Item Q3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: March 15. 2006 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes~ No~ Department: Planning and Environmental Resources Staff Contact Person: Aref Joulani AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing to consider an ordinance to amend Section 9.5-22 of the Land Development Regulations regarding the terms and selection of appointed Planning Commissioners, limiting the terms of vacancy, expanding the field of qualified candidates and their geographic locations, as well as a deletion of term limitations. ITEM BACKGROUND: This item was heard at the Development Review Committee meeting on January 10, 2006 in Marathon and the Planning Commission hearings held on January 25, 2006 in Key Largo and February 8, 2006 in Marathon. At both meetings the Commission recommended changes to the Ordinance. All proposed changes approved by the Commission are highlighted in underlined and struck through and included in the BOCC Ordinance (Option 1) and Staff Report. In summary, the changes included the following: removal of the change in terms, adding that the qualified candidates shall have experience, removal of uniform term dates, and requesting that three consecutive as opposed to regular meeting would call for removal. In addition, the removal for just cause approved by an affirmative vote of at least three members of the commission was added back into the Ordinance. The original Ordinance as proposed by Commissioner Dixie Spehar, with no changes is also included as BOCC Ordinance (Option 11). PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: None. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANG ES: N! A STAFF RECOMM ENDA nONS: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes _No _NiA COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: NiA REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes i'J!A No AMOUNT PER MONTH N! A Year APPROVED BY: County Attorney OMB!Purchasing ~ Risk Management [)IVISION [)IRECTOR APPROV AL: /~ \ ~ <!A474~~ / Ronda No man, Acting Division Director DOCUMENTATION: Included ~ Not Requiredw [)ISPOSIT10N: AGENDA ITEM # MONROE COUNTY CODE LAND DEVELOPl\<lENT REGULATIONS AMENDl'VIENT SECTION 9.5-22 PLANNING COl\tJMISSION BOARD OF COUNTY COMl\<lISSIONERS MARATHON MARCH 15, 2006 ~IONROE COUNTY CODE LAND DEVELOP~IENT REGULATIONS AMENn~IENT SECTION 9.5-22 PLANNING CO~Il\tISSION A REQUEST BY MONROE COUNTY PLANNING AND ENVIRONl\IENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT TO AMEND SECTION 9.5-22 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS CONCERNING QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEJ\rIBERSHIP, APPOINTMENT, REMOVAL, TERJ\rIS, VACANCIES, QUORUM AND VOTING OF THE PLANNING COl\rlMISSION. RECO~IMENDA TIONS Staff: Approval DRC: Approval PC: Approval January 6, 2006 January 10,2006 February 8, 2006 Staff Report Resolution # -06 Resolution #P -06 2 BOCC ORDINANCE OPTION I (WITH CHANGES HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW, UNDERLINED AND STRUCK-THROUGH AS PROPOSED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION) 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.5 ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS" BY AMENDING SECTION 9.5-22; PROVIDINC TH~A~T THE TERM OF E.A...CH PLA...NNINC COMMISSION MEMBER IN OFFICE DECEMBER 31, 2005 SHALL EXPIRE DECEMBER 31 OF THE YE.4...R IN \VIIICH THE MEMBER'S TERM EXPIRES; ESTABLISHING THAT AFTER JANUARY 1, 2006, VACANCIES SHALL BE FILLED BY NOMINATION BY THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DISTRICT WHO MADE THE APPOINTMENT FOR THE CURRENT VACANT POSITION; REQUIRING APPROVAL BY A VOTE OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION; PROVIDING NEW EFFECTIVE DA TES FOR APPOINTMENTS; ALLOWING CANDIDATES WITH EXPERIENCE FROM THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY AND OTHER LOCAL INDUSTRY; PROVIDING FOR NOMINATION BY THE MAYOR UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PR()VIDING FOR UNIFORi'\i TERI\f R\TES; ALLOWING REMOVAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSIONER ONLY BY VOTE OF AT LEAST THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION; ESTABLISHING THAT PLANNING COMMISSIONERS SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; ELIMINATING TERIVl LIMITS; PROVIDING FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY: Section 1. Findings by the Board of County Commissioners. A. The current ordinance on appointments to the Planning Commission gives more control over the appointments to the person who is the mayor than to the individual commissioners. B. Three of the appointments are currently made in September or October prior to or daring election time in even years. T'.'lo appointments are made a )'8ar after an election in odd years. All appointments are for a te-nn of two years. C. "A, fall appointment date for the members of the planning commission may lead to a "lame duck" appointment by a county commissioner who is not running for office or to an appointment fur political reasons to further an incumbent's election prospects, and theref{)re a date for appointments after No';ember of each year is more representati','6 of the political desires of the electorate. 4 P-B. It is difficult to find a number of planning commission candidates who meet the current selection criteda of expertise only in environmental fields, development and planning. Allowing persons who represent the diverse, local, business community to serve on the planning commission will add other qualified persons to the candidate pool. e-c. A planning commissioner may be removed for cause by a majority of the Board of County Commissioners, allowing two members of a three member quorum to remove a member of the planning commission, when by procedures adopted by the county commission a vote of at least three of the members of the county commission is required to appoint a member of the planning commlSSlOn. F D. At present there is a term limit of three (3) consecutive terms for each planning commissioner. This does not serve the public's interest in retaining those persons who are diligent in their duties and have an expertise with the procedures and history of the planning commission if they so desire to serve. g E. Termination of a member of the planning commission is only for cause, parenthetically listed as three consecutive absences in a three month pedod, allowing for no excusable absences. There may be occasions when it is desirable to keep the current member if there are extenuating circumstances. g F. The only other provision for termination of a planning commissioner's tenn is a mandatory tennination by reason of a conviction of a felony or offense of moral turpitude or not being a qualified elector of Monroe County. I G. It is in the best interests of the public that members of the planning commission serve at the pleasure of the county commission. J. The fi',"€! members on the Planning Commission with the district ofth6 co:mm.issioner appointing them oodterm expiration dates are as indioated belo\v: 1. District 1 2. Distriot2 3. Distriot 3 4. District 4 5. District 5 James D. Cameron Term Empires geptember 1, 2006 Miohelle C. Deal,Esq. Term expires November 15, 2007 Julio Margalli, Esq. Term expires October 16, 2006 Lynn Mapes Term expires geptember 20, 2007 Randy Wall Term expires geptember 1, 2006 K. The dates of the terms of each planning commissioner are different. Uniform, although staggered, terms 'Nould be of benefit to the publio and to those responsible for the appointment of each oommissione!". b- H. The absence of a planning commissioner for lack of an appointment is not in the public interest and leads to stalled projects, land development regulations and other growth management issues if there is a tie vote or lack of quorum. Retaining the planning commissioner whose term has expired until the vacancy is filled will insure the presence of a quorum and help to prevent tie votes. Assudng the vacancy will be filled by the mayor if a County commissioner does not put forth a candidate within 60 days will insure that a vacancy does not persist. 5 M L Since the inception of the Planning Board, the mayor and commissioners have individually nominated candidates for the planning commission and voted for or against the person nominated. The procedure for appointment by the mayor with the advice and consent of the commission that is prescribed in the cutTent ordinance has not been followed. The procedure that is followed is a fair procedure and the ordinance should reflect the actual procedure used by the board of county commISSIOners. Section 2. Sec. 9.5-22 is hereby amended to read as foIlows*: Sec. 9.5-22. Planning commission. * * * * * (d) Membership: Appointment, Removal, Terms, and Vacancies: (1) The planning commission shall be composed of five (5) members:., 10 be appointed by the mayor v,'ith the adyie6 and consent of the board of county commissioners. Each member of the board of county commissioners shall submit a name of a candidate to the mayor. Those persons holding a seat on the planning commission on December 31. 2005, ~ remain in office until December 31 of the y-ear in which their term expires. ~A..ftsr January L 2006, whet} the terms of the members of the planninJ2: connnission expire or are vacant, the Vacancies shall be filled by the county commission member for the district who made the previous appointment for the vacant seat. Vaaancies for District 1. District 3 and District 5 shall be made effective January 1 of odd numbered '.'ears. District 2 and District 4 vacancies shall be made effectiveJa.n-uttry 1 of the &ven years. The county commissioner shall nominate a person qualified as provided in paragraph (c) above to be approved by the board of county commissioners by a vote of at least three (3) members. Members shall be chosen from electors With experience in the areas of planning, environmental sciencc, the business community, aM the development industry, and other Keys local industries. *(Coding: Additional language is underlined; deleted language is stricken through.) together with t Ihe geographical representation of the Keys shall be considered, but not required when making appointments to the planning commission, If no candidate is put forth for approval by the county commissioner member for the district within prior to sixty days of expiration of the respective planning commissioner's term, the mayor shall submit a candidate for approval by the board of county commissioners. After January 1, 2006. the terms of all new members of the plannin.e: commission shall run from January 1 to December 31 for two v-eurs. If a planning commissioner's term expires on December 31 of any "\-<ear, the plar~ing commissioner shallrem.ain in office until his or her fe appointment Of a new aa:pointment is ratified by the Board of County Commissioners. If an appointment is made and takes eff-ect later than Januar,t 1 of any vear, accepting and filling SNch an appointment shall constitute the filling of a t\yo year term 'l:hich trads December 31 in the normal year of termination. (2)Mcmbers may be remoyed for cause prior to the expiration of their appointment shall serve at the pleasure of the county commission and may be removed for cause prior to the expiration of their appointment and such removal shan be approved by the affirmative vote of at least three (3) 6 members maJonty vote of the board of county commissioners.:-und shall be compensated as determined by the board of county commissioners. [See Sec. 2 6.] (3) All members shall serve a term of two (2) years and there shall be no term limit. however each member shall be reappointed. All membefG shall serve a term of t\\'o (20 years except that t,,\,o (2) members shall be appointed for an initial term of one (I) year. No member shall serve more thun thr66 (3) consecutive terms. Planning commission members shall be compensated as determined by the board of countv commissioners. * * * * * (6) If any member of the commission shall fail to attend three (3) regular consecutive meetings without prior notice and an excuse sufficient to the planning commission within any three month period, such failure shall constitute sufficient grounds for termination of the member's appointment. The commission coordinator shall notify the chairman or the vice-chairman, as the case may be, and he/she shall immediately file a notification of such nonattendance with the county administrator for placement on the agenda of the board of county commissioners; and the board shall, by appropriate action, terminate the appointment of such person and fill the vacancy thereby created as soon as practicable. A member who desires to be excused shall contact the commission coordinator prior to the meeting. The commission coordinator shall report the request to the chairman who shall make the determination to grant or deny the request. Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 5. The provisions ofthi8 ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office and upon approval by the Department of Community Affairs of the State of Florida according to the terms of the approvaL 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the day of , 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Murray Nelson Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David Rice Commissioner Dixie Spehar (SEAL) Attest: DANNY LKOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By.mm__m._m.___.__ Deputy Clerk Mayor 9 9 BOCC ORDINANCE (AS SPONSORED BY COlVIMISSIONER SPEHAR) OPTION II (WITHOUT CHANGES BY THE PLANNING COMlVHSSION) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.5 ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS" BY AMENDING SECTION 9.5-22; PROVIDING THAT THE TERM OF EACH PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER IN OFFICE DECEMBER 31, 2005 SHALL EXPIRE DECEMBER 31 OF THE YEAR IN 'VHICH THE MEMBER'S TERl\1 EXPIRES; ESTABLISHING THAT AFTER JANUARY 1, 2006, VACANCIES SHALL BE FILLED BY NOMINATION BY THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DISTRICT WHO MADE THE APPOINTMENT FOR THE CURRENT VACANT POSITION; REQUIRING APPROVAL BY A VOTE OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION; PROVIDING NEW EFFECTIVE DA TESFOR APPOINTMENTS; ALLOWING CANDIDATES FROM THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY AND OTHER LOCAL INDUSTRY; PROVIDING FOR NOMINATION BY THE MAYOR UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR UNIFORM TERM DATES; ALLOWING REMOVAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSIONER ONLY BY VOTE OF AT LEAST THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION; ESTABLISHING THAT PLANNING COMMISSIONERS SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; ELIMINATING TER\-1 LIMITS; PROVIDING FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF ST ATE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY: Section 1. Findings by the Board of County Commissioners. A. The current ordinance on appointments to the Planning Commission gives more control over the appointments to the person who is the mayor than to the individual commissioners. B. Three of the appointments are currently made in September or October prior to or during election time in even years. Two appointments are made a year after an election in odd years. All appointments are for a term of two years. C. A fall appointment date for the members of the planning commission may lead to a "lame duck" appointment by a county commissioner who is not running for office or to an appointment for political reasons to further an incumbent's election prospects, and therefore a date for appointments after November of each year is more representative of the political desires of the electorate. 11 D. It is difficult to find a number of planning commission candidates who meet the current selection criteria of expertise only in environmental fields, development and planning. Allowing persons who represent the diverse, local, business community to serve on the planning commission will add other qualified persons to the candidate pool. E. A planning commissioner may be removed for cause by a majority of the Board of County Commissioners, allowing two members of a three member quorum to remove a member of the planning commission, when by procedures adopted by the county commission a vote of at least three of the members of the county commission is required to appoint a member of the planning commlSSlOn. F. At present there is a term limit of three (3) consecutive terms for each planning commissioner. This does not serve the public's interest in retaining those persons who are diligent in their duties and have an expertise with the procedures and history of the planning commission if they so desire to serve. G. Termination of a member of the planning commission is only for cause, parenthetically listed as three absences in a three month period, allowing for no excusable absences. There may be occasions when it is desirable to keep the current member if there are extenuating circumstances. H. The only other provision for termination of a planning commissioner's term is a mandatory termination by reason of a conviction of a felony or offense of moral turpitude or not being a qualified elector of Monroe County. 1. It is in the best interests of the public that members of the planning commission serve at the pleasure of the county commission. J. The five members on the Planning Commission with the district of the commissioner appointing them and term expiration dates are as indicated below: I. District I 2. District 2 3. District 3 4. District 4 5. District 5 James D. Cameron Tern1 expires September 1, 2006 Michelle C. Deal,Esq. Term expires November 15, 2007 Julio Margalli, Esq. Term expires October 16, 2006 Lynn Mapes Term expires September 20,2007 Randy Wall T em1 expires September I, 2006 K. The dates of the tenns of each planning commissioner are different. Uniform, although staggered, terms would be of benefit to the public and to those responsible for the appointment of each commissioner. L. The absence of a planning commissioner for lack of an appointment is not in the public interest and leads to stalled projects, land development regulations and other growth management issues if there is a tie vote or lack of quorum. Retaining the planning commissioner whose term has expired until the vacancy is filled will insure the presence of a quorum and help to prevent tie votes. Assuring the vacancy will be filled by the mayor if a County commissioner does not put forth a candidate within 60 days will insure that a vacancy does not persist. 12 M. Since the inception of the Planning Board, the mayor and commissioners have individually nominated candidates for the planning commission and voted for or against the person nominated. The procedure for appointment by the mayor with the advice and consent of the commission that is prescribed in the current ordinance has not been followed. The procedure that is followed is a fair procedure and the ordinance should reflect the actual procedure used by the board of county commISSiOners. Section 2. Sec. 9.5-22 is hereby amended to read as follows*: Sec. 9.5-22. Planning commission. * * * * * (d) l'vfembership: Appointment. Removal, Tenns, and Vacancies: (1) The planning commission shall be composed offive (5) members:., 10 be appointed by the mayor '.vith the ad'.'ice and consent of tho board of county commissione-rs. Each member of the board of oounty commissioners shall submit a name of a candidate to the mayor. Those persons holding a seat on the planning commission on December 31, 2005, shall remain in office until December 31 of the year in which their term expires. After January 1, 2006, when the terms of the members of the planning commission expire or are vacant, the vacancies shall be filled by the county commission member for the district who made the previous appointment for the vacant seat. Vacancies for District 1, District 3 and District 5 shall be made effective January 1 of odd numbered years. District 2 and District 4 vacancies shall be made effective January 1 of the even years. The county commissioner shall nominate a person qualified as provided in paragraph (c) above to be approved by the board of county commissioners by a vote of at least three (3) members. Members shall be chosen from the areas of planning, environmental science, the business community, afl4 the development industry, and other Kevs local industries. *(Coding: Additional language is underlined; deleted language is stricken through.) together ,;\'itl1 t The geographical representation of the Keys shall be considered, but not required when making appointments to the planning commission. If no candidate is Put forth for approval by the county commissioner within sixty days of expiration of the respective planning commissioner's term, the mayor shall submit a candidate for approval by the board of county commissioners. After January 1, 2006, the terms of all new members of the planning commission shall run from January 1 to December 31 for two years. If a planning commissioner's term expires on December 31 of any year. the planning commissioner shall remain in office until his or her re-appointment or a new appointment is ratified by the Board of County Commissioners. If an appointment is made and takes effect later than January 1 of any vear, accepting and filling such an appointment shall constitute the filling of a two year term which ends December 31 in the nonnal year of termination. (2)Members may be removed for cause prior to the expiration of their appointment shall serve at the pleasure of the county commission and may be removed by the affim1ative vote of at least three (3) members majority yote of the board of county commissioners.:......und shall be compensated as determined by the board of county commissioners. [See Sec. 2 6.] 13 (3) All members shall serve a term oft,."",o (2) years except that t\'/o (2) members shall be appointed for an initial term of one (1) year. No member shall scrve more than three (3) consecutive tenns. Planning commission members shall be compensated as detenuined bv the board of county commISSIoners. * * * * * (6) If any member of the commission shall fail to attend three (3) regular meetings without prior notice and an excuse sufficient to the planning commission within any three month period, such failure shall constitute sufficient grounds for termination of the member's appointment. The chairman or the vice-chairman, as the case may be, shall immediately file a notification of such nonattendance with the county administrator for placement on the agenda of the board of county commissioners; and the board shall, by appropriate action, terminate the appointment of such person and fill the vacancy thereby created as soon as practicable. Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 5. The provisions of this ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office and upon approval by the Department of Community Affairs of the State of Florida according to the tenus of the approvaL PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the day of _.mm_....._'......~, ~.' Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Murray Nelson Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David Rice Commissioner Dixie Spehar (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk Mayor By By_.., ]4 Bacc STAFF REPORT (\VITH CHANGES HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW, UNDERLINED AND STRUCK-THROUGH AS PROPOSED BY THE PLANNING COMI\-IISSION) 15 MEMORANDUM To: Board of County Commissioners From: Susan Grimsley, Asst. County Attorney and Heather Beckmann, Senior Planner Re: Planning Commission Ordinance Date: February 24, 2006 I BACKGROUND The proposed amendments to Section 9.5~22 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations will affect the qualifications for membership, appointment, removal, terms, vacancies, quorum and voting of the Planning Commission. Specifically, this ordinance effects the terms and selection of appointed Planning Commissioners, limits the term of vacancies, expands the field of qualified candidates and geographic locations, as well as delete term limits. This amendment also allows the Board to remove a Commissioner who is absent for more than three (3) consecutive regular meetings. At the January 25 and February 8 Planning Commission meetings, the Planning Commission recommended changes to the Ordinance and Staff Report. All proposed changes approved by the Commission are highlighted in yellow and underlined and in summary( option 1); included the following: removal of the change in terms, adding that the qualified candidates shall have experience,reUlOvalofuniform term dates,. and requesting that three consecutive as opposed to ~egulartl1eetiu,g\\foUldcalI for removal. Ina.ddition,tpe removal for just cause wasadde4 bac.k:into the Ordina1lceapproved by an affirmative vote of at least three members of the commission. BOCe Ordinance (Option 2) is the original, as proposed ordinance that was approved by the DRC. II SUMMARY The original proposed changes were as follows with revisions by the Planning Commission in yellow: 1. Commissioner Appointments: The current code provision states that the mayor appoints the members of the Planning Commission after nominations are put forth by the commissioners, with the advice and consent of the board. This may have been intended for the initial appointments. The proposed ordinance states that the commissioner who appointed the person vacating the position on the Planning Commission nominates a candidate, who then has to be approved by three members of the BOCC. This reflects the general practice since the Planning Commission was established. 2. Tenns: .\. "^Jl Plunning Commissioners holding a seat on December 31, 2005, shall serve until December 31 of the year in which their terms expire, actually 2 3 months more than usuaL "^....ppointments Me effective January 1 ofilia folIo'.ving year. This gives a new county commissioner 16 in Districts 1, 3 and 5 at leust a month to appoint someone, instead of lea'.'ing the appointment to someone who is possibly -,c:aoating office. B. Distriot 2 and 4 are appointed as they are now, but all terms '.",ill commence on January 1 and end on December 31 of each year, clarifying the dates of the terms. C. This results in uniform terms and dates, retaining staggered terms. Other options considered were appointing Planning Commissioners in the year of the election of the county commissioners, or having terms expire when the term of the nominating commissioner expires. This could mean longer terms for the Planning Commissioners, or if two year terms continue, possibly five new commissioners in any year. If the terms expire when the county commissioner's term expires, there will be a gap before nomination. 3. Limiting Vacancies: The amended ordinance provides that the Planning Commission position will not be vacated until it is fiJIed; thus, unless there is undue delay, the Commission will always have five members. If a county commissioner does not nominate someone within 60 days of the vacancy, the mayor shall put forth a nomination. 4. Additional Qualified Candidates: Persons nominated must already be qualified electors in Monroe County. Currently, nominations are supposed to be only from the fields of planning, development and environmental sciences. The amendment would add additional qualified persons with experience to serve including members of the business community and other Keys local industries, which I believe has actually been the practice, and the ordinance should reflect that. 5. Geographical Representation: The current code states, "... the geographical representation ofthe Keys shall be considered." The amendment clarifies that specific geographical representation is not required as a condition of nomination or appointment. A Planning Commission candidate does not have to be from a specific area. 6.Excused Absences and Removal by the BaCC: The amendment provides that members of the Planning Commission serve at the pleasure of the Board of County Commissioners and that removal of a commissioner shall require cause and an affirmative vote of at least three (3) members of the Board. There is still the requirement that the candidate must be a qualified elector, and that they may not be absent more than three consecutive regular meetings; however the amendment provides that there may be excused absences with notice to the Planning Commission. 7. Term Limits; The term limitation of three tem1S is deleted, however it is added that each commissioner has to be reappointed. III FINDINGS OF FACT 17 1. Staff finds that the proposed changes are consistent with Section 9.5-511(d)(5)b.(v) "recogni6on of a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness". 2. Staff finds the amendment consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Monroe County Year 201 0 Comprehensive Plan. 3. Staff finds the amendment consistent with F.A.C Chapters 9J-5, Florida Statutes, Chapter 163, and The Principles for Guiding Development. IV PROPOSED TEXT CHANGE Please see attached Ordinance. VI RECOMMENDED ACTION: Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law above, the Development Review Committee and Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL of the proposed text changes (with the proposed revisions in yellow) to Section 9.5-22 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. 18 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION # P -06 19 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. P ~06 A RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.5 ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS" BY AMENDING SECTION 9.5~22; ESTABLISHING THAT AFTER JANUARY 1, 2006, VACANCIES SHALL BE FILLED BY NOMINATION BY THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DISTRICT WHO MADE THE APPOINTMENT FOR THE CURRENT V ACANTPOSITION; REQUIRING APPROVAL BY A VOTE OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION; PROVIDING NEW EFFECTIVE DATES FOR APPOINTMENTS; ALLOWING CANDIDATES WITH EXPERIENCE FROM THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY AND OTHER LOCAL INDUSTRY; PROVIDING FOR NOMINATION BY THE MAYOR UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; ALLOWING REMOVAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSIONER ONLY BY VOTE OF AT LEAST THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION; ESTABIJSHING THAT PLANNING COMMISSIONERS SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; ELIMINATING TERM LIMITS; PROVIDING FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY: Section 1. Findings by the Board of County Commissioners. A. The current ordinance on appointments to the Planning Commission gives more control over the appointments to the person who is the mayor than to the individual commissioners. B. It is difficult to find a number of planning commission candidates who meet the current selection criteria of expertise only in environmental fields, development and planning. Allowing persons who represent the diverse, local, business community to serve on the planning commission will add other qualified persons to the candidate pool. C. A planning commissioner may be removed for cause by a majority of the Board of County Commissioners, allowing two members of a three member quorum to remove a member of the planning commission, when by procedures adopted by the county commission a vote of at least three of the members of the county commission is required to appoint a member of the planning commlSSlon. D. At present there is a term limit of three (3) consecutive terms for each planning commissioner. This does not serve the public's interest in retaining those persons who are diligent in their duties and have an expertise with the procedures and history of the planning commission if they so desire to serve. 20 E. Termination of a member ofthe planning commission is only for cause, parenthetically listed as three absences in a three month period, allowing for no excusable absences. There may be occasions when it is desirable to keep the current member ifthere are extenuating circumstances. F. The only other provision for termination of a planning commissioner's tenn is a mandatory tennination by reason of a conviction of a felony or offense of moral turpitude or not being a qualified elector of Monroe County. G. It is in the best interests of the public that members of the planning commission serve at the pleasure of the county commission. H. The absence of a planning commissioner for lack of an appointment is not in the public interest and leads to stalled projects, land development regulations and other growth management issues if there is a tie vote or lack of quorum. Retaining the planning commissioner whose term has expired until the vacancy is filled will insure the presence of a quorum and help to prevent tie votes. Assuring the vacancy will be filled by the mayor if a County commissioner does not put forth a candidate within 60 days will insure that a vacancy does not persist. L Since the inception of the Planning Board, the mayor and commissioners have individually nominated candidates for the planning commission and voted for or against the person nominated. The procedure for appointment by the mayor with the advice and consent of the commission that is prescribed in the current ordinance has not been followed. The procedure that is followed is a fair procedure and the ordinance should reflect the actual procedure used by the board of county commlSSlOners. Section 2. Sec. 9.5-22 is hereby amended to read as follows*: Sec. 9.5-22. Planning commission. * * * * * (d) Membership: Appointment, Removal, Terms, and Vacancies: (1) The planning commission shall be composed of five (5) members:, 10 be appointed by the mayor 'liith the advice and consent of the board of county commissioners. Each member of the board of county commissioners shall submit a name of a oandidate to themayor. Vacancies shall be filled by the county commission member for the district who made the previous appointment for the vacant seat. The county commissioner shall nominate a person Qualified as provided in paragraph (c) above to be approved bv the board of countv commissioners by a vote of at least three (3) members. Members shall be chosen from electors with experience in the areas of planning, environmental science, the business community, and the development industry, and other Keys local industries. *(Coding: Additional language is underlined; deleted language is stricken through.) together \",ith t The geographical representation of the Keys shall be considered, but not required when making appointments to the planning commission. Tfno candidate is put forth for approval by the county commissioner member for the district-prior to sixty days of expiration of the respective 21 planning commissioner's term, the mayor shall submit a candidate for approval by the board of county commissioners. (2)Members may be removed for cause prior to the expiration of their appointment shall serve at the Qleasure of the county commission and may be removed for cause prior to the expiration of their appointment and such removal shall be approved by the affirmative vote of at least three (3) members majority vote of the board of county commissioners.:-and shall be compensated as determined by the board of county commissioners. [See Sec. 2 6.] (3) All members shall serve a term of two (2) years and there shall be no temllimit, however each member shall be reappointed. except that two (2) members shall be appointed for an initial torm of one (1) year. No member shall serve more than three (3) consecutive terms. Planning commission members shall be compensated as determined by the board of county commissioners. * * * * * (6) If any member of the commission shall fail to attend three (3) regular consecutive meetings without prior notice and an excuse sufficient to the planning commission within any three month period, such failure shall constitute sufficient grounds for termination of the member's appointment. The commission coordinator shall notify the chairman or the vice-chairman, as the case may be, and he/she shall immediately file a notification of such nonattendance with the county administrator for placement on the agenda of the board of county commissioners; and the board shall, by appropriate action, terminate the appointment of such person and fill the vacancy thereby created as soon as practicable. A member who desires to be excused shall contact the commission coordinator prior to the meeting. The commission coordinator shall report the request to the chairman who shall make the determination to grant or deny the request. Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 5. The provisions of this ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office and upon approval by the Department of Community Affairs of the State of Florida according to the terms of the approval. 22 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 8th day of February, 2006. James D. Cameron, Chair Julio Margalli, Vice Chair Michelle Cates Deal, Commissioner Randolph D. Wall, Commissioner Sherry Popham, Commissioner Department of Health (by FAX) Department of Public Works (by FAX) Department of Engineering (by FAX) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ] ames D. Cameron, Chair Signed this day of ,2006 23 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RESOLUTION # -06 24 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO. -06 A RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9.5 ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS" BY AMENDING SECTION 9.5-22; PROVIDING THAT THE TERM OF EACH PLANNING COMMISSION MEl\IBER IN OFFICE DECEMBER 31, 2005 SHALL EXPIRE DECEMBER 31 OF THE YEAR IN \VHICH THE MEMBER'S TERM EXPIRES; ESTABLISHING THAT AFTER JANUARY 1, 2006, VACANCIES SHAI,L BE FILLED BY NOMINATION BY THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DISTRICT WHO MADE THE APPOINTMENT FOR THE CURRENT VACANT POSITION; REQUIRING APPROVAL BY A VOTE OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION; PROVIDING NEW EFFECTIVE DATES FOR APPOINTMENTS; ALLOWING CANDIDATES FROM THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY AND OTHER LOCAL INDUSTRY; PROVIDING FOR NOMINATION BY THE MAYOR UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR UNIFORM TERM DATES; ALLOWING REMOVAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSIONER ONLY BY VOTE OF AT LEAST THREE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION; ESTABLISHING THAT PLANNING COMMISSIONERS SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; ELIMINATING TERM LIMITS; PROVIDING FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF MONROE COUNTY: Section 1. Findings by the Board of County Commissioners. A. The current ordinance on appointments to the Planning Commission gives more control over the appointments to the person who is the mayor than to the individual commissioners. B. Three of the appointments arc cun-cntly made in September or October prior to or during election time in even years. Two appointments are made a year after an election in odd years. All appointments are for a term of two years. C. A fall appointment date for the members of the planning commission may lead to a "lame duck" appointment by a county commissioner who is not running for office or to an appointment for political reasons to further an incumbent's election prospects, and therefore a date for appointments after November of each year is more representative of the political desires of the electorate. D. It is difficult to find a number of planning commission candidates who meet the current selection criteria of expertise only in environmental fields, development and planning. Allowing persons who represent the diverse, local, business community to serve on the planning commission will add other qualified persons to the candidate pool. 25 E. A planning commissioner may be removed for cause by a majority of the Board of County Commissioners, allowing two members of a three member quorum to remove a member of the planning commission, when by procedures adopted by the county commission a vote of at least three of the members of the county commission is required to appoint a member of the planning commlSSlOn. F. At present there is a term limit of three (3) consecutive terms for each planning commissioner. This does not serve the public's interest in retaining those persons who are diligent in their duties and have an expertise with the procedures and history of the planning commission if they so desire to serve. G. Termination of a member of the planning commission is only for cause, parenthetically listed as three absences in a three month period, allowing for no excusable absences. There may be occasions when it is desirable to keep the current member if there are extenuating circumstances. H. The only other provision for termination of a planning commissioner's term is a mandatory termination by reason of a conviction of a felony or offense of moral turpitude or not being a qualified elector of Monroe County. L It is in the best interests of the public that members of the planning commission serve at the pleasure of the county commission. J. The five members on the Planning Commission with the district of the commissioner appointing them and teIm expiration dates are as indicated below: L District I 2. District 2 3. District 3 4. District 4 5. District 5 James D. Cameron Term expires September 1,2006 Michelle C. Deal,Esq. Term expires November 15, 2007 Julio Margalli, Esq. Term expires October 16,2006 Lynn Mapes Term expires September 20,2007 Randy Wall Term expires September 1,2006 K. The dates of the terms of each planning commissioner are different. Uniform, although staggered, terms would be of benefit to the public and to those responsible for the appointment of each commissioner. L The absence of a planning commissioner for lack of an appointment is not in the public interest and leads to stalled projects, land development regulations and other growth management issues if there is a tie vote or lack of quorum. Retaining the planning commissioner whose term has expired until the vacancy is filled will insure the presence of a quorum and help to prevent tie votes. Assuring the vacancy will be filled by the mayor if a County commissioner does not put forth a candidate within 60 days will insure that a vacancy does not persist. M. Since the inception of the Planning Board, the mayor and commissioners have individually nominated candidates for the planning commission and voted for or against the person nominated. The procedure for appointment by the mayor with the advice and consent of the commission that is prescribed in the cun-ent ordinance has not been followed. The procedure that is followed is a fair 26 procedure and the ordinance should reflect the actual procedure used by the board of county commISSIOners. Section 2. Sec. 9.5-22 is hereby amended to read as follows*: Sec. 9.5-22. Planning commission. * * * * * (d) Membership: Appointment, Removal, Terms, and Vacancies: (1) The planning commission shall be composed of five (5) members.:. 10 be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the board of county commissioners. Each member of th6 board of oounty commissioners shall submit a name of a candidate to the mayor. Those persons holding a seat on the planning commission on December 3 L 2005, shall remain in office until December 31 of the year in which their term expires. After January L 2006, when the terms orthe members of the planning: commission expire or are vacant the vacancies shall be filled by the county commission member for the district who made the previous appointment for the vacant seat. Vacancies for District 1, District 3 and District 5 shall be made effective January I of odd numbered years. District 2 and District 4 vacancies shall be made effective January I of the even years. The county commissioner shall nominate a person qualified as provided in paragraph (c) above to be approved by the board of countv commissioners by a vote of at least three (3) members. Members shall be chosen from the areas of planning, environmental science, the business community. iifl:4 the development industry, and other Kevs local industries. *(Coding: Additional language is underlined; deleted language is stricken through.) together \vith t The geographical representation of the Keys shall be considered, but not required when making appointments to the planning commission. Ifno candidate is put forth for approval by the county commissioner within sixty days of expiration of the respective planning commissioner's term, the mayor shall submit a candidate for approval by the board of county commissioners. After January 1. 2006, the terms of all new members of the planning commission shall run from January 1 to December 31 for two Years. If a planning commissioner's term expires on December 31 of any year, the planning commissioner shall remain in office until his or her re-appointment or a new appointment is ratified by the Board of County Commissioners. If an appointment is made and takes effect later than January 1 of any vear, accepting and filling such an appointment shall constitute the filling of a two year term which ends December 31 in the normal year of termination. (2)Members may be remO'led for cuuse prior to the expiration of their appointment shall serve at the pleasure of the countv commission and may be removed by the affimlative vote of at least three (3) members majority vote of the board of county commissioners.:..-and shall be compensated as determined by the board of county oommissioners. [See Sec. 2 6.] (3) }Jl members shall serve a term oft'so (2) years except that two (2) members shall be appointed for an initial term of one (1) y-ear. No member shall serve more than three (3) consecutive temlS. Planning commission members shall be compensated as determined by the board of county commISSIOners. 27 * * * * * (6) If any member of the commission shall fail to attend three (3) regular meetings without prior notice and an excuse sufficient to the planning commission within any three month period, such failure shall constitute sufficient grounds for termination of the member's appointment. The chairman or the vice-chairman, as the case may be, shall immediately file a notification of such nonattendance with the county administrator for placement on the agenda of the board of county commissioners; and the board shall, by appropriate action, terminate the appointment of such person and fill the vacancy thereby created as soon as practicable. Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 5. The provisions of this ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon receipt of official notice from the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office and upon approval by the Department of Community Affairs of the State of Florida according to the terms of the approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Development Review Committee of Monroe County at a regular meeting held on the 10th day of January, 2006. Aref Joulani, Senior Administrator of Development Review YES Heather Beckmann, Senior Planner YES Ralph Gouldy, Sf. Administrator of Environmental Resources YES David Dacquisto, Director of Island Planning YES Department of Hea1th (by FAX) YES Department of Public \-Vorks (by FAX) YES Department of Engineering (by FAX) YES DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Signed this Aref Joulani, DRC Chair day of , 2006 28 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Jerry Sanders RE: Item Q-3 DATE: March 14,2006 Item Q-3 has been clarified to reflect the involvement of Jerry Sanders, Asst. County Attorney as opposed to Susan Grimsley, Asst. County Attorney in the writing of the BaCC Staff Report. The original Memorandum dated January 6, 2006 written by Susan Grimsley, Asst. County Attorney has been added for reference, G.'->~ MEMORANDUM To: Board of County Commissioners From: Jerry Sanders, Asst. County Attorney and Heather Beckmann, Senior Planner Re: Planning Commission Ordinance Date: February 24, 2006 I BACKGROUND The proposed amendments to Section 9.5-22 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations will affect the qualifications for membership, appointment, removal, terms, vacancies, quorum and voting of the Planning Commission. Specifically, this ordinance effects the terms and selection of appointed Planning Commissioners, limits the term of vacancies, expands the field of qualified candidates and geographic locations, as well as delete term limits. This amendment also allows the Board to remove a Commissioner who is absent for more than three (3) consecutive regular meetings. II SUMMARY The original proposed changes were as follows with revisions by the Planning Commission in yellow: 1. Commissioner Ap.pointments: The current code provision states that the mayor appoints the members of the Planning Commission after nominations are put forth by the commissioners, with the advice and consent of the board. This may have been intended for the initial appointments. The proposed ordinance states that the commissioner who appointed the person vacating the position on the Planning Commission nominates a candidate, who then has to be approved by three members of the BOCC. This reflects the general practice since the Planning Commission was established. 15 :__:;1 ;?iJ;:;'L,~;H';:;}i ':; > '-''If' '%J}H% ""'''''''',' , , "'"."., " .,'rs;e:~;K<"i!~!g;;*1, .,-; ,. ..' , ',_ ",.,'" ',.. '" _, ,_' _ , '"" ,', '" ~ ,., ", "'" Other options considered were appointing Planning Commissioners in the year of the election of the county commissioners, or having terms expire when the term of the nominating commissioner expires. This could mean longer terms for the Planning Commissioners, or if two year terms continue, possibly five new commissioners in any year. If the terms expire when the county commissioner's term expires, there will be a gap before nomination. 3. Limitinll Vacancies: The amended ordinance provides that the Planning Commission position will not be vacated until it is filled; thus, unless there is undue delay, the Commission will always have five members. If a county commissioner does not nominate someone within 60 days of the vacancy, the mayor shall put forth a nomination. 4. Additional Oualified Candidates: Persons nominated must already be qualified electors in Monroe County. Currently, nominations are supposed to be only from the fields of Planning'IiiiiiIi"".de~elo ment and environmental sciences. The amendment would add additional qualified persons t , ,to serve including members of the business community and other Keys local industries, which I believe has actually been the practice, and the ordinance should reflect that. 5, Geographical Representation: The current code states, "." the geographical representation of the Keys shall be considered." The amendment clarifies that specific geographical representation is not required as a condition of nomination or appointment. A Planning Commission candidate does not have to be from a specific area. 6.Excused Absences and Removal by the BOCC: The amendment provides that members of the Plannin Board of Count Commissioners There is still the requirem~~tt~~~!h~ candidate must be a qualified elector, and that they may not be absent more than three _.. regular meetings; however the amendment provides that there may be excused absences with notice to the Planning Commission. 7. Term Limits: The term limitation of three terms is deleted, rill,,',"'''''"'''''''' ')Ii'''.''. '..'.~:~j>. .. III FINDINGS OF FACT 16 1. Staff finds that the proposed changes are consistent with Section 9.5-511(d)(5)b.(v) "recognition of a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness", 2. Staff finds the amendment consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. 3. Staff finds the amendment consistent with F.A.C. Chapters 9J-5, Florida Statutes, Chapter 163, and The Principles for Guiding Development. IV PROPOSED TEXT CHANGE Please see attached Ordinance, VI RECOMMENDED ACTION: Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law above, the Development Review Committee and Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL of the proposed text changes (with the proposed revisions in yellow) to Section 9.5-22 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. *THE ORIGINAL MEMORANDUM AS WRITTEN BY SUSAN GRIMSLEY, ASST. COUNTY ATTORNEY TO TIM MCGARRY IS ATTACHED FOR REFERENCE. 17 E-Mailed and Sent by Courier OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM WITH CORRECTION TO PARAGRAPH 6 To: Tim McGarry, Growth Management Director From: Susan Grimsley, Asst. County Attorney Re: Planning Commission Ordinance Date: January 6, 2006 correction to Memorandum of November 23, 2005 Thank you for discussing the proposed changes in the Planning Board Code provisions with me. I am forwarding to you the ordinance as reviewed by Commissioner Spehar. She understands your process, and is always open to public input. The changes are as follows: 1, Commissioner Aooointments: The current code provision states that the mayor appoints the members of the Planning Commission after nominations are put forth by the commissioners, with the advice and consent of the board, This may have been intended for the initial appointments, The proposed ordinance states that the commissioner who appointed the person vacating the position on the Planning Commission nominates a candidate, who then has to be approved by three members of the BOCC. This reflects the general practice since the Planning Commission was established. 2, Terms: A. All Planning Commissioners holding a seat on December 31, 2005, shall serve until December 31 of the year in which their terms expire, actually 2-3 months more than usual. Appointments are effective January 1 of the following year. This gives a new county commissioner in Districts 1, 3 and 5 at least a month to appoint someone, instead ofleaving the appointment to someone who is possibly vacating office, B. District 2 and 4 are appointed as they are now, but all terms will commence on January 1 and end on December 31 of each year, clarifying the dates of the terms, C. This results in uniform terms and dates, retaining staggered terms. Other options considered were appointing Planning Commissioners in the year of the election of the county commissioners, or having terms expire when the term of the nominating commissioner expires. This could mean longer terms for the Planning Commissioners, or if two year terms continue, possibly five new commissioners in any year. If the terms expire when the county commissioner's term expires, there will be a gap before nomination, E-Mailed and Sent by Courier 3. Limitin2 Vacancies: The amended ordinance provides that the Planning Commission position will not be vacated until it is filled; thus, unless there is undue delay, the Commission will always have five members, If a county commissioner does not nominate someone within 60 days of the vacancy, the mayor may put forth a nomination, 4. Additional Oualified Candidates: Persons nominated must already be qualified electors in Monroe County. Currently, nominations are supposed to be only from the fields of planning, development and environmental sciences, The amendment would add additional qualified persons to serve including members of the business community and other Keys local industries, which I believe has actually been the practice, and the ordinance should reflect that. 5, Geographical Reoresentation: The current code states, "". the geographical representation of the Keys shall be considered," The amendment clarifies that specific geographical representation is not required as a condition of nomination or appointment. A Planning Commission candidate does not have to be from a specific area. 6.Excused Absences and Removal bv the Bacc: The amendment provides that members of the Planning Commission serve at the pleasure of the Board of County Commissioners, There is still the requirement that the candidate must be a qualified elector, and that they may not be absent more than three eeRseeative* regular meetings; however the amendment provides that there may be excused absences with notice to the Planning Commission, 7. Term Limits: The term limitation of three terms is deleted, I hope I have represented this clearly. Let me know if you have any questions for me, or if you see any inaccuracies. * The original and amended ordinance do not use the word "consecutive", Cc: Mayor and County Commissioners Richard Collins, County Attorney