Item P07 HO.\RD OF COt ~TY CO'li\HSSlo~rRS AG ~:N 0..\ n'f M S l r\-r\1 ARY i\.1eetin,g. Dilk :'\"!ar~h L\. 2()U6 - ;\-L\R lhil k. hem. Y n .\.\ '\0 Division, lpUtlJ.l..f\rrOmn StaH" CorlL:lcl P~rslJn. Pt(lfQ \t\;:n:a.@ AG[~I)A JTE.\l WORDJ~G: ..\ppw\'al of the 'l"~si,gmnent ur tht Pal ad i.:it.: A\ 11ltion. 1 n~~.. HlO lease at the f-'j"rida Ke\ s \laratlwll .~irpnn w ('rist,ll CI<:ar FRO. LLC ITf~."1 R\CKGR01':\I): nw C''''LJJll~ ~Higinall: crH(;r~,j mto i\:1 [''UO IC<lsC ilgrecm~'llt ~~ irh 1.,'T~ Sk~ger\';ald, tile .'ls~ign~e, Oil April 6. It)OS. fn mid 2UW. 1'v1J. Stt'igenvald emt:rcd irHO a purchas.C' ag,'C"cmcm \.\~tb Carol CoB~n~ ~,..h ich ~-on\ cy cd to \ Is (;..111 i IlS <.; Un1 A ir Sen. i ce'L I Ill: _ DB.:\ ~'aradi ~e Jet SL~rporL rile CUIJ nt\ ',\ a~ nnt a pany [u the lransL\Cljon ~nd ttlC lease was never Hansfhn:d fr(lm \.1r Stcigel\va1d r,l \1.~ n)llill:'.. 'I'he Pl')!~o;:'r le,lsehoJJ-=r has heen l[) disput~ since the c(m\(:';.'~,!lce ('rum \1] S~t::jgc[\.\alJ W \b Collin~ anJ nu~ !{ra\\'TI~d <l hm'suit b<:n"i~~cn \.1r Stcig.cf\\ald and \1.~ Cnllin~ In addftioll. th~ ~ea;.,e h~lS h.eeJl ~,,',~b krnill I( tOI' lfk" C ~)l~n(.~. <is lhe 1 ~!lb have otten b~('"tl In <1 rrcar~. C r;:,tal Clear HH), L L.c.. has tH.m pUl c.l1,:hcd ~he imeTest oj" hulh L~le Steigenx<iIJ anJ C<:tlnl C u]jj~]s, in r Jradi "e .-\ viiilj;m, IILe, iH1d ha~ t~ rl )Lj~ht <l[f arn'ard~:'.i.~~ ell !Tem The purchase a Iso rcsol\\~s 1 he current pC'ndi ng nrigation bd\\'ccn Lk Sicign'.\ald atH~ Cawl CoiHn5-. PRE\'IOt."S Rt:I.I'SAYI HOeC .-\CT10~~ :\ppw....ed the origi rd FBO !ease wit h l !te Stcig.erwcild <I rid sllb<;cqucrlt a I1wnd ITwms w the leas(:. IV;l h the most n:.:cnt at11.:nctnKnt being entercd imo un Dec('mher 19, :wn j aI~d tenniflalin~ the ;case un Arr;~ ~. ~o Ix. C01\TRACTi.-\C Rrr\"Jf~"T CH.-\"Grs~ \..\ ST..\ FF 1<[(0..,1.\1 L'DAno.'s~ '\[Jpro\"ai rOT,,\ I, COST: VA in: l)G E'fT D; 'y' ("~ '\0 COST TO ( '0 l" \TY: ~0._ SOl: Rev OF IT1'o;[)S: R[Vr." (r PROllLTI ~(;~ y cs x.x. ~(~ ..\\lOl.1\ T ~)FU \"IO'l\iTH 5~<q60. j .::I-!"L~el ~1~1.~ ~~ ~e t~~ .-\ PPRo\'r.D BY; County All', 0\ 113. PurdLa~im~ r~i ~k .\.tHM"Cnlcnt 11I\'1~JO-" D1RHTOR AI'I'IW~\~: -~"::=G'd#-~- ~ _ ___. _ _____ /~~~rt-A~&:.\ Hl~ (:\_ [\ T fRI1\1 COLI'\TY A[TOR\;~Y '....- nocr :\IEST:\. nOr\: IllchLd~d * B.'\C"~t:p TO FOLLOW '\ut Rel.jlJ ired_. __ DISPOSITIO.'\I: i\G[:'\ DA I TE \1 # ~~T 19 ASSIGNMENT ...... ,- ..-...-_& -~.~ A ~i.....~ .<: 1'!fIt~ into this ISIh day of March 2006, by and between Monroe County. a poliuca1 subdivi:non of me Slate Of t' IOrlOH ~Il~~'1;1 referred to as "the County"). Paradise Aviation., Inc., Assignor, and Crista.[ Clear FBO, LLC, Assignee.,. the palties agreeing as fuUows: L The County leased to Assignor approximateJy 373.679.56 s.t ofspace utilized 8$ a FBO facility located at 9850 Overneas Highway. Maratbon. Florida at the MarathotJ Airport. wmt:l a Marathon FaO J\.gro(;ment dated April 6. 1998 (hereinaflrt refurred to as the "Original Agreement"). and w:neoded by Lease Amendment thereto o-n December 19, 200 l , The Original Agreement and. Lease Amendment ace attachod and incorporated into this Consent to Assignment. 2. Subject to approval by the County CoDlInission, a change of operationa l control of tile FDO facil i(y was agreed to between the A.s.signor and Assignee effective December 19, 2005, wherein the Assignor assigned to Assignee BlJ the A.~(Jignor's right, title and interest in too Original Agreemeot and. Lease Amendment. 3. Monthly rent pa)'Illents shaH be: made payable to Monroe County Airport Business Office and sent to 3491 S Roosevelt Blvd, K.ey West, Florida 33040. 4_ in ronsld.em.ion fur MOllJ'Qe County's consent, the Assignee agrees to be bound by all the ItnnS and OOnditlons 0 f the Original .Agrcement and Lease Amendment. (SEAL) ATTF1H: OANNY [~KOl.HAGE, Clf,RK BOARD OF COUNT'[ (.'OMMlSSIONERS OF MONROE COUl'ffY. FLORIDA By Inputy Clcrl;;: Mayo.-IC~ Witness: ~~ ---~ Ry~ ~. WJtoess: 1JY:~ A.SSIGNOR - Parad.i!le Aviation. Inc., a Florida cocporati01l ~-~ ~':.::- J. E. Ste:iguwald, Pr-c:lident ',-AU! O~I' Ie:. i1\.3r'a't.l"\on;fl. 305 '''''1'43.310':' ., ~.. --..,.. - ..,- -". . .._"". . - o. .. ..._. ......_ _ '~I _.. _ ._. ..__ ....~ __ _.......____ IN THE CIRCtJIT COURT OF 'IRE ~jXTEENm JUDlCt-Q t.-mcun IN AAlJ roR MO~"ROE COi-1'iIT. FLORIDA PARAJ)lS"~ A,VIATION\ INC. a flnridR Corporation, P JaHltIffs, CASE NO. 2005-CA- 74-M .....5, CAROL J. COLr.I!"iS and SUM AIR St:R'VICES, 1N"c. a Del3'111'aT"" Corpor:ll.tion, dill/a PARAJ)(SE JET SVPPORT, Defend~m.t> ........-- --- - -....---. -_.~ mDlA TED SE1:rLJl\o(F~vr AGIY:E~~NT P:J:l'SUiill~ ~Q the terms o.ftb.e Cow's, Order s,ctting ~Il.ti(ln w. this matter, and afwr being: not.ifi.ed; th~ 9:omes: agree w s-m.le t.,is mll.ttet aI: follows: t. Cristal Clear FBO LtC c'.j!l5ent'Ji to t.~t Court's Order s<:tting mediatinn ilncl. ~\lb 1II~ ts (0 :!l(' Court. s j uris4ictiun for PU!'pMes of r.nfotC,emer..t 0 f tbis s:.nl cmenl i'..gt eCln~:1t. 2. S',:) later than ~2 D~DJ,b~ lOO5r Crista) Cl~FBO LLC will deliver $100,000.0Q 1.'110 C3l,.1'QW \Vi.th Nicholas W. Muli;:']o: PA tb ~~ Cril!'bl Gear FBO llC'~ 0b (i gati(l:l$ Uade,r this s.ettlamcnt agI'Clement 3 On 19 De(.:ember :2.00S, Plni.::ltiffv.ill assign the r.1ar3U<Jc, Fixed Base Operak1t Ag!ceJJ'.ent dated 6 April 199& by and bel"ween Count)'(,\~ MO!lroe,.:1 pcliticll.l ~ut>di vi S ~;in of ihe State C>f Florl.ea, JJld Plaintiff C'fl!:O L:~''} \(1 C ,i3tw Cleu FEO 1.LC by assignment Ul.nru:nent r~epared by Nichdas W, ~1uEck, Esq, 4, The :n::Jo,WQ.OO ill escrow ....111 be rclea.soo upcr. ~c Cmwl)' tJfMo!:l,we, Stl.t~ of Florida ';; ftrut.l ~l=provaJ. and Wl)sent t(l Phinlif['s assignment Df the: FnO L~e to Cri.~tal Clear FEO LLC pms1Jant ~ FEO Lease paagr::..ph 13, ag '~ll as the Coun;:y of -:VlomoEl, State ofn('lrida'~ Ol.,?pcoval oft:be tenns of1:his settkmeu.t 8J!,1'r:ement.. }l"icilolas W, M:uIick. PA wH1 deliv~t tb~ $2CtO,OOD,OO C~ista.l Clear FaO LLC pl..accd. in escroW to ROM':c!. L S1t::ut,s., E..q, PA fC-T P~a'ntiff~ 1xrJ~t S. I' J'~~ liff 'W~t~ that :\11 ;ent under th~ F B 0 Leall~ is raid throUf.h j 1) Sep1.ernb..r lGt~. 6 Cti.<:ta.l CI.;J.U:" FBO LlC is l:CSp<'nsihle for 1lll r~nt accruing under the FBO ~eiJje from [ OClO~t 2005. , Mu.l;1Ja1. ge':tlcxalldea.,.e$ \.Oil! b~ executed and exchanged by the folJo.....ine; parties nG i.ater tha~ 15 January 2005 (rele~il~~ ~1 ether parties f11o'l'i.ding release:>, ex.(:L.~t as provided to. ~ scttlemco1.l !\.~~'~<::nl); a. LJi:fundant Carol C"lli.ns ~ 1-1, Od::udimt Sum Ai: Servi.ces, me. db& ;;>arndisc Jet SllplJnrt, ,. - . =--'. ;, : ' , : ~,l i' . 2' L.l~C . . , . r-:,.j L ;;) U ~ ; ~.. t-' LAW O~FI(;E lIII.ar..t....on*" 305 74-3-3 UL..' ' . .....-.- .... _..-.". -. ._~....... ~........ ..... _..~ ..... ., "." .-..-- c. PJaintiff. d, Crist::li elm FE 0 LLC; e. Sou1h Florida Fighter Jet Association, :UC. Jba Tropical Fighters of Flmida, Tropicnl Fighters~ Inc.... f, Christy St~igerv.:a1d (aka Cbri:;ty Slieger\\~a); g. A.my Stci;fIV.-'ald {aka ArJ.y Sliega....rwa.:l) (by he.; parent Ute Sre;;.gerwald); t. Nicole Steige;Wald (aka Nicole Stin~mva1d) Coy her paJ:ent Uk St(1iger.vald) ; 1, Ure. St'.;jgerw-.Dd (aka. Ute Sti.egelVllud); }. John E. StcigerwDld., III (a.ka FA Sti~crwald.); and k. !\ny other pa.'lj o~ Clltity nwonably ncccs.s.ary tll ~f:fect.Jate abs.olute fi;-re]jty '..0 all claimsj cm-ed "" indire(.l.., b~-ec[l the pe.t1'!;OIl.'l and cntitie$ Hstetl a.bove, 8 . Defe.ndant Care] Collir.s and florida Flghtc-.r l-et A3Jodati rm., Inc. dba T rc;dcaJ Fighter s {}f Floridl\ btreby tcrmmatt: and. mutua Uy rel~!l.s ~ ~ch other frcm that cert1ljnleau ap;cemet:t between them dated 1 Ma.rclJ ,",003. but may remain in pnsa(:ssioll ect:.OTdio.g to the strict U:IInS of this settlemeot tgr"'~ent .;. No later In;rr. 22 D~mber 200'i Plain.iff'lNiU take pOSs.e:;sjflU Clfthe Jo~ Truck v.ith the vehicle r~gi.s!raeon number 1 HT AA 16.~ 2DHA32617 . 1 J. Cri~ta.l Clear FDO LLC \'!rill ;?ay FlondJ. Fighter Jet AssQciationj lnc, dba Trollic.aJ F1 ghttn of Florida an incentive PClYIf'..tn.t of t .~40JOOO.OO if Florida Figh~~ let A~socim:.~n, lnc. dba Tropical hghter.'i or Florida wl'.udons the FaD Lea..<.:e premise~ 8<.ld deH.v ~lS possess l on to Cristal Clear FBO UC bv J 1 Jnn.uarv 7.006; In. $20,000.00 ifF10rlda Figj)tcr J<!:t Ass'nc~ation, me, dba Tropit-al FirJlters of Florida abandcn$ th: ?BO Lea.se prentises and deiive.r:!l :posSiessirm \0 C rista.t Cle.:u- F BO LLC by 2 g F i: br uary 2{)06; n. SlO:ClOO.OO 11' Florida Fighter Jet Associa1hm. Inc. db!l Tropical Fiihter~ (If Florid. abandon!> th~ FBO [.ca~e premises and 1elivers POSSCs.$:OIl to Crinal Clear FBO Ltc by J 1 ~larch 1006; OI O. 5:5_000.00 if Florida Fighter Jet AI>~l.nc~Q"jo.ll, hie. dOli Ttupical Fighter.., of Florida aWIndoos the FOO Lease premises- llnd d~d~ posse-ssion to Crl.~ Clear FBO LLC by 30 A?til2006. : J. NotwiW~ding th.~ fMcgoingl Fiorida Fighter Jet As-soci:a.tion, Inc. dba T:Qpic.al Fi~bters ()f Florida. i!J not requiro....d to pay rent through. } 0 J1JTle 2006 BIle. wiH anandon the roo I...eas-o pn:rnJscs and :Idivers p(1<;ije8~ion to ai.;W Clt:":al" FBO LLC by 30 J \IJ.l.e 2006, thereupon Florlda Fightcr let As.su;;i ation, Inc. :ioa. Tro?tca.l }iigre.rn; of Flor..da \l!.iH l1::llnql;.is:-. ail rights tl' the FBO T...eas.e premc.siS:, 12. PI Cl.iu!l~ aDd Dd OD.dtmts au fhortze tm Clerk of th~ Court to im:!ll:lmately disburse ;311 funds associated with this ~u.it and held h the regi~ pu.T'"$uant to SUriOh 83.232, F'lot'fdQ Srarutu a3 follows: p, :'iI15,OOO.OQ to Crisr.al Clem- FBO LLC~ .1..'ld G, Ib~ r~n d Cl" to Pl~tiff. 1 ;, All p.artiell. 'v.ill exc..:nJt.e, or {'I bl.ain ex ~,utinn of, aU fu:tb~ :nsttuID!!ntlO, ~eo<l nnil;oI9. ~ le:L"i:cs .an~ other (lo Co ume~t5 nt:(:essary to aLCiomplbb the int.e1'lt (J f t.J.U; .sertle>:lffit O:Iilcero ent 14, An parties will acli vel:, al;t in gucd faith toO furt.her the intent ofthj~ 3ettl~ent ~ 9 ': f .; ~ oj ; IT! 8 ,,' ~ .~ .~ S . ~ : ' ! H;' ',~. 3 - ~~~ LFlUl Ui"F"ICt" :::lO:;i-7ol3-31l;i> ' oL....... _.... L.... --~. I r milrat.lionj: agreemenL 1 ~. Tnt: p:arties. ag:tac to disrrris~, with p!ejudicc, IIl.l pendiua litigation 1l(..1W~-:l tha..'7:., includ. ing an y c:aunt.etclai."n~ and third-p;\ lty cWma or their entitie!o;. 1 (j, E.ad:. p::'lrty hears his, ;:.q or iu own attorneys' fees ano costs. 1';. By mtcring into this settlec1en~ ayeen:JWt,:i;l.O party or third~pany bencllciary acknowledges any famt ~r liabj~ity. but enter;s thi~ ~cmcn~ ag:<<mwllO aJnic.1Wy resol'-'<:. EllI dispt.:tes hctwec part1\!!,S and tblrd-p.a.rties listed in ilii.s: ~ctUemerj agru.:::ueot llt The partit:lS will sul:n:it this sctt1emen( agreemeut til the Court to rntify and I'd,lin j\lri!ldictiou for purposes of enforcing thi..8 ~ett1em.ffit agreement. 19. The prevailing palty ir.lW.)' aC'.iml ieqcired tel enfurce tm: :;:~ent e.grr:croentis entded to atto;ney~' fees an.d GUst.:::, t\Fn:cd upon and s:~ucd thiB l2...th d.v' of Decero.l}r;r .2005. (' : , ~.,.~.~ --.i.- i Jt I. ... Ni ;:1Io1:3.s w. Mulier., Etlq. ~ Anom~y for Defendant., Cri:il:al C~ear FEO 1.LC (.,~' /7" ~ ..U, ~.u C ~ ., llin~, Dt:ft.n.dant Sum ^ir Se:-vices db~ P;!r:ldl:!C! Jet Support ~.__J. tf,:E."~s.erWald, TIT, Plaintiff p :llad.i.~e Aviation. Inc., ~8:e ~~j m~ )~: ~ ~ '. ' ~'~.\ F.4 :"lII iN THE CIRCUrr COURT OF THE SIXTE[NTH JU DIClAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUN1Y, FLORIDA PARADISE AVIATION, INC., a Florida [Qrporation~ CML DIVISiON CAS.E NO. 2005-CA ~74-M Plaintiff, vs CAROL J. COLLINS and SU M AIR SERVICES, INC., a Delawar~ corroration d/b/a PARADISE JET SUPPORT, Defendants. .~ AGREED ORDER ON PLAINTIFf'S A~REED MOTION fOR DI$URSEMEN'[ OF ALL Of THE FUNDS HELD IN THE COURT REGISTRY Tl-HS CAUSE came on to be heard before the Court upon the Plaintiffs Agm8d Mohon for Disbursement otA!/ of t'?e Funds Held in The Court Registry ;:;lnd the Court, havi ng reviewed thp. pleading~ of record <:lnd be~ng advised that, pursuant to tile Mediated Settlement Agreement (paragraph 12 thereot), Plaintiff and Defenddnts agreed to an order of court to authorize tl1e Clerk of the Court to immediate~y disburse dll funds aS5cciated with this Suit .<md held rn the Regrstry pursuant to Section 53.232, Fbr~d(] Statutes as follows: $15,000.00 to Cristal Clear FBO LlC; c:.jo Nicholas w. Mulic~ Esq. Trust Account and tl1e remainder in the amount of $601899.54 to Plaintiff, Paradise Aviation, Inc., c/o Ronald I. strauss, Esquire, P.A Trost Accoun~ and the C~efk has acknowledged that it has on deposjt in tI1e Registry, the sum of 575),99.54 as of this date. Therefore it Is ORDERED AND ADJUIXJED as follows: 1. Plaintiff's Agreed Motion for Disbursem8nt 0.' All of the Funds Held in The Court Registry bel and ttJe same is, hereby gL~nted. Paradise Aviation, Inc. v. CoUins/ et a~. Case No. 2005-CA-7+M 2. The Op.rk of this Court is ordered to immediately disburse the funds from the Court Registry as fo~low: $60,899.54 to payable to RONALD I. STRAUSS, ESQUIRE, P.A Trust Acoount. 5196 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Fl 33050 in trust for Plaintiff, Paradise Aviation, Inc., and $15,000.00 to be paid to NICHOLAS w. MUUCK, ESQ. TRUST ACCOUNT1 91645 Overseas H1ghway Tavernier, FL 33070, jn trust for Cristal Dear FBO LLC. .J- DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this ~da~OG. "'CHARD" ~... .. . HONORABLE RICHARD PAYNE Copies fur'1ished tn: i\miA.LD~, 5"T"?AUSS, [50. ~AMES), OORl., ESQ, NJf":H 0 LAS W, Ml!~ TCK, ESQ. [HAR( ES PT PHO[N JX, ~, 2 1,24.2006