Item P03 Bo.\!-tD OF COUNTY COMMISSION ~U:S A G .L N ll,.\ ff F. M S l.1 :\'l.l1..\ I{ \' \'h~eting Date: \1arch 15, 20~)~.) Divj~iofl : .!,'ounty !~tiorIlt~y Bulk Item: y C~ xx ~o Deparlrnent: Count\' Attorney Staff Contact Person' Bob Shillinger ;.;;3470 .-\GE~D.-\ rn:1\-1 \\"ORDII\G: Appro\'al of settlement ugreemcnt in .I\-!(mme ('many \'. Roger ..\1. Hcmstein, A1iriam Ikmslein: ((nd .Jordan lk-rJt.~lem. colleclively (tHd irl{J;vj,hwlly as j i'ustecs r?t Sf-!fe Ilarhor /Iv/orin/! Raif]..wy ( 'orporarj{m, a dis.whvd Florida ('orpo/,uliv/}, C A K O'}-732 TTE\'l BACKGROFr\ [): S<lfe Harbor bu llt hilngar li ke S.ll uc.turc'S ,,"'ithout hendll or a bu i Iding permit. After a duly noticed hearing, tbe Special [\.."tagi strate impmed a S200 per day nne elTective July 17, 2002. Safe llarbor obtained a pcrmlt 20 days laLcr (8/S/2) though -- due to ongoing revisiom:; lO the plans. and p~nni t -- no fLnal im;,pec.tior1 or ecn itkate of occupancy has been i S'>~led At 20 da].'5. Sclf~ Harhor'.:; fi:ne would be $,WOO.{)O plu" Sl 00 in administrative cosh plus attorney's fee~ and cos(~. Safe I larbor has on~n:d to :=.ellle: the btigatfon for 52.500.00 v.'hid~ \vould more lhan compens.ate tht County for its attorlley'~ fees and costs. iw:urred Ln resolving this malleI'. Because of lhe owner's continued, gDod li:tilh dfolis to achieve cumpliance, staff recomrncnds a~(,:~ptaJlC~ of that offer. PREVIOUS REI ,":VANT BOCC ACTION: n!:l CO~TRAC]'/.,-\ G R E 1(.\-1 fi:~T CHANG ES: U/3 STAFF IU'COMMENDA TIOI\S~ Approval. TOT.,\ L COST~ nfa IlU nG ":T.~ U: Y t's No :\.:\ COST TO CO U ~T\': nfa SOt Ket:. OF HI~DS: n/ll IU:Vft:."ll.JE NtOI)(ICII\G: y~s ;s;.x.. I\o Al\10lL'''ff I~F.R MOl'iTH w'a Ye.u n/a APPROVED BY: Count} Atty ~ Ol\1 H....Vun:ha:-;iTlg Ris.k Management IHVISIOi\ lllIU:crOR APPROVAL: - .(/ ~~/ n. J llt.e n m COil my A 110 mey nOCT M 1':NTATlOI\: lndlldeJ xx I\ ot Required TO t<'O[.I.OW 1)1 S I~OS I' no~; AG ENDA ITE M II R...,'i~d "/05 IN Tr t[ ClRCUI r (;QURT DF TrlE 16n- JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND F'OR MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA CIVIL DIVJSlON Board of County Commissioners of Mo 'lroe County. Florida, a PDlitica; Subdi\JISlDn of the State of Florida. Plaintiff, Case No: CAK.05-732 Roger M. Bernstein, Miriam Bernstei n and JordAn Bernstein, collectively and indj....iduaHy as Trustees of Ssf€ Harbor Marine Ra~lway Corporation, a dissolved Florida Corporation, Defendants. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT The P'aintiff Merl rDe Cow nty BQCC (~lefejnafter "the County'), the Oef~ndants Roger M. Bernstein, M irlam Bernstetn and Jordan Beff1steif1 collectively and if'ldividualty as Trustees of Safe Harbor Marine Raifway Corporation, a dissolved Florida Corporation (herernafter "the Defendants"} hereby enter into th IS settlement agreement: This matter was brought by the County to enforce the fjne imposed by the Cods Enforcement Special Master in L3-01-616 for constructing hangar Hke buildfngs and accessory structures without benefit of a permit 2. I n order to settle the County's claims arising from the code enforceme.nt lien imposed in case number 1.3-Q1-616 against the Defendants and buy peace in the matter, trle County agrees to accept and Defendants agree to pay a sum of $2.500.00. 3. Said payment shall be made by check made payable to the BOCC of Man roe County and shaH be received by the County's Attorney"s office no later than March 15, 2006. 4. This agreement ~s conditioned tlpOn approval by the Board of County Commisstoners at a public meeting as req uired by Florfda Law. 5. Said sum shall represent the total sum owed by the Defendanls lu tile County as a result of the claims that were raised or could have b~en raised by the County in this matter, including the frne, costs, and attorney's fees. 6. By entering into this agreement. the County and Defendants agree to release each o~her and absolve each other from liability from any cia i rns that e ithe r co u Id have ra i 5 ed as a resu It of the a bo ve.styfed matter, 7. Except as otherNise provlded in this agreement, the County and the Defe n d ants ea ch ag ree to bear th e i r own respe ctive a tto rney' 5 fees and costs. 8. Once this agreement has been executed by all of the parties and all Df the cond itlo n s set fo rth above ha ve bee n sati sfjed, 1 h e Cou nty shall ffle a notice of VO~lmtary dismissal with prejudice in the abo\fe- styled matter and provide the Defendarlts wrth a release and s.atisfaction of the underlying code enforcement lien. 9. This agreement represents the total agreement between the parties and was erltered into freely and voluntarily after consultation with counsel. Attest Danny Kofhage, Clerk Board of County CommtSis.iohers of M 0 t1foe Co LJ nty, Florida By: . By: Charles "Sonny" McCoy, Mayor Deputy Clerk " ..~ (date) r-or the Defendants .. Theodore Herzog, Esq. {date) H 0 i,1 R 9 E.9 0.~j\' T y~ -':-T (1 Fl N f.., ~~M(f.Eb~~:n.j Of}M' ,". '-'1'/ /1' 1/ '\ . /" .y - t .' /,.- . ."~' ~. : -- L ,{ .. ROBERT t.sH1~rr~m{~,T~/" - AS~1.STt..i~ Q::-: 11'.1"1" A TTC~NE'.: rJ~t8_d..:::.....<!. -d.- -, C ". . _... .