Item P06
Meeting Date: March 15. 2006
Bulk Item: Yes XX No_
Division: Countv Attorney
Staff Contact Person: Pedro Mercado
Approval of modification of County purchasing policy for purchase of Builder's Risk Insurance and
approval of purchase of Windstorm Insurance.
At the October 2005 B.O.C.C. meeting the Tower Group was awarded the Construction Manger-At-
Risk contract for the construction of the Murray Nelson Govermnent Center in Key Largo. Upon
recommendation from the County's Risk Management consultant, the contract specifies that the County
shall be responsible for the purchase of the Builder's Risk Insurance. The County currently uses Marsh
USA as its insurance agent and it would be to the County's benefit, based on the recommendation of the
County's risk management consultant (see attachment)r!o modifY its purchase policy and purchase
Builder's Risk Insurance through Marsh USA. Currently the estimated cost is approximately $40,000J
The County's Property Insurance has a one million dollar wind deductible. Due to the amount of tlie
Property Insurance wind deductible, the CojUltY's Risk Management consultant has recommended that
the Coun.tJ{ obtain a separate wind policy. ~ separate wind policy can be obtained from Citizens for
$21,987. ..J
On October 19, 2005, the BOCC approved the award of the Construction.Manager-at-Risk contract to
the Tower Group.
TOTAL COST: Approximately $61.987
COST TO COUNTY: Approximatelv $61.987
Included XX
OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management_
Not Required_
County Atty _
Revised 2105
Risk Management
Employee Benefits
1111 North Westshore Boulevard
Suite 208
Tampa, FL 33607-4711
Phone (813) 287-1040
Facsimile (813) 287-1041
February 24, 2006
Ms. Maria Slavik
Risk Management Specialist
Monroe County
502 Whitehead St.
Key West, Florida 33040
Subject: Builders' Risk Insurance for the Murray Nelson Government Center
Dear Maria:
In response to Pedro's request, the following estimates are provided for the cost of the Builder's Risk
Insurance for the Murray Nelson Government Center.
All Risk Pronertv
Pat Ibba bas confirmed that the County's current Property insurers have agreed to add the Builder's Risk to
the master program utilizing the same mtes. Based on estimated "hard costs" of $6,500,000 it is projected
that the cost for the prQject will be approximately $40,000. As you know the County's Property policy
expires on May 1, 2006 and we are currently in the process of obtaining renewal proposals. The $40,000
estimate anticipates a 30% to 35% increase in the County's premium. lfthe increase is larger than
anticipated, the cost of the Builders' Risk will increase. Unfortunately, we will not know what the renewal
premium is going to be until early April.
Wind Insumnce
Since the County's Property Insumnce has a $1 million Wind deductible, it is recommended that a Citizen's
policy be obtained. According to Sue Cherrybon of the Johnson's Insumnce Agency, the cost ofa Citizen's
Wind policy will be $21,987. This policy will have a 3% ($195,000) deductible. Obtaining a lower
deductible will be extremely difficult (if not impossible) and would cost significantly more.
Flood Insumnce
Since the County's Properly Insumnce bas a $500,000 Flood deductible, it is recommended that a policy
from the National Flood Insumnce Prognun (NF1P) be obtained. A cost for this policy cannot be provided
until we furnish Porter Allen with a "Pre-Construction" Elevation Certificate. Once the certificate is
obtained, Porter Allen should be able to develop a premium quickly.
Please forward a copy of this lelter to Pedro and we will continue to monitor this issue and assist in placing
the covemge once you bave received formal authorization to bind coverage,
As always, please do not hesitate to call if you bave any questions,
J' .)
/ I
Sidney G, Webber
CC: Teresa Aguiar
Risk Management
Employee Benefits
1111 North Westshore Boulevard
Suite 208
Tampa. FL 33607-4711
Phone (813) 287-1040
Facsimile (813) 287-1041
February 6, 2006
Ms. Maria Slavik
Risk Management Specialist
Monroe County
502 Whitehead St.
Key West, Florida 33040
Subject: Builders' Risk Insurance for the Murray Nelson Government Center and the Key West
International Airport
Dear Maria:
The County's Property insurance policies provide limited protection for the constrUCtion of new facilities.
This is consistent with industry standards. To provide insurance for buildings while they are being
constructed. a Builders' Risk Insurance policy needs to be purchased. Either the owner of the new building
or the General Contractor (ConstrUCtion Manager) can purcbase the policy. For both the Murray Nelson
Government Center and the new terminal at the Key West International Airport, it is recommended that the
County purchase and maintain the Builders' Risk for the following reasons.
I) All forms of Property Insurance (including Builders' Risk) in Florida is becoming increasingly
difficult to obtain. The County has established a strong relationship with its Property insurers and
this relationship will aid in obtaining the necessary insurance.
2) By ntilizing the County's existing Property insurers for the Builders' Risk, transferring the
protection from the Builders' Risk policy to the Coonty's main Property program, upon
completion of the buildings, will be an easier administrative task.
3) Property policies (including Builders Risk) are designed to provide funds to restore damaged
property to its pre-loss condition. The premium for Property policies is, in great part, based on the
value of the property to be insured. When a building is first being constructed, certain items such
as architectora1 fees and site preparation are an integral part of the constrUCtion costs, however
would not necessarily need to be re-incurred following a loss. Likewise, certain components of a
building have such a low probability ofbeing damaged; they are excluded from the policy. Items
such as building foundations and underground piping are examples. To control the cost of
Property insurance, the value of a building should be adjusted to reflect these costs. Normally
when a General Contractor is required to provide the Builders' Risk on a project, limits eqnal to
the emire constrUCtion costs are obtained. This produces an artificially high premium. With the
Coonty acquiring the Builders Risk direct1y, they are in a much better position in controlling their
4) If the County requires the General Contractor to purchase the Builders' Risk, the County looses
control over the policy. One of Interisk's other clients relied on the General Contractor to obtain
the Builders' Risk insurance for one of their construction projects. The project was delayed and
the Contractor allowed the insurance to lapse. Attempts to find replacement insurance were
unsuccessfol. Fortunately, the client bad a long and solid relationship with their Property insurer,
who agreed to add the new property to the master program before a final Certificate of Occupancy
(CO) was issned. Not all insnrers wonld be as accommodating.
5) If the General Contractor obtains the Builders' Risk, any payments from the insnrer wonld be
directed to them This conld resnlt in the County loosing control of the project.
6) Typically General Contractors inflate their costs by what is known as "Profit and Overhead". If
the premimn of the Builders Risk policy is part of these costs, the County conld be sobject to even
higher costs.
As always, please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.
j /j
Sidney G. Webber
CC: Teresa Aguiar
BOARD OF COtJ~TY (:0:\'1 r\.IISSl0r\F.:RS
AG.:NlJA ITEM Sll:\1\'lARY
\kfti n.~ Date. \J<J,Ic.h J..\ .~.~)IHj
ihl~ Irem' Yes ,,!;X '\U
[)ivi~iOi1 (q!,!~l.t):\ 1 turney
S Ian CDllla.:~ Person: pcd ro :.Jer(f!~i~?
.-\GEN DA rr:r'l WORm ~G:
-\ppro....ill uf nwd itlul!1or; 'Ji' (' ~\l=nty pu rchaslng rube)" and arrn)\."li[ fm purchase oj' Budder '~ R isJ....
At lh~' OChlbef ':OU5o B 0 C (' flle~liLlg, th-e T()\.~er GWlLr v..<tS a.,<.tHJed tht:" Con$truction ~'lallt;cr..-\~-
Ri~k umlracl for lh<: wnqruction ()fthe \lurray :-<cJSL11l G\."I\,""m:nel1t CenT<:r in Kt'y Largo CpO~l
rccommr;nd:niOIl from the' Coumy' s f{i sk Managemt'rH consult,tm. the e()[lt ran ~pe(':iilcs that l ill' C Dunty
shaH be rc~ponsjblc fur the piJrchlls.e oftne Huilder's Ri~k lnsHraHc~ The C0unt.y CLHrdltfy u,;es ~'LHS.h
t.' S..\ <L:; i l:; ~n~uraTl..::e ag.eTlt ;,mJ it ',\'oulJ be ll) tht County s [)t"ndll, based on the rccommendiltiClr, of dw
C minty' <;, ri'it..: man;lg(.ment cor.~Llltal1t r see a!1 achmel1!'L ti.1 moJifv ib purchase polil2"Y alld pur c hast
jJ;ji Id('"1" ~ RlS-k. In~urallc~ thr(!u~h :-darsh l''ci A C urrc-ntly the i.:st i m3tcd r.;o~:a i~ aprrnxirnatdy $.'HIJ)()D
.,\ppro\.t:J lht' dW<LEJ ~)f the CUJbLru..::t \1a[)<igo;:'r-.'\t-Ri:)]..; (ontract W tll(: Tuv...el CiJ Oup
ST A FF RI::COMME" I)A 1'101\ S:
.!to [1 pnwal
TOT.\L COST: A.r,r-r_p~.i.matdv $.1 (t~JUO
B1.~ DGE:TED: Y t'~
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COST TO COl. :\n'~ .-\.rpro-.jma(.Jv $-~lJ))nG
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l\OL Reyutr;;d_..___
,\GL." l)'.\, rn:\1 # ,
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1111 North Westshor8 Boulevard
Suite 205
Tampa FL 33607-4711
Pr.o'1e (813~ 287.1040
FaCSlmile (e13~ 287-1041
RlS~ ManagcnlerH
Ern nloyee Benefi1:=>
Fd>mm;. .:!-l, 2nt1(J
\1<.. ....l.1rlaSbl~
Pd, \ LHlagunC:l[ Sr:::'(,.'j,lll~l
\.kmroc C UlHlI~
5()2 "'lllldlC,HJ ST.
K~', W ~~L f; J unda ~...": q()
SUb}~C1. Builder:;' Rjsk Jn~m(lni;C fUT tl1;; :vfHTr,l: r'''''(I~nn (imemmcnl ('~'n1eI
D~"l r \.1<m:1
III rc.~po[]sc IO 1\:dr0'~ ro;::qL.!cst. Ihc follo"irn: cstiJll.<HC:S an,; pTl.,\'i{kd fOT lhc ul~L or IlLc rlLJilder', Risk
In~lIr:m.;c for II~c \1umlY ......;1 Siln GO\"i.'ITImClH Ccnl.;r.
All R.l~k Pl'.,perl:
Pallbo;l hclS ~;]nfirmcd rll:it 1l1e Count:-', Cl1rTCfl~ rrt-'pcm' inSltrcn t!<lYC :lgT~cd I,~ :Idd lhc BllLkkr', Rl,J." h)
tlk' IltaSIt'f pH'~'..l~ll ll[LiinJ~g tJoe [;:-,102,. BJ~(d or1 ~Stitl1;Jkd ""hard C,),g-- 01 Sh..~, I~.I.IIIIII i( is pr{'.iL,'~'~~'d
tt.JI (h~ ~~-'sl f0,~ tho;> prQ,feCl \\illl"i<C appw\inntel~ ~.W.l~Ij.;). /,,~ )"Otl krlO\\" the CO~lTll~'~ PTGpCfty ptllk~
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c~[lmal<.: :l!l1!c.jP;!h;, ;l .~V' 'J 10 ; S"", LllCn::a,;.c 111 Ill.; COU[]t.' . S pE~Il)J!Lm. [f [ll~ rn.:r~asl? ]s l;jrger Ih.,lH
.:.ll1nUp3H:'U. tJl(' '::O~L 0r~he Bwlje!s' }llSf....\ III jJKn~;:!~. L'nfOt1'l.:t:.HfJ:. ~\(' \q[i nO( }..n0\~ "hal tht rCn~\.d;
prelllHJrlllS gOln.1! ~c to.; 1i ntjj ~.:U"J\ ApriL
\\:Irld l[]Sur.uK','
SlH.:e U1{: COlLms's J-'ropeJ1~ InS15ra.El~~ t1.3S (l:H nullwll \\'~d d~dLJ;::[!bk. Jl LS rc;:otllLllendcd t!w;, C][II.~[(~
poli~\' he {lhl:lm.:{l. 1\(;~(lrU:[l?':O SllC Chem !xm (If th;,; J"hns;:m' 5 JI1S~.lrarK;"; ^gr;n(;~. lh~~ <:o"t of ,I Ciu/en' ~
\\'jm! plJIL~' will he S2 Ln:. llLis fI'lllin will b.oJYc:~ y;.~ (S.]~l5J)(lO) lkJuctlbk. ()b!ai;li!L~ a ImlcT
dL'dw.:,ibk will be ~,tn:Hld: dLni~'Hli Ii f nO' iTTLpo~sibk I .:md WQuhi "-::{l~t si.ii:ninc~1l"H I\" lllO[~
F] OQ..un.~~!!'anc~
~lnL(' Lbe COLUlt~ 's Pwpt:"ny rH~lLr.:m~<.; h;l.~ a $5nn,lhH"1 Fl(\('llj dcrlu<.:nbk i! i" Tccomrncfld~d lruu ~1 pt.1h..:~'
from tb:: "",,ttioml Hood J tl~U.E;HlCL Progl.'l.m (~n f-') b<.: Obl,j]"L'Ll, .'\ ~'(I~t filL lhi, ~l(lli~, <.:arlfliJ[ lx pTO'. ~dcd
~lmj~ we fLJrm~h Poner ~HCLl \\ LIll a "!Jr~-("omU'lJCU(lll" Lk, aHcm Ccnjji('~I1c, CtflCIC lllC L.;-nifi~,HL.:" i~
,'hWlrlOO POTicr,\llcn shQlild Ix ,tb!e l0 d~\ clop a premium i"jluckh,
Pk:ISC fuI'~ :l(d <l ~'(>P\ ,)1' 1 hL~ I~n-cr lO P~d[0 and \\ l" ~\ ilJ ','0IHlnLU.~ LO ,llDlhlOT 11llS I ~Stle iltld assl~l II; nl<l';:ln?
l]lC ~~wcr~(~..: ('lice \ 'JI.I ha~;;: rccei\ (d fcrm~ll <llltllori 1;lti011 10 biud ":'(I\'cr~lr.;:
A~: :.1\\ :I\~. pk:l:-.t:" do llnl IlL:sitlk' It) call i i"! {lll h<l\"C :m: qucsl [ems.
C01-..h1Jj-, .
T\.:TFH 1 Sf:.. CU]{}'OR ..\T(o\J
\idnc., (j W ~htx~T
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CC: . r ere&.1 .'\l:uiar
Co nS<lI! a 11 t5
1111 NOlt" ~""e-st5hore BoulEvard
SUJle 2G8
Tampa, FL 33607-4711
Pr.:one (813) 287-1040
Fac.slmile (513)267-1041
Rl5l( Mllf1agemenl
Em :-llo)'p.e Benefits
F~'bm~j;;' I',. .::nt1{J
\b .\l:H1a Sb 1~
Ri~~ \..j~Hl,I.~~('mcnt Sp;:~j:L]l~l
\ C\IIl!lL.\
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Kc\ \\:~SL },'lOlld.:l :. ,n-ln
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~ n1 cnlm 1,1 n~l t ,\ irp.::l!1
0"ar \bri~l:
Th~' CULlllt\ . " Pmrcny iiLS1lT8l\C~ p01kH~S pro, !de [Lmjkd prolf:ctioll f(}r 1hc ~'O(l5ln1'tjor. of n;,;\\ f;H;ilil i~~
nLJ~ l~ ~;)Ll~!,;,j~L '.\ Llll u,dusu\ ~li:ll'id<lrdS. To pro\ id<; j r1~lli,Ln(.:c for rHihbn?~ '., hile- lb.:: ,m: t-xilLg
COHS(rljc[~d. J RuiJd'r~' Rjsk Tn5urar.c,' poi 1";_\' Bc..;ds lei he pllIClL~iS4,.'{l. [LIller the m\ Jk:r Qf tll~ He\\ b\JlJdin~
or lhc General ConmH.:lOr i("lIIlsln:-.:1iun M,magcrl L;UL put'.:h,a~~ [he pollC}. for bolll me MLlfI<l~ :-JeI,on
(i-m'crmlLclll (';:~ILLr :lnd Ill, n;:\\ .~nllill;Jl :U H\c he: \Vt'Sl JmerH.1uoml Atrp0l1. it is TCC(lmlllt~lded th,ll the
C oLlmy pUfch:l~ and TT1lllLlm l11c BULJdcrs" Risk f{'r 1h;,; fv1hJ\~in~ rL':j~i.m~
I ~ All h\J J;LS Dr PWpC[h 11lSLU;\HC~ (L1lclucUllg BuiJders' Ris!..} tll florid;l is bc(:ornin~1 lllCfc.lsingly
difIkuH to obti3!Ll. The (' has cst1Jblisl:1\':d ,1 strong TCl:lliQnship \\ idl ih Prorcny ln~ur-(;"r~ :md
tllis rckltiQmhip \1 dt .:lid in 'x.t;1;~in~ dl:'; nLO;~~:H! in~llT":;n(;c
],) ~~.\ lJ[l il/HI~ ,h(: COlLH!\ 's :,;xlsl i []g P-w~li:n: l[l~Ur(:~ for rll~ UUlid~r~' RlSL ~[dmkrrJtlg [Iw
prok..::hClEl from Ihe Utijldc!'~' l{l~k. poli(;, 10 tile Count> 's main PrO~rt7 progranl uJXln
compk'lOn;::.1 thc 11wldJ..ngs. \' lJl tx: an eJ51er Jd.nunjwa.jYc [Jsk.
.~ ; Prcp.crt: poJi(,'ics (~rdudj!lp: fhl":ld~r5 Rj~k I "re j..;~i~noo ;(> prQ\'id.; f\Lnd~ W rc';tOfl.' d<lfl~(lg.:;d
propt:..'l1.: W H 5 pr\; -1 (j~S ;,;on<l Hi on Th(,:' prCT!lnJ m for PrQp;.~T1! ]X.l1 i (;i cs h in weal p;Hi, tAu;,;:d 011 1:1 C
~':Lla(; of lbc pf(lpcr1,,: ~o bc insmcd. \\'1lCIl a bHildiTlg is !ir~E bemg Ul1l.\;lnlClc(,,t u:::rlain il(,:rn~ slLch
,1S ardlitec1ura.! [<x.'s and sHe pfe-p...U"Jtlon ,ue 3.11 IIl~egJ(lJ p;:l!l of d\{: ClJllStLuclJ(JJ:l coslS. [lO,\ C' CI"
II (\uld L10j nse\;!! need lo Ix: rt:-ilL(;UITL'd fnll'l\\ Lng ~~ ;O~~ LlK,-'\\ l~, ':-cr!~,Hl Lm:Lp.:IlL~IH, ,If" ~l
btlildin.g ha\ e sHeil a 101' probJDlht' of ~[lllg damJg~d: the. ;lie ~.\chtded fwm ~ht !-"OIl"::>, Hems
Slli,;h ,h bui1diTl~ jound~ili(Jo=1s :Iild uHd';f~'TQIUld piDing arc (,~\,Hnpks. To \.:Onlrol1lK ..'Dst vf
PmJX:rl~ imLlr,mu.:. LhL ~ aluc of;; bllildin~ ~il""lll[d be :~Jjl!s'cd It' ,dk.;[ thc-..; ~ush ':onl1;llly
'Shen ,L Gcn~r,'Ll Cl)lHr..Klor is n.'.qLlHcd 10 prO\ Lde lllc I3t!lIJcrs' Rt~k. OIl a prr.jci:1. fHlLiL~ \:"{lLL:I! to
li1c ~mjr'" C0l15i.fu.;;t!QJ:l ':05~; ar<: Obl,1 ind, Thi5 prodl;~~S an anlfkiaJh hi~h pl"<:'ltllUIH. \Vnh lJle
COUll1} ,l~llllring the Btlild~r5 Risk djre.:lly, !!lC"~' arc ill <1 much ~Her jNsltiQn ill ;;OllUuHitlg [hw
-l) If [~C' CaUnl\ req1LJ..(~~ Ill~ G~n~;-Ji C,m1ra~tL)[ [0 p~JH:h:'l~ Ihe BLlildcr< R~"i;,. [h;: (n\Lr;l\ h.l(t~~
~(tmro: ['I\"er (he JX.'Jic~ Oli~ of ~lHC'nsi.'s ofhl:l' cheJLls relied 01l lh~ DC[)('T.ll ('[Hltr.K1QT 10 ol1tiLill
th~ Bl!ildcr5- Ri~l; ins\lTa!lCC f(lr one ofthClr ';('1II-;;;tnli:tiorl pwjects. "!11C P1DJ(ct \,as dela~ed :ind
lil~ C(lnlT<lctor allow-xl th~ i[]>tlffiL1C~ to lapse. Attempts tc, find rephc.:mclL1 Ln-Sllr.mcc \'..:n;
UlL~llLi.:...:~sflll F(ln.ltnalcl~', tk ~'Iiellt hOld a lor.g J...'ld 50licl rdauOllShip~' 11h IhcLr ProTX'1"D in.qrrcr.
I< 110 a:;[~'t'd 10 iHiJ l!lC Hel' fJ[0pcfL.' l(' Lll.; n!iJ~lcE p[ogr;ulll>cE)rl' a liill~J Cd11l~CiH~ ()j" OC'c;1LP:HK.'
i (0 I '''b i~.,u~ct. \,1t::til Hl,Ufcrs ',(1Llld be ,l~ ih'o;Omlll('dJun~.
.' i l f dlc C,;rlcral (OLHr.XIQr obt;lins (he F~51i Ictus' R i~~. ~jm p:l\ rn~Ll1-;. f,olH (k inS\lf(r \~ JUld L'C
JLrc'c'i.:-J l~l ttL<:"HI. 'nlL~ C:'~lltd T~~H]i in Lll.: C (,LHlLy k)~~i[I~ c()H~:pl ('f I h.:- pro:";Cl
(, i '1"1 pl~:l!h (j::;nu;11 COLl1rachH;, LlllbL~ Ellur ':ll,h b., ,\ 1i:~1 i:-'. k.HO\' [I ,l.~ .'['rnlit ,lTld Ch;.:rhC;1,j" if
1 h~ prCtlllHJlI of lhe I.lulkl(;rs R IS!.. poflO L~ P,lI( of liles...' (;O<;lf,. 1Il(' COHnl.' :..:mJlu he suhJc"([ 10 .:\ C[J
IlJglLc'T cDsl~.
.\~ ah\ <.i\ S. pIC,h~ do !W[ II'::SI1.11<: Ll) c'ilJJ d':< ,:Ll Ilil\': :!H\ qn<,:sl L()ll~
I ;\"TFR 1 Sf..... COkf.(W ATl(),\
<.;.id.n(:1 C \I,:.j,h'f
l."r'Cl. .\ R \~
Cl '. T crcsa ..\ gH i~H'