... iJ/vt ofUi.IPUrCh8.$i~g Date Out Comments: =- S.Hutton == = OMB PQnn:Revised2J27/01 MCP #2 / ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM to agreement dated the day of 2006, is entered into by and between the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe Countyl on behalf of the Tourist Development Council, and Executive Adventures, Inc. WHEREAS, there was a contract entered into on October 19, 2005, between the parties, awarding $34,000 to Executive Adventures, Inc. for the production of the World Sailfish Championship on April 18-22, 2006; and WHEREAS, Exhibit B needs to be revised to reflect a change in the budget for the event; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein the parties agree to the amended agreement as follows: 1. Exhibit 8 of the Agreement dated October 19, 2005 shall be revised, and attached hereto. 2. The remaining provisions of the contract dated October 19, 2005 remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seal on the day and year first above written. (SEAL) ATTEST: (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman ~.. MONROE COUNTY Ano : _ _ AP VED AS T , - - UZ NE UT ASSISTINT C .' TON Date_ It. t,(/)j;TV ATToRNEY I _ EXHIBIT B REVISED BUDGET BREAKDOWN FLORIDA KEYS FISHING TOURNAMENT, INC. OCTOBER 1, 2005 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 WORLD SAILFISH CHAMPIONSHIP DIRECT MAIL & POSTAGE $1,000 BROCHURES, POSTERS, $17,200 PROGRAMS, PATCHES TROPHIES $3,500 PHOTO PROGRAM $1.300 MEDIA ADVERTISING $3.000 T -SHIRTS, CAPS, JACKETS $6,000 GENERAL NON-ALLOCATED $2.000 $34.000 *GENERAL NON-ALLOCATED IS NOT TO EXCEED 15%OF THE TOURNAMENTS TOTAL BUDGET. *TOURNAMENTS CAN NOT EXCEED MORE THAN 30% OF THE TOTAL BUDGET IN TROPHY LINE ITEM EXCEPT WHEN TOURNAMENTS GET SPECIAL APPROVAL FROM FK.FT, INC. Fishing UmbreUa Funding FY 2004 World Sailfish Championship , i fUNDING AGREEMEtcr THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida, (hereinafter ref8lTed to as the "County") and Executive Adventures. Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Event SIlonsor'); WHEREAS, the wnbrella 0I'Qatlizati0n under contract 10 the County has recotnmended 10 the Monroe County Tourist 0eve/0f:lITl8nt Council (hereinafter "TOe"), which has endorsed thel'8COmmendation. that certain monies be allocated for P/'OIT1Olion of an event, THEREFORE; in consideration of the mutual promises conlained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. County shall pay a sum not to exceed $34,000 (Thirty Four Thousand Dollars) for pnJrnotfoo and related expenditures. as desaibed in the event bUdget, attached hereto as Exhibit S, for IlI'Oduction of the World Sailfish Charnp/ons/vp on ApriJ 18-22, 2008. Paytnent will be made only attar EIIent Sponsor submits invoIoes and SUPPClrt documentatton acceptable to the County's Finance ~ The advertising and PIOIIlotion budget for County funding may be altered as 10 the individual line items. or COJnponenrs. within 10% of the amount stated for that item or COIIlponenf, without Increasing the Iotal doll.,. amount and without fllqUiring a written llt'rIendment to this ~ The Q8nera1 non-allocaled section of an Umbrella event bUdget may be utilized for unforeseen P8tmiss/ble I!llcJ>endilure and for those budget lines that may require additlOlla/ funds. Monroe County's P8Iformance and obligation 10 pay under thjs "9I'll8ment is contingent upon an 8IlI'lUaI 8pprDpriattoo by the County. 2. EII8tlI Sponsor shall provide promotion and related sarvices as desaibed in the Sl'OllSor's application for funding. Exhibit A, attached hereto. All advertising and public re/alions services or 8Upervision of advertising and pub//c relations will be provjde(j Ihrbugh the contracled agenc;es of the TOe and County. The lIgencies of 1'8COrd. shall '-'va PlIYIIlent of work in progress upon submiSSion of documented immices assoc;ated with said event. EIIent spon- fully undetstands that funding is obtained from tourist development taxes for which the fiscal year ends 8epranm",. 30. 2006. EIIent 8pOnsor e/so uncIerstancIs that the funding Pf'OC8Ss through which this contract _ made avai/abla by County requires avent IIpOnsors to SUbmit thair ~ requasrs as quickly as POSSible and 10 finalize all SUCh requests before the end of the tlscal year, if at all POSSible. In order for the tourist development taxes 10 be utilized lI'I08I alfedively for the PlJIpose for which they were authorized. aIlractlng and P/'OIT1Oling tourism, tha budgeting Pf'OC8Ss of the County fllqUires the event's funding to be concluded In a IimaIy manner. in 1'8cognitjon that the timeliness of PlIYIIlent r8ql/8SlS is of el<trema imllOrtanca to the funding of fuIure advertising and P/'OmOIion for the stability of the tourist-based economy, EIIent Spon_ IlgI'ees to SUbmit by September 30, 2006, all invoices and support dOClJmentation as required by the County's Finance Department rules 8IId policies. Event Sponso, shall not be reimbursed nor will Event Sponsor's vendors be paid directly for any invoices received by the County afler September 30, 2006, eXC8ptlhat for events with promotional expenditures irlCllt't8d belweer, July 1 and 1 September 30, 2006, invoices must be SUbmitted within ninety (SO) days of the conclusion of the event. 3. No P8ISon or entity shall be entitled 10 re/y upon /he lerms, or any of Ihern, of this Agreement to anfon:e or allempt to anfon:e or all8rnpl1o anfon:e any third-party claim or entitl8ll1ent 10 or benetil of any service or PI'ClltIInJ contemplated hereunder, and the COUtJly and /he Contractor agree that neither the County nor /he Contractor or any agent, otIicer, or employee d eiIIw sha1/ have the authority to inform, COUrlseI, or othelwise indicate that any particular indilllduaJ or group of indhriduals, entity or entlties, have entiIIements or benetits unc:1er this ~ S8parate and apart, inferior to, or SUperior 10 the COIntnunity in Qeneral or for the purposes contemplated in the Agreement. 4. Event Sponsg,. shall reimburse County for any amount of l'unc:Ia 8lepended by County in COIln8cllon with an event which does not OCCUr as a result of any act or omission by Event Sponsor. 5. Event 8ponso,. covenants and llgn!les to indemniry and hold harmless Monroe County 80SI'd d County COIlImisslooers from any and all c/altns for bodily injuty (including death), P8I'SOnaI injuty, and P/'Dperty d8lTl8ge (including P/'DpeI1y 0WIled by Monroe County) and any other '-, damages, and ~ (inclUding aIIomeys f_) which arise out of, in CDtlneclion with, or by --. of /he services provided, event BponSOtl!ld, or other activitiea and funding aSSOciated with this aoreernent. Should event involve /he senrlng or distribution of akoholic beverages, Event 8ponso,. shall obtain Prior 10 the event a Uquor UabilIty insurance policy naming Monroe County as a CO-insured. 6. Event 8ponso,. shallrneinlain J'8COrds PlJrSuant to 98nera/1y 8CC8pted 8CcOunlIng Principles for Ihtee (3) Y8alS aller /he event and Shall P8fmit County and its agents and employees access to said records at reasonable times. 7. County tnay lenninate this 8W88f11ent without cae.- upon ptDVldlng lllriltan notice to Event S/lOIISor no less than silcty (60) days Prior to /he event and may lermlnate for breach upon PRJviding to Event Span".". notice at '- seven (7) days Prior 10 /he etl'ec:tiw date of the termination. 8. Event llponsor ;s an ~l contractor and Shall diSClose any potential contIiets of interest SS defined by Florida Slatutes, Chapter 112 and Monroe COUnty Code, Article XXI. 9. Event Sponsor 'NarTants that I1e/MJeIit has not employed, retained or OthStwise had act on hislherllts behalf any Ibnner COl.Vlty otrlcer or employee in violation of Section 2 or Ordinance No. 10-1990 or any County officer or employee in violalion of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation of /he P/'DVislon /he County may, at its discretion terminate this conlract without liability and may also, at its discration, deduct from the contract or purchase Price, or othetwise recover, /he full 8IIIOtJnt d any fee, commission, PM:entage, gilt, or consideration paid 10 /he Ibnner or P/'9Sent COUtJly oIIicer or employee. Fishing UmbnJlla Funding FY 2004 JMJrld SailfIsh ~ 2 { 10. A person 01' allillate who has been placed on the COnIrlcted vendor list following a conviction for ptJblic enlily crime may not submit a bid on a contract to pt'OIflde any 900d. or S8lVice8 to a public entity, may not SUbmit a bid on a contract with a public enlily for the construction or repair of a public builcting or public lWlIk. may not SUbmit bids on lease. of real property to public entity, may not be --.:led or P8rlonn work as a contractOl', SUpplier, SUbcontractor, 01' consultant under a contract with any ptJbllc entity, and may not Iran8act busIneas with any public entity In excess of the threshold 8IIlOunt P/'OIfided in Seclion 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a pefiOC/ of 36 months from the elate of being placed on the convicted vendor list. II. looo: All PI'OmotiOlla/ lilerattJre and advertising must display the "The FlorId. Keys & Key W..... Momoe County TOUrist ~-t CouncIl, Come ... You AI8~ 100C>IIrade matIc adopled by the TOC and COUnty on November, 2000 (as per attached). RadIo Aclver1I"ng shoufd read 'SI'DUght to you by the Monroe County Tourist Oevel"Pment Council". No reirnbl.nement 01' direct P8Y1T1ent will be COrl8idered unless this ~ II1ark is utilized. 12. Jnsun.n"., Reayl_"I!: EIIent SPllnsor, as a Pl'B-requisl!e of the Special Event 90VemecI by this SQreement, shall obtain, at its 0Im 4llrpense, Insurance as llpeciljed in this section. EIIent Sponsor will not be parmilted to COtnmence work 8SSociated with the EVMI (inclUding P/'lHtagJng of P8I'Sonne/ and material) until satisfactory evidence of the requirecl insurance has been rumished to the county as lSpecjfjed below. EIIent SJlonsor shall maintain the requ;red insurance ~ the entire duration of /he $peaaJ EIIent and any ElJCtensjons 8pacjfjed In any attached SC/1eclules. Failure to comply with this PI'OVis/on may result in the immediate suspension of the EIIent until/he required '1lSUrance has been reinstated 01' replaced. Event SI'Onsor shall P/'OIflde' to the County, as satisfactc/)' evidence of the required insurance, either: . Certificate of Insurance or · Certified copy of the actual insurance POlicy A certified copy of any 01' all Insurance flO/icies requ;red by this conlract shall be filed with the Clerk of the BOCC Prior to the Event. All insurance policies must SJ38Cify that they are not SUbject to cancellation, notl-renewal, material change 01' reduction in coverage unless a minimum of thirty (30) clays Prior notification is given to the County by the insurer. Acceplanca and/or approval of Event SIlonsors insurance shall not be construed as relieving Event Sponsor from any liability or obligation SSsumed Under 'his contract 01' i/11flOsed by taw. The Monroe COUnty Boarcl of County Commissioners, its &mpIoyees and officials will be inclUded as -Additional Insurecr on all POlicies. Any d.....iations from these General Insurance Requirements must be requested in writing on the County fonn tilled .Request for Waiver of Insurance Requirements. and must be apProved by Monroe County Risk Management. Fishing UmbreIl8 Funding FY 200t$ World Ssillfsh Championship 3 Event SIlOnsor shall furnish lIle County with a certjflC8te eVk:fencjng the i1l8Urance requi by this paragtaph not later than Iwenty (20) days Prior 10 the event. Prior 10 COIM1eocement of WOtk governed by this contract, Event Sponsor shall obI; General liabilily Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained through out the life of the COIlIract a include, as a minimum: · Premises Operations · Products and Completed Operations · SIanket COOtractualliability · Persona, 'njury Liability · ~ Definition of Property Damage The minimum limits acceptable shall be: · $1,000,000.00 COmbined Single Limit (CSL) If splil Iimils are provided, the minimum Ilmils 8CcepIab1e shall be: · $500,000.00 per person · $ per Occurrence * $100,000.00 Property Damage An Occunence Fonn POlicy is PTeferred. If COVerage is PI'OWded on a Claims Made POlicy, iIs provisions should Include COVerage for claims filed on or after the etl'ective dale of this COoIracI. In addillon, the P8riod for Which claims may be "'POtIec:l should 8Jdend for a minimum of twelve (12) months rellOwing the SCI:eI>tance of WOtk by the County. Recognizing thel the WOtk IlOVerned by this COIlIract InvOlves the sales and/or distribution of alCOholic beveraoea, the Conlractor's General Liability Insurance POlicy shall inclUde Liquor Uabilily with limits equal 10 !hose of !he basic coverage. A separate Liquor Liability policy is 8CCepIab1e if Ihe coVlll'8ge is not more restricl/ve than the contractor's General Liability POlicy. Jt.!'~~~'m'~EOF, each a has caused Ihi" ~ent 10 be executed by its duly~~,the~.dayof ~bW ~2005. '-.\ (SEAL) · . ,.J 8oan:I of COUIlIy Commissioners Attest: Danny L KoI~,;Clerk of Monroe COUIlIy _Jl~~~..~~ ~~~~.~~t~ (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: By. Secretary By OR Witness 4 MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~~~ UZANNE A. HUTTON 'It..~:~I~~~2~% ~TTORNeY Fishing UmbreHa Funding FY 2~ Wotkt Sailfish Championship ( l FLORIOA KEYS FISHING TOURNAMENTS, INC., TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 W.dJ s.~. ~.Jr!~ 'tI~ PINT TOURNAMEN NAME EXHIBIT A DAY 1 1: Ie_AM LINES IN WATER ~''SeLPH LINES 00'1' OF WATER ~:-'1tL..PM EVENING EVENT -=- _PM WEIGH-IN OVER -=_PM OTHER EVENT DAY 2 -f..=-'2-AM LINES IN WATER .1=-3L,.PM LINES OUT WATER -2:.=~PH EVENING EVENT -' _PH WEIGH-IN OVER -=_PM OTHER EVENT DAY 3 : AM LINES IN WATER -- = PH LINES OUT WATER -- : PM EVENING EVENT -- -=_PH WEIGH-IN OVER : PH OTHER EVENT -- 1-: ->>-AH LINES IN WATER --3- : -.QQ.. PH LINES OUT WATER --2. : -<<-PH EVENING EVENT : PH WEIGH-IN OVER -- -"- PH OTHER EVENT IJJy PAY DAY 4 ~~ ~ ~ V1f ".-y .1 BXHI8IT 8 BUDGET BREAKOOWN FLORIDA KEYS FISHING TOURNAMENTS, INC. OCTOBER I, 2005 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 --------------------------------------------------------- WORLD SAILFISH CHAMPIONSHIP APRIL 18-22, 2006 DIRECT MAIL & POSTAGE $ 1,000.00 BROCHURES, POSTERS, PROGRAMs, PATCHES $10,000.00 .$ 3..500.00 TROPHIES PHOTO PROGRAM .$ 500.00 MEDIA ADVERTISING $10,000.00 T-SHIRTS, CAPS.. JACKETS $ 6,000.00 $ 3,000.00 *GENERAL NON-ALLOCATED ----------- *GENERAL NON-ALLOCATED IS NOT TO EXCEED 15% OF THE TOURNAMENTS TOTAL BUDGET. $34,000.00 *TOORlilAMENTS CAN NOT EXCEED MORE THAN 30% OF THE TOTAL BODGET IN TROPHY LINE ITEM EXCEPT WHEN TOURNAMENTS GET SPECIAL APPROVAL FROM E1CFT, INC. ll[[WRIDAKfYS &KrrWoJ HOHIO( (00NlY TOOIST llOIUlJlHm (0III<<l Come at)'Oll uee ( IHE.[WRIDA KI.YliKfYWill HlMO{ (OUlIl'YTOOIIST lltW:lD1Hoo COUNcl Come as )'OIl uee IHE.[W"VAKI.YliKItWill IWHiO( CllUHfY TOOIJSr DM1DI'HOIr COONof. Come at you .arc- TUf [lORlDA KUl&KL.tWill HOHIO( {0UJm' TOOIIST llOOfflOr {own Come as you .are- IHI.[LORJDA KI.YliKttWill HONI<< COOIIlYTOOIST lll\tlOJlfotoo {OONal Come as you ue- f1[[WRIDA KI.YliKIlWill HOHiO{ COOltlYTDUlfST DnfI.OI'Hoo' CI)(/JQ Come as you .arc- fl[fLO~IDAKm.HITWID UIfJW~IDA KflliJITWID fl[fW~IDAKflliKf1.WN -COOIIlI'lOIJJISTIIlIIDIHINHOOIIOl -0lIIlllY1OOIllT Il!IIIDIHoIrroulllll HOMIOI OlIIlllYflllIIIlIII111DIHlNHOI!lNJt a"". is"" .... a"". ..,... .... a"". is,... .... fl[fW~IDA Km.umV.f5J fl[fWRlDAKflliKflWID fl[[LO~IDAKfJllKITWl5J - OlIIlllYTllUIIT Il!IIIDIHoIr 0lIlIIlIl HONIllI 0lIIlllY1OOIllT 1l!IIIDIHoIr0llllllll -0lIIlllY1OOIllT1l!lIlDIHINr WIINOl a"". is you .... a""...,... .... Come.. you .... THIfLORIDA IfY5 & KITWill THIfLORIDAKfY5 HflWill THIfLORIDA KfY5 & KflWl5J HOHI/Of COUHTYIOI1lllST D!VIlOPl!lIIT CDIJI/Ql HOHI/Of (OIJHJYroUI/fSf IlOOIlPHoo (0IJII01 HOIlIlOf (OIJHJYroUI/fSf D!VIlOfHl/Ir (OUHal Come as )'OU are. Come as )'OU are. Come as )'OU are. THIfLORIDA Km &KflWill THIfLORIDA 1m &KflWill IHffLORIDA KfY5 &KflW.rn HOHI/Of (OIJHJYTOUI/fSf IlMWPHoo (OUIlOl HOHI/Of CDllHlYIOI1lllST DrI!J.Oi'H!IIJ CDIIIlOl HOHI/Of (OUHIY IOI1lllST DfYIUlI>Hoo" CDl/H(JI Come as )'OU .... Come as)'OU are. Come as )'OU .",. fHIfLORIDA KEYS & KftWill MONROf COUHTYTOURlST DfVflOPMOO COUNCIL Come as you are~ fHIfLORIDA KEYS & KftWill MONROf COUNTY TOURIST orvrwPMfNT COUNCIL Come as you are 4il fHLfLORIDAKfYS &KfIWill MONROf COUHTY TOUWST DfVfLOPMfHT COUHOL Come as you are!!) fHLfLORIDA KfYS & KllWill HONROr COUHTY TOURIST DfVrWPMfNT COUNCIL Come as you clte@ MCTG-BOB4 logo Slick l01 ( .. ...... MONRoa: COtlNTY, fLORlDA .......,.. W..... 01 ,...,.... ............ · II ................. iIIIw~.... ~. ~.. it... c...y. ~11II" 01,..... ~fIlIA r_ be.......~ _... ....... ....... ~~~ EE \~'/f =V~C. '=',............ _ __._ (0, - ";\ _ ' '^- . - \ . '-~'p = ...,lIr.fII('......nCA)'I'DC All:! ~ ...... 3DJ-2M-.~.ft .......'WaIta Adw.tf.... a r.- .... ~ ...... fbr..."-n PI........... "-'-ID pID'I.llo.. - .."....~ -... fD- ..... ...... ........ SlIt ~..... = Si&aat...olc..~ ~ .........l.JJ ..a DaC.: CHIdJ ..w......Ar A.,..r: AJlfir4~'" Not ~"........ o.c. ..... ...eo.. c........,. A#,ul. ~.. Not .."....... M...... o.c.: ~ r.cr.ccso. N1tU