Item Q2 BOAR D ().. CO l~!\i TY COr\1I\nSS 101\ .\GV:\DA lTE\1 SU\lMARY ~kc1iTlg 0<11(: ~.:'l.i,'Q(~~_r\j,~"H, Dil. lSJOn L.@nt;:.2>rN.!'T!e;." So Oni-.::~ flu 1 ~ lrcn;: Yes 0.\) X * *' Pl BLlC II EA RING 3:0tl P. \1. """ ~lillrCm,lHd PCJ:,;un. :-itli._~.f!ll'( U!lH..Qil .-\GE~DA ITEI\I WORDL"-iG: ..\ f'ubliL H~<lr~n~ lU ;';l)rl~ider lhe adGpljOl1 of an Ofd~na!1cc nf the Hoard ot' (ounty COlluuissioneJs or \ 1nw(lc C \.~~lr;~).. I. \)rid<'. ,'Imending Chupter .1. \-lnnme Coumj (ode, to prohibt[ aband0rml~111 of ~n nn!rnaL ll} ] eqL't!'t "pdyiT1g.'ncL~!C"I':nS, to pt'm';dc (lt1 inccnri\.<; t',:.1f pl:rmallet:t idt"ntdic<llion, :(~ C\)JL'('ct incot1S!:-;tellCte~ p,ohir..it ChiLifliHg, and to Pr'()\ ide u nil~wl1ity and morc thorougnly cover i 5s.n('~ faed b): [111~n lal c()mrnl o l1"i C-(;[5 , HE\l BACKGROl-"D: L~SFW Sand llk' NaL urf (,'( HlSC( \'In,s sent ]cp[(::~.:ntal i ve~ to a ((:(al C:H mee!!n::; faIled by C 0nlm issLoner ~elJ~t"m In addre~", prjrn,;r:l}', i'isue,-; or curtailing the kra[ cat population on Blg Pine Kcv and in otht; ,W~:'15 \\h~I-c- .:ndanscrcd S.pCCLC':S may D(:, ~n1pJctC'd by the proljtl~ral;on of tcr,il cat;;; The CJll111y' s comra;:wr" CUi an:maJ tn]\trc~L and nlners plesent agreed ~encrall~ [hat rer':L1ln nlU"U l(':.~ ..~ er~ i [':l:](1rt 1m i n nH~k ling ~he pro~bn'i of domc~~iLatcd anim::;.h neg,tti,. eh ::llpac1in~ t he h,i.hi~al d- endangered a rid thn:aterlc-d speci es l< was obs.c-[ycd that wh i Ie: thef'" is <1 S.tilte s.tatuk aga i tJst <lb<lJlli\)ning ,1[lil1l<l.L~. ~\ !l~ch ,.....ouhl b~ proS\:7CuteJ h~ th~ State ..\~tDfTH:~V \ Ot1ke i t' lh~fe was ~lJfliLieTH s~aIr 1\) ,~ddrO::>iS .~u\:h ,,)ffcl1:<;c5. il (' Oll nly Ord inancc cnfOfccabk by ani ma I con( rol Dtliccr~ rh rough ,1 :;! ~ iHinn 5) stem_ J.nu litheI uwarb. '.\(nd d ht::p \....iL h lbis P3! li(u Jar impacL 011 h<ihilal. Si[~lj:drh-. d pusi:i\ e ~[~lpaCl Oll r he .:nvjjOllmen~ ww-; deemed likdy jf ~rayineut.;r \VilS mar:d(ltory. !!,It allQwing tor ,1 :ilwnl i c;:\clusioll .sub:)~'q IKlH meeting of contraclOr~ and inleresled members or the public \\0 iltJ the <.:')tlln-'~~5i(tnu "(:~u lIed i n lOr;<;eJblL~ draHs of :,>~veT<tl orJirl<lnc~s The dlapter ha~ he~rl rt'.-'Hitl ell tc i n~~(lfpNtU: ~\;ret'J upon cnanses, ~hang.e~ indi{,:~t!ed ,1;; u~.;f\!r. and cl1il.t1gcs ind ica~.:d (ly (l ;llOdd ((de and pl8n hn pet-fri~lldly ordinatKCS, as wc!l as mud) or the applicabk stalute:> lO enhanct: local e[lt~Hccnl~~llt , PHF\-'IOl-S RELF.:V.:\~T Bore ."\CT]O': HOeC a~~p]0valll[l :::/15.(;{) W aJu;rtlSl." ~0r one public flCarirlg to be ~]eld \1,m:h I~, 20U6 ~n \1<lf<l.tn\.lr, 1\' cunsidcr i1d()pt ill11 of C Oll111\ Ordin<lrtu: CO~TR.-\CL'''\GR.:r1\l [''\T CHAi'I'Grs: ~.'.'\ -- -- -- .--- STA FF RE< 'OM :\.1.: ~'I)A' no:\'s: ApPJI}\ aL TOTAL COST: COST TO COl'\TY: :\":,\ KiA RIXE:\TE PRODLCT'iG~ YL.'S BU DGETF I): Yes ;(() SO l.i RC ~~ 0"- I't" ns: '0 _ ~.._ _ _ _ AI\-10l'NT 1~f:R :\10:\"I'1f Year APPROVED BY: Counh' Aw.- L.../ O\-1B/PuH.:l1a:-;inl! Ris'" !\'lanagcmcm DlVrSlO~ DIRlTTOR APPROVAL: .c""-":~/- ~d;/ /Id~.. 'l-t.);?-.; ___ Sl :/..~~~~1. rto~~n:RI\'l ['m~'\ty .\r1'OR '\JF.Y DOCI 'n~!'lTATlO"': D]SrOSrTIO~: I~c:, i'.L.'J liO:, rndudcd ... --'''-_ f\.ot Rcqu~rcd _. _ n. ...-\.cr"nA ITE,\'I # "lOTICE OF IVTE:\TION TO CO'\SJ DEN. :\DOPTI01\i OF (.'OL:"\TY Ol{nINA,CF ~()TrCI- IS Hf-RERY Cil VFN TO \l/HOh1 IT \1A Y COt\CFR N thar 011 \-larch 15. 2006. at 3: 00 1'. \1.. or .~s soon rtl1~"rE'aft('r as 1l1i:l~' be hE"ard, :sr the M.:,u..athofl Gm.:ernmenl (' enler. 2 ""98 (hersf'a!i 1I!~hl\ay. ,\]iJe- :\larl\~r 47.5. \lar.uhoJl. .\lonrQf' COUIlt)', F'OI.irla. the Boad A (\nLntv COr:l~lli~si(mer.-; (~f \lonfUl' Count,:, f-'lmiJ,~, im~mh to cu~<;iJ....'r the adoptiuTl ()f-thc l()tlo\\ing CUUll[Y Gn1inatKl'. .-\~ ORDI' -\:-.iCE .-\ \lE'\lDI'G CHAPTER 3. \10\RO[' C()(:~TY COI)E~ PROVILlJt\(; CLAI-HFICATIO:"ll OF ALTHORIT\' OF'\~ I \'L\ L CONTROl. OFFlCEnS A\D OF OTH ER PRO\-ISIO\S OF CH.\PTER 3~ PROVfDJ\G FOR R.-\ IUFS V,\C(T''l....\TlO'S 01' t,TH.HFTS A ~ I) efl.\ ~G l:\it; IU:Qt nu:n .-\G rs OF CATS ..\N D DOGS TO BE V.-\CCT\:A TEn: PROVIDING PE\,\L TIES r:\iFOH.('L\'BI,F BY COln~ Vl0L.-\'1I0N PROSf:Cl!TlON 'FOR DA~GEH.Ol:S .\:\i l) \KIOlS I)O(;S~ I'H:OYIPI '\iG FOR PHOIl IBlHO!\S ..\GAI:\ST ,\R..\~ DO~_'l E~T OF ..\"l\lALS AND CHAI~ING OF DOGS. PRO"rDL~G FOR RrQURF.\lrST OF SfJAYING OR NElT..-F.RfNC 0.... CATS A~n nOGS~ PROYHlI!\G FOR EX['lPTIO~S ;\.:\0 ESTABLISH It\G CRITF:RIA .-\'l"D PROC[.SS TO OBTAIr\ A' EXE.\1PTIO_'l FRO\1 REQrtRf:\1t:i'lT tl)H sr.\' y A_' f) :\ H.THt OF nOGS A!\ I) CATS; PRUVII.ll:'\G ,\1'\ INCENTIVE FOR Pf R \1.\ ~r:'''T I D[~TlfIC\T10~. PROVIDINC FOR Sf\TRAHJ t.ny~ PRO': JDIN"C FOR THE REJ>l,\ I. OF ALl. OHlUI\AI\CES INCO~SISTEYr HfREwrn-J; PROVHU'G FOR I~\CORPORA noN' r\TO THE _\10~ ROE COl-?\"n' CODE OF ORDII'lAN"CES. A~'f) PROVIUL'\I(; .-\N t:FFI,:cnVf: D,-\TE. 1r1ler'e_'iteJ pan ~c:-; m:1Y appc(H at !lIt' IlLc('!ing imd be he,J.[ d on [hi" m.l!t er Pl;;5-UarH to SecLi UTI 286 I): U5 flnlidil ~tJt utes nmfcc lS ~i ven tf1J.L if a pel ':'ml decided 111 iJ prea~ any rlcc~~jot) l11<Lue by the fl~lal"d \~il h l"l'SPCCl lO any ;ll~m~[' .::onsdereJ -'1.1 s-l1ch heel nngs ,Jr nWCl ings, he \\ ill [It'eu a it'C(~rJ of the proceed i Ilgs', and 1 haL t'nr :'iu\.:h pl1rpo~t _ he may need 10 en:-'L~rt' l hal a \erhltim n:cord (If 1 hc proc('{'(J\ng:" ;.:, maJe, ~;,'hicf! '~C()fJ inclUDe" lhl' tcstin lon~' and e\.iJence llpOr! \\ hr~h 1 flC appeal i~ tu be h,beJ. C Dp;e:-:; l)f The abo\ c-reterenced OJ dilli-JTl;::~ ar~ (1\ a ilablc T(tt' fE'\ Lt?... al the \'<Lr i\Jl1s rllblic I i bra l"j(:s i t1 \1(1'1rne Counr_\., F:oriJ<L j);)teu at Key \\'C~l. f:Jonda_ [his 22~d Jav nt'FchnliJ,n,', 2006. . .. D...\ f\ ;>., Y l-. KOLJ LV iE, nerk of 1 he CrClIjt C nurt ad c., dlici.-} Clerk of dw Beard oC Cnumy Cnmmi S<;,ioncrs. of \ 1 onr01' COUJl1~', Florida (SL\L) PLl h.!i(f!1LO q JJ.~1 ~.e s.. RCP;Jrtl'J' 3.3.:U6 - l'l O.'l.I(~ Keynoter :;".1...( 16, ~,l ~ "'Oti K W ( itizcn J .5.1_~b - -' '12.flh ORDiNANCE NO. - 2006 --\'\ o RlH'\..\ "'Cli :\\1 tr\nr\'c CHAPTER 3. IVIOl\RO[ COL'\ry COIW~ PROVLUI!\iG CLARIFICA 1'101\ OF :\FfflORITY OF A!\i 1:\1.-\1. rO'HROL OFFICERS i\\D OF OTHER PROVISIO.'S or: Clt:\F]TH~ 3; PROVIDll\G FUR R,\BlFS V.-\CCI:"ll.-\TIO~S OF FEkIU::TS A~D CHA~G 1:\(; REQ11 REU AGfS 01' (:-t'IS A1\D uoes TO BE V..\("CI~:\ TEI)~ PROVllll NG ItE.~.-\f ;flrs E~FORCr.ABLE BY CODE \"]OL\.TION PROS.tCTHO,\ ..-OH: UA:\Gt:ROl'S .-\:\D VICIOUS DOGS~ ItHOV1IU:\G FOR I)R.OH IUIT10l\S AGAU\ST ABA~[)()N'lE~T OF A"\I \1"\ LS .-\:'\i I) CH Al N I~G OF IJOGS; PROVIDI~C. FOR KEQ( 'I Rt::'\H:!"\lT OJ.' SPA YI~C OR ~El !TFRr~(; OF CATS AN D DOGS~ PRO\-'tI}!!'.(; FOR EXL\1JtT10NS A1'l1) ESTABLISH l~(; CRITERIA ,-\:,\1) PROCESS TO OBTAI' A;\ L\.[MPT[O~ FRO\-' RF:QCIRE\1F.yr FOR SPAY A~D I\ELTER OF DOGS A~D CATS; PROVIDJ~G :\;'\; ]'\lCE!'iTI\T FOR P~:R'l,\ ~r ~-.. Il)F ~""F.C.-'\TJO'\: PKO\'II)II\G FOR SEVFR.-\BILlTY~ PRO\'IDI:\G FOR TIU: Rt~PJ:>\L 01; ALL ORUI "Ii.\..."IiCES L"CO~StS'll::"t.!T H t:REWITH; I'ROVIl)1 "lie H)U: 1~(,ORr'ORATI()N I~TO THE MO~ROf COl::\TY COUt', OF ORDINANCES; AN n rROVIUINC AI"l EFFf:f:Tlv'-F: OA TE. \\ II J:R L\S_ \1on rOo.:: (UlJDt.\ C uJc Chapter ~~ s..;t~ fortil pr0....L~IG~:S n:gu!:.t[jng an im3~<: J..tld al1J tnJ.t n,\ ncr~ :l..lId l-.e<.:p~E'~ l[\ th~ intue'-.t (1~' the; hL'~r[h. <di:1.\ and ....u,:l f~lr8 01' ~h;; (III ;,ol,,;H, ot' ~'lom~:o..: (('un[\.. ~:lld \\ H I:.:RL-\S. [he Ho,:u'J or' {'0wll~ ('UllHHLSsinrlL'J:) I'i;'Ulgfli I.I.;~ In;L~ ~OE)I..: prU\lSLl.'!,~ in Chapter] r;:quw.: cbri f'i ~l~infl fur .:a.~1.:: of inll.::rprda!:ul1 and i:C\mph~mcc b~ rllt' gcnC!3.1 pLlhllC ;l, \\~ll a~ th~ OrliL.Cr~ fk~igrlJ.h;d [0 '.:fl t~lrcc lh~ pro\'lsi011S~ and \V H E.R L-\S. rhe cnjl[] ,H;[()f S j.lT()1 idllt? il.Tllr.l(1J c,~[llro~ ;:"T\-.l....:~ hay,-' r,-'<:[x.>lld~d te l'S [:i ,I', ~UI,j \\ i lu I rk' ~ UJn,vn ;1DC1lJl {'-'~J.! cats [[\ ~':lda.tlgcrcd sp.::cics h;~bita~ In ~u.t~.~...:,,(i n.g ;:;rlil<;trn-.;n( (~f DT\.linalh'u to r,'qLlln: ,p~~ineuk' r. j'J<::frtlJ.IlC:IH id;';fll r fL<.:-'11 i (lTl. aJlJ rrohlbl!i 11g .lG,lflJUllllKl1t: ,.;)\\ th,-,re~(>[','. fir n ORI)'\]~EU I::lY TH.t: BOARD or COL!o..in" COfl.l\1 rSSlQNI::: RS Of- \10N!H)~' COl.:"\TY. FLORIDA. SCd~l111 Ch:'Jpkr .1 \1(lflf"1---.....' ('mLnt~. CL'Kk_ sn.J.l1 he ;1m.::ndcd ;1<; fd~L\\~, Ch:lpteT j.\Nl!\lALS AND FO\"'L St<f. J-]. ShDrt title: autjwril~' :l1ld plJrpO~e uf pro\'isi(m!i-. Dll:,; Chapter sl1all be: rckrrc:d 1<.) :~~ 1[,1..: "\-tome...: ClJUlH~ Anlllu1 (lHlfr'(;l OrJmano.:" J.lld l~ ,'n~lCh.'J lInder th(' fh!\\ c'b ,) i' th<.. BO:l~d of c.,'llllly C ('I[nmj;;:-=..iot\cr~ or t\.10m(h: ((jll)l~\', Fll1f!dJ. W n:gubrG aJlirtJ~lh <md alliT1la~ l)\~ ners a.nd kccp,-~r:i- in [hi: iJlh':TL:~l of 1 he Il..:a!th. S~.l!CI.\ amJ II <:11~lTl: (If [k' \:ili:.'..;ns ,,1' \km{)'~' ('(HUH'-. Omnibth Animal Ordinance See. J-2. Lcatslative {inclines and intent. Tl!",J~L);:lrd of C011.l}ty. ComLl1iss!Onl.:r~ 0 f.MQ!.l.rot C mmtl.."l'JoriJa. fHlJ~ ~lUlr O\\.Tl.C.!5h[P of an :U1l.!nal carri.,,;s \~'Hh ir r~s.Pi!nsjb.i] ith,~ to th~..~'Cll..!.~[\d the .:o:~llcralJ).~.I~c 'I,\.]th regard .1q .can: '!.nd C0ntJ\1~ q(J)1C anilll<tLJ!..!_j.!:!.!.~.!l!!.~I;:U io.n and applL.:;;;tltQn,ib.t -PJD\I~I~)j1S ~~f lhj::i.l:.~.;W_fi!...shall be C(lmrrued tn lt1lPQ1~L J:. pnmary n.;sp0I1sibi1 it\ for .~0.ll1~)l1a.n~~'_1.,'.il.ft this Ordimm:1; on tl1~ ~)\, ~.h~LQt" !l!J u.nlmul Thc_. fulil:.rd. of .county COmnl!}SlQIJ<:rs concludes- then it..i,;; a9.\isa~lc to ell3.ct a re'd~~d, AF.t..~m.i1LC 0flJToI O,rdi flj.n'~,..!!l..!hc ..iml:r(;~t Df prQt,~.~,HI:!,g--TIiliLj:\; hl.::J.IJ!i ~l!ld ~!lf\;l \ ~..pr!:).t~l0t.ng .the \\ 1.;Jtare of animals within 1".1 Ol}r~>:; J\!Llnt") ang.. prQ;:I$nQ. for thl.: ord;:rh aT.!1LJ!!~!LQ.II!l adrni n.istntmrl of the prq.l.!i)gns gO\lrning animal ,'!.dfare aJldcontrol. ill nl~_lJQ;!!~l 0(.. Cl)L.mty Ccmml~~J9n(;rS fi1Jd~ {n;ll~;;~~nc,; i'L.sgngc-rnLb 3..ilLma[s and }.'!qQI,l> anllllab. ~lS ddincd ill Th~i. Ocdinanc.:-. wlthmMwlfO":.J:'OU[].!\ Cfl.:<.lll;S an jncreased d.anger t9..ID!QI,oc hc...llth <tTld ~J.f~I\ 1..ub!::...,yd(are of mher J.J1Imals ~.nd pi,;llP.I~'_ t2) The J;'lJiarG.-.clS9un(Y _Corj"lmi<;sioncr~ lind\Jl.!4t the authoritJ .<,'I.ldO\\~d l.J.P\t1l.11w. (' OUll~~. Adl!l.lIIl.mator to..mls~ig.[l and rC"alk>C9:I~jQt? fLlIlL.~~OttS m.ay re~uJt In ch.11lg~~ i!L.!b.~._ Di \ isi(1.!!...Dir~ctor J.sqgncd rcsp_oIl~ibd in: ,b:_Jn(;m C oUT]{ \ .-'\Jmil1iS(TJ..tOI- k)r Qyqslg,hl of th~ animal cU[llfOl n.wdio.n:;,. (3) Th~.~Q!t~d of C~)[mt\ CommlssioTl(.n..finJ~ tl1~Li.1..!i in~!I}ll3.n~ to. mj<;trc.at, neglect or ~bandnn an a.nJmal. It is J.h~ UlH;nt qf this. ordilldnci,; to [mp(j~t..pL;[[all i;;1----.2.C ~i\miflcancc HI on.kr H:l ddt:t sueh a,;;ri0rl .!-V).~L~(J. recluc;:: the l1ossil;1itil) . of. .r:~pqt. \ iolatwm by rendermg. the \J.Q)a,tQ.r..L.!!l<::J.igibJiC .10 adopt pels hum Coun[\ alJ.ima.! :;he!ur~ ill rhl.: Rv,lTJ of C ou TH \ CO;! HTl i s s i 0 fll,;: rS fi nd:s that .Q!.QQ...Q.s~d P.c tta I t !.t;~ fW ?tJAttd()lmh;m, perma.n~1lt ide nlltl catlOEl,. brec.d1,ng an~ ..s'payl!lcuJ~.r..lJ:.wr~mcnts_.dlffur spmificanJ.u. Crom pellaltjcs c\:Isting on the bnok.~ \\'hich m;!J<!-ltK,<; M~ IlO_l(!lJ.gq::'_conlllt~nsu[<.ll(,':_ with 1lK s..::....nil... of tl-K violation. and . (hcr~for,;;. .;;h~l1g(;s TO Cl1aptL;[' ., n.;~d to j~1corpQrate il ~:: stem q( d,iffn~DJ. ~~. c(pe~.tr,.l~.~ Qr~illl~q ,tQ,.Nq~'I.Q.~'. krl.W.tlC:l.i!P.q ':Ql!(~~Nll kLJ .tjr;;1._Qt.)~'E.15~.. alHL 0.. pO:l1;ltn:. of SI~fl.LficJ.I1C.i;; lu act ~i a at;h):r,-'l1l f9.r Wh~~(BJ<.:nt ..qff.;n:scs, il,rld 19, prO\ id~,.. ~'mf~lrrni.!l.-!9.3nh;~ncc, .th~ abil it\ llf :uHnlui c::_9mro l.oJ'fi~g~ andJJ.lLcO!jJtl.Q.. ~ntQKcjhc~llim~JCOntLQ) la1 \~, (.:;.) Section ! 9-] :;3th)}v1CC, limits dom~:;ficatcd ~njmah tOhn, pcr hOH~(:h9Id., \\l~.~}) cont1 iL[~ \\ itll the four .allCJ\\cd J?er prcEll[~C:-> in .5.~SIj.ol~ .3- ]_~"..l\JCC UiJ Thl.: ~oanJ of Counl\ C llTllTllisSLOflcrs f1llds [l1a1 ft is inhumane to _cnain_ ld.hcL or t.Le ;:;t d9&,J9 J. 5laHQnJ.r)' object or Ie confi:lK' It Ln a small .~pJ.cc UJIl1~ J3,oard of Count~ CommiSSIQtl_ers ujll1d_~Jl1a~ R~L o~~~~Qu.laliol1 (vrl(irHl~~ lu ncg.<!ti.- i;k impac{ our (:omnWl1jli(;s b\ thTcatcnini! th.~~Q~)Ji:t5<]n. an.;! re.QYlri!1g .cl1hancqj..ammid..l c.pn.1.mt ~cr\'lG~.~, tS) The Bcqrd (I f.. .cOlnlty C omu)i%i0Tl,;;r\.I'inJs the. pd~ \\'hich find I.::l,!r,,;s~ f[Q.m...l~'!!.cJ;.q }Cir(h..aTld Q.T.l1cr (;nc10~~jrI;S ill urd.:r to...scl.::k <Jilt oth~f_.;;1.mm~.L;?are pfcdommantt~ unaltcr";-9.and b.~~.o!1~~.a nUlsanc~ by uncl)nrmlL::d br~edll~g_I3:.[~clrurlllirlg ~LI<Hg:~'. ti1 Ih~ BQ.;lfd l)CC aLln[~ C ornrni.1'i,:;i~m~'Qi fmds ..Qp.U violations of th~ FlorJ.41 statut9s go\-crnmg the treatmem nr. 3J.limal~ .~ri,': morc..lik!;h- [0 bi; addn,;s~cd If t.Dr Coun~y C ode j!!.(~'!'P.:0Jat:.:~ WIJJi,; of 1h~ ~lalulo~.._pro\'181111.~.jQj~l).;:::t.bk' cnt0.rc~mcnt 0(' Sll.L1.1 b \\'S b \. ..lQC: al ~O\~mm~Jll yftk..:.rs. II (11 It is th~ Jntem 0fthe Board ofi()\J~n~ C()Tllmj~~.~HH:rs th~( 1f-ti~ orr,iimmcc s.bal(. A) m.ah. p TQ ~ .G- i (m ~ L-'T p I.:Tmlr I ~s and (~onl.;s tin g c llat IOn s I.ln.l(O[n1, B) ~'lj mtnal<: LnCQnslS~ClJC~-e.s .3..11.4 trrQ.ri...ill the C QUll{\ C o~,:h.: an.d maJ...1.:: th~ codlfr.~9 pm.....lsiom regarding :il,rtimaJs caSI!;, [0 llaul.::rst.and amhpply: C) rIm id~ tn~(,;tllj ~'C:';; to lh():;<.; d'-~l1lonslraling rcsp'oq~~pk.p~ ownershjp DJ i nWoc;~ ~'..'l1allii:~ of Sj gmfici!!.\j::e III orqcr to. 9:;:~~_r _aQa:pdoTlnlcnl. mi~tr..:alJll.cnl. ;1119 vlkr inhlJmJn~..~~tJoll ~.nd IO r~j,t;;;: ~h~ p(ls!)ibi lit\ of n.p.:al 'i.']o[atgms b} reE1d~rjng tne \ ioJ<Jtms ]lh~llglhl~ (C adopt pets. frQ.rn C,-1Ul)t\ animal shdtc,s~ Md OmnibLJ:' Animal Ordinanc~ 2 1:;;LJ~'illFrc; p;,;,_~!\\ n;r~ k, be: hLliy [1::'Wgmibk f(~U!!!;lr. jlo;::l~.. to h.:}.\'~JJ1.~'J~J [l(.'1llt.::r~',1 (lr IO w.h~ ;\~ra()n:lH1.a[''' pn..~.,:y..~JtiL)t1~ .to pr~'\ em..th~ ~~b from ha\. jl1~~'!j.]fJh~.r ncgatn ~' !!.llP-ac,;!l....~.llLL':cd by U!1cQJ~l.r.Qrkg br~di]lll. a1l(J..~"::.Q.u.i.ring an cxcm12l~uTI. J.irs::ns~. [off!,; I t;l b k 1~'r [l~~~l,::0m 1) llatl;X~ Se-c, J-l. 3-,1. Ot>finiliom U.L....--.dj.,;JZ~1 m":J.llS [l) f~)!~Sl~;; ~\ 3.JJL~md ~!lmd~_Qr W a;:\lkct I)T r~fus~' tG .Q.rL1.\ let.; or 11~ri~~-rJll ~he .[yg~). o.J)ligatL0nS fiJI qJ~:_NJ~ suppurt llf an ;)njmal Jlj,'. jI,~ rmna. ~1[. tq )\,\:1 Vi: an..!Jninm I !lllaHC[ldcd tor mor~~ Ul..U1 ~:+_I~.Q~s. rclmsc th.!? .~wm:!J mxm public Wild..; or [)J.JJ'l:lj~_9! pr,i ~..ll~ la,Ild...;;, or tail to pro\ ~d~ @~g,l)AI.,",Jllod. \~'<.lkr. ~\(cicis~ qf..m.cgi.;:al car.: (all A.';.'nw' rncJ.n~ ~U1\ ~j \ lIlg dumh u~J.rur~, J.ll(.h..I,dj!llL....J.U\. mamlllal. bird, fish, rc'P~.~.~~':..k.u~r, T'.~ttlc. hors~. tnC111us;};, .~.[1.Js.t<H::~m. ~lF an.... olbSI v;;rr.c~r;}.!~JJthcr than .a hq1l1J.O bel.!!K_ (i) A..;.'mu! w "'iJ.r.l~L' mc.a.tlS any anim.aL othC-f than ;1 cat. \\hlen j~ Tlut Imdi,;T :11c ;;~mTr(Jl, cuqod~. charge aT pOSS~S~lU[l of [bl: 0\\ n<::r or OIlieT responsible pe!'~otl Lt\ J.th:mda.nc~. by l(.:..asn_ dl<t~n, [}~r1Bo-J0!'S5 ~hfm ~~l feel). ~CClm~ fcn;.;c Or 0rl1cr means of c0ld'incm~!lt or rc:;tramt. L+J~-1IlI.r:,'(~Ls:.i.J.!..,'.!..!.J)L(}tt,:L L'e _lJ.1..:am .J!':l i-l~T~~l~.__<';TTlV~v\~.~t.i.:L?ppnnH8d h~ the C ,.Jum~ t'0.r the mnP-Q.;>s......:;f ~nbr.::m~ C GUn[\ llrJin~H1~''';s or :;tate ~T;i-' lll<:S j)<:D..d~~ld ,to. 3rlLn.taJ care and CO~l.t,-(1.L ..\~ hn..,s ,a,-,thllrjz~d to jn~ estigmt: on pl,lq.ll~ \lr P.D......mi,"_ IHS!pcI1\' -5L\.il illk!~~i()m. ~1;Himr ll' A.l.lirm 1 <.:orJ!1:.vl Oi" c~~.tJ! \ ;lfH119jsSLJ::;:_~.i~,.}1!2)n~. ~s Vrt1.,\ lded III tlllS- C1lJ.pwr. and who~(.' ~lp'polntmcnt lS approv;;d by lh~ H<.'an.l of fuun!\ C~'UiH'l;8~i~1l.!f!S. ~l~L~dHJi~ J.l1pol!ltmcnt LS approvl?d by a J1l4ge of th~ .cmm,ty qnm ,pf GtfQ.U,l1. ~:.qlJJ:tfuI J'ih!ilr.Q~.J~'.oP.IH.Y, f:vl' pur\-los,:s <..:f <:nf'2X.!,;.;mcnt ~).L,)olm i~~n~'U~.rl.l.!.i5...c::}~ft.f.!rs::.!.>.t.h~_tsr~" pm.rn.<!i....tfH.!/f'u( ,..Jjjb-.','lr J...r!Q rJtllf~JaCS':il.f]r.rui ':JJ[!..i.:...r:'-)'.wr ~re..!!llcrcl1~Jl\!c!bf~. l2L'lr'rmai l on.'roi ...ht-i,'t'''' m~ns Q faClilt,' d"::Sl...na~cd OI n::co\;!tlLz-:d tn' th<; (OlH1t \. lJr StatL of ----.. --..--... .....----.- -------...--....-'U"".---.........-- .----.... -__-..-- .....--_. -.. _..----.--...- Fimida kit (hl:' >)u rJ)(Js{::__,A _ intj29u{].d~r!g _il,nJ..:OT_ _~~!!RLQL_<3.l1~nakil));hl(1ing a .-onrrnl:t ~~I~EC prol.i~t.;.r. sl~ch .;li. a k'CaL{\uiJ:llaJ P-f..Qt~';:tlOn2h~J(~L~j1_l".h, !lW.J:~l]w.ll1<:i~ .a. hqman~ s\~~ 0J,_.J.t':1I~~L~i ~'(U1J'mj S/ilh~I-.-,Sl)r m.:an~ ~ person who ha;,; bu'-..n..Quh.~p_Oll.1.tRd.J~......n. an,mta! cnnrroi Q..tJ-}q:x..;'!!l;:)_ ~\!~o l.S: ls....) IlK :)~l~Si.)n. If dl(, tun;:tii!Il of. .1.:liJt\1l L()r}!f.\:,l.ls_;~~t~.~.l L1HS1!;[.~~ b\ C~11 LrlJy ..;mp 10\ ..;cs or a ~ifl.!:!.]."._i~lJ<,:e:':ll(LTlr ~'I)nlr<.ld()r h;}:; ;,;onlractctl far amm",] control .'i.~n:J,~G.~..CQu.nty-wLd~" .\\ ~o b....!2.. ,ll[ th Oml3m4 n~.s P'QI~~ l hi.tin' fqr all .\1onroc C Dum:!" il.ll,i. IUi3.1..5 !.1.9J!.C is _1~tjl..{) \\' h lll'T!._4.I,i du h ;numintcd ill1lm<:d cn!1tr0l.Qm~~.r~L~]la.tl rl:PQq~ ur lJ'L~!.':_.P(,.J_~I)~~ In[h ,WJhorin ll:-:-J JGWltLl<;Lbtljly t~,r CLlG or morL~ \'l.(JIlJ.Q.'-.:: (' ounl \ _~.l.!l[mai ;:.lk'~!~.~s. .c!n~_ k' \~ hUnl dH)V J.p~('Lm.;d anImal. ~~1Jln~OJ..Q hlcers sbillLc.cjN.CLb\ an.:a im(kr 11-,.; .i!irj~l~Li,'-"'I'l..of ~illY ~lllgie COl~tr3..~w_G..Jf...1b.~ .;mirr.al i.':QnlroJ ftmct{.~1:rr;;..\YH.tHn the CDWH~__}'L~ :1(kHn;~1i:Q,;9....bl mOT'..: UJ.,:ll1 on.::. .lnd~llen.:!em c(Jt~tradQr._ t '7 ) At.llnr<1i fl' ~~iI(}irK.m~.an~Lffght.ilJg ~}~t\Vce.tl r.[l9.~It;:f..i.PJ. ~)Ch,;T' bi rds Of. bdw~(;'n ~,~gs.~ QI .l~et\\ c~H (l!!y.;-r an!mJ.ls QiJ!.K9m~.spect~.~. lB.) HUJ[ means 10. at:tJ.LC.~ \\ ith \.io Icnc..t...l.Q....PfQ\'.~)~e, L)r w hara\\....::Lrl ani mat wiri1 one or Lljpre ani m<!t-0.....,: t nfj:lurposc ofUJthtl.l1.f; an ani rn~Lfor. or to cause an anl.m(1J. t9 Omnibll s Antmal Ordinano:.:e .~ eng<l.g~ i';,LJJ..g,lm \~'iIh.l)!".,HnO!~.g..~llhcr an i mab.. In <::!d;Ji.Uon. "ba iti n~(..rpean~ th.l;..1!.g: of Ii ve ~ni.mf\L~ in the: trai ~jJtg ~)r r?dn f.!. gred~pun.ds (c~D lbul"o' mf3,m th~ Board of ('ouIIT\ C.,mmLSS,llnr:,i of ML)nrO~ County. U f)'. ("u! rrlC~~l~ .J.L'~ mem_b!)r. aChe ~D~t;~.~.<; .. Feii' (nl7n'. ' . f' l..U ('h(.'r::;i..~,,-, fl'1."!I"i&'JI( m~an.s a '., ri[inD Or documeni. tha~ r.,;cit..:s th~ Tlwd(' or' co mnlltlll1g J.n l)iknse. U.2) (',.ra!i<).') ml.:.~!12 a {;b;F~.in.nument or \\TiuCll n,)!ic;..;._i"s'L]~'d t.O."1 P~fS~2!l b\ ~ll1..iJnim;~; C0111rul ;).01f.l,:'f C)f IJ.\\ .\;t:Lfcn;~'IT1Cllt ~)f'fJf.0~._I.h~t. tk~._pmccr n~:~ prcbat.I.~_~Ll;;~~ tCI Q~'J\P',,: :ll1I t~!e p~r~Qll_ha~ ....'rmm ine'd a ci ,i l mfr.!l.~!ll1n m \ lolatlt)rl ,t)f a duly GU~lJ'kd l1rJiTlilll<':C ;L1ld ,l~~-.\ rh~' COLJnt: C)W1 will n~~;::h.).,gi." 'l1lc C.ll~ltWlJ. mll~, i.:lllltain J,... 'lll~Q.m.!.:.Al1d {inl_~. of i::'~.l,l3..lIc,,; t'.,_.Ihc- ~,.:lm..: ;:qld ;:v.tgn:.s..Lof tho: ~'..T~O~. .;:: The 1..'lk JJ1d ~~nK,1-l1.~' ;;:i\il intT<.lctio!l. \~.:.l.~..c~)mmml?d d Tn..; f,i~;"" ;,;()nS.li\I.H.I.!I~.pmh.:lbk -C,)]JSC. C. T1l~ :;~ctjot~ of the CQ1JlJh_roct~~ viola.Lt;~ f '] 'h<:.GlW1;: .~mj uu~J:I.~)Tit ,. 11 f !h~:_Q.!.l.lc~r ~~ Th~N9';:S~lm:~ f'Of th~~ person to J~lUQ~~.U:Lcrd~.r !!:,~. Da, th.;_~~t\~; p~n.~!~.,J9 cqmi,:'sI Iht ~!PJi()n. (,!!:...LL.! ~lpp';:lT in ,'l1lHl ~.$.~illl}Jr~q L!.lldc,f "lJO~~'ctJ.on. U:~J, t:L 'Ihl.:: J.p'[II~cJ.bk I.:J.\i i p~n<1..11~.. ~Uh~, per:;oll elects to .W!lt~st l~.;..qtalion. I.. 'n1'; r:p.vll<\l.::J~~._ci\JJ..pcnaI1" If:J!lC p;:r~~l!:l d~'i;h...rl~!.U.QS~'nt~>.U~t~ cit~ujnll. ~. .\ .;~r:~l~il;LJ;:~!.s :;.t.::l~;Jn.~~l1 that d" Ihe rcr5otl.ti:l;1~ JQ PflY Jlt( Cl r.iL 1JCIlJ.ltl'_~~Jt hm t1"!.(;. time J.1!,!~\'cJ~QL.f;I.i.~~ (u ~...p.1L.xir in (\2l) n to t.:llflkA rhc___~il.1ci(Jn,. .tD~ ill5i,n <:..h,-!q he dL'.::-mcd Ii) ~~4~ (.\\~1ih:q hh .<.)J' her right tc cont~st th~ <':lq~1glLQ)JJi t.J1:'ll. >!l s~Jj:Q cas...:. I 1 bJ, I!. m-:nLI!W \. b;,; :':rl.t~!.cd ,1g~jr;.~t ~hc per~(}n for an amnulH up to the IF:L\.imum ';;1\] l. pt:n~1ty. 1-,. .. .As.~n<;; P.\~V9lJ1! ..SJ.JJ~Q1 wulL'-!J..! ttllJ:..Q!.II.R!Lis F.:q Llir-;g.w aJllli;ill'. in COLL r1..;:t,'Lm:;mg~.\~.(U): ~LLh.t.;'p!lJ.rl C~l, he (~r.. ~.f.l.9 ,ct.'"J~~ n0L loa ~ c the OPIj,"}ll of pa) ing ;:;. fine in lieU 0(' app..:-a.!ing ;n C.(}L1.0. (a t ~) ('Ot'Wie-"~';,;! hc'.'mci ()I" dHrC'l.' meam.J taLJ] Lh' \'.'hJch offers th.:- scryicl?s ('If a KcJ1:.d C~ ';-:,dt,'r;.' for a profl~ L1."l) __ C..!.~I..t'i1l' 11l...:-.t!t-,; J.l1\.._;iU of' Ily..sku. WrllJTC. ,~T tNm~nt rklt. ~"U1s.-:.;$ lHUtl'5ti t1llvk...ISl.i fl or ; \L.fkIJng .q( an a]) UIJ<l t.. ;).lld mcll,ldcs hill l~ !lot h~nLt~'d to q.ny 0.mJ~SlOn of a dutJ to pro\ ,d.e t~.9~.. ;l.n;:L ~\ ~t~r, !)hdttro anq b('.:dtn ;:ar~ \\'hich "mission cau:;.t, unju.stjiiahJ(' pain rl1' sulkri ng (lC ;l.llArli[n.~jJ......J.nJ aJh~\'i rlg, [);),iTl (Jr SLlrr~ri [l\' W c,".mtiJlu~' wh'.:(l tlKr..: is r...~~s()nablc ,...;m\:t!\ \2.u.~U":f. Omniblls, .-=\nj mal OrdElla.ll(,:e 4 t f15) /.lwlga01l~' .lmJ(lG,.' means ~1Tn.. ani lTLal \\'hicl~ hl:b attLlc~'itfto.ti\ pn"~"~-";"d!-!(ttt-H.'p~~.ffft-ttf afttlf~..~~ ;\ bzb !lQ.~!l jmin~J ~Q"IlH[u..~'ft#tttl:frn4-bjt~:~. 91: '\tw_~kS.JL lJ~rsQI! ,)f :lrl animal buI d;:;:C5 not indud(; rht foB(m ~!~ ta). An.J.rlllnJ] th<il_9.!tt:_~ or ,Hta...:b J p<:r.~~,r1 (H_~\!li!~l.3_j Jl~;1t P[L"h1.~"~, IQL]"ngqts_ ~~)fl.lm;S~~'l q\:qt?Jh~-.il1lLm;:jl CJ"Ul;J,I\"_ or th) An ~l!mi,l..I.t[:mt j~ fi..'~p.:.\dr]l~! in ,!...!.narm;;,rulh;H ;:tnordimlIJ ap!i..r";i!~n;,l.bk: plr~f)T1 \\ fJlJ.hi conducti;o i\a.snQ,CSL:'!lli,,;d !c, prOl":U i lsdf.)r ~t"~m~!_:":Li!Jl.~[n~l. or a 1}8r..~,1n i t' tl1atP~[~Qn g ~~1!:~.-'0~ tn [.4\\ tl~l aCJl\ ~r\" and i~ th~ _iwbjc~..t :QCaFt 3..<.sault q hart.::!)'_ 9J:.illlil}13J aU;l~k. (~+ .. ... Pi!fHct'"Wko."'! 1NIm,I,t!.a mtiUl':> ~hi:!' (~~'fh'Atlffl---Ht$-.af;ti!-t'-fwthNi...ud b: tLI~ Charll ~r. 11fl L j~!":.e~'I..~'ont.I!!L!nC<lTl~wn[ruf \~ fli.,J, FS rmm.::diatc an~~~mtil1lh~I:(;:. U_'Z..!.-..!V:'!';:'J.!!..~a.r1'- ~[~~ .tnemh(:r 0fIhe spe(,L~s "C(1n1..\ 1-{~!r.~hWiq.~ i;.o:_IJ~L_J~()m~'.\ f,{'(.!t"d ,."omf}gf1/(lYl Lii1lm....i m<.;;.~r1::; ~p-t!!~vf~l Elc~lJ~;wrnl:)d [;:'1 1 i \ ills m-e+ UbOl.ll ~htl rtUbitul ton ojf man uml .j.s ~eflt -Uj:ltffi-tTlittt-ffit'---+e-witfl6-sfla.n._~ 11. i!~.~Jl rJ\_<:lr .hn;. tradlI i On.:lll:. ~h wu gh.a l0ng ~ssoc ];1{ lon w~tft)UJ I:l\.:!-.m.o. ~t \)::QJ.n. _<L :;;illtCQ( :e;I_~!'_.'J:l_q_~]J~(JW pp l!.\J flUn~ l...\r h<1, h"';-...!l..trHdi[i(m<J.ll.~_Jqlt ;,,;; -'-"!nh~HlS~~}s.)N---l$=L in_0LI4.i t\LQ..l!t.. .!~'"]U ,nl..~to.;L~ t~J dOi:S_ cals_ h.L'11st~rs_ gcrbi ts- fcm;ts_ nl i;;.,;. ml::bd~_ paJa,J....;,;l;(~_ ~afnlts_ C(l,.J,ari.:ls_ ~!'.l~ J;.;llL.XK ;an:tri ~L 1m ~ b.~ rd~ fi rl cjl,-,:s and_._r..r.~11 i c~J f.i ;)11.. (H~) l/h'~ live V(J/(.E.' mlUmmd H1~~afts VU1Cl.: uJnlrol \\.!th'TI l\\;.;rJt~. tiU) fl.::ct b)' <l c(Jmpe[~nt p~rson "hlCh at an tjm~s wevcm.-.~ the animal subject m th~ '> On;~ o:o.ltroi frnm mr1Ill[lg ;l~ bT~;; ur utnl;[\'\ j~t,; ~ ioJmiTJg tho..: prO\ iSll1!lS (If this cnapkr. !.~1_C'l /"E' ,",~:~_Un(:a n;;.. J,l,lL!lW tTI 'Q IT...9J ~he ~r.~ 1 e5 .'?ljl.....srd 11 l-ii ro. .. ~:j:. U hl'rc,' miimm' rncan_~ an~ antmal not dang\~rO~J~ or \"jcjou~ bu( \\ hid fr<:qm.:-nlly shm\'s aggt ~SSL", C kniknL i-.::s ~_t;'i) A'e<:i~.t ml'3Jb 1..tl: pcrS,'1I1 CH Cll[ p('!!';uio[1 Wls~;;~~i~S (1, ~a\"i ng cll1Hmb. of all arlll1laJ. (k13, Ki'rJI~e/ or ulf(n-:v m(;',li1S il-.taillht-Y'-Btfle.t. thEm a YdertllLlnan noopif.ai~j'f!t~. wlu~h pm..{4:>s- 1!eH.~-h+ ...~-Br ill' i ffiflh. jndlalittt-tml--rn:'I1: .~tfllttd to the f~\\--tflg; any "'stabll.shtil~~lLS.\.';~Q.~ .1 P~[ sh\.}~ 0:- :mi llwl ~WL<~..tlon ~h..l'.]K]:-. . .\\.ll~rl'!n (.r_ \\11O;:I_<';_Q!!..~.E!~~n;..:b arc. .l:;illLt().~_b0..')Tdirtg_ 1faill~.QiL car..: <md ~rcomLllg, bredin~7 0L_S~ud )I.T'''l\:~S fu,;: n;-~llner':-,(JOI1_ :.'T s:Jks of offspnng o[ adult :ulirnal~\ Ql;~ cl~~,; not llldud.: ;:1 "_cre[]nar~3,.q hO~PLUll 02-~} L'<...~'h m~:j r'1~ l; <':Qrd_ stmp l'r othcr like apparatl_L~ thJt is attachc'd .0 JJl ani rn;ll In an l'itort tu corurnl tlK m0\ement of rhe an imal b\' tn~ huld~T lhucof. Pll;.-'. ~ /.I~'C.'!\L; (~'.'"!I.'~'('<"IIL' m~:J.ns.( ~tlb~~~ ~:at.'€~nat.t€>fI aH-d 1 iccn~..; ~~tt}'! du\:ulJJ,,;n.l.!S5L1..:d pmSllJ.nr 10 this ch..:1.ptcol". Jh~ BO-'1rQ_~!lJ~ r';~('[lll'OJ) J.Ulhonzt.,the J.t~~.n.s'c CCJ1:.r!f..H..~i.l!!.Q rabk~ \'aL:C~l~Ii()fl (~r!jfiauc .t9_ b~.H_J:Qmb[tl;ec! dOCUmeF\!; hi:;(nf.,( ,'t.'.\ ,. !u.;: m'';,lJl!:; :i fableS' ','ace it~Q{lOll a;hi 1 iL:c!;s~ I.J.tL ~h.:sj\l[1J.;J [0 be ;JtJ.?\=:hGd,.ICI a.n anim'!,l \.:ll;laL ]sslted purSU3JlI :(~ Ihii cha.pTer. Omnihus Animal Ordinance 5 (on) Uc.:ri.\ r!d veu:rllwriar.' m.'-ans'-l v<:t-=rinanan Jic(,;rlscd to practice in the St.'1t~ of Florida. ~2R) !..nT~"!(wk TTl~1.ns hor~~s_ :sl<jlJi.'llns_. CO!lS_ ~~ddjrlJ2.~, mar<,:;s_ sh~.;;p, 0lnS, k~Jllb'3_ blllkbl.L]]ack~.o ::;~~.GS_ h~in.:rs...~{)\~s,_cah-c3_ rrlu]cs, J<;I,~ks. ~{;DJIC}.S., bU_mJs_ i.!0i.1t:;.._~i4f" .~1'm.;- <]rtd ~_n~ oth!:':I fui~l)~aring <!llim,jb b:.::ing ral~~d ill ;,;.apti ~.jiy, induding lhose ot.n(;f anintals. recogr.lJzl.:d b, th~ Oep~lJtm~JlT of~.Agncqltun; as bci.n.g within the iurisdlctimlllfits DC'p';lrtmenl, Jl.!:fL..,Yf!gh~ct .meam t:lilur~ to L9.ll1pl,- wilh the mllll!nUlll n,;qlJi~~ments for aniTlI~d_ L:are set tanh i rI Ihis Chapter. (ft"2.7}.'v('1!{e.rnl or .\/Ji."IPJd meam; T~Eldered pcrrr..aTJI';Tlrh- incapable Of T~prndu;:tLon by Sll rJ:i(,;al alteratioll, [mplanta[ioll of a dt:\-"li:~ or oth~r physIcal meanS. or pcrm.ancntJy tflcapable of r~prodlH,;Tiorl hecausc of pf-l\. siological sterility. but only when; t.he ~tcutered or sp.;.l.\'cd wnditlon has bl,,;i;n ;;:crti tied by a yl,,;ll;rirlafia.n llculsl,,;{l in ~ny stak_ (ft2~}VOI1(:~' m~ans a notice to appeac unless the cont.e\."1 of th{; chapter rt:"4uir~s a diff-.:rCrlt ddinition. (r2Y)''\''I,,-,'~mce means the following: (+a) An aniTll<'ll rhar hahltually barh. hO\\k cn,]~_ scr~ams or makes olh~r buthcr.;;om:c noises any lilllL.: of day OJ" night~ or Ub) An, animal tlmt, b,. ~h conduct or behaviur. including but nal limiti;u to habitual or rcpC<llld J\;:sln!(ti(m~i1:1tioH or soil i ng of any public or private prop<:liy_ habiTUal chasing 0f p~rsot1S, ..:ar:s or other vehicles_ or nwn i ng at ]arg~_ caus~s a di:Stl!rbance to the p~cc or cause-s mjury Of lnri;at of injury to persons or property. (30) -<linn'!' mi,;<lll.'i (IF\\ lS:.\\ cntQr~_y'm~nt OffiC\:f d~Jined i.n _~.. 943.10_ FlmiJ4 Statu.k~, QL.illJl animal cqmml officer. tJ 1) Ordll1(lm'e lllean~ ~Jn' onJinance rel~tjng (0 lhl; confro.l. of or cnW.!lv tv anima-Is cn~g~d by the gove-~nlll~ body of a ~qqnt! or mU.I~rip<l1it,. lhc viohninn of whlch.is a civil infraf.::tiOJl (s~~) ()wner meallS any person l1T cu)..tf}dian in cb.a.J:g.~ (}f an animal an_d indudes any penon or (:oi'pOJ'~uion ov;mttg an havi lut a. ri,ght of- f)l'Ope:rr.- in the animal: ur LilLy f)\lf:JlU l,\ ho feeds- or ~F1dr~r~ <i:l1 afIin:al or pennlts 11 lG n:mnin Oft tb" ref~,(m',~ pr-operty for 'lhH-t!-{3D) da~-'~ or tllor~ an ,lU!h(}riL~d agent ofJh~ pi,;J.Son ha.\"iTH! a righ! t~f prop~'r.t;" in the animaL .,;-\.~t\. rerso(l.~\"ho h;.:-u~ or harbors fh:;;:anin~al or h!l..1i it in his caf"C. cusl.(.)(.h. 9! control; anG ~lJJl ~~r~OTl \\ ho D.O},s the arparent<mlhorilv hJ havc a riubt of property in..tb_t; animal. ,4,n owner ~haU iFlcluJc CV\<.0_ pCf:;on whor:~~jdcs <ltthc ~am~ addrcs.~or permits aJl_an;_lJ.lalto r{;main on Ihe prem~s~.s...in which lba[ pcrson_.r~side:;;, if such per~9n is of k,!al aut;:, (J_;) r~'r.vm EI1Qm <:tJ.1:jm.1lvldual.. cOrpDruti()l1:......'.i~).c.i:ct], C(}-pal:tll~r~h_ilL limikJ parlnr.:rship_ limill,;u habib,\" CQ[}..111any., a,SOCtatJQIJ~.or am' ol!lI,,;r Icj~al or bllSirl~~s i::t.ltit]. Kno;\ ~~d,g;:: .and i).cts Of.~g.~llt~ and l,;mployccs of CLJrpNilti.ot'lS in regard., to i:j.ni.IDJls tram:.portt:J. own~~d. ~mplo'yeq .9'1." or in th~ cuslmh- uf a- cOW..9t~Ji.0rl, ~hall he h"dq .ULbc th~ knuwkdgx and a(,;l of such cowomtion. (34) 1'('( m<.:ul1S un\" l)orncstica.t~g..CQmpanlOn Allllnq!,.~}>.dudill~ liveslock p-ovlrn, 0!_\\.jld animal~., ,~hich is oWI~ed t;y a.l1Y.Q.'lrSon. (35) Poulin' m(,;U]l:$ any d0rtli:stic fowl, Q~!H!l'1t!"n~.! lJ.~r9.f....-,:\pd game birds. Omnibus Ani m~ 1 Ordinance () ~ L:."::":: r J . L I ~ I I : L . ~; PP,l r1 en l.\<:'(,,:': ~ t J 'I) j )'() '.-(i,k mc<!.n.s tq n.~rLQ..nn an J.C t Dr om i~~ ~o fl r!l.4.LW.l....9!.;ji.nary and ~G~.~..Q.I~i,'\QJ..~Jl~::I.::iO n \You J d com::Jlblc i:s likd',- TO r..~ccipi!_at~..!he h:it~ ,Jr ~t1;a~k by iJTI qnjrnal. ('!:~:" )f,};i,:rU,';,'int' means ~trl'~L ~,'n:"':,n~rn ~'nr t_, k.l~lL c lased Cl2.~'. paJ,kc~. <x In ~~n\ (Hhcr ~1.1nnl:r. and ,[1.1 plac.:.: a~ aprr(;\cd: b, th~ H"'ilfll_" l-h.~[jj{h tl~ft~ illlirnClLS_(HlHQJ 'li1'<r. .i~,~:' <,f- ail ani m,ll~ ,,-p<:<..:i fI ~d i [] ~hc 0rd..::r. _t~y) l?utJ. ~~~~__:j.i0,L'.f:\-.r i:H!J.n!~.,i_ .rn~311s atl~ an 1 !1.141 >ylUd1. .Il:].s biu,;]!_ S('-T<U c h<:J _ ~~r .0 rvhfl JJ] <.: ~J... j ~] _f{_.~ hu nl<l..~1 b..:i;l\;: h,,;[] ill cunw,c..t.._\2.Iili_ 0.1' t~.,;,; hmcn, scr~,~;~..;(t.Q[ hll.s_.~ad i l~__~kin brot.m b\ ~1 r~biJmarllmaL.or .1.Il~ animal WlllCll. ~hq~~'~_~;'.!lill~9lns SllC~!~~ti\.; of TJ.h;,;::~ i~~.n..Ji,_',~h!."-:::""'.~~~L:('it!~i,'..i~d1 cerrU,'wk mG~..n;; .4 .cG[Ji.tka~I )SSll cd b\' a il(:i.:DSd ~ '.:tcnnari;Ln iHt(;~~@g th~Ulw..~mn;;!l..l1as b<:cn inocubt<:J ;.WHmst r..lbi.,;~. The c(Jt~Jk..),t~ ~b.;lIJ J~~ form -'.1:, '-RabIes V !::!.CC[ rl.;3,lioH...( ~[tltk;;l,,\~_'''.,. 9f t h~...!'Llli 0 n_a l Assm~ HI[ j lln ~l~ Stan;" Pub 1 k ~ t~J.l th V r;:t~!i!!;1,,! j~n$ Q r J.n ~qLH ~ .3.1~nt t"()Ull u11lt.linjng all the mf0fm~119D. mlliJ-E9._b'\.' sJ.i.~f0ml. ~J hi..: fOfl]~.!Jw.\ b~ '-.:<..1rnbim'G \\ ith the lj(:<:ns~' (:-.;-rt,fi(;;l[~' and :h.; \ <:; [0,; ri nJ..ri all \\ too ~drll !niskJ's tho; !~~bi.:s ....azcj rl~ .!~) th~ ~}_rli.111al ..rru.1 affix hi<;, or hcr 'lignatme stanw m l~clJ. Df ill1 ;:J:qual. S)gmtuK l'_U)J{(~,?i~':U~~.f(i!:!_m.j~U.'g ~_Q.~~E.l=,.::!..~~.di;~lgIH.~~ hi.he anachc-d. to J.IE anima~ collar and CDJl[J.l n 1 ng (11 c ,'ah ~e:,; > ace ~.n"l t! Qn cenlfi.p~~ . Jill r:t.l Q_er.. ~. t.-y"~ )5/,( I."fin}.: kU~J,'l'i ,ll" c'~'11(f'n llle.1llS a facihty \\ !lLd ctters nLJ seD ICes t~1L pmtLt.. \\ h;c~: lT1~ in(al[1~ anmlJ.b ~0k]: fllr th~ J\\ l1d~ sponir;[: llr hubb\ purp0ses_ J..lJd \\ hjch sdb oft:~pring and adult ammaLs only on an occasIOnal basLs. "OccasmnaJ oasis" m~<lns an imal sJ.ks 0 (- a t1-c(j U ~ tl [y \It' no gn::3.k r ~h<li1 011 C (1) l i tie r per tertde fi::mal c I}c;" year. \ lp: t- ..4 m~i-~ /"+4-Agf....H m~.J H_-, -Mt-Y--Vi>f"rt'l n e m~} loy ed --Df ,] tJpoj m~ t",'y' - t I:~ ;:Ollr~t~ "" rh) i ~ iluthGFlZ~d to un t:!~~.t1t~ PUtiL0 or pri; ilt~ rL"-Cp~ll~ ' ci.< il t[Jra;:h(~ E'2;alin.~ 1;'. flflimjtl-t:t-."ttWll or GUell_... atlu to ~S~~H;~ Ciml+ofl5 ~ f}f<..T\~ ffi..RtI'fttit! S{-atttt~ ~1}On ~2g.:2 7. An l.Ulllllal €-omm! Ag~. -is. flt}l lluthorizoo ~o bear .arni:'l .m' .ffiB:k& 'aHes:6:'-'~"""~~- additionaH~ f11euns any ~ t'nf0fc~m~rn .Agt'Itt-..~--Ht--l>'lofldi1 Sti3.tLtt~~ <;ectton ~j1~ I n_ and 8m ;'e'I~..~-.d0fj;lt:ti. ffi f"Jmids. ~;~alLlt-.eS .~tcdjclfl ..t :'+_.::.0:. (w4.':) it"rrWI" mWJ,s a Will' m chaln f;3.st.::-ut::d T-;,;3.fl ~!lljr;-,al aruJ J. ~I;~rioni;,\. vbjt;cus} W L~'p SJ.IJ amni.1; \\ ~thm .1 ccrram bnund.al"\ (. ~..j) / ~ 'Linen (' m ~'J.lU ~n act ._9,r c mL-~5 [~)J L in;;; l u J i tlg ;,lbaJ.lLl')llfT.! ..;~1.. Qr.n c ~!.1 q: Lu ! hat C~lll sc:~ ~~tsHtl:abh:: pJin_ SUftJ':,rillli.~ .L)r dLst~IS~S [() an anjrn,al,. i~~..;:1 ~Jdirlg m;;nf.J.l \jr I.:mutj;Jl1~.~U,jjm~~? .1;;' ~.\ i,klC';u b\ [11': an imal ~ <llt_l;roo Qrh~~);J.L H:~lJ_'~J~!"itiLIr~' n(J\.tlli~"/ me;.ms anl_..;..sla.hJ.ishm~nt (I~K'I.<Lt~dJ!\ a li;;~;s~d \"d.9.[lnmian fQf surg..::-ry., dj;:1grwsf~, ;:Uld..tr.!atFl_l(;nl of dis~~s_ ill]lCSSCS_ Md .t[11~L.ri~s of animn.l.~. P..:-H1 ) \ '; u (.','/ ~ N,'] t~i, /," In ~,<H1 S ~Hl} J.nl mal w hie h h;:;.s: mad e t;.. lJ (1) or m;):~ lH!]:n ~r.. Ijk~ lU wck~ .un p~J'.;on.~ or W'limab_ Of lift ~mimil-~-'t'rIH-d l:i1S jl'lfliCl~d Senl.)tlS h......dih..flt:t-fflt-t.'fl a pef~. liU....Q[~wV~l) b~'~I.l_ d-,~.cl.~r~d i~ "Jal1\;:~rolJ~ MWlli.C ~nqer this ChaJ?;~.!_.~i_J~.~.;J_~r Sl;ctW)J 1')2~.? 7..lI.t_floriJ~LSJatuks: Omnihu s A Tl imal OfJinan<.:e ., I i.h.l.il....Q.!:llli,;Tl~~t\ -"ES:lld~nc):, or ctlWQ0~ioll k~ atl,a.::k. o...:;)U}c: ,lllJHr) , m:, p~~.;n\ is(;_, cnd<lnlt~' the sah~t) Ofjl~r~Ol1.LOr dOIlJi;Sli;;4t~d wmpanion an!.m~J~L_Q'!: 1.( ~ h~ll3. ~~J i Il ~u;:::h J mgnn...:1:. tlut ;111.: 0\\ n"! hM~5_ ,9.:E~ ~tli.luld haw J.;no~\n that lhc <1TliJ1lal h;:Id. tL:'nd~nc je~ to h,l..t_t: crr..M!.ock p<.'Ti;QTlS or flthcr 40t.t\CStLC C'omp<;lI1~,Qn allimll~.. j,_S\ciolt~ Anilllul ~o<:s n~1' i tlcl,wde the to1l0\\-,mg:, (;!J ,;\n <IJllmJ.lJi:ml bi l\..'~ llr un;li..::k~ ~, p..:.ro;on Q!.,JP!lnal th3.t llTO\ Qke.;;,~ torI11~flls. lO"[lun.:-~. o..!. tr,,;~[~ [hi,: i:njTnal cr\!(;I~, . or ilil....-\n anilll;J.l ~h~,,!~ n,:"pondjng ill a man.t).,qJbrt~ 311 or~til1af\ dnd rr:a..s_~mabk_m~rSUH \\!,~ wndJJ.dl.: \\"a~,d;,;:slgn;;c.l..ill...P.ror,;(,;t i~~\JLQ.rilil~1tlH~r anil1laL or.~_QH1;on If thal p;"T~jJn i~ i:lJ\;a<!.,;u iT) 1;"1\\ f~j 1 acri \ jh,_~nd i,~, tbe suhject of an a~sa\.dt Qr ba~li.::D or anlllJaI ~lrtack , tZ,l i.. 4mh',""IIUI~~~i ~mmlm', JH~~'-ttftT J.P~L i....J. of auin:o.l anli~wm~d to 11'. lng Ill-Dr about ~ habil(ltioll ~1t" milr: aNd j" Jep~nd~ln upon mnn for fuaEI fI:l:1G ~hdttl, (afbln J.-h:d m.'tl,wd'; m&~~~io;!'~ of ullimu!s fl-t<lt ltf~ iW1. ffidut1-ea-~n-t~-4t:r~..tl..f "don:(:,;tKarffi 3ll.lJll:aJ.": ~XlJ'd <JJ1Imaj_ m";;]~..lL<m\" arurnal whid is n0[ J. uomc~ti;,;akJ C(llnl1anion animal. or an] cTOs~bl:G.~~S pi w,dd, anll1u11~ \\"ith dOmCS1]C wumilJs_ or J.J)~ 0~$I;r1tl~~n,~,r~~5~~J'l[ .;-o.;-cL ,_\l,lcJl, 3.lllmals include, hut are nOI lllmtcd to: an~ YClh1mOU s s nak~, In ~ ho n, Q.f c 911~!nrt VLJRlLl};..J: s. i)\~)s, porcu pin-.:-s _ monk<:\ s. raccwm;_ 1>kunks, leopards. hems, tig..crs_ hn.:'LJNpcacsc.Riidgcr!;,fox. CQ.}"OlC. wolscs_ wolf~h\"bnd:$~ \\ vfwri flC;~, ~ql] i [!";,::b. bC4r~_ dCCE~ Chtr,t~l!Hlks, _n,~t~Q~f:", clk.:........(;l,bhits, t1Jw:o,SU,0\, hC<l"..:rs, QrQund )1f,,"gS., mok_~_ g.op..bs.r~, lllK'c"'rod~.nt~ .b'lts- bird~, and -,my rd:Ht:d.fur or t};,lth~ri;_d [1()lO~4.Gm"-'sl!,,,a t cd CO.n1 pan i en, amm.:!.l ~, Sec. 3-d, ~. ConstruHion; malnlt''danCi' or ~ animal control shelter; ptlrl:u)s..e~;-~-&f" ~ ltntm~J:!!. EmDJO\'ine.. C...fQ.ntrlldim and AaDDolntment of Defl':8.rtment maflo.g:er animH} control su~r"jsor and t~()ffiCeT5~ 4:it~, ( ]) Tn!,; b0arJ ma~ purd1~IS~'_ kas~' l'r construct and m.ay O(JCf.::J.to:' and mamtam cO\Jn~~ pou:HL-i'tf s-ub pOl:inds arum3.l comml :>h~lt~[.s..w rcrain !'!!!;.JQll(l\\ ing lilLAanlrnal~ J[ largl;, J.P.} Aany fLcrcc_ \ LClOlIS or dangcr'Ju:<, animab rwt properl" S';Cl!rcd 0r n,;:~fralrl(;J b\" thi.:: o\yner 01" hcper. l.;:)~itnim~lls that nr<,; nUl sauccs_ animals having ur belle\ cd 10 ha\ ~ rah-i.:s or Ntl<.:r d:r....'...:tlous or (:Olll<lgiOLl~ JL~~J.ses, r d) De.ogs Llot licen:;L'd and inoculakd a...~ rcqu i r;;d b\ [h!~ diapkr, or {c) Aan~ animal oth;,;r,\ i,;;c II, \'iobtion of rhis c,(haptn or reql1,ir<.Od ,by tlm Chapter t,QJ~.:: !mpoun~l;:_d Or ql,!llranlinl;q, (2) The: h~).ard rrmy chtl.g-= re.i:lsoHab!t' f~~s for-lmpOI:lIluing anirr:cd: ~!Ilrlo:r" ~ ,;j,aptff, Th.. o......nlt-fS Vf-'~~rs of impotlnded animals skaH pa",the-,f~ aoo ~;.:eCl:~k a sworn ~mtemem-e.f-' ~',\ :~e_-.hJp m rc,~PQn"il~d ;[\ ft.:' tl-..'t>ft{.fHlOIl prece~..-w- ~ of Q:l ::nrnundui ;U1iHldf-"~~ ~:h;d ~huH k'~rastud In (he g~ncral r0\~lH!~ fund -ef tn-.o-.-i.-'tJUfH:O--_ Hnd,[jJJ-,~:~t1;3t::;.'s 01" rtd-m~fli~kftflg lhfS -fflapte-r st:J.ll he pain fmm tRoa! fUl'1d, Th~ bOftfd*f~ promulgate b~ a~~ dffifb:<e.. to ~le !laid unJt!r thi~~ ehaVI~f (~} \'Of\.j'~IAUfi1.Ij.Hg S\l~!~,)tl-fb}_ Q dog ;\ Im:h I~, fluT inocl.1lttlOO-n-gltltlS! rflb~C's or '.\ hich--!s--flB.f licen_~J:!j ~J'Ia~1 !l()\ be rd,eas!:'d from a cmu'LI~, pOtlf'itl I1lTli+~bioo5h.El:o:e D~~l1 made Ii) pmp~d; ~,ttffil~ and Ht..,lns~ th~ ant:l:3[ .;-rnp k\' ~m\ person aLLG or conJt~,.;_t...,'>\ i~h am' pri .ak nOll- C':o\.:mmcmal hwrtHlm: ,.9fg.<lni~~,l!9.l1 for the operation M arnmai s_h,d!q t1lCLJ!~!~,~d animal Omnibus ,.:\ ni ma 1 Ordi nancc 8 ~QP..tX,IJ.L{~_~pon.~lbilili~~, auth0.ri.!.~q _hy_ I-b,L~_,~h;!l~I~r \\,lH.:fl (h~ board ~ontracls \\ itl-: rul\'_,;;~"kl).", ~?,qs:j_mion Uf corpllra.Lion for tl1(; pr..;\'cnlwll of cmdt\' to _<!lti_1P.Jl.s..I9. !1.f0Qde an:m;tL c:9.~,tr.Ql JJld animal shdt~,Uir;;:D'k~~ ~Q ~h~ tOl,lntr, the contr.act ~}lJll..pL(lyj_gc for appOtntmcm of lh~ ~ntil\"'~ :mimill_control, s'upcn j"or 3,llsi.~jma; control offlC<;TS <is ag~nts tor t.tlC_PllIlWSe of mVGstigat.ing vwJatLoJ}l ,Q.Lall\ or 111~ proViSlOITh of ChapLcr 828_ FloriM__.stat4t~s, ::J;nd the pr9Y!:5..l0IlS 01' this Chapter. AU ,~E1.~a] control, 0fl'jcer,~ an~i, J.lJp~D:!sors. Wl1Cth~T ,:oTltrac1cd or ~mployed., Q) th,~ ,tJq<!f_d_, ~haH he ,:ilPP'(Ji~lt..~Q_irL tn~ rl1a.nncr n,;-l..J.uin,;J by S, ~2~_Jljfn ,r,S" ..pro\"i,dlng,Jor,_,trl~ ?-PPQ,i,nnncrllll{ such OffiCi..'fS to be appro)-~~_q, hS_Jh~ Bqarq of (ount,}, r9!nmiSSIOr)cr~ and a iudg:~ of [h~ Connty, Q( CjfCU,~t Court, Sec. 3-4~. Anim~d (ontrol officers tmd slIQen,'isor-s: uU3lificatiom;~OCIl9:rtment ml\ull.g.fr-; appOinlmerlt; duties t-l:) ~ board or-its-,e.dmini,..trator :0; Ll~oriz~a: to apPOtllt N de~igmfu7 tt sHilab!~ ~p.;otl-ta~ El~"Eln depltnm~m-'n}.j)nageL to carr:- our the flll"f~-~Jf +ht,,;,-\...,'-hapt~r, 10;;: ,bo.ard :5ihEW~.i~ ~1rtment manager J:tE:imal t)Ollttl~l-::;~f'r'isOf StliJ!l'€Om~H-Sation as the boar-d d~~!"tl.3 pr-oper: ( 2 ) Tfll.,; dep-mtml;mt -'l:HiI tmgff an i mal ~o nJ.D.~L5.Wlcrv i SOr Olnd h!s aulhori2i~ ani mal contra 1 AD f'H C c~ l1l,(l y C~ltC fl_ sel ze m pick lL p: (a) ,.\ tl~' ST.fL1\' ~ini ma L (b) An}" anImal at large: (c) An: tIerce, vidOl!S or dal1g~rou1; animal nnt rropcrh' n..~lrain~d or Si,;-CurcJ by the owner Of kecpcr~ {d) <'\ny amm.<1.~ carrying OJ bel ic~'cd fa b(; i,;.;lIT}-,jnr; rabies or other infectio-us. or cuntugious d i s;,;a s,-,'s ~ (e:~ Any anima] that i~ ~l nuiS<ltlc(;~ (0 An:' d0~ notlic~nsed and Inoculated us rcq~J i"fcd by lhis chapter: k;j An: ~id or H~jur~d arti[llul fur which the owner ;If ]...C~pCI' {,;J.nnol k found a1t~r H....lsonabk, eftol1 to do so, Or for \\hi-;;h the owner or hepcr is unubk or lmwilling to provide proper care; (h I All'''- <tnip.v~l whidi h_~'l. bi:ctl found .::ng<}gqd, in animal, i1gbriTlg lha~ is pXQhibJied ,b~.lh.j:;, Chapter, (j} An\" ()~h(;r aruma! authorized by this chaptcr to be qU;;l.ra.ll1:ith;:,q-,-_impULlnd~d.. (,aught.. ~cin;~f] ur pid~d up, ~ Th;: d~pilrtm~Rt manug~ ,ulimal .,coptrot ..sup.~r.,nsor or his Aof:fic~ff> nr a';~i~lam::; shall impound or othcmjsc dispose.:: OfSllCh animals.'!.S provided under rim C€-hartcr, f}-:l) The ~mftnwnj- rnanageF-an i mal, ;;_ ~nllr()! sllpcnis9..r 9f hi.~ au thOfi z&l anQ_ml~mal. co! !rr_QJ, A0lTI(;l.::rs or.<:.ssistar.ts ;:,han invcstig.ate compjaittL~ or a.;tiort::> allug<.Jdly in vloJation uf thE-s chapter and ,~ball i;;:_~uc cila!iolls demanding that rh.;;- ~'j()latwns cease or be corr.;;,;:tcd_ ThOSt" animal cotltr~)l AQffker:;; aut,nOrl7cJ to issue ('nations pur~lIilnt W scdiom: 82~,27(1 )(b) and 82K13( 1 ){l} folurfda SW~Jks_ hav~ authority urtJl.:r rhis chapk,r. Hi) Pt.Er,~Llant tn ~aw" the dtlpillt:mEl"-lt managt:!f..anuna! ~..Q_ntrol sU'p~ryiSUT and !:lis al:Hhorfzcd a~sis!an~~ qtflcCl~\_JI1~n: enlcr pubhc or unfcn{.~t:d prrvak propctn \~ i~hin the COUn1~ _ CXi,;(,;pt r~sjdentLal buildings, tu carr! our the dutil:s jmposed oJ this chapt:.::r, (~~) The ~'al1Jm'll....~ontrol sJ,!llit\"isor may declare an animal t(~ be a "fierce <lni rM 1," "d:Ulg~rOlJS animal" or "\luolis J.11 imal" u.~ Jdim:d by see-HOn _~w) of lhis Ch;lpICI"_ <.,md may ordef th~ Owncr of such aujmal [0 S~i.:nrc, r~stra.in and ~;onfi[l~ Ii m a rcasoTlabk mal1n~r spec(fj~d by th~', de-partmetH ffiHnager 'illJII)K!1 CO!1t~'or s~lp.:rvimr , 1(1) TIle anirl!~j f,;onlroJ Om~~f sha.:lJJu~fil] the fQ1Jqwittg_4.!:!ti(,;~: il:!,Lthc ani n_l~~1 contred gt:tiur ,,~haH ~ronlpth- 5~i2.e, T.JlcJ!p and plan:, i,u th~ _{i~;rll~J prottlGJ.iqp sh~]t~r. or contl~J.cted...Wf\j~~~ provi_p'_~r.. \3.lJ aniTllals b~ing ,kep!_9! harbOfl.:d Q~ t0und fllnnim! 01,1 1{I.rge_~n\" plael' \\"ithin t..h~so\m~nt..rary tnJhc provisiqll5 oft~i~ Omnibm Anhnat Ordinanc~ l) ChU~J[L;r Of tll..: "tattlt:::~_9.r.thc, St.ate As, W any ~"~,L.t~nmd roamimr or \\"~mJ(,;rirH! (llillblli:: Pf0pcfj::, or PX!Y0.~~,p-mp<.Tt,-- oth<;r than tba[ of its (l\\'ncr. _That ,;~ ,urlL-.:~str;linecl: \\)tb,QL1t ,m S!\~I'I~:r_,immcdiatel:-- and \,j~jbly P.J~~'~nJ.,Lin such an.'a '-lfld wi:[hou[ an idl:nlif\'i~J;Ji~~,Q';:G tan_ tnl: aJllrnaf ~l)..!l!!:'Q.l.. 9JFc~r, after re;:l~ol~a,bk, i.t:l\'G~..!..i\l.ati()n- shaH ill: \ I.:sl..:ll \\ i t1: dis~,wlion to coLJc:lmk That sud~s.9-.t...t$J-=fJJ W abandqned qy ..!t~_PJ~JJ~_[ aI"!d..!IlJ.l\" s..::iz'.: and ;mpolHld th(,; ~at ill a~,~or.Qw!(;,~ with the rrovislon~ (}f this rhapJ;;r~, iJ:!.l.Jll~JJ2i[ll.a! wr\trul {)ffi~l,;r ~hall bi,; pr\mgL1m~~~D.L.!~i/"cd a~ ;l peace or polIce Om;~f ,(qr d!~ p L! I])~~-r IJ r ~l_, ,is 0 rd j nanc ~, ,look m she ,~h4H. ha\ t;Jh~ legal a ulhmi l \' an d J u h' to h;w; aDpC<lrun;,,;~ rick~[~,,-~..iI~tj~~tl,~__Qr ,:$l.lmmonsc~, IO those rtrSOL1~ O\\ning" ,kte.V_iJl,g JH harhorlng animals contrary to Ihe pm":!.~'0!JI.9iJhis9rn.manc:c- (D Tb.f.:,;:tn,~~t!~l ;;ontrql ;)ftJc~r ~,han d]~J)Os~ of lml)purlc;l~.d_,WJ.(~I@b__~~b.ich arc mY! daim~J and rdeas~d ~\-ith,in,,~~,vt',n,(7.L4~y~ Qy..q~W,of.lh~ following rnc!bods: (f) aJoption h an mtli\'iJual ~rson who rnCd..'J adoption crjlcri,g,19_t::J!l..~AD!!"!!...al;_Q! (:) h~lllmfl;'; (,;uth,H'a~Fa lInder Stul~ ~latlH~ If lh(,; anlliTll~1 i:> d;';L;rn~~d unadoPlabk or c<tTJI101 Di:; pl~J.(;:eG. \\it~in <:J re.;:;t~l)ni3-ble tm~e \\ith a t;iw.1y rC:~Qgnjztds~~,-ce IJ.Qnderw the COUllty., $llcn a~ it h'-'(';JI~,,;J human.: ~Qcic!," or animal ptoh;diun shdt-cr: ur C') n.;h:a::;~ ll1' a duh' r;,;cog;111z~d. ~~n'i~',c pwvid-.;r to ~hc Counly__stLch_<IS ~_,Jir_~l1?~~ h. \!(fl?!,H,": ~q_c icl.\ or <lni mill p fOT.i.;CT ion .'; he 111;r. i JO\\ PSI'" jL:,i...~,~.9lLQ,!~S,al. lla~ a (,,;01 t..u_ lic~nsi,;. or uther nidt.:Dce of OWllcrsj-ll~. the:: animaJ control officer shall noh~:Jh~,g:'iJ.,llt.;Lm _\'."l:-i~iHg D}:, fj.)~t Gla~s_maLl 9fthe ,i,mpnl~,.1_4Ql'-;_r.!!" Dis.pmiitjon 9f.t~~t?J~,l1J.rJ.'~(3.1 ~l1all th~n riot l)~ made illltd aHcr Ii,;n (10) da....!:; fru,rrt.1h~,ililJ:t:;. ~tf mail.,ill,g rh~..r~Q_tj.!x, The ,Hlim..d (:QlltroI supervisor shalI mmnwi!1 a r~~ord,~~( \y..1wn tlw ;.mirnJ.I wJ.S....4~~JJ!.lrgJ_ ~tl!dl).r\qer w4at ~j!cumstances, Th,I5 r~~9!.4_,)_~al~ also illdif;all.:: tb~ d.a~ of !\()ticC" ,~~llL19Jh._~J,lMlcr of an aniTllHl and ar"]';; sub~qu\)11l dlspo~it!oJ1Jlfthe animal., Thl,~ SCCijQll..q_0_9l'!!_Q.T npph, to animals ,~'lli~h 0lF"l: SlCK Of iElJ!!f:\:dJ9, thl,-~ c:\km that Ih~~ hotdinl!: pr.:riod WOllW_~:<)ll"'f:,the ;:t!lI,ma! W,sutfi:.r: ,R~g111;'!tions fctMdiF'lg lhl: sak of <J.n,i,f(J.J.ls h()m the Ol!,li!.l_~~_LP.ro{cc{i0Tl Sl1dli,;f al1d bOilrdmv.: Jnd othi.}I ,(;:h~J-ges shall be p()Sl~,d in a con~pjL,un,u)J~l;iS~_.1t tn!.: arlimal control shd~i.:r ,_Jh~ JtQ,QiG",s ,qf all ~.njmab dcstfqJ"i:.Q. ~!.r lht; animal wnlrol shdtCf or e!se~s:h~r~.1l1 the cour:ny :'iha.lll)~uili.sW(:cl of bv lhl~ <lmma! mrrt~Ql.. 9_ffic~J in a man[tC~H(3.PPJg\d;{j bv Ihe Monroe County HcallhlJepartme.mant;lthe Board 0C (mnmi~)jortcr~, ATl\' <lJ lirnals voJU!ltm,ll:- relLnquishl."d hJ..th,c....l_~l.i..!.l1;ll C{)Tl[njl shelter b\' their Owners fer dispositi.on fnot boardillgJ...lJ_~_,,;-d not be kept for ll1~ mirj,lJII1,lJ\"! pcr.og_.QfSi~,n::n,t7) lJr,ten (In) @'S5..!.x:forc Tch...,m; GT df~D.OS<!l..9ftb.e =;lllimal nYJh~_,~irna.1 C:Q,nfrv 1....lIffk.:r , ( D) Th~ 4J_~jIllul ~~On!ro] off1c~[ ~l..w.i) promptly 11\,\ ~,~tjg;,l[~ all animal bit(;; ~~~~~ ~n\"(Jh ing hlJ!n;)fl tlJiLlT"\ and shall sqIT_b_9~t,q,.ndolrt~nl[lU.o djscon::r lh~; animal ip\J"";Jly,ed, ,lftl1~ ,lJliTTl<1..L';'Qptp.-"l officer tinqfi- _~bs atlima~ n..'sponsibkj'pr.,th,e bite, he 01' ~h~ shOll [ t,;ilkr inmflUn,d m qU'"lf_(i!.~lirl'" lh-..; m~imal for,~~_~!lni!l<!tjrm for dL~9b~C in aewrdanc..: ~~iUJ. tlw ~.prlic,lbh.:: provisioll_~, 9ftbis (Jrdu~~rl~~ and the statut..:~ of LhgSta,tc" The ani!nall.:ontrul <.,m~cr sh.all alw_h~ phl,iged to ~ciz,,:_~rld rmp~'und am rabL~<[~Sl,l~pe-cted an_irr!~l <u~d (;am;~ tlu; .illJ..iQ1~l to be citJ~~~ impou 1J(,k::u Of ',IllardQ.tin~ct fore,xamiB.i}tiOll for ui~~,::.as<; in ~l,,:~rdancc "vlJ!l tl,le rro....i~ion~, Qf.thi~ Onhll.anc;.:,_ {F) Tho,,; anim<ll.. c,Q,!ltrol oq!~cr i~ <tlHoorizi,,;d ~w.q ':lnpov;ef~,9..in accordancl.:: ,,,'ill1.the 2!"y!"_i.~iop'::~,_l?fthjs Ordinanc(,: tQ cnl~I..!!1'(I!1 pnyate pr~I,n,j~.9_~{t;x.~~vting entry Into th~ Omnibu~ Animal Onllnance 10 U!i\_fiIC areas of h,\,HI.dm~s_ lI11k$:S i F~..p-9.sse,~.slOn [Jf.~L.sc-arcb WartllTJ!..u~)..the j)urpOW Qf iJ.1.Fillding lbos(,; pr..:m i~c~, to d~t~,rrmnl,; if t11(; owners oT.9Pg<;,. cat;;: QUlwmals haroor.:d. ~,~P.t Of pO~,S~~5rd an lh..:: pn;rnis,..;:~ ha\,,~, ,,;omrl,~~~t with the provisions o( !l.-t..is rhallter Th,~ a nill.m I COTlI!.9]_ 9nJcCL" is: :llrtJw_I.:izcd and ~mpo\"c(~q..!o jssu~ ,3 Gl.mtion to lhl; lH\ n:;r ,)f" an\" dllf!:;., ~_t,~"qr f~r;~ts ,tqr..~\"hom ilD li(:~~J.':ic h;).~, ,b.;ctqmIC:\-![;og III accordancl.: with th~~ Chapk~ Of t9..f aIlY ether ...,iolation Q,fthis Ch;1p:rer:,_ The pro...i,::ions or this ';>J~,bsectlDn shall illdud..:-. btl~ r~ot_,b~ 1imiteq t..Q,j[tvcstigation of. arld s~h~.t.Jre.tor> ~D-w!ty w animll.k UTld inve'stigatirm ;m!t scimtl' vf VjCiOll:S (l~' d~ngeroLls ~ll!n~ls. {~') .,Uw_mi_ll1<ll Wlllro1 offka,;r ~nLl._V ,h~Y~ the. dLlty to ,'n1iJl[~t an\' kl:TJl1~L a ft~ellW (l)~' whell 19i...l)_~~!,l j~~ll,ed by any s'411t; or Cmlnly <.lg~llC) or thdr \:i!:l~~t1fj.l.ed oft1ccrs. ,anG sh.)[! hQ.ye th~~ PH_l,y to llotif\' thl: ]i(,;cn:;;i tlg ?~~'~~:,of any CQ1ldit,iol1~_}\_'h.ii::.!1 ar.; ll:nh~;.ahll\~ qy J.~l,1U_[Han~ to ~llc .lllimals ,f:;~p...tJn th~ k<:llFWI, (h) The ~H~~!..l,,=!l_ ;:,otltrol otncer ~h;]H, h<J.v~ thl.' duL\" LO iIlH;~~!~g~..t.;: ,LOtqplajnts 9f.~mmals allq;~tllo b<: daJlgcl'O~L5 an.,(mah_of VjclOu,s ml!..m..aJs. aDd ~haU havl; rh: rigbIJq 5~jz~, taJ,;:c tip a.!Id tmUQund such alljl11al~ pc.:ndinl!; d i~p-os i t\ on p ~HS uaJltJQ 111 j ~ , Chapier. { G l TIK a 1) i jlJ ;~l (;om T~\ J ~l ffi n: r S l_'AtL ~~,~S _,the d ll_t Y to i m estig;1 t ~ ~Q mp k\hl~~:UJLcru e llY ~ '.}r abandonmml or D I;yk\.: l () fan i mab ;:JJ.J.4._~l~an t,;:t.ke ~u ~h..actHm a~, j s r:equi.f~,Q. 9..r p~~TTIlI 11 cd In.: t 11 <: 8 e-:t i0n 0 C th _i,~, (:_b~p-Xer.g(Jyem i ng anima,l s: j n ,di~.lr9,~~, (J-i) 1'11<: an irmll eOTllrull>ffic,;:[ s,haH b~ r_~"p'..Qr.l5il,~I~ ,tqr u)Mdmating \~,jlP the ('OLl!1ty AdnHnmratm or,hj~ :d,~~gJ1:L.t~q1!P-.PJ;!ipJ~(: lJw sa!c- of lict;ns~s and th~ kWllirl~~ of ~umrg.(l..ri-,lJC r<.:cQrds and rdat w book." of UCCUWlt , m 'J:h~ Wl,im<;ll..C9mrv.,tQ.fi\Q.IT, shall nol sdl. gIV,,-' Qr rna~~ '-l.'>ajlabk ill UTn mJ.urn,;r an\.' U,y~ QLPf,~_9.__<;lD.~mill~_ Of~l)lS_SpeCfcs or any <minlal bod... paJt~ or urgaJls 10 lx; m(x1 for 1];'5_~{l.rC 11_ dcmOJ~ srra tiQ!l-" ~~l1,~~ i J!l,~m~l.. qT_ ~n J, 91her_purpo-ses by.any pels" n, fll'IT!, i:orporation or il1l'Litulion.l-'XC{;pllO th~' e:\h;m n~ces.sar~; 1O l:ompl..,- wilh hi.:ahb laws and ~:-;gillg.l! Q)l$, ~0.nG~,ming J<!-pir,~ "Tb.~ ,~,LlML(';_Qmf.Q.t Qffk,-;;L1'il"@,ttb_~ rcBp-c.....l;;;jbJ~ fof. giwo5lt.ion ofth(,; bodl~s ufanimal~ dcqro\"cd ar the anima! prot,~cti9I' shdt.;r in ",-cc(wd.;tnce wlth State ,la,"" and J'~gul~t..io\ls: {J) Th~' M.1jmoll Lnntrol olficcf shall"p.ro~'idc _Ifl tb~, :>.ta,tc ;!rr-0~t_l~_..I}).r iJ_l~:y;t.i&l6on and p02sib k Dms~(;utiull informalion com:(;mjn~ ::;uspoctcd violations of lhe; .fGJlpwmg Florl{b Statutes: Sccllon 81tL 122 governing fighting 9_t.mjJi!JK~!.1.h~1Jl,l~; $,~ctj0n S,zg ,123 W:ff1li_.t}g..kUhl)g_~ Q0g or cat 1\:!t jntent tD ,foci! pelt Olrtd _p'o~~.~c<:,",j(l~,l.of-,p~irs_0L JOg~ Qr (ah \\ ith.,thei ~l{,9_m_!95~lJ~ S~tion 82R, 123 I gt)'".~min\.! th(,; sale oh~ann~rlls or itqU~.....Qf clothing: c~~rlt..lil1ing dog llT cat tlw Section 8'18,125 govcmiaRJ.blL~dlingor aggravated abus<.; of ru"';swr~d_hmj;.~E Wldqttk; alld Seqlon S2S_29go\"cftljl~g .th,~,l!.'i~!lsp.ortatio(l intQJhe- state, and of't'ering, f.CI"- S\!!y .0L~:t(J,..gi..,\:U1d cat..';, TIt..:: fourth' Mhmll...... is auwori.z.\:d to :',e,t;:h ,iqil,mctivc rd id <lgaiIlsl cort!inll~d violations of s~id_-5J..;J.nm~S Wan investigation IJisdoscs probabk ~:au~ to bdlcve lh<; Y_l,p~,m,i_Qn~ are cx;curm,lg <ll1sthc~05 no criminal p ro~cuti0.l1 Or! b,,;_y i olati on:;. LK) The anil_n9:Lcuntror om~<.:r shall run:.,; such other ~!-l,~\~~, r~'i~ting to th~Sl:l [Qxccmcrlt or wi(> (:.'h.J,N~r a., the"Board_9fCommi"38ton,;;rs may from time ro lml~_PfQl,)d~, .Gil : U..lQ ,a,[~ !p);ll co ntrn 1 rlfn L ~ f:_,!!l_CDforci n ~~ t], <.: provis i OTIS of th i1i _OW-P-Wl:" ,and, tl) G statutc~, 91' tho: Stm~,.Qw~jn,i!).g to aJ~jry:lil,h-, Fn~\' issm: to lh~, O\\"llcr or b;<,~L9J.J.'1, ,;;l..!l,!,!'lal,in \l(ll<3;tiQ!\ of thj_~ _~haptcr a. cir.:llion wnl<!in~ng ?, po~ice to pay .'I.ft!.l_~_atld/or appear in CUllf1 or ITb1} Omnibus Animal Ol'dinance J 1 make cJ)rnplailll to (be, ,Stall: - sAtlQ_m~\" for the Si \le:cnth J,u~i:G.jal Cm.:uit a[ldJQ, Ih~ (~,ircuIt Q:rJ'omm CouCJ: ,tll regard to :!JJV vlolal io[\~ qr this Ch,!-[l.t~.L (Y~ \0 cnlphJ\;';:~ ()ftJ.l~ C OLlllty or any COlllra~r';"'I,I..~\!.ity shall pqfOnll th.:: Juti..::s or- a~~ aJmnal CL1ntwl,om_cer unless that p(;r~<:Jl1 har. be~n..clrtifi(:d throll~~h d,~~, traming nrp,gram di,,;scribl;d in Section !'IlK 4714 Ha 1.. Florida Sr,atLltes, Thi,s Pf.9\"ision ::;bali riot pr_~lude ~.!~rt9~,ce<. \~h,Q arC,p..ol clnifii..,J from rS:0\'iding care for animals. m,~intcI~rUH:C of,ani[~laj li,,-ing <l,n::as ur alll.:nding to othcr operation~ltanJ m,hnjniSErat~.\.cdt..tties of tlw_<mim<ll ~9_nlrol and shdt~rirlg f~mdiollS_ S~(. 3-6. Fe~s. and Monies Collected. (l) lhe hoar4 rn.m~ eharg~ n;moTlabl~.. r;:,~s for llceni;ur~ a!l..Q for impounJi rI1~ ~~Ild car_c.,.or animals UTld;,;:r thi~ ~_~<lph.:'" lllC 0\\ n~~~, qr. k(~epcn; of intp~lund(;d "-U_lim,als ~haH pay ,w~J~.;::s and cx~culi.; a sworn s Wkrh<:T! _f Q f ,l\\ ne r.~hip or r~~p-ollS ib ilit y a::l a ~On d iti ory _precede III to relea,~ c 9f.:m impOl!I:lGId_,;mimaL FCl;S collcctl.:d sh~l' be d~pDSLt~9 iq lbo;, g~neral rcn:uw: fund or- rhc CQ!!..!.lI~~ ~mu all c" p ell S~,$ t) r ad En i tl i :;tenp.g, m IS Chapter shall hI; paid from } J13t fund, The boan~, ~hall pWTT\ukatc b\ rcSOhltiQEt all charge,~ to be p<J.ig,undn this Chapter, For am' qQg, ~at o.r ferret that h,as bc~p, admgi,cat~d a dang<.:rom animul \-"l~r.$~!;:ult to Section 7() 7..1.2, Florida Stalull,;s. the 1ic~nsc fv.:s shall bl: i ncrl;J.3~d b\" $SOQ, ULJh(; Board ])1<1" proviui.:: for a ~"Slcrn_Q.r..r~_~s.., \\ llich may inch.:t~c a systqn Q.f.gj~~,m!11l~ for re<>pon~iblc 0\\ ncrship, care <;ll_lG-solltm1 of amm<Jls, In orJl.:r for an 0\\ Ilcr f.O ~~dc~Il!,,~~'y impounded 3.Ilimal, the required f~e~ ~,~::till ""~lmin.ar" costs W pn:J\'id~ such c~re ncx:cssar> TQ susl.jin ll-H: animal in a. numnnc mannc!:.\\hile imp0Llnded sha)1 he re,mittC;,GJg,1!.W..@m.1al contro! ~uJ)~f\'tsor 9f ollker. (_,) All j"~c~ and mflnj~s colkct~d,hy the anlffi,;:ll c;;o!J,t:rQl QtJj!=,\;:J~,~d.)?up~n'jsar(s} shall b..I accourth,.:d for and turned ove-r to the C9\lnJJ-., (jel:k, on or before the ftn;t of each and ever:' month, or mOI~_..Qfj:m~jf reasonably ncc(;:s-S<l['l.'_ llnd~r the standard praC[iCl;S of the Ckrk's a.coollntinl!. ~\"~l~lll, Sec. 3-51. Vm~dnli.tion of dogs~ Hod ClltS. and ferrets (1) Any r~sldent person" ho owns or keeps a dDg, or cat., rr_J~rr~l four (4) months old or alder shafj caLL.~~ the dog, e-f cat, or ferret to be vaCclllated effecti\"e!y again;;t rabies \',Ith a lJn!tcd S'ar~~ GO.>'c;ffilft~n-I f)cparfm-.:-ot of Agri~l.Illur-.:- approved V<lCl;ln~, by .j Iil,;cnscd v~kTinarlun, b'idencc of vaccinatIOn shaH consist of a rabH~~ \-accmatlOn cert~flCate signed hy the \'eierinarian adminiSkring th~~ Y<lccmatlon a.nd a €[ounty rables vaccination tag attached to the anima"t. collar. The cerIitkat~ shall COIlt.1.m (:"l) A !Hl m ~r i i,;,jl h- ~cria Ii 7.'::u cul i fkah: (b) Th(,; ll~jll1l.::. addr<.;ss. and phone numbcr of Lhe owner, (e) The date or vaccination, (d) 'nlC c:\.pi nHion d.HI; or lhl..: \"<lc{~in~lliOfl, (e) The spec leS_ ag.c, sex_ co ~oc blced_ \ \ e ighL J.1H11lamc ("J f rhc ani rtlal \' i.!c;;i Tlat ~(l, (t) The- fables "accin~ manLlfactun;:r (g) The vaccine 1m flLl rnhcT. (II) Th~ t~l'~ aJlJ bmnd of"-<Jccllle lls~d, Ii} Thc ro~Jl '.,; uf ad mi ni ~trmwn ['If the 'vaccine, (j) Th~ ~i g ria t me of the II c t nScd \" et e rj nahan, Omnihus A nim~l Ordinance L:!: (/) CpOTl....vroJuctwlU?f a mbi<:~ v.8,ccin;llrmU;:ertifEcak \\b.i.ch J)l(':~r~_thc above erj,tl;,[ia, a r<!-bJ~f \ aCctnq~tQD tag /1WS be l~~~qd bY,.;U1V anima 1 Wj~t,r0,] ~upq:1:isor or ~llimal Cuntml oft!_~a for the a.nirnaL~~,~ig~at<,:d iq ,the rabi<:~ \~_~(:i,natiotl c~D-ificak, "\:(J ~vaccmuii()ll c~Ft-tfie~HC nr tag i.f?~!-IqUl\' <.lll\" I)th.;:r iU_r.lsdlctlOn ~haH b.,; valfd in ~hc county A hl'~r~;: Q} 1l1,~u~bies vaq::j~J~tlon ccrlifi.crlh.: andtag ar~ issw.::d for on.;: animal is qnd ar.: onJ)- val id for the ~~nimall-ii.~ and 6 <!rLnN tran~fi.:T able, (2) :\n:.- nOflH:~s.itlenl \vf1-&'brill!1;s a dog-si-:'i. ,(&) rnornhT of Ui2;e (l[ olc1er-mlQ MOlln,~'(\,Ul'lI-, "itj.J fRfUrH tQ re~7ide .....ithin-thtHOl:l\l{'....pcrm;lJl().-.t!y. or-tempor-ilrj~:-, ~~)r a 1~~(RinH:IIH ...,*-si?,>:, (f;) rnOf1if.tT. ~baH obtain u lit::~f1~~ t1ertilkate LlJHi 'R bcens~-llig" fFOm tl:e depu.I1HIenl mEu~-at~irn-al wntrrn SUp-ef\-lSOH,.f n hc-~n~ed--\-'e:te:jtlafjO:B ',','ithin -UHny c;Ohm:>5 ~ll' arri'."al. :nltl ov.'m:r ftllr.3t--~ 1)W~I'Sf1lp--()r (fie fu:i mal, (..~) Vaccittarion IS e,(Cl!s~d onl:- i r" the ~r.-\ller e[-k~~ptff ca.Tl p-N. c. (hat tne dog or ca~' has bet'lJ 'ravt..'i f~'l:,I:;a i;l ~t fa l)i es ',',' it-llm t~ p<t~st Sf"<- (fl) mnnth~ l: :,' a V~',l.:rimlfiafl 1 icctl s cd ti) p men C ~ tn an:;: ,tate bas exmnin(.;J rh:.: ~!:!~im"l.l an,Q. ha~.. \:..cnifi;;J Of'-tf'G. lic,z-r-l:f:led y~~..i[:arian-,cdilfi~s l(l ,mung that a vaccination \,. ollld be in,juriolls to the animal's health Q~_gu.s~ ,)f lt~ ag~, iut)mm~ di~~hiltt). lUn;:::~~, OJ: .ojh~LmcdECal wTlsider\1!jQns, lr: tll~ Jattef' case_ tTlK:- animal shall b{; kpt HI Jon em:lo%d building or kenneL and\yhen oulsidc of .said CrlCI.O:;Ufc s4.4U..,j;l~J.lllda tn'.: din.::c[ c.ontrol ofthe O\\"nero until thc vd<:riJ1~Hiah cail fialdy vaccinate tlu: amma1. (;;') A dmT_ ~a{ or fl.:rrcU~ J\ich is rcq~ire:d ,~Q..b!;.jno~~u!alw alld nor itlo~,l~l;lr,~d agaiJlS~ [3b~p; ,s,h~.H not he, released tl"QIH._<!-..eoullty animal .-;l1chcr_ OL pound lJ.mI,l p:rQ.'>:',l:~!~mS h.:1YC b~cn mOld!,; to properly inoculate the anim<!L {(~L _ J;<J,~,h..J~[T;r.l '.:ace ina [cd al:Cll!'d t ng tQ_I.b h ~,QctiOfl mJ,lst he, qlJ.~Jl!,utjm::d- when ll(;CeSSa r\_ accordll1g to.th c...mks ,Qf tb i,,; D<;pc'U1 111 ~ll{ of Ht::.1.l tho (7) ,\ll unimal (l\\ nC..!.:~_,1Wr.1H~o, ~tl.::ct addre~;;;, pho,nc, l~illub~L-,md al1jm.a~ tag. llU mb~r conta.E!1(,;J iTl a r.:loies \';]cc.na~1(1,n _ ,~J;!1jfi..<;:ah..~ pru....idl.:d to ih<: anlrlial COIg,r.QJ ,authorit~ i~ cc-.:empt fn)!ll ,s, !W,07(1) and::;., 24{a), ,Al:t-.l of~lf~,.~~:;!t,-:, Constiwtion, HOl\oo,,:vcr. aIr..' person \~,~Q.h<!.U,'l~,~,t~,~inen: ~(,mldlJ.;J. or olJ:,i,,;f"\\isl; o,,;~Q0j..:.:;;1 t9_,a Ll){'lwtlC :t;:ll_~~as~ or,_ thf_..ph;)i!cian of ~ltch p<.:rson: a \"ttcnnanaJ1.\\"Jw iii...tn;....lting an arumal ~ha.t has bc<:rt bi~fCO. "craJ~~9~"..0.f o~hen, i~c ~po~ed t~-, a zoonotic; djsease;, or the O\'i-'n,er 9f.QlJ_ cUlinllil thal ho.':; bl;Cf1 bj[lcn. s.cratchcd. or otherwi;3C CX..Q9_s,S'p- [(1 ~,!:(~.0!lo.!.i,L,..~i-"c...,~c _,~.1'a,n b~ .llro\,ided, ~v~th aJ~Y ,intG,Ql)_at~.9)L<;:qr:ttaincd H1 <l rabi~s \"a(;ClrKl.liD1J .,;.,;rtJtical": but onh: \yilh r~spl.:ct to tb" parlll,,;lt~a.r intimal bifing. :scratchjn.l:h-Q,!:...QIh~!.~~,!_,~L~,jw~ing exposure, Au) per~on witl::t an J.fItmaI tag n:umtlH _miJYJ):,:wive v<lccinauon .;;c.;rtlfic..lt~ tnforma!!OIl \\ ith r~garq l,O...l,hat allimal, La\\ C'nhJ~'ccment a.n.j prOse,p..ltqrj~l ,i;lg~.n~!t;,~; ,_9tlw..r..,ani1..11_<)'! ...s;,.:,W!roj <lLlthmities: ~~m~~rgcncy aud medical n.:::spons<: <.l.Ild dis(;.lm: ~ol1trot [.lgc!lci;,;:s~ or oQ.!..~!.li9\';:~~_~T!!;,[,l~?.l bJ:illl.b__Jg~~]~,~~~...~J~~_l.I,Q_~__PJ~Q\jded inform,atlon cont"lIn~d in the rabies van',ination Ci.:rtificatc for ~hC_..illl.rn9~_~,_,9.f. ,~qDJf{.tI..h.!..lg_tb.t: rransmisslDn of rabii,,;s: however.. thi,,; rec'.:i\ im~ <utcncic~ ,mu a~!lhq !".iJi ~..i~Jl..t1 ~..t,~QL~l N"~. tI~~ ~,~elll pt in fQnnat fon, See j~ Licens~:s, ([) Am' p.;:rson \\ 110 O\\"tl~ Or kc~ps in 7\."1onroc Counh' il dog~!L.Q!.J~r,~j ~",,-{~) jll\J r {~J rTl(J[l:lhs. of age 0r a!J~T ::;ha.11 cam,l; th~ Olllimallo h: ]j\;\:l1sl;d !!QQ!Leslab}js!-'iIlg rc~i d~ [\C~ in M onrcx: C ou nfy or upon tca(;h j II g 1111.: agl; of ,*,,-{6} rOll r ~ 4) mOll! h ~ <l nJ th,,;n:.aflcr as wmorms to the current sLalus of the rabi~s V:lcrIHat!{)n, A H;:cllse sb,all Omnibus Animal Ordinance 13 eonsis( of a fi:Lhit;!.~ '.a.ccinatKm and l(e'.,;!1s~ ~~(;rtiilcak and a mb}~ Yac6nul~Ltft-i:tttti liL~n,.,t: ta~ for the J.mma(- ~ ~~olla r I_iccm:~ cenificalCs [l[l.J J iccns.: tags may be issued l'nly by th~ J.;:po.rtm~nt mo.l'lag.er anirllaJ contml S~lper\."j5;or~ and lic;.;nscd v~h;ri n.arians upon prO<:".>f ~]1.:;1~ thc anrrrlu[ ha~ b~.:n inoculal0~ ag~lin",t r'-lbL\;S ~-" r:::~..Lrcd h~ la\\ ami shall be valid for tbe nU111bcr uf ~'Cilr~ \~ h~ch the rabi(Js V,-lCClnalion cover:,;, No etH-s-f Jin;ns(.; n:rti fiCiltC ooEI or lice.nse lag miU~d b, a.n\ ('ltb.~r jumd~ction sh~l1 be vabJ in Monroe County, A lic~~t: e,~!tjjiefJ.1e and licefl:;;~ tag ,is':>utxllbF t)fH; anima] if> only vlIhd ftJf-lht:: animal ticea~ed and,i-s no( ~filllSf~fttble, ill An animal conl.!,9~ ~~lp,crvjsor sh~ll k~~p ~l. rq;:orJ of all J01~_ ca.t J.nd f(;rr~[ li_~~l:$~S. and allkenne! hcefls~,s i~su~d during 1111; n;,ju in his orl'~r \irca of responsib,lit}" .swh n;eorJ~ ~haH WE!...lilLt.t Jhc name and addre~~ 9ft.b.e person 10 whom ~ach ~.CCMC" t~ issm.:d, III th(,;_C<.l.S(,:_0r::Ll.1,indj..iduall~cel1_~CS_,nw,:r.:~_cord sball <.llso slat..: lJ\i.: br~c:d_ S-I;';._ agco c,QIQ[J),nd nl.arkin~!s oflnc dUH_ (,;at or n.n~h,a.rld in the caF:C: o1'a k,enn~l,hp~p.~~~H sball !;lat~ lh~ plan: \\h~rc (he busin..~5} is conducted, ("3) In aJ I proscrutions for \ iol<lliQrl or- rhis_f.hapleL the,lccords of thc Amilial Control ~Llper\' L~or{.~)> or the.1<l,,~,~,.9f .such rl.:cords_ shO\\"ing lhl.: nam~ of the U\Hli,;r and fhc H~~!!~~ _"u_mher m which any license bas be~IlISsut:d,-,l!"I,g, IlK hcc:nsc tag affi:.;cd 10 the collar or ham~ss of In'.: dOH. (;,ll (IT krr~u]!!)~:-..lrlg~, cprrc:;pottding number <;hall he prima facie ~vidence qf o\\"n~rsh!p 0r l,N.!~-_mYIH~r~bW_Qf allY dog_ caL or fcrrd and of i~:>lIa.nc'.: or non-issuancl,: of_!! dog. .ffitQr.f9r,r~tFccn~e or 4g, (;!-~) ,'\n;. Ilonr~sidCllt who brings a dog~_C:~~_,Q~:.r~~'..'~Lsix (0) month5 of'a~c Or old!.:T inTO M(JElHl-: COUrlty \vith jflt~nt ro rc~id~ \\itl1 i n the count:'\' pi::rmarlcntly, or fcrnp~)r~rily for a minimum of' ~ix (6) months, shall obtain a hc~n!>G n~r11fiGlte and a lic,cnsc tag fi.-om the Gep~-IHJ.tla-g~f animal comrol :'>Ijpen,isor or a ljccrl:;:.cd v~U:rinariatt wtthin thiJ1~ (30} da~ s or- arrival. 11tl: C)\HICr musl prm'l: o\\"l1crship of lh(; animal. (25) rh~ Gepllrtmetu manager animal L:mlUol supefvi'\nr f.,lntl dC'~i~n '_J_\G ffh: !j~t::n:;.~ ;,;~rl ifil:-U[Ci and t~CCIlSC fJ.g], \\ hie}] arC of' uniform J(;.Sig:n. for ll~G lhroughout Monroe DmlJ.ty, although th~ !1_aTTlI:. addn:ss_ and phon,,; nurnb~r of lhi..~ sheher.. tlQm. 'i,-l,-:b..i.ch the certificate a,nd tag are. is~u~d ,may appcJ.r 01} th~~ ccrtiftcaks ;mqn.t@~, ..and ~haH j~~uc the liCense cc[Ii r~C;:Lk~ and 1 ic~~n~(; laBS to licensed \,ct~nnarian_." Tll~ depal'rrnont m~ wlilTlu] l:onlrol SUplTVJSOr shall promulgate rca,;.,onabk I'uk:..'; and rcmllmions for CDlIccllOl1 of lIcemc f~cs and shall account 3nttualh (0 the ~ - board for r~H~F"\tlGS rc-c~ivvd, (J6) The b.XHd ~h....!.ll (;s[<lbli~h bv r~~uhjlilln lnl.: ft:cs lu be chargt.:d for the Ifc~nse ccrtdl-catc and lLccmc tag,j;j,ud shall pn.:n,i~k for u.. disCOUJ1h.:d license f~e tor _a.niuw~s, that ha\c beell lmp.1<11.~!,~ct....Q! ~al1ooed \\ ith a mcan~ Q(P91.CDrmCrll iJ;;:ll! ificaliuTI, (4)) A [\"1onroc C (Junty r(,;:;ld\;nls \\"ho O\\"l]~ ~i~her a ~cing-eye dog or <) hLafing dog, propcrh tralllcd and actLlaH~' being ~l~~d l~} ~~~i~l a bhfld person Of J. deaf ~le.rson, respe:cti\"ch, mil> obmill from the ~~m 'manager animal control, !;uper\',i~Q'!: ,~...licC"nsC9- al nu chm~ UPOl~ prcs~ntation of prouf of such utIlization, Omnibus Animal Ordinance 14 ('\~} Ry resoJUlion, (hI; board ma\ pro\-ide add!~j.9E,pLn::gubliom for kellnel,; aoo Gllk6e~: itlcll:ldrng rm'<'(Slotl5--4=fli'-regislrfllioll, r<;:-\,ocatKH-j-'uf r-.egi:,tratiofl, rli"countiCd LllHf-H.t~ license fee.s, (.;X\~1ll.pLiOn;i from 1 teens:: ta~ rcqu ircments, methods of confinement.. imp'...:cliollS, and orhcr n,,;cI;SSal",,' adTnitli~! rati\:~ r<.:qu!l't:ments, (fi~D The board mas, b~ resolution. authorize vij"h.,rinarians lo 'n:tam " <,Jp~jfkd ponio[l of the !iLL'flS"; fl.:<: r~H ~,H;h liL~11S':: issLLed as L"eimburse-menl for lh", cost of issuirlg (hi,,; h~~~n%, (1 !D) Tn the ~vcnt a liccns.(" tag is lost or destroyed_ a replacement shall b~ is'Su<:d by th;; depUfln-lljtH mlUlag~r ,Ullmat C0[l.[W] ::iVpCf\ j~fJr or ] iccll:=;cd v~tcrinari3J1 upon rrcscntation of the corresponding license ccrtltlcatl amI paymenl of the: appTopriah; k~ (8..!l) J l is ul1hl\~ p.d f(H any pl;mm to r~'rll(l\'C th!.: lic~n~c tag oj' an~' tic~n~L'd anlma[ \\ithin _\-lonroc County .-:xe,~pL (al Wl1~n th.; a....imal i~ participating in any organiz.<Jd exhibition. field trial or c'..m1pl:l i!ioll Or is in ttuinlng for thcs.:: i:~'~rl(~, or i_~ .::ngag~d in a Ie-gal sport LInder ~upef"....'i5',ion of j[S l1\\nl:r or k....'t,;p~L llf i~ LJllocrguiIlg grooming; Or (b) When the dog is confined in a licms.~d kennd_ grooming fa"ihty_ ...."e;::terinar:: hospitaL ;)f l(HJl1t~' jJ(lUTlJ racil it:-, in ,\ h~ch case rhe 1 iLcns~ tag number ;;;haH he r~cord~d and rcad]Jy td~nuf!al)le- 'i\ lth the anllual to wh[ch it bdongs: 1f the animal is not licensed. the faCliity shall clearh' indic:ne it on the facility's records~ or . - (~) \Vh..:-n ii h~~l.:n~~d v;;(crin<J.ri;.l.n ord~rs in "riling llt<:ll. th~ Ji~~ns~ lag a.lld cullar k remln:~d fm IT3S0nS of the animars ht'.:dth_ In which case the <llllmal Sh,;"ll1 b~ c,oflfmed wLthm an enclosed bUlldmg or kennel, or \yith,5,n a fenced area :and under direct control of the fl\.'.n_~r, at all timc5. until th~ \-(..."l;~rinarian p~rmit~ th~' ~Qllar and lag~ lll..~ain to h.: placed on lhL: <ll1imal or {~Jl \Vhm the anim,d is bc-lllg \"olunt.:1.ri!y confined mthin an enclosed lludding or hnnd~ (e) \Vhen dtc animal h,a,~, ,h~~..t..l_, ~r!:!ll11!ltC"J or t.a!(CI()~J wilh a p\:mlam:m m-.;ans of ~dcnrj fll,;atiun, An Q\';ncr who dOllS not affix a hg.ll~~, t.'!RMd _\;0U<!-f tQ ,a d..')g, c,at or t~rf~t> )\h~~h JulS J..lQ_,_m~rnlgnen~ ~d~ntifILatjor1, :;t.":':Ulll,~s. th.e ",j_~~,J)l,;!U.h~_.W1imal control officL:r, ill fulfilling Ilj::;/h~Lg!J(l,~,." qrlqer, tlm ChapkL II ill x~ga..r~l,..!.h.;: do'~_ em or fL:rrd as fi:ru! or aballdoq~,~L;l!1d thcf.;for~_>,~lbil.:~l W si;jz:un: and disposition in J.ccornan_c,S: ,w,itb ~hi~ ChaJH<o:r ,<L:I~d..>gJ1:~w TIlt: 0\\Tl<:;r of an @.i.PJ..:ll, \nth, l1erman,~nt, id,(n!itl~~ti(ln shall be I;)i.\.:mptl.:d ff(jrn_l~lG fet~ for irnpollndnu::nt th~ _U.Di.Lt!.111e; ,th~t SLlch ,:ul,im~l. ..i~....E,l.LUtd j.I brg.,; and jrnpoundcd b\. an ...J!J!mal G9!J.[ro.l '1ffi ce r. (i:J, 12) Pnsons n~w!:' r(""iding rn r\'I(1nr(l~ Coumy shall eomp!y with th.c: llcen~jng rrovis-i(ln~ of tIllS sect~on wilhjn thirry (30) da:-"$ of Ch<lllgl: .....,f wsidcnce_ (143) II i~ unimvftll for any person to use nr to f)Q:';SCSS '-t ~tl)kEl, ~oun1crfcit or forged hccmc ccrtj fj(,,;at..:: Qr license tag, vaccination ccrtj ticarc, irlOlUlalil'Jl th::h::m::nt form or o~hcr docume n tati 0 11 fcq I,J i rcd by or i ~:<;u cd p u rSUOin[ to lhis cha pte r , ( f")"1) r~ is WI fawnl t far th..; own~f or keercr of a dut. to rtfLlS'.: to show upon demand ll\" rbe u~p[lnmt:'Ht- milllag~r at~j.rr.I[1] ;';0111,01 sllp~r\'isor or lm.- fKlthon2ed us~;i=,la-tlr~- all animal cO~!Lrp! oftl;:r~f rh~ li~~rtsc c~rlificah: or lice-me tag Of other dOCl!m(,..'nls n:quirat by and issued rEU'~Llant to this i,;hapkT ill:; 1, A" dog, C<:lt 9F..Jf:m'[ which is reCJut~~_q to h~ 1 ic~n~~~...~!!~ whicp is nOC llc~n"'-e.~_.iiha]] nm D~ rd,e~s.ed n~nm..~,c0lmh' pound I.l,rrl..i,l pmpefly..lj~CJ.~cd. Olll nibus Animal Ordinance 15 J(lg__,~;i~..or krr:.;t. W!wn(;v..;r ttll': 0....\ rl~rSnlp or pO~~,..:.~SWIl ot <U1\"J1.og, C.11 or ,~~IT<;',U~ PCr7llU[H,;nuy t~<!-Dgl:nLXl fmm O~l,~..p(:rf..OH (0 a.L19_tJlCr within n!,~ s..anw uJunty ,,_QIC IiCl.:n~(; {,lLth.:: dog, elt or t~fT..sl ma, b,c Jjk,q\)SC lrallskTr~~~.L b}' [he !;:lst, r~giitcrw m\ n~!.__~J.rnn pn"1pcr,Jwticl.: in \\ ritin1~ In tfl.;:: C 'I :..l-.. \~ hu, ..s.h<lH flU l c l rt(,; _Cr_J.rL~ fer UpOH, h~ s rcwHk T.h ~$ q rd i nan<:~ Q.Q~s 11 ol r-.;q l!i!~, the l~n\i'11 r('-m"'nt ,,[" ~ ).l<'W Il\.,~n<;:i~ nr ,h~~ rratls.f[~r 0f ::).Jircn~(~ a~rGl,h: ~i;(~un.;d, \\ hefe the nossu;sivn Of lbt.: dOg~__~;lt or h.;rtd '$__ wmporanly tpJ.f1"krn; I Or the: ..l)uqKl~C qt t:iQ~n1ml~_ t]untr~111e, hrecdLHg, tnal qp..b.Q.~c U 71./\11...' <.immJ I c()[lin.~l..."iiupcr.... isor anq. <!~1}:'jmjrnal eon:troLQ,f"fI,c_cf m.a~ ~Gfq~e l~_ issue lu ,till r~r;o;;on \\'ho ha~ b~!';Jl eonvic-r~d QL~"l,n~ ~tatc or fed~'.f;l1 eriml.:s TchllCd tD,?n..imab a JJcense fqrJI \J,Qg,_,~~! or ti.;rrd Sl:"L 3~2-=-Sus.p~nsiou or revocation of lkensej sd:lUr~ of 3niIll31~. A,n ,s 11 ~r}l~ nSlOn:; ill) d, 1"~V9i;i!.tions 0f Ii CI.: 11 S-l-"'; [twJ. i"l,U..SC iJ: U f~S alld )nw 0l,lJ1,("lm e Lll s of ani mar s ~ h~, II he in, aLeordanc~ \\ i~h th t.s ChQ.mu__a n d \ \" i t h. sue h I:!!L~~ ~~4., !~gu ]a tton:; ::JB, 3,D:: ~_onl,i..:dJh~!JJ.li!]::u.;, to j i mc b]- th c Hoard, of. (Q.D..1 miss i on ~r~ 3-10. Kennd T .ln~nse Rt>:,p.lired - License Fce 1JL,_L!dw~~rson- group. assO{~iair0n. Uf_~}[l~:/[~,,=riqrl... oth(:f than a licensc:d, \:~~P!~~P;!,ll~ qJ..&:1g~1l !"I:l,Hw C,O..l.m,n,q:cgl_ ~Jt~jJ!..~h.!-!f bm'ing_ ~i.;l hnl!._ br'.;~dil1it {)[ b(l(l..r4i_llg, dog,~ m cat~, \\ ho owns Of h'Cp'~ il v_cJ5) ,or l!h)r~ dogs awt'or cat~ in a l,(cnn~l, sh~JH,9Q!IJ.i.I:"l...iL!-,Clmd hccn~c frolll lnl.: CounlY LlpDp J. shO\\ ~ng oj" .1dGqu~w ,~p;;l.c;:~~,~~qffl!,lKlJ('sourc;,;s ~o provide hum~nc ~~a.rC OlnJ t rc-4~Tl1~'Ftt j(,l! th;,; [Juil"1b~r ,-,f ~ll1imH l~ for wnidl ~atd b.::ruld sh4JJ.. !1:C_,l~~,~rl,s~~i~ _ Licctl5e applicants ..~haIJ he r~qLLir~'d to sho\\ that thc) are in ~0'Hptl~D:C:G,!Y!t.hj].1l..apphcabk fcd::mJ <lnd Slak n::plla~j()n:s, ThL,; bennd lie~n~i,; r~i; 'jh<~ll bl; ~09!lQ.~j, 'f,.?:"!n p~r ~HHlll m i"or ~l ~~apa~il \" up 10 rtVc:,~~~Dn, rJ9r. ~ll~Tl~l!r)..J(H.' il ~"-1.12~~,it:- pf ~i x fo _t~~},;_..$.!J)(J(,1 pCra[L1lll}n fnra c:lpa.cit~ {)\."~r 10, (2) Th~,boafJ rtLrty: l~y r-ysoiu,tjon, pl Qvidc djscnunt~'ti kennel hc~nsc !ccs upon pron[- of ~uch cqnditwJ1s as the board dc~~m a JustitlJ.blc [qa,~Qn for, n;du~uJ:g t~l~ ,liccIl,i<:mg fees, (~~ No aJwHat control sl,lp~rvisar or 3J1Emal. c,lntrol ottJc,cr ~h~H iS~t:.c ,:1 kCl1l~ell (CCpsc.r.o an~ p-: [}9Tl y::..i..t,~~_h~l,;~.' ,;~.u~.!,l'y ,_0.!,r.~;_,_b ~':t;ll !;~,ll,!~',i,~..i ~~o t' g~E~<J 13np:h~ lm s;; 0 r rw~ I;;d, ex;;1.: ~l UpOll a Court Qrdq rnJlv~~.\..i~g _~..2h(,}\~,~~'H~~~ .l19~~:j!.~g_wk~T5;i~_ rbl; pl;rSOTl ~1;~~kinH th'.: hnlJd Ji~cns'.; ha.'i shown lnat h....~ or ~h.i.; can and will nm,J;._;'&Q. al1dJ!P~rJ..t~ ~J~...~i,;m,wt ..I,D ,~~ ~_J,(i:: qnd In,l.ma!lc fashLon ~tmJ in ...KeNJan'..:i.; with. Stale law~ and this Ord~n'1n~c~ ~~.___w_w__a~~_._....~....~.....~......~...~~.~..~~.~.~~~..~~............... SlLC. 3-"7 l!. ,\ nhnals at large prohjbiCe-d; restraint of tierce, dangerous, ,"' jduus animals; nn isanccs; confiueluellt of female do~s and cats in heal; "curbingt' dugs. { I) h is -Hn!av'r-nd, fO'f-' a-n~ :'\{) l)\\ner 0f keeper of an antrtlal other than a domestic tal :>kill wiUfi..dl} Of m::glig(:rllly lH allow th~ ,1fliTllul 10 rull Jl br~',~~ on any pUb~fC propl.:rty or on an~ pri \ a tc p mpcfrj 0 fan orht;r wil huu 1 p..; nll i ssi on of! he p ropcny owner, Any an i mal u tl de r th~ cl (IS ~ supen i~t()n or ib 0wT]~r or kGi,,;p~r or othtT'i...-lse engaged tn an organ i...,ed a.ni (n~~ 1 ~,h ibil ion, ikl d Omnibus Alli mal Ordinance 16 tr ial.. '-'mllp~tit!On_ legal srmi lJr traltling ti:n these a(.[iviii..;~_ shallllol b(.; J~~l;m~d tu be an animal al largo.;, 11 is Ulllawflll for lnynl.:r~ Or k.;cp.,:n or a disc(":ls.;d animaL ltlc][Jdtng a diseased cat, to :lllr>\\ the ::tnima; to run at jarg~, ( 7..) If ,t~ lUllu ~d'ttt-,IBF-,#te N Q JJ \.. n~ J' or he r-=f 0 f. an ant mal declared by the EkfJ'aHmaat -HlalI9g#r animal comrol sllp.:n'is()r l0 b(,; fierce, viciollS or dangefou~ s~?-tl either \\"1J1tully or llcgligemly te aHO\.. th~ a1limal to run at large or to tiu! to s;;cur~, rcstmin or confim: lh(,,; anlrnat as ordcr..xl by lh(; d~~tl--tllarH'tg(::1' (!~.!.ir_D.?,t~,rt1r~1 ,~LLpervL~or or ~mqnal ,con,troi uffi~<:T rmrsuant to llliS ~~Cha pkr, (3) !t t.~ l:lt:~av;fu: for E1R~; Np illlll1ml O\vncr or hcpcr to shall permit.. ejthcr willful I!' (It Fl':Ufig;;ll(ly, (h(; a.:nima.l ro be a n~JiSJJH';;'; ThQJ~.l"~l,~r__9_r_k::;:.q)cr,o(~an},antma! for \dlich the O\..ncr Pf. _kWP,e,r !l!JS,pCql giVt,lJ_ n<:1jiJ;~ ~lgUh.(,':_<IJ1imJ.l wnstilUlcs a publle n\li:s.an~e :shalllak;.; mxx:::,:sart pra:a\ltions to ilbate the nuisance, At a mmimum, tbe m'i-:n_t:r, o_r k~t'lNL~.1mU j!.mnf..dmt~.b:,_c_Q!ltlm:: thc <1l1ll11ai in 5~li,;h nUU,lll.:r <l:l- I~ rlt.:C~SSi-lt\ W pn:\~nT. the ~9.I!I~,nY_q!!QJ~..r{J~t;. llLli~<;lt.l~.'::, ,Within !o.ut1ccn ~a) ~ of reCeipt of no~jc~, 1hat ~~ "W1imilJ. ,_~p..rmj~!Jt';)~<;_..f!....l!ubhc lluisilllC(.;_ the m\lla or keepe~' :o,hatl rermanentl~ COnflE,l~ the anima,l" h;]:v~_ the, <:!ll.i,D.MLggRI.9Y~4._ Q:'i_S_4tbm:\!lli.l1l-_ PlJ! (ic'.,;n~.;d v~lc..i]larimE VT, or r.;!_no\'~_.!Jl1:_~~i~l'l,ttJ.J!(~f~_..r,b~ ,~9t~~lt), \\ hich_-=v.;r ma) he t1oc~~sar,1 19 JbsUillJ_km.~,p.t Q.f. JhC J)1J is:ll],IT_, F ajlurc to a bate lh~ nuisance <l S n::quir..-:u hcrcin sha II bc be deem eel the mo. rnta.i n i ng of a pub he fin ~san ce ill\-'!O latlO tl of th~s Ch;lpter. (4} H-~~ unial'oiuj,for..aAY N..Q_own~r 0, keo:;per te ~,b'ltLpcrlml a female dog or cat m heat (estru~) to he upon tile str~ts or in all~' public place, Thc 0\\ rlei Or kecp~r or"" a fcmale dog or (;.a~ in heat shall ~on[jn~ rh:; J..Tlirnal ~o M [0 llli'lh it tnaccl;ssjbl(; 10 al1~' mak dog or {,;~l c:\cq)l for cOnlraikd and inknlionaf br<.;cdmg purposes, CoofilleiReflt--'ia!e~'~' a leash. ~~1{}itHrf ather similar restmint.. M ainUi nj Il g , d i r~_~L~ QDl!.'9L Ot ~9n n ne r!."n:.: [11.. wi t hi n a fen CI;, op~n kCll nd _ op ~n l;agl.: or ru n mal be_ but shaH no! br: preSL1tncd f() be; ,ir,!$:~J1J9i~J."{ and not.. in \:ornpli,Hll;l,; wi[h this se<:.:ljon. \mkss oth\.T m~~l5l,~,I~S h~lV:'; ~\;n ;n,~[iHHw to prevent ImC9J:l.JmU,G.~L~IT~d~1),g, (~) a, k'i5--l:In~a'sful tor Q No dog 0\\ n~r or keeper ht ~~a.ll.i:I]]ow an un k:a~hi,;c.J dog upon any school grounds, lJ, ~tR-l(w..-fu~ f{ff a ;\io Jog owm.T m k~i.)jJcr shall, ~ither willfil!!y or neghge:nt]~. tA- perm it th~ Jog. to dd~~c<lte upon any pubJtc j)r(lp~ffi:...~_~,G_CJ2L:!:\::_l)cr'c d;,;:~is~Ilatcd bv om~ja! signa!i:.c_ private prorcrt~ withoUT 11lL' p.;rmi~sion of the owner. A dog O\\'ncr or keeper is r~uired to r~movc rbc da~\ fCLe~ from a.11~ public properlY or school grounds m JJ1Y prn'at~ pfOr~lr::- Hpnn \d~icn th(,; dog is not p:.;nnitted to de-fecatc A ller;;q~ _~;l;Yi.!Ui Cl.l,>lo~.h llr rumwJ of un ammaJ O)Lllro'p~rty illher than hi5;m~JU,l.l;,l~~ bl: equippcd le collect and ~<JlLmU~,c~ sl,l~h animal \ ,st?t!9_ ~~'(l.st<; wncn ~lJ.mmated c, r:.x.ccpt for anima1s lbat a!>!,;lst d(.~ahlcd perSOrlS, domc:::ti~~ aTliruals <Ire prohibited from aU county parks and bC4Ch~" W\L~,i'L~ sp(;cifio.:d in suoo<K!lioo d:-th~ "tonrD~ C,9UJ1J.:LCodc, No person ma:- C~j1]S<': or aHo\~ an.y d0l11l'~6c animal (of" \..hatcvcr ~,i/..;) mh.;r ~ban an animal [hat a;;:;:;i"h il di~abkd p<,;rson l0 be brought to. or remain QLl, .1.n\" (:Utnlty park or bt'<Ich. \vit!! the I.:o..:C(;ptlUl1S of parh a.nd hc.a,chc~ ~p~cifi,;:d in sub~~cti(m d, d, Pets are p~l'miIted h) b(; t.;1k-.;l:'! to Key Lar,go Park in Key Largo and Sombrero B;.;ach P.,rk in !lr1arath,1n_ subjeCT ro pL.:l-fric-nJly park n:michons 5;p~ctf[ed in ch.aptl.;:r L\,5 l'flh..: ~lol1foe Cm.t!lh' Code c, r.WCpt for anml.:lls that af,siq di:>.abkd p~,nom_ and ,mim.,ds that pl<'!v a work.n;Ja!~.d rok Jvrm::slic ammal:;: arc prohibiteJ from aU county facj lities ~xcept +tw th~t -p-mks-.3:l'!d. heEl.cb~s ':.:L~f~ dOffie:>rL~-ttntnlEds are, l~l:le..r~, specifically allowed b\' uth(;r ~CCllOl1S of the Monroe COllDh: Ccxk or bv rC~~!jbltio,I). qfthe: , hQ'J:f9, . - Llf this subs.cL'tit)n (5 J is. violalld_ lbe dt.-'-partment i~ auEhorizcd 10 f(;mOVC the :rnimat ~1C Hl its discretiol1, to order rhc OWr\\;f or ke~per to do Sf), g,..,~ AI] OWlh.::r or kt;~per_Qf~.1)- ~!Hm,?l sh,.l.ll iHlmi..:diah:ly remme anj c\.cn;:rnCrll, d~pOSEt~d by tllc a.n imal on -"_my proper.!):_ othl;;-r Eh,m lhal...9:f .rhe o\\"n~.r, whether lhc mtiPlflJ ,IS lawfu..lh--.!2!: Omnlbus Animal Onlina.nct II uniawfuUy 911 lh.: p ru p.: Ii.\" , Fadm,: ill du so immcdjatcl~ ~han constituk un addiliol1aI vLulatiuT1 of l hl S Si;ct i Orl (fJ) It,~~~!-tOf ElilY own~r or k~t!p~'llrAn Mime.! TO naRsport the ar.imal m th~ reQf-efan o~~n tnJCL or oth.;f of)~n \~!ldl3 ~It:lef,r, r,l:lCh-aflHua! is. kthered in Htd'1 H,fil\jftlon Im[-i-h-"i.tfiTlot fhll ffOJn.(he vdtii,}H;-' ~ 7}- ,Jt 'i~ unw......-fuJ for anv owner Of kwpt:-r t-t..'>'cnc~os.; fllly ;::nima.1 it'! 3. \'ehicle v>-itho::t pro>>"iS:Oll 1('11' mJ';'1l:J ~He > ..;~t i k.tlnn fa r tb~ iluimal. (:<) 11 i-~ til'llmo\.ftt-!-,ft)'F d;l"I,>' o "l"Ic!' to a.bandon his or ker dom~,atHmaj, :1-12 ...-\banUUll m~nt of AlIimals rrl)hibi~erl. (I) Keeping, rJ.1'Abandonin~ em Ammo! on Fnvarc Fropary, No ~~9n sh.alt (i\) Impound or ~onfi rt(,; am an i rll:..l.l i~~ {"trl~.. placl: and fail to ....uppl) the animal during ,:;m:n Cu[]r:iI1cn~i,;j]l with il slIftl.,;il,;ll[ qlwntifY of' iwod and \\ ho1csomc !~)od an4..,-":-.m~r,, (B) Keep any animah ill any ~nclosure wl~hout wbolesomc,e:o:;grds,~ ill.19 d1~",uge qfair..or (C) AlKmdor'l to die an>" anirl1<~l (har is maimed, :sick. ~~f!..!'m.....9f diS.i!"i-';':~_, (2) A,h("f!1d()n~ng an Antmal,tn Q Pubitc jJ/ace, ?>.'o person,who is jhe O\yner or posses"or, or has charge 9f clJst0.h _ of' am ani mal 511<1..11 abandon such animal to SlJ tTcr injury or mal nutrition or abanJon any amm,al itl a str~~t..m1.9~ QI--1Wbgc pla~(..~,HdW,l,ll..W:QjJdllJR.fQuttt;_c,:,.:!f.~, ~U~W~,I,lC~, pwt~c.J.I9n, <md she,lter of such amma~, St'{'. J-13, NeuterinJLof do[s and cats_ (I) {?el.pu~'d SIN. 1',' and ;VeUlcr.tng, ,_Nll,..P-Gr..~9n L[l J\-1,qnroe Ca~mty sh,all m~'no )lOSS{:SS~ 9r l,l;l.l...~ GOnIml or cUf.,!lldy of a ,qog"D_r...~~,lQ.llr (4) montn:; of <if'; or olJn \yhich is not ...pa\"~d or rli..:lHi:n:J ~'(CCP[ for [bose animals tor \.yhich..i1H_(;:>!-,e.mptLon license has been i;;::Slled. Cl /.J('('mnf LXPJlpriOns, 0;>, nC'f~ and keepers; Qr ~lQ&<; JJ1U cats \~'no do not wanlthcir an!..m;]l~ spayed or ncur9L~_4- n:~w..rcll..:s-,; of lh~ r<.::ason_ ~h:l.ll oblam an aJ:JP.W1II,icense from rll_Qidocal AlllmaJ COnlrol,.Qffi~e of ['v1of!roe County, The(ll!tHlal fec for this hccml; shall bc,$~.lJO p~r animal, 0) ."'{)(IV, ,"cuter or L;t:P1SC jhr F..'(cmptirm HeqHi(o?d No dog Of cat which l;;i}Pur (4) months of age,..9,told~r shall h.:: rdca.-<;~d b, ;lrly Coun{y Allima!...c~mtr(ll officer to an ()\\ncr Or ke.cQfr Ull[~~f> sai~ a1lir.D,~J is ~p,j,\"i,:tl ~'[ llcukrt;d or:.1H,~,qlSe9 to be: e':"C,n1l!.f frum th'.: 5P.0l."/IlCU[(;f n;quircmcllt. Sec.3-J4. Chillin" !Iud tetherine animals prohihite(L- (I J.. ('hainillt; 10 ,l'l(I{wnm\~ ()bJ('~"!s, No 0\\ n<:r_..9..l9n~ or T)lon.; dogs. \~'p~tI1er \"acdnilI9d Or llnvac~illatGd_ Jken.,ed Dr ul,Ili.~~nscd_ shaU allow any qf said dogs to b,~ tied or ehaill'.:d [9...qQ.g houses or an~ ~~rh~r ~wliomlr'l" obj~~is, l2) (halnlng on !"J[,'vc.'[€ pmpa[}~..1tJ i!ei?t~rul. No o\..-ner 'If one nr mQrc dO~TS_ \\"hdh~r..:\'_ac~jl1ated or unY~F,cinalcd" l,i~(;ns~J or Uluicmsfp, ~hali allo\~ ~m' of ~aid dogs to, be tied. IJr ch~iw:J lU ;In,Y objecl" ~latioTlan or ot\:1Gfwise, whil,9. said animal IS Q!~ t~e pmp~rI} of the owner. thr. p;\"ner-;;; 19-11dlord_ or an\' other pmp.~!JY in MonfUl.; CO..l),n~y, Omnibus Animal Ordinance l~ en (" 'cJV1fim'men/ }\m d~)i' ~~1r{l~\cd\"thln a t~~l~,~g \',ud or p~,o sha II b<:: prl!~iQ..~...!:L~L!.i)i.r.limLJm area .ot. 150 .Nl,l;:tr.~..feet per dog within ~uch -.:uclO"8urc J9(,~x~~j:i.~,;:: F~ir PfQP_eI1~~,u...hich arc nO[ t(,;n~<:d. th..;r..; jh~IlJ}e 3J~ end,o!;UY~ ,m::tQ~_Qf chain iin~ or ~jJl1j tar fc:[\ciJ.!R~t'I~t~r~;~J~" \\ jIh all tom sido:~ dosed, lll.e ~Jl~J9_;Sl.lr~_,s~11 be (.If.~,l1.tflcic11l h-.:ighllo pro:v-.::nt {he uUb"l from e"capHlg, Se(.. 3~+t- 15. LUflng, c"tlcing~ scizin!,;. molestjng or teasing an anlnlal. l{ i,:; unbwfui tor',H1:\-' "\"0 p~r~un f0 ~haH ~ltTicc or turc any anjmal out of an enclosure ur offtbc propf:rty of its owner or h~Cpi..T, or W s~jz,c:_ mok:$! Or kOl~1;; all} art~tnal whjk~ tile animat i, held or oomrolh:tl by m OWUl.::f or h;;t.:p~r or \\ hilc the animal is on the property of its mvr.er Of keeper, Sec. 3-16. Cruelty to n.nimals. UJ.._,~,-p-~_r_~~,?!~ ~11~n pnneccssafjl~ o\"edoad" 0\'erdr~Y~,-tpr:lJl~,nLgrnIlVt' of necessary sllstmanCI.:: ur ~]-H,;ll<:r_ Q, un.n":<';L;~mrih' nlulibtl.: ()r Jill,A!l.!:_g!\lr,naLor,c(lusc the same to be don~, or carry In or upon an\" \"<:n i (;k Of L)t h~f\\isc_ Ull v a.n j mal j rl J. erne 1 or in hu mJ}.!.~_J!l_~J..l,I1..tr- l2) ,\0 per,;;:ol~ ,;;:hall intentionally conH~m ;;tll ,';I._d; t(} <\l1Y aJ.lil..l::\o.:l,l \\h!~4..r~~lJlt,~, m ..lb~,_c:rn:d .4_~..tll,QI: ~,\;'.;s~i\\;: or n.;p~,.H~d infliction ur lHlIl~(,:c::,sat\ D<ti rl N_SlJ m;..(imh..Q!:.~a..i!_$,~, {h~_~;,'l_lJl,~,J~) b~_.@ll~_, {:3 ) A vett r j nari an Ii~e m;c:d to practic e in the state ~ hall not be c Ired under the provisiol's of thi s S~cljUT1 for am' d;,;;,;ision." mmk or s~r\"!Cl:s n;nJ'..:to..;u to {lfllvid-.: QUI.:: or In,;alm~m lu a sick or ~J1Jl~:r:~,d, a.l,limal Sec:. 3~ 17_ COrltu2iou~ dl!;,~ase~, (t) ..\ () p;,;rsorL~JCingJb.~ QWD.~r, qr, !lav,ing the ..charge of any an,imal" knO\~ ing the 54rll~,!0_ ha_\-:.f <!,l)y, ~optag.~)US of"inkL:.t~oljS,~E~C3~c,J~f..1.9...!!i"l,,\g_,l:!9(,:rl fCCi.:"n:tl\' ;,;xpus~d th~n,;l(). shall sdJ.. bark,_ 9..r di~p0Si.": of ~ljch animal without first disclosing to the llJT~olLtQ.._,,~-!wm, t~~ sam,; is "n[d" _b.1p1~[,;:q, ar ~sposed of, 1ha1. ';51.1{:h,?,nj,rn~lj~LSo dis.;a:)cd, or has b~ctl c:-:..poscd_ a:s ilfo[(.'said, (2.) ,,',Q,_p..;;r~Ofl. hi,;ilJJ'~ the OW]l~r. or havmg lbL.s:lhl~gy of a,ny an,iDlilL kEh1\\ ing the 5.f].!l,t~ IQ...hj~\~ ~Ul\ WnlaglOus _Qf. jnh~~t,irus disease, or 1Q _h,a,~'_~ _l;l9~n rcc,;P.l]\, c~posl,;d tb('TCto_ shall krU~_'l'dl:lgJy pCTillil su~1l..,anl)).ill,! to come ,into cnntact_ \~jfl~ am' ~uch anima.l t1f <tnmhcr p~rs0n .l\),1;j,N,l.,l.! his or h~t~n("q~ h::rlgl or JK::_rr!1_~jjpn Sec. 3-18. Pl"ohibilion Il.i::ainst fi2htjn.c or baitinl! animal~. {l) No jx::rsql],s.b~lJ knowingh' commll an\' Oflht;fQl19~\)~lg aq;;:: L:.'\L J;:>ajt j ng, b reedi n11... m~) I'll ng. trr:tnsp0rli:n g.. sdhm~_ 0\\ 11.i.ngo, 'p-g~1>.e-S,S ~ng. ;)1: El!"i,[!g..WJ.l \~ ild, 9 ~,'_ i.i9...!.t1..;sr i~ ani mal for t hI; pu rposs_ of 3,3.1 iD1a~ fi.gh1itl~, or.. haj~ii1R:, (B 1 O'~:P~l).g, possesf',jng,(}r,_~_llillg ~qujpmcnl for ll~~ ..1.1:1 al:lY actIvity.. _4~~;;rtbcd Lrl paragrap h_ .l~.t 1 C) Own j ng, lc~si.. n u, m<.ma.JtinS-"'.. operatin (.l. _.Q.d:l>:1.ying control, Qf... an, p rupc:rh. k -.;pt or LLSl.:Jt(QUwy activit, ,<~~~cribcd In paragraph (A1RI.pJ.rngraph (B); Omnibus Animal Ordinanc.e 19 (D) Promptll1go, staglng_ adnrlisin~_ or chaming aEl...l__r:~rni,,;;:iOll r~c to a fight or l;lalting b;.:lwi:c!1 t \H~ Or more 4,!:'L,imal~_, (E) Pcrtonmng apy .s.\.Ty,i~b or ad [0 fucitituh:: animal f1g:htinp: 9JJ1~1,~tit1E.....inclu,9in,g, hut !:!(~t.!.i.r.r!,i},~r.::!, t(J,\ pr't.....idillg,secm~ts,_,!),~ferc~in~_ or handling or lmnspD,line anirll.lls ur ki rH.:!' a, s:L1~G:b.Q!.dcr of um' money \Y,m~f~J Ull an i ma 1 fl ghri!lS (}r bajting; ~F) , Removing or facLlltating the r~mqy<\L\~f....i:I)1S animal impounded undl:r' tfti$ scclioll trom an a!lUl~' ;\h~n; th~ animal i~ irnpO~~[1dcd_0! frqm a,loq.tion desjgnat~d.. oy ~lt~ COt~r1_~~~~b{),~tJh~ prior authonzation ofthe court; ((j) tk1.tlll!;i or waii,cring allY mum;\" Of otn~r vuluabk l;~)r1~jdcrilti_QJ_U;:I~lJ.hs..J.:!gh!,i_[lg ()i b,OlWng.ofanimal&:, or (H~ Alkndinv- lh(; fil~htjn~ ur bJ.itinl', of ,mi l1:!al~_ Notwithst~mding any pwvisioTl of lhi~ sub~ttli()rt ro the ~omra.!}"".PD~~c$.~,i(:ln Qf~tlli~..~~!!r.l;;lJ ,9:!(Hl~ JUi:S nol cunstilute a violat!un of this s~lion, en 1 f a coun s hall order the C aunt y or arumal conlrol supt.::rv is or s~i7.lIfc of any animals and kQ!-.l1pmcnt u~cd in committing a '" jola(ion ot thjs S~ction or of S<:c..tJO)l ~C~, 1 22, Flqpda StaD..lws, tbe animal ~Llpe[\, L.~or in the geographtc ar~ at1ected $hall take ;;;uch action a.~ ~.~ neceS;f.~f)' to provjde for apprupriatt~ and humane carc or disposilioIl uf !h~ animals If a vdcrinarian finds [hut an animal k~..QLor _lJ1.>,G~ in, !:~()h.\(tQq pf.~~m s~ctio!1 I!> ,suft'p-lIlg.fmll1 an injury or a dl~easc sc\"ere enough tbat it, jiLP-.0J,l~S~!1:>Je ,tQ .tIl!I~1an~ly hQl,l.se al1d care for th~ a,nim;ll pcndil)g coml1J.;ti011 or a hearing held un~er ~,_,~~~,Jal(1). florida S!atun;s. flnal disposition of the ~Tlminat ~hars;!:l,;s_ or C0un-orJGr<:a forf..;rtur'.;_ the \:d~I!lli.l-.r.iJPJ)..l"JY g\l.th~mz~ the J,mm,al a~ specified in ~tatc ~tatutc~" (3) :\ 0 p~rwt.l,_!yho is convi~{l;c.J of a violation of lhis sectlOn .shaJ..t.bcll~Ppitted tG adopt from a Cuunt' <Ulimal shdtcr am animals withipJh~ ~pe:ci,es that ;l[c the S!l~ljC.;t Qf)b~~onvidiun. or am' ani...Ilh1.l~ kept for the J1Llrpo!;e of figbt([lg: or baiting (:1) TIlis S:;;;;.lio[1 shall TJul uppl..- to: 1~)) A,ny per5<on 5timuiatj r1g 9.-JLs!.lt for the purpUSI: of using thc ~jlllll!at~d fight a5t part of a motjonpjC;:W!.9_ wnic.::h ;\ill bl.:: 11::>1.::0 un td",'vision o~jIL;;l motion picture, p-r..9.,j("h;;:d lb.l~ no sta[1.:: statute or CQW1ty ordinance i_~ v iola,t.cd , (11) At1~_..D_~~'son u,~i ne an; Fllah; to purSIJ~, qr j;1ke \, EJdbie, or ,t~'u;!articipak iB all\ hunting n.;~~ulah;d or subiect tg,_.llJ;'jl,lg ~egulat~d b} Jhl,; rul~~ and fi,,;gulmions qf W~ hs.h and Wil~:I.l,ife, Cqns~nalinJ1 r DII}~i~~i()n, t c) _~~l\ pcr~on uSIng: animals JQ. work Ii \'e:;!Ock for ag:ri<:u It ural pll1JlOs.cS" ~U,m;" ,8~ction .shall !lot prohibit impc4~~, or oth~n\ is,~, Entcrll.=n.; wilh nxogJu.:z:e,q a.tlitn~l hushan~r\' Llnu trJ.injJl~ ~cc!:llliqlles or pracrlccs not o{n(;rWl~C spccitlQ!ly PfolubitcqJ)'\' law, See. J-919. Conf.int':'rnem of fien:e~ dllngcrOll.~ Dr vicious anim..Js, (1) Lporl l;umplamt. the derLl.rtn:~At tnfU'Iagt:r animal cQlrtrol supef\"~~Qr shall inveSligate 'whether an anima! is fi;,;rce, dangerous or \'LclOUS, If the department mflflag.er ,:uurnal cQrJ,trol mper\isor Omnibus Animal ()rdinaIH:::~ 20 fil1lis thaI sucn animal [.~ 3: tierce, dangerous or \'iciollS anjm3.L h~ ~hall notif} the m~ Her or hcper in wriling, stating all lh.: t~lcls bwwn to him_ and shh~l ()[d-.:[ llll~ OWnlT or kc~'.pl:[ to contIne Lhc animal 10 3. ~uh:'>tantEa[ enclosure_ or t-fl (!na.j~ it :~i;!cl:lr~ly to the o'.';n<J['s prope~', :-Jr othem [fie tn cOrltfd il in a rl'w;unabk mrmm:r spITifi(;d by thl: dt:plH1i"fli;!:tlt-uluDllgef <mimnl n}Utrol .supcrviwr. TD~ anlmal cO[llro! ~upervisor shall requlTI;;_ at a minimum that: Q) ,\io f1nc<J_ duru~~rous or ''-LC!01lS <lJ\inmJ mtlv bc kept on an un'.mcl():;cJ porC,ll. pr~tio or in am- part of ~l home or stnLclurc that would allow lh<.: illlima! to l'x.it suc,h buddi.ng gr.:__~nd.QS)JI)'; op !ts mm volition, nor ~nllll f':UL:h animal ,be, kept in a ,house, or s.r.r.uC1un~ where Wt~ldt),"'__ .s..~.r.~~n,~ or scre-ell dOOf~ an; thl.: Olll-, ob~t<ldc P'\;'''~Iltillg lll\; anima.l fwm (,..,:\jl ifl~~ {hI,: stnH.:wn,;, (m,_i\!l9.\\fl~r$. kccp~rs or harbon:.:rs or ficn:;~, dafltrcrom or victOllS ,minlals shall displu\' in a promm\.~nl place on lhcir premisc!:; a sign, l:usily rcadabk by cl:!g_Q!!R1'LfrQ\l1..~Q~P..1ng public roads or str,~_~15" ,us_i.n.g,~!J:GhJ\WAS, J,~, <'fjelrwr (if pangeroW' Animal" Of o~hcl' approp..riate l'~,m]J',1g lqngu;lge, alon~ ~"'..ith a t>imilar ;sign ,"--l1ich ,sh~,1l b,9_p.9.~fed ~)11 ~~t.1_ent1d or pCJ1 Dr sucb animal, ill__The ~q owner Of [..:ccp.::r ~hall itt:nle!Jio.t0~y on:nply......"..,ilfi p;,;nll it ~Ul an'mat dt":<.:ll1cd fierc(.\ ..icjous. ,9!:.,_iliws:crOlJS. 1"i.) b.: in nl\:n~compliancc \\ilh the d~~~-mJ.nag~r anim~I.._C..Q,I!~~'91 ~upav!s[lr's \\"ri1t\:lL.QId~r or :;u:ly requirement or t~if, $G~.ti..o:n..-;- fFailurl.: Eo comply consij~uw:<: a violatlon of tlm chapter and subjcc~ tb~ owner ()[ h:.cpcr to the p.:mdti<>.s l~effi of this (,'f.l4pter and ~ubjecr~ the animal to :)(;jzurc as pro....ld~d in this,_C!mptn, HIlG€r !'i~ctjoll 1 --1 ahQ'.e Qli~.l1Y O\\l1er, hc:pcr 0.r l!a....b~)r.~r of IIcrcl.:. thmtcrom or \..jc~Q..uJ;,gniJnaj~" \\"i~~rl.I.<o.n, tl.0.L4a\"8 of w,g et=fecq ~'e,c4W,Q[~hjs Ordinance or of notice b..., an _m~in:@, COn~l\1LW"p~,Qj8of thil( an <Ul,mal in bis Of h<.;T control or..QQ~'WgNGII !~ deemed (It:r_~_<;,_':.icio\l~ o. daflg:cwlls_ shall p!p,\:~qe proof to the a,t,\,iI_nal ~on[roJ, ::;UpCf"'i.'ISor aJJ,gjn WlJ ,pdS-OIl d~jtn.~ng...r~) ha\~ bCl;ll iniur..;d bv s<HG,w.mnaI that the O\\1WL h2\s not i ri;~~ j l1, ~\ Qli tl8, Woe r of s(,;Ivi cc r..,qUl~~JL 1he, iJ\sure r of th,c ,pr~_~!~,i ~c s \\ nl; fl,; t h~ all i mal lS kept.. (<-J.) ,I'll iJ\\JKP;, k~epers or In,r9QfCfS or.. flcrCl.::_ vlciollS,_Q[ Qangerqn.~ alll,mal,s_, ~~'ithin tl;T\ (1 D) clan PI' tl1e ,dl~ctj ~c...q_ar(; of lhis Orillrtance....Qf..9f~lp~ice 1)'y' <3!l ~nirnat curltrol SllPCIVi~Q,Llhqt an arlim~J ~p ~!:;; or h,~!. C{Jrt!rcl ur pOSS~SSl.9J! I,S q,eemed tlefCt.,_ vicious Or d,lngerou~~Jlwl.1 provide th5":: animal 0ntrol ~t!ill2[}:is_Qf w~th h\f) f2l.~~~lot ph()lo~rJ.phs o(tb_t;Jegist~red .-pl..i.!l)_~l ckarh: showiQ].Jht colorAf.ld arprux~matc ~L:t;:f...of~he, anim;:d, (5.) i:1.Jl_\l.WTl:':;Q;_ ktxpcrs or lmf.b,o,re..~ ~)~jlcn,;,l.:, vicious or da!]gf~9U,S ~niJl1.f!.b must. withm thn;~ (3 j ua\"S ot)h~ tollowingjncidl;;]lts. fl:port th~.Jollowing in..\yriting lo an ,illlma! ~(;mtml slJr,~vi:;.or' {A) ,The removal from ~~w.County'm_1'I~!h oFa fil;rci.:_ Y,~,9{)I,lS or d:1ng~I.Ous animaL (B) Th<: birth of9ftspring .()((}Jll;n~c. v16ou3 or,d;mgerot..L~,~ni!!!al l() JIW r!~\~ add,I.':'S:::: of a ticrc_~~ \,iciom ()L~an~(,;Tous an.im.:1.Isjfth,e OWt~~t mo\"~s l\1thin d~:f.: Counh limits; ,WId LQ,LUw illlitllaL i:.; On tk joo~,G.~ b..:!s b~e,n, ,it0krt ur has atta_~,Ke-d \l P~r.~OI1, [6 L>\ uo~ \\hich_~i~es an:!_ \-l~rson Of dome,1iJ)c "lt~(Il....._<);i may b~ quaraIlJi!led" ,:pq.1roviucd b'l.' 5~ctlon 7fi7,13,__.f~oridaStatut1.;::;_ or S_~cti011 3-2.5, Monroe C[lU\lty ftJ<j,e, Omnibu~ Ani ma.l Ordinance 2J Se.c. 3-2l!!- Keeping wild jt"'~l imals and }jyestock. ill l~~IJ..UJK__ ..\"0li\"l$tOCk. ,~llch af> CO\\ s_ goats_ ~heep or rig..s, h<1Jlhani animals sud~ as chid~ns_ duch, rahbirs or g~et;e. shall be lCpl c-irbl;r p~I1I]~d llr loosl.:: in ;.lny zone where not oth~f\"i_~e p~rnlj~lcd in Monroe COlmty, Arurnats consIdered witd shall not be kept in an~ rc:-;.~dcnrial "'7.-..n.~... ~,... ~"'......n ..-.-...:.:.. .[.......,. ~...t'.... {2 ~ \\';ld A,~lima!s. ( ,\) No p(,;[sun_ parlBer~ ftm_ Qr ..C0rn01~ non s b aU po<,~c~,S... or.".!! if_rho r rl m \\ j 1 J anU,D..J.t.(.;;J ~n~i.~ PfohihitiL;m,9_Q';'_'UlQ,t apph- to l.Oolo~ical parks_ pro....Q~J.:b~ (lce.QseU tL"a.n'i;t~m, \lni mn I (;, hibi!~OID_ circus~s_ .9.Lbc;'yqs~c;l. l'eterinari,ans orQ\R:licl.:tlscd <:.m;Si....-crs to l!11d J,.nima ls, tBt,~n~ 0111; ill po~sl;ssiol1 of a \\-'llq..AE,lLm~l or a crr),,~t)(~,~9 Of.l \VilcJ Animal_Q:[ L,-ot~c ~-,\,~~irl1<tl \\ iln a Domestic AnillLiJL$all meet the foll('\\ing rcqu i f~mmts lO_kG~p the ammal, (H Oblain ~ Dcrmil frumJp,e a,nimal contr0] nm..~,~!_ wirhln ()() ua....s ft9lH lh~ ~ubhq...li,Qn ofdm Ofdi.n,-a,nc~ P.:rrni[s shall h '''<J,liQ.J~).r one year_h9tn the 4Tt~, {,"If lS~~~, \yift ,b_e r.[_~l,"\\"cd i f th~ Owm:r is_,in ~~;m,1pl,la.nce, an~ \\ i 11 b(; r<:\"ohd al an\" (iln~_f9J n_on,complian~_e-, (i 1 (K.eep th_~__<itl i nlal in a l ighl h.. ~~_qi rtQ cage n r. j~~n arid rl.:stra in~d_,;!t.. <\JI Ii m es, The _illurnal, must he ml,l..:?zl cd or ~agcd \~~b~n, mlmported, l.ml ,Pm\ i de to !Jl_C_:}11 j rmd ~un l ro I of.f]. ~,.;r \\Titte q r foof fn)w J. Ji~c;u~,~d V ctCl' i rl{,!,~'i ~fl tkn [11(,; anim,a..l Jps; been ;;11 _s-sed Or JI~U wrcd_ OI...'Y6tlen ,~4t~,rn-:;nt~ from a ,Ii~crl~i.":u vl;h.::r:inari~un\by the Anil11al ~nllol or shol!tq, nqt he ;sp~}:cd or !lell b.;ncd_ en Tns[tm;[ions tOl.. QpC!ining _~t,~~nnit lo POS5SiiS q Wild An.!!!lAL (i} Submit 10 th~ animaL~()rHruj offi~~.r a .~ite plat.! anJ drm\1n~,lhat \~ ill jndud(J1'p-?perty ErI9.S, (,;:-;.isting s!nldwe,~, anq,_bu iMiubT;:l and l,h~ IO~;3tl~'H) and ':;l7.<: Qfth~ proposed cag~ or pen, "U:w area atlfLmarcriab lISCd..fllust he..i.!l l;oTl1plial1c~ \ \ i th S:l..<l.,tl da rus sd b\.!hc: ani mal.. ~()n (ruJ OffiCoJL aJ)q ba..~~~t LJ pun [h~~ S~,2;~ and IJ~_t:n.re of th~~niTll<d, (i i) File an,;l.pplicati0IU~)r !Jl.:rmit <m~ tht apprQQriak fel.::, ( i i i) ShQ)~- proQf,II1;lr 1 i abjl ~l y in~!-n!'1.nce c(}y_~ra U.:; j S In p-i~tce, "1~9,~ ifl cal h ' .staling Irq,! th~ anilllaU~ ,~O"'ef~-l:L (i \,) ,'\Jlow tl~_e aJH E1'!~.1 (\mt wi off~~~," frcqtom to ius p c~Uhe ,~r~a J.S nl:'.:CS~!Y h, a~~l,~rc {hi,,;: h~~aHh_Md saf~\" n~cds are be,ing md, .LYJ.~llhmiL proof of bell]g in con:mhanl:1.:: \\"Etb.,aU ,oth~r l(l~al govCp;tmcnI\3.,l un ~ l l.aws alJ~ ard i r,\,~_rH;~s. eonq~.!:n ing th,~,_k;;cp i n ~ of \V j 1 d, ,i\,;:l t rn..d s ur I\()hc A tl j mals Omnibu!-i Animal Ordinance 22 (D.!. E'~rlllil. DrOll appro",~,j ,(Jf an app.ti..c~~~Qn to own or PO%CSi,1_,WHd Animal, [hi,,; anima] ;.'ontrol offl,cer shall i~;su~ ~J permit. (E) H"",.rirm ,uld Di~f~)sjti,-Jtl, \\':h.G~U!P ammal oontrol offic.;:r..h.a<,..reason to Q..~h~\"~ ,that ~n, i!lqiyidllal POSS(;:;Sl-..." an Url~.!t..i,*d W iJq AmllJ.?l. th" offlc..:r ~b,atbubmlt a t"l;port ro the Offke ofth,e (\"".IlJ,ill\ AHornl~\" TIc CO~lrlh ,I:\~()mey ~h0-lt g~cldl,; whcthu, or no~ rn.1~litin,n tlwCrlU1_f9r a shm"-- caU~l: h~:MjUj~J_9 ~h;:{~T~,iD,~,~,I~ea.ni~n3,r~_~lill"!ls illi a Wild ani mal. If ?...!.l ,Animaf l~ ,9.etg_DJUlln\ [0 be: wild by lhc ~ourl. t!lc in:iJjyjdual PQ~segipg1h~ animal shall imn1ei.i,~#w]: ,comply \\"1lh lh~ f1.::stl'ail\t and It.15!lrat\<;e req\\i~(n:l_mJ~, sd forth in t)lis OT"JjrlaJ~~~, At CI.ny tjll~JQlJt;(\:\illgth,e wc;!>!e's diolcision.. If an animal conJ!.oJ...oflker bel.!e\"~l', <l,l!y j.\: ild Anim<1] has not. ken ,~eq uald y re,s:t~i!.in,iodd. the anim<.ll ma... be i m..!!l~(,tt.?.t:; b t?kcn into ~wt_Q-qY,!Jlld hdd in a sat;'; :l.}..l.11 h~,mane j~mn.t).~.r ~mt(!, tlu.:: l'';YlJCr cau ~i~_r..t_t0!l,strate C;:;~ll~mJir.mcc 1\n\' inJi\'jJual \\ hos.c_at1i,JnaJ,has ,hee.n_,iQ,bdd by {he ~m~ma! tun tro I 0 ffi~cr ~hall_~~ _ r_esp 0 f1sib l~, fqr tn_~_ costs incu IT/,;d as :J rcs ~ll1, or foljtUTI,; tv co..!!!p.h,_\\i~h ,tl;1j, Ordm<l,ns;~~ ""\ny pi,;T~()r'! pt)~:;CSStn&,~_ ,Wild Ani,.t)l.il.l,sj,li\ll &"1\'."; fourtc",;n ( l4- 't c;.lcr'ldar d;l\ 8 t;')HQwi~12 tll.: C<.'m(s Jo..:cj~jv!l to full" ;;g!.t)p[j--- ,with th~,~ 0nii.:n@,~~_,..A.:ftn tour!i:cn Ll4)Si1JCllQal" days:. if~h,1_t,ll~-r.son has not;,;o cumplicd. ,m :H~~m,tl_,~9!.!t.rQl Qfticcr s haJ I is::; Ll (; t h<i t p~ r~,;.O~!_,"l,;:oj P. tiop to['i;lOlalin,g thi~.C 11:.1 ph.:r. l1K ~j lal ion s h;lll f~,qulf,e_~,n..~lill~aITmc~ bdon; a ~u.dm; wu.l cuuld ~wtt ill the,c()U11--on;l.ereq dc~rnlcti(ln QfJhe Wdd. Anj~al, o.r ,Nh~Ld.!5Posi(ion. at lh~ co~! of th~ ()\\ ncr, Sec. J.-.821. SCilUl~. dc~trurtion of anjmals ndj lldgelt nuisances; disposal of impounded I\oim:ds; curnpensation to nwners.; ex.emption of feral .c;ats from the fjyc--day holding period. W Wn~n a court llf COHlp(,:T~nl jllrjsdiO:1jOrl adjudges an animal a nUls,ane-e under this. chapter or other Jaw. the ae~--ma.~ anima.! ;;::on!ro! sup~r\'i~or or atffhe.ft:r.ea-,a&.;~ anilllal ~VD.trl..1t..om~S..!:...rT1a\' :seize the animal ~l1d otTer it for adoption_ or de!>l:ro~' it in an humane manner, ill The departrmmlmanag~r animal -.:on!rol ~upcr\-,jsQr TllU.... li~~\~ ;s..: nfl\:r for a.clDption. J~~st.roy or othen~ i~e di,po~e of MY animallmrounded pun;uant to tillS chapter but only according to tho.: fo! km i ng proc cd ur~ L II k~~ del CIT!1 i IlI.:d by a vcrcri nariur'l ro be discas cd or j rl pai fl. an an i mal may nol bl; d~~lroy;;d JurinL~ tk fi r:;;[ fl VI.; t~) \\orkiflg day~ afh.;1' i rnr~)unlhn~nt In addiriOll. an ;;).nimaJ ma~ Hot he adopted OHt Of retea1>ed to ,myone other than its O\\"llCr during the firs~ frv~ \\orking da.;s after impoundment If thc animal is not destroyed according TO a \"ctcrinarian.s d<:t;,;nnination or daim(;J by it~ owner during th-.; initial fiYc-Ja~' period" t.hi.::Tl tk animal may k offGred IDf adoption or de~Im~ cd ,!': (-tA) N~l tI"..n~r ~\i~t~~ or (2m An ().,~ n<;r is rlOl idm[ifi.,;J within fivl; cq 'working da\"s aft..:r J.ltcmpls by th,~ d~lfim~ffi"Hlflnagef anima! control sllp.cn--isor to do so~ or (JC) The owner e,'(iw. hut cannot be: Loniacted alter rcasonahl~ attempts lw 01\:: JopanftL~H~flaf~f 'allimaJ (;ontwl ~upi.:n-iSCJr 10 do sa for ~ IT,a~ormbk p~,ioJ of linK: or ~.j...!2) ,-\n ()""n~r has Ol,;i;fl coolach.'d but ll..:lS by his..~lcr actlons. TIt dun: to 3d. or stalements_ mdicated an int<'\llt 10 abandon the animal. OJ, -nlC (kra.rUnI;1ttl'-FfHlffl.ig~r :miTfl~l ~~()Tllrol sU[li.::rvi~or shall lnak~ cn;ry reasonable cft~)rt 10 id~rHit\ and notify o,,;;ner~ or keep~rf. of the imrOLLtldmcl:lt of ~hcir allint.1.1 r~~rsuam ro rhts chapter. J.nd such efrort..~ shalj be made for a rcas,OTla.bk pl:riod (jftim~ it,':; di.::h;mum:d by the board iJy n:~s'JlLLtiott, I ~O\\'~v~r. \\ nl;n; the derm1mtlf1t -Irnumger aruma! control S!ill9.nj~.Qr: c()mplies fuU~ and makes eycr)' rC;150n<lbk dfun bas;,;d on the situation to [demify and tloti1~' such 0\\ tiers and Omnihus Animal Ordinance 23 ~,-'<,;pl,;r s. and wh~,.,; sueh efforts faiL T1':~lI1Ting in th~ adopl it)n or deslmcl ion n[" ~)ther disposal of the J.nimal, lh.: dopar:ment lllUn<@* al}!maI cunlrol,1.upen:i~or sha.ll be deem~d w h,:'H"c comrlied Cull ~ \\"~th dlle pwc;::'.s 0t ]a,...-. and nO ('I\'. neI or h:ep;:r sh.1U be entitkd to an~' compensation for lo::;s ur thc animal. if! In the case SUSp<';Chor:l feral cats, lhl.:: dcpo.rtm<mt m.am~ ~lnimal contwl sup~r.,,:is;or has thi.: <luthurit:- W hold and ubs<.;n.;; lhe ;..uspccwJ f<.;ral cat for <l se......;niy-l\\o-hoUT p..:riou: thereafter. if th..: cat i~ Ji,;tl;;rmLned to bi,,; t'.;ml b:-: thc .rnll~f)1 TTlW1a~Br alumal ~~.)rItl'Ol silPtr\'i~_oL he or she h(l~ lhe authority lO l;lJ{naniLe the fn,d cat prior to the fiyc-day holding period, (5) AllY <Ulima,] volUl,l~rily tUIned io fa t}~~ Amma,I...Canlrol Sh~lter tor ,the purpose nC ~uthanasi_<J.. or an\" a.nima,l Jhat ls:._~li:k.. llf\m:d or. othen\'isi,,; Sllff-:ring.,need .Dot bt; hdd for th.~ ri,;quisj~c ~i,me perioc!~ sd fonh ill V1is Seqioll, In such case" the anima.! cont~9.,l orticer,~ lmnwd)ah::h' hUT11ancJy destroy Jhe animal EEl accordance with th~ standar~~.of Fl(}flJa Sf.alJlttS (6) .l.bi':..Anilllal Control,S LlpcIyj~ur sh<lll maintain a r\:J~ord of whell. _,\ here ~~_)ll1d~T \\hat 6rC~HT1Sr~l"!;;es each mJ.imal was SCjLC~: 'I1lt:, [<:curJ Tnu~t also indud~ ,~!~o.; dah;::; or notic_.;~ sent to own~rs pnd the d!~posilion or ca;::h animal. UL _An) 0,\ ncr rt:l~y_[(_'d~<';/ll an ;li)..ima l from WlP-l1lmJrnCrH p, ex~cuting ~1 SWUTTl ~taterncrl..r.. oj" ,l\~ r1cl~h~p", i"unm,I,\wg a llc<.;Jm; and ~ a~ rc(l.I.HfCd by [his Ordj r,l~[\~e an.c;I_ Sink 1<.1\\ ~ and pa\',ing all an~l1SCS associated '\lth tht 8~izun: and impOlJtldment of tQc anima 1. The a.l}illlal contrp.l I,fljcer shall ~lm rcleas;,; .lilY inlPq,bHtded ~,J1!m.al to an llWncr \\ ho har. b~~11 con"i<';l<.;J \\ it}] arlimal cru~h. a.bandprlmcnt or, n~g.leeL or o,hcr v i9J;,ltion('. of $,tak law or of rhi:i;, (haptcr \\"IthQ.l,lt a CDlltt Order foll(m lng,a show cause h~rirl,p: in \~'hich t!l~,m"m:r cstabh;,:h95,~hat he or ,~he..~:illl and \nll own ~q ku..V th~ Mirnal i!l a humape fashion_ uod in ac~ordanci:' wi~j!.Slall: la\\S and thi"i o rd_il1illlCi..', Sec. J~-l-021. Sejzure of animah by property owners or tt'mmts; delil-'eq.' HI dq'lsrtment RUm1tgt'"r .Ul im~1 l'ontml fOupcrvisor; impound m~111 and disJlosal; standard of cart' to bt' e~crci-s~d by s-eizing part;,". TIlO ~loard finds and declare~ ,(hlt!- Ffoblolm of iJ:IUIlKtl everpopllhlllon ffi- ~.lonmf) Coun0- requir~ fin[ on!~ t1:e re_~oL!rees--a:hhtl (:t)tlH~J'::i"arljma~ ~ol'ltrol depJ.r:m:d-n-t,. bul ulsu,th~-aid and a<;sistancB l~f pnvafe -deptH it:!:" Th~rLlrore: (I) It is la\\fLl~ for a property 0\\ rI:(,;r or tenant to seize in 3fI hUlllan~ manner <lrLY (lo~~, (';<It or oth~r anirnaj numiTlg <)f hHgC on !m property In \"iOJalioD of s<.;ction J-+ll or thi:; chapter, VI/here such seizure LS made, the prop~t"l\" Q\"n~r or t~ttant .,hall immedlatch' ddi,'-n lhe a.nimal w !h~ deparhnent fllll.ll<lgljr animal <.;,'fnlrol .?J!1I~.r......i:;or or his assistant<lfl.imal cancrol uffic:er The prop~rr: owner or Il:?nant shall trc.:ll the animal l1umaTld~' atld shall exercise utmost care to tnsure lhe animal's S<lfi.:ty J,nd \\"dl being, (2) "111e d~<ln m;jrH ma nae~r A II an i rt'!,.a L CO_rltro ~ su pe rv iSOT rnay I mpound any an i ma [ dd i n;n.;J b~ ir:s 0\\ n~f. or b~' a j)rnperty (m:ner or tenant pursuanl to pitra~r:lpl1 (1), and ma~' release or dispos~ of the <mimrl J purs U,.lI1t 10 thi s c haDt~ r , (3,1 Any person who SUgS an animaJ pUfSll;mt to th is s-.:-cti(ln sha.H e,\.crci:;c utmost care to treat the J.l1imal humanely and to avoid an~ lI~iu.])", ~icklle5;s, hunger or any oih{;r aiJml:nt or ,lftlicrioJ1 \,'h<ltso~Hr HI both the s~izurc of lhe animal and th~ ddi n~~r~ of' tb~ animal to the J.epartmB!:t nmnag,er animal control ~lIpt;r\,jsor, An;. p~r~on UJl<~bk W comply VI ith the foregoing h1r all! reason shall not ~ciz.e and deliver any animaL and any person ,\"ho docs injur~ or maim any'- Omni b ll:; An i mal Ord in a nee 24 mlm~J ,x \I'Jm do.:,; ~"b.i'.:~'~ ~m ani n,~1 [~~ hu I 19....' I" , ~i;; ~n~s~, nr :ln~ other ;::llJm~llt or af'llJctrcoJl_ '.;itlL-'::j irlc..;rlljon;lll~ or ih:gllg~'ntl:_ in tbc c~e.rCiS~ afthc pa~0n'~ ,-llItburHy llndl.::r tt;l~ ~.:<:ltl1ll_ is ill \ iobtion of lhl~ (:h~lp[i,;r ~Uld :;ubjcCl tn lh;: p.;rlallic~ hCl-ein Section J.23. lnve<;tjllstion ; '~ f L,r 1h";J)iJ:-P'0<;t.; ....l d;~,'h,lfi<1 [l~T lk JlI r;,~~ Fmp(l,!.;J b, n_1ji Chanter _J..J1StL(l CJll{J["C~j,; pre> LStUnS_ ~m\" ~mlmar >:0ntml Dille,-,,:, or_an\" ,h..nt1 s "kptH \ Dr pol,c;; ~lffi~";r j~ ~'rnp()\\ n_~~ ~m~!:_L.!Q9..!..l am_-p~~~~s...~5 0,11 \~l}j_~~,;::t.tt a_n,i~nal i~ k~pt or harhored to q.~\m.lJq tht~, ~..\,Jl1b!tiCltl..Qf..J. ,h:nnd jjg.'.:.llS~ b...' the o\\TJe'.9..IJJp~n,l!.!Jf Ih~r..::()f ) l ,\ n ill1ll~1~d CD~HW; C,ffl~'\.T or ,H1\' ,;ncnW ~ (L.:-rllt" or D0liu; {)ffiu:r m:;\' I..:":Hi.T JJncm;]o:",;-d pr~nm~~ II her~' an :LJll11l.1.J JS J...~pt i..:pp:~ r~~)Orr~.9, mh,QD9-Jl..QU ;1n.d; ,Q_~].1.1.(J:l.J, ~_rn~J..9r JnJl).)l1).;I,L.1C ma!~f1g, ar:J d";\l~;)..llJ W i;\~lrQiQ...i; lr.~ a!l..!-l~Ml J..ml S~il,.' J..lld i ~p-Olmd tM~ animal \,~,b,~, ill i-llS QT hi.:r opmLQn, the ammJ.l15 :;UbJ~C1Cd to cru~.! Of mhurna[1f" lruatl)WIlt~ aban.dQnmem or ncgt~ct, )) A she f j U~;;;; d~p lJt ~ ,~~r,l)n l,L,~~_9Jtl cc r ! rl~~,_ ,:: m~fJ!r.~ rtl j s~, P.U..r~,l;~U _ 10.. ~~jg.hU;.f."_ ~~JJ.:.!,.J(l\'. s g('1'l,~rn.mg crimmal .:Jcti\-ilY \\ here an ammal i!i kept in violatlon of the criminat .l;,1.\VS.0f rim ~lat!L -+J A~,l aalmal C(lntm[ ,~ffICl't lS autbllli/..:-d LO reqLJ~,s_~,;iI~ adJ_~l,~,~:h~!~tL:c~,_~2.!...<.:tl,.:-.\;m,m( tl'(lr~uh~ C(lU..!1 i ~- ni: ~lr sl1..~ hJS pf(lbb~.;- C<!U~I.:: l~) bl.::ii.:n; lh;.n \-iolanons_';:lfllus Ch",,'"IDkr \\ ll:{:b ~.0n"tJtll(C a r;J,;lS0t1:J,p[,c J~~.L~r ~"p~ctatjon that an animal i" ;;~bJCCI In ;:).bfrn~onrn~~\J-"Ah~_~~'~ ~llil~r..'. (or nl,:~1 ;,,:d i~_!,.-:Q.IJ..l;;J..1 ncd ,\YHIII rl a hUlldlllg (J[" mh~r ('.th;:losurcJ9.r_~\..!li,~1~, ~lle Onl{:,~_~ i~ nul Juihori n~J (0 I..:"nl~ J b sent ;t_,\} arran!, S~r. 3--1-22.... Ffl force-ment; fines, l I l :-..(Ji,,'/if}.....,~ Ol,,~"'.n'\~ii. l plln otSlT~'Lllg a '. ~u~atJC1n nf Ibi~ ~hJ.ptcr. the ~tftfllell{ {"!l<tllag~r a,nim~ 1..~0n\rotj!H[~f"\ ~~or or a ,\~Q!'r: animal corttrol GQfft...:cr Uf ~m: 0th<..'f ia\\ ent0fc~'m~nt Q.;;~ftl':': r n1;::':-- ~ i dl e L (al b~uc a (.ilatlon to the 0\\ n~r or kt:epcr of th~ J.ll irnal, \,l1i(,;n shall ~Lm ~'!~~Q,~t;;l,pp.a(ly tht:" Sat]U:' u.tQrm :lpproved h_y _ B(1lr~_l.cs.olufio_n for [his _m,I,I];1.Q1i~,'_ anq WhlCh, *-b~l! cant:un Tr-.; dat~- ,md lWK of the lSSUaIl..:.:-e of th~ cirailol1~ Ti>:c n~lmc and addr~ss 0: the per;;:,on cHcd~ , lht; d~c~ Llnd tjm~' rhe c, ,i irlfr:.iCli",n \\~~S ~,-lmml11t;j: -~ The fi,;1.,; '..:(ln~l illll~l1g pwbablc C<lU5t' hr the L~~IJiln(:~ (/111..' clt"liorL ;;, T[1~ ofJ,rtaDCi,,; \"loJlated~ (l Th(: nam~ and alEthNit~ of" thi; Offic;;r issuing th~' cltauon: 7 The pr~);;<::~hJH: ror th~ p.:-rs0n to foUO\\ ill order ro pa", I he civil p~.n;:Llt} 01' ro '::ClUk$l rn-: C it,! I ion_ s ,\ ~~:l!;.;m,-'nl of the m3.\.lmum CI '. i ~ P\.'ll,~:l: (ne,l to cxc.:::d S5!.'I! U(!! ,~hi.,;h m;t:- b,~ ~mpoJs,-'d LJ" the- pcrs~m <.:ir..-J -..:unt.::;l.s t!~~ CLta(iotl .lrh~ i:o-. dl.,:(o.;rmin.:d tc-, 11J.\"<2 ,~~',I.1TC'd rh.:: ('rJin~~('c~ q A ~T,'l.[l.,:rll.,;nl (If tll..: CIYlJ P(;[lall~ pa.\ ~lbk if l h,,- p<:r~ol1 (,Ikd d0C:=' B~)t ,:onk~l lh,. ;:ilatiull~ lOA conspicuous- "latl.::mcnr tll;}t If the I1cn;:OIl f.1.ils 10 PilY the ci\--jl pcl1alt\, \\ irhill lnf.: T~ rn.,; .111 o\~'<:J, 0f tids h, J.pp~ar ill c0wi to lonte;;;t ,he Clt.ltion, (;r fJils [(l <l~pcJ.r ill CfJdr'. as n~"qUlrcd h~ ;,he (,,: il.J.llon. h shall be d('cmcJ r(1 b;n (,:" \, ~li i.:J illS nght t~J conkQ the Ci,"1T~(m. ~wd lhat m _~uch ca:-=...;. ilJd!::.:m::lll ma, be ~nwr~d ;l_~J.i n~l [h:,; ;K~r~(HI fllr an amQunt up Tn [he- mJ. \.im!.Ltn Cl'.;) r.::nalt\ of- II \ ~ hLLnd~~d u"J lar,; (S:,CI() onl. III ;lddlticn_ if.l p"r~()n f~ll$ to pa) the ci \ j l p~na.lt y (K fJ1ls to appear in Omni bus Anima l Ordinance ..-" 4-- ~'ourt to conkst the: cltation or fail" to appmr ill court ,IS n;quired by th~ (,;it1.tlon_ tl1('; court mJ.)- issue an 0rd..::r W ~how cam,C upon tho.; Tl.:tjlLC<.,t offllc gm"Cl'tling body or the l.:Qumy, Tills onkr shall r~q\];rc "uch pi,,;fSons to appimT before thc cowl 10 explain why action 011 !nl,; ~ifatl0n has nor bc~n takcD, I /' a.rl~ person \\ 110 l<., issued such order faiis lu appear tll n.~pfllBe to thi:: court'" din,~tjv~, that p",;n;(lrt may bc h.:hl in crmtem pi uf CO lJ 1t AH-~' ~r~GFL \" illfidly ,rdJ.!iing to sign <.!fld accept- H cjHthB'I1--t5~Ued b:--- un Offic~r shu~I.* guiJr:> Dr il mi':ld;;:ml;larwr of1h~ ~ooo!ld d~gre;;:, pWI i,~hable -by '-l te.m~ of Ilnpft':lOllffict'lI not w-e~c~d ~i xt~, (6lJ) d<l::~ or a fine not ff) exceed fh t: b:u:dred dul-lars (:!:500".{H)) i-n addilimH01~,t:i,,'il penatly, {b) Impuund the animal which LS the ':lubjcct ofthe "Viulatlon and comm~nCC prosecutiun ;)f the oftcru;l,; pursuant to 1bi~ Chapkr or Florida. SralUte~ sect ion :-12 ~ ,2+ 7( l hi), (c) The t:O~lo"in!j t;. pe Dt yio1atjon~ of this chapter reqUIre a rnattdatory court app~;:.araT1c~ by thc p~r~on ciled: a, Aggravated violatiun:; rc!>ulting in ~hc unrro\'okcd biting_ attad,mg ~lr \~ ounding by a domcsttc alHnlaL b, Viol(iIiam r~suhing in the de~lruGti()n or !Of.,S of pasonal pmp~~'-: c, Second or ~ubscqLlent viol<-ltioT1s. or J Vlolations n.::sulring in the IS5u,.uK'C of a third or ~ub.~cquetlt citation, 2. Persons required to appl.:a.r in ClJurt do nut hah~ the optiuu of pll\"ing th~ fml.: i n.,tead of app(;.il.ri ng in cou rt, 3 TIw director uf public ,',orh shall maittiain rccord~ t.o prove the numbt;:r of cl{:.dinn>; issued 10 anyone (l) person, (.2) ('mnpfaint~' ur ~7irJlflriom ;Vot Obwrved Upon reccipl of all afflda\--jt of cOlllplainr sigm,::u 1)\ on~ (1) pl.:fSOn under oath bdon; an individual <mthori/,cd to t.:.1.kc acknowlcdp;Il1l,,:Tlt$, scning forth th.: nawrc and date of th(; act. the- owner or h:-.:p(;r uf' [he animaL the address of' fn~ owner or k~l-'P~r, firld a de~cnption of the animal. the tkp;utment mall<tg;;:r ani Illal control sUp<.Tvisor or a <;';\\ om animal cuntrol Aoflkcr or oth~'r km enforcement Agenloffi(,;<,;:r shall im;estlga1~ thl; complaint to dC-LCfll1iTlI; \\hClher there is probrlbk Ctiuf.;e to belie....e <J ....illlat.ion of this chapter has OCCLlrred, 1 C rmbabk GillS;'; I,;X iSh_ th.:: ~lenl 1TI/tJ<ndN animal con1rul supervisor or a sworn ,lItimal control Offic,cJ 5hall C(HtlmcnCe prosecution of the (J-llcMc ~lUfsllanl lo folorida Statulcs s(,;l;;tion sn ,17(1 )(fl. ( ~~ ) Pl1f1 ish ml' n 1. L pon COll \' i cl j (lll_ au) pcrson \'io lating t 11 i ~ ~haptcr :<.ha 1I be punishni ,1:; pmvide-d by law, F,1dL da\ during whic,h lnl.: violation COEltll1U~S shall k deemed a Si;parme offense, (a) Violations of any provisioTl or ill is chapter shall caTl~r,itlJf.C a ci"vil infraction, Thl: maximum civil penalty shallno11.:::\cl;(,;d rive hundred dollars ($500,(JOtlli~T_,yiplatinn, tb) Court costs_ surCMrgl.'S and other ~peciai charg~s shall be deducted by tht.: ckr~ of Ihc circuit court ill lh~ ~amC manner and amounls as pn)~ iLJcd for cla~~ I noncriminal vtolali on~ ~c) Ifth~ party cil~d do~s twt Lonte~t the Cltation, tn.(; pi;nalt\, given shan be onl.: hunur~d doilars ($ lOU.ttU) i;'\~~pt as foll0w~,: (jl ~"io(atlOns,o()'edions ,f-U 3-q,)-l-I, 3-J6,_ VlOlatiun by ,m o~\nCfor keeMr of a dog or c.;U of Scct~9_ns 3-12 goven:l,\ng abandonm~rtf , J_~ 13 governing wa\'ln~ and n~).!t..ering_ ~~" 14 go, -:mLflg clla,ining and tetb,~ung and 3~ I fi gOi. crr!i~tg. cruelty to anllnat~ COl1stiJ~Lic~ it ~ivij infraction t0f \>;,:hich the OW))~LQr kc~p.;;t of said anirn:iJ Orn nibut' Animal Ordinance 26 :sha,1 U~~1~5u~,d !.:l :;-itoJ:tl')]1. PY_~.!1_uAlL..:c..:r h.n 't!s"p'[,'~h4ble C;l~I;;~, to l;;!J.!.L~~~' _~! pi,;r~l']L\<!i cQnuniul.::d ..In ~lU ill \ iql.r;~iS}~ ,0f tho~~ 5~~..t!()ns 11' dl(': cit~til1n i::: paj~.l-,-Jbs~~j!<l:ri.o..rl :'..h;;Ll.! be ~Llhj~q m ttl~J9(jm~jllg p(;nal[il:~ fO[',_c.fu:.h J.nimat Iil)I y~i~}li:ljj()..r] S_C~9nJ" \".i....;latioa A. I; Sllbs~qlJ~nl \' !ol.3.tlotls '_____'_ \\'arwm, fLt]\: 0($ iQ~' _ _..bJW, pf S 2 ~ 0 iilJ}()/{!Ji)j.,~ h1L);:';'IiJ/f')(JrjX'1 red('!!l!..)!,'OYUJI' iiCtl-'i!ihm I~y~, ..tf(m~fJ(:,ij}um)':,_,'ilI,t'its'r, ( l} "J','( 'ond [J.f!tj_,~~lrh,;~~'H.'IE'n! ..llli!"'I(!l/S (If 3-1 ~'<lm.' 3- 1'::__ _':!!0..nf:'..r~(l~~.', h.l.' has hccn ~;-..i..l~'J t(~r :.U.!~[<lrior"!. :~CS_~~t i,c<ns :'-1 ~ (Ir :; -l-l J.no W~..0 U;lS,llYl abt::iJ!i,;J J. \hmru..; CGlJ.[1J~ (; ~l,lrt or~q .~;l)~lW~,~_m~ tb';3 il:Hil'f\ ~hall b<: ;n..:b-d'llcJ\..' t~.j.;k~~!l" ~)r ,.1dnpt an~ 3JUn13.;, fr,um ;] \1anLoe County anll1JJ.L~,D,,,-;,h;r fm ~....Q.mod l,f ttm;(; (~) \ I;;.tr~ frQf.I1_!.hLd;3.tc ,of },aid cltJ.ttOn, L"~~ h~!f(!.{I(J?-;\' !:.!.C~',:_,~_/Lw::rsofl ;,;QE\ i\,;kd ~J.1: :u:id~.ti{!f..l...'?,t~,~,x::[,iop,~,l~,12, FloIlda ~tJ.tP1~~, ,N, ~lt~Q..JQ!...iL....YJQt~tion of ..5.cdlufl ~~-l6_ \\hich ciWltOtJ ~" rlQ.!,J!c;sn dis!.tl)}S0iL9T {~\t;["[uk,1 v.,Y.....::t t:~)~I1..~L11,~\~,.-~h;lIl,!lm, he iH~rmitted to adopt ~!y ,J.n,I':I:mUI9~1,1...J1illJ->.,l~IlJ.l\' ~w ilJJ~lI ~h(: lr~' f._lint d p fC.....~Lj i DW~' \Sl~9 l hJ. t rhs:-_ I) n SUrlJ..l a~ [Hid!;: rC!.~~n~ M '-~ 1\.0 j .Qgl~~L~ ..o..!J!!5_~_t!.!lg \~ rd: regard [0 the, ,\ job~ion or c,'nll) l~te4 ,;In ;111.g~r n,'9JJ..;:lli.~]llt_nt t[,,-~W..1C~l..P..IQb.:,JJll......~~ ...v.ka of ]],<2!9,_~~)r,l[;;..r.,~;;-r~sJ.l;3-1lJ~~ ~~~s.id~.I:~~,;J. Cl)(l~,i,ctlon fal pur:PQse~ of t]m suhscctL(")[l, (d) ('(JI1f~IJ ,~'un)jwxl.', For (;;1ch civiJ Jl~Llajtj lmiw1k,d f('r \ wl<\tlOn qf J11 nruLnanCC re1<lILt\g_ to, a;litn~,l clJ_n~.ru.1,~r, C_l'Ue.tty-, q, sl1f~h~rR;;: ",~-..S;, ..~b;;t,tt \1~ l\li..d_J~y, P',!t;_V8.r..~9,n chun.!cJ lu .\-1oTlm~_rount\',.Jhc pruqx~J.'; from such surdb1!vl:s shaU__b~ usc~,JQ Pll-.l tl1~ \.:0st~ oftrairnng fOJ ~_QJm<\] oont~qi qfticers.-, L<J (.....!..2!...'.i~~~~.il1J: CIi..G(~(I!I,.. /\ll;:,()D~ \\hQ__r:";_";:\:,n, ~~s a, <;'I~mICp. u,nq~r tillS ,S<':C[IOn "~a), \~ 1Ih~n tC:ll d.a~ S 9t' ;hL:~~W,1]I;::~ .0J thi;" ~J;J,.~\~Q, p~tjrii}r-J.h.: COUrH\_ Cuurt rQr a nt:arirrg 0Tl [h..: rn.e(j[>,__A__Ci'~p.l::..Qr tl~.s.J.!~jor\ for <lJm....(;.011 sb~~ll_bl.' 6kd wilD [he r\l1jlll~!.Lr:(Jn!ro.l Officl:..from \\hii.:_b.1ft,-~ Ci!i!t~91~ }'!.-;:1<Li~~l,l(c,d" Fd~.rJg oJ the p-;HtlOtl "ith Ill\: .court "",!!~n -qa.: [h~ rc,wj r~,tl!~l,UQ_Q;,l\ rhl;; fIne urll i1 rill; dall~ of th.: h,;~~ring scb,;~tukd b\" ltw (\m~lJili1.u-,,;Jn ;"lp~f ;,t-t thL; sd,;du k:d nL;<l.nn g shall subli,,;o;'J...1b.f..lli'J.ltlot)~r to th~ n:r;-;~.J i;,; s set f.)fttU.lUh1 S....h h.<).R~tL W__J(~'pl..:r~{)n ~~liJ:t..,io pa\' [he cu.-il Dt:nW..t):, t~'lit,.~ ~~l ;:tpp~,ar in court to cQr..tK:iL1h,,_~~it!lloTl_ ur taiJ1iJ9._ill?Q.~'?-f in ~ourt nh;l,1 r~Quj r.s;:Q_QY _tl <,;it;ll iVrL jJl..:.1TlJ<~tinf; GOjln appcJ.r:<:j.!l.C:~_, ~11e ~OlL(t ma) iSSLll.: an ~lrdL:r ~l~ Sh~l,~':::, callS'; UDOlJ the r-sauc_st QLtlw_..ROl,cp)ing bod~ of ~-h~ COlLnty :.>f n1Uni:-LpaJ it~.. _Irli" :::~,uis-'r shall n.::qlFir,' SUdl plDDm...l-J..'J.pv.~.r,r lx'I(J[ c ,Jl~c CC'~l k' .::-;p:::m _\511\ 3\::tl0n QD..Jhs;'..,,')i,atton ha<.J,~_~-,tPs~_!l",rJkfl If ~HJ\ P(;;~u.n V.JE..G l~Sll;cd such rndct' bils.rn ,\l-()L~~'J.r i,!U':.::~"[10TlS';; :0 Ihl.: ce'Url'S_ dl["~C;JlY~'.. thaI pers..,~n m;1,} b.: 11...;..l:Q, J n C'ont~'mpl, qf ;;-(~~!I1. l4l...,____Jmlun'1..(Jjlgf],0:(tITlQJ1 AllY p,~,r._S9_!L~~,d,lfu11\. fl;fusing to sigJl_il,nd <:l-Gccpt a cj.t~'l.tj~)!l..iSSll~(\ qy an O~rLccr s.h.1.l.l.b~':_EM.j,Lt~__ of <I rni~~~J11~,aJ..lQr, 5?f, the s<;cl)nd dcyq: pUF'lish.iWk as N0nded L[!_'i_':U-,~_n.\(? ~lr s 77:",OS3.1-lQI!~q StatuC,~S" ,-?~',a !I!!,i;: nor tl.l <:\c;-'::i.:J fh..: hLl!l\1red J () na I.~ rS ,- (i (), nu) m J.Q.QltlQlLt.O ~ he ci \ it .r~q=1.,!l!_ Omnibu::i Ani ma 1 Ordinam::.... 27 L~Ijl~i~ (jL I_ill-" (Jr/ii~'~'''(lH_J!Cr amm,;... L7 S{'1A,:r~i/_LJ!.ft('!~,'iE.__ ,\ '. i u1!hm Q.f Th.i.:,:(.I!~pter a~ ,~,~ G~~',h <lLliUlal in Lh(,;._t::.1.r;;-. e_v,~tnch, or contr~); of a.[J,~rSQJL(;OIlS[inll":~ ~ Sl,;J!ar.tr~ (~fl~'n\(;,_~'~~h ~l;p<-lrat9,0fT~ns:c beu,\g5uhj~cUn ,the p_~lg!!i",s pn.n,'id{,J in t11 ~ C11~ptt;!. ,In ;11 I slt~L<!t.!vn~ ',\.tL..,T~lliTl(iJ~io;~ ,~r(' prm id,'d tOT J.Jl:.3..:t.9f OTlli~1;L0r:. tn I..: \' ,~11~~fl b',= lk'hi ~, :lppty e~,_C'..Q.,dl..;!Jl:4....":\'Q;~a<.::t OT ('rri:i:;i":lTl \Vn..;n aLl~,_~~I (jr on)jS~lOn is .aL\ C_,-'\l~Un!J,u.g ChaL.J.C1~L ~~,d~ ;,1,nd ":_\"';[1-" da\"'~...conlinu~!.l_";"; ~)f !11_~: ~.::U~r ,)mi~~lOn LCJ~L;I,i~.ute_~ a -~epgQ1~, (ljl~IlL~..;lrYL~,EJ.~~u Lllprjotll1f cqnt];:;lli~Lh~,nJl and \ ioJat~0n d [ni~ OrJi[l,'UH;L\\ hL~,t~, rTl~~ he separatr:l_1 dlJ.rg~d atlq_Q...ljng;;h~dA~Tl)rdin~ to lh~ j;lTO\'l!:iftlTl$ nf fl1i~..!)..!...din;l~lCt, , 8iL___..c;'(~_1J..l.,; (;QQ..l,~!,lj..s.$,iQ~..1_ Q!- a c,harged mn~<!ct!0n..:!1...~ iK,J.rUlliL_<llltbvrizi,,;d_'plLrsuam ,tv [his ~hjp~i;r H1ue-l b~ pT(l~i;n lh a Dx~p('lndef3!!~~_0fthe c, j,jenc~, Src. 3--I-J25. SuneIl dr:r of ani mal to d{,pllrtlR~Ht-HUHl:ag.ei' animallintrol SJ!Pi'rvl1>or: ~nterferenl'e wit,h Jep-anmefH Jftana~l;r orrieN in performance of du~}", Jt tS unklwfLl1 fur all} p~rSO!l to Tdus~ w surn:ndcr an anim;ll upon lawful demand 0\' r,l1~ ~,lffll:l~fll rmtflH~'"t'f J.TJimi.llSUFllr;J1 ~\~p~~n i~o~' or ht~ atl1i~i-jl-eEl'ds..;;-i~~ ~,~ ~v~i,r,~,d C(1[11 ~ I,~~ 0rl.:1c~'Is, It JS emb\\ ti.Ll f['lT ::tll\ ~1~rsml 10 J.ttc-mpt 10 take am ;],mnml from the l'LL~tl)dy of thc J..:pm1f'l"1fflt rntt~ anim.C11 f,;ontrel s-u~<:..\ ~S0r or 19~fi%i,;f;JJll ~n a,JlU!.l:l1 C(1tllr~)l,_offlc(;::s (;1' k~ J.ttCJllf)t l~l tal-.;c an: an,n:a~ f~om J. C0LLtH~ po~~nd ,\ ltllOm perm I ~sj0n ot' thi,,; ckpanffi't'Bt-m-afla~ ammal ;::-ot\m~l ~U~Kl'\ lSW or his a~slstauL 3.n ammal ~ontw: {!flicers in 1I1~~ rerfc.rrnancc of" tlh;:lf dLlti~!;- ~md...T (hi~ <,; hn~t'.,;r, Se-.c. .l-,!';26. Quarantine prO\'lswn~; impoundment ~nd trentment of sick. 2nd lnjured anima!~: di.~po_~al of rlcad animal.. l,l) When a jom~-stLcJ.t~d ammal has bmen J. person or Jl10ther 3,J)imaL or i~ hl::l ic\ cd h~ ha \;;- ;~lr.::~,: J ~)('r~lHl ,)I" ~uii)th~T ;l:!imal. ()T i,~ SiL~p'..:(,:~(~d h Th<; !It:'pat1tn~~t, n'LH1Mg~r ;un<1'a~ '-'Q~~tml l~JJ'~!\i~QI w ha\ i,. TJ.bil..:s_ i: shall be quar.Jnlm..:J by <l hC"':l1scd \'et,'fll1ar;a.tl umJ...:r [he ~upcn [sion af th~ derarim.e!~! ffianaAer ~nj.ttlaI c-o.tl!..rsi5J!Mt\iiQ!. ..). rhc Olnima1 may be hdd in quar,U1tH1~ at a c-uumy fa;;:~!i[: The quaraminc ~hall be for a--~'t!..b(mi:l:!tk'~fioo..ttf I im~_ ilS uelt:rmlllcd a:.'--{,he ~tlt'tll-'fFtttHtt~~ ~~'L d:l\"S At thi,,; cILd of ~hc_1!JJ_Qil:~.Q..IJJrat\!i]j~_ Th~" (hI ner ,~l~ill.l..iliL ~ all ~v~l:::. of ml~'_Jltt,w _,J,!1~ p.rG\-id~ uocLlmenl<ltiqlUq pro,.; (m'l1~Tship and lh;lt (he an)JJmJ ~8 currently p,c':..:.:t~9._ _b:~_g.,__r,J.bJ~5 \ J.<';';:L1laIi,,:~ ~n ,~:.(_~:;l:...J~~.. ,-'::.k~:m th.<..: ;lnilll~l_ lf~_QllIlJE._Jhc ten (Hi) lla) r.Gldtng J~;;ri')..l r:~'~ animal Ji~~bH~ S\Jl.1ptom_LQf fatllt,~, then 3Jl ;:L~.!...lJ."l;ll wIllTul L)rTt~',.T ::;hJ.!l hllm.~ll1d:.' .J;l;.1strO\uJhe animal Me! inunc~iig.J~h _ ~Ild tn.,; ;U1imJ.~ or ~1Illpk spg(:imen tD 3 Lah mmLQ~ ed, hy th~ D~p;).l'!m~ns.~;1lJct~W_l_ (2)The derartnlt"ll'1I,-mdFlUtt'f animal cq.ntr91~.1JP~r..i~of ma: imp'-1und aTl~' aTlimoll b~1 i~\"Cd to be ';:~1r[\ ,,!~,~, ,l/., ?rtk~'(iOlLS uf clmtagiou;;, di~ca~c, nr am injlli..:d ~ll1iTll~J_ ,H~d mJ.Y rdalJl rhe ,,:1'\ ices ,)1" ~t h;~'n~o..:d \'.:hTlnanan to tr...:J.( ie, Th", d~'p!l!'W1L'EH-iffl!fm~~ [milll<lJ (:ontro1 Sllp.;n L,:;~)r m.:l~ accq:t _~1CJ.: OJ ;:~,llI r::-d 3<LiTTl~1 up(m JI;)i'.-::n \\ hm J. sick 0, lllJUfCU 3.Jlim.3.~ J~ i.)\' tld and lhi; U\HH.:r 15 Id~nTitie(~, su(,;n O\~ ner s1~al / b~ [mbk for p3\ J11i:'tlt ut" \ d.;riTlnr\" <:xp~'nj";s or rL'J ml1L1l"sem~'tlt (J~' rh~ (;0U!l[\' ~ "':xp,,llS~~ In treatLng th.; il.ntrH,l L ,'\~ tll"; di$<..:r.:t ion ui the depa!t.met:f---lHfu:a!..;T ~lnim,ll control supeI\'iS0f, ,1 si..;k (lr il1jllr~d <Hl.imal ma.... be destro~ Ld or ,1th~m is~ di~posi,,;d of and its r,'~Hai L1~ di ~p0sd d n ,Lhuu( (,Dmp~ns.J.rinn tn The 0wrl~r ~H h co:pcr, prm, id~d thJ.( tll~ ~1:ff~ fFlitft(lg~f ;lEl~m.;'ll contwl ~upl'[ ~ ism ~ha.l] ll1~h,: ,...:as0nabk dloIT to n(l[ify .he ()\\ n'.:r or kccp.:r dill" rh,.' ;)nllll~ I b Lm]wunci",d ~\ JUt Bf CdI \ ,11 iLll ~,ffit.."Cl!ja(tx:i agnim[ ;ahi~s Dr ~'> h :t::h--i,;; wl1 +~{;~n'Sed- 's-haJ+-~-f~b&;i um'l pro;'~l(ll1S no.',"'e -b~rna,j~ ~o j~l;Jt.'tthti~ ',md hcell!ie,-th~ al!itn3.l pr;>perl ;'~ Th:.: uf1)aflIlli'flt: Omnibus Animal OnlinanL~ 1X mUFTU7}~f l.r.lirTl,lL~l/t_l[JOl ,super~-i..ii.QLsh<J 11 (;hart~;; [h(; 0\~ ner the appllcabk ft.:': for \ J,,',cmatwrl ~if lic.::mang V'/hen an impollmkJ aI1'm:;.1 LS not claimed ,\"ithin a n;:\Sl1nabk p~riGd of time. as d':b.;TT\li n~d b~ board r'~so!ution_ the d~anl1Wflt"""f'F'taH~ ~l,l,~n::d contro.l..WJ:.f}'lsor may lrJ.nsk]' ,;::ush~dy (",r o\\"n.:rship fA' [;1'': ;lJ~lm.l] 10 :;. IlUn~anc .1g~nc: ur ~~ nl;\~ ~,.,\ ncr, lit ma\ dcs!m~ I!~L: J.JlLn~al a,nd dJ5;PO;;:;': of it,; r.;m~Lin~ I fl ,;ith~]" C\ em. th~ OW]j~f or ~~'...:p,;r \\ Ell nul b..: ~'n!lIle,j to \,;0111 r I.:n~;j t i un (:.l When J.n ,lmlLlal dle~, ~h,~ m~ rt~[" m k~cper of the animal ~halJ Ji'~W}$1.: of rho.; remain;;: irtlrndlJ.td~ \\'hC'L1 the ~mm~nf'mllj}a~';t'f aTlin~ili ~(m!.!~~Ls.LllJe~'\ Lsor or !=ffi---aS-S~~affi <LI1imJi \:ontrol (~ffi<.:er d i~\:i:\"~-r$ a d{;."1L! 3.1llm3.l, be shall ]Wll~' tho.; L)\~l1(,T or h.\;p~r, J knO\~ rl, J.nd ~hall nrd~L" th~ 0.)\\ LKr l1r b;ql<';[" :0 di::;po,-:;;; oi" [ho:; r~maLn:=;' immediately, If the pan:,-' n(l[ ifi ~'d f~llls. k ;x.fEnpl.~ WHh In t\\emy-fouf \ =~) hJill~. In'..; d~pi:lE'fffl~ ;llU[tlJ.l cpmroJ SJm.~n:rsor ~hall ~~,-UlS~ th-...; n::Ttl;JillS lo b~ dispo~cd of and ~haU bill the anim.::ll D\\m::r or k<,;~po.:r_ a!3 a.ppropriate, for t~1(; CD~!~ of cllsposaL Such ~miJll<~ I ()\\ ni.;! Or kc~rcr may hil1hcl" be hdd m y iob.lion 0f t1m chapt~r JJld r~,~:shcd a~ pro\"ickd herem, Th~' Jepanfl~ 'HlMt;-l~~r anLrnaJ c0ntrlil su~~~n ,SOl ~~!aJL d1~~0~~ af In;; rcm~;ill~ d~ an .1ni rl1J.i \~ hjch hJ._~ died 0]1 pubhc prap~',rty_ but vnly \\'h",;r-,.' an iJWnl;r 0]" "c.op~'r -2annot bc' nariti.:d, \othing in ~his ~.,:(;tH'n ~hail h<.: d~~mt;J tD l:n,~t or con!I":l\'cn..::- the prm i~!CHlS ~if }-"lm;da St:Hm~'s s<..'Cth1n 823,(14l, t4) ..\n\ \\ild <lTlirno:Li tha( hites or ,1then.\'lse e'{(loses a lJuman to rabies shJ.H b1C ~mmi;dl;ltd\" ~j I kd J_nd teskd for n~bil's UJ1ks, thl.: (;()uOh' h.:;.atrh onlc~r Jc[crll1jne~ th~ c,rcum~tJ.ncc~ \....J.fc.lJll ~ul ~,,,Lq~(iofl St'C 3~M2 I. 1 mpOllnding, redeem inl';: b~ ow net, dis~)Ositlon of tlllre-dttmed dog~. (I) hnpVI/t!{lmeUf A lIrhori::ed AllY dog found w~thoilt .1 current tag or any 3J1lmal f{)und in vi{)I<1tioJl of (hi~ dmpln ma\' DI.: c,mgM[ b\" un a-tttfi.oft:wJ -ci..t'..tt-\tr ~mrlo~> \;:~-ilf-ilfl.ttut4Bft-reJ .:-n~t'-~,h~ ,~,1€ i.W' au It:vrize.8--9y-tfle-'€BIHI1:7 ~-l[I r..rIJElt _~Q,mrQ LQf.tl~,G~, ,or a-HY~ -flc-Hng: LLnd€":' Lts Jif€"ctJO-H l.lU rna I contro: SUP;:f\ jS0f, Jlld impn;oncd and imround..:d at a plJ.c~ rIlai..win;;d or lk~l~ll~lt(,;d K,r 1 ha( pllrpO~-: t2l DjSflO\'i~/ 0/ ~..nre~kcmcd A;mnoh: /"~'~~\', After <l pal0d of confinemenl of five (5) dJy s_ thos..; animals nN c1aim(.:d may he d~:sposcd or th!'0lJ~h aprro"..~d humarl.,; ag~ncic:-;" 01' Nh~r'\\ is.;: HI J. IUlttlJ.ll(, m;HHt~r, Animil.ls shaH be rdea..s~~i to ('mncrs on prcscnUtion or proof pf onn~~r~hip ;lnL[ uf'tL;r pr(lp":~ i rlucubtl on, I i('..:nslr.? and rJ.~lm'n[ of th's_~:k ~,..-:-Il 'Jli_1!~..:rilt4'1t,~Q!J_U~J):.:,<::;S:,~5-'i.D: ,lq \;"()mply \\ Hh [b~s (,-.i..!ar~~[ f _, ~~ Aaotr~n, r,i" ( 't,l{ /'''J'm~'j Anin;{Ii.~, Th~ f;,;>,; for tn-: adopfi on of a~ und,tilll~J anima I shaH b..; as ;ldopt~d by the h~KLrd of counly ~'ommi~sL(lncrs plus me gm:,COSl rcqmfed by Florida Statut~s to quall~' the anirnaJ for ad.oTHinn SCl::. ~2S. \umb~r or du!;:~. ttflti n.ts and ft'rre't:'i restricted. (l) ~;n p<.:r~()l1 ~ ~haH ~}J~..!!..,j;'Q~S~~S_ sh"..l1~L h<:p_ or hJ.rb~~r. mor...: tllan four f'~ l dume~ti< aniffiiJ ~~ 0.~lg~, ~U~0f f(;rrc~s O\n four (4) mO)J.~hs gf_qg~,~..u,lJ.lY qne, t5,me, at an} ["Jn~_ r~)i.dC~I~c....9!. a~Qr~ss fll+itR....-pfffil!~e'5_..ufll';~~ :hc_ sflid aI1lmal~ J.f~ bdd in a \'eterjmfY medicaJ. ~~Ct!,ih~t gQ\ ~m!11 en t "1' ~r.:.1l~,d or I ~~<;'J~,~,~,d .;1llr n9Li~ fl)t ~.;-: ~ (Hl shd t;;-r o~ ~i"-+fi.HRfJfJ:th~ 'Of' you nger _ ~...1-thout ~Hli~~ a dui~ lJC(nsed kcnnel, cattery l)[ ret Sh0P, t2.J '\n: Ilumbi,,;r onmds ma~ be k~pt a:o. long :1:'; t~h::r arc ;1dl,:quu.rd~' <.LJld hllrn~ll1cJ~ cared for.. and th[:Lf nojs(' dOI:;:-; flO1 r~a~OTlably intrud<.: mto thc domam of other personS,--J1.l!!. thc~!:.J'~l.:ping Jo;,;~ nqt u~k :l~0.....Jhrl;;!1 to thc hl.:<.t1th ,:md Safd\' pt:1;he IJ.Llb~ic due to llma!~j_4L.ry_q~ndit.i(H_1,$ Omnibus Animal Ordinance 20 S{'( _ ].29_ Poison prohibited. \ 0 J)~'r~on shall Je:;l\\", _Of, d..w,Qslt <l.fl:L-PD!SOn O_L.J!!ll., subs!~mcL: c;.)nl,~mm!;;, pvl,Ull_ .,.. a" \ ;.;ommOJJ Slfl..:.'L ,lll...:\, bn,;_ or inOT.s::!~f~[,'L~It" .In \ J,!!!o: _"f..!n ,~,n~~ arC. l)r<,:ndn:;],lr~ Q~b~rthfl!1 Ih~,~ ard .or ~nclo,~uf~ occupied or m...'11,t;d by ,such, pgr.;;pn, See. ]-P30. Keeping of fowl or wildlife, t I) 111.; ~"U rl[\ shJ.II--f-\B-t-J.LCepl Jar pLlrp..,sC<;' llf Jispoql V( rdocJ.[ian onJy raccoons and such Qlhcr \yiJd_{Ip.ima!;; as qpi!;n;ll'.:d b"i. ~h.: _Q~ard in a fi,,;solmiun, Hiill!...Qr~n idl.:d by orJina[l\:1.: or n::solllllOn ~hc COY.1ili:.,~hall..h,l.\'e no HOf be {"~spoW5ibl~ for th~ ko;litping of [i,,;sponsibllih' Ii,) sei2~, imp0Lmd nr cm~' for an~ non-domCSlicatcd fcm [ Of \\ lldlifc, !.l) :':.u_,Q11l111a 1 cOI1Vpl, 5\'P<:Ji 'l~,1r ..or, J,nim,.;1.J COn!f0!.o.g.mt t:t1!iLY, ,ssu.,: q., Cl1aW-'1J 10 allyon~' \\ hn ~~J)S <Ln.l nOIl.:-.QqlllcstlcateG. fO\\1 m \\ l]d]it(: in a mat\n~r _~o a~ to c0JlStiILHe a h<:v.ard JO th~ hC4.lrh or ~a.fl;h of rh(; public Or TO con~tjtil; a publ if nuis'iH'lCI:, Fai tllTC of [he Q\\J]1,;[ ur K(;CpCr to aQ,J.t.: th~' f:\UlSaJIC<': ~haJl t.~ subJ~'ct to r.h~ pl,lbl!c nUIsance lm~ s oftht~ Chapter. See. 3-"'~3L ~ari:ll~ ~rl?yh~l:IFH:ls, .!lRd atlu:rl", Animals in Count~. less than 30 da)'s exempt. TI1,-' ';Iccmall(1tl and lLccmmg prm isiom of this chap(~r shall flot appl~ t,) ~ttt40--k~, maLnt:Ltmed lJr bro~!Sht into tbe' ~t)tml\ leg lh~ pltrpOSe uf -fflefflg--ffi-J-i.t,;~ tf~vht.~lild tmch. Of h) J 0 s: ~] ~;~t.'; -pttTH.,)f ~m~rta irnmm t ads w n~[l pfOp-~'~ntro tIe d. or ',', h~1l dog.-, a.tD ~'!l31~ \', hie h r,~mal!; ill tlK c~,um~ tor a ptflod of l(;ss moltl th1I1) (J [)) da.~ s &.c. 3-1~. C D-R-k'M'-t- with hl:l!Hanf' ar!';li.f1iz8.tiaas. It--i-'i ffl;ofd:>y ,lHlnOftteG 1~--9Aaffi- ('~ wt:tr:t:-- cnrrHn!,~\io[~~r,~, b) r~'~~)hHl~ffi-,--ffitl"i (:oo!rac{ l,\:nH mr.' pn'.at,) IlQ[]go>~mm';f1ral }llU19L'.;n;; Ufr,ttniZ:cIl1fJ11 fOt ~ ~l€~ of O~l~mttnn of- o.fHmai sn,,(ter t:a.~djriojS and ef,tl;ts-ehapl1::'L <'\o:..'Cmding to tl~e pr~oH-!;-ef section J---9-, Sec. 3-B2. R~JTe,~ and r-....gu latiom. I he bno.rd mil \ ~Il;)d r~il:.;.on~lbh; III ks and fl.:gUlaUOns to lmplerncnt and carr\ nut th~ prm Isi0ns oC rhis. ,~hap[i,,;L includmg but not limit~d to. tbt right w rl;gula.tc or c:'H;mpt cl.:nain ~jmals from thts chapter. ;),nd lh", n~h! to rcg~dat;.' th.:: TJumbcrs <md t~ll':s of animals and th~' <.;:olluiliL)m und,'T \~ hii::h Ih~} m;n b~ m;'!ll1taLncd III r~sidenILan~ zoned art<:l.S See. 3-lJ,JJ. Area~ or ~nfon:emen1. Pmsu.1m ((I arrick VJlI s~cliol1 1 of the (onsutution of" tfl~ S[m..: uf Fturida_ lb..., board ma\ cnt~)fc<..' [hi.. ;:h~pt~r throughout thc unincorpl1r3Ied J.r~as of MUTlw~ Cc)unry_ and \\ithin tbe inC(lrp("r:lkd 3,.:as of th~ count~ [0 th.;; .;,r.;;nl [hI.: chaph::r does net cont1lLI ,~i[h an~' muni;,;ipal ore!! nance, S~c. ]-]..t Animal,;, fou nJ HI distress~ when ft2,cnt ma\' take char~e~ hearine.; dispositjorl; salt::.-- UJ. The I'l) r1\OS<: of this st'ction ..is to 1) fl) \ id'.: ~m(<..rl~ b..' Wllich a n_~g!ect~d ,Q! mistn.::alcd ,mimaJ C;lu...Q.o.,:_ i.:\) Rcmn\ i.:d trum Il~ ~r~'5(;m..qls~od), Of bl f\b:le tiw s~Jbjl.:ct ofan....9I.dq to pnwi.,dc qrl;'. i~su~d (0 its o~\ner b\ th~ count, l:l1urL ;1;j~ ]i1\\ i;~;forccmq1J, Qttjccr......!2L.....4D\ u11 i mal -;:ontfQ,1 OnLccl," J,>"'!Q U i \ e~ '~'~~~~~t!on and 3.1) ;.lrJ,}f.Qpna t ~_.J,nd hg,manc d i spos j ~ i Oll mad 1.::" t~} ,'\n~J'1-,w ~'nt0fc":Ftl~l:t l,fficq,..o.r J11~ animal COTHrol off.u;:n maj : OmnibLJ_~ ,.-\ni mal Ordi nil-nee 3,0 LlL,).,.,a\, full\" tak.; (;usl~)9~~,_9i- any <\-l1A!nal, found IH,;gl~;('k;J U-f cruelh ,~g::3.t~d h~ fcmm,:wg dlC J.1limal from ..ili..Qf..GSCl1t JQC~EliOll...!l!: Lbl.. ,Qrd..T tl1\: 0\\ l;i,J uf .?-r~.lrljm:ll t~mlld !Jl.gl~'cli.;J or c..:n~..'ll ~ ~rcar~d Wjl["l)\ ld~ cerrJ.ln C3.r.~' to r,llC an~mal at tn...: 0\\ J1ds ~xp";[l~~ \~,~dK-,ut, r~ll)c.\"al at'thl.: animal frL)Tll I~~ pr:;~<,;~n !Q;ution-,.. _aJ"ld...~h31 l tortlmnh, pctltlOl1.Jhc cOllnt'. court i l!~g~--,,}j. tht COLlnt}" \\'h~r~Ln..tb.~ ~\TH1Dal i s ti~ll n.u fVL ~l n~;tri!!g" to b,~ <,d \\'Jth in 311.!l3YS afkr lhi,,; dati.: d"?~i;:[lt(; ~)t'J.h~ ~1J1Jm~ll, Qr lSSlLanco.; of l!l-.; ord(;r TO pm\ id.:..sar~ a.n,d, hdd nQt.Illq.r"-' than 1.5 days <tft';;T th.; ::sdriTw uf such dat~, 10 ,Lii-"tcrmine \\ htth_n, th~ O\\[ln_ if kml"'~ n_ IS able TO PI9_\ i;j~ ct_dc'qqllcb...JQL lh.; ,.l..uimul ~md jS fi,T to h3.\~,~'-l~tl)d~ ,lflh~ .1nJJllaL1Jic JkJ.TITI2 ~hall b...: ;;:Q.!h;]B~ed_ aEQ.)ht C()LH1 ordc'r entcr~g tl],awfl within 60 ili~,;; uft\:r The dat~ (he hcarjll"s_Ls ,om rTl~rll;:_~_Q_~Q J.t.c shall be charg~d for Ih~_ film!.'. of (nl: pdilion Nuthir:l~ lli.":.reirl, is inlC11~J;d to n;qliir-.: court udlun for tit.; raking into ~_~5tody anq 1114k!,ng.,pr,op(]u;usposition of i!:f3.~ m ahandoncd animJls a,~Jawfu..U\" p~rfbm)l.:d b\' animal ~llnT.rol offlc~Ii... 8.Jh,' ~\t1iG..;r or ~l,!llmal c.:llTl{rol o(fl.;..:r qhin~ LhaJ:gc of an~ J.nmml pur~LLan~ ,1Q th~,p[QY~~lDn5, Qf lhi~ ~0;I!-Qn sh+1.l ha \t~ \~ ntten n,)t]c;:; ~~I1 ~~_o al k;t.'Sl ~ da\"s prIVY W [h.; hi.:<.tring :l-.;[ forth in s ub $.~~t ion C~l..J!QQ.r) JJ}~9\\ n ~r gf the an ~ ma ~, if he or sJle ] s ~D_mYD_ and" ! s_ F_~~~W.!L!I!..lh~ ill.!l!l!}-\\ h~r(; []K anima! wa.~ lakc.:n._ ill ,c.;~~l1f orm~rH;(; \\ ir.b lIlL.:_mQ\ ESint1S ,QLchapkr ~~ rdottng to sa'\,'lce of process, ,T.h~ ~l1G,nff Qf the ~Q1l.!ili:..._~l:Jall not chan:!~ ;] [(;i,,; for slr\'ic<: of such Tll't i \:1: , l f [h(,; U\\J:ll:r of (n1; ;tfli rT1~ll i~ ~11~)\\!1 biJt is. rq.ir:!.~Q~ts.idc of th,~..I.:OLltlt2_ \\ herein th.: ~m;m~J "as tab-'ll_ ni..H;CI.: ;Jf th~' h.;."lrirll~ ~hnll b" 1)\ ~~Jbl;Cil..ti.QD_j.!L c9nt~)tJ.l..l~\C-: \\ .~]1 th~ pro\"l~LOn~ of ch.:lplcl" -!(j, (~) {a) Th(; otT)\:(;! or <mima~ conrwl officer taki!1S charnc 01' arL,qllimalA5~iqed fOf in this s...:-~tlon shaILp-{cmdc fQI th(] .JlJ!!D.:J.1 Ll.mil Clther: ~ , TIle ',~\~ n;;r ,i,<; Adi ~J~h..!:-.~dJ2.~_Jh-;: ;;O~!n _~~)_ bl; ~bk w fJr~),\ Ld<: <.i(kquUl<:h _fj)T_ and n"n-.: cuswd\ of. lj-J..: "mllll,.:J~Jlich ca~~_ ill..' ;]l1..l,lII.a1 s.haJ1 b~ r~!=,P!JKQ_JQ th_~ 0\\ I~e.r uIH;m paym~lIt ,~l~...thc_ '1~.Il,~r t~~Uh(; _ ~afs anq J~r0\ isiol1,..for ~hc Animal \.~_h i Ii; in J hi.: ll~(;n(s Of s1Jli l \: r\ n_l.~wd \ ~ ur _ TIle 311..i.!l1a! i~ Tllrrl~d, ~I\"~r ~0. the (1ffi~~T ~)r animal COntrol l,ffiCl.:r us pro\ idcd In R.~i.Wr<.lph i...: 'I <lrld a__human...; di1;p0~itLqD l)f th...: .<~JJlLllaJ J~ m;l_ds_" ili) If thL COLlrt dctcl'tnin~~, ,t,hal th~ Q\\ n9.t i:<. abl_c to pn,)\ .de m:kquakly for_ and hm,(,: CL[,~~!_d~.. 0.1: tn..:- Jl1,inlal [hi; ordl"T ::;~g,ilJ!!QyiQ._c that LJK,i!.!J!mfl.l. ,~u, ,thL" possc:;:;iot\ of (hL" ume~r or ~mm..1.1 ,:oUJ[ol oftkef b~ claimd and fell!.(,\ .;'9..J~l, (h.;: ~)\\nCr within 7 Ja\ s afl,-T UW"d.1tc ;)fth~ ord~r. if) CpO!} tho; {'vurt's lud~Ll1(:nt th;lt tl~c,_ o\~ Her ()f- the ~l~Ll)jil..i) Hnabk or llllfLt_l..Q ~ldi;g..uah;h p[QndcJor th~ anLmal: 1 TllC COlI n ~hJ.11 ordi,;r lh~ ~miJ1la] ~q p.~...2QJ~ by (h~ sh~lI Cf J.Ipubhc J.uc.:rion_ and sh,,l,U pr~'~ ~dc i rl ih vrJi:T [hat tk currmt owner slull 113'1 ~ JW /unh~'r cuswd\ llf tk anima I a;,d ...-.. . -.--. -- th.J.u!Jn:_..!11lpnal not b:d up~)n sha.!J b;: r,;!nr1n(kd [0 Ih;' nI5J,o_~gf.rhe S,~CL<cl: fiJr th,; Pn;-)~ntion or Cr!l~l~,.J..~)_-,~Ilimals_ thl.: Human(: Soc lCty , Il~~, count}, or <l!,l\ J.g-:n~\ or p~rSL)rl (he ~lHjl!:C d~~P1'iillll![Olmatc, to be d_i..p,~~~d,~)fas.lhc am;nc\ or p~rson ~c~s, fi,t~ Qf ~,,' ['h~' com1 nn: ,0rdcr_ .rJ~\; <mi rll~l!...0i,,;:slro\ c(L 9!. ;nm,m~:kd dl rcctJ~ to tb.~ _cL.J~rCH..i \ or th.; SlJ;::jcr~ for rh~' PTI,,'\'.;rnion vce nWll\, to Animal>, lh..,' J lum<tm; SVCil.:l \'_ the cLYlJn.ty_ or an~ ,)~Ql,~l_Qr p~r$0!l tlK 1-u_dQ~' ,geem..'; 3.l1pml1..r.i.aI:;, W b<; di SV1S';.J, of J.s....1b,t J.g~ncJ Of 11~!:son Omnibus A 1"] i maJ Ordinance- 31 s:,x.2.-lil- u~'-2n l11..: ..t.;:~ti 111om_, ofth" agent ,\~'aQJpok cmtod\ ot' f)J~_,=-lJJ i,lp~L, t)r LL1wn th~ r~'~tii!jl~n] ,,-.r (Jt~J~f. ,[!l<wf"Ld \\'Hnl;~::'~S_ (h<lt_...!.b.~, amma.l I"G'J.LJ_L[~i, _dcstruct!Jl1 0T llthn dL,pDsHivr: _'0)T h~J ltl\lr.~I~!j;!.Jl reas.1m m:,lS qf.U.Q, Gomlr-.,<rf,;~~il ~ [l]U;.":: ~~, J,ijmH_J!]Q(lf of .costs jnClHr;!j b\" th,,~ <;g~nt l1I: ,Q,itlCG(,~_~..l";. CDm~ fll'-l\ Ti.:qH in.: [har, ~I!,:: ll\H..lY..!..l~a\ JQ~: ,rl}c <::we of th~ 21JJJm,lli\.bilc in thl.: custod\" o!. the 4!!,.!!!!!l1 cQ-~I~ml omc~r n.r oft:q;:Lj,_~mJ.nk h(;ar; n>J mOlY. b,;; held. ~_ '[~~__(:nl.1L'~ rl\J.}, L,{d~r lhJ.t m!,~f aw.mJt~__lh<\.t ar..: In (he q~stoJ\ ;)f ~ h 0.;, , v\, ni.;L_,~J~~l, Ih~t wcn~_llot s~iz;,;J b\ tk ufft{;n llf i~C~~ tL1mC"4..0v~r 10 .the ofn~cr 9.T_;;lmnkl1..l;.QutrO[ offlC,y.r: jfJll~' court d~taml1les ~h.:,:H. till:__Q~Ym::r is ullabk ur unfit to ~dl.:quatd\" pro, idl;: .r~2! I.b.~' ,wirn<l.l~_Jh~~0~,HT [E];)} .::-nJ.L1I11 th~ O'\.Ylli(~ funn.:r DOS5cs'Sion or OlslOJ\ of 0th~'r ;ll)L, rp q ls_, (51 In ,d\t~[ I,llill,sng rhe r.crson',;; l:!W~;>:S ,!_QjKlv~_fl,mod\' of a.n animal umk-r [hI.:: pn.n'i~ion, ....,r _~.bj2 iicLl!-K comt m~'" cl)Tl~jd~r. amung Ofh~r m:mcr.:.;. (J.)f('~tlmOLl\ from the J.lllmaJ contfQtQ.ft)~';LQI, qffLC(L\vhl) ~_CLzd Jb~ ~ll1Jmaj am:.j Olb_~,I ~ ilfll.::~~_":~ ~l~ to lh<,; cQn.Ji~iL)..!..l ~lf 11!..~..ilJljm':!Ll~h~:rl. ~<,;iL.~,d, ;}.L\J a~ tt..-. .the, conditlOn:>., ufli;ler \\ ~lich thi,,; amm31 w~s t..ept. tbJ T t.:~[in-:~\n\" J.nd n ,d~Tlc~ ;l~ it: th<.; \"~~;;-ri n;n"\ (:;iT~~ pro~ .J..:-dfo 1h.;; :,In i rrl;d, (~LI.;)[j~_alld .;\idl;T1C;: as kl,!hc ("PC (!nJ arllQ~JT1f oJ C;HC..2ro',:id9_cj...!.Q..!h~,unimal" LiJJ _ hp~)] teSl.lmgm: _<!_~_~o JJ~~, ,:\:QlnD.lJullt\...st;~n9;,if.9s_f.;;)r, P]gp~~ ,'lliQ, [C':asoll",ble ,qrc of ll~" ~J.n~e t) pc af <},ni mal, G:J T'.;~;inl(Jn\ thml <In, \\ lln.:ss<..'s as to pnor IT\;<!tm~nl QL.WndLUOn [iLt.lHi _9X o~ltcr aJ1tm~L~ ]].1 th~ ,ame cU5'tndy ,:.t1_ Iho.:_cl\\ :l~(~ PJ.!;l r~''';llrd uf ~Udl!fl)Cnb LL[JJcr th(,m:';':l..L~)Dnn..!/f t!H;'; ,:.h:tpt.:f to (~(lt.l,\ jct~J.1,S undc.,r the stntwl.:s prvhibjJinl! cml.:'j1):JJHl,]).m,m!~, (h) '\;~\' d.h.T ~'\,L[kl1_':1-~ tb~..~_0.ur1; c0p':!I::\N~ tn be: rTlat;:naJ..~u r-;l,t;\'anl ((,) IJ..I.~~, _<~,id~rh~i:_ i nJ:";a[~'~ H bc~ ('If p-mQ!::,um4 ,re,J.sonahk C;l;-f Qf ~,h.c A,[ti rtlqL. rr:~ burd::r: is lll1 ~r~..:.. O\nH;, lU dcmom:tTm~ b,' \:k-ar... ,m_q_~Qn_\l.rWlng t\lqe,ncc,tJ@Lhr~, ~lr ~h..:- i~ i~bJ.....' <Uld fll W hJ...Y~ ~u~w.cb- of JJ1ct pro\" ide_ il9.~quat_~h- I(~r Jh~' animal, (-:) In JJl ~ S;}..~(,:" i fl \\ 11 i ~ h ;m an i ma J is l)ft',cT>': d t9.f ~gq,L011 Ufi der th;: ,l~~~,\ ~ ~jQ[t~ '-JU hiS ~ 1.:'.:1 i l'l1 _ ih_~' R.~~~!,;ds ~!>~1l.' b'...': (~) Appl j"d_ II r~L lu [11(,; ~'O~~ of tht:.sak, lQ) Appij~d" SCLll~~_,~o (hI; ..:arc J.nc;L.rIU\"l.~Wn. fGJ th~ JllLrnal l1~J)L~. Qffl(;~T c-t amm::d c.!rl,rrj)l .)i"G~~'r takjn~! cl;~cg..;, (e) Appltcq, thll"dj~ ,', to Ih,o.: ,pdY~ll..:-nt ot) he m\'DCr for Jhf ~,a).;- of th~ a.tl.i[l:t~"!L (dj bid 0\ ~UL~ t~.:: ~0ur1 iftk 9\Y[l.~J j<; !1N_k..09\\n_ Omnihu~ Animal Ordir1Oln.-;:c 32 (n ,If.]!! .1njJll<ll slldkr or ()th~r l()ql!~m lL~ll1a\Aibblc_ a courJ l11:l\ ()rU,i.:r rh..: i.l.niJll<~l _t~,!J!,c: i 1..l1Q"NrlJ..:g"..Q!!..l,IK...RP)pl..:r~\' of..it~ O\H!,:~,..Q!....P(1SSCS._~~!." ;lJ.1!.i_ :shJ.ll order ,uLh J)cr;;;on to prm ldL ;::d l ~:'.x":j,J.L} CJJo..: fqC~i1~' ~~;l:E,!!.l anJ,~;,ttkm r..:s,(.lar i.!!W,~ctii"lt~?f: P1C ;).llLlH3.1 h~ J. pCh0n (h::sign;l[~d b) th~ Court, l~lJ f.'l \ \,'h:IUl.,nian Ji.nd~ 1h:H ;in ~u1.[!nal k.D2J_,llr u\~J..in..\ i()b_[i(1I~ ,'-l~' :h i~ ,~cti(m L.~..~!lfl',;rir\i' t~nm an lnJLlr::- 0f J. .jJ~C~L~": ,~', I..'r~' l..'tli.JlLgh .h4( f1 L~ JW1...P[)_1i~lttjC w...t!um,;m..: h_ )Wl!~C and CJ.r,;- for l he ani nl~J1Jim~ C()[l~R.k!j~,)fI 0L_;!_bcJ.rm.r..J1...~.hL1!r.d(;.._, S<.:c ,12B, (j7"UL_.F]or id<t_5,tat~Jtc\, .fil~al d!,pOSHL0n o!"lhc cnmm:,ll chafgi,,;S_ or wl.Lrt--ord:.;[.:~ r~rf~!tur~ HJ~ Y~',l_~tiDaIEtn ~lli0. ql!banj~\' ~b..~ dJ1an:lL as ':'p,x]ti~cJ III ~, ~2ii JI:l g, Fl0n.i.l StJ.tu~~s" A. \ d,C[,lll:;!J:,L;]nj~_dlSL~JQj)l;;Lc;lj,c~ ll~ th!~_~!,]h.' ~h<!U ly.: he IJ h;,trml',;:,;s f!"..llm i,;ri rTl iTl~\l or, ,-:,i \ iJ I E.....bi liD, f"OL_~II,I~ dt::c isidns made Or ,:;~n ices rCrldt:Ied under thi~ ~Llhst:ction, LII) Llf...;~i!..ill}i nl~ll_c,:~l:1...: n()_lIi..:J i!u!.. hUfllam.: m~~r;ni,;r_ In..: ll"!"(,l-"I SI uD_~LhJiL~}. FloriJ~l ;St.at~Ll-:S~ shall .:J.jlplj, F,)[ th.; purpos~ of a bcarmg, J.Jl) animal b.:J.Ltcd, bred, Irmn.;u, tr.lmpof!.::d, soJd, 0\\ ned, posse_~sed, nf uscd for the purposc of an i mal fJghling OJ baiting sha1l,I~I..' ~(H1~i,4~..cd ~slr';;I(~:~L ( ll) 1 [\ addjlW[l 10 ulh-:-r ,i!~rl.1,!li-:., ,[!r~sC,~i,l);.:(Ull, ln~_ nl~ nmrl n~J. \' i~~,m; aD orJi.;r,WlhJbill,ll!:...1! P,~r..'911 '\]W l'" fOLl nd tH ~!!J.tiQ.!!_ of th i~5o...:qj,on from 0\\ ning, P()~~\;:s:sin\~_ k~(,;pinl~_ har~(jfing...2..!: 1!.i.!,\,i,~\~s[(jd~..--2r__J;:,oa1mu\:,cL__IjHl_JJ.llll,l)q,t~ wuhm ~he ~pCCl"::S that an.: th~ ,uhj~c[ df rh~' cQ,n ~ Let l on, or all) all IIna 1:<. k(;lll, r~(!.r:. Ih'!:::_Q u r..Q!b.C ...cl...)i ght i II!~ or, b j t i!l LJ~).L.i!.....Jl~ri Q9 , ill::J,1 rnx dU(.flmnq:l h~ the COHn, U1_L'l]H5_ 'Lc[jon "hall !w' .1ppl~ ro l~~.!Jl....QY...r>OI"l si,mulaJlD2-::! ,fn:dlt, for tile pUfpm~ n/- usjrlgJll..:'..liD..l_!I~akd fL~nl as p:.ln..uf a !JJPltQll ,pl.cturc II hich \1 i II hi: LJ:<:q! orl t~I..;\ ision or .!!L..<LJl1Nton jlJctur..:, prol !dcd fhat proh ihi! lorh..:,s:t,in~l ~~rLJ~Il\_ to anUllaJs <lfl not \ lolatLd~ Of GL\r~..s,,:m_J~.s.HJ.g,arl1mals to pursue Q[ r.a.k-: \\ il0fif;'; 9T to p-arllCipJ.lo.:..P1 an} hUlm[)g [~ubt~d CH' <,u~.;:.r ..ril.......1L<.;~c.~~ub1cd b\' the .J1.Lk~ an.:! rcgula[i(f~I,S ,:))" th.,:- Fish anJ WildhL:.: (' l)rlsc:n ;tti~)n ('(lr!lml~~IQR. tl3) 11115.,j.:cti011 shall llol_proiub!L Jmp.;:d~_, oL_orlKT\1 i:::;~_ ink_rfa,' ,~\ith rtw~niz~g_..~rl..!!!.h~.1 husband,!."; an~JmimDg..1_.;~h,lflqucs or practicc,S n~lt yth~~yis~ SpL'\;Jtlcall) prolllbjtcrlln Ia \1, SC(tlOll J-J~ -- Standards of Il.nim~l nH't' (1,) n,is S"':-clllln..~llPlLc_~ to all ~H..'_r_'3i)rJ~ \111ll J.r'-:,p"'ll';.rS, Lafe ti,r. Or an,; ~lJ:d0Jl~lns ql,~ ,:U1Jmats, \\"h.,:,tlKLa~ Jndi \ idlJUJ::::vl1s_vr .as J:ny other li;gi!! ~nt ilY, An.) D,.T~OE \\]]0 :3,] Ig~~, an ll.~ll mai hubl~m!!b to fcm.1.il_~j!!.!.d..b~ fodg~Q \,\ Itlun hj<',h.~l~l,~e, sIQr',;._ bmldmg, enclo,;;urc or [lr(;mi~~,s sb,;l.ll bl..' c0n~Ldql;~l;ln O\}nn for purplJ:';GS oFthis OJ;l-p-kr. These s[~i!l,d,Htls of cm~-,tJ.c 'LLppl~rn~nt:ir\ !..Q."".,md dp LtO! Jmnlt!2.h..m, ~k ;]Jl~ other ..rS:WlirCllwrns_OL proh lbj,(,iQrl~_()f Ihi,~_Ch~ptn, ..-- o rnllibu., All imal Ordi nat1ce 33 l?J. E_\ ~'r~ O\\tll:"~ or q.I'1~!"-'::J_(lf J.,!!....;.\J_Ii.!!l_;)J:;;h~IU rm'dd~,t.h>;..~llHl1J.; \~i[h SLJ[t:jcj~!lt good <lnu ',\ hoks P rlW h~~C:, ,l, U!~,..\\',l kr , !b.::;:, rni tl jr: HIm <,~.:u1d,]r!;tu:f \\"h j 1'~n,~ Lt~J(l[ In 1\ S , (A) ~ut'fki0J.1. fl)Q~ J:ru..\~_~{jr,l~, not c:-'Cccq lqg..,2.4 J1Q.1I rs uf ~!..!llliE!lit;:_52L~h,Q:ksomc t~0SW.rf'....2.l! i_12_hL:_f"or [n~ a.lll maJ' s ;;p~.: ~fLC_,ill.c~:ii,;:; ,illl-~j.....!C~ _(i!l(j_,~duch mal !1.t3.Ljl,\a_L~~Q!~ili!..;; J..:'. ,.::] (J,(" HlJuLtJqn, Cf3) >,LJHj;::i~Jlt \Iater Cml~lQDJ.;1C(~'S::' lQ ~1_illnLili.' QJ":::Il'arl. J"resh PQtJ,Q,l:,; wat(f..JJIll' i(kdm ! I~l_~'r,\"~l;; m11l1!_S\~j.:1L1A_b..~}lJT~ (~l. ,~~',J'Y g\\I!1:J 0r,~'<.lr;,,;;!;\ q....Qf'..al1:~r!!i!!5_sh.1.JU,c.,:1).a1..r aJHm3.!~m ;1 ckano ~~I,oi..t;\Q.:....~i.Dd h":-<I~Ull 1:J..!.S\J)~,=-,~\fHJ nul s,)nfjTh':~ ~(~,:,t.i..IO, ~I"; it)rc~'J to s:::and, Sit or ~1i,,;)'1\ ;JlcJ~j,.l~'ill_L~.Cf";-P::T1,'" l:!.L,J: \ o,,:1l..;,~',Yll~'L..::.::I_....:~n1[;\~'r i)C;.I!Llf.L!_:ll ~ -,hai~ pr~)\ jde aJJ ar I mals ',I lth a ;iiK]j:,;.r1Q(L(. ,11ai.LQ( J structure \\ hlcll L' \ ,UluJ,~~~~,t.~n\Lpr'J!.~xkJ. h1~1.!..2:..\.CC"S..?]'.;; b_l"dl_ ;.lnlt ((2\11 <\ll!l9J.blJ tE~L':;~l!..5.i/-~,l.l) pqmtl, j!:l-';,,~Jfl~m~J1Llo Y'\~',~~',i'$,'" and....!l!...Ow_,:1bn~'ilf_O";'~!)'.. LSlJ hi,,; Q~JKr WS '-l r_~" i v,~r oJ a d iSo:.:l~ cd QI...!1l i u r<:_WE1' m~!L:i.hilllr~ l'~!.l,j ~j_,=" tll":,_ N' i ,lllaJ \~ it fL @PJ9Pfj J"h' \.'l'~~r:ll1ary ~<,! n::llJJd2h~l!ls ~;:g!J; lIat dh~ (I i ~_t: <.n;cJ..A!:!i In~lJ from orJJ I,; r~~Tl j nl~t l ~ it' nC~S~~~(1~_J9Q!';} I,;'!t lrJl!.~mi-'-hjL~)f ~h?';';b,,- g~L:\.r.0 _nlJ_"J..<1hir C{;l !Jl'JqL\\.:b]~' J..U\'hQ..;2,triks'..5 ~l gQg.o_'.:~t ,~lL.QJh'.:r_~U1unut shaJ I sk1-~'--ill_Qfl<":'.: _anq r_~n,~_~'q L1i;h, J.s-,,?i ,~t..r!~ ~' ;l:~ rn~ \ be; 11Q~si bl ~ A!19....s.~~! 1jr!.!.!!.l ~4_i,(lt~.. r ";1) l) r1, <;: u~h .Inwr:~ ,'^' :', d-::i!.!n t,)t,h c :.!~llnpl\., C)\\D_L:' ,(rt.1l.lS..L:\.1:...!}I..Lt~~f,-\~rH.;.[._ca.uf!nU)-: ~\'~.::."'fI;liu:f~j, .the Q'p~r,il.Q,r ,sb3.,II..iltlll!L:'rl.i,ill;'::~:-_ rC[Jon th~ a~;::-idem 10 ,U1~ .lJ1j)fl)jlli;,UC la\\ ~nfor;,:;~nlent ag~nc~ or hxal animal protection shelter. {7) \:n p c r~H)[l Shill I c::; p(>~_c OJ,lY k rl,q\'. !~.rOI,S onl>L~<:'..~!J I) ~t;1,rl_';:_(:J, \ \~:e:( f.!.. ~,..l~ !!.'icg_~ ~[_t0~~ud or a~)fJ,Sl lh.:,_U!l,; ..I2i2j:::i(.m~,l~,j~ ~~b:,;l:\nc<:_!.ll;!) b~' ~'~Hc..:D,h;JJ0._an II1J.SJL,QfC" ided W.1.tjU.U,,11 Ltlm_ b~ u,nlqy, till fur. ,a pi,;',sun lo CXPl)SC qn Ill" lJr her pmp.:lty c,Jtnn1l1tl rat P01~,)rl ml::;~d,0Jll~..,~ ~(l~ \,'::.~";~"l.bk <..ub-,tanccc:., C'i) "~)j2.f!"2~;n__<)\~'.,;-r.l.iLJ,lCl'n5cd ,'dJ.\JJ.KlrJ<lI1- ~h~UJ ~I9P ,~,!n <l!lJn.l:l.l"~ (';::rs or dc,:,,:;'" an <lrll mal S [<1.1 L () r S p3. Y or n<;u k r ,?n....i-!!.I_i r_lg l.. t ~) ..\.n LJ na I ~ ~ ilJ: I i h< 0_I,S j)(1S, (.:J u..f. n ;,th.1m,!;.t fl"'; mi.l.D 1I'.:r., L mkUH.:..gJqLm~~..!l) C Ci> shJ. i J J.n 3..llL ma I I~c ~t!,l..~~\ [hi,; AI~tnla.l1~JJtTJJ~.. Qft),;;cr Dr .:I Poljc~ Onil:c:r \\hen _i:I.~\.i"D_..rr~~.fh..: :\l1i rnqH>.,)..mr.~}~ )!!..I.'..!h.r. _..:x~ ~QUT1. d]lq,g, lIlq ca~e,~ Of ,\ hen med j cal lll-: I J1 J5,HA!,!,j: fJ.!!.! ;;sJ...Quu fTi.:_U!il:'L ~Ul L rt:l1!.1 <2,;l.nnm he: ~~ht"li,~~_(J. ~, ilbn!_.Q..~l..:i:,?~~f1atl.lli:.:.n;)~,t 9LlLm..', u ul..J IVuSl1.l~,..i_qndnlon,~ tQr nw.1ti-:t11 imJllK'1~J~!;~g L_\JJ r~,~l!i.!.!J.t t~~~J~i.!i<.;5. f9.f ,qni m,J.J~ ~ll.ll! be- str:_!c.t~!.Ql~~ sOjllld ~1!)J ~hatt Q,~11P,l..t\~;tLt~~J in g(lpJ_~CpaJT_ h' :m,'[L'ct.ttl';_X:U1i!!.l,:'tI s fr~~\lbJ.s;.?,~..QI j.r..mu:}, ,l~1 <':,Qnt.:J.ltl the .1.nunals'..?-:Il,tih~ rL,;~l T_~,rrJh\: 01r,l!J.~',(: of oth~r ;)Jl:m.::ds l-t;1:} ,b ~'r~ bujJdlllg i,~! _~r_Ii.J!~~lJn,;, \~ h..;.r..: ~ln.lnlJ)~-,H~~ JJJ.3JnIaiJld stul i h';_Q{]"l'51 :-11cl-...'J.ill rn...l!\.JJJ,J ~\h~cl1 canlK:: ~~jJ.y ~kani;q ~mu ~haJJ bc,Jm..t P1. a c1~;ln a.nd :'.ilI!iri!Q. ~vl1!.ii~ iO!l.,_Thi,,; bUllding_~l-,I,:Il.Lhc;_lli~llli2ly..!s,l1li !at~d t,j prc.<.:rlt dr~f!:> ;;u-,~i,N[\,:muy~ vctor:;,..M_pting and ~0Gl in~ ~,~h:lli....b;n1'.[P,\Uh,:d..;:),;:_ ,rcgu Lt"i::d" a.L:;.:m~ i..!!.g I.~..1hl..: ph;,,_sH:~Llli'-'q.~ Df 1he anima.ls, \,-~rll. wtl"i...:i...nt Ii ~~hl w a(~m\ \)b~(':DilliYl}.....ill...i:!jll!n~h ;1nd,.~:l,Jlilata~tJ Omnihu<;. ,\nirnal Ordinance _~4 (C) ,\I! <:lll..i.!!1,lj r()~~r_~!~, ~agcs, hl))WU'--'!ll,{t....!::illJ..::'cili;,lt! he of ~,u,0.1c.;i~n1_,si?1.: LQJlI\!,~'H.i(: all J.ILm:l.~~ \"d~"-,~d,.'dlY...al',:_..'.~xl[n rnr l',\~f_.::t~~_..;~IJ_d !~I.,:~_l~::tl ;~iOpcr Jc('o.t:tJ.!lWJJUl,.ll~,~_ U2L,~.i.LJ:,~i rn;:ll rr....Jrlh C<:l~(Lh'm!cb_ <H!.cJ_LlJll~_~hai] pr0\ ]9~,_,,~Jj J.~l~~!.;ili....\' i~L.vr\lp':f ~~~I,t;:;.r..Uld prokc(j(",D. fr9n., !ll~~,;;;.1!bcr at alllll1H>,jm;h!(jjiw~_oH.r__r!ot ]jmil~d llJ_..,1..J,ll~[11n\lLn) DL:J. rq<;lfi;JLJhr,,;~,~?jJ1;~t ~!!ULIUn; ,1f Sll)q,r*_c'!.~!'.; ,\U :1J~~m,~ls rtH..lst he PJ9_~,11l\:d ~\..il.!!..i.111,'IL~i prot~ctcJ ~~[ll !hl' :l~Jnl'llts '-;0 <;lS....1Q Dfll\ id,,:,..;~t!r:: ,C]"::U1 ar~'.1 f9IJb_l~ ani,lllllb Jr:_w~t (l) \0 p..:::r;;~Ht ~lm.iUl~il [L) Qf'-l\.i,0_~~n .H11 mal \~'I.t.h..,Ld~lJ.llJt.;_~)~..:11t.:..!.,;J-!l,~, tiw.:- Jll al,imcd.!s C{))l t!,l_l L.:!l..!!!,_ ~,LH,;b,. ~ ll_q~lTl ~ r (11.1. tit is u,nq..p..h..lg SW,~ $ h d\ ~.._...rega... d lCf;s (If tho;...lGlWllL,SJ f..ll [n'~, j,F!\2 <if1frl"lf js our. ~~li!~ \\ c:J.thct", u.~ \,,; ~lnj,r.1.l,.:JL~,jl:Jlr}c ,:dt \\'dl,'Jut prQQo..:r a(!~,~J!l1n ~l[}fL';:jH~:rl)r ~n,Jrl' tl~J,~1_~4 (;dll,~_,~~'ui.....,: hl)lH:' , ~~'h,~n~\..;-r <In ~1.l1jl1~,-!~, I~ ~~'ft,~~!l<.1Ilc;Hd.,;d :1t a COJ)llJl~!_oal_;wirlla IJal.:..lj~..'::, _[i.~t; nam..;-" add res;; ~Ul.d ~ckphon~ n@lbJ;r Qi'-Jh.~ r(;~PP!~'i:i.t)k ..r~x<:'Oll ~l\J.U tK PQ~8-j il!..!L[~m:::'f-1j(,;ll:'l!!~ pl:l.;:;~ at tik' rron.~ qf.!h'..J) rt..!lli:,:'~ \ _ ~t n d , (.-\} \0 ~~'.I.Hiq],~:JDb;lll..Q~ !nJ ~rl!;.li~!..'-:9-, t">r p(;nnl~tL'd ~h,Jt JS Q~,S:~)_lJ)d b~< iniuriouc; w [,h", ~lJl i l:tUl s (j:"lL\ll r"::~lWI_KlCI~',Jw,:,~'m~liL)ll~ ,Jt~U he r'-ik~n tt) phJhX~ th~, Q.ljQUc fr.9Tll (ho..:,;Vli~lJ.ES ~\Ild :,Lr_lillu]" from tile pubLc l C) \'l).l){~r~OH shaiJ gm~ an a,llllwtl '1.n:~,3l~0tl2!i,r,: b...'~ i.,;_~,o!..~~(.:~,iI2.Li_I)[t, (h~Lg, unless pr(:~crlhcd h_\ J \ d~'j'i l1an~lI~, ( l~) ;.,\) p..::r:-:lll1 ~h.:t1 : .:11 :l'\\ J.JJltllJ.ls ~\ hLd-'Jr~~ ~~nllr;~i <:lll.m;:.:s~l.!.:.!!.!t!.,:r ;HTI.;"~lh~1.l...Lll1~l!.it.C~j '. ur ()1h,,_n~ i:::....: l.!lxomp~\t;bk, tv. b~ rtu_<}.r..r_~!:.~d t.!i.s~th:::J nr Sd near 8.:ich m,h~r a_~ W caLlS-.: I tlJ 1)1")", t~l~ ~)r [Orm~lll. If t\\"u nr,mm.: apunq..ls;Ul; ~9J~_~l,i[JJ::d....J_b.;,l,l_ th\.~\" ,~aTl 11(.:" Dia~((!liQ!!...cnl\;r a~g, ~L;) !H~UlH.1~k ~ach mllcr 0.1 t1cort<)rm r,r J.ttcmm,;:tll)' ~lV:;tl t~A0_, t9 ";;1L,h~thi..'r JllC anj.llM~S shall b~_,9....:(:nl(;~1 W'l t~, q..; f'_aHI f!:,l1..sJ1 ~.nl~ l'~ lL'D\ ~~rkmg,i;!l}(mal~,~ha!J..b~.,,;,n ad;,JJ..\lal~ c,~;i\...mJ.t~sb, (>JIlt'! Ilqj Or r~~~trair.\;!J,_ll,jI1l<.J,b_ ~haU h,~ ,~ i t~n ''; "= '-~ r~~ i ~ ,;,lITVPi.;T f\,' r ~ h~: .i!l~.li \ i ~h'.i"ll all j r~ I;d ~JTl ~!yr t h.,; .19 rl L~_l,l J.H!_~_t)nd ~ i ()T! S ~::-I) ~(' P"::),l'll ~hiLlL \,,-,rL lJ~i.,;, ~~f ro..:rI1.iJ_ll'. <lfl~91~l: "h_i,Ll: i-:; ,=Td"Lll]}i~hl.:~l~ ~~~_lk:-TTWllri~I!~(,.t U\ ;,T_b~],l..;d_~~s;t~,,'n_d. ;,.... h~~,lJ:':'kl~~ ~<;id ~[liur...:-J ,JISl'J. ,-<-d. id("1..l(. :)r Ul:~'~'T\~ i"LlI mIL 1 hi ~ sJliJll m~,'Itl tllaI ir";m ;lJllmalls not shod, tt must he- Pfll\ idl'u \\ ith footing (J .;:':, grJ...~s, ha: now S_~(I\"j,12,TUU ,ilir.1L,i\.t...t miEEmWll., \wr!..lJH' alli!r!;J(~ sh~!JJ b~ j,.i_1: L;1l tw_t;nlv m..!..TllJ ll,; h[l.:ab C\"\,T\" hull r~~ j\.!l~'o\Wcr ;HJ..J..01;ld,~,pw\ J_9~'d, \'p flmmJ.1 ,5h.:1J I l!~.llSe.,:!. jfJL~w-p";ar;,, to Q,,,;,J~m~ ..0r E!! .j i st CL'~~ (~5) \" n pcr~~)n ~1l::tlL.!.1.1()~\,_;I~L~ ,J.~,I_irn("i) \\ h!c1,l ,~,l..l'. \l~'~l,m)~ ( ~~,~\ni IlH~1 (1I1l(ruJ5h...;llcf.. !1~l~ SUSPL~I,lQ,,;,4....(i.JlmJISk, to ~~~.\\mk~j ('Ir lJ~ed Unlit rdcasl'd h:.-. !h~ r\.'I,lnmc Coullty An1ma[ {'~Jrl_[rnl Sh,:h,:r (_I (j) \:_l.',Jl_i;!:\L2I!._b.:l..\ !ll:~ ~UL,:nl~l k: lli~nlL'sl i~, ;H1im~l1, l'r pcu!J_hcm, ,~bll_E, ~_;,;ruUt ~h,':' ;::,l~1 [PJ.I10 he u.:mtatrh';-~_,l~1..~tlC_D ~ fJ.~hlUn thaI ,;tr;l~ a.fIlm;:d,~ kl\'c aLC;~~)_ tQ h!::.t~~)r ,{haU~';..rr_nibJb,,-:: Hrl;m,d (ll \?"c;)r~' Omf1ihLl$ Ani ITIClI Ordill(lll(,.'e . ~ ~ U.7J '0, .)\\ n~'r slqll F~~j,~L Q...0.Qg...ur qU_Q..J_~~',l~_ t]~,-::n\~ tll'!"'~ pL~<:.J:l),i~..;s _I)nk~~~ ~lH.;J..!...J!.!.!EL~Jii,~ .Lpld~r <:lli,";'~'J cO~~Wl1 J.lf 1111; ,~j\' ni,:r .s::!_!,:" "C-1rmg ;:; :i,,;.:J.,~h Qf.~,~LmC,~t..:nl ~E;,:rl~qu!,~ rc,~r3.i;, the 'p3.rtJ.:ubr ;J.D! ~l]d:J_1l J i.s..l.l i:_~lc; !.b...c. il')<- i t j \ ceo tlt ro I 0 f ~,' pc: r_o OIl, (,) r ","u Hab!~:, J&.: And d i_~<: r::....: em, illl GifL~ of .'~_~'U.l!S.lh 'Q ,Q!~r~('n, ~haJJ off.:r <1,- p.,lln;::,\; J!l: l:,i \'': ~j,~!!!l....lj,'-L<!'tiI..l\tl:.t~)~~ I In ;:!Il\. C()[lt8~t. r.:d{L.:, ProJD_~)J.JQ[l..J.1 '~Y'-'ll,(".lilll"':.Q.,..J2r ~:~ Qrl!g;,',,:"Inc_nt f{)r l"ul~d rJ.l~lng" .or f{,~r~'I)..~["\.~if]tu 0J:11 rhl_~~t,; pf hl~ill~:-;" L:~..L 0'Lk~ r.,~)!~,~ 1,10:1/1, ~ d l. ,,)r crfc r t0L SJ._k,J2i1Der _~'r :':::j',i,.' J. \\~ll J.,~ Pj,'l" ~H..! ~\_ -: IIL:.:_~ _r3..bh lh me, L~:U~jL)l)..L..i.~~ qlJ :JI_lllilDZ!:L-'lF b<1~ d1i(Js C'-L~'.r.H t\)r.rh~ dl~pla} Qf .~C!,k' c,f,_lJ.'Wlr..1L..;;hick;;_or dil_,JJj!~:....!..!l,EI OP~!.. hwod'~r iaLllltlfS llY h,::tl~hLTJ";~,1.Jr.:...~Qf";'~~_l,l~%i.;Jj .i!:!.Jh_i,:" blhl [li,;~~yL ~~V_i,nb <hJ~'h...qr l~mJ;Jm.Wi.J_Q be,; ql1~<.:d .for (;o~!!!!c-r~~1IpHfJ10~;::S lDl S~~.j2.<:r.,~~!,~ ~]y;d1 ,g~\...: ii"~a) J.n_" il'. c ::JJlllna), ,nsh~)i-:ptil~~L b;f~.:,b J llfil": fur.. ,H_<;':; all ~f,l,01.t.ho..:lll.;..!!lJl~_ ';:r~ II,' r _', J Il~,S!,)!![-;,-l:, ~J.rn '-',~) r \'Ith;:: r c om p~tHLon_ nr 3;'; all md u.c<...'m.: 11 t lO. .:.m~.;r<J p,JJ.G o(aml)~~'mqK 1\p, )!.~~~9.11. ~('<.1_U_.Q.ff~L.iJ,[l:-' tiw, J.mf1t<~J..:...!l~ih:....DJ?~iL~,tr tmd...1.:. a.T!jrlWn~,b"c !V ~!1~:r jl)jQ..ilil).,..Pll:si n.L..'<j:; J.l'r":~~TTl\,:flt \\Jl.~r~', lli~" (111cL.i5_Jn4~_L:..Jm lh~,.l11~!vmC of" JnJ.:lcting Iradc, .lCI '~~'p_T';Qrl :,:hnu j\'c. <ir! itkiall\- ...:.0Ic'L -,~P'd\_ OJ D'liat <~!l~_~cJ)i I'd ~n 1~)\\'I_\tr o!h:~~~ anim;}], or to sd!, oft;':r telf s.1.k_.. or mncmlSC djsp~)Sl; of any C(J!l1~q:l, ~LrQ, fO\'r1 or ()l.h";J: ;lJJl.tnJ.I, U ,'i.L~ n i!.t: ,t 1:-.':, i ~ ~1[ ~)r y~, t!.isl(,:~ (.\) 'V ~h~T;2Sm skullr~l[l~Do:i_Pf CiLIlJ......ill!l,J01. fllorkr.,aniJlJill.iIL.i1 mulOL\ ~hi~k lInk~i lht: Jllllll;l] i:<, :<.afd: (,Jldo:<.~,j \\ ithin th~ \ dude I f' a pCf~on i" lran~lKHtirlg Of cJ..fr~ rn~,J.n ilXm!t:l,L.!.l!....;J n lJT1~'IlLJ~l~;;~JJllic;~}1 i;lll~~_~:ne,; Ii.l.\(d \;.hickJ ~nclll,qir:l' _ but nul. !~li1H,'~,tJ <~'rl \;.rtl~k~,~ Pl...:J-,l,lP.AD9. .tl!Jl,:bl:9 m!.ck~LJb.<pn.SQl1,?J1Q.l) ~'911ti,!K th~. ~!HmallJ1 3 (Q (U.J,I,tl C'r, q~~, (JI" oth~l de~ Lee that JS ()( phJpcr ami adL:qlIato:: ~j2_~ ,to lH~yc,r1q]I~'A..rlI,IJl.4J fr.9TJl J~~ lJi n l~ .fp;ml .!x 11.!DJ p !1:lJ;..fr(",Jl~u IW ,IT!_mVf y(h K Ie. .l.~ c~, ~..'f~,QJl ;;Jbi,ll \:a tl', JJl2- ,;\rpJu;::t; J)1 J,lJ) 5t~p~Lng ()r p-,i--.cd "dlid~ in SLlCJ~ a ,-\ a~_J~ L") cLld.1ng...:r Ihc ;:!ni rT91~:->,h<;-;l-lt.b.:..1.4,j,~~r_ :~slf~I~ An_~lnimJ.J. ~ULltr.f}1 oftJ.~e,;r. a l,<m, ~nkfc~'!,!~,~nlJ2f..llqT a.~ll{ th,,;-i!_ :.l~',~Tl[,L<lrl; '1!!lhuri~~,!i!~Lm;,; r".:?!~una1J..l_',Jur~c,JQ..r~l)'JO\:"~' J.,n amm~1.r...fil)tJ."1... JI:\~,}_d,!_~J~, wh~nc \ qr n J,rp~:J.r~ 1;hat the ~,ulinul \ h':"lll,h:_ :--"lf~l\. 9r \\ -.;..If;.l r<; ~'"::~ ..~110l\ t:~. ';TH~~lIw;,;-r..;-,~~ tC) ...:~.p.QQ"-;;vn ~huJl p~Tnlil__,ill;.1.LlJl)hll t(" r.~ \\"It!un or ,on a motnr, I.::phic.::1.kill..iim klqLi all ~~,Il~q 5 llchUJJlda Lnl1S a:;'.,r1la~ ,_~si':ll'E..'2:..rhc f-t<';;'I_I_l h or )~j,:-jl..Q~:iJ1g,Qr \!!L4IvmaL i ncJudi n~ hlJ; n'A_lir_lI.i t-.:J I.,~, _4.J..!lGJ";::lJ..i...t;mRl,r;lJ,lJI;;"~, J,J.ck of .1ir, [~wd, \~..3.ter. (J[ PLOliU,:A_T~ ~D) ,'\:[1 pcr~9rljh;LI.Lf}~..s:~W~(,; l~l, Oi,,; ~''-l,rD,-~d W,or ppan ~n~ Vdlld~..'~~_Q1.I.-,:!,,'i2.<';',.ill!;. J.i.:G;_,;J..l!Jmal~ ,~anl!6'. ~b,;_,t~cLpr k,g<, [icd Wgt'thcr. ,~~in_ ~,~ll.h~r c~cl or l!lhlJma.nl? m,~_uy;,:.f Qr \\(tho\Jt jlh)~jding,::_I,i,li;).h,l.;" :~!!LLhum~\f1_'; 6q..!.11lC-';JlW)V4,mg ~J..:ks, ;:r-.ik:;.. or ;:0i...~? j II. \dw:h such <inil~li~L m~t~~r';'i_i.!Q..illL~)r hL' glJJ::JlJJLJ,l.l{li;, lrqJl_~p'Jrt~[hJtl ~)r.~21~ I.,; ;~\''-litJl~g,_~..l,lpght,~r 0r sale, C:~~f)i3J1g<:r<-'u~ ,-\n i mal. .':'- ThJ. \-'i~i~t.~12 ,\ nima i C~c~_l:;::.y~']) D.:l11gcr01JS _:\I~I!!l~d, ~~nJ V_,.....i0<1~ ,-\njllb: jhal Lb..: .~VDfin;Qb:::'Hs owner \\ lIh: 11 a J~ujLJl,nJ< 0r_~~'cu n..',\:[lC J~~~qrc J,nd sh.11 i h~ "l;El[~'I_\ muaicd or ~<L!.3;;:J wtl~ncv"-J Jlffil-\~,prc.;plisu; nf iIS U!\ I~Cl__ (2l) JL'Xryl_ p~i,:r_~ '...fu-"~ppr.J,~ il~iJ ni.~~ OnU)j!Hl~ Am ;1131 OrdrnJ:ll(;t Jti i_~..\l.:'.t~:;-'.~~H_~!}"'.~.~I.~-"~!.!-~.:_:!;;::.~..!.:= _~:~~_......:....:..:.:_~.~_;....;;.........___..__ :.l.b!jl~,i~Jrls.. or,'.:0rLl:,lr.Ui.~lfl~~~~..i1!U':4.]1""A_W \J1l~cf ,lnJ~:CHqtlS makl"Lal JJ1 "p~n ~HJLUld i.>f nW~Q~~ ~ Jm~m ~.rartC 9Lu..l~_ll1a!1, b ~i.u..g. :~h<lll .E~Qrt, J.h~ 1 H .\:,! d(;~~L \\ i t hj_~,_ -H\ h(jUfS [.9._ ib,~ (.Q!!..~1.Y ,l' k~d!h D~pa rtm,~'[1l-, 1B_L~_p,-TS~1)_ n Iw..O\\ D,'.:._VT h;1Lb0f~11 f~.Tfd ~JWl h~l~ p:~t'.:nWU h ,~XP0Si,,;q;lill~9.!1 or J1Uwr _J!l!JnaJ ,h} ,mlJ.!~~ ,by,tlmng.,_ 5:q<,l.JITl~_r;tg, _qFl~..l!!.R.._<!QG.~W,l1.~_~)r ~9.nJqm~+.@Ill)g,~,m:en. '.\ OUtld., ,~l' n~L~i:0~1~_rll'-'rIl.llr_;,tl]:;~ ~\ i,th _:ii1Jj ....t.l,~!!_ (llJ~i rlr~'cti _~)l!2 mi!.r.~li;~_, sh;,.dl h_:_lIjdk, rll!.: [.'TT\:t _I!! ~~ c";'~!fdan..;...:_ \ \"i t h. c u rrql_LQ..1d_1;J Ji sh~',.t e U I J..::J In :';::; ~:;{ th L:, r~m,,;r~ gfJ?l~!:ill_~ Cp)1 n~l i and PrL:i ('ntfnrl, an',! StaLL: ..1;1':\ , ({ ~} _0 ~,), pc ;";':1) n (~~!~ l rl1;i.jW ~,~:iii, ~~ U!, :}_.... i.!!.g.s l!~:g~_ d' ar~ ~ h;; n~~t ~ h ~l] J _~~~_l i: t~_fT\-U~" ,!ii.D..L: 1[1-': ,l1\\ll~r:s pr0Jl\.'Jjl,~\Hkss_.Jb~'...fc_~f.cu..~,~,(1lJ..fincq ,Qf. tC4~hed and ~nd~T tht (,!_l r!.:,:1, ':l...' F:!! ,l _'I, of ~ ~ILt~\\.!!n ,:}r ~l_ fQI!i'P.ll.QJ_~, p'\::,~,Q,D_ .ili:_~,igil.~l~q ,Q;_lb C Q \\ n y'f" to} \0 p~'rs[)n sh"lll r..Jc9-sc ,iLl~!"~_I,:..t.i~ft)J~~\ tJ.1...2r ,J.b<Ul1i_(,~!!.iLkfn,;{ , i2:2) DLad J,,f!!rtl,;lb,.:. [[_:--ha.:U2': lH'tJwfu~ for dn_~~\TllL.s.~r e-aq;l!in':L 9I.p(;rSp!11)OSS~'SSltlg ~L1, fi!,l_Ufl..11l0 ~o ar.) ,)( thi.; l0lkm ill!:f: t.'\} lq pUt 3.u2" Jc.ad :J.jli rn4,I.,(,~J.,IJ...Q!~ 1h-.; (,,:a,cus~ uf_any JQJ wlim.1L)n~C}qn} b(,~Ql ~l~~~,;jJ<,;:,r, n),~,j, ::;(r,-:";;t.Jill<,.-).' ~ J~J1Co <.i.r..Qlh,~'r public prnp':::J1! ' illJ__T~' ~lll..,nyjh. C,<).,rC3SS, (If;l dead ilrtim~l.I0, Uo.; ~,;:,n__urllUk!ld'..:"J u,n~ not PI.o!),~r)y Ji:'-pn~...:~~, (~r t\)f fT,~_m~ {hJp ,n h<},lU~,;1_ltq ~tlC d'::,llh of [}lC' an;r:l_~_, St'"L ].2,236, C onst ruction 0 f pro \' is ions.. Tk pro~ i~ions Df"lhjs Ch.:l[lt[:[ _~hal] bl' hb-::rall \' con~lrllcd in orda 10 dkct !h~' rurpt)"cs of thi~ ,:,hJ.pt..:r. SCUI.LHl..2, S...:ct;on] L)-L~:'(hL\'1CC. !s llcr:::h;. n,:p'.:<J.k'd, ;i,.1.1)0Jl, ], S [\T k,\ m" lTY If ~:n: pO!1wn of (h.s urdinJJl;2:C: i~ fur ;m\" r~.a~l111 hdd [[1\<1: id OJ" d~..::JJ.rLd [~l b:; ~Hl~~llllS{iHHlo:ma;_ JJWp~'ra(n;..: ~":- ',ojd, su.;h ~'uIJm~~ stlalt 11m :]ft~d t/l~ rC'mJ.jIli;j.~ pmlt0HS of tillS mdm3Jli::;.: tr (lHS {)rJill<lil(;!.:: or any pHAJ~.on rjl'~j"C:ol Sh,lll bi,; hdd tv b-.: mappb:ablc to ,l;n.- p..;rsotl._ pmpcny or ciruLln"rall(:'s, ~uch hulding shall not J.fT~d jts ~pp]jc.:lhi i it\ t:,l ,D" ('l!.-(;T person, rrop~rt_' ,)r ,;-i n;~ml~t;.1JlC,'~ i~~c[lon ,~ CO;,,\Ft 1C"1" WITH OTHER ORDT\',.\1'\"CTS :i.lJ on.:!L1l3Jt;:~S Or pan:; ~,f urdifKm;::'::5> in c,"lull i(,:t wil h lhi~ ordm,mcc an~ Ilcr(:by rcpc,llcd I u the cxknt ()f ~~ud connkt S::,yrion ," I~Cl..LS[O' l\: (ODE OF ORDJ:";A~CES Th~' prunSlon~ 0f tb,s (J(dL~l.mLi~ ~~~~L1; b'.: ~i,dudd .::uld i tlC')qK~~~h.:d in [lK C (ldt; Cot" Of,j!n:H1C~~ ~~f tr.....' (' 01lnly 0f \Lmr,)c. Fk:rid,l, as J.~; additii)Tl nr am~~ndllli,,;nl thCh:'W, .1Ild shalt b!.:: J!JPropriaEdy f~twmhcfcd 10 ~'i..mf{)ml to the L111ifi.,1rT11 nurnb~'fm~ S\ st~En uf' rh~: Code S"':-"::U~ll (, EF[.'ECTI\t D:\TL, Tfll':-- ()rdiIla~K'c ~h~ll tJ.l--;(; df~zt \,hi::rl a f..:l1p: has been accepTed V\' ~nc pl'5W! alHhori{j~.s ~)r thf..: G('\'i.:nl 111erH of tfw [,'[I rtcJ Sl<Hl'~ tor sjXciaJ ,jC~1 H;-n b\ ~:.;rlifli.:J mad tu the Di,:p<lr1mcnt of ShHe, Om nib Ll5 Ani ma~ Onli narJce ~7 PASSLD :\\ II :\UOJ>JLD by lhl.: Boar'd ~lr Cl)UllI: Commj;,,:".Ji:)n~L~ cf \-lanrot" (0unl:. f lund<l, ,H a 1 ;;g~J I;J r rrl<.:ditl~ n f" n~d Board hdd 0n ~h~ tll u~\y 0f ____ ___.. _" ~(J(.If) \1;::J.\()L" .\h:C~-,\ - - \.Ta\\~r ~)r0 'I-.:-m 1\;,' hon ('ommlS~]()rt~J i\cugent {'omm~ssJ()n.:;r Rlcl: C~mmi~sil\rl(:r Spehar (S E.-H.) An~st DAY\'y' L KOU f..\(JL Clerk tJ.(J,\}{D Of COl'\;TY CO\1\1ISS10:'\FRS OF 1\,1 ON ROt,: Cot; NT)" I- LORlLlA Ih fh DCPUl_\ (1..'[1;. \lll~ dr/Chairperson o mn i bu:; :~ n i mal Ordi n<:lTlce 38