Item Q5 BOA RD OF coe 1\'1'\' COM MISS 10" t: RS Acr~ DA ITE\l SITl\'1]\lARY \ feeting Dat~. f o;)-:H ~I,&f'J:, L~,~,2.QO~ ~Kl_,____ [)ivlsiorr C~),t,.mt) ,"\llO,mo: _ ,_,__ Bull--. h~nL Yl'~ r\o ~ [)(;panmen~: Co~tnl), .'\\l.PLU\j::, _ ___ S tail' Contact Pt'fson :;ill Siln G r.jmslc\, AGE'I),,-\ HE\l "ORDl:'llG: -\ l"pro\."a 1 w adn;:,rti~c '\ ot ice of Publi(; Hearing f(1f \1arcn ] 5 2006 re~aJ ding Slltict:' orI[]~(>Jltion 1O C onsictGf AdoptiuIl 0C Count) Ordinanc..: to cstahl i sh a Purcha se an.d Development Program fur the pun: lHl ~e of prnp~ri\/ f~)r {lffordable and emrkl,,'ce huu:-;iug and the development ur the plOpCn), HE \1 BA('Io.:GROt:\ f)~ The Hoard vi' C OUlltV (0111 mi ssioners of \,1 Oil roe (' Qunt\'. Florida_ hJ~ deTermi ne-d That a need exists - , \\,ilhin \'1cn] OC CUlJTlly f~H the p[u\lsiorl of ano!dahl~ hous.ing to pt'ople of moderate, middle or ki.s.er income The County de~irt::; [{) h.uve a number of mdhmls in place to incn~a~e the st uck of affordable wor"fi,)r.:-c hOllSillg, One method is. to pro\"idc fOI" the purchase of propeny by the ('ourn..- with a lease/back [0 ;j developer lli' ulher emilit.,s (ur de\'dopment or reJt'\'elopmem of propeIT'" JediC<lted ~o j1Ji.mhble ~lL emplD\-ee hUllSillg PREVIOLS nE.L.EY"\YI' BOCC A(TIO:\; On J,muJrv 1 ~_ ~[)nt~, tl1(' HQard approved a Rcql!c5-t for Proposals Jl1d ad\.C!1lSCmCnl ufan Rl'P for tllC op~tli tlg of scaled proposals w be recei ved ()Jl April 3_ ~OCt6 fur thi~ purpost', CON TR\CT/ AGREEM F:NT CH A N G ES; ,\,,-\ ST-\FF RECOM'lEl\DA TlO~S: A II T~nl\: lJ I. TOTAL COS1: TBD Bl; DGETEO: Ye-~ \: '\0 COST TO (OU\TY: TBD SOURCE OF HN I)S,:-.!nfraS{fllctur~ S&G.s.I~.x R~v~[1L.le ("',,04 ,hmd") and .olf.L~J .;\,'urfable Fumii.a_rgi_ Sllur~cs REVE~ U F 1~H:OOtTI['iG: 1'\.....-\ 'fes ~o ..\MOt"NT PER '10:\TH Yt'ln'~ TKU APPROVED In'; Cuunty. At~y ,.X O\1H....Pur::;:hilsing _, Risk. \1anag-eIlH;nl_, /": ,------/. ' -ltWi:.(:Ll-~-~~Llet t()l, JOliN R. COLLINS. COF~TY ATTOR~ ~y DIYISIO~ DlkfCTOR APPROVAL: noel' \'1 [t\TA'fIO": lndudcd ___ X 'ot R{'gui rcd DlSPOSlTIO~: ,'\G ["Di\. ITE!\l # Revised 1."11.~ ~OTI(,E OF I'iTE~TION TO CO'SIUER .-\I)OPTIO~ OF C()l.i~TY OIlP.t~\~CE l\OTICL JS HFRr.:!-~Y GIVEN TO \\"HOM IT MAY l'ONCl.J{\j That un Y.':fdncsda}. \1a.rth 1~,. 2006. at 3:00 P.'l. a( (he \larathoo (;on.rnmcnt Ccntrl". 2798 On'["St-31'l Highw..)', .\li1e i\'].H"-el' .17.5, .\fanutwn. l\..lnnrof' COUll I)'. florida. the iloard of County' C('lll1mi,,~iOl1eTS A I\1Dnme ("OUfLL!, flo['id~. intc-nds to ("onsider the adopTion of the follmvtng Count~' ordimmce: ..\1\ ORlll NA;'\jC~~ 01-' 'IH E I-JOAH,D OF COL~n' CO\IMISSIO:\ERS OF .'lO:\ROE CO[~TY. FLORIDA, PROVII)I:,\G tOR 'fHF: PVRCHASF: or PROPEI{TY TO BE DEVELOPED FOR THE EST.'\BLlSlt\IE;.tT Of :\lq'OIHlA,UU:: ;\~J) E.\U'LOYt:t: 110t!SI~G; PROVIDI~.G FOR THE FlfTIIRE DEYELOPML"iT Of St'CH f10l;SI!\G~ PROYlIl"G FOR SE\T R:\ HlLl'f'y: PROVIl)'-'i\,; FOR REPEAL OF I1\CONSISTE~T PROVISIONS; PROVIDI~G ...OR I~CORPOR\TIO~ IN Tin: "lONROf: COlTNTY COIJf:~ AND PRO\-IDI,,\(; .-\~ EFFECTIVE DATE. f'ur:-;mr.t to Sl:l,:tfClIl :,'V) 01 OS, Floridil Statutes. l10ti ce !~ given that if a p~7rS0r1 decided tc appeal allY deci ~iOll rni1d~~ by t f1c Board '0.\' it h fC':::.pCU lO an~ ma[tcr consLdercd at ~uch hearing:'. or mCding5, he will n(;l~d a record ~~f the proceedings, and lhat, ((X such pLJTpose. he may' need tu en:';ure that <J \'erhmim reL:md of the pml'e~~Eng:'. is ll1ud.;-. wh ich ~ec()rd include:,; The tesl Lrllony and C\'ldC'ncc UpOtl \\ hi ch t he app~~<tlls to b(" ba~cd C o;~ics of th~ above-referenced ordiILance are available 1(~r rev~ew at the \'~I.E-;OUS puhlic lihraries in \,1omue C ouIll \', F]u,ida f)ilkd a l Kc\ \\' e"L Flt'rid<.;, thi s 1 ,I dfl\' of h;bnH'l r\'. ::\)1,')(, DA:\'\;Y l. KOU LAGL_ Ckrk of the Cll'12uit C'durt ilnd e;<;, olr~cio Ckrk urth~ Board or COUl1~Y Commissioners nf\1onroe Conntv, 1;lodda i,Sf.AI,) -....;P1i~.~. ~,f I rl1crniQlj 10 (;:J[lsJd~r AJoplimL of Courm ()fd;n~lllcC' R.;:\' r J~U1 ~ I o~; M ~)'or Pro T em Mo rrsy Nelson OR DI '.A."(' E i\o. .2006 1\"\ ORDrNANCE OF THE HOARO or eOLyn' CO\-t\'1rSSIONERS OF 1\10.'-;ROL COl \TV, FLORIDA: PI{O\'lUI[~G FOR TilE PI !RUIASE OF PROf~~r\' TO BE nEYELOPED FOR THE ESTABUSUMEYI' OF AFFORDABLE ,-\\0 [:\U)LOYI::E HOl'SI\'C;; .~R()'t.'IUI~C ~'OH HIE FCH'RF. DEVELOP\-1E~T OF Sl'ell fK)t Sf NG; l~JH)V1!)1 NC FOH: SE VERA Rf[, ITY; PROVlJ)l'\G H}R REPEAL OF L'\:CO:\SISTF.NT PROVJS[O~S; pH.o\'ml~c FOR rNCORPORA TlO:"; J\ TH~ \IO'\Ror COC\TY CODE: l~J{O\HW'~C fOR A"i EFFECTI \'E nAlY \\'IiERL\S. th;,; H0;lrd of (o,mt~ ComnmsiurI";-b ~~f \.1<:mro.; C~)lm!\. FlL)rLtb Hh~ '.C~L!nr~ .') h;\s dd~'rnlLtlc,j tl1J.[ a IK~d eXLsts \\ Ithln \.lonnx Count: FJr lh..' prv\'ision (lr hou~lTl~~ .1n('~r(~ah k tl) p..'Op k' ni' rnmkrJ.I..-. L1llddk U]" ksser 111..'UL11(~ ~ll)d \\'1 I t:RE,\S. we C0t,aty J..';][LS W h;]~ e ... numb~.T of str~l1q~Le'.:> jf) plan.: w in.crc.l:>c lhc C)l1tl[., - s :--':<'L!--. l)! a1tllrd;lbic and ~mpi(J.\ ..'~ h,)usmg. J.J1d ror L~0~e \\ l10 <:Ire cmp lo~ ~'d or ~~.I f t'mpJcJ.' ~J. h')lL~jng u'mmun I., knm\ 11 as \\ o]"lf0r~'.., hm.lsH1g. ;mJ \\ H lHJ:.:\S_ ,1ll': ~uch strategy tS tel prm lde fur [10..: pu rch.J~~' J.nd den.:-Iapm..'nl LJr rc:-d~'\ ch)I'rTl~'flr df prupc:rT~ k) ptL)\ jd:;: s:.ch ;)Ilordahl;:, ~'mpk,\c:~', f\f \\orkt('trCl' h\)lIsiflg, NOW, T1IFREFORE. BE IT OROAI.\rn llY Tl'll BOAl-W OF COLSfS CO\1-'lISSl0\ERS OF '10~ROE CO(:....T\', FLORID:\, d~ k,lli'\\S ~ECTJO\ 1. Th..;- C:llllTll~ f-t...:reb:- I.:stablisbl.:s tOT tk pLLrpO,~'.:S uf 1L1cr~;]smg the ,1\,.:1ibhlc:- ~lo~~k or atTorl,bbk J.Tld Cll.ljJ k.'y-..:-t,;- hUllSj.nl.~ the program d..:scrib..:d in tillS Ordlna.L1C~ (the --PLLI .:ha....,: ~lflll D.:\ :11.~pr.l~n[ Progr;lm'"l. SI'~CTlO\ 2. UTlJ..;r lhl~ hi rChllSi.: ;]nJ Ue>'clopmcnt [)rograrrL the Cnunh ll1a\ purcha,.;c from :lm' \\'i !ling kJ,.nJLJ\\ Tlcr propo.:rty local~~d in th~~ ('oLLnh J.nd ck<.:mcd dC."lrJ.ht~ b~ the C GUnly t~Jr the futll r~' de ~...: k'prncut u1' :.itTOI'J;1b k \'f' .:mpk)\',:" h(lmmg at J pn..:.: of not mar,' tl1a:! I':"~"~;, ,)f the ::ippr~b('d \ J.luc; uJ' ~::LLd pr<"pc:rt: -h:1 c.:'Hldi[;(~;~ :;,~ ~u.~h ~ak. th..' COLLLlt\ mo.\ .:nkf HltO an J.gl.c~'menL ac;.;cptabk 10 Ilw C'(lUrl!\, \\ h~r ~h~ thl: ~L'llmg landown~r or another umL~ s.:::k:C[(;d b., .'>lIch Janduwn.:, kases rh(; prop~'r1\ bac~ lmm lhe ('{)unt~ fnr the Uc\ dClpmellt b~ sHeh lal1lI,n\"ncT or u1her .;nlil~ l,r ~dl(l,~bhk (Ir L'nll'ln) L'C lWLL;;Lll::;; W be J,1Cald on slLch site', PLlr~uant tn s~mt agn.:....'lllcllL lhc bllJ ~klH U~: (l\\fll:d by t!k; (\)ntl1: but tll..: JmjHO\','nKnb ma) b,' :ca.S,'U to ~~ pri \ ale cntrt~ or inui \ idll;L1 f,}[ u1 rh,'.;illOrl ,l~ fL'nL:.! h\:L1.~1 n~ or [CJ.~dwld mtl'rl'sg ~0jd t,) pri ....at~ ...:ntIHef:. Of IlldL\ Jdual" as singk bmi 1:-; l1()u~i n~', SEeTIO.' 1. I tl ~HiJiti~.m III ~Hf\ ;lgTL:i;fll<.:rH ';lHl,,:n,:d imo h: [Ill' (' l)IHll\ IIJr The de\ dnpm~nt l~(' J.ff0rdal:d," or L'mp lo\'i,x hOll,;i rig ~ls J~scribo.:d ill Sed i(\[] 2 ,')bo\ i.:. Ihc C ,1lJ Ilt.\ sh:J It ~iL, dC'p ~,\ rcs,)IUllULl prL.Jccdu res W Lmp km,'ru l h" f}iJ rr.;ha:;.: ;l:~d D~\ <.: lllPfll<.:[1l PT(l~~r ;U11 1 ~'r fll:-,. ui" rhi:; Ofdlllanc~_ mdlldmg (I' JJl appltcalion pn~"xss ,\ f-t~rd1\ a prupcny O\\n~T ]11a> appl: rl1T c0n~Jdcl"J.tJL)n b., tl1~ (ou tl0 10r pLll'chase and dCh'lopnlcnl und....T ll1,' I'u rcha~e ~tLlJ Lk~ dopmc1l1 ProgrJltL U L) ~l tH,'L'flJ.n;:;m for pronuing r~~uon']Dle pll b 11,' nut L("(; uf th~' dppurtunll~ to partLt:'Ij1alC III the' PL1TCh~lSl' and Dc, elupmcrlt Prugram: i i ri} tk crikrl<l by \"hieh proJccts \\ ill be a..:ccph:d for lh,' f>]lTchase and lkh: 10pm~'l1t J'r0granl. (I \) nl~mH()rmg. c~f Il1C0me ;:I LgIIl Itl~ J.nd illlpl~~lllcnl:lt Inn of rCllj;ll ral(; and plI reb~lse pnc..; res1rJet Ions for unHS at the propet1~, (~) [il11L'lirw~ ['.iT '-I hc:fl ~h..: kJSc' (1f~lCqll1Td ~1rup..;ny -Il ould C(mm~Clh''';. (\ 1) r.;st~'lctL~)ns un lh~ ahillty ,~I' ,lfl i IHhviult;d plLrcha~er 01';[ I..:.a~chuld int.:r~'sl in ~uch prorCr1~ tG s...:1 t hJS or hCI" Inlc-f..::st: t \ JJ) rfl~ I mp 1(~l1h~nlatjl1fl of ;lJmirnsl Talton feu; f('lr 111l; C1ngolng opcrJ.lion and monitorlilg of. solid pr ,'j-':C:T, :HI~l (\ i i i) ~lh'; h O[ h..;r PW\ lS,C'llS a;; \\ ill fu rth,'f ~hc rW\ lSL0n (~f ;}jt',)l"jilh:~' 2nd cmrk,\ c-.: h(lLl,...irl~ tll tlw COlllll\', S FCnON 4_ hH plJ fJX)~C~ h;,;r~of "J.tll1r{tabk !llHISLng" alld --(lUpin) ~~ hOLJ:'.Htg.' shall hah' tho~c m:":~llllng:..:. ~l-', ddlll<,;d unuer Ill,,' curfcnl Chaptcr 9,:- of the Monroe Cuunr, (\,Hk (,Ii' OrUIIlJ.lh:,'S. <"'r CllJ.ptcr 'i.5o J, ,HTl~l'ih.:d, ur ~Hn ~W"C';~~OL ~lmCtlJl'u or adJJl:0na[ dctiititJ(ltl~ dl ~'hapkrs orth~ \lonml: ('oIJm~ C,)dl.: S[(~.no.\ :-. 1 ran) sl:Lti()[I, ,~iJb~~~:[ iUrI_ s~~nl.:m~.,;. clm,s.: or pre, bLnn or lhj~ (" Jin;UICi." i~ h<:ld lnvJ.lid. ~he rcmatEldcr nf.rJw.. ,1[liirlim,..; ~h,lll nOl b,~ <.ltlcded b,' such Ilh'aljdjt\ . . SlCTlO.' 6. All mdjnancl:" or p:.ns. of urd t[lJ.ll~','S ill contlJCl \\ Ith tlllS nrdiru 11<;0 :n~: h~;','h\ rl'p_\l klll~' dl"; c'"t~'nt l'( SJ.J(~ ..:()t~illct SECT I ON 7. ilk' pro\lsions of lhi~ llrltill~lnl~. sktl! b~ indud(.:d ,uld Incorpmakd Hl 1 he Code.: 0 i' (hd]]UIlC~',~ elf !h~' Cau [1[\ of r\"lonroc_ FloriJ~L ,l~ an aJdi~ ion pr ;llTl~'lldllteTl~ [h{:'{Lw, J..J1U J i' ,L~'L~'sS.1r' .:,hi.:ln ;k' appJ'GprLJ.tcl_, fd1LLIll~xrcd t-Jo ,-'ULlform 10 1f,.,; l11nr~lr:~, Il:,:'ILb...:rirb! ~\ ~lL'rn L)t" t1<':: c.xk. Sl::C II O:\~. 'I-his llrJiTWH,.:~ ~bll ~<l k' ...:fkLt iTTlm..:(ha[~ 1 \ UpOJl [;XL'LPI M lJ1Jk JJ.l Iwt I~'~' from till' Offkc uf th..: S...:-crctar\' of' Sl,H~ ot' lh~~ St<l~~ ot- f-kll'ida. that thi_~ ord inatlc~ has hC:Lrl ti l~d ,,\ llh ~~1I d on"I,-'''': P..\SSED ANn ADOPTEU b\' the HOJrd OfClllll1l\' COl1lmi~sioni,;T;::' of \1 0 nrot.: Counl", Flortd;l.;H - - ;1 r~gu l.lr IlK::t Ing ui' ~':lld f30afJ hdd ~1[] ~hc d~\ uf \ l~t\ f,lr CL~Lr~~'~ -'S~'n r1\ '" \ feeD\ \lJ.\ l)r Pm Tl'tn \1Uff:l\ :'\d~Gn " - r (HI L111i~~ i~'lh.'r (i':llf'L!e "<(.:IH!~II[ ...) -- C LHllllliSsii)W;r I),l\'id Rin; C On1JnlSS;0n,-T lll.\]~' \1, SpdlJ.r (SL\U AII...:S[ D\ \" 'I' I. "'OU'L\Gr.. {krk BO,-\RD 01: COl'NT'I' {,O\'I\lISSI()~t::KS OF \to\'ROL cOt STY, FLORID-\ Lh H,: Ucput_\ Ck,j.. M~lnlr . .~I......!. ~ - ..:..: ".. . <~l:~R~~ t ~t~~,'~,_-: : ' : ':~.~;. :-'. i !;.. C'Lr~;, ~ erG