Item P3 HOARD Of COllNTY CO~lMI SSIO~ERS ACENDA ITEM SU\i1\lARY M~~ti ng l)..Jtt; 2...1):(J(l Division:_ -.S_~~~llI~ty i\d.lJ1.tnistrator Bulk I tcm: '(~'~ . --')..__ r\ \) DcpartlTIl;nt: Cuunr \ Admin'>1rillOr Staff C~lrI' ~lct Person: Dd, B<Jr~l' II , ..\G E1\D...\ ITE.\I WORD[~G: ...\ppro\'~1 to amend ~ 12wmunth (fmsuJling agreemem with Langton A:sso{i..}(e~. Inc., f~lr proressionnl gram con:su][ing s.enJres from l'mnmcncing on Dt\:crnbcr l. 2005. and e-ndinp, on !\oHmhrr 30, .2006. to commrn,,:in~ on FcbrU3r)" 1.1006, and ending on JilllulIry ."\ 1. 2007. ITEl\.l BACKC;J{OUND: This amendment. ",ill coincjde with the actual initiation l}f work undcl" this a~ret'mt'nt with Langton .-\s~{lriatcs+ Thc agreement pr()\"id(~~ For equal mnnthl)' pa,rments. during the 12.month lerm. Am~nding the '.:iHnmtnCemt'llt and end <<ates to rl:ni;d aaual initiation of ~ ork Und(T the agretment is to cht County financial htndlL PREVlors RJ::LE\"A~T BOCC ACTIQl'Ii: AppnHal of (omulting agrccmcJl[ on ll/16/0Sj apprm'ul of the- wHi nr of' purcba~ing polk)" on 12/21/05. CONTR..\(T...AGREF.\"E~T CI-L\~GES: ThIs amendmtnt changes onJ)' the 12-mo"t tU11l of the agrefmi'nt t'rnm f)e-.:embcr 1. 2005. ~nd endjng on ~o\'cmbcr 30. 2006, to wmmendng on February I, 2UU6. and ending On JalluarJ 31, 2007. STAFF RECOM\lEND..\ TIO~S: Apprm'al TOTAL COST:___ Sh\l)lOO BUDGETED: Yt:-. X No COST TO COCl\TY: S(l'1.1)OO SOllRCE OF FlJ:'\lf}S: REVENUE PROnUCIl\(;: Y..:.:s X No AI'\lOll~T PER l\.10~TH TU]) Year ..\PPH,OVElJ BY: COLLJlty Any ---'-~ 0\1 BiPurc!lasing ~ Ri.:;k r....1alldgcrnl'n~ x_ lHVJSlO~ DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Tlwma<; J. \\/ill i DO(TML\T...\ 1'101\: InduJed X J'\ot Rtquir<.'d__._ DISPOSITION: AGE~UA ITE~J # k~\'i,,~d : 05 \10r\ROE COU:-.1TY BOARD OF cou~n: CO:\-1MlSSlO.'JERS CO~TRA(T SU\1[\'lARY C OUlnlct with: Langl~ln A:-;sDdales Inc. Contrad # Fffectivc Dale: Expiration Date ~ :\overnber In. 2005 I\ ovcmhl~r 30, ~(HJ6 C omt J.ct Pl~rpos(';Dc<;criplioll: LmgtofJ. ~~~.~.~~.iatc~'iIl provide proks:'iional grallt consulting scrv!cc~.(.o}.1uml)c COill),~.: .:~p'~c:it~~5e C\' iCC~.JQ..l~l:...QVrqrmcJ .iIL(] udc i !:dffilh nl'.c.J5 -,Js'ic<;,smc ~~~,-qpqtplnat lun ~f T~}cv<:nl funding sourcccs. preparation dnd ;;;l.lIllisslun of gram Bppl ications, t<:~]U_l~Cl] d"SSlSlctlK'l' un grdnl "dn]iJliqr~LlE()H. pc r<..onalized grant rt:<..eardt ~md ccmsu Itation. 21nd intcrgovcrnmcnt<:l] rclations with Fc-Jcral and State governmcnts. The ...-hang.c is tCI conform tll<:' cOlltract JOi.:Un1l'nl:-. [,) a lallOT sl (In d(ll ~. -. ----. -.------ -- COntL<1ct \LHl~1~L r: D~b Bar:-.e l! [Kame) ..J4..J..9 -. - -- - {Ex t.) .- -- ---....--- (Deparl mcJll....Stup #- ) for JiOee mcctin~ on 2,:15.nn Agenda Dt.:<ldli nt: J.. 31....( j() CO:-ITRACT COSTS Tow! Dnll,n V,dLLl~ of Contract: 5 W.ODn Ctltrcm Yc~u Portion: S ..\.6.000 Budge led'J Ye"lSj 1\ u n A{,;CO'liii't -(~-odes:-- 'lNJ 1 U 1.53031 U- _ _ _ GraHl: S . ----- Counly \1atch: S i\DDITIONAL COSTS E:'-timah.'J Ong(ling COS1~< S_:~"; For:. _ . ._ U....;lll L"dIIJ~d in ill ,lIM \"iLl(L~ "b"., ~) (ql,. ilBir,l~rt<:lr.l"':. L.lli]ili~'" .iimil,'ri.JL ~dLlric~. c'k.) CONTRACT RF.VlEW DIYislol1 Director ChctIlges 1 ),ll e In I\ c.:-dcd Ye<;O NoD Date Ou t Re.\'i~weT . " Risk \b nL~g~mi:nt (~. . "~ ': J.' Y<:~D ~oD . .~. ..r! . ~ .. O. r...1.B.. "Purd~sillg Y ..:sD ~\JD County Atlorn~y ~ / / t. y {;sD 1\ 00 . ;;~ I j~ . """) .i .:.' f". ~~~:1f. Comments: O\f K E ,r:1: R" ~ i,<-\~ ~ :::7 (1 j \1CP o't2 TfHS ADDJ:::">JLJL.;J\1 ]~ ~nt.;re{1 ml~l ,ms [.)In UdY Ul n:L.IJllU!J. _ULJv. .......H.. H"_ 0........ . COllJny 13n<U'd ot County Commissiollcrs (C1i~nn and LanghHL A':;StKiatl's. lnc.. (LanglOn). WHEREAS, OIl NOlicmber 1(l, 2005. till: p;.uties enttred inlo :-1 one-year agrcemcH[ fdf pwfcssinmt g.r~m ((}n<;ulli ng SCfV ices ror a tl'rm of 12 mom h~< ,-l!ld WH ER EAS. l.angrnn ha... reL[ l.t~Sled a change In the c(Jmmc nccmcnt dat.; to h;brul-lry 1. 200n. with :-1[, end d:H~ u r J ~-H1IJary 31. 2llU7. [0 correspond "".i t h [11,-' ;J([ Lla] pm\' isioll of consllll ing services: 11(1\\, the r~~ fure lr-,' CO:\SlDLRATlO:\ of th.;: !mltllal promi:>c5 l'omained h~r~in. lhL" rar1i,-'<' hCfl'by agree i.1S follllWS: 1, Scl'tton 1 M thc agr~c me ll1 datcd ;\ o\cmbct 16. 2005. "Shall b(: dIlle l1lied to read: L I JJng1ClJl agn~t: s I () prmi dt prof ~s')i{)nal (,:llnsul! ing s~,vic:.:~s [0 C I ienl fur l he tnTn of 1 ~ mOIlth.... Comme ncing Fehruary 1, 2(lU(J, and ending J ,muary 3], 2007. I.il ng,l on ,lgreC'~ lO c,\L'fcist' i ls ne'il dfor!'i 10 obtain governmentaJ grants <:\I1d benefil'i for Client. It is lmdcrstood. hll\\"~H:r. that Langton cannot gu Mantce rC"S iJlts than dny ccnain amount of fu nds will be obtjjincu for Client. 2, Thl' l'l'Illai [ling terms or lhe AgrC{;!l1l'Ilt cnlocd NOVl'mbn I ti, 20[15. nor inconsl-;te nt h<::c:wilh. ,hill] Je:: rlHli ~l in t"ull f()r<..:~ <lIld effecL I~ WTTl\ESS WH FRFOF. Ihe ranies have nm<.;ed thest' rrcscnt~ t~~ hl' Gxccutd in tb.:ir re:-.peCl L \'~ name;,;. UOARD OJ-" C:OL'[,(TY COMMISSIOJ\ERS (W r....l0~ROE COU,TY. FLORIDA AlkSl. D"-\~!\Y 1.. KOLHACF. CLERK By: By: ~layor Chad<-:., Mcl\lY D~ pl~ty Ck rt ,\:~~S~ : lh: B~ : S""'.:J I.::i.l:-:"" P r~'>-i den t DR \...."["l"\"FSS FS: ~~':~'<.> ."~'.";.' ~ - .. .'. '0//1,=' .. r'" - .. . -1/ i .... '-~r'.~./I.. ~....i(">;.I/ I.'~~ /0. ._ .--::::; 07....:;.)\:". :~. ~ I J .~~.I . noL. . '. /: ".r'.'.- :.... I i..- ../.... .t...__. , . ;-. -. i :; -:~ .