Item B01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Jan.25. 2006 Bulk Item: Yes _ No-X- Division: BOCC Department: DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Person: Donna Hanson AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Amendment to Employment Agreement with Thomas J. Willi, County Administrator, raising the County Administrator's base salary by 4% to reflect the agreement entered into with Mayor Nelson for $10,000 bonus after one year. ITEM BACKGROUND: Given the scope of work and the outstanding job that Mr. Tom Willi has provided during the last year, a raise of 4% or $5,867, is warranted. The effective date of the increase will be October 1,2005. At its meeting on July 25,2005, the BOCC approved a $10,000 bonus to the County Administrator which was never implemented due to an Attorney General's opinion interpreting the state statute which precludes a payment of a bonus unless there is a bonus plan with specific provisions in place. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: As stated above. At the January 18,2006 Board meeting, the BOCC postponed this item to this date to discuss an evaluation of the County Administrator and the approval of the attached Amendment to Employment Agreement. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOT AL COST: 4% = $5.867.44 BUDGETED Yes No~ COST TO COUNTY: 4% = $5.867.44 SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: Cmmty Atty _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Mu.rY~ E. N~ MA YORPRO TEM MURRAY E. NELSON DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required ___ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # j~) AMENDMENT TO EMPWYMEN1' AGREEMENT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR THIS Ai\olENDMENT is made and entered into this 18th day ot December, 200:5, betwttn the Hoard Of Cmmty Commissioners of Monroe Count)', Florida, hereinafter "COl.mty'". and Thomas J, W iHi., bereinafter ., Administf'dtor." WHEREAS. on September 8, 2004. the parties entered into an agreement f{)f O)l.!my Auministiat()1' for the period November 1. 2004, through October 31. 2008; and WHEREAS. the parties entered into an amendment on November 16,2005; and \\HERtAS. that amcndmeul 'was intended to aUo',j/ the Admlnis.tralmw ';~njoy the sam,,: cost of lrvmg ra!$<: as was afforded to uOH.union County employe.es as. of ()clover 1, 20(15, and to aH(}\l;; flexibility in tbe maImer of evaluation; and WHEREAS, the amendment has been ioterpreted to preclude the Administrator from receiving the C{iSH)f.liviug raise accorded to other employees. and also confuses the is....uc of lucrit incte~t~es; and \VHEREAS. ~he parties find it in the best interests of both to amend the agreement to address c()mpcnsmion is.sues: now therefore, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVEN.>\:"trS BELOW. IT IS AGREEDA.$ FOLLOWS: 1. Section 8, Base Salary, of the Agreement entered September 8, 2004. as amended November 16. 2(\05, shull be amended by adding: D. EHective October 1. 2005, compensation shaH be d~tcrmined as l()Uows: In consideration of the setvicts to be performed by the Adminil>uator tOt the benefh (:;1 the BOCC and the County as contained elsewhere in this Agreement, the BOCC ..viII pay to the Adminis.trator.. tilt; sum of One Hundred Fifty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Three & 441100 Dollars f$152.553A4) per annum for the period O<:tober 1. 2005, through September 30,2006. Thereafter, the Administralor shalt re.ceive the same C()st-o.{-living and merit incre,lstS awarded to non-union County employees, unless ine parlks shaH, in wriling, amend this agreement tD effe-ct a different compensation. 2. All <)th~r pr(wisions. of the September 8. 2004 agreeme11l, as previously amended, nOt inconsisteut herewith. shan remain in full f()rce and dred. IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, the parties have he:reunlo set their hand:s and ~aL tile dav and v,;'.ar first wriuen abt:we, " . (SEAL) ATIEST: DANNy- L KOLHA{:lE. CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA 13-)': Mayor/Chairman Deputy Clerk COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Tht'}mas.L Willi.